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A most unbearable video. It's Tello-UNapproved.

View at your own risk.

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Rocci Disopa
Updated 3y

Did Jimmy Page have second choices for the other three band members, before he started Led Zeppelin?

Yes he certainly did!

But you have to go back to the Spring of 1966 first!

Jeff Beck had just booked sessions at IBC Studios in London. The musicians invited were old friend and soon to be Yardbird Jimmy Page, Keith Moon and John Entwistle of ‘The Who’, keyboardist Nicky Hopkins and John Paul Jones. These sessions produced the track “Beck’s Bolero” which would appear on Jeff’s solo record two years later. Entwistle was a no-show, John Paul played the bass. But Page liked the idea of a ‘supergroup’ of name musicians coming together to form a unit. And, this was at the time ‘Cream’ was getting started in London, with the ‘Jimi Hendrix Experience’ on the horizon.

Fast forward two years to the Summer of 1968, as the Yarbirds returned from America and disbanded. Jimmy Page wanted to put his ‘supergroup’ together to rival the others. He wanted Moonie and Entwistle from ‘The Who’, but he knew they weren’t available.

He first offered the Bass guitar gig to fellow ex-Yardie Chris Dreja, who turned it down!

Chris was tired of the constant touring and low pay. He had been wanting to get his photography business off the ground (he would have a client in Page). John Paul Jones soon contacted Jimmy about the gig. It was a no-brainer after that. The two had done numerous sessions together, and John Paul had played bass on ‘the Yardies’ “Happenings Ten Years Time Ago”. He was a well respected musician.

For the lead vocalist, Page had wanted Terry Reid. Reid was a charismatic singer guitarist who’s star was on the horizon. He’d already opened for the Stones once as a young 16 year old!

Terry Reid In 1969. At the time Led Zeppelin was forming, he opened for Cream in North America, and was also going to open for The Rolling Stones on their next US tour.

The timing couldn’t have been worst for Reid. He was a hot commodity! When Jimmy Page tried to recruit him, he supposedly had told him that ‘he only needed a few weeks and that he’d be back in town soon enough’! Page said ‘it was now or never’. Terry had to pass it up, but he did recommend Bob Plant and John Henry Bonham to Jimmy Page to check out after seeing them perform recently at a local gig.

Jimmy had also been interested in BJ Wilson of ‘Procol Harum’ on drums.

Barrie James Wilson was a young, accomplished drummer who was starting to make a name for himself on the London session scene. BJ and guitarist Robin Trower were early additions to the Procol lineup, as both had played with singer Gary Booker prior. Like Reid, BJ was a valuable player at the time, not only doing sessions for producer Mickey Most, but also playing FT drums in ‘Procol Harum’. Jimmy Page and BJ Wilson had just worked together on Joe Cocker’s album which featured the classic remake “With a Little Help From My Friends”. But like the others, he ‘passed’ on Zeppelin. Supposedly, even Robert Plant who loved the idea of continuing his playing with Bonham, thought Wilson would have been a good choice if needed.

So yes, Page did have a game plan in place for his post Yardbirds career. Thank god for all of us, it went down like a “lead balloon”.
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'Creepy technology': Zoom reportedly may develop AI tool that detects user emotions on video calls. Human rights groups call it invasion of privacy.
May 18, 2022  

Video-conferencing outfit Zoom reportedly may develop an artificial intelligence tool that detects users' emotions by scanning facial expressions and examining vocal tones — but human rights groups are saying such technology would be invasion of privacy, the Thomson Reuters Foundation reported.

The outlet said tech publication Protocol reported on the subject last month.

What are the details?
But more than 25 groups — including Access Now, the American Civil Liberties Union, and the Muslim Justice League — on Wednesday sent a joint letter to Zoom chief executive Eric Yuan against the idea, the Thomson Reuters Foundation said.

"If Zoom advances with these plans, this feature will discriminate against people of certain ethnicities and people with disabilities, hardcoding stereotypes into millions of devices," Caitlin Seeley George — director of campaign and operations at Fight for the Future, a digital rights group — said, according to TRF. "Beyond mining users for profit and allowing businesses to capitalize on them, this technology could take on far more sinister and punitive uses."

The Thomson Reuters Foundation said Zoom didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.

More from TRF:

Zoom Video Communications Inc emerged as a major video conferencing platform around the world during COVID-19 lockdowns as education and work shifted online, reporting more than 200 million daily users at the height of the pandemic in 2020.

The company has already built tools that purport to analyze the sentiment of meetings based on text transcripts of video calls, and according to Protocol it also plans to explore more advanced emotion reading tools across its products.
Zoom in a blog post said sentiment analysis technology can measure the "emotional tone of the conversations" to help salespeople do a better job, TRF reported.

However, the letter from the human rights groups said detection of users' emotions "is a violation of privacy and human rights" and that "Zoom needs to halt plans to advance this feature," TRF added.

'Creepy technology'
The outlet said emotional recognition tools are increasingly common even though critics compare it to facial recognition tools, which have high error rates on non-white faces and have resulted in wrongful arrests.

Esha Bhandari — deputy director of the ACLU Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project — called emotion detection AI "junk science," TRF said.

"There is no good reason for Zoom to mine its users' facial expressions, vocal tones, and eye movements to develop this creepy technology," Bhandari told the outlet.
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MSNBC Guests Want GOP Labeled ‘Domestic Terror Party,’ Jail Time For Having The Wrong Opinions

MAY 18, 2022

We all know that Democrats and the left love to operate on the premise of “never let a good crisis go to waste.” But now, as the midterm elections are looming before them, they are working off of another cliche: make hay while the sun shines.

Translation: silence your opponents before they hand you a historic butt-whoopin’.

The latest event the left is working off of is the unfathomable shooting at a Buffalo, New York grocery store last week. Ten people were killed for doing nothing but making an innocent trip to the store.

But for Democrats, it became midterm election gold. Look no further than the latest completely deranged segment on MSNBC, replete with calls to “jail” people who share “misinformation” and to designate the Republican Party as a “domestic terrorist” group.

New Spin On An Old Alinsky Tactic
In his book, “Rules for Radicals,” the Godfather of community organizing and radicalism, Saul Alinsky, wrote about 13 basic rules that progressives must follow if they are going to “create change.” More translation here: stir it up.

Alinsky saved the best rule for last because it is the easiest and most often used rule by the left: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

And in the wake of this horrific shooting, you needn’t look any further to what the left is attaching rule 13 to, the Republican Party, or more precisely, people who don’t agree with them.

But Now It’s Serious
Recently on her MSNBC show “Deadline,” former Bush Press Secretary and Iraq war apologist Nicolle Wallace had a talking head named Erroll Southers on. The two of them, no longer trying to hide it, explained exactly what the next step in the plan is.

That is apparently to designate (presumably the government?) the entire Republican Party as the “domestic terrorist party.”


But then they took it one step further. Carl Cameron, formerly of Fox News and affectionately known as “campaign Carl” for his election coverage, said the quiet part out loud. It bothered no one on the panel, and received no pushback.

“It really is kind of horrible to think that journalists with national and international capacity are putting together this type of nonsense. I think the president did a great job. I wish he had done a lot of this a lot sooner, and we need a lot more from the left and the middle, and we got to watch out because the Republicans have become the purveyors of misinformation, and when our two-party system is broken like that, democracy is seriously in trouble. The president acknowledged that it’s time to actually start doing things and maybe taking some names and putting people in jail.”

Just so we are all on the same page, and everyone understands what we are talking about, these people are discussing on live television the idea of putting Americans in jail for their political beliefs. This is a serious discussion they are having.

