Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2787345 times)


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Tell me more. It's true. Who or what are they? Info please! THX!

3:04 AM
Cristal Light Codes
Hello beautiful soul, thank you for asking, it’s a big question, that and why are we here, what is the purpose of all this? All very valid questions, your on the right path!

So these beings can be either of a positive faction or a negative faction it’s always important to use your discernment and FEEL into the energy emitting by the beings on board,

I’m going to put this information out there please only pickup what resonate with you, we all uncover things in our own divine timing when they are able to make sense to us
I’m going to put the information out there in a way where you can choose what is right for you!

they are us in higher evolved consciousness and we are them incarnated into physical dimensional beings either here to assist with raising the vibration of humanity or working on karmic dues from other lifetimes we’ve had , point is we’re all evolving incarnating  souls here to expand and evolve our evolution  , i layering ourselves form all the programming and labels and traumas back to our origin essence (before all that stuff like childhood trauma and lower experiences we were exposed to that molded us into limited beings with no power of who or what we truly are. Once you start to unlayer yourself (it’s a personal journey for us all ) you will start to tap into the infinite universe that exist above and bellow us aswell, these beings depending on their nature if they’re here to assist or not (just like earth , there are beings with their own volition who get to choose which vibration you wnat to experience and evolve from , this is all one big experience for everyone here , some people get caught up in this 3D world others such as myself were always questioning wtf is going on Becaue if all the (excuse my language ,, all the fuckery) .
We all have guides not 1 or two , many many guides form other lifetimes, from our original planet from which we came from (earth is not our first and only “home” , were soul travelers. Our soul can take many forms and it has from way back since Atlantis and ancient Egypt, that’s why a lot of people are drawn to a lot of different things, be aware of what your into , it can be a past life or parallel life telling you things about where you’ve incarnated and what your soul has experienced based on what your here to learn. We’re all unique in our grouchy that’s why we all share unique traumas we must work on to return to our true essence which is spirit beings having a human experience. Once you start doing the conscious work you will start reaching higher states of consciousness this fire be able to actually see and communicate telepathically wit these beings that are all around us but we cannot Perceive because we’ve been conditioned to not believe in outside life other then humans (how sad)

They already do communicate in subtle ways that are often dismissed, repeating numbers to realign you back to your purpose, synchronicity’s (there are no coincidences) sometimes you’ll hear like a guiding voice that sounds like yourself but it’s much highly evolved (I’m not sure how tuned into this you are , we all have that little voice that has either gotten us out of some shite or that has gotten you into some shite) that’s why it’s very crucial in this to use your discernment /resonance. Because just like humans there are beings out there in their own soul growth to experience the lower negative realms to grow from it , but you will often feel a feeling of doubt (if it’s not a hard yes it’s a hard no ) you know 😂 there’s so much more I can say but it’s really a personal journey we must go through ourselves.

Start on YouTube looking up star races and this channel called (We are the disclosure Order of light by Robert earl white ) he interviews experiencers and talks about all these ET beings in depth!Iknow it’s pretty late but tomorrow I can recommend more stuff to watch or to read , there are an infinite number of beings out there and when you begin this work you’ll learn which planet your actually from and   You’ll begin the lifelong journey to self discovery, welcome to the journey my friend I bet your guides guided you to this point so you learn about yourself and your Star family, this curiosity to learn more about them, is your soul blueprint. Be grateful for this moment my friend and ask the universe for more signs for more communication with you and for more understanding! Much love to you in your journey I’m here if you need more information ??
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 2 serves of battered rattlesnake with chips and salad please


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shut up smee.

Cristal Light Codes
Wow that’s funny you sent that at 1:33. Talk about guidance and total alignment. The signs are there my friend on3 must be open to receive these and you clearly are now it’s to to actually recognize this

You sent
Thank you. It is my observations...when I look at the lights at first they remain still, and moments later they dance. Do they know I'm looking at them on a trans-conscious level?
This is wonderfully strange, but I'm no stranger to ETs.

Yes they definitely know , if they show themselves I promise you they want to be seen


Lily Nova Starseed - YouTube

Cristal Light Codes
This girl does ufo initiated contact and she’s seen them with her own eyes ,

You sent
Do they, will they make contact with me?

Cristal Light Codes

You sent
In what form?

Cristal Light Codes
Especially in our dream (astral state)
At night when we have less sensory overload, we are able to perceive at more then during the day although it is possible , All my encounters have happened at night because I’m not too busy thinking about my day or things and I’m not distracted , but I’ve encounters beings that are mantis looking and 9ft tall , then grey short aliens 👽 that look like that literal emoji (go figure information right infron of our faces lol)


Robert Earl White / ORDER OF LIGHT - YouTube

You sent
Why am I chosen to see them? Am I family?

Cristal Light Codes

This man is your guy for scientific knowledge, proven stuff by government officials who have gotten out of that position

Michael Salla - YouTube

Cristal Light Codes
Yes you are , we all are , if you notice them they want you to go deeper within yourself . Don’t ask your head your logical head can’t comprehend what it can’t see, feel with your heart, you want to communicate from your heart state, that girl lily bova talks about how to make contact more precisely

You sent
What are the lights? Crafts or etherial light force? They are in American air space, why no military intervention or public discussion?

Cristal Light Codes
Now your asking the questions that are meant to liberate you , the lights and crafts and orbs and more all the same thing, beings that are highly evolved depending on which dimension they are can take up to many different forms  , sometimes it can be a light or an orb or you see and actual craft or an actual being silhouette 👤 of pure light formation, they can show up sometime in a way that most comfortable for us (they don’t want to startle us)

You sent
Why the sky dance? Do they have tricks to perform, like abduction?

You sent
Am I having a personal relation with them? How should I behave? lol

Cristal Light Codes
there is a programming instilled since children to be afraid of outer beings and  they make movies that all alien life is out to kill us so of course they don’t use preventative measures, that and they cannot  get involved with faction that enter the earth plane because it will cause even more eyebrows to raise , the higher elite people who thing they rule this planet don’t wnat anybody to know about this because as we learn the relaity of this current reality we’re inn they can no longer control us with the physical,

Cristal Light Codes
Yes they do perform abductions at time but not everyone remembers them, I remember mine because I just felt iknew I had abductions then I had a past life regression hypnosis to actually see this stuff being down to me (when you are ready don’t dive inn trust me) it’s a lot

You sent
sounds right

You sent
Are aircraft aware or affected by the Lights?

