Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2801994 times)


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This bloke was lucky it was just a possum not a drop bear


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The Great Outdoors.....pffttttt.
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So, anyway, this is The Internet.

Anything can happen, go wrong or fail.
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Cuomo: Police Reform Comes When White Kids Get Killed

In our opinion, as long as the so-called elite members of the mainstream news media keep making statements like the one below, hard-working, average Americans are not going to trust the news media. After all, what almost all Americans want from the news media are unbiased news reports, not opinions.
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People are just exhausted.

Not just over the last year. For as long as I've answered questions and hoped to provide answers.

You can be seemingly doing things the "right" way, like a healthful diet, or making time for sleep, or moving your body, and still not feel rested.

But sleep and rest are not the same. And I read a piece by an MD named Saundra Dalton-Smith that put a fine point on this.

She says so many people are suffering from a "rest deficit" because we confuse sleep and rest, when there are 7 areas of your life that need rest and restoration too.

Dr. Dalton-Smith breaks it down like this:

1. Physical rest, which can be passive or active

Passive physical rest is what we're familiar with, sleeping & napping. Active physical rest includes things like stretching and massage, to help focus on circulation and flexibility. We should try to work in the active type, because it helps us achieve more sound and meaningful passive rest.

2. Mental rest

If you lie down at night and have a hard time turning off the day, only to wake up feeling like you haven't really slept, you probably have a mental rest deficit.

By scheduling short breaks every couple of hours throughout the day, it will remind you to slow down. It may also help to keep a notepad by the bed, to "offload" those nagging thoughts before bed, so you can clear the deck... and your head.

3. Sensory rest

We bombard ourselves with bright lights, computers, background noise and conversations. This pandemic has taken video calls to an entirely new volume. It's no wonder we sometimes feel overwhelmed.

Counter this by something as simple as closing your eyes for a few minutes during the day, or intentionally unplugging at a set time at night. We need to be vigilant about this to combat an overstimulating world.

4. Creative rest

If you're someone who has to solve problems or create new ideas, you really need this. Something to reawaken the sense of wonder inside us.

Take time to get outside and appreciate the world around you. Or surround your workspace with pictures or art that speak to you. You can't stare at a computer screen all day and expect to keep your passion about life at a full flame.

5. Emotional rest

Maybe you know someone who you'd describe as one of the nicest people in the world. It's that person everyone depends on. The one you can call on for a favor. The one who'll say yes even if inside they'd rather say no. People like this really suffer from an emotional rest deficit, feeling underappreciated or taken advantage of.

If that's you, you need to make time to freely express yourself, and cut back on people pleasing. An emotionally rested person can truthfully say "not so good" when someone asks how they're doing.

6. Social Rest

You probably have a social rest deficit when you fail to distinguish between relationships that lift us up from those that drag us down. You need to surround yourself with positive and supportive people.

Relationships are like food. Healthy ones build our bodies and spirits, but junk ones can exhaust us. It's important that you recognize the difference.

7. Spiritual rest

The final type of rest is spiritual. This can mean different things to different people. But at the core, it means a chance to connect beyond the physical and mental and feel a sense of belonging, love and purpose. Prayer, community involvement, meditation and more can fill this cup for you.

Sleep alone can't restore us completely. Until we understand the many ways to build our energy reserves, we can’t really focus on getting the right type of rest, what our bodies and minds so desperately crave.

This gave me a lot to think about. Hopefully you get a takeaway or two that you can use in your own life too.

Have a restful end to your weekend, friend.
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Is it just us, or are there more threats of confrontation, violence, and riots coming from the left these days?

Video: Maxine Waters Threatens Violence If Chauvin Walks
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The Hypocrisy is so glaring
76 Non-Military, Non-Law Enforcement Federal Agencies Stockpile Weaponry
While Biden Demands Your Guns

By Adam Andrzejewski for RealClearPolicy

Last week, President Joseph Biden expressed his interest in gun control by directing the Department of Justice to take several steps to prevent more mass shootings, while his own federal agencies continue to stockpile guns and ammunition.