Again, to be clear, these lunatics are openly discussing labeling one half of American citizens domestic terrorists, and putting people in jail for having the wrong opinions. And they are deadly serious about it.

We can use some cliches of our own here, but it would behoove us to pay attention to them.

Old cliche number 1: ‘Desperate people do desperate things.’ It is where the Democrat Party is today, throw in ‘time is running out.’

Number 2: we laugh at them at our own peril. Republicans have a history of underestimating their opponents. We cannot this time.

And number 3: When someone says they are going to wipe you off the map, believe them and act accordingly.

They have absolutely no fear about saying these things out loud. We ignore them at our own peril.

Watch what Carl Cameron said here:

POLL: Should MSNBC be taken off the air?



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After Shoving Woke Politics Down The Throats Of Consumers, Disney’s Favourability Rating Takes Massive Dive
May 18, 2022

Disney’s favourability rating has taken a massive dive since last year, a new poll has revealed, which sees the company’s approval collapsing from 77% to an embarrassing 33% amongst respondents.

Unsurprisingly, these are not the results that mainstream media outlets wanted to focus on.
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"Only IDIOTS get offended by everything."

Ricky Gervais Says ‘Smart People’ Don’t
Get Offended By Jokes
Ricky Gervais said last night that "smart people" don't get offended by jokes as he lashed out at cancel culture.
May 18, 2022

The British comedian Ricky Gervais has never been afraid to speak out against cancel culture. He did so once again last night while appearing on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert,” where he shut down the cancel culture mob by saying that “smart people” don’t get offended by jokes.

Gervais Tackles ‘Taboo’ Subject In New Netflix Comedy Special
Daily Mail reported that Gervais was on the show to promote his upcoming Netflix special “SuperNature,” which is set to drop on the streaming platform next Tuesday. In it, Gervais has revealed that he takes on such “taboo” subjects as Adolf Hitler and AIDS.

When asked if the long touring break he had to take during the COVID-19 lockdowns forced him to change his material, Gervais replied that “It was always evolving.”

“There was a thought, ‘Will this be out of date?’ And then I realized that when you’re dealing with, you know, famine, AIDS, cancer, Hitler, those dudes are evergreen,” he explained. “Yeah, so they’re not going to, they don’t date.”

When Colbert said that “you don’t go to a Ricky Gervais concert for just feel good,” the comedian disagreed with him.

“No, they do feel good, and the aim is to make them laugh and they do laugh, but they know that I deal with taboo subjects,” he said. “But I deal with taboo subjects because I want to take the audience to a place it hasn’t been before and there is a tension.”

‘Smart People’ Don’t Get Offended By Jokes
Gervais went on to make his point that “smart people” don’t actually get offended by jokes.

“And I think people get offended when they mistake the subject of a joke with the actual target, and smart people know you can deal with anything, particularly when dealing with something like irony,” he continued.

Gervais then said that he kicks off his Netflix special by explaining what irony really is to his audience.

“Humor gets us over bad stuff,” he said. “That’s why I laugh about terrifying bad things. You know, that’s why comedians are obsessed with death because, you know, it gets us through… t’s an inoculation to the real things that are going to happen.”

Check out Gervais’ full comments on this below.

Gervais Wants To Be ‘Canceled’
This comes after Gervais recently revealed that unlike the vast majority of celebrities, he actually wants to get “canceled.”

“One thing I’ve decided to definitely do, and can’t wait to start on, is my new stand-up show, which is going to be called Armageddon,” he said. “I’m treating it like it’s my last one ever. It won’t be, but I want to put everything into it. I want to try and get canceled. No, I just want to go all-out there.”

“It’s about the end of the world and how we’re going to destroy ourselves for lots of reasons, whether it’s media stupidity, or the actual end of the world,” Gervais added.

Most celebrities are far too terrified of cancel culture to speak in this way, so Gervais’ attitude is incredibly refreshing at this time. We can’t wait to both see his standup special, and who gets offended by it!
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Vincent van Gogh’s “Starry Night” is one of the most iconic pieces of modern art of all time, and now Lego enthusiasts can recreate it with 2,316 tiny bricks. The company’s latest release was designed by 25-year-old Truman Cheng, who submitted it to the Lego Ideas platform and won a public vote. Lego has also launched a competition for fans to submit their builds, and winning designs will be displayed at New York’s Museum of Modern Art — where the original “Starry Night” hangs — this summer. (Photo Credit: LEGO Group)
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Elon Musk finds out half of Biden’s Twitter followers may be fake — his response is PRICELESS

May 18, 2022 

Almost half of President Joe Biden's 22.2 million followers on Twitter are fake, according to a recent audit, and Elon Musk — who has put his deal to purchase Twitter on hold over the number of spam accounts on the platform — isn't surprised.

Newsweek reported Tuesday that a SparkToro audit tool found that 49.3% of followers on Biden's official @POTUS account are “fake followers based on analysis of a number of factors, including location issues, default profile images and new users."

The number of spam and fake accounts on Twitter prompted Musk to put his deal to purchase Twitter on hold last week. The billionaire Tesla CEO discussed the future of Twitter with Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Sacks, and David Friedberg on an episode of the "All-In" podcast.

Musk also got into a debate with Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal on Monday over the alleged number of spam accounts on the platform, with Agrawal insisting that bots compose only about 5% of active accounts.

Musk reacted to Newsweek's claim that half of the president's Twitter followers are fake by tweeting: "So … [checks calculator] … that would be like 10 times more than 5%".

On BlazeTV's "News and Why it Matters," host Sara Gonzales was joined by Sydney Watson and Alex Stein to talk about why Musk's Twitter buyout has been put on hold and whether he still intends to proceed with the takeover.
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“We do not want a world governed by tyrants whom no one has elected and who want to have power in order to destroy us."

Michael Flynn Issues Warning to FBI, DOJ:
‘I Don’t Give a Crap, I’m Going After
These People’

May 18, 2022

Lt. Gen Michael Flynn is a “man on fire.” Righteous indignation and fierce patriotism has prompted Flynn, whose career Justice Department officials sought to destroy, to file a lawsuit against the FBI and DOJ.

The suit seeks $50 million in damages for “malicious prosecution.”

Unafraid of retribution, which he has already experienced for speaking out, Flynn has put the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice on notice — stating that “he is coming for them.”

His targets reportedly include former FBI Chief James Comey and President Obama, who directed the DOJ to prosecute Flynn just before Donald Trump took office.

Flynn was President Donald Trump’s national security advisor when defamed and falsely prosecuted by the FBI.

According to The Western Journal, Flynn is now seeking “$5 million in property damages and an additional $45 million in personal injury for the years-long persecution for allegedly lying to the FBI — a charge he has steadfastly denied.”

On Tuesday, Flynn announced the lawsuit on “The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson,” saying:

“I have gone back into the Department of Justice to let them know, to put them on notice, that I am going to sue these people — I don’t give a crap about the money … to let them know I’m not going to sit on my laurels, and do ‘woe is me,’ and wring my hands.”

Flynn continued: “We are going to go after these people. And we actually filed, very quietly, an intention to sue the Department of Justice, all of these people, from Jim Comey up to President Obama.”

According to Just the News, Flynn is seeking damages for “lost past and future earnings/revenue, emotional distress, lost opportunity to be President’s National Security Advisor, significant restraints of personal liberty, attorney fees/expenses and court costs in defending against malicious prosecution, abuse of process, false arrest,” et al.

Flynn’s filing adds that “of all of President Trump’s appointees, the Obama White House hated Flynn the most” and that the DOJ’s case “was goaded by political motivations, not a search for the truth or justice.”

Flynn’s filing asserted: “Beginning in July 2016, “the FBI began to express disdain for candidate Donald J. Trump and began to consider ways in which it could hamper Donald Trump as a candidate or as president, were he to win the 2016 election.”

