Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2802563 times)


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Knock it off you TROLLS!

I am not amused.


I did this:

:drummer: :band: :leadguitar: :dance: :duckdance: :bear: :notsmee: :beerontap: :plane: :keelhaul: :banana:       :duckling:
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Meanwhile in REAL TIME....America continues to rot from the inside due to prevailing insanity and no one can effectively correct it.... WTF is UP WIDDAT?

Kamala Harris doesn’t intend to address The Border Crisis

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The New York Times Conveniently Leaves Out Major Details in Piece Condemning Right-Wing Violence
May 21, 2022

A Tuesday New York Times newsletter claimed most extremist violence in the U.S. comes from the political right.

Reporter David Leonhardt cited a report from the Anti-Defamation League, saying 450 murders were by political extremists, for his claims. “Of these 450 killings, right-wing extremists committed about 75 percent. Islamic extremists were responsible for about 20 percent, and left-wing extremists were responsible for 4 percent,” Leonhardt stated.

“Nearly half of the murders were specifically tied to white supremacists,” added the Times reporter. The newsletter noted the data looked at the years between 2012 and 2021.

Following the link provided by Leonhardt contradicts his initial assertions because the ADL statement notes 333 murders between 2012 and 2021. Further, the group asserts that 75 percent of those murders were performed by white supremacists. Reading their explanation about how they arrived at their numbers shows a twisted logic was used.

“Extremists often engage in violence related to their group or movement that may not involve attacking an enemy,” the ADL statement claimed. “For example, extremists sometimes murder suspected informants in their own ranks; they may also kill rival members of their own group or of another group.”

Anyone who has binged “Sons of Anarchy” knows “snitches get stiches.” Yet, the ADL appears to lump that into examples of white supremacy extremism, along with rubbing out rivals to gain power. Those murders are crimes, committed by criminals, but do they have anything to do with advancing a political belief?

“Additionally, members of some extremist groups—particularly those that take the form of gangs—may kill while committing ‘traditional’ crimes, such as those involving illegal drugs,” the group added. So, they appear to lump drug-related homicides in their compilation of extremist violence statistics. The authors have apparently read Mark Twain and appreciated his axiom that there are “lies, damned lies and statistics.”

The ADL manifesto slides further down their slippery slope, saying: “white supremacists and toxic masculinity extremists may play a role in enabling incidents of deadly domestic violence—or other violent acts as well.”

A report by the Daily Caller illustrated how statistics painting Republicans as extremists could be skewed by including details of one such crime.

Shawn Lichtfuss reportedly vandalized synagogues using “white supremacist graffiti” and distributed neo-Nazi fliers. He allegedly killed his wife in a domestic violence dispute in August 2021, according to the ADL report. The case was included in the total accounting of extremist violence, the Daily Caller report noted.

The report included several examples of criminals doing stupid criminal things that were clearly not examples of political extremism. Yet, they got lumped into the ADL’s numbers.

Political observer and former Elko County resident Ron Tello commented: "I have my lumps, and they are not going away. The sting of violent Government corruption from either side is forever and I hate those guys."
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About The Tello Files

The Tello Files scours hundreds of stories each day with one goal in mind.
We want you to be entertained and informed about breaking news, important issues impacting the United States, local, national and international events, the political spectrum and corruption, the failing economy, smee and anything else that's stupid which may impact your day and life.

We care about you, but sometimes it's difficult to tell. Everybody has Hang-Ups, so shut up and don't sweat it. Cool.

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"My blog gets 500 hits a day when I don't post.

Posting only keeps me off the streets,
and the neighbours are happy about that."

-Ron Tello, your friendly international neighbourhood Author.
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:tello: "I sure do miss those teeth."
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Close to the edge:

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"Joe's Train Wreck"


Hannity: Biden’s radical administration will do nothing to help

"I'm cleaning my guns."
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Things are not flocked up.

People are.

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This is my sickish ness...©

Call a Doctor!
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"Judge not and ye shall not be 86'd"
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Whoever you are, whatever you have... don't mean shite to me because


And if you did, I never got it.

Therein lies a rub: Dark evil forces are intervening to sabotage my life.

Not new. I expect it.

It's really bad being me.

And it shows.

Shut up smee.

Pls read this again:
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You think this is easy???

You have a job.

I can't.

Not very nice now, is it?

The only thing "easy" in my current life is....

toast and Nutella.


After that, I walk in circles with a cane.

I do it everyday without your help.

The best part is: I only fall down at night.
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Karissa Hernandez  ·
Hi everyone Jack Kirkland Facebook was hacked and if you get a message from him asking for money it's not him. If you need to get in contact with him his number is 909-775-7389

Crystal Donica
It happened to Kameron too. He's locked out of his account 😡

Karissa Hernandez
Crystal Donica they just messaged me

Scott Haugen
I already sent $100 can I get my money back 😮

Ron Tello Culley
Worse than eBay.

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"I can't explain most of it,
and I don't expect you to understand any of it."

Spoken in a Therapy session, not my own...  :groucho:
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Keeley Colleen  ·
If you can please help! My friends got in a terrible accident. They would be incredibly grateful for any support!
Recovery help, organized by Brandi Bryant
Recovery help, organized by Brandi Bryant
Hello we (James Cross/Brandi bryant and Daniel Cross) were hit head on by a wrong way driver. We all have… Brandi Bryant needs your support for Recovery help

Paul Adamson

Ron Tello Culley
What? I'm hurt too...

Ron Tello Culley
I can google images of wrecked cars, too!

Ron Tello Culley
Watch me google and post a kicked ass. Fundraiser to follow. Derp!
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Hold up! Is this true?

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:tello: "People want to know."

Q: If/When I kick a fat person in the arse, will it hurt my foot?

A: Steel-toed boots, Bro. Get 'er done."
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‘Someone needs to say it’: Maher accuses trans movement of ‘literally experimenting on children’
May 21, 2022

Joining the argument that conservatives have presented all along, comedian Bill Maher with the same scientific backing that the “trendy” trans movement is “literally experimenting on children.”