Cristal Light Codes
Planes? Can you please elaborate

You sent
Airplanes. They fly thru the same airspace as the lights over Sugarloaf.

Cristal Light Codes
Heck yes they see them but they are in a radio wave communicating this stuff back and forth  and when the higher above is in charge well you can never be too certain that they comply ( I’m pretty sure they play it off to the pilot saying it’s a star link or this or that and not to report it . It’s all controlled unfortunately

You sent
true that!

Cristal Light Codes
And a lot of people are threatened to not say anything or to discuss this, that’s why when you do a lot of this work it’s better to stay to yourself until thsie like minded individuals gravitate towards you like ourselves,

You sent
Yes indeed. Why are we awake at 3:40 AM?

Never seek anything that’s my biggest thing they always tell me , what’s meant for you will gravitate towards you , that being , people paces things

Cristal Light Codes
Because the veil in super thin at this time. I’m always up at this time it’s annoying for me lol I like sleep but they like communicating at this time

You sent
Night Owls UNITE!

Cristal Light Codes
All thsie thoughts rushing I. Your head right now is them getting your attention and planting all these seeds , ask questions , start an inner dialogue with them, it will all sound like your own communicative voice but you have to feel where the information resides is it really you or outside of you communing into you like telepathy?

Cristal Light Codes
felafel I’m mistyping lol

* all those thoughts rushing inside your head **^^^

You sent

Cristal Light Codes
It’s pretty wild , you’ll never be the same when you uncover this stuff, your not meant to be ??

You sent
Is it possible the Light Ones could grant me 3 wishes? I only need one...Income.

Cristal Light Codes
You can ask for anything just verbalize it in a wider spectrum as is … something that is for your highest good and to be used to help aid humanity, I’ve done this numerous of times and I’ve been shocked with how I receive, especially with this home I just moved into.
Everything you ask for always add “and for the highest good of myself and for the collective

You sent
Are they Inter-dementional?

Cristal Light Codes
Yes and multi dimensional as well

You sent
thumbs up

There’s dimensions to my understanding all the way up to 13

Cristal Light Codes
So that means there’s beings that resides that take many different forms in those dimensions.. think of it this way the higher the dimensions the crazier looking they get 👽🤣 they don’t look human at all

You sent
How do you know these things?

Cristal Light Codes
I went through what your going through last year literally may 2021 and I dived deep, got myself into alittle depression because I felt so different and misunderstood but that only made me go deeper into it and I did alot of soul searching until I started meditation and I was able to see these beings , and now I just see them without meditation

You sent
I think, therefore I know I think

Cristal Light Codes
I’ve had “dreams” about aliens that were way to real meaning there was a lot of emotion in there , like last year I had this weird dream of a small alien showing up on the street of my childhood home down the hill where it was super foggy and I saw it coming up to me and I played roadkill im it would leave me alone but it came to me and touched my forehead and I woke up , that was an implanted screen memory that alien out on me Becaue I was abducted that Night but the negative kind which it was that , they delete your memories of abductions and implant scenarios, well this was not a good scenario because it was foggy and misty and we all know the city never gets like that especially down there Where I grew up , I started questioning and seeking answers for shite like that

Cristal Light Codes
You do know that why your having this experiences in your life

You sent
It's all becoming clear to me now. I must log out now. I hope to be with you again. Thank you and good morning. 🙂

Absolutely thank you for chatting I appreciate this communication! Good vibes and healing on your journey my friend , connect soon
Goodmorning 😊

You sent

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Ok smee, now you can show off your inner idiot.
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Topic shift:

Motor sports. Auto racing.

When race cars


commentators call it an "accident".

I call it

The Main Event.
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Where do I go from here?


B) Work.

3) Away.
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Could I have 2 x charcoaled race driver buns with bbq sauce no wait make it mayo please


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Want to Practice Gratitude? There’s a Jar for That

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Flying taxis, delivery drones and more are finally taking off

Once far-fetched dreams for the future of transportation — delivery drones! driverless trucks! air taxis! — are starting to become reality, thanks in part to huge capital investments and technology advancements.

Why it matters: We're still in the very early stages of a historic transformation in the movement of people and goods. But some of the pioneers in that climate-driven revolution are notching unmistakable progress in their quest to reinvent mobility.

Driving the news: Axios got to be a fly on the wall this week at UP.Summit, an exclusive confab of 250 transportation entrepreneurs, corporate executives and wealthy investors in Bentonville, Arkansas.

Their shared mission is to make transportation cleaner, faster, safer and cheaper — whether it's on the ground, in the air, at sea or in space.
Now in its fifth year, the private event is hosted by investment firm UP.Partners, Walmart scions Steuart and Tom Walton, and businessman Ross Perot Jr.

Why Bentonville? Arkansas dreams of becoming a global leader in the future of transportation. (It helps that the state is home to Walmart — the world's largest company by revenue — which is piloting a number of cutting-edge transportation technologies, including drone delivery and autonomous trucks.)
Just a few of the things I saw or learned about:

Germany's Volocopter, an air taxi developer, said its new VoloConnect aircraft completed its first flight in May.

Dronemaker Zipline unveiled new acoustic-based detection and avoidance technology it says could speed the rollout of autonomous drone deliveries.

Connect Airlines, a new private jet operator, said it plans to convert 75 regional airplanes to hydrogen in partnership with Universal Hydrogen Co.

A company called Airspeeder is even launching an electric flying car racing series in an effort to accelerate the tech's development.

My thought bubble: I've long been skeptical about drone delivery and flying cars. But my interviews this week with startups, big company CEOs and venture capitalists have me reconsidering that stance.

"This is real. We're done with the what-ifs," Adam Woodworth, CEO of Alphabet's Wing drone delivery business, told the group. "This is a real service, and we're ready to scale this out across the planet."