The DOJ charged Flynn with making false statements to the FBI regarding a conversation he had with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. Under advice from his first lawyer, Flynn pled guilty to the charge. But after new evidence emerged, Flynn retained new council, withdrew his guilty plea and was acquitted.

In May 2019, evidence revealed that FBI investigators knew that Flynn did not lie to them during their interrogations. Nevertheless, they pressed forward with charges based on the DOJ’s false narrative.

In a decision that further undermines confidence in the justice system, after the government dropped charges against Flynn, the presiding judge refused to close the case and took the highly questionable step of inviting outside legal opinion regarding options for continuing legal proceedings.

The judge’s refusal to close the case prompted then-President Trump to issue Flynn a full pardon.

In the filing, Flynn’s attorneys maintain that:

During that meritless and unlawful investigation and prosecution, Flynn was falsely and maliciously painted by the conspirators as a traitor to his nation who acted in concert with a foreign power, and the SCO even threatened Flynn’s son with prosecution unless Flynn were to plead guilty. The federal government’s targeting of a citizen for baseless criminal prosecution and eliciting a plea bargain through threatening of family members is outrageous conduct of the highest order. The fact that it was orchestrated and carried out at the highest levels of the FBI, DOJ and White House makes it all the more outrageous.

In December of 2020, Flynn told the Western Journal:

“We do not want a world governed by tyrants whom no one has elected and who want to have power in order to destroy us.

“We understand what their plan is: to eliminate dissent, subdue any criticism, and outlaw those who do not submit unconditionally to the dictatorship of the ‘new world order.’

“Let’s not forget that by the crimes they have committed,” he added, “they have violated our laws; they have betrayed our nation and their oath to serve our country, their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution.”
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Two attorneys went into a diner and ordered two drinks. Then they produced sandwiches from their briefcases and started to eat.

The owner became quite concerned and marched over and told them, "You can't eat your own sandwiches in here!"

The attorneys looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders, and then exchanged sandwiches.
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What has happened to the 1960s hippies, and where are they now?

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Man charged in Buffalo massacre due back in court

The white man accused of slaughtering 10 Black people at a Buffalo supermarket was scheduled to appear in court Thursday as authorities continue to investigate the possibility of hate crime or terrorism charges
May 18, 2022

BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — The white man accused of slaughtering 10 Black people at a Buffalo supermarket was scheduled to appear in court Thursday as authorities including the FBI continue to investigate the possibility of hate crime and terrorism charges.

Payton Gendron, 18, livestreamed the attack from a helmet camera before surrendering to police outside the grocery store. Shortly before the attack last Saturday, he posted hundreds of pages of writings to online discussion groups where he detailed his plans for the assault and his racist motivation.

Investigators have been examining those documents, which included a private diary he kept on the chat platform Discord.

At his initial court appearance last week, Gendron's court-appointed lawyer entered a plea of “not guilty” on his behalf.

The massacre at the Tops supermarket was unsettling even in a nation that has become numb to mass shootings. All but two of the 13 of the people shot during the attack were Black. Gendron's online writings said he planned the assault after becoming infatuated with white supremacist ideology he encountered online.

The diary said Gendron planned his attack in secret, with no outside help, but Discord confirmed Wednesday that an invitation to access his private writings was sent to a small group of people about 30 minutes before the assault began.

Some of them accepted the invitation. It was unclear how many read what he had written or logged on to view the assault live. It also wasn't clear whether anyone tried to alert law enforcement.

Buffalo Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia has said investigators were working to obtain, verify and review Gendron’s online postings.

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul on Wednesday authorized the state’s attorney general, Letitia James, to investigate social media platforms used by Gendron to determine if they were liable for “providing a platform to plan and promote violence.”
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"If the risk is fully aligned with your purpose and mission, then it’s worth considering."

-Peter Diamandis

Having started more than 20 companies, entrepreneur Peter Diamandis is intimately familiar with risk-taking. A veteran of Silicon Valley, Diamandis’ initiatives, including starting the XPRIZE Foundation, center around futuristic concepts such as AI, space tourism, and human longevity. His projects focus on technologies with enormous potential to change the way we live, inviting both risk and progress. Diamandis’ words encourage us not to write off the bold move: Taking a leap of faith can help us grow in ways we can’t imagine.
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Every U.S. National Park Ranked

The words “For the Benefit and Enjoyment of the People” stretch across the northern entrance of our nation’s first national park, Yellowstone.

According to the Department of Interior, the goal of the National Park Service is, and has always been, to keep our wild places protected and unimpaired for future generations. To that end, more than 400 areas and 84 million acres spanning all 50 states and several unincorporated territories of the United States, protect America’s greatest natural treasures. With 61 of those wilderness areas toting National Park designation, it can be tricky trying to pick which park to visit.

So, to help you narrow down which parks should be higher on your bucket list, we ranked each park based on their overall accessibility, facilities and accommodations, trails and attractions, crowds, and, of course, overall ‘wow’ factor, which we measured by photo ops and stunning scenery.

Keep in mind, it’s almost impossible to say that one is better than the next — there’s truly something special about each one of our national parks.
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House passes spending measure aimed at addressing baby formula shortage
May 18, 2022

The House passed legislation aimed at providing $28 million in emergency funding to the Food and Drug Administration to address the nation’s baby formula shortage in a 231-192 vote Wednesday.

The Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act, introduced by House Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro (D-CT), includes language that looks to prevent “fraudulent products from entering the United States market” and prevent future shortfalls in supplies.

The shortage comes in the wake of one of the nation’s largest producers of infant formula, Abbott Nutrition, voluntarily recalling three types of its product after multiple babies contracted bacterial infections. Roughly 40% of formula has been out of stock since the end of April, and supply chain disruptions have exacerbated the crisis.

Proponents of the measure argued the bill is necessary to navigate the crisis moving forward.

“We've all heard from constituents all over this country that parents are scared," DeLauro said on the floor ahead of the vote. "They can't find the product, and they're scared that they're going to have a product that may put their child in danger. So we need to address two areas: We need to address the immediate crisis to get products on the shelves as soon as we can, which is what this bill does tonight, along with other measures that the administration is taking.”

House Republican leadership whipped against the bill, arguing that Democrats failed to work in a bipartisan manner and that the bill would not do anything to resolve the current formula crisis.

“In February, a major producer of baby formula closed its doors while inspections occurred after a voluntary recall of formula. Since then, the Biden administration’s Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has dragged its feet and failed to come up with a plan to mitigate the effects of the closure, and this formula shortage has become a dire emergency for families across the country,” a notice sent by House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA) on Wednesday reads.

“Instead of working with Republicans to find bipartisan solutions to address the issue, Speaker Pelosi dropped this legislation yesterday in hopes of covering up the administration’s ineptitude by throwing additional money at the FDA with no plan to actually fix the problem, all while failing to hold the FDA accountable,” it continues.

Critics argued that the additional funds lack the oversight needed to ensure it is being “used appropriately” and that Congress has already passed legislation to provide the Department of Agriculture with $1 billion for such situations.

“The Biden administration ignored the warning signs that a formula shortage was imminent, sitting on their hands until the shelves were bare. Their incompetence underscores the need for funding to come with guard rails and accountability for the FDA's failures,” Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-IA) said. “Throwing additional money at a problem is the wrong approach. American families need a plan to fix this crisis and to get that baby formula back on store shelves, and they don't need us spending more of their hard-earned money to do it."

The bill passed shortly after President Joe Biden invoked the Defense Production Act to address the shortage.
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Oh...WHAT??!! From the same people who spent the first two years of the pandemic demanding we "follow the science" comes a new and bizarre proclamation.