During Friday’s episode of “Real Time with Bill Maher” the HBO host took an at-length look at many of the knowns and unknowns surrounding the trans movement that, he expressed, has come to prominence more out of a youthful rebelliousness than any serious conviction. As such, the fact that adults are validating kids going through a phase should be a concern to everyone.

“The answer can’t always be that anyone from a marginalized community is automatically right; trump card, mic drop, end of discussion. Because we’re literally experimenting on children,” Maher contended.

Warning: Adult Language

“Someone needs to say it – not everything’s about you. And it’s okay to ask questions about something that’s very new and involves children,” he noted since the ACLU had declared the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade was being said to have more of a negative impact on LGBTQ people than women.

Maher pointed out the negative impact that puberty blockers have on the development of children and how gender-affirming surgeries are serious procedures being pushed on an age demographic that goes through all kinds of phases.

“If kids knew what they wanted to be at age eight,” he said, “the world would be filled with cowboys and princesses. I wanted to be a pirate. Thank God nobody took me seriously and scheduled me for eye removal and peg leg surgery.”

“Never forget children are impressionable and very, very stupid…Maybe the boy who thinks he’s a girl is just gay or whatever ‘Frasier’ was,” the comedian quipped. “Maybe childhood makes you sad sometimes and there are other solutions besides hand me the d*ck saw.”

By his analysis, the trend lines have much more to do with the ideology being pushed on the younger generation than any natural progression. At the current rate, everyone would be a member of the LGBTQ community by 2054.

“All the babies are in the wrong bodies? Was there a mixup at the plant, like with Cap’n Crunch’s Oops! All Berries?” he offered. “It wasn’t that long ago that when adults asked a kid, ‘What do you wanna be when you grow up?’ they meant what profession.”

“If this spike in trans children is all natural, why is it regional? Either Ohio is shaming them or California is creating them,” he later added.

The trendiness, Maher explained, was even impacting the LGBTQ community itself as it has grown more radical, “That’s where we are now – gay men aren’t hip enough for the Gay Pride parade. Compared to trans, gay is practically cis, and cis is practically Mormon.”

The host further emphasized the initiative of kids to push back against the prior generation and that it was up to the adults in the room to identify the trends that cause real harm.

“It’s trendy. Penis equals man, okay boomer. Remember, the prime directive of every teen is anything to shock and challenge the squares who brought you up. And if you haven’t noticed that, with kids, doing something for the ‘likes’ is more important than their own genitals, then you haven’t been paying attention.”

He concluded that real discussions have to be had about these issues that recognize the risks to children and, if trendiness is ignored then the conversation is not serious, “it’s a blow being struck in the culture wars using children as cannon fodder.”

Ultimately, Maher recognized, “Weighing tradeoffs is not bigotry.”
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NBC News contacts Fox News advertisers, turns up heat on Tucker Carlson after Buffalo shooting
May 22, 2022

Corporate media continues moving their ideological goalposts and insisting anything short of full prostration before the woke cause du jour is somehow furthering atrocities. In labeling the right as the root of all evils, a renewed push to shame any party tangentially associated with conservatives has commenced and it includes the advertisers for Fox News.

Whether it be free speech or free market capitalism, the left despises that which can’t be controlled. Since they can’t outdo Fox News in the ratings and they have yet to successfully pressure legislative action against the network, they’ve resorted to somewhat of a proxy war against some of the largest streams of revenue for the network.

Following the shooting in Buffalo, talking heads across the platforms have pointed fingers at Republicans and the promotion of “hateful Right-wing rhetoric” as being responsible for the suspect’s motivations. So, NBC News reached out to those buying ad spots on Fox to see if they’ll continue to be a party to this alleged complicity.

“NBC News contacted spokespeople for 14 corporations that reportedly advertise on Fox News, including General Motors and WeightWatchers, and asked if their companies planned to continue advertising on the network following the tragedy in Buffalo,” the article explained.

The ladies of ABC’s “The View” rode this bandwagon Monday as well with co-host Ana Navarro stating Monday, “I think it’s time to name names and point fingers…If you are an advertiser advertising on that station, you are part of the problem.”

Of course, it’s likely purely coincidental that the pressure on advertisers fell at the same time that Fox News was having their annual “upfronts,” what NBC reported as the “yearly industry event in New York where network executives encourage corporations to purchase advertisements on-air.”

As expected, the push was specifically targeting primetime host Tucker Carlson. “In a statement,” NBC reported, “General Motors said: ‘We do not advertise on Tucker Carlson or other similar shows, though we do advertise on Fox News.’ When asked if the company plans to continue to advertise on the network, a GM spokesperson pointed NBC News back to the original statement.”

They went on, “WeightWatchers does not advertise on Carlson’s show. The company’s communications office did not reply to a subsequent email asking if it planned to continue to advertise on Fox news.”

The veneer of their efforts was fairly easy to see through for anyone who cared to look.

In fact, the partisan hackery was on full display from the very opening of the article that listed progressive activists as a source for pointing out the connection between Carlson’s show and the ills of the world.

The tangential claims that included citing other hit pieces like The New York Times report on Carlson that combed through all of his episodes are blatantly pathetic. If Fox News were as bad as they claimed, it wouldn’t take intense digging to find a half-hearted reference to anything as being the source on any extremists point of view.

But, that appears to be all they have to go on as they continue pushing to suppress any voices that don’t tow the progressive lines. Carlson himself called out the extreme lengths that have been taken and noted, “So, if you were to quote Martin Luther King Jr., whose monument stands on the mall, and say that the U.S. government ought to treat people based on who they are and what they do and not how they look and how they were born, should assess people on the content of their character, not the color of their skin – if that’s your position, you are by definition” — according to progressives he showed in a montage — “a White supremacist.”
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‘We’re sorry about baby formula shortage’: Abbott CEO details ‘serious steps’ company taking ‘to fix it’
May 22, 2022

As parents across America scramble to secure baby formula, Robert Ford, CEO of Abbott Laboratories, one of the nation’s leading producers of baby formula, has apologized to frantic families and detailed the “serious steps” his company is taking to address the shortage.

