Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2815494 times)


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Some meat is poisonous as is some fish
such as blow fish ...even though the Japs eat it

Some Bear meat is poisonous isnt it ...full of parasites


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I was going to have Panda foreskin on toast for breakfast ....

But im out of bread


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I think Ronnie must have slipped those pills


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i sold them

blabber mouth
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I hope you got at least 2 sheckles and thruppence hapenny each for them

Ps ....ive checked my mouth in the mirror signs of babber in or around it
you've obviously confused me with someone else

I often get mistaken for being George
 but Ive not noticed any blabber in  the region of his chops either


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Hey smee

heads up/word:

the ol' lady is back.

Kickin it in me crib
sharing a spittoon.

very romantic.
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Thats good .... Isnt it?

Did you have to grovel?

Was it the haircut or the scrub that wooed her back?

Anyhow behave ...and keep her on the leash this time


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Allow me to clarify.

She came to collect rent.

Leash that.

Anyways, Sherry says

Hello Oz Guy.
We're closing the curtains now.

Bu@@ah orf

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Sherry would never speak to me like that ....she has respect
Well she might not have when she hooked up with you but she does now :rofl:


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Sherry Tello
My grandma use to put this on when she made pancakes

Ron Tello Culley
Mind your own Bad Habits.
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My Grandma used to drink sherry when making pancakes


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She stepped out, pls lv a msg
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Stepped out?

Youre gonna have to take some links out of the chain
Should go no further than from the sink to the bed and /or in reach to open front door

Whats wrong with you man


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She hadda go to the loo.

Problems are yours!
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My problems are too numerous to mention


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And unimportant to the masses.

We keep regular business hours in the day.

The night has something else to investigate.
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1066899 Views   :plane:
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Happy New Y.....

Oh, I see things haven't changed...

What the heck....



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Hi Horse!

Welcome to all this .

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Dee Levey
Big Bear*Neighbors Helping Neighbors
  · January 4 at 5:21 PM  ·
This is hilarious 😂😂😂 why post it and pretend to care when law enforcement doesn't enforce it? I asked the same question on the city page and I posted the response in the comments below😂😂😂

City of Big Bear Lake - City Government
January 4 at 5:16 PM  ·
With the recent snowfall in the Big Bear Valley, the City of Big Bear Lake the Big Bear Municipal Water District wants to remind everyone of the dangers of walking on lake ice for both you and your pets. Not only can it cost you your life, it can cost you money, and jeopardize the safety of rescuers.
STAY OFF LAKE ICE - it’s against the law.

Xiomara Garcia
Lmao so funny. They take nothing seriously.

Christopher Costlow
Dee they "issue citations if NEEDED"? WTF does that even mean? If no citations are "needed", there was no breaking of the law, and no one will be deterred in the future.

Dee Levey
Christopher Costlow yeah the city's full of all kinds of fuking jokes tonight and apparently they think we're stupid🤣🤣🤣

Dee Levey
Christopher Costlow I'm still trying to figure out when they think a citation is needed🤔

Christopher Costlow
Dee, right? How many times have locals seen tourists do things locals would be cited for when tourists aren't here?

Wendy Clouser
They don't enforce n cite... also illegal parking tow them.

Dee Levey
Wendy Clouser as you can see by their response to me when I questioned,"why post it if the sheriff's aren't going to enforce it", they tried to tell me that the sheriff's do enforce it🤣 which is a crock of shite🤣

Wendy Clouser
Dee Levey they dont

Rebecca Jo Gaines
Did any police show up the other day. By Stanfield

Dee Levey
Rebecca Jo Gaines supposedly but according to them the people weren't on the ice they were merely standing along the shoreline kind of like the sheriff that sat in his car and watched a couple Harleys go down the walkway on Stanfield cutoff yelling for everybody to move out of the way they didn't do anything about that either

Rebecca Jo Gaines
Dee Levey isn't that the truth.

Karin Rau
Such a joke

Steve Wilson
How about adding on the signs, and in all public notifications, "Parents allowing children to walk on lake ice will be reported to Child Protective Services"
People are pretty respectful of that agency

Karen Dargis
Steve Wilson Yep! Hold them accountable for child endangerment!

