Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2929894 times)


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I found a great new XXX site called


My cares are minimalized.

Spiritual events are a lazy man's journey to commercialism in the name of some Lord, INC.

I trust dirt. It is consistent and duzzint talk back,
unless there's a slide.

Got any pot I can buy?
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:tello: " I got this one in the .177 Air Gun! "

Authentic size, feel and weight. Visually menacing.
Put an eye out. Beat 'em on the head.

When holstered in plain view, I appear to be the Bloke
you don't wanna pizz orf.

It works!

Yes, "Appearances" are 3% of your survival plan.
Fake 'em out before they take you out.

I'm NOT a Prepper. I am a Journalist. Sharing the Collective Grief in a Newsie
Kind Of Way.
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If I were to post happy things about The Status Quo, I'd be a
Staff Member of Tabloid

So you see the barriers that I busted thru.
And the lies I am not entrusted to.

Every stupid thing is sacred
and all the haters are livid.
The Greatest Post of all
is just a sadness away.

And if the pix are b/w, are ya gonna whinge about that, too?
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So how about it, Tess......


It's a Brain Bump Rodeo on TelloVision.

It's what yer looking at.

And a million other great Handles, Slogans and Catch Phrases.

The time is never right, so why bother now?

Pardon me. My Show., you know.......

No, there's Housekeeping issues lingering here.

And Soylent Green is Paisley.
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And Soylent Native Jerky is panther.
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Yeah, I mite not get away with all of this
so I need to arrest everybody for CONTEMPT.

Take a number and obey.

Yeah, OK there I said it:


DNA doesn't match the sample from the Studio....
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I'm not a consumer of CrossWord Puzzels, but.....
if I change my name again, I can hide in them.
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Goddamm even I, Tello can recognize Telloesque Textshure on a flat screen.

That ^ was a Banner Moment, yes.
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So, again: How do you live with yourself?
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The Question Biden Won’t Answer

It's not just generals who are always prepared to fight the last war. President Biden's April 14 announcement that U.S. forces will leave Afghanistan before the 20th anniversary of 9/11 has a long and complicated backstory. Biden said his decision will allow America to put this violent and ambiguous past behind it, to retire the frameworks that conditioned its foreign policy for a generation, and to focus its energies on the competition with China.
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10 Black Inventors You Should Know

The United States' history of creating (and legally protecting) new technology is almost as old as the country itself. Although patents were granted earlier under British governance, the U.S. Congress created its first Patent Act in 1790.

Within three months, President George Washington had signed off on the first patent awarded under the new government. Americans of all backgrounds have contributed to technological advancements since then, but not all were able to patent their work — or even claim credit for it.

Early patent law barred many Black inventors from protecting their work on the basis of citizenship; enslaved people were not considered citizens and therefore were excluded from patent rights. In part because of that, many Black inventors have been lost to history’s recollection of early scientific advancements. Here are a few such visionaries whose works have changed our world.
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And don't give me "Runaway Slaves on a Soap Rope."
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The most current, yet disturbing story out of
The Twilight Zone Collection is
the episode entitled "The Shelter".

Again, the Enemy is within.
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Confinity was a tech company founded in 1998. It lasted just two years, but there was a good reason for that: Confinity was the company that created PayPal. The massively successful money transfer platform eventually took over the whole business; a merger with Elon Musk's killed off Confinity, and the newly merged company switched its name to "PayPal" after some corporate restructuring. PayPal was later purchased by eBay in 2002, though the two split again in 2015. These days, the old "Confinity" name is just a bit of trivia.

Source: Medium | Date Updated: April 13, 2021
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Mike Lindell Reveals Date of Frank Launch

“I’ve spent millions of dollars making it the most secure, we’re gonna be able to handle the capacity, your everything’s gonna be the most secure, we’re gonna be attacked, but I have my own servers and everything. We’re not gonna be worried about Amazon taking it down, or YouTube or Google, or Apple,” Lindell explained.
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Momentum building to block vaccine passports

Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel <>
Ron Culley

Fri, Apr 16 at 11:08 AM

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) introduced a new bill in Congress that bans government agencies from creating vaccine passports. It also bans their use as a requirement to enter federal property. Already, 13 states, eight of which are Republican-controlled, have bills to prohibit vaccine passports.