In a Saturday op-ed for The Washington Post, Ford wrote, “We’re sorry to every family we’ve let down since our voluntary recall exacerbated our nation’s baby formula shortage.”

However, said Ford, the recall of several of its powdered baby formula products made at its Sturgis, MI, plant this February was “the right thing to do” after four infants reportedly fell ill.

“We believe our voluntary recall was the right thing to do,” he wrote. “We will not take risks when it comes to the health of children.”

After an investigation, notes Ford, it was found the rare infection that tragically roved fatal to two of the four infants, was not, it turned out, linked to Abbott’s products.

“The data collected during the investigation, genetic sequencing, retained product samples and available roduct from the four complaints did not find any connection between our products and the four reported illnesses in children,” Ford stated. “However, the FDA’s investigation did discover a bacteria in our plant that we will not tolerate.”

“I have high expectations of this company,” he continued, “and we fell short of them.”

Of particular concern to Ford are reports that some children have been hospitalized due to a shortage of EleCare, a product formulated for children who are unable to digest other formulas and milks.

“I will not mince words — this is tragic and heartbreaking, and it is consuming my thoughts and those of my colleagues,” Ford said.

In order to ensure “safe, quality formula” is swiftly filling shelves once again, Ford says the company is taking several steps, including repurposing production lines at Abbott’s Columbus, OH, plant to “prioritize production of ready-to-feed liquid infant formula” and air-shipping “millions of cans” of its most popular powdered infant formula to the U.S. from an FDA-approved facility in Ireland.

Additionally, says Ford, Abbott has entered into a consent decree with the FDA to expedite the reopening of its closed Michigan plant. Ford expects the facility will restart “by the first week of June,” and from there, it will take six to eight weeks to get the product on the shelves.

“When we are operating our Michigan facility at full capacity, we will more than double our current production of powdered infant formula for the United States,” promises Ford, adding that Abbott will exceed pre-recall production by the end of June.

In order to ensure a crisis such as this never happens again, Ford says Abbott has plans “to expand both capacity and redundancy.” That, plus upgrades to “safety and quality processes and equipment” mark “significant investments” by Abbott going forward.

As for those families of children who were hospitalized as a result of the shortage of EleCare, Abbott is establishing an independently administered  $5 million fund “to help these families with medical and living expenses as they weather this storm.”

While Ford acknowledges that Abbott’s steps won’t immediately end the struggles of affected families, he vows the company “will not rest” until the shortage is fixed.

“I want everyone to trust us to do what is right,” Ford wrote, “and I know that must be earned back.”

Meanwhile, President Biden, after ignoring warnings of an impending formula shortage for months, has finally taken some official steps of his own to end the crisis.

On Wednesday, Biden announced he has invoked the Defense Production Act to force U.S. companies to produce formula domestically, while “Operation Fly Formula” will use federal planes to airlift formula from Europe to anxious Americans.
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Defendant guilty in baby formula fraud scheme faults trucker ‘morons’ that elected Trump for his demise
May 22, 2022

Baby formula turned into big bucks for three Florida residents who concocted a fraudulent $100 million scheme to “cheat U.S. manufacturers of infant formula, eye-care products, and other FDA-regulated items.”

The trio “secured deep price discounts for infant formula and other items by lying to the U.S. manufacturers of the products,” a Friday press release from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) noted.

They also secured an 18-year federal prison sentence from a federal district judge in Miami.

Johnny Grobman (48), Raoul Doekhie (53), and Sherida Nabi (57) conspired to foil manufacturers of the products between 2013 and 2018. A forfeiture money judgment was issued by the court on April 25, 2022, for more than $87 million against Grobman and over $115 million against Doekhie and Nabi.

The DOJ explained that “Doekhie and Nabi (who are married) told the manufacturers that they were purchasing the products to ship overseas, to Suriname, often in connection with purported government procurement contracts they held in Suriname. In fact, the defendants did not have government procurement contracts and never intended to export the products to Suriname.”

“Instead, Grobman and others sold the products in the United States for millions of dollars, which the three defendants later split among themselves,” they said.

There were three methods the baby formula bandits hid their illegal activity on the “gray market” – which is code for selling goods that aren’t intended for sale in the United States.

First, they concocted fake shipments of the formula that didn’t actually contain the illicit goods but generated documents that appeared that the export occurred.

The second was to actually ship the formula out of the country and then “U-turn” it and ship it right back, again generating believable export documentation.

The third way was to manufacture the documentation without having the product ever leave American soil.

They almost got away with it, save just one truck driver who voted for President Donald Trump.

“For 12 years+, the Defendants worked hard at defrauding U.S. businesses both large and small,” a sentencing memo read.  “The truth, in the form of an honest truck driver or a well-hidden GPS device, was their primary obstacle. And for 12 years+, they mostly succeeded.”

The jig was up in 2017 when “a small organic food company discovered the Defendants’ fraud after a carrier reported that goods intended for Suriname were instead being delivered to a U.S. customer’s warehouse.”

“We have worked 12 years+ with minimal issues, we should be fortunate about it,” an email sent on Feb 13, 2017, from one of the alleged crooks to another read according to the request for sentencing. “I understand every time we lose some line, it affects us all, but this is out of control, that a driver talks, these are the kind of morons that elected our current president.”

Former President Trump was inaugurated on Jan 20, 2017.

The prosecutors blasted the defendant’s luxury lifestyle in the sentencing memo where they provided photos of “a $9 million waterfront home in Golden Beach, a three-bedroom condominium on Las Olas, another three-bedroom condominium in Rotterdam, luxury cars, private schools, international vacations, and the 48-foot yacht Grobman sold in June”

“Doekhie previously admitted that his fraudulent company had a net worth of $28,000,000.00,” the memo said.  “This exorbitant wealth was not earned; it was swindled.”

U.S. Officials denounced the criminals and vowed to “vigorously” prosecute similar crimes.