Dee Levey
Karen Dargis after what I saw in Boulder Bay yesterday🙄 adults literally dragging their children out onto the frozen lake and taking them over to the rocks 😳it was absolutely insane. definitely child endangerment. but apparently the sheriff's didn't seem to think so because they didn't do a damn thing about it and those people were out there until dark then they finally left. not because the sheriff told them to, because it was simply dark and their stupid asses couldn't see

Karen Dargis
I miss our old batch of Sherriff's! These Sherriff's do absolutely nothing! Its sickening!

Patricia Theobald
Dee Levey was the Sheriff called?

Dee Levey
Patricia Theobald yes,multiple times

Mike Moore
Big Bear police "stop or I'll yell stop some more"
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Hi Horse!

Welcome to all this .


..... and I thought you liked didn't mind tolerated me.


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2 Tolerateds walk into a Bar.
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The barman says ....Im not going to tolerate this


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I can accept that.
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Dee Levey shared a link.

I'm just going to post Big Bear Covid stats link every week that our city manager Frank Rush posts on Tuesday evenings. If you guys have any questions or comments you can direct them toward him.
I'm honestly fed up with the entire shitshow. And I'm fed up with the way our Representatives treat the community and the full-time residents?
PS: in case anybody's interested, we've had more than one death in Big Bear from the virus. I'm sure good old Frankie poo will eventually get around to telling the truth👍

Diane de Warren
That report is 'cover my ass' garbage
(again pardon my French).

Carol Pettyjohn
I would just like to know when seniors are going to get the vaccine?
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New boots.
I ordered size 12 and they be tight.

They feel the way Herman Munster looks.

I named them Hermans.

I wanna trade them for Frankensteins.
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I see your mistake

That link is for Dicks sporting goods

You need .....

Feet sporting goods


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Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel <>
Ron Tello Culley

Thu, Jan 7 at 8:48 AM

Throngs of concerned marchers filled Washington, DC, yesterday as members of Congress began the House and Senate sessions objecting to the electoral certification of Arizona. The shocking events we all witnessed do not change the facts concerning the 2020 general election. The fraud has not changed, and neither has our mission to shine light on that fraud.

Liberty Counsel condemns the violence that broke out and offers our prayers for those who suffered the consequences of that violence.

Meanwhile, pastors, churches and the faithful in America are being persecuted for assembling to worship. The country is at a tipping point. But there is hope. Please, read on. - Mat

Be part of the blessing – Defend Liberty! Select here or the button below.

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Things looked terribly bleak for Esther in the Bible. Circumstances looked disastrous when Moses led Israel to the edge of the Red Sea. And, I've got to admit, things look extremely challenging in America today. But I want to reassure you – God is in control.

The American people have not given up, and neither have we! We ended 2020 by working late into the night on New Year's Eve writing and submitting briefs to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals defending the right of California's Christians to attend church.

And on Monday, the first workday of the New Year, we began 2021 with oral argument I presented before a three-judge panel of the Court of Appeals defending churches. Later today, we will file a Supplemental Brief and expect to have a ruling next week.

At the same time, our research and legal staff have been deeply engaged in stopping the steal of our 2020 elections. As I have written for months, the sheer volume of credible, unmistakable evidence of election fraud that occurred is shocking.

BUT we know God can intervene and turn what looks like a hopeless cause into a miraculous victory!

DEFEND AMERICA'S LIBERTY IN 2021 – SELECT HERE or the button below.

Liberty Counsel WILL NOT STOP fighting for our precious liberty!

We ended 2020 defending freedom and America...

Late into the evening New Year's Eve, while the rest of the world celebrated 2021's arrival, our attorneys were busy filing court briefs defending the right of Christians to assemble for worship.

Our election fraud researchers were busy at work as well, monitoring new developments in the election, collecting, investigating and preserving election fraud evidence.

And we began 2021 defending freedom and America, as well...