"Things that were crazy schemes 10 years ago are really happening," aviation veteran John Langford told me. His next-gen aerospace company,, is among those designing cleaner aircraft for a new era of advanced air mobility. This week it acquired a competitor,

"I've been doing this for 30 years," Alaska Airlines CEO Ben Minicucci told me. "This thing is transforming at a rapid rate in front of my eyes. Four years ago, you wouldn't have seen that." His company's venture arm, Alaska Star Ventures, is backing emerging technologies like hydrogen aircraft.

Reality check: While some ideas are maturing toward commercialization, most of these technologies have a long way to go.

Many of the people I spoke with acknowledged that regulatory hurdles remain and access to capital is tightening as economic uncertainty grows.

"Not everyone here is going to be successful, and some of these won't have long lives," said Steuart Walton, an aviation buff who founded his own aircraft manufacturer, Game Composites.

Yes, but: The UP.Summit was all about celebrating the milestones, like Beta Technologies' recent 1,400-mile journey from Vermont to Arkansas in an electric plane. (Never mind that it had to stop seven times to recharge.)

Or to promote companies like Stoke Space, which wants to offer daily, low-cost shipments of goods to space on reusable rockets.

And there were words of encouragement for Flyboard's Franky Zapata, the French personal watercraft pilot who was supposed to give a demo of his jetpack but crashed a week earlier, breaking two ribs.

"Keep going," emcee and UP.Partners co-founder Cyrus Sigari said, as he wrapped his arm around Zapata's shoulder.

The bottom line: A visionary's crazy idea is often nothing more than a science project until like-minded investors show up with the money to commercialize it. Even then, it can take a decade — or two or three — for revolutionary ideas to become true innovations.
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Obama Attacks Free Speech: 'We Have to Take Steps to Detoxify Our Discourse'

JUNE 10, 2022

Never underestimate former President Barack Obama’s ability to influence the world through his rhetoric, which has only gone further and further left over the years. And with his most recent comments — along with the rest of the far-left all but saying that your rights are expendable — free speech is something that Obama doesn’t seem too fond of…when it doesn’t expand upon his far-left, global vision.

The extreme left Obama spoke at yet another globalist conference on Friday when he took time to give a speech at the Copenhagen Democracy Summit.

Oh, and about your free speech? Yeah, he’s not fan.

“We have to take steps to detoxify our discourse,” Obama self-righteously said, “particularly the scourge of disinformation, conspiracy theories and hate online that has polluted our political discourse.”

What political discourse? Democrats and Republicans fight for the cameras in order to keep people as divided as possible, while one enacts some form of policy that positively affects very few and the other talks a big game but does nothing to stop it.

Welcome to the “Uni-party.”

We’ve seen what the left considers “toxic” in the past, whether it’s masculinity, conservatism, being straight, white or just plain women who want to compete in sports against other biological women.

How about the former president detoxify himself first, let us know how that goes and then we’ll consider his edicts masquerading as requests? Go away, Barry.
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Good Guys with Guns: Police in Ala. Shoot and Kill Man Attempting to Enter Elementary School

JUNE 10, 2022

At least we now know — not that we ever doubted it in totality — that there are still police officers not afraid to engage someone who poses or is a threat to children and handle their business.

A 32-year-old man who tried to enter multiple entrances to Walnut Park Elementary School in Gadsden, Alabama was shot and killed after reportedly attempting to take an officer’s firearm on Thursday.

According to WBMA:

ALEA [Alabama Law Enforcement Agency] officials said White [the deceased man who attempted to intrude] tried to make forcible entry into the school resource officer's marked Rainbow City patrol vehicle. When the SRO attempted to stop him, ALEA officials said White resisted and attempted to take the SRO's gun.

ALEA officials said additional officers from the Gadsden Police Department responded to the scene to provide assistance. White was shot and pronounced dead.

ALEA did not specify if the SRO or responding Gadsden police officers shot White.

Etowah County Sheriff Jonathon Horton put it best and made the officers in Uvalde, Texas’ response — or lack thereof — look like they hadn't a clue when it comes to protecting children and fulfilling the job of police officers .

“We put a lot into our schools in this county, and you hate to see anyone lose their life, but that's what happens when people try to do things to hurt our kids,” Horton said. “At least it ended in the front yard and everybody, the staff, and students are safe. The officers are safe.”

This is just another prime example of good guys with guns taking out potential dangers to citizens, particularly children. Take note, Uvalde.

For local coverage of the story, watch below:

: If liberals cared about children, they wouldn't leave them as "sitting ducks in gun-free zones" at school.
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CensorTrack: Are ‘Groomers’ Allowed Online, But Opposers Not?

JUNE 9, 2022

June is a nationally recognized month for the LGBTQ community to celebrate gayness. “Pride Month” has become 30 days of rainbow washing in restaurants, stores and especially social media. Big Tech, being the woke entity that it is, appears to love all things pride-related and to hate all things that don’t align with that progressive ideology.

On June 3, National Pulse Editor-in-Chief Raheem Kassam used the phrase “Ok, groomers,” when replying to a tweet from the U.K.’s Bristol Library. It’s unclear exactly which tweet Kassam responded to, but @BristolLibrary made a tweet the day before regarding Britain’s first gay pride march and gay newspaper. As a result, Twitter locked Kassam out of his account for 12 hours.

TikTok suspended MRCTV's account after removing one of its shows that criticized grooming behavior.

In November, Twitter restricted the account of best-selling author and political commentator James Lindsay. Lindsay blasted another user who tweeted, "'Protecting the children' was invoked by anti-gay advocates too. There well may be an airtight case for the anti-pedophilia side, but no-one has made it yet, because they don't have to when they can rely on a reflexive taboo reaction." Lindsay simply tweeted, “Ok groomer,” and Twitter censored him.

Big Tech repeatedly promotes content that favors the left’s woke ideology but censors content that stands in opposition.

Watch above for the forty-first episode of CensorTrack with TR! We encourage you to post and share it across all social media. If you have been censored, contact us at, and use #FreeSpeech to point out more of Big Tech’s unacceptable bias.
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Media Lying About
January 6th

A lot of good people were protesting there.

JUNE 10, 2022

Tucker Carlson knows a lot of good people were at the rally on January 6th. Not just bad eggs, but people expressing their opinion. But Democrats and media don’t want you to know that.