Abortion witness tells Congress men can get pregnant and have abortions
May 18, 2022

A witness who supports abortion rights during the House Judiciary Committee's abortion hearing Wednesday said she believes a person can choose what gender they identify as and that, therefore, men can get pregnant and have abortions.

Aimee Arrambide, the executive director of the abortion advocacy group Avow Texas, was asked by Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC) what she believes the definition of a woman is.

“I believe that everyone can identify for themselves," Arrambide said.

When asked if she then believed that men could therefore get pregnant and have abortions, her response was a simple "yes." Bishop did not push the topic any further.

Wednesday's meeting came after a draft opinion that revealed five Supreme Court Justices are prepared to overturn the historic rulings in Roe v. Wade and Casey v. Planned Parenthood was leaked at the beginning of May.

The draft, written by conservative Justice Samuel Alito, said abortion laws belong in the hands of independent states instead of the federal government. However, if the official ruling, expected next month, does revert the power of abortion law back to the states, the procedure would become illegal in multiple states, including Texas, Missouri, and Tennessee.

The hearing, opened by Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY), included testimonies from Arrambide; Americans United for Life CEO and President Catherine Glenn Foster; a law professor from the University of California, Irvine, Michele Bratcher Goodwin; and a member of the physicians for reproductive health board of directors, Dr. Yashica Robinson.

Goodwin said that if the law is overturned, poor women will be affected the most.

"For poor women, particularly women of color, the loss will be deadly," Goodwin said. "This is the coming of the new 'Jane Crow.'"

Nadler said the decision to become a parent should be an individual choice and did not belong to a state government.

"The decision to become a parent belongs to the individual," Nadler said in his opening remarks. "She may consult with her doctor or her loved ones to inform that decision, but the decision belongs to her. ... Bodily autonomy is a prerequisite for liberty."

Committee ranking member Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) disagreed with Nadler and said a person could not have real freedom if they were not guaranteed a right to live.

"You never have a real liberty, you never have true freedom if government won't protect your most fundamental right: your right to live," Jordan said.
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Knock-Knock Jokes
may have originated in
Shakespeare's "Macbeth."

Modern English wouldn’t be the same without William Shakespeare. Thanks to the Bard’s plays and sonnets, more than 1,700 words have been added to our language. But Shakespeare did more than just spice up the dictionary; he may also have invented one of the world’s greatest (or worst) comedy setups — the knock-knock joke. Strangely, the joke isn’t found in one of Shakespeare’s masterful comedies.

Instead, it’s embedded within one of his darkest, most intense works.

While the Bard did include a “maternal insult” joke in his play “Titus Andronicus,” a Babylonian student etched the first known “Yo Mama” joke on a tablet 3,500 years ago. The damaged tablet was deciphered in 2012, but sadly the punchline has been lost to history.

The beginning of Act 2, Scene 3 of Macbeth, after the tortured title character has just killed King Duncan, is known as the “porter scene.” It opens with a drunken porter (or gatekeeper) at Macbeth’s castle hearing a distant knock, pretending to be the porter of “hell-gate,” and saying, “Knock, knock, knock, who’s there?” Adding a bit of comic relief, the porter imagines the arrival of a farmer, an equivocator, and a tailor, using the same “knock-knock” construction each time.

Although there’s none of the eye-rolling wordplay central to the modern knock-knock joke, this is the first known reference to a “knock, knock/who’s there” sentence structure in the context of comic relief.

Yet it wasn’t until the 1930s that the modern knock-knock joke really caught on, as a reassuringly predictable form of comedy during the Great Depression. In other words, across its 400-year history, it seems the knock-knock joke has a knack for bringing levity to dark times.
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Clayton the Moose

Clayton finds himself stuck in predicament before the big show.

Charles calls for help

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6 Things To Do When You Are Bored

Each one of us has been prey to boredom; there is only so much you can do when ideal, especially in the light of the ongoing pandemic. People are confined to the walls of their houses, and with nothing to do, many have been forced to leave their jobs, and the rest are tirelessly sitting in front of their computers working online.

Unfortunately, boredom does not set in only when a person is ideal; doing an activity for a long time can result in boredom, studying for too long can also result in boredom. The key to avoiding feeling bored is by proactively filling your time with fun and exciting activities. These activities do not have to be meaningless and simply fun. There are tons of things that you can do to relieve yourself of boredom and increase your creativity and cultivate new and fun hobbies.

So, to boost your creativity and help cultivate positive habits and hobbies, this article helps you discover ten fun and exciting things that you can do to pass the time when you feel bored. These activities are in no sense a waste of time as this helps you in either completing a task or in indulging in a fun, new activity.
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12 Amazing Nevada Secrets You
Never Knew Existed

There’s no denying that Nevada is full of surprises. Just when you thought you knew everything there is to know about the Silver State, you learn something new and interesting. Listed below are 12 of Nevada’s secrets. Some you might already be familiar with, and some just might surprise you.
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Disinformation Board Narrowly Outlasts CNN+

May 18th, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In its first big win since the inauguration in 2021, the Biden Administration announced that the Disinformation Governance Board has narrowly outlasted failed subscription program CNN+.

Citing the first bit of positive news for the White House, Disinformation Board head Nina Jankowicz announced her resignation, saying she was excited to continue fighting disinformation on TikTok by singing more lovely showtunes.

"Lasting three weeks despite receiving billions of threatening memes from Russia-backed Jack Posobiec and his followers has only galvanized my resolve to fight disinformation," sang Jankowicz to the tune of South Pacific's "I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair."

The White House released a statement thanking Jankowicz for all of her hard work defeating disinformation and wished her well in future endeavors that would surely be far, far away from any future government position. They added that the Disinformation Board was all her idea and never theirs and they actually had doubts about the whole idea in the first place but never wrote them down so you'll just have to trust them on that.

CNN's Chris Wallace could not be reached for comment as he was busy with his new gig as a cultural correspondent for a local community college television statio
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Touching: Disinformation Board Realizes The True Disinformation Was Inside Them All Along

May 18th, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a touching moment of clarity this week, personnel from the Department of Homeland Security Disinformation Governance Board realized that the true disinformation they've been looking for was inside them all along.

"All of my life, I've been searching for disinformation, only to find out that everything I've been looking for was within me from the very beginning. So ironic!" said former Disinformation Czar Nina Jankowicz. "At last, my long journey has brought me full circle, right back to the source of disinformation that was under my nose this entire time. I was the one I was looking for!" Jankowicz then turned and wiped away a single tear.

Sources say the Disinformation Board is being shut down, having completed its 3-week mission to find the source of disinformation. The government will now return to censoring and silencing opposition in secret as they've always done.

According to eyewitnesses, Jankowicz and Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas turned out the last lights in the DGB building, turning around one final time to look on their work with fondness and reflect on how our strange journeys often take us right back to where we started. "Goodbye, old friend. You've taught me so much," said Mayorkas before turning and walking into the sunset.

According to sources, Jankowicz has been offered a full-time job fact-checking memes for Snopes.
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Why It Feels So Good
To Be Scared

Why so many people love to be scared is a complex question with a complex answer.

Mass shootings. An uncertain political and economic future. Nuclear war. Spiders! On the menu of "what's scary these days," there are many threats to choose from. So it begs the question: Why would anyone want more? Why do people, in fact, pay money to be scared when there's already enough frightening stuff served up daily?

But that's exactly what tons of people do. They seek out horror movies, scary books and haunted houses. They pay to consume fear. And selling fear is an increasingly profitable pursuit.