On the very first working day of the New Year, I presented oral argument defending churches in California once again. My argument, delivered to a three-judge panel, makes clear that NO governor, including CA Gov. Gavin Newsom, may prevent a person from attending church.

Yet, Gov. Newsom has banned worship for 99.9% of the state. Never in America should pastors and parishioners be faced with the choice between attending church and staying out of prison. I believe our arguments went well, and we anticipate a ruling next week.

And our election fraud team is continuing to defend election integrity.

We are also preparing for the battles ahead, including defending the freedom to choose whether to be vaccinated or not. That battle is looming.


Never did I dream that pastors across the United States would be arrested, criminally charged, and face massive fines and jail here in America... for simply opening their churches.

DEFEND AMERICA'S LIBERTY IN 2021 – SELECT HERE or the button below.

And never did I dream that an entire congregation of churchgoers would be threatened with a year in prison for assembling to worship. Or that they would be involuntarily confined for attending an Easter Sunday service.

And never did I dream that a grandmother, pro-life hero Sandra Merritt, who exposed one of the most horrific mass-murder machines in history, would face prison for reporting on Planned Parenthood's horrific harvesting and sale of baby body parts.

We will not give up because we serve a God of miracles...

I am sure Esther faced many challenging, even depressing, days. The death decree she faced was irrevocable. So, too, with Moses, who faced the Egyptian superpower at his back, the Red Sea ahead, and the grumbling people all around him. Yet, God intervened at the last minute, and the rest is history.

My friends, God has not changed. Nothing is impossible for Him. That is why I NEVER focus on the physical giants in the land, I focus on God. I know what He can do.

To say we have a lot on our legal plate is an understatement. As we enter 2021, it is clear we will face even more challenges. Won't you please be a part of the blessing that I know God is preparing for you and America?

Your ongoing generous support means that brave and honorable people like Sandra Merritt and all the pastors and parishioners we represent will never have to worry about paying mountains of legal bills to restore their liberty.

And now, thanks to the generosity of a supporter, a Challenge Grant has been extended in 2021 to DOUBLE THE IMPACT of your donation!

Please, help provide for the long battle ahead of Liberty Counsel in 2021. Select here or the button below.

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" (2 Chronicles 7:14).

Mat Staver,
Founder and Chairman
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Two things occurred to our editorial team as we watched things spin out of control at the Capitol yesterday afternoon: First, we knew this would be one of those few-in-a-lifetime days that we remember because of its uniqueness and its gravity — a day like 9/11 or the day of the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion. And second, we wondered whether those Central American refugees amassing at our southern border would scratch their heads, turn around, and head back home.

Admittedly, a third thing also occurred to us: What a mess our country seems to be right now.

Searching for some honor and decency amid the rubble that was January 6, 2021, we came across these simple words from Vice President Mike Pence: "It's my considered judgment that my oath to support and defend the Constitution constrains me from claiming unilateral authority to determine which electoral votes should be counted and which should not."

It was a single sentence within a more detailed document, but it speaks volumes about the man who uttered it. And if the vice president putting his allegiance to the Constitution ahead of his allegiance to his president is in any way to blame for the storming of the Capitol yesterday by hordes of Trump supporters, well, then, so be it.

Many of us have, at one time or another, sworn an oath, but rarely are we put to the test like Mike Pence was yesterday. Even more rarely do we rise to the occasion like he did.

President Donald Trump was, of course, unimpressed. "Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution," said the president in a tweet since-deleted by Twitter.

Pence deserved better. He simply isn't empowered by our Constitution to upend our nation's electoral process.

Soon after the vice president issued his statement, he and everyone else in attendance at the joint session of Congress were informed that they had company — angry, unruly, riotous company, right there in the Capitol building. They'd come from the Ellipse, just outside the White House and just down the road. And they'd been riled up by an election that they believed was stolen from them by an incurious Congress that had steadfastly refused to investigate it and by a president whose fiery and defiant speech had just stoked their anger.

"We're going walk down to the Capitol," Trump said, "and we're going to cheer on our brave senators, and congressmen and women. We're probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong."