Critics contend he is far too interested in limiting gun access to regular Americans while federal administrative and regulatory agencies continued stockpiling hundreds of thousands of guns.

Our auditors at published details about non-military use of weapons in our report earlier this year “Militarization of the U.S. Executive Agencies,” looking at the last two years of President Barack Obama’s administration and the first three years of President Donald Trump’s administration.

We showed that almost $1 billion was spent on guns, ammunition, and military-style equipment in the 103 federal agencies outside of the Department of Defense between 2015 and 2019, the latest year available.

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Biden Pushes For ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban In Major Announcement, Says ‘No Amendment’ Is Absolute’

President Biden called for banning ‘assault weapons’ and ‘high-capacity magazines’ in a major announcement on gun control, insisting that “no amendment to the constitution is absolute.”

Biden began by announcing a series of executive actions he’d be taking to curb gun violence in America, something he described as a “public health crisis” and an “international embarrassment.”

The President’s actions call for restrictions on so-called “ghost guns” – handmade firearms without serial numbers – as well as directing the DOJ to publish suggestions for “red flag” legislation for states.

So-called “red flag” laws allow authorities to confiscate firearms from individuals deemed a risk to themselves or others, without having been convicted of a crime.
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Having a small patch of land is a God-given gift in these trying times. You don’t have to live in the countryside to enjoy a bountiful vegetable garden.

Some people believe that growing vegetables in their backyard is difficult, but it isn’t, and all you need to do is get your hands dirty.

Growing your vegetable garden is a pleasant and rewarding activity if you follow a specific set of rules. Not only will you be able to enjoy fresh produce and even store some of it for later use, but you will also learn a valuable survival skill.
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Sunday Live: Mad Maxine Wants Riots & Sleepy Joe Seeks War

Guest host and constitutional attorney Robert Barnes breaks down how the incendiary rhetoric of demagogue Democrats like Rep. Maxine Waters (Calif.) further inflames racial tensions and violence, citing a drive-by shooting of the National Guard in Minnesota hours after she called for Black Lives Matter to be “more confrontational.”
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If you enjoy that sweet nectar of the gods known as the common orange, you should know you’re actually tasting a hybrid fruit. As a cross between the mandarin and the pomelo, the orange never existed in the wild but, rather, was bred. The mandarin is a small, flat, sweet fruit that isn’t actually an orange, despite “orange” often being in the title. It is a member of the Citrus genus, however, and coupled with the pomelo — a less bitter grapefruit — the pair are the parents of the orange. Although oranges are a staple of Florida, they aren’t native to the state. Rather they are thought to have been brought over by the Spanish, while the British are credited with cultivating oranges into a major crop.

Source: Modern Farmer | Date Updated: April 16, 2021
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'Tremors' Actress Finn Carter Is Unrecognizable After Las Vegas Arrest
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Goddamm! Finn "Turned".

She looks like Billy Drago.

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Lotus, please be assured this place is different and special.  You are pretty safe from bad experiences here.

In fact, having a handle on Tello should be more than enough to navigate safely.  This little piece was my way of warning other members here about his unique style.......

He's known to us all as the famous Ron Tello
 hid up in the fringe of Nevada.
Ensconced in his den buried deep in Montello,
 a drummer! (Is life any harder?)

He will make an impression, you'll never forget,
 a single post's all that it takes
and you'll break out in laughter or maybe in sweat
 - depends on the sense that he makes.

Inscrutable sometimes and often confusing,
 engaging this champion of chaff
is not for the shy - or you’ll find yourself musing
“Do I cry now or do I just laugh?”

His musical passion is clearly percussion,
- not woodwind, nor brass, nor of song.
But speak of his drums and amid the discussion
 he’ll tell you: “Now THIS is a Gong!”

A practical hand finds him pimping his ride
 (the parts list alone is a tome)
But should ills befall his most joyous new pride,
 he picks up and carries it home.

Though weather is usually safe to discuss
 (Wendover is often on show)
A wintry Christmas will just cause him to cuss
 “You can keep all your ice and your snow!”

A thoughtful, but quick wit, he often is found
 twixt notions (and liable to switch)
What? Serious or mirthful or flippant or sound?
 Just tell me now, PLEASE - Which is which???