For instance, the number of horror movies released in 1996? Just seven. In 2017? Sixty-two! And that includes Stephen King's not-at-all-funny-clown-movie "It", which to date has sold more than 36 million tickets and grossed more than $320.8 million. The other top 24 horror films of 2017 (to round out the top 25 box office performers) have sold a combined 100 million tickets, and grossed more than $600 million.

But this is nothing new. Since 1960, horror movies have taken more than $13 billion of our hard-earned dollars ($24 billion when adjusted for inflation in 2017), according to the website The Numbers, which tracks movie receipts. It's big business.

And the haunted-house industry — yes, we can call it an industry now — is also capitalizing. It grossed more than $300 million in 2013. Amusement parks, another place to find heart-racing attractions that scare so many, annually serve 375 million people in North America alone.

Of course, this brand of fear served up by horror flicks, thrill rides and even haunted houses is a specific — and in fact different — form of fear than what someone feels or deals with if they're mugged, shot at or chased by wild boars. And that's where the answer to the question — why we do this to ourselves? — lies.

Anxiety vs. Fear
First, it's important to know that there is a competing overload of various definitions (and associated nuances) of fear. Lots of people study it. Lots of people have opinions. We'll break it down into two simple types: (capital A) Anxiety, and (capital F) Fear.

Anxiety is what keeps us up at night. It's often experienced as dread. Worry. Uncertainty. Nervousness. Apprehension. And specifically, it focuses the mind on possible future events that might happen but have not yet happened: nuclear war, the end of democracy, terrorist attacks, injury or death of loved ones, a terrible breakup, the loss of finances, etc.

Fear — also described as fright, horror, terror, panic, etc. — is the much more straightforward frenemy. It derives from what is right in front of us, right now — an immediate threat to our safety. This could be a masked murderer entering our home, a rabid dog running straight for us, or that moment when we accidentally walk through a spider web. It causes significant, nearly instantaneous, fight-or-flight biological changes in us (which we'll highlight in a moment).

But further, in attempting to understand why someone would want to experience something like fear, we need to also acknowledge that it contains a subcategory, which brings about similar symptoms but with (mostly) enjoyable outcomes.

The "Fun" Behind Fear
Margee Kee is a sociologist who studies fear and is the author of the book "Scream!" She and her colleague, Greg Siegle, Ph.D., the director for the cognitive neuroscience program at University of Pittsburgh, have come up with an academic description for it: "voluntary engagement with negative high-arousal stimuli."

Or, more simply, "going to a scary movie or haunted house." And while allowing ourselves to feel the biological thrills of being scared is a part of this, the overall experience can lead to deeper meaning in our lives. In some cases, it can even provide some therapeutic value for those suffering from — you guessed it — anxiety.

Experiencing "fun scary," Kerr says, can give us "a sense of mastery over it. That can feel very gratifying. Here is a chance to feel like we've got it all within our control."

Here's how it works:

Step 1: We choose to experience a scary activity. This step, perhaps the most important, frames our entire experience. By exhibiting agency to face something scary, we are acknowledging that we are in control of it. We also realize the safety inherent in this — that if we walk into a "haunted" house, we're not going to be murdered. Not really. Right?

Step 2: Something startles us. Examples: An unseen witch makes someone stand in a very dark corner ("The Blair Witch Project"); dead twin girls demand that we come play with them forever and ever ("The Shining"); or the police tell a babysitter that the killer's calls are coming from inside the house.("When a Stranger Calls", the original).

Step 3: We experience "fight-or-flight." Danger stimuli is received by our brain, our sympathetic nervous system kicks into gear. (This is what kept the cave people away from saber-toothed lions.) Our bodies are flooded with adrenaline, dopamine, oxytocin, endorphins and more. Our heart rate, blood pressure and breathing increase. We sweat. We get goosebumps. In some cases, we scream involuntarily (or maybe voluntarily), jump and/or run for the hills. Don't worry, it's all completely natural.

Pennywise It
The movie adaptation of Stephen King's "It" has already grossed more than $321 million since being released.
"This is pedal to the metal and all systems go," Kerr says.

But, in a safe environment — one in which we choose to experience — it's important to note that it is much different than facing real danger. And that's what makes it fun.

"Even deciding to do scary, this is the protective frame we've created for ourselves," Kerr says. "In our mind, we are being open to engage with this material and suspend our disbelief. It creates a different experience than if we were, say, mugged at random. Our framing of the situation is then going to be with that in the context — screams mean fun and not fear."

And this leads to ...

Step 4: We experience satisfaction, on a biological level. Our parasympathetic nervous system kicks in, and it brings everything back down to normal: heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, sweating and the need to run far, far away.

"This can feel very relaxing," Kerr says. "It's the 'rest and digest' period. We're safe. We can sit with that and reap the benefits."

Step 5: The benefits: We share in the experience, and build relationships. "These experiences," Kerr says of haunted-house, horror-movie and roller-coaster excursions, "are often linked with friends and family. We attend with them. We're building strong bonds and a shared camaraderie. That in itself can be really gratifying. It's the stuff that nostalgia is built from."

So why do we choose to experience certain scary things? The rush, sure. But also to make our lives feel more meaningful. To make memories.

Kerr also notes that a common therapy for those who experience anxiety, that other brand of fear that consumes many of us these days is: Do something scary enough (but ultimately safe) to activate your sympathetic nervous system.

"It's a physical sensation that feels good," she says. "It gives you a mental pause. You become grounded in your body, fully distracted by something in your environment. And ultimately, you realize that you survived something. You set a challenge, and you survived. Which brings gratification."

These days, we'll take all the help we can get. Scary-clown movie, anyone?

Now That's Scary
Sometimes fear for fun can get a little too real. In 2016, Erebus Haunted Attraction in Pontiac, Michigan (one of the world's largest haunted houses) settled a lawsuit for $125,000 for injuries several customers sustained while touring the property.
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Riddle: What kind of beans can you not grow in a garden?

Answer: Jelly beans
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Jill Biden Spreads Disinformation In An Attempt To Run Cover For Joe Biden’s Baby Formula Crisis [VIDEO]
Nice try, Jill, but like much of what your husband has tried to do while in office, it appears this PSA of yours was a major fail.

MAY 18, 2022

First Lady Jill Biden is being widely slammed by American parents all over the country after she claimed that her husband, Joe Biden, is doing everything he can to end the current baby formula shortage in the United States.

Daily Mail reported that in a PSA released on Tuesday, Jill claimed that Joe is “working around the clock” to end this shortage and get parents the formula they need for their babies.

“Becoming a mom or dad means falling in love deeper than you ever thought possible and in those first few months of sleepless nights, of endless diapers and dirty dishes…and worrying about every little danger, your love can feel like the only thing that keeps you going,” Jill stated.

“I want you to know that you’re doing an incredible job—even if you don’t always feel that way. And I know you are worried about how you are going to feed your baby,” she added. “The President sees you, he hears you, and his team is working around the clock to get you what you need.”

It should be noted that this came just days after Jill’s predecessor, Melania Trump, said that she found this baby formula shortage to be “heartbreaking.” Unfortunately for Jill, this clear attempt to fire back by defending her husband appears to have blown up in her face, as social media users don’t seem to be buying what she’s selling.

One social media user commented, “What a load of c**p. Basically, you’re saying, if your baby can hang on for however long, you may have formula produced in another country? This message shares ZERO about help from the shortage. Babies cannot go without it.”

“Hey, @DrBiden @FLOTUS THEY NEED FORMULA, NOT WORDS. So please take action and get them #formula NOW!!” another social media user added, with a third writing, “Oh please. There’s no formula. Babies are hungry!”

Others attacked Jill directly, with one person commenting, “I don’t believe Jill Biden cares about children, or there wouldn’t be a formula shortage.”