What happened next should cause heads to roll among those responsible for securing the Capitol and its grounds. How on earth, in a city that sees protests every day, could there not have been sufficient security there? After all, it wasn't as if the event hadn't been planned for weeks.

As Power Line's John Hinderaker writes, "It is outrageous that security was so lax that rioters were allowed to occupy the Senate chamber, sending senators and Vice President Pence, as I understand it, fleeing. Armed guards should never allow such a thing to happen — that is why they are armed. The entire country has been embarrassed today, not just Republicans."

As Fox News's Chad Pergram noted, it was the first time that the Capitol building had been breached in such a way since the British, fresh off their victory at the Battle of Bladensburg, did so in 1814. At least today's rabble didn't set fire to the building. We can say that for them.

What began as an awful day with the election of two hard-left mediocrities from Georgia as the Democrats' 49th and 50th senators got worse — much worse — when a mob breached the Capitol building itself and sent our elected representatives scurrying to safety.

As our Mark Alexander points out, "We hold our side of the political spectrum to a higher standard than the Left's antifa thugs and other violent cadres, but some of the behavior in Washington today was largely indistinguishable from leftist thuggery."

Order was restored relatively quickly, given how many people were involved. Joe Biden unhelpfully inflamed tensions with a brief and ham-handed address, and President Trump published a one-minute video via Twitter telling his supporters to "go home in peace." (The video apparently wasn't conciliatory enough for the censors at Twitter, who've since taken it down.)

Trump was also sending very mixed messages. After calling for peace, he declared that "these are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. ... Remember this day forever!"

Tragically, one woman, Ashli Babbitt, a 14-year U.S. Air Force veteran, was shot by law enforcement and later died at a nearby hospital. Three others died from what Capitol police described as "medical emergencies."

George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley, who's about as staunch a defender of the president as can be found in academia, had this to say regarding the president's role in mobilizing the mob: "I don't think there's ever been a lower moment for the presidency of the United States."

We get the professor's point, but this is overwrought. John Adams's signing of the Alien and Sedition Acts? Abraham Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus? Woodrow Wilson's Sedition Act? Lyndon Johnson's Gulf of Tonkin Resolution? Richard Nixon's obstruction of justice? Jimmy Carter's fecklessness during the Iran hostage crisis? Bill Clinton's shameless finger-wagging and other Oval Office activities? Barack Obama's unleashing of the IRS and other federal agencies on his political opponents? Obama's spying on his presidential successor? And does Donald Trump's incitement here in any way rival FDR's imprisonment of 110,000 Japanese Americans?

And we'd be remiss not to argue that this short-lived unrest was far less consequential than the coup d'état organized by the Obama regime.

Immediate overreaction is understandable. Take CNN's Jake Tapper, for example, who used the words "terrorists" and "armed insurrection" to describe yesterday's events. Even DC Mayor Muriel Bowser used words like "riot" and "law and order" — words that have been conspicuously absent from her vocabulary when describing the lawless actions of antifa and Black Lives Matter.

We should note, too, that as jarring and unique as these events were, they hardly compare to the daily mayhem we see in Democrat-controlled urban centers. Nor is the response equivalent: Democrats who were lightning-quick to denounce yesterday's violence rarely speak out against their own, while there has been universal condemnation of these actions by Republicans.

All of us lost something yesterday, but all wasn't lost. Congress, to its credit, got back to work before day's end, and Vice President Pence's two-minute speech as they reconvened gave us a reassuring moment.

Donald Trump's statement, too, was an acknowledgment that some things are ultimately bigger and more important than the presidency. But even then, he couldn't help himself. "Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, and the facts bear me out," he said, "nevertheless there will be an orderly transition on January 20th." Nevertheless.

:tello: " Am I supposed to read all that? "
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Trump Claims Constitution Invalid Because It Was Signed by Dead People
By Andy Borowitz
January 5, 2021

DALTON, GEORGIA (The Borowitz Report)—Advancing a new conspiracy theory during a rally on Monday, Donald J. Trump claimed that the United States Constitution is invalid because it was signed by dead people.