The momentum is building. And now is the time to capitalize on it! Unfortunately, introducing a bill does nothing to protect your rights ... unless it becomes law. Right now, in 48 states, we have no protections against vaccine passports that will crush our freedom.

There are 12 states that are completely controlled by Republicans that have done nothing to block vaccine passports. We have a short window of time. Most states are finishing up their legislative work for the year. If we want protection, we need it now. Demand freedom at all levels of government through your urgent fax to these decision-makers: Click here or the button below.
— Mat


We can win this battle. Liberty Counsel sent all Republican governors a sample executive order that, if signed, will stop vaccine passports. Even if you have faxed before, now that these governors have this document, it is crucial to fax, petition and call them until they take action!

Republican-controlled states that have active bills to block vaccine passports include AZ, AR, IA, MO, MT, NE, OH and TN. Republican-controlled states that appear to have taken no legislative or executive action include AL, GA, ID, MS, NH, ND, OK, SC, SD, UT and WV.

We should never be forced to carry a vaccine or digital health passport to live in America. We need your help to end this now. The governors and legislators need to hear from you!

California has announced that it will allow large groups to meet ONLY if private organizers require participants to show proof of being vaccinated or submit to a recent COVID test (which is often inaccurate).

Orange County, CA, even announced it was launching a vaccine passport. When the community pushed back, County Health Care Agency Director Clayton Chau said the digital passport "can be useful because private businesses may require customers to be vaccinated."

We have seen this in China, Israel and now here in the U.S. The Pentagon has announced it is close to deploying a body implant that will monitor recipients' blood and report the results.

Coercion, whether by government or private industry, is designed to use freedom as a "carrot."

California officials want "to shape at least some reopening privileges around the vaccine—an unsettling concept for some," the Mercury News reported.

We recently addressed Biden's press secretary's lie that there will be no federal vaccine passport. But we have the actual PowerPoint presentation given March 2, 2021, by the Biden administration to federal agencies to move forward with mandatory vaccine passports.

Whether vaccine passports are mandated by government or government pressures private industry to do its bidding—it's the same thing!

If you are good little peasants and jump through all the government hoops, the state of California will allow you to sit beside someone else who has also jumped through all their hoops.

But we have the constitutional right to assemble, work and worship without a digital health or vaccine passport!

Stand up and demand the freedom our forefathers died to give us with your fax today. Let freedom ring again in America!

This COVID injection is different than any vaccine up to this point. Much about it has become politicized, censored and distorted. Some of my friends in health care have told me how they are pressured to list COVID as the cause of death for people who did not die of COVID—including murder victims.

One friend who works as a medical scribe said she has been instructed to not chart that a patient presenting at the ER had taken the COVID shot.

The push for vaccine passports was developed long before COVID, is not limited to COVID and will continue after COVID. This is about control—forcing your medical decisions and using freedom as a carrot. The truth is you lose your freedom by submitting to a vaccine passport—which will include tracking and tracing your every move.

We are building momentum. We cannot miss this opportunity to stop digital health and vaccine passports! Tell the governors and legislators NO VACCINE PASSPORT. NO TRACKING AND TRACING APP.

We are fighting for freedom on many fronts. On Monday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom repealed all capacity restrictions on churches just a few hours before he had to respond to the Court of Appeals in our Harvest Rock Church case.

This is a great victory, but we are not finished. We want to permanently quarantine rogue governors so that they never issue these unconstitutional restrictions again. We need your help and your voice to magnify our collective efforts and to keep religious freedom FREE!
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Divide Grows Wide as Psaki Stereotypes All White People
as Something They are Not
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Viral Numbers Baffles Major Media as They
Get It Wrong Again

Biden’s media is grasping for information because they are confronted with a situation that defies their logic. They cannot understand why the coronavirus numbers are lower in red states than in closed-up blue states. COVID-19 has brought out the worst in people. Democratic leaders have made a mess of their states, and now they cannot understand why things are worse for everyone than before the virus hit.
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Jeff Anderson
So I guess I p*ssed a couple of people off this week...