“Something is very wrong with Jill Biden. She knows the awful condition of her husband and does nothing,” another user added. “Baby formula shortages don’t bother her either? #HeartlessPeople.”

Still, others called out the Biden administration for the recent revelation that a mass of baby supplies had been sent to migrant border facilities while real Americans struggle to get baby formula.

“The illegals get all of our formula, but American citizens have to rely on Biden’s scraps?” one user commented. “You people are the enemy within.”

Nice try, Jill, but like much of what your husband has tried to do while in office, it appears this PSA of yours was a major fail.

This piece was written by James Sampson on May 18, 2022. It originally appeared on and is used in The Tello Files without permission.
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Abortion Activist’s Brain Malfunctions And Short Circuits After Just One Opposing Question [VIDEO]
I want people to be able to kill their babies 'Full stop'

MAY 18, 2022

The fallout from the leaked Supreme Court document showing the Justices overturning Roe v. Wade continues to play out on national television as liberal activists and Democrats believe the ruling could lead to abortion being banned nationwide. Although the ruling, if overturned, would make abortion a state issue, the protesters appear focused on making sure a woman has the right to get an abortion anywhere she pleases. At the same time, the mainstream media blamed the GOP for trying to strip women of their rights.

On Wednesday, the debate made it to the House Judiciary Committee. One of the members asking questions was Republican Representative Mike Johnson, who found it incredibly hard to get a straight answer on the limits of abortion.

In the video, which can be watched below, Rep. Johnson asked Aimee Arrambide if abortion should be legal at all stages. It should be noted that on Arrambide’s Twitter, she shares a website for those seeking abortions. Still, the Republican continued, “So abortion should be allowed in, by your definition, for any reason, for any purpose at any stage, right?”

Not answering the question directly, Arrambide stated that it was up to a woman to decide that, and she trusted people to consult their doctor beforehand. “I trust people to make decisions about their body, and then when relevant, I think that they need to consult their medical practitioners.”

Not trying to push an agenda but only wanting to understand the reasoning behind late-stage abortions, Johnson asked, “If it is not lawful and morally acceptable to take the life of a 10-year-old child…And a two-year-old child, same thing, that would be murder. We would all agree that’s wrong.

Then what is the principal distinction between a human being that is two years old? Or nine months old? Or one-week-old or an hour old than one that is eight inches further up the birth canal in the uterus? What’s the difference? Why is it okay in the latter case and not the former cases?”

Again, not willing to discuss the issue with the Republican, Arrambide reiterated her initial statement. “I trust people to determine what to do with their own body.”

As the debate continues, the Department of Homeland Security is already bracing for a surge in protests and violence if the ruling is overturned. In a statement, they wrote, “DHS is committed to protecting Americans’ freedom of speech and other civil rights and civil liberties, including the right to peacefully protest.

DHS is also committed to working with our partners across every level of government and the private sector to share timely information and intelligence, prevent all forms of violence, and to support law enforcement efforts to keep our communities safe.”
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An important update on Twitter censorship

The Babylon Bee <>

Thu, May 19 at 9:13 AM

Readers of the Bee,

As most of you know by now, we've been locked out of Twitter for the past couple of months because we allegedly violated their "hateful conduct" policy with this joke.

We appealed Twitter's ruling, but they denied our appeal. The only way they'll restore our account is if we admit we engaged in hateful conduct and delete our violative tweet.

We've steadfastly refused.

There was nothing hateful about our joke. In fact, our joke was reinforcing an important, objective truth — and truth is not hate speech.

We haven't tweeted in two months. There's a chance we'll never tweet again. It's certainly not a given at this point that Musk's acquisition of Twitter will go through. But we'll be alright either way. We understood that our refusal to delete the tweet could result in the forfeiture of our Twitter account. We were willing to take that risk because someone, at some point, had to be willing to. We have to stop letting woke tyrants bully us into silence and submission. We have to be willing to push back on them and insist that 2 and 2 make 4. We have to be willing to defend reality and our right to accurately describe it. We have to be willing to defend our right to speak freely and tell jokes.

But there's another reason we were willing to take this risk. That reason is you, our loyal readers and subscribers.

If it weren't for our paid subscribers, we wouldn't have the financial footing to take this stand. We'd be too dependent on Big Tech to drive traffic and revenue. But with thousands of loyal supporters in our corner, we'll have the revenue we need to cover our costs and keep going — with or without Twitter.

When the Babylon Bee launched, our goal was to make people laugh. We never expected to find ourselves on the frontlines of a battle for the preservation of freedom and the restoration of sanity. But here we are, and we're asking you to join us. If you value freedom, truth, and sanity, please consider becoming a paid subscriber to the Babylon Bee. Humor is a vehicle for truth delivery; we need your help to keep that vehicle moving.

We're so fortunate to have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that our readers have our back. Because of our subscribers' willingness to chip in and stand with us, we're in a much stronger position than we would be otherwise. Because of their support, we don't need to worry so much about our dependence on Twitter and the other Big Tech platforms. Will you subscribe today and join the ranks of those who are making this possible?

It was true before and it's true now: The greatest accomplishment on Twitter isn't going viral, or building a huge following — it's getting banned for saying something true. We're proud to stand up for the truth and for the right to speak freely in the public square, and we're deeply appreciative of each and every one of you who commits to standing with us.

I'll leave you with a favorite quote of mine that speaks to our mission here at the Babylon Bee:

"Make them laugh, and while their mouths are open, pour truth in." — Harold Clurman

With your help, we'll continue doing just that. Thank for your loyal readership and support.

Seth Dillon

Count me in. I want to support the Babylon Bee.
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I support you on my blog

Ron Tello <>

Thu, May 19 at 10:24 AM

I have no money, but I can still Blog!

The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)

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Babylon Bee <>
Ron Tello

Thu, May 19 at 10:30 AM

Thank you! | Subscribe or Shop

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On May 19, 2022, 1:24 PM EDT wrote:

I have no money, but I can still Blog!

The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)

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Bill Maher mocks the left's ABSURD sexuality-gender obsession with 'pride flag' parody

'96 different Pride flags are just not enough'
May 19, 2022 

HBO host Bill Maher took aim at the left's ridiculous obsession with sexual orientation and "pride flags" with a little absurdity of his own on a recent episode of "Real Time with Bill Maher."

Maher shared a video clip from his show on Twitter with the caption "Gay pride month is coming up, and we feel at @RealTimers that 96 different Pride flags are just not enough."

In the clip, Maher shared a graphic of "96 pride flags" to represent supposed "sexual orientations," such as Sapiosexual, Rubber Pride, Lithromantic, and Queerplatonic.

"But we feel, at Real Time here, that this is not enough. I'm sorry, it's very exclusionary," Maher joked. "There are some other groups that should be represented. Would you like to see their flags?" he asked, receiving enthusiastic applause.

Maher went on to share his own ridiculous pride flags, including Quasi-homo-modo-sexual, Canisexual, Retrosexual, Literosexual, Doofusexual, and more.

Critics on Twitter gave Maher mixed reviews:
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33 Useful Items That Should Be In Your Bug Out Bag

Everybody has their own idea about the most important things to include in a bug out bag. Different strokes, different folks. But whatever items you choose, make sure a lot of them are multipurpose items.

Your bug out bag might not seem very heavy, but after carrying it all day, it will begin to seem like the heaviest thing you've ever held. Multipurpose items can help you reduce the number of items you need to pack, thus making your bag lighter.

The list below includes some of the most useful survival items you can get your hands on. You don't necessarily have to put all of these items into your bug out bag—as I said, you don't want it to be too heavy. But I encourage you to seriously consider each item. Take your location and personal needs into account and decide whether they're worth including.