Carlson: You know it tells you a lot about the priorities of a ruling class that the rest of us are getting yet another lecture about January 6th tonight from our moral inferiors, no less. An outbreak of mob violence, a forgettably minor outbreak by recent standards, that took place more than a year and a half ago, but they’ve never stopped talking about it.

In the meantime, in the 18 months since January 6, gas prices have doubled. Drug ODs have reached their highest point ever. The U.S. economy is now careening toward a devastating recession at best and scariest and least noted of all, this country has never in its history been closer to a nuclear war.

Yet the other networks can’t be bothered to cover any of that tonight. Instead, they’ve interrupted their regularly scheduled programing to bring you yet another extended primetime harangue from Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney about Donald Trump and QAnon. The whole thing is insulting.

In fact, it’s deranged and we’re not playing along. This is the only hour on an American news channel that will not be carrying their propaganda live. They are lying, and we are not going to help them do it. What we will do instead is to try to tell you the truth. We’ve attempted to do that since the day this happened.

We hated seeing vandalism at the U.S. Capitol a year and a half ago, and we said so at the time, but we did not think it was an insurrection because it was not an insurrection. It was not even close to an insurrection. Not a single person in the crowd that day was found to be carrying a firearm – some insurrection. In fact, the only person who wound up shot to death was a protester.

She was a 36-year-old military veteran called Ashli Babbitt. Babbitt was just over 5 feet tall. She was unarmed. She posed no conceivable threat to anyone, but Capitol Hill Police shot her in the neck and never explained why that was justified. Those are the facts of January 6, but since the very first hours, they have been distorted beyond recognition, relentlessly culminating with last night.

Last night, CBS Nightly News told its viewers that insurrectionists at the Capitol on January 6 “caused the deaths of five police officers.” That is a pure lie. There is nothing true about it, and they know that perfectly well. Here’s reporter Bob Costa, who should be deeply ashamed to say something this dishonest.

ROBERT COSTA, CBS: Thursday’s primetime hearing will take Americans back to January 6, when an estimated 2,000 rioters breached the Capitol building, causing the deaths of five police officers.

It’s hard to believe he said that. Rioters cause the deaths of five police officers. You just heard CBS News tell its viewers that. This must be the big lie theory. The more bewilderingly false a claim is, the more likely you will be to believe it. Apparently, that’s what they’re betting on. In fact, precisely zero police officers were killed by rioters on January 6, not five, none. Not a single one. So, how’d they get to five? Well, CBS is counting the suicides of local police officers that took place after January 6, in some cases, long after January 6.

Suicide, unfortunately, is pretty common among cops. Policing is a tough job, as we’ve noted. But in these specific cases, the ones CBS is referring to, the chief of Washington DC’s police department told The New York Times that actually he had no idea if his officers were driven to kill themselves by January 6. CBS just made that up.
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Judge blocks Texas investigating families of trans youth

Jun 10, 2022

Associated Press - A Texas judge on Friday temporarily blocked the state from investigating families of transgender children who have received gender-confirming medical care, a new obstacle to the state labeling such treatments as child abuse.

The temporary restraining order issued by Judge Jan Soifer halts investigations against three families who sued and prevents any similar investigations against members of the LGBTQ advocacy group PFLAG Inc. The group has more than 600 members in Texas.

"I do find that there is sufficient reason to believe that the plaintiffs will suffer immediate and irreparable injury if the commissioner and the (Department of Family and Protective Services) are allowed to continue to implement and enforce this new department rule that equates gender-affirming care with child abuse," Soifer said at the end of a roughly 40-minute hearing.

The ruling comes about a month after the Texas Supreme Court allowed the state to investigate parents of transgender youth for child abuse while also ruling in favor of one family that was among the first contacted by child welfare officials following an order by Republican Gov. Greg Abbott.

"That families will be protected from invasive, unnecessary, and unnerving investigations by DFPS simply for helping their transgender children thrive and be themselves is a very good thing," Brian K. Bond, executive director of PFLAG National, said in a statement. "However, let's be clear: These investigations into loving and affirming families shouldn't be happening in the first place."

The latest challenge was brought by Lambda Legal and the American Civil Liberties Union on behalf of the families of three teenage boys — two 16-year-olds and a 14-year-old — and PFLAG. An attorney for Lambda Legal told the judge that the 14-year-old's family had learned after the lawsuit's filing that the state's investigation into them had been dropped.

Spokespeople for Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton did not immediately respond to requests for comment Friday afternoon.

An attorney for the state had argued during the hearing that applying the order to any member of PFLAG was "untenable" and would be difficult for the department to comply with. But Lambda Legal senior counsel Paul Castillo said that parents could simply show their membership receipt or some other proof of membership.

The families had talked in court filings about the anxiety that the investigations had created for them and their children. The mother of one of the teens said her son attempted suicide and was hospitalized the day Abbott issued his directive. The outpatient psychiatric facility where the teen was referred reported the family for child abuse after learning he had been prescribed hormone therapy, she said in a court filing.

A judge in March put Abbott's order on hold after a lawsuit brought on behalf of a 16-year-old girl whose family said it was under investigation. The Texas Supreme Court in May ruled that the lower court overstepped its authority by blocking all investigations going forward.

That lawsuit marked the first report of parents being investigated following Abbott's directive and an earlier nonbinding legal opinion by Paxton labeling certain gender-confirming treatments as "child abuse." The Texas Department of Family and Protective Service has said it opened nine investigations following the directive and opinion.

Abbott's directive and the attorney general's opinion go against the nation's largest medical groups, including the American Medical Association, which have opposed Republican-backed restrictions filed in statehouses nationwide.

Arkansas last year became the first state to pass a law prohibiting gender-confirming treatments for minors, and Tennessee approved a similar measure. A judge blocked Arkansas' law, and a federal appeals court will hear arguments in the case next week.
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Mother whose son was shot 'point blank in the head' decimates Dem gun control agenda: 'I don’t need the government to save me'

June 10, 2022  

Gun rights activist Lucretia Hughes delivered powerful testimony to lawmakers on Wednesday, making her case for why more gun control laws will not solve gun violence problems.