You see, a few days ago, I expressed my growing concern about the build-up of tension around allegedly racially-motivated deaths at the hands of police officers.

I wasn't making a racial statement.  I wasn't making a political statement.

Yes, racism exists.
Yes, there are bad cops.
Yes, there is racial profiling.
Yes, people die who shouldn't have been killed.

Of course EVERYONE has the right to the due process of the law - regardless of your age, color, or socio-economic status.

Here's what I AM saying...

Words matter.

And the words I'm hearing across the entire spectrum of organized protesters... the media... and isolated spokespeople for activist groups like Black Lives Matter... are...

... "convict officers of shootings or there's going to be a WAR in the streets".

These are words we ALL need to be concerned about from a "practical protection" perspective.

Civil unrest, riots, and looting are caused by two things...

... outrage and opportunity.

As I've been reporting, the trial of Officer Derek Chauvin for the killing of George Floyd hasn't been the "slam-dunk" conviction path that proponents of racial injustice are hoping for.

Frankly, the State's prosecution team has screwed up MANY times and it's VERY possible that Officer Chauvin could go free.

If Chauvin isn't convicted as "guilty", I DO believe there's going to be a war in the streets.

We will see riots, tear gas, burning buildings, police cars on fire, buildings and businesses looted, and attacks - maybe even killings - of innocent civilians at human barricades and maybe even in homes - regardless of where you live.

Think I'm overreacting?

I hope so.

But Lauren Victor - the 49 y.o. woman who was surrounded by an angry mob of BLM protesters, while eating at an outdoor table at a restaurant, because she wouldn't raise her hand in solidarity...

25 y.o. Berlinda Nibo - the black woman physically attacked by a pro-Trump mob as she was simply trying to walk home because she wouldn't remove her mask at their taunting...

The Milwaukee residents who had rocks and bricks thrown indiscriminately through their front windows as BLM rioters plowed through their front lawns...

The mother of Secoria Turner - the 8 y.o. girl who was shot in the backseat of the car as they tried to navigate through a human roadblock of protesters following a fatal police shooting...

And the McCloskeys, who saw a mob forcibly break into their "rich people" neighborhood to "make a statement"...

I don't think any of these innocent victims would think I'm overreacting.

Neither should you.

At Warrior Life, we believe in being Self-Made... Self-Reliant... and Self-Protected!

I don't care what color you are... who you voted for... or what you think about who should be put behind bars.

Death and destruction doesn't discriminate.

When a crisis hits, YOU are the only one you can count on.

And if there IS a "war in the streets" coming, you and I both know that you can't count on the police to be there to protect you and your family.

THEY will be positioned around city government buildings and police stations to protect the centers of the infrastructure.

They won't be able to stop the rocks being thrown... the buildings being looted... or any attack you may be subject to if you suddenly find your area engulfed in chaos.

That's on YOU my friend and fellow "warrior".
My goal is only to give you the tools to be able to stay safe and protect those you love.
And I've decided that next week, I'm going to show you EXACTLY how to do that.

I don't have all the details for you just yet, but I'll get word out at the beginning of the week.

Until then...

Prepare. Train. Survive.
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Convicted Criminals Crossing the Border Explodes to 380% in One Sector
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Who does she think she is?!

Chelsea Clinton Wants Tucker Carlson Banned From Facebook

Chelsea Clinton wants Facebook to ban Tucker Carlson from the platform over a post in which the Fox News host seemingly calls into question the effectiveness of COVID vaccines.

Clinton quote-tweeted a message from Jesse Lehrich, a former spokesman for her mother Hillary, which claimed the top post on Facebook is “about vaccines today” and “Tucker Carlson suggesting they don’t work.”

The post includes a monologue from Carlson in which he states: “If the vaccine is effective, there is no reason for people who have received the vaccine to wear masks or avoid physical contact.”

He adds, “So maybe it doesn’t work and they’re simply not telling you that.”

Chelsea wasn’t pleased to see such a statement circulating on social media.

“In December, [Facebook] banned claims about [COVID-19] vaccines ‘that have been debunked by public health experts,'” she said.
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Who gets ‘credit’ for sparking the pandemic?