The list below includes some of the most useful survival items you can get your hands on. You don’t necessarily have to put all of these items into your bug out bag—as I said, you don’t want it to be too heavy. But I encourage you to seriously consider each item. Take your location and personal needs into account and decide whether they’re worth including.

For most of the items, I added a link to an article or video (most of them on this site) where you can learn more about the many uses for them. Okay, let’s get on with it…

1. Aluminum Foil
Don’t pack an entire roll (which would be heavy). Instead, fold up a few sheets and slip it into one of your bag’s pockets. You can use it to catch fish, start a fire, boil water, cook food, signal for help, and much more.

2. Bandanas
Bandanas are lightweight and can be tied to your pack if you are worried about them taking up space. And there are nearly 100 survival uses for them.

3. Bobby Pins
Bobby pins aren’t just for old ladies. A small package can be stashed in your bag without taking up much space. Use the pins to keep your hair out of your face or as tiny pry sticks that could be used to scrape bark for tinder.

4. Bottled Water
Keeping a bottle of water in your bug out bag is crucial, but once it is empty, that bottle will serve a multitude of purposes. Don’t toss it out!

5. Carabiners
I use these to hook items to my bug out bag, but they’re also great for building shelter, hanging a clothesline, tenderizing meat, keeping ropes/cords together, and so forth.

6. Chap Stick
Chapstick is a luxury that can mean the difference between dry, cracked, painful lips or healthy lips. But it can also be used for miscellaneous things like starting fires and making candles.

7. Clothes Pins
Obviously, these are great for drying clothes, but you can also use them to organize small items, label cords, fix glasses, make tinder, clip bags closed, and more.

8. Coffee Filters
These are surprisingly useful. You can use them to pre-filter water, start a fire, make a bandage, and organize small items like seeds, berries, nails, screws, tinder, and more.

9. Condoms
Condoms aren’t just for their intended purpose. There are many surprising uses for them that make them worth packing in your bag.

10. Cotton Swabs
Some cotton swabs, better known as Q-tips, can be used to clean a small cut, cut off to use as tinder, or used to clean a gun barrel.

11. Duct Tape
Duct tape has long been a favorite of preppers. Buy a roll and keep it in your pack. You can stuff gear into the center of the hole if you are worried about losing any space. There are literally hundreds of uses for duct tape.

12. Empty Pill Bottles
Empty pill bottles are an excellent vessel to store Vaseline soaked cotton balls, dried moss, or even matches. Once you’ve used up what’s inside, you can save the bottle and use it for a variety of other purposes.

13. Floss
While oral health is important, there are many uses for floss besides keeping your teeth and gums in good shape. Building shelter, mending clothes, setting traps, and even stitching wounds.

14. Folding Shovel
A folding shovel isn’t exactly small, but it does fold down to about 6 inches. A shovel with a serrated edge is perfect for cutting large branches. Use it to dig a hole for a fire pit or a hole for taking care of bathroom business.

15. Glow Sticks
Glow sticks are cheap, but they are very useful. If you have kids in your bug out party, have each kid wear a glow stick so you can keep track of them. The larger sticks can be used to light up a camp or illuminate the inside of your shelter.

16. Hatchet
A hatchet is even more versatile than a knife. It can be used for splitting or chopping wood, chopping ice, digging, cutting, or self-defense. Some hatchets even come with a hammer installed on the opposite side of the blade, which can become invaluable for shelter building (especially if you bring nails too).

17. Knife
A knife is a standard piece of equipment in any survival situation. Make sure you have one tucked away that is full-tang and durable enough to serve multiple purposes. The knife should have a handle that gives you a good grip and not one that will easily slide out of your hand. Little multipurpose knives are not going to cut it.

18. Mylar Blankets
Mylar survival blankets are about the size of a wallet, but once you open them up, you are looking at a lot of possibilities. Always carry at least two. They are flimsy, and reusing them is not always easy.

19. Pantyhose
Old pantyhose or even a new cheap pair is a great way to keep small gear organized. The pantyhose can be used as cordage or part of a filtering system after you’ve collected water.

20. Paper Clips
Paper clips are tiny and weigh almost nothing, but they’re very useful in a survival situation. Keep some stashed away in one of the pockets of your bug out bag.

21. Paracord
Paracord is another staple of any bug out bag. You can wear a paracord bracelet, belt, lanyard, or carry a length in your pack. Paracord has numerous uses that could save your life.

22. Plastic Bags
Tuck some of these into your bug out bag to use for keeping gear dry, wrapping over your shoes to keep your feet dry, collecting water via transpiration, and so forth.

23. Ponchos
Keep at least one poncho in your bug out bag. Ponchos obviously keep you dry, but they can be used for a variety of other purposes as well.

24. Safety Pins
Safety pins are great for hanging items from your pack, off your jacket, or keeping a tent door closed. Keep several of varying sizes in your pack.

25. Shoelaces
Shoelaces are easy to get your hands on. Put a pair in your pack to replace broken strings on your boots, to use as a belt, or to use as a sling.

26. Soda Cans
Because soda cans are made from aluminum, you can use them to make a mini stove, fishing hooks and lures, an emergency whistle, a signaling mirror, a mini shovel, a candle holder, and more.

27. Socks
You should have extra socks in your bug out bag anyway, but you should know that socks can also be used to pre-filter water, make a dust mask, organize small items, tie things together, or even make a weapon by filling one with rocks.

28. Super Glue
A couple of tubes of super glue is going to be very helpful. You can use it to close a cut on your skin or repair a flapping shoe sole.

29. Tampons
Tampons are probably already a part of any woman’s bag, but they can be used for a number of other things as well. A bloody nose can easily be stopped with a tampon or you can shred the cotton material and use them as tinder.

30. Tarp
Tarps are a little bulky, but you can roll one up and attach it to the bottom or top of your pack. They are great for throwing up a shelter, making a stretcher, carrying supplies, etc.

31. Trash Bags
Large kitchen trash bags can be transformed into a comfy mattress or used to clean up your campsite. Cleanliness will be doubly important during a major disaster.

32. Zip Ties
Zip ties can be picked up at the dollar store, but they are truly invaluable. Using zip ties to repair your gear or hold bandages in place are just some of the uses.

33. Ziploc Bags
Ziploc sandwich bags are perfect for keeping your gear dry and organized, gathering wild edibles, collecting water, and more.

Final Thoughts
Think carefully about what you put in your bug out bag and don’t waste any space whatsoever. Choose items that can be used in many different ways. You’ll be glad you did.

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Rim Everything

Ron Tello Culley
Hi all. In need of professional advice concerning legality and code on a woodstove in a garage. County hack says we have to remove the chimney where stove no longer sets. Sugarloaf homeowner thanks you in advance.

Tammy Stevenson
Check with county code to see if new wood stoves are allowed. I believe code now only allows gas, not wood, for many homes

Ron Tello Culley
Links? Our burner is sort-of Grandfathered.

Tammy Stevenson
Ron Tello Culley Call County or City code. I can't remember the details. As I recall, the change went into effect January 2020 or 2021.

Jorgik Jojo Davoodians
You can install wood stove . It has to be EPA certified . I just install one in my cabin in bigbear lake on new construction with permit and inspection.
Wood stove has to be EPA certified and chimney pipes has to be type A . ( 3 ple wall ) . I can send you specs if you interested.

Ron Tello Culley
Please do. PM me for address, thx!

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Seriously, of all the troubling news about today's kids,
is this what you need to mix it up?
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Fauci Reveals SIMPLE Way We Can Make Him Quit His Job

Trump is Re-Elected
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Does the government have the power to tell you what to say?