What are the details?
During testimony before the House Oversight Committee, Hughes told lawmakers how her son became the victim of gun violence six years ago when he was shot "point blank in the head."

But her tragic loss only emboldened her belief that the Second Amendment is necessary for protection, and that gun control laws will never rectify the problems that led to her son's murder.

"My son's death resulted from a criminal with an evil heart and a justice system failing to hold him accountable for laws he had already broken," Hughes said. "You see, a convicted felon killed him with an illegally obtained gun. Gun control lobbyists and politicians claim their policies will save lives and reduce violence. Well, these policies did not protect my son."

Importantly, Hughes noted that cities with the strictest gun control laws often struggle most with gun violence. She called lawmakers "crazy" if they think more laws are the solution.

Instead, Hughes said the Second Amendment and defending one's right to self-defense is the correct path.

"How about letting me defend myself against evil? Do you think I’m not capable or trustworthy to handle firearms?" Hughes said. "You who call for more gun control are the same ones that call to defund the police. Who is supposed to protect me? We must prepare to be our own first responders to protect ourselves and our loved ones. I am a legal, law abiding citizen.

"I don’t need the government to save me," she declared.

Mother of son killed in gun violence testifies on Capitol Hill

Instead of gun control, Hughes said schools need more armed personnel and mental health professional to ward off future mass shootings. She also advocated for the elimination of gun-free zones and more firearm education.

She outright said the Protecting Our Kids Act, the Democrat-pushed gun control bill passed after Uvalde, will not make Americans safer.

"Despite living with the heartache of the loss of my son daily, I believe that it is our God-given right to defend ourselves from acts of violence," Hughes said. "Taking away my rights and the rights of law-abiding citizens will not bring [my son] Emannuel back, but it will embolden criminals. We all want the same thing. To be safe.

"Gun owners are not the enemy and these gun control policies are not the solution," she concluded.
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25 Weird Foods People Ate During The Great Depression

The old saying “Necessity is the mother of invention” rings true when you look into how Americans filled their bellies during the Great Depression.

After the stock market crash in October 1929, the nation headed into an economic slide that lasted an entire decade. Unemployment was high, and many Americans had to find ways to survive on little to no income.

But Americans are nothing if not creative. Flour sacks became dress material. Cardboard became shoe insoles. And in the kitchen, families came up with new recipes that made use of whatever foods they had on hand.

Although some of these recipes would get a definite thumbs down today – even in the midst of our current inflationary times – others are still prepared and eaten today. Here’s a list of some of the weird foods people ate during the Great Depression.

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Sad: No One At Whole Foods Has Yet Received The News That The Pandemic Ended 18 Months Ago

June 10th, 2022

GRAND RAPIDS, MI—According to sources, a tragic breakdown in communication has led to thousands of Whole Foods shoppers being completely unaware that the global pandemic ended 18 months ago.

"I wear my mask to protect those around me. Please maintain a six-foot distance. EEEEEEEEEEE!" said local shopper Sable Channing when asked by a local reporter for comment. "Don't touch my North Face jacket! Please put your mask up around your nose! GET AWAY FROM ME! YOU'RE A GRANDMA KILLER!"

Reports from around the country claim to be finding entire stores full of terrified millenial hipsters still using the social distancing "X" on the floor, donning two or three masks, and wearing fashion scarves all year round for some reason. Shoppers are being warned that any attempt to enter a Whole Foods unmasked could lead to hostile stares or being murdered.

"We have made several attempts to make contact with these out-of-touch primitives, but so far have only been met with primal screeches and thrown heads of cabbage," said Grand Rapids Police Chief Camden Connors. "We may need more time to practice their language and dialect to reach them."

At publishing time, experts warned that many Whole Foods shoppers are also unaware that organic food is a scam.
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The Conservative Media Doesn't 'Dwarf'
 the Liberal Media

As much as conservatives appreciate the counterbalance of the conservative media, it can be shocking to witness the audacity of liberals pretending that Fox News is enormous and uniquely partisan in nature.

Former Barack Obama spin artist Dan Pfeiffer wrote this in one of his regular articles for the glossy left-wing rag Vanity Fair: "The conservative media dwarfs the progressive media in size and scope."

This makes no sense whatsoever, unless you categorize the progressive media as nothing more than magazines like Mother Jones and The Nation and a few websites like HuffPost, Slate and Vox.

Pfeiffer must be excluding ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, NPR, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Smee Daily Blabber Mouth and so on. After all this time, the Democrats still pretend these outlets are some gold standards of objectivity, which by now is the most baldfaced lie imaginable.

And he's touting a book titled "Battling the Big Lie." Try not to laugh.

Pfeiffer insisted Fox is uniquely partisan: "The Republicans have a television network whose sole raison d'etre is to attack Democrats and provide pro-GOP talking points." This man is apparently incapable of imagining that liberal networks exist to attack Republicans and earnestly provide pro-Democrat talking points.

But he's got chutzpah: "Even then, it's an apples-to-oranges comparison. The bulk of the media on the right is an adjunct of the party apparatus; during the Trump presidency it was state-adjacent propaganda — Pravda, but with plausible deniability."

This springs forth from a spokesman for ... Obama. You know, the man the liberal media treated as a demigod. His speeches were like a symphony. When he went to the beach, the sun glinted off his "chiseled pectorals." He was an American prince born "out of history and hope." His election was like mankind landing on the moon.

We had eight years of Obama-adjacent propaganda. Bernard Goldberg wrote a book about it called "A Slobbering Love Affair." There is no plausible deniability that the prestige media adored, even ogled Obama.

But Pfeiffer wants to pretend that only the conservative media is obsequious, while the progressive media is too pushy in pressuring the Democrats: "Much of the media on the left is focused on holding Democrats accountable and/or moving the party's agenda in a more progressive direction," he complains. "This is, of course, an admirable and necessary task, but it doesn't do much to help Democratic candidates and causes win the messaging battle against Republicans come election time."

This is a different sound than Pfeiffer in Vanity Fair in 2018: "What I think is important for Democrats to recognize is that we too often believe it is the press's job to do our job for us, and so that's why people get mad." That is perfectly accurate.

President Joe Biden is mad right now because the media hasn't spared him from unpopularity. All these frustrated Democrats are obsessing about "messaging" as if they can't be blamed for any of the multiple disasters unfolding in America today.