Peter Navarro has a good track record.

As a prognosticator, he is always on target.

Especially so when the subject is China. He’s an expert on China.

Navarro, who was an assistant to President Donald Trump, is pointing fingers at Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health as having “significant responsibility” for the global pandemic that killed over 500,000 Americans, caused tens of millions of Americans to join unemployment lines and squandered trillions of dollars in wealth from the American economy.
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This state required vaccines to cross its border

Mat Staver, LC Action Chairman <>
Ron Culley

Thu, Apr 15 at 9:36 AM

Twelve-year-old kids are being forced to take the COVID vaccine or they will be banned from playing baseball at the National Baseball Hall of Fame. Our world is about to get much smaller if we don't push back on this government intrusion into private decisions.

A Texas team prepared for three years to travel to Cooperstown, New York, to play in a tournament. They spent "about $17,000 booking flights, rental homes and buying equipment," but the team just got a letter demanding each player "must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination."

This is much bigger than a game. A tournament win could mean scholarships, employment, travel, and more for these players. In some nations, and now here in the U.S., your freedom to move about could be tied to your vaccination status! We must push back on this overreach!

The federal government is putting pressure on states, organizations, businesses, and federal departments to force people to get COVID injections. But some states are pushing back. Montana just announced a ban on vaccine passports. We are making progress. We must act now. Your urgent fax could open up the freedom for all families to make the best decision for them. — Mat


Members of the Texas Drillers baseball team fell victim to the push for mandatory COVID vaccines—despite the lies coming out of the White House. On April 6, 2021, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said, "The government is not now, nor will be, supporting a system that requires Americans to carry a [vaccine] credential."

However, on March 2, 2021, the Federal Heath IT Coordinating Council launched a "COVID-19 Vaccine Credentials Discussion" that documents how this is happening across multiple federal agencies directly under the White House's oversight!

This federal PowerPoint document makes the following statements:

"Vaccine Credentials—A Key Element of Recovery Efforts: Proof of vaccination for certain activities is not new. What is new is that such proof may be a critical driver for restoring baseline population health and promoting safe return to social, commercial and leisure activities."
Its goal is the "coordination and alignment of vaccine credential activities across HHS agencies."
" ... for an individual's return to day-to-day activities. Federal government will inevitably be involved with vaccine credential solutions. ... "
"Federal entities, like their commercial counterparts, will likely require vaccine verification for a variety of purposes."
This federal group "will build a shared database of initiatives and contacts for future meetings as well as a resource for Federal agencies to work with each other."
"The VA [Veterans Affairs] Office of Information Technology is engaged with the Vaccine Credential Initiative. We are implementing a VA-issued vaccine credential."
"Will there be Federal uses?" It lists places that ask for vaccine passports such as "International and domestic travel," "Access to Federal facilities," "Access to VA/DOD and military facilities" and "Federal health care providers for continuity of care."
It is a "forum for raising awareness of initiatives across Federal agencies ... and communicating progress to the White House."
Biden and his press secretary are lying. There is an active government program working domestically and internationally to push a vaccine passport that will report its progress directly to the White House!

Vaccine passports are a serious threat! We must fight for the freedom to travel, shop, dine, work, and worship. Your health decisions must not be dictated by government or corporations. Demand our freedom now. Tell Governors and legislators NO TO MANDATORY VACCINE PASSPORTS AND TRACKING APPS by sending an urgent fax today.

What is at stake? Former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer Dr. Mike Yeadon said it is "entirely possible [the COVID injection] will be used for massive-scale depopulation." He warns, "I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil (not a determination I've ever made before in a 40-year research career) and dangerous products."

Dr. Yeadon was the first one to raise awareness of the potential for this vaccine to cause miscarriages and infertility. Already 81 miscarriages have been reported right after these injections. Sadly, this number is rising almost daily.

Whether you've received, or want to receive, the COVID shot or not—it is critical to demand that this injection remains the free choice of the individuals. Stand up and send your fax demanding our governors and federal legislators stand against vaccine passports and tracking and tracing apps.