The Babylon Bee <>

Thu, May 19 at 2:35 PM

The Babylon Bee
Please read the message below from our paid sponsor. While the views of this sponsor don’t necessarily reflect those of the Babylon Bee, occasional paid messages like these help us continue bringing you the content you love.

Dear Friend,

It's no secret that the freedom to speak freely is under direct threat from activists and government officials.

Americans are censoring themselves more and more. Because the message that has been sent is clear: Dissent will be punished.

Logic Is An Enemy And Truth Is A Menace.

If you value the right to speak freely, there's a case the U.S. Supreme Court will hear this fall that you should know about.

And I'm hoping you will rush a gift of $35, $50, $75, or even $100 today to help defend your fellow American-and your free speech.

Like other artists, Alliance Defending Freedom client and Colorado web designer Lorie Smith serves all types of people, but she cannot design websites promoting every message that's requested of her.

For example, she can't create art that promotes certain political messages, atheism, or casinos. She also can't design anything that is un-American, degrades people who identify as LGBT, or disrespects someone's faith.

After learning about a speech-compelling Colorado law-and seeing her state victimize cake artist Jack Phillips, comparing him to slave holders and Nazis for living out his belief that marriage is the union of one man and woman-Lorie knew what the government was capable of.

Can the government control what you say? Can it force you to say things you don't believe?

According to the State of Colorado-yes.

That's why Lorie has stepped up to challenge the law. You don't lose your freedom of speech when you choose to make a living.

Lorie has taken her case to the U.S. Supreme Court, standing up for all Americans' precious right to free speech.

"The threat to me is real," Lorie says. "And I will continue to be censored unless a higher court steps in to make this right."

Alliance Defending Freedom is the largest legal organization committed to defending religious freedom, free speech, the right to life, parental rights, and God's design for marriage and the family.

We represent everyday Americans like you who are fighting for freedom, and we defend their cases all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, if needed.

Cases that go all the way to the Supreme Court can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars-sometimes even more-from beginning to end. But we don't charge clients like Lorie to defend them in court. We depend upon the generosity of you and other concerned Americans to provide every dollar needed!

Will you make a gift of $35 or more right now to help defend Lorie and other Americans who are standing for free speech?

You see, for well over a decade, ADF has represented artists who have been willing to stand for their faith and the free speech rights of all Americans.

During that time, some of our clients have faced the loss of their livelihoods while others have been threatened with potential jail time.

No one should be forced to express a message that violates their core beliefs. Jack, Lorie, and other creative professionals have counted the cost and courageously, winsomely, and faithfully bore witness to the Truth of the Gospel and our God-given rights, guaranteed by our Constitution.

In Jack's case, Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, the Supreme Court held that the government violated Jack's rights to freely exercise his faith. The state displayed blatant hostility toward his religious beliefs.

But the Supreme Court's decision didn't address Jack's free speech rights.

In Lorie's case, the Court has agreed to consider that unresolved issue: whether the government can compel an artist's speech. And we are praying for a landmark victory for free speech.

It's critical, because governments across the country are threatening artists like Lorie with six figure fines and jail time for expressing their beliefs.

The government's responsibility is to protect freedom, not take it away. It has no power to purge ideas and censor protected speech.

As the ACLU warns, "Once you allow the government to censor someone else, you cede to it the power to censor you. Censorship is like poison gas...that can harm you when the wind shifts."

Now is the time to stand against government coercion.

Lorie won't be charged a dime for her defense. But that's only possible when you give. Will you make a gift of $35, $50, $75, $100, or more today?

For Free Speech,

Jonathan Scruggs
Senior Counsel
Director of the Center for Conscience Initiatives

P.S. Free speech is for everyone. You shouldn't be forced to say something you don't believe. Our top-tier, First Amendment litigation team is ready to defend your constitutional rights at all levels of the court system. But we can't take action in these battles without you standing by our side with financial support. We must stand together. Click here to make your best gift, today.
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Here's a surprise!

What fun!

Gene Krupa "Sing, Sing, Sing" on The Ed Sullivan Show.

The small cymbal on his kit is a "Zildjian 7" Paper Thin Splash".

I own it.

Got it on eBay.

dg. ebay Krupa Splash

Sun, Sep 10, 2006 at 11:08 AM

Hi, congratulations and thanks for bidding on and winning my auction(s).  Please send a money order or cashiers check for $390.00 to me at:
Billy Young
81 N. Hayden Bay Drive
Portland, OR  97217
Please include with your payment a short note of what item(s) you won and the auction number(s).
Thanks again, Billy

eBay sent this message to Ron Culley (898sarahg).
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   Congratulations, the item is yours. Please pay now!   
Dear 898sarahg,

Congratulations! You committed to buy the following item:

Sale price:   $380.00
Quantity:   1
Subtotal:   US $380.00
Shipping & Handling:   check with seller
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Details for Item number: 140026147344
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Sale Date:   Sunday, Sep 10, 2006, 11:06:25 PDT
Seller:   kickswithsticks ( [contact seller]
Payment details:   Payment is by US money order or cashiers check only.
Seller Information
Billy Young
Portland, OR 97217 United States
Your shipping address [update]

Ron Culley
500 Front Street
Montello, NV 89830 United States

I will be sending payment of US $390.00 shortly for eBay item #140026147344, ZILDJIAN 1946 "GENE KRUPA" PAPER THIN 7" SPLASH CYMBAL!
dg. ebay Krupa Splash

eBay Member: 898sarahg <>

Sun, Sep 10, 2006 at 11:32 AM

I will be sending payment of US $390.00 for my item.

Dear kickswithsticks,

I will be sending payment of US $390.00 via Money Order/CashierCheck shortly.

Hey Billy! Here's WIZDOM: Be sure your mail recepticle is SECURE to accept my Money Order... Recently I dealt with a seller who got ripped off at the curbside mailbox & my MO vanished. Turns out it was an INSIDE JOB by the dude's Irma Grese girlfriend & she left town. I advised the guy to send in The Feds on this caper, for the Law clearly states: Thou shalt not felafel with the Post Office. So, LOCK YER BOX: My MO is comin' to ya soon! THX
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What we know about the new monkeypox outbreak

Note: Monkeypox is more common and locally transmitted in west and central Africa;
A monkeypox outbreak in several European countries and one U.S. state may become the largest outbreak of the virus outside of Africa, but it's not likely to cause a global pandemic like COVID, an infectious disease expert tells Axios.
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Biden Using Affirmative Action for Diplomatic Assignments

As America’s diplomatic challenges in Eastern Europe and around the world continue to mount, the Biden administration has decided to replace merit with “woke” qualifications and skin color in making promotions in international relations departments.

The State Department has used the standardized Foreign Service Officer Test for many years in making hiring and promotion decisions involving diplomats. The test has been designed to be very difficult and based on objective criteria. The radicals in charge of the Biden White House are changing that process in the name of “diversity” and achieving quotas.
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About The Tello Files

The Tello Files scours hundreds of stories each day with one goal in mind.

We want you to be entertained and informed about breaking news, important issues impacting the United States, local, national and international events, the political spectrum and corruption, the failing economy, smee and anything else that's stupid which may impact your day and life.

We care about you, but sometimes it's difficult to tell. Everybody has Hang-Ups, so shut up and don't sweat it. Cool.

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Fed’s Plan For Inflation Will Kill The Economy: Is A Recession Inevitable?
– Steve Forbes -

The notion that the Federal Reserve should try to manage how the economy performs is dangerous nonsense. News flash to the Fed: Prosperity doesn’t cause inflation; creating too much money and undermining the dollar’s value does! Is a recession ahead inevitable? Steve Forbes on the Fed’s plans to slow inflation that will ultimately kill the economy.
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