Pfeiffer carries the same ideological virus as many liberals in believing they are the essence of democracy, and conservatives are cartooned as the forces of autocracy. On MSNBC, Pfeiffer insisted, "If you go to Facebook on a daily basis ... Ben Shapiro's Daily Wire has more followers and engagement, many times more than the New York Times or CNN. That is a problem for democracy."

Liberals cannot imagine that democracy is much broader than their own ideological bubble, that conservatives make democracy vibrant by holding Democrats accountable and pushing back on the punishing groupthink of woke corporations. Come November, democracy may look more energetic than it does now.
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What Was the Left Thinking?

Whether you're contemplating San Francisco voters' recall of left-wing District Attorney Chesa Boudin or the plight of Democrats nationally as they face voters' dismay at out-of-control inflation, immigration and crime, the question is liable to come to mind: What were they thinking?

Actually, there are some initially plausible answers. We've just been informed this last week by Janet Yellen biographer Owen Ullmann that the treasury secretary argued in early 2021 for a smaller bill than the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan.

Yellen denied having opposed it outright. But she didn't deny sharing concerns that overspending would fuel inflation, as her Clinton administration predecessor Larry Summers argued in the Washington Post.

Whoever swept aside Yellen's concerns perhaps bought leftists' "Modern Monetary Theory" that the government can print as much money as it wants without risking inflation. Or that since the Obama administration ran deficits without spurring inflation after an economic shock, the Biden administration could do so after a quite different shock.

Which leaves you asking the question: What were they thinking?

Consider immigration. When Joe Biden became president, immigration was not out of control. Most immigrants were arriving legally, and the 2010-2019 decade saw a rising proportion of high-skill immigrants — something those with multiple views of the issue favored.

The Biden administration promptly disrupted this equilibrium. It stopped construction of the border wall, presumably because Donald Trump promised to build it. It abrogated the "Remain in Mexico" policy Trump had pressured leftist Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador to agree to. It treated border-crossers with accompanying children as asylum-seekers and allowed them into the United States.

Attempts to deny that this was an "open borders" policy were unpersuasive, starting with assigning the border to an obviously reluctant Vice President Kamala Harris. Her "do not come" speech in Guatemala and her four-hour trip to El Paso, Texas, had zero effect on the inflow.

The result was predictable. Border crossings have risen to record highs. The pro-restrictionist Center for Immigration Studies estimates that 1,350,000 illegal immigrants have entered the United States during the first 17 months of the Biden administration, about double the number of legal immigrants. That means the proportion of high-skill immigrants is lower.

Did the Biden administration think voters wanted more illegal and a lower proportion of high-skill immigration? What were they thinking?

As for crime, the disconnect between liberal officeholders and ordinary voters is most glaring in San Francisco. The city that voted for Biden 85% to 13% in 2020 voted this week 60% to 40% to recall, or remove from office, leftist DA Boudin.

Boudin backers blamed conservative Republicans, and probably both of them voted against him. But obviously, the biggest change of mind came from San Franciscans who initially liked Boudin's ideas — eliminating cash bail, classifying under-$950 minor thefts as misdemeanors, sternly punishing alleged police misconduct — but didn't like the increased murders, brazen public thefts and feces-laden streets that resulted.

Political scientist Vladimir Kogan, while sympathetic to Boudin's policies, points out that academic studies suggesting they'd be harmless failed to take into account the effect they'd have in practice. When you let defendants pending trial out on the streets, you intimidate witnesses. When you defund and overdiscipline the police, you no longer have proactive policing. All this leaves violence-prone young men free to commit crimes.

The phenomenon is not local. The death of George Floyd in May 2020, followed by "mostly peaceful" Black Lives Matter demonstrations that included violent riots in some 570 cities, resulted in the "Ferguson effect on steroids" — as coined by Fox's Jesse Watters — not just in San Francisco but around the country, and especially in cities with George Soros-type "reform" prosecutors.

So what were they all thinking?

Common threads in the thinking behind policies incentivizing out-of-control inflation, immigration and crime are the inclination to sympathize with those seen as victims and the assumption they'll respond with virtuous restraint.

But when you give people free money, they spend with little restraint. When you grant illegal immigrants free entry, they enter in vast numbers. When you let criminals go free, they maraud en masse. It's nice to be nice, but it's foolish to expect everyone to be nice in return.
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Chris Wallace deflates narrative that Jan. 6 hearings will prove earth-shattering claims:
'That's a bad look'

June 10, 2022  

CNN anchor Chris Wallace extinguished hope that partisan hearings about the Jan. 6 riot at the United States Capitol will end with substantive results that prove hyperbolic claims.
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'Chupacabra?': Mysterious figure caught on camera has Texas city officials seeking answers

'Do you have any ideas of what this UAO- Unidentified Amarillo Object could be?'
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New WHO report reverses prior findings on COVID-19 lab-leak theory

June 10, 2022  

Preliminary findings from the World Health Organization's second investigative team examining the origins of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic leave open the possibility that the virus was leaked from a lab and say further investigation is needed.
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Black Americans Respond To Biden’s Economy Lies – ‘Trump Said It Would Happen, I Miss Daddy T For Real’ [VIDEOS]
"We're not financially stable, comfortable or nothing like that. But when Trump was in office, I was feeling really good."

JUNE 10, 2022

Although the Biden administration is currently facing multiple dilemmas like record-high inflation, soaring gas prices, and a baby formula shortage, President Joe Biden has been persistent that Americans are somehow better off than they were under former President Donald Trump. Praising the economy, Biden recently stated, “Since I took office, families are carrying less debt. A recent survey from the Federal Reserve found that more Americans feel financially comfortable than any time since the survey began in 2013.”

While the President claimed Americans were thriving, conservative reporter Savanah Hernandez decided not to challenge Biden’s words, but instead, to ask Americans.

In the video, which is featured below, Hernandez simply asked how they felt with the current economy, administration, and the cost of living. Not surprising, but all of the people the reporter spoke too, had an entirely different take about America and the economy. One individual said, “It really hurts America with the gas prices. Because for one, we have to get to work. And if we can’t get to work and we have to spend all our money on gas then we’re going to work and you can’t pay your bills. So it’s an endless circle of endless debt.”