We continue to fight to protect freedom. Our team created a sample state executive order to distribute to sympathetic governors across the nation. We will ask them to protect your freedom to stop mandatory vaccine passports and tracking and tracing apps. Your faxes are critical to get them to act.

Our work is possible because of you! You are the reason we can fight back and protect freedom in America and around the world. Please DOUBLE the impact of your gift today through our Challenge Grant. Support Liberty Counsel Action by selecting here or the button below.

Psalm 40:13 states, "Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me; Make haste, O Lord to help me." Pray for deliverance of our nation and for our liberties.


Mat Staver
Liberty Counsel Action
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After Fauci Calls Tucker’s Vaccine Questions A ‘Conspiracy Theory,’ He Asks: ‘What Are You Telling Us?’

Fox News host Tucker Carlson asked on his program on Wednesday night why Dr. Anthony Fauci believes those who have received the COVID-19 vaccine or have recovered from having the virus must continue to adhere to restrictions.

The segment came after the White House coronavirus task force leader called Carlson’s questioning vaccine efficacy “typical, crazy conspiracy theory.”
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BLM Threatens Legal Action Against One Of Their Own Activists
After Call For Finances Investigation

The National Black Lives Matter organisation is threatening legal action against one of its own activists after he called for an independent investigation into how finances are being spent, following revelations concerning co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors’ property spending binge, and further money raking activities.

As we highlighted yesterday, Hawk Newsome, who heads up a Black Lives Matter group in Greater New York City, made the call for an investigation, telling the New York Post “If you go around calling yourself a socialist, you have to ask how much of her own personal money is going to charitable causes.”
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Most Published Doctor In His Field Says NIH Total Failure In COVID-19 Response:
Allowed Tens Of Thousands Die

Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH testifies in front of the Texas State Health and Human Services Committee on how the NIH was not interested in treating COVID-19 until people were hospitalized, and then only focused on vaccines, how and this philosophy led to tens of thousands of excess deaths.
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Biden's 5 BIG LIES

To assist his efforts to grow federal government and increase taxes he lays the deceit on quite thick.

LIE#1  - Biden recently has claimed the surge of migrants at the border is just typical.  Actual border numbers prove it’s anything but normal as the problem reaches record levels.

LIE#2 - Biden claims the recent voting security laws passed in Georgia prevent voters who work until 5PM from having the opportunity to cast ballots. Except that it doesn’t.

LIE#3 - Biden has called Georgia voting laws “Jim Crow on steroids.” This is just sick. Any analysis shows the two are nothing alike.

LIE#4 - Recently Biden has claimed that background checks are not performed at gun shows. Except for the fact that federally licensed gun dealers are required by law to perform them and they do. I guess nobody told him.

LIE#5 – Biden claims independent analysts show his “infrastructure” proposal would create over 19 million jobs.  There is no such analysis. Moody’s says it might create 2.7 million jobs – at a cost of $2.25 trillion.

It doesn’t matter how you add up these 5 big lies – the equation is quite costly for America.

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House Vote Advances Reparations Bill

The House Judiciary Committee, in a historic vote Wednesday, advanced a bill that would establish a commission to study reparations and consider a national apology for slavery.
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This is TelloVision Radio.
Request Lines are now open.

Call now!
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Ajax Liquor Store - Hudson and Landry 1971

:tello: " I heard this stuff LIVE on L.A. AM Radio in those days. This is the stuff that warped my fragile eggshell mind."

:smee!:  This may explain a lot....
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A Jewish Holocaust survivor spoke out this week about what she is seeing now ... and how it reminds her of living under Nazi rule. She wore the yellow star that identified the Jews in World War II and now has a solemn warning for you today.

"We are being tracked [and] surveyed," she said. "You know, green passports are being instituted to have an apartheid, a two-class society, one class privileged, the other reviled and discriminated against. ... Once you start having these two-class systems, you will not prevent a global Holocaust."

She is speaking out about the mandatory vaccine tracking and tracing now. Will you add your voice to advocate for freedom to make our own medical decisions? Demand liberty at both levels of government through your urgent fax to these decision-makers: Click here or the button below. - Mat


Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav is the founder and president of the Alliance for Human Research Protection. She is speaking out with a heartbreaking look at history. She sees the same freedom being stripped away now and the entanglement of political and medical ambitions that led to the oppression of the Jews and the death of her father.