“Today’s announcement should serve as a reminder that those who fraudulently divert consumer products for profit will be held accountable for their actions,” said Special Agent in Charge Justin C. Fielder, FDA Office of Criminal Investigations Miami Field Office.  “We will continue to investigate and bring to justice those who engage in fraudulent schemes involving FDA-regulated products.”

“The fraud perpetrated by these defendants is nothing short of egregious,” said U.S. Attorney Juan Antonio Gonzalez. “The 18-year prison sentences reflect the seriousness of the defendants’ crimes. Our Office will continue to vigorously prosecute those who commit these types of offenses.”
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Former employee Carl Cameron doubles down on Fox News being de-platformed after Buffalo shooting
May 22, 2022

Like any good liberal always in need of a scapegoat, leftist and former Fox News chief political correspondent Carl Cameron doubled down yesterday on his cry to blame Fox News host Tucker Carlson for last week’s shooting in Buffalo, New York.

Although Carlson was nowhere near the supermarket where the 18-year old opened fire and killed 10 people – nor did he pull the trigger on the weapon – Cameron declared that Carlson should be arrested for alleged “misinformation” about “The Great Replacement Theory” that the left has deemed a “white supremacist theory.”

Cameron responded by asserting that Carlson was not entitled to free speech that could “disturb the peace.”

“There’s a point when it becomes difficult for an executive to put up with the help,” Cameron whined. “In this particular case, Tucker has been screaming fire in a crowded movie house for years, and that cliche really comes to the matter of what is free speech, and the fact of the matter is, if you disturb the peace by starting a riot in a movie theater, cops are going to arrest you and you might end up in jail or you might end up in something worse.

He continued his rant by demanding not only should his former Fox News colleague be de-platformed, but good old-fashioned censorship should clamp down on internet free speech too.

“And that kind of stuff absolutely has to stop, whether it’s the antitrust bill to take down and de-platform people who lie and put out falsehoods that cause damage and violent, violent hate, there ought to be something done about it and the administration is beginning to actually make a move on that and it’s been way overdue,” Cameron said.

“It’s not just Fox, it’s social media in general, it’s on the internet and we have to remember that a good portion of what people read is coming from folks who aren’t Americans pretending to be Americans in order to gaslight them even worse,” he added.

Despite Cameron’s assertions to the contrary, the shooter left behind substantial documentation that cited websites Reddit and 4chan as the inspiration for his deranged shooting that he started planning after being locked down with limited human contact during the failed Covid-19 lockdowns in 2020.

“I almost spent a year planning this attack … Oh how time flies, if I could go back maybe I’d tell myself to get the f**k off 4chan,” Buffalo shooter Payton Gendron wrote in his diary.
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Schumer Declined Tucker Carlson’s Invite to Debate the Buffalo Shooting

The left has collectively joined in mass to blame Republicans for the Buffalo, NY, grocery store shooting. This is simply not true. Republicans would like to see more of the public carrying firearms.

Yes, the shooting in Buffalo, New York, had racial motives, but that doesn’t mean that Tucker Carlson is to blame. Carlson has been taking a beating from the media and politicians in an unwarranted attack. But he finally fired back, which made them look like children.

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) wrote a letter to Fox News executives that started, “I write to urge you to immediately cease the reckless amplification of the so-called ‘Great Replacement’ theory …”

While pointing to some parts of the shooter’s manifesto, Schumer tried to point blame at Carlson, rather than admit that the killer specifically wrote in that manifesto that he didn’t like Fox News.

The shooter also said that he could be on the left or right but came from a socialist ideology and “constantly moved further to the right. I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category, and I would prefer to be called a populist.”

Schumer responded to Carlson’s invite to debate the letter on Twitter, saying, “.@TuckerCarlson invited me on his show tonight to debate the letter I sent to @FoxNews. I’m declining. Tucker Carlson needs to stop promoting the racist, dangerous ‘Replacement Theory.’”

If Schumer wants to show America that his beliefs and ideas are superior then why not go on Carlson’s show and show the world? Schumer said that Carlson spouts dangerous rhetoric that harms the Black, Hispanic and Jewish communities, but explain to the public what he means by that? That would be the perfect way for Schumer to have a “gotcha” moment in front of Carlson’s supporters.

What about Schumer’s comments? He’s said things that are much worse than anything Carlson has said. In 2020, Schumer riled up an already tumultuous crowd outside the Supreme Court, addressing Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, screaming, “You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.”

Schumer also referred to the protests outside of conservative Supreme Court justices’ houses as, “the American way to peacefully protest.” Never mind the fact that these protests are against federal law.
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Biden Regime’s New Press Secretary Gets Brutally Savaged By The Australian Press [VIDEO]
"If what you just saw doesn't scare you, then don't think anything will."

MAY 22, 2022

With Jen Psaki leaving the White House, the new Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has already found it incredibly difficult defending the Biden administration from the horde of questions surrounding many of the problems facing America.

There is the soaring gas prices, the ongoing Southern border crisis, and now the baby formula shortage. While President Joe Biden and the mainstream media try to blame it on former President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin, recently, Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked Jean-Pierre about inflation that led to such a meltdown that even the Australian Press couldn’t help but laugh about.

In the video featured below, Doocy asked, “the President’s Twitter account posted the other day, ‘you want to bring down inflation, let’s make sure the wealthiest corporations pay their fair share. How does raising taxes on corporations reduce inflation?'”

The Press Secretary answered incoherently, “So and so it’s very important that you know, as we’re seeing costs rise, as we’re talking about how to, you know, you know, build an America that safe and that’s equal for everyone and doesn’t leave anyone behind. That is an important part of that as well.”

Not entirely sure about her answer, Doocy pressed, “But how does raising taxes on corporations lower the cost of gas, the cost of a used car, the cost of food for everyday Americans?”

Showing that the Biden administration might not have a plan of action, Jean-Pierre suggested, “So look, I think we encourage those who have done very well, right, especially those who care about climate change, to support a fair tax code.”

As mentioned above, the absurdity of her comments reached all the way to Australia, where Sky News hosts mocked the Press Secretary and Biden administration. “This Administration is responsible for overseeing the world’s largest economy now. If what you just saw doesn’t scare you, then I don’t think anything will.”