Another person added, “Everybody’s gonna go into debt, you know, sooner or later, because, like, what’s happening now is everybody is feeling the heat from you know, every angle of the society. So yeah, I feel like no, it’s not true.”

Other comments included:

“Like, that’s ridiculous. You know, I’m saying salaries aren’t going up. So how are we supposed to make the difference in income and rent? Doesn’t make sense.”

“We’re not financially stable, comfortable or nothing like that. But when Trump was in office, I was feeling really good.”
“I’ve missed daddy-T Trump, like, I respect him, because he was real about his opinion even though I didn’t always agree with him, but he kept it real with us. We know what it was gonna help you. Like, things was better, like the economy was better.”

“He just misunderstood. He kind of like a Kanye. But, you know, he might say stuff the wrong way sometimes or have a wrong approach – wrong wordplay. But I mean, he means well as a collective, as a people. You know what I’m saying, he cares.”

What made most of the responses so interesting was the fact that Hernandez was adamant about not making it a Trump versus Biden conversation, but as she admitted, “All right, so every single time they come out and they do these videos, it’s not my intention to make it a Trump versus Biden thing. But all of the responses always call for Trump to be back in office and for Biden to get out because people can not handle the economic and financial hardships of this administration.”
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Biden May Ban Oil Exports, Worsening The Gas Crisis

Biden has made it clear that he has no intention of resolving the energy crisis. His administration was the one who pushed the rules that brought us here in the first place. During the 2020 election, he promised to shut down the oil sector. Any assertions that he is attempting to improve things are false.

In fact, any of his administration’s “solutions” have merely served to exacerbate the problem. He spent our strategic oil reserve (lowering prices by a few pennies), only to promptly repurchase gas, limiting supplies and rising prices. He approved the addition of extra ethanol to our gasoline, thereby diluting it.

And now, his energy adviser is proposing yet another step that will put oil corporations out of business.

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said Tuesday that the administration hasn’t ruled out a petroleum export ban, reversing its previous stance on the issue…

“I can confirm that the president is not taking any instruments off the table,” Granholm said during a visit to Louisiana on Tuesday, according to Reuters…

Market analysis of the 1975 federal oil export restriction, which was removed in 2015, found that the regulation had no effect on prices and, in certain cases, resulted in higher domestic energy prices. According to various studies, allowing oil exports encourages domestic production, assures global market stability, and benefits the US economy. [Daily Caller] [Source: Daily Caller]

Biden and his administration’s fools are, as usual, making the most worst mistakes. They might implement an oil export ban, preventing American oil corporations from selling their goods to other nations. To a toddler, this would imply that Americans would have more oil. However, the outcome will be quite different.

Biden is slamming energy businesses with hefty restrictions and fines, which is why gas prices (and electricity rates) are skyrocketing. Drilling on federal lands, which is a key source of natural resources, is likewise prohibited. Oil export bans would result in even lower earnings for these enterprises, forcing them to refine even less oil.

As a result, prices would rise even more.

That is, however, Biden’s purpose. He has no intention of making it any easier for ordinary Americans to deal with this challenge. He wants gas prices to reach their highest point possible in order to punish Americans who drive old cars. That will force us all to buy Teslas in his sick, tiny head. In reality, it benefits only lobbyists, environmentalists, and foreign oil companies.

The situation is significantly worse for Americans.

:tello: "Vote him out? TAKE HIM OUT, in shackles!!!"
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NYT Investigation: Over a Dozen Children Were Still Alive In Uvalde Classroom While Police Waited For ‘Protective Equipment’

JUNE 10, 2022

A review of new documents and video footage by the New York Times indicates over a dozen children were still alive in a classroom during the Uvalde school shooting for over an hour while local police officers were waiting for ‘protective equipment.’

An investigation into the police response during the massacre at Robb Elementary school has been ongoing, with reports indicating officers waited outside the classroom and school for over an hour.

By the time specialized border agents ignored orders to hold back and breached the classroom, 19 children and two teachers had been killed.

The new evidence reviewed by the Times reveals that “more than a dozen students remained alive for over an hour before officers entered their classrooms.”

“Heavily armed officers delayed confronting a gunman in Uvalde, Texas, for more than an hour even though supervisors at the scene had been told that some trapped with him in two elementary school classrooms needed medical treatment,” they write.

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Inflation Hits Fresh 40-Year High of 8.6%, One Week After White House Claims Biden’s ‘Economic Plan Is Working’

JUNE 10, 2022

Inflation surged to a new four-decade high of 8.6% as grocery and gas prices exploded in May, exceeding economists’ expectations. The devastating news comes just one week after the White House declared the President’s economic plan “is working.”

The Consumer Price Index, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) rose 8.6% in May from a year ago while prices jumped 1% in the one-month period from April.

Those increases were more than financial experts at Refinitiv had forecast, expecting an 8.3% year-to-year rise and a 0.7% month-to-month increase.

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Biden’s Real Deficit

June 8, 2022

The president now brags that he cut the deficit!

“We’re on track,” he says, to have “the biggest decline in a single year ever in American history.”

It’s actually true.

But utterly deceitful.

President Joe Biden’s deficit will be down from last year, but that’s only because he spent such gargantuan amounts then.

For once, the media did not take his remarks at face value. Even CNN ran a “fact check” that quoted a Moody’s Analytics director saying, “The actions of the administration and Congress have undoubtedly resulted in higher deficits, not smaller ones.”

Much higher. Despite record tax revenues from last year’s booming stock markets, our national debt will increase by about $1 trillion.

Sadly, most people don’t care. These big numbers are too abstract.

This will not end well.

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Gates and the WHO Are Back

Jun 10, 2022

Bill Gates is hoping Christmas comes early as Joe Biden and others continue their push to subject America to the U.N.’s World Health Organization (WHO). While we won a major battle in May to stop Biden’s 13 amendments to the WHO’s International Health Regulations (IHR), the battle continues next week. Gates is a major stakeholder in WHO. He wants nothing more than global control to advance his agenda.

A new Pandemic Treaty is up for discussion next in WHO meetings this month with a draft of the treaty coming August 1. Then more amendments to WHO’s existing IHR will be proposed by September 30.