This idea of having two classes of people, those with and those without COVID injections, is being pushed worldwide. She shared the following:

Nazi propaganda used fear of infectious epidemics to demonize Jews as spreaders of disease, as a menace to public health. This is a hallmark of anti-Semitism. Blame the Jewish people for existential threats. In the Middle Ages, Jews were blamed for the Bubonic Plague and the Black Plague.

Fear and propaganda were the psychological weapons the Nazis used to impose a genocidal regime. 

And today some are beginning to understand why the German people didn't rise up. Fear kept them from doing the right thing. Medical mandates today are a major step backward toward a fascist dictatorship and genocide. Government-dictated medical interventions, these undermine our dignity as well as our freedom.

First, it was vaccination mandates for children; now it's for adults. The stark lesson of the Holocaust is that whenever doctors join forces with government and deviate from their personal, professional, clinical commitment to do no harm to the individual, medicine can then be perverted from a healing, humanitarian profession to a murderous apparatus.

We are seeing this same interlacing of political and medical ambition right now in America and across the world. Sharav is warning that if radicals are successful in this worldwide reset, there will be nowhere to run or hide against the dehumanization of second-class citizens. 

We need to stop mandatory vaccine passports and tracking and tracing immediately! Our governors and federal legislators need to hear from you urgently to demand this freedom be protected now!

Sharav also discussed how it was IBM and other Wall Street business elites that provided the technology Hitler needed to facilitate his regime. She doesn't mince words.

"IBM facilitated the rapid implementation of the Holocaust," she said. "Census data was contained in IBM computer punch cards. The Jews of Europe were quickly identified, rounded up, segregated, deported, tracked, imprisoned, tattooed, enslaved and exterminated. COVID-19 pandemic has exposed eugenics-driven public health polices in Western Europe and the United States. This is a chilling replay of T4," which was Hitler's extermination program.

Today, one of the first to partner with multiple U.S. federal departments under the guidance of the White House to push for "vaccine credentials" is ... IBM! The company has launched the "IBM Digital Health Pass." The federal government lists this technology as one of its top considerations to use for a vaccine passport. Again, they are working to help governments create a two-class system of privileges for those who have taken the vaccine and restriction against those who haven't.

And, Sharav warns, today's technology is "far superior to IBM's punch cards" used in the Holocaust. I want you to realize that there is NO legitimate reason to have a proof of a vaccine. The ONLY reason one would need it is to separate people into a two-class system. Two types of treatments, two sets of rules.

"The virus is being exploited to maintain a state of fear. Lockdowns have ... failed to change the course of the virus. People are being conditioned to submit passively to government dictates," Sharav said.

We must learn from the greatest evil in recent history and stand firm and command our state and federal leaders to reject a two-class system--vaccinated and unvaccinated. Raise your voice against this destruction of our freedom! Stand for freedom. Say NO TO MANDATORY VACCINE PASSPORTS AND TRACING APPS!

LC Action is committed to always fighting against government power grabs, attacks on your rights and infringement on your liberties. We stand up for truth, no matter how unpopular it is with those currently in power. 

Your donation is what makes it possible for us to expose this darkness and to offer resources to governors who want to stand against this attack on your freedoms. With your help, we can encourage our elected officials to preserve our liberties. 

Please prayerfully consider a monthly recurring donation to our organization or a one-time gift today. And DOUBLE the impact of your gift through our Challenge Grant. Support Liberty Counsel Action by selecting here or the button below.

"You will know the truth and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32). Pray for freedom in our nation and around the world!


Mat Staver
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Discover the hidden messages encoded in "fake news"

Dear Black Bag Confidential Reader,

As a young intelligence officer, I was busy learning the many ways to steal secrets from enemy foreign countries and nation-states.

I remember one of my earliest thoughts was that I would never need to read a paper or watch international news again.

Once I discovered the plethora of sources and methods of intelligence collections...

Using tools and techniques such as listening devices, satellite imagery, stealing documents, exploiting IT security gaps...

As well as buying secrets from traitors, reverse engineering devices, ground photography, round-the-clock physical surveillance, thermal imagery...