This wasn’t the first time in Jean-Pierre’s short time at the White House that her comments have caused some to question her and the Biden administration. With the news of the Disinformation Governance Board being put on “pause,” Doocy, once again, asked the Press Secretary, “do you think that board was mischaracterized then the disinformation board is being shut down because of disinformation. Is that what’s happening here?”

Not blaming the Democrats, Jean-Pierre claimed it was pausing the board due to constant attacks from the right. “Look, I mean, the board was put forth for a purpose right to make sure that we really did address what was happening across the country when it came to disinformation. It’s just going to pause. There’s been a mischaracterization from outside forces.”


The only historical moment here is, your the absolute dumbest person to hold this position! You can use all the HILLARYISM’s you want, it’s old and doesn’t work! This isn’t going to end well for you or the dip stick that calls himself, president!

Same song, same verbiage, same worn out fabricated speech. The worst is their feeble attempt to sound sincere.
They can’t relate to the people they claim to be fighting for. They don’t want to relate. This is only the mechanism used to keep uninformed people voting for them. Doesn’t matter which channel you watch; it’s the identical wording.

Blame the problem on a concept, which exists in every race, to some small degree. Ascribe it to “one” race and “pretend” you are fighting to stop it.
These astute journalists nailed her and provided the audience with some comic relief, while exposing her for the fraud she is.

Reply to  Linda
If your a bit challenged They just bore anyone else

Ben Matthews
The Brandon Mal-administration makes “everything” about race…so if ya ask Ms. JP ‘a hard to answer’ question, she’ll tell ya that she/it/whatever is the first black-gay, press-secretary…?

ONLY racists see racism EVERYWHERE! She is a full blown RACIST!!

Reply to  Arjay
You nailed it. She sees exactly what she wants to see, like so many other Leftists.

Dianne M. Whipple
This woman here a fruit cake and everything she talks about is racism. When you gotta talk about it so much you are the racist.

charles jacobson
In other words. More of the same bullcrap.

Bumbling Biden’s new press Secretary….krappy Karine can’t handle the job. It’s a match made in hell.

Sky news are absolutely pathetic The worst journalists in Australia .Boring boring time wasting drivel stating absolutely nothing new ever and just hawking for money .

Tolerance is the stance most conservatives endure. But, I am sick and tired of these bigoted, racist, jackasses calling white people White SUPREMACIST. THE BRAIN DAMAGED Biden calling us Domestic Terrorists, calling concerned parents, domestic terrorist, calling 65% of America’s population Domestic Terrorist.. How dare you ! How dare all the talking heads in the media, on television shows like THE VIEW !

What about the Black Rioters that burned, mugged, rioted, looted, assaulted and murdered in cities and towns across America ! What about the communist Antifa where rioting, assaulting and murder is their agenda ? Or Marxist Scam Artist BLM organization ? Everybody now knows they are the Black Supremacists with over 17 murders nationwide? What about the radical black, domestic terrorist, racist that drove his car into a Christmas parade in Wisconsin and purposely swerved left and right to run over men, women, and children; Six Died !

Where’s the Attorney General Merrick Garland ? He is nothing but a political hack ! We have a two tier judicial system, that has been taken over by the Corrupt Bigoted Radical Communist Democrat Party. Interestingly speaking, These communist domestic democrat terrorists have infiltrated most of our government agencies and weaponized our agencies against Constitutional Patriots. We must win this conflict of agendas or America is lost. Our Constitutional Republic will become a Communist Global Dictatorship !

Battling FREE SPEECH with circular logic! Their ideology requires total information control.

Understand…please…AMERICA is being run (into the ground) by an illicit, unelected, Communist Cabal, installed purely by criminal fraud and deception.
These are not the actions of patriotic American statesmen! They are infiltrators! Thieves!
And now, they’ve put their destruction plan into high-gear. They know they’ll be creamed in the mid-term election, so now they sprint toward their desired finish; a Communist Authoritarian AMERICA!

Today they announced legislation to “infringe” the Second Amendment, requiring a federal permit to own a gun! Patriotic Americans would never suggest such a thing!
Add it to the border invasion, the sinking economy, the Ministry of Truth and the real threat of new lockdowns, and you should plainly see who these people are.
I still blame the Vice President, for having the chance to expose and stop the theft of 2020, but…just…didn’t.

Now, Mitch McConnell has chosen the dark side, and is actively working against Trump’s return. The RINOS take the enemy’s side.

It’s ALL SHOCKING! But, it’s easier to understand when you see who you they are! (P)Residential decrees are enemy communiqué! This “Administration” deserves zero respect and no obedience whatsoever!

It’s not supposed to make sense. Welcome to the world of the antichrist.
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Researchers Drain Niagara Falls And Make Frightening Discovery

The Niagara Falls act as a magnificent border between the United States and Canada. They are considered one of the most well-known and breathtaking landmarks in North America. For nearly 200 years now, tourists from all over come to see this natural wonder as the power of the water is on display for everyone.

There have been an infinite number of photos taken of the Falls, as well as many who have tried to get too close. But, in 1969, the Niagara Falls revealed a sinister secret that had been lying at the bottom of its bedrock for many years.{adid}&utm_campaign=1484456&utm_template=infinite4&utm_content=249
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10:14 PM
You sent
Heavy activity tonight. See anything?

Ron Henderson
I haven’t been looking. I’ve had some other things I’ve needed to take care of during the day and I usually am in bed by this time. But I will take the time this week to set up the camera. But there’s a lot of news going on out there if you know where to look. I’ll try to send some information for you sometime this week.

I haven’t forgot about you. Say hi to James and everyone else

You sent
Right on, thx!

You sent
Sherry says "Hi back!"

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We Must Punish Woke Companies Who Support Democrats and Their Radical, Insane Policies
May 1, 2022

First, I want to explain the disaster happening right now in front of all of our eyes. Then I will present a solution. Everyone talks; it's time for action. I have the plan.