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She just can't keep it buttoned up

AOC Blames Everyone But NY For Gun Violence…in NY

( – During a congressional hearing on Wednesday in the United States House of Representatives, ultra-leftist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) slammed a series of red states, blaming them for mass shootings and other gun-related violence.

However, she did not blame New York state or New York City, which have as much gun-related violence as any other city and state and is where the recent massacre at a grocery store took place just a few weeks ago.

You can watch a video of Ocasio-Cortez’s remarks further down this post.

As the Daily News reports in “AOC blames big city gun violence on lax laws in red states”:

“Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez says lax gun laws in the southern states of the ‘Iron Pipeline’ that run along the I-95 corridor of the East Coat are the cause of gun violence in New York.

“‘Let’s talk facts. Seventy percent of illegally trafficked guns in NYC come from [red states with few gun restrictions],’ she said. ‘We’re losing children due to lawlessness unleashed by red states.’” [emphasis added]

She went further:

“The New York progressive Democrat hit back hard at the Republican talking point that the real gun violence problem is in blue cities like New York and Chicago.

“‘This is not normal,’ Ocasio-Cortez said Wednesday. ‘This is about blood money.’” [emphasis added]

One observer at the hearing commented about AOC’s statements, “She blamed everyone but the criminals in New York who pull the trigger and kill people.”
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Commentary: The Supreme Court once more weakens protections
for violated rights

June 9, 2022

Rights only have meaning if there are remedies when they are violated, but the Supreme Court on Wednesday once more limited the ability of injured individuals to sue when their constitutional rights are infringed. The court has made it virtually impossible for those whose rights are violated by federal officials to sue, no matter how egregious the constitutional violation or the injury.

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CDC’s Latest Guidance on Monkeypox is All Too Familiar

Over the past two years, Americans have gotten an earful of guidance from the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Much of this guidance has concerned COVID and the various steps Americans should take to defeat the virus.

Mask-wearing, getting vaccinated, getting booster shots, social distancing, staying home and cutting back on travel are measures that have been shared with the public.

Yet, despite all the benchmarks the CDC said would get COVID under control, the virus is still around as the first half of 2022 concludes.

Now, with a new virus known as “monkeypox” that’s arrived in the United States, the CDC is once again issuing guidance that is all too familiar.
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Biden Desperate To Restore Image, Announces Next ‘Late Night’ Appearance

June 7, 2022

The window of opportunity for Biden to rehabilitate his public image is rapidly closing, as the majority of the public has already determined that Sleepy Joe is the worst president this country has “elected” in a long time.

A rising majority is also aware that Biden was not elected, but was planted in the White House as part of an election rigging plot to permanently remove Donald Trump from office. The protests that erupted on January 6, 2021, were just one part of their grand strategy to blame Trump for an alleged insurgency that he had nothing to do with.

It has now been established that FBI agents were present among the enraged Trump supporters and, in collaboration with Capitol Police, incited the gathering to enter the Capitol building.

Despite this, Joe Biden has worse approval ratings than Donald Trump at any point in his presidency. According to reports, this is a huge source of contention for Biden, and he’s doing everything he can to win over more Americans.

President Joe Biden’s record-breaking absence from media interviews is expected to end this Wednesday, when he appears on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

Jimmy Kimmel, a comedian and talk show presenter, tweeted that Biden will be his guest this week, when the president makes his first in-studio late-night talk show visit since taking office.

Even Kimmel’s use of the phrase “very elected” to dismiss the very real and confirmed charges of 2020 election fraud is another proof of how much water these late-night ‘comedians’ carry for the Democrat Party.

On May 20, Biden accomplished something unprecedented in presidential history: he went 100 days without giving a sit-down interview to the media.

The president was last interviewed by the press on February 10, when NBC’s Lester Holt interviewed him ahead of Super Bowl LVI. Biden has only given press briefings and responded to questions from specific journalists since then.

The talk show recording will take place in Los Angeles in connection with Biden’s visit to the state for the Summit of the Americas.

We can’t wait to hear the ridiculous s*** that Biden is sure to spew!
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Big Bear*Neighbors Helping Neighbors

PLEASE SHARE:  Let's get this info out to the entire Valley to expose this fraud.

NEXT THURSDAY June 16th, Alan Lee will be attending his "Fundraising Debt Retirement Party" in ATLANTA, GEORGIA. A campaign fundraiser 2,100 MILES AWAY for his City Council seat in BIG BEAR LAKE, CALIFORNIA. Just more facts and evidence as to why the RESIDENTS WHO CARE about our city are rallying to RECALL LEE. 

More PROOF that Lee's campaign is NOT being "fueled and driven by full-time residents in District 1" as he has claimed or, let me be blunt, LIED, as is his continued practice.  Don't let his fake sincerity fool you - he is only involved in Big Bear for his own gain.

From 5/14/2020 through 12/31/2021, Lee received a total of $71,583.56 in contributions.
From 5/14/2020 through 12/31/2021, Lee spent a total of $67,572.16.
His only visible donors (those over $95) are from Atlanta GA and Los Angeles / Inglewood / Palmdale CA with NO ONE from Big Bear Lake, California.

Georgia Federation of Public Service Employees (FPSE) -
American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) -
Patrick Labat, Sheriff, Fulton County -
Keith Gammage, Solicitor General, Fulton County -
Eshe' Collins, Chair, Atlanta Public Schools -
Jessie Goree, Chair, Clayton County Public Schools -
Jason Esteves, Board Member, Atlanta Public Schools -
Aretta Baldon, Vice Chair, Atlanta Public Schools -
Andrea Boone, Councilmember, City of Atlanta -
Matt Westmoreland, Councilmember, City of Atlanta -
Michael Julian Bond, Councilmember, City of Atlanta -
Courtney English -
Meria Carstarphen -
Antwan & Vivian Allen -
Daniel & Daishon Lee
Lee's Campaign Contributions, Donors & Expenses in 2020 & 2021 -
Another reason why I am fully in support of

Ron Tello Culley
This guy is a total azzh@le!!! I met him. Said he would help me with a legal issue. He chumped-out BIG TIME!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"