“All we’re hearing is, the Constitution this and the Constitution that,” Trump said. “I’m telling you, as sure as you’re sitting there, that every person who signed that piece of paper is dead.”

Trump said that he had his personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani investigate the signatories to the Constitution, “and he found a scandal bigger than Hunter Biden’s laptop.”

“Their signatures do not match the signatures of any living person,” he said. “Not only are these people dead, but they have been dead for a long, long time. This should never have been allowed to happen.”

In addition to questioning the legitimacy of the dead people’s signatures, Trump claimed that Alexander Hamilton’s “should be thrown out twice.”

“First of all, he’s dead, and second, he wasn’t born here,” he claimed.
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Schumer Demands Trump Be Removed From Office
Posted on January 7, 2021


“Presumptive Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called on Vice President Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove President Donald Trump from office,” according to NBC News.

“‘What happened at the U.S. Capitol yesterday was an insurrection against the United States, incited by the president,’ Schumer, D-N.Y., said in a statement on Thursday. ‘This president should not hold office one day longer.’

“Schumer joins a growing contingent of lawmakers from both parties to call for Trump’s removal, either by using the 25th amendment or through impeachment.

“‘The quickest and most effective way — it can be done today — to remove this president from office would be for the vice president to immediately invoke the 25th amendment,’ Schumer said. ‘If the vice president and the cabinet refuse to stand up, Congress should reconvene to impeach the president,’ he added.

“Under a provision of the 25th Amendment, the vice president can invoke the the measure and declare Trump unfit for office, which could lead to his early removal.”
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1067539 Views   :judge:   :mobbing:
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1) Democracy

2) Anarchy

3) Communism

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"Simply stated, Co-Exist with
The Universe, or
The Universe will

-Omer's Law, circa 1985
Topanga Canyon, California

:tello: " This is the shite, the REASON why the gov hates me,
persecutes my character and
hacks my eMail. "
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MRC's Bozell On Capitol Riot:
One Element Did 'Tremendous Damage' To Legitimate Election Concerns
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Freekin' Weirdos man!

America declines while Oz reclines.

They could be next!

(They DO have weirdos, right?)

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The first image that comes to mind when you think of marching on Washington is Martin Luther King Jr. at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial. Wednesday’s pro-Trump insurrection at the U.S. Capitol — which led Speaker Nancy Pelosi to call for the president’s immediate removal today, as one Cabinet member resigned — will be an ugly addendum to the history of protest in Washington’s sacred spaces. But that history is much more than MLK. It’s long, complicated and full of surprises. Today’s Daily Dose explores past demonstrations in Washington, as well as what lies ahead for law enforcement agencies that were unprepared for Wednesday’s violence and what we can learn from similar violence overseas.

law enforcement reckoning
1. What Happened?
After Wednesday’s unprecedented security breach, lawmakers vowed to investigate what happened with the U.S. Capitol Police, a force that answers only to Congress and has the primary responsibility of guarding the Capitol. Despite the mass mayhem, Capitol Police made only 14 arrests, while Washington, D.C., police made 52 arrests in all, mostly for curfew violations. More than 50 officers across departments sustained injuries in what Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund called a “violent attack … unlike any I have experienced in my 30 years in law enforcement here in Washington, D.C.”

2. Police Under Scrutiny
The actions — or inactions — of the U.S. Capitol Police were roundly lambasted. “The Capitol Police appeared to me to be woefully unprepared,” said Houston police chief Art Acevedo on a special live episode of The Carlos Watson Show. “I’ve seen some videos of officers just opening barriers and letting people walk through. That is not what we are about in law enforcement.” Fordham University professor and OZY editor-at-large Christina Greer compared the law enforcement approach to what we’ve seen with racial justice protests. “As a Black person, we know that if there were peaceful protesters, they would have either been imprisoned or, God forbid, they had gotten that close to the Capitol, we know they would have been dead,” she said. “This is America. We know this.”