Everything I've predicted has come to pass. Back on Oct. 30, 2016, in my opening speech for then-candidate Donald J. Trump's last Las Vegas rally before the election, I told the crowd of 15,000-plus that a Trump victory was our last chance to save America.

I told the crowd that if Hillary Clinton were to be elected, it would be Obama's third term. It would be the end of America. She would finish off America with Obama's plan. It was a plan I learned at Columbia University, class of '83, with my classmate, former President Barack Obama. The plan was called Cloward-Piven.

The Cloward-Piven strategy was to overwhelm the U.S. economy with welfare and debt, causing the economy to collapse, bankrupting the business owners, making the middle class jobless, and causing everyone to panic and beg big government to save them. That would open the door for socialism.

I predicted the main tool to do this would be opening the borders to let the whole world in, give them all cradle-to-grave welfare checks, free health care and free education (all paid by the great American middle class), and as a bonus, turn these millions of people here illegally into Democrat voters.

Sound familiar?

I also predicted Hillary and Democrats would use massive tax increases; draconian increases in government regulations; the green energy boondoggle that would waste billions of dollars and kill middle-class jobs; expand Obamacare to triple health care bills for the middle class; destroy the justice system to allow violent criminals to roam free while the corrupt DOJ and "woke" district attorneys funded by George Soros persecuted conservatives.

That was the Cloward-Piven plan that Obama and I learned at Columbia. That would have been the third term of Obama. But a funny thing happened in 2016: Trump was elected president. Hillary never got a chance to carry out Obama's plan.

Recognize all of that? It's all happening today under the "O'Biden administration." That's the deadly combo of Biden as the brain-dead dummy, and Obama as the ventriloquist.

Have you seen the latest GDP (economic growth number)? We had NEGATIVE 1.4% growth. But that's only the tip of the iceberg. We are experiencing massive hyperinflation. Economic experts that I trust say the real inflation number is 20% or higher.

The real destruction to the economy and the middle class is -1.4% GDP plus 20% inflation. Add it up. That means the average American is experiencing a -21.4% economic decline.

This is "the Great O'Biden Depression."

What's the solution? When I wrote the bestselling book, "The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book," my intent was to teach conservatives to practice "civil disobedience" by boycotting the biggest companies in America who support these woke, destructive, insane, Marxist politicians and policies. Without their money and support, Democrats could not pursue these radical policies.

If we all stopped spending with these companies, I predicted we could bring them to their knees. So, in my book, I listed the names of the CEOs and boards of directors, phone numbers, emails, physical addresses and social media addresses for 116 woke companies -- including Disney and Netflix.

Disney has since lost $60 billion in stock value. Netflix has lost tens of billions in stock value. Both companies are listed prominently in my book. We did it. #BULLSEYE

But now I have an updated plan. It's time to DOUBLE DOWN.

Don't just boycott their products. It's the perfect time to boycott their stocks. The middle class has enormous power. The middle class has IRAs, SEP IRAs, other retirement accounts and pension plans. We control trillions of dollars on Wall Street. My plan is simple: Sell off the stock in your retirement account of all the woke companies listed in my book or demand the managers of your pension fund do the same. The woke stocks will plummet.

Say goodbye to Disney and their transgender agenda. Say goodbye to Netflix and their stars: Barack and Michelle Obama. And punish those other 114 companies too.

It's your money. Send a powerful message. We must punish woke companies who support Democrats and their radical, insane policies, like open borders, vaccine mandates, green energy, BLM, critical race theory, transgender education for kindergartners, defund the police, and opposition to voter ID (which leads to stolen elections).

This is how we fight back: with our pocketbooks. This is how we stop the flow of corporate money to the people hellbent on the destruction of America and capitalism. This is how we stop O'Biden.

We shall see who gets the last laugh.
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'I Have a Challenge To This Liar': Musk Blasts Sexual Misconduct Accusations
MAY 20, 2022

SpaceX CEO Elon Musk bluntly responded to allegations of sexual misconduct made against him this week, challenging his accuser to back up their claims while noting that the accusations only cropped up after he threatened the left’s censorship of free speech by buying Twitter.

“They began brewing attacks of all kinds as soon as the Twitter acquisition was announced,” Musk tweeted Friday morning, suggesting that the reports were a politically motivated hit-job.

“In my 30 year career, including the entire MeToo era, there’s nothing to report, but, as soon as I say I intend to restore free speech to Twitter & vote Republican, suddenly there is…” he added.

Business Insider published a report this week claiming that Musk’s company SpaceX had paid $250,000 to a flight attendant to settle a sexual misconduct claim after she accused the billionaire of exposing himself to her on a private jet. The woman also reportedly claimed the Tesla CEO tried to bribe her to touch him and rubbed her leg without permission.

The incident, which supposedly took place in 2016 but wasn’t publicly reported until now, appears to largely be based on second- and third-hand information.

Business Insider reports:

The incident, which took place in 2016, is alleged in a declaration signed by a friend of the attendant and prepared in support of her claim. The details in this story are drawn from the declaration as well as other documents, including email correspondence and other records shared with Insider by the friend.

Musk, a proponent of free speech, announced earlier this week that he intended to vote for Republicans after dubbing Democrats the “part of division and hate,” just weeks after Twitter announced it had accepted the billionaire’s offer to purchase the entire company for $54 billion and take it private.

Musk has denied the allegations, tweeting Friday, "I have a challenge to this liar who claims their friend saw me 'exposed' -- describe just one thing, anything at all (scars, tattoos, ...) that isn't known by the public. She won't be able to do so, because it never happened."
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18 Quotes on the Meaning of Home

Some of the most common, most well-known sayings we share are about the idea of home. Whether it’s The Wizard of Oz’s famous “There’s no place like home” or the classic “Home is where the heart is,” home is the subject of so many famous quotes exactly because it is such a difficult concept to pin down. Home can be a physical place, or even a person, or simply a feeling of familiarity. It can refer to family, to a chosen community, to every place you once lived, or to none of the places you’ve lived. A home is as unique to each individual as their DNA, but what continues to fascinate us is our collective effort to define it nonetheless.