And dozens of other sophisticated ways of discovering the truth behind the secrets.

I saw how feeble and cursory traditional news reporting really is.

And I realized that "open source" news could not be trusted, relied upon, and in many cases, even believed at all.

You see, most of us live our entire lives with just a few personal secrets.

But that's because we aren't contriving to take over a country...

Or trying to deprive a population of their liberties...

Or convert democracy into tyranny, and imposing our will on others.

Therefore, we do not need to operate in the shadows, lying and concealing our true actions or intentions.

And we surely don't need to conspire with large circles of powerful, wealthy aristocrats to deceive the public while fleecing them of their dignity, independence, and future.

In the 21st century, the artificially-sourced legacy news outlets have lost their monopoly and have forfeited their role as honest brokers and unbiased reporters.

Instead of being the “Fourth Branch,” or ombudsman of our Federal Government...

They have proven to be the militant wing of the Socialist Party.

At first glance, it appears that there is zero credence in any of their reporting.

And even less truth behind their claims of reporting “news.”

But that's only true if you're using superficial considerations.

Here's what I mean...

One of the sources of reliable intelligence that I learned to glean deep truths and sacred secrets from was Pravda, which is the Soviet Union’s official news agency.

Now, before you brand me some commie sympathizer, let me explain...

Intelligence analysts are able to learn many secrets from the official news outlets or spokesmen for tyrannical regimes.

But it's obviously not by taking what they report at face value.

Instead, it's by attentively listening to what they are concealing, what they are advocating for, and what they remain silent about.

It's here where you can gather a treasure trove of useful information.

For instance, I remember when I was being trained on “How to Read and Understand Pravda.”

During training, they showed us how to interpret a Pravda news report.

The report was titled: “Soviet Grain Production Far Exceeds that of the West’s Grain Production!”

And their story reported that the nutritional quality from one ounce of Soviet Grain produced from the rich soil of the Motherland was far superior to five pounds of Western grains.

They meticulously described the incomparable quality of Motherland soil, scientific improvements to grain seed, and their advanced cultivation and harvesting technology.

They then went on to castigate Western grain products with bold and "scientifically proven” claims about the unsuitability of Western grains for human consumption.

To trained intelligence analysts and officers, this was a very clear, unintentional disclosure...

And it told analysts that their grain production was going to be far below their earlier reports to their citizens.

Using this report, their intention was to convince the Soviet proletariat that just a few ounces of Soviet grain were more nutritious and energizing than several pounds of grain harvested in the U.S.

The intelligence gleaned from this news report alerted American analysts that the Soviet Union was about to enter a period of famine due to a national insufficiency in food production.

And you can use similar tactics today as you read and watch the news.

You'll now understand how to interpret Jen Psaki and all Official White House press releases.

If they tell you that the vaccination is 100% effective, but that we still need to wear our masks and continue social distancing "just to be safe"...

You can be sure that the vaccine is not 100% reliable.

And if they tell you that the people looting and rioting and burning down the city on the screen behind them are peacefully protesting...

You can bet it is mass chaos and violence - they just don't want you to believe your own eyes.

Further, when they explain how they want to remove “assault weapons from the streets for our safety”...

Be sure it's because they want an unarmed citizenry, incapable to defending themselves from tyranny and government overreach.

So, next time you read or listen to the news, do it like a spy and discover the secret, encoded message in the broadcast.

By Michael D.

Former Clandestine Officer, CIA, DIA, NSA
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Your mom will still NEVER be president, Chelsea!

Chelsea Clinton Agrees Republicans Are ‘Lunatics’ – Brags Democrats Are ‘In The Business Of Solutions’

Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of former President Bill Clinton and two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, went on “The View” on Thursday to slam Republicans and to brag that Democrats are “in the business of solutions.”

“Chelsea, after four years of GOP control, a new Gallup poll shows Democrats reaching new popularity,” cohost Sunny Hostin asked her. “John Boehner was here Monday claiming his party had been taken over by, quote, ‘kooks and lunatics’ who wanted to blow up Washington. Do you agree that’s why we’re seeing this swing to the Democratic Party?”
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