3. Shots Fired
Ashli Babbitt, 35, a pool services business owner in San Diego, was shot dead in the Capitol, her family confirmed. Video showed a Capitol police officer shooting Babbitt, an Air Force veteran, as she tried to climb through a broken window to break into the Speaker’s Lobby outside the House chamber. (Three more people died of “medical emergencies” during the storming, according to D.C. police.) The shooting stood in contrast to the actions of an officer who was seen taking a selfie with an invader, but Babbitt’s death carried resonance for people like pro-Trump Republican strategist Seth Weathers. “I saw the police actively battling and fighting with these people,” Weathers said on a special live edition of The Carlos Watson Show, disputing the idea that pro-Trump protesters were treated differently from BLM protesters. “I saw them shoot a woman who was going onto the Capitol floor. She was white.”

4. What’s Next for Biden’s Inauguration?
President-elect Joe Biden said he is not concerned about security for the inauguration after Wednesday’s breach at the Capitol, but law enforcement agencies will be on even higher alert. They had an intentionally smaller footprint at the Capitol on Wednesday, reportedly as an effort to avoid confrontations like those in Portland, Oregon. But it’s pretty clear that didn’t work, and the discovery of pipe bombs and Molotov cocktails indicate a level of planning that police must prepare for on Jan. 20.

5. A Different Approach to the Public
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson declared on his show Wednesday night that the insurrection will be a pretext for the Biden administration to “silence” the voices of millions of Americans who believe the election was stolen. “What happened today will be used by the people taking power to justify stripping you of the rights you were born with as an American,” he said. Overheated? You bet, but this likely will be a seminal moment in the history of Capitol security. A 1998 shooting of two Capitol police officers was cited as a reason behind building the $600 million Capitol Visitor Center, which more securely funnels tourists through the building.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


  • Knight of the RT
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Even Lady Liberty
with the
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Ron Tello Culley
EPIC disgrace. Something new to talk aboot, eh?

Eric H Prell
Ron Tello Culley I feel you brother. Both me and my wife are disgusted with politics. No integrity in the election. I was just doing a little trolling 😎

Ron Tello Culley
When the shite hits the fan and you are not prepared...ACCESS DENIED!

Eric H Prell
Ron Tello Culley I'll be fine. 😉

Ron Tello Culley
Hi Eric, do we know each other or am I mistaken for being someone else?

Eric H Prell
Top'O the evening sir

Ron Tello Culley
And all the Morning to you M8!

Eric H Prell
I think we've spoken in the past, but we have never met in person

Ron Tello Culley
I'm open this weekend. You drive? I can't.

Eric H Prell
Ron Tello Culley I can't either. Wife is working this weekend, so perhaps next weekend?

Ron Tello Culley
Anytime is a good time for fine Gents to meet.

Eric H Prell
Ron Tello Culley that sounds good to me 🙂

Ron Tello Culley
Perfect. Ring me as you like, I will answer. Cheers!

Eric H Prell
Ron Tello Culley will do brother.. and thank you for the invitation my friend 🙂

Eric H Prell
Have a wonderful evening.

Ron Tello Culley
I remember you be a musician or some crap like that...I'm a washed-out Drummer. We can gig!

Eric H Prell
Ron Tello Culley we'll chat about that..

Ron Tello Culley
Allow me to wake up first. See ya!

Eric H Prell
Ron Tello Culley absolutely. 🙂

Ron Tello Culley
The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)

Ron Tello Culley
No need to thank me. I work Pro Bono. lol

Ron Tello Culley
Tell a friend! Don't bother Dee. That's my job.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


  • Knight of the RT
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Ron Tello Culley
Another disgraceful American event. No surprises here.

Ty Corbin
Get a brain

Ron Tello Culley
What? Who and maybe...why?

Ron Tello Culley
I am not involved in DC, remember? Elko is my Pasture.

Ty Corbin
You a Trump hater ?

Ron Tello Culley
Not at all. I distrust everybody in equal measure. I trust my wits before I trust the Status Quo. Don't mix me up with those other guys, I'm different. I expect you to know this.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


  • Knight of the RT
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:tello: " I gave up hating American Presidents after Nixon took a hike. Too late to hate.
Stupid is as stupid legislates.
Now is the time to shape up and survive right! "
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"