Feeling safe and supported by a home is a critical part of what it means to be human, and a sense of belonging is often central to our identity. Great works of art have been created in homage to homes found or forgotten, and the pursuit of home is something that has driven many great novels and movements. Whether we are moving away from a home or trying to reclaim one, missing home or in the midst of creating a new one for ourselves, these 18 quotes are helpful reminders about the importance of its gravitational pull. Because home, for all of its complexities, is where we’re allowed to be our truest selves in the end.

The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.
— Maya Angelou

Home is where the heart can laugh without shyness. Home is where the heart’s tears can dry at their own pace.
— Vernon Baker, author

There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.
— Jane Austen

Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.
— Oliver Wendell Holmes

The power of finding beauty in the humblest things makes home happy and life lovely.
— Louisa May Alcott

I think that when you invite people to your home, you invite them to yourself.
— Oprah Winfrey

Home isn’t where you’re from, it’s where you find light when all grows dark.
— Pierce Brown, author

Good food and a warm kitchen are what make a house a home.
— Rachael Ray

You can have more than one home. You can carry your roots with you, and decide where they grow.
— Henning Mankell, writer

Home is people. Not a place. If you go back there after the people are gone, then all you can see is what is not there anymore.
— Robin Hobb, writer

If you go anywhere, even paradise, you will miss your home.
— Malala Yousafzai

Perhaps home is not a place but simply an irrevocable condition.
— James Baldwin

Home is where one starts from.
— T.S. Eliot

Whether they are part of home or home is part of them is not a question children are prepared to answer.
— William Maxwell, editor and writer

I think you travel to search and come back home to find yourself there.
— Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, writer

Home is the place where, when you have to go there / They have to take you in.
— Robert Frost

The accent of one's birthplace lingers in the mind and in the heart as it does in one's speech.
— François de La Rochefoucauld, author

Wherever friendly paths intersect the whole world looks like home for a time.
— Hermann Hesse, poet
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12 Ways to Keep Clean Without Running Water

Survivalists prepare for a world where the reliance on utilities and conventional norms is gone. Homesteaders who want to live off the grid also use many of the same tactics to live healthy and happy lives.

The use of clean running water is a privilege that many of us grow used to having. Many of us think nothing of turning on the faucet for a shower every morning or washing our hands frequently at the sink.

However, nothing can be guaranteed when the SHTF and conventional plumbing services cease to exist. Whether you live in a city, suburb, or rural area, there are plenty of things you can do now to prepare for a world without clean water access.

Hygiene and overall cleanliness is an important survival skill to practice no matter what. While many of us have stockpiled clean water for drinking or know how to purify water, you can keep the body clean using other methods as well. Wasting drinking water on the body’s exterior would not be a good idea in an emergency. Instead, there are plenty of ways to clean the body using these 12 methods.

Running water is a luxury that many generations of people before now never had access to. From ancient times to just a few centuries ago, people lived healthy and clean lives without immediate access to water within their homes.

Familiarize yourself with these 12 ways to keep clean without running water just in case modern plumbing stops working.

Shower in the Rain
Using the power of nature is a great way to clean off the body when you don’t have access to running water. While a rainstorm brings on its own challenges with the intensity (or lack thereof) of water amounts, it is a practical way to use the gifts of Mother Nature. Showering in the rain requires some quick thinking and a watchful eye to predict when the rain will appear.

Standing outside in the rain with your clothes on would pull double duty in laundry duty as well. Going without clothes is also an option, but it may be better for a nighttime rain for those with nosy neighbors.

Collect Rainwater
When your body is all clean after showering in the rain, why not continue to collect the water for future use? Collecting rainwater is a tried and true practice that many homesteaders use today. Rain barrels and collection systems range in setups and complexity, but sticking to a basic system is best when SHTF.

The easiest way to collect rainwater is to set out a barrel that has a wide opening to collect as much water as possible. This is a good idea for any of those areas where water will be immediately needed and storms bring on copious amounts of moisture.

However, other homesteaders prefer to use covered rain barrels to keep out rodents and bugs. Attaching these closed-off systems to a gutter helps direct the water that lands on the roof of a home into a specific container for future use.

Install a Solar Shower
Many homesteaders live in an area where rain storms may be warm, but they aren’t as scalding hot as a morning shower. Installing a solar shower on your property allows you to harness the power and warmth of the sun to help naturally raise the temperature of the water. Solar showers come in various options, but you can make a DIY solar shower using leftover materials around the house.

Solar showers require a dark-colored container that will help attract and absorb the sunlight during the day. They are usually installed about 7 feet up off the ground in a tree or pole to create a natural shower effect during use.

Use collected rainwater to fill up the tank of the solar shower in the morning and use the shower after the sun has had time to heat the contents during the day. The heat of the water will cool overnight, so it is best to use a solar shower once daily to get the hottest water possible in a natural way.

Reuse Bathwater
Cleansing our bodies once a day is a modern concept. Plenty of people would only bathe once a week in past centuries, without any harmful effects.

In fact, many families would warm up water from a local water source, such as a creek or lake, over the fire and have one tub or container for baths. It was customary for the oldest person, usually the father, in the home to take a bath first, while the rest of the family took baths in the same bathwater afterward.

Reusing bath water may seem unhealthy, but it seemed to work just fine for those generations before us. You could add warm water to the bath during use so that the younger family members had some sort of warm water to bathe in. The term “throw out the baby with the bathwater” stems from this practice when babies would be the last to take a bath.

Go for a Swim
As long as the outside temperatures aren’t too cold, why not try taking a swim or a dip in the local water source? Using local creeks, lakes, ponds, or rivers is a great way to cleanse the body without hauling water into the house. While our modern world has often polluted and compromised local water sources, it is best to know the condition and source of the water before subjecting the body to it.

In general, running water is better to use than standing water as fewer contaminants, and microscopic amoebas reside in moving water. However, plenty of water sources are contaminated upstream from manufacturing practices, so always use caution. If you’re worried about contamination, consider heating the water from the local water source before bathing to kill off anything living in the water.

Take a Dirt Bath
Plenty of other animals use dirt as their way of seeking cleanliness. It may seem counterproductive, but dry dirt is actually a great source of cleaning in the right conditions. Dirt baths include fine dust or sand that helps rid the skin of parasites and bacteria.

Many farm animals use dirt and dust to help cleanse the body, so why not humans in a pinch? The key to taking a dirt bath is to use tiny and ultra-dry particles that won’t stay on the body.

Stockpile Baby Wipes
Many people use baby wipes in their homes when there isn’t an infant anywhere in sight. Baby wipes are an easy and convenient item that are ready for use to cleanse the skin when needed. Stockpiling baby wipes is a great way to keep clean without running water.

Make sure that the baby wipe container is closed when not in use to keep the wipes from drying out. Remember that, unless noted on the container, most baby wipes are not antibacterial and won’t kill off germs.

Collect Antibacterial Wipes
All of us have most likely become experts in the antibacterial wipe industry after living through the recent pandemic. You probably have your favorite brand on hand and some other options back in a closet somewhere.

Stocking up on these wipes is a great way to cleanse the body and other areas in the future without the use of modern plumbing. Unlike baby wipes, antibacterial wipes can kill germs and viruses that could cause harm.

Again, these wipes can dry out quickly if the container is compromised or the lid is not secure. Make sure to stock these containers in a dry and cool area, so they are still viable when needed in the future.

Use Hand Sanitizer
Another product that we are well versed in includes hand sanitizer. Using hand sanitizer in an emergency is an excellent way to cleanse the hands before preparing food or after coming into contact with germs.

Again, we all have our favorites by now and should stock up on this item for future use. Hand sanitizers come in a wide variety of options, including pump bottles, squeeze tubes, and refill containers. Store the hand sanitizer in a dry and cool area for use when the SHTF.

Cut Grease with Baby Powder
Another great item to use in an emergency for cleaning includes baby powder. Sprinkle some baby powder into the hair and on the skin to help cut down on oil and grease. The baby powder soaks up any excess liquid and provides a clean and fresh scent as well.

Apply Baking Soda
Another great item to have on hand is baking soda, which is a natural deodorizer. Sprinkle baking soda under the arms and in sensitive areas where bacteria can grow and flourish. Baking soda’s natural alkaline properties target and neutralize bacteria that could be causing a stinky odor.

Sponge Bath with Apple Cider Vinegar
Perfect the art of the sponge bath by using warmed water combined with apple cider vinegar. The vinegar has natural antimicrobial properties that help neutralize any harmful bacteria in the body. Simply dip a sponge, towel, or fabric into a pot of warmed water mixed with apple cider vinegar and apply to the skin for a refreshing cleanse.

The lack of running water doesn’t mean that you or your family need to be dirty all of the time. While a little dirt never hurts anyone, cleansing the body is a great morale boost in dire times. Getting back to past practices by collecting rainwater, utilizing local water sources, and using everyday household items are good ways to keep clean without reliance on the local government.
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10 Amazing Facts About the Moon

The moon has long captured our imaginations. It’s embedded deep in mythology around the world, and even became the first calendar for many ancient people. But our connection to the moon goes even deeper — its symbiotic relationship with the planet Earth is unique within the solar system, and without it, we might not even exist. These 10 facts about our nearest lunar neighbor just might deepen your appreciation for Earth’s one and only natural satellite.

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The Antikythera Mechanism is a 2,000-year-old "computer" from ancient Greece.

The Antikythera Mechanism is one of the most astounding archeological finds in history. Discovered within the ruins of an ancient Greco-Roman shipwreck first found by sponge divers in 1900, it was brought to the surface the following year as part of the world’s first major underwater archeological excavation.

At first, the mechanism — in dozens of corroded, greenish pieces of bronze — was more or less overlooked in favor of the many bronze and marble statues, coins, amphorae, and other intriguing items the shipwreck contained. But in the 1950s, science historian Derek J. de Solla Price took particular interest in the machine, convinced that it was in fact an ancient computer. In the early 21st century, advanced imaging techniques have proven Price correct.

Heron of Alexandria (first century CE) invented the steam-powered aeolipile, or “wind ball,” which has been called the first working steam engine. For Heron, the device was little more than a novelty — it would take another 1,500 years for steam to be put to world-changing use.

Of course, this wasn’t a digital creation, but an analog computer, likely dating to around the first century BCE. Although only portions of the original device survive, scientists have been able to piece together its original function. About the size of a mantle clock, the Antikythera Mechanism was a box full of dozens of gears with a handle on the side. When the handle turned, the device calculated eclipses, moon phases, the movements of the five visible planets — Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn — and more.

It even included a dial for the timing of the ancient Olympics and religious festivals. Nothing else like it is known from antiquity, and nothing like it shows up in the archeological record for another 1,000 years. Scientists aren’t sure exactly who made the device, although the ancient Greek astronomer and mathematician Hipparchus has been suggested as the creator, and the famed mathematician and inventor Archimedes may also have been involved. While its origin will likely remain a mystery, the mechanism’s purpose has only grown clearer with time — and its existence has completely altered our understanding of the history of technology.
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A lady about 8 months pregnant got on a bus she noticed the man opposite her was smiling at her. She immediately moved to another seat. This time the smile turned into a grin, so she moved again.

The man seemed more amused. When on the fourth move, the man burst out laughing, she complained to the driver and he had the man arrested.

The case came up in court. The judge asked the man (about 20 years old) what he had to say for himself.

The young man replied, Well your Honor, it was like this: When the lady got on the bus, I couldn't help but notice her condition. She sat down under a sign that said, "The Double Mint Twins are coming" and I grinned.

Then she moved and sat under a sign that said, "Logan's Liniment will reduce the swelling", and I had to smile. Then she placed herself under a deodorant sign that said, "William's Big Stick Did the Trick", and I could hardly contain myself.

BUT, Your Honor, when she moved the fourth time and sat under a sign that said, "Goodyear Rubber could have prevented this Accident", I just lost it.

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