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Two National Guards Shot During Riots

The Minnesota National Guard stated that some of its members came under fire in north Minneapolis on Sunday in the midst of riots, looting, and protests after Daunte Wright’s shooting earlier this month.

A National Guard and Minneapolis police “neighborhood security team was fired upon early Sunday morning in a drive-by shooting near Penn Avenue and Broadway in Minneapolis,” the Guard wrote in a tweet around 11 a.m. ET.
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I got botophucket back.


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Fourth stimulus check update: Biden faces mounting pressure for new payment

As the IRS continues to distribute the pandemic's third stimulus checks, for up to $1,400 each, the outcry is building for the government to provide Americans with a fourth payment — and possibly more.

Advocacy groups and dozens of congressional Democrats are stepping up the pressure on President Joe Biden to support regular cash payments until the COVID crisis is over. In a new report, one group calls stimulus checks "critical relief" that must continue.
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‘Cancel Rent’ Champion Ayanna Pressley Raked in Thousands as Landlord, Records Show
'Squad' member calls rent cancellation 'a matter of life and death,' ignoring her own rental income

The progressive congresswoman Ayanna Pressley (D., Mass.) has called rent cancellation legislation "literally a matter of life and death." At the same time, she has collected from her own rental properties.

Pressley and her husband made as much as $15,000 in rental income in 2019 after purchasing a $658,000 Boston home, according to property records and financial disclosures reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon. The income appears to come over the course of four months—the unit was first listed for $2,500 a month in June 2019 and the posting was removed in August.
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Nothing to hide here
Facebook Bigwig Donated Millions to Black Lives Matter. Then The Company Censored Criticism of BLM’s Controversial Founder.
Social media giant censored negative stories about Patrisse Cullors, who spent lavishly on real estate

Facebook cofounder Dustin Moskovitz has poured over $5 million into a network of nonprofits run by Black Lives Matter leader Patrisse Cullors, according to financial disclosure records, raising questions about whether this relationship played a role in the company's decision to censor unflattering news articles about the activist last week.

The social media giant blocked its users from posting links to a New York Post story that revealed Cullors, a self-described Marxist, spent $3.2 million on high-end real estate as her Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation raked in millions in donations.

Facebook said the reporting violated its "privacy and personal information policy." The Post argued that the decision was "so arbitrary as to be laughable" and noted that the media routinely report on real estate purchases by other celebrities and political figures without facing social media censorship.
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Who didn't see this coming?
Two Men Killed When ‘Driverless’ Tesla Crashed Into A Tree

Two people died Saturday night when a Tesla crashed into a tree north of Houston and caught fire immediately after.  Authorities believed that at the time of the crash, there was no one in the driver’s seat.

Initial police reports said that one of the two passengers sat in the front passenger seat while the other was in the back seat of the Tesla.

According to Harris County Constable Mark Herman, the vehicle traveled at high speed along a curve before the Tesla crashed into a tree around 11:25 pm. “Our preliminary investigation is determining—but it’s not complete yet—that there was no one at the wheel of that vehicle. We’re almost 99.9% sure,” the constable said.

Emergency responders needed four hours to put out the fire that engulfed the vehicle after crashing. In addition, they required over 32,000 gallons of water to put out the fire.

The tree was unavailable for comment.
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The tree might have been unavailable to comment
But it was the tree that rang emergency services ..... A trunk call


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Awwww...leaf it alone.

Skynet is aware.
Tesla is asleep at the wheel.
Don't take any wooden Bitcoin nickels from AI.
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You and I both know an economic collapse is right around the corner…

And that the government is giving handouts like never before.

Well, check this out…

My wife is a lawyer.

But she loves learning and decided to go back to school for a second bachelor’s degree.

Me, on the other hand, hates formal education. (I love learning, but I love learning outside the classroom.)

Anyways, the university my wife is attending just sent her the following email out of the blue…

“Dear Amanda,

We are pleased to provide you with a Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA) Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund emergency grant in the amount of $112.

This is a one-time federally funded emergency grant intended to provide financial assistance to students for support with any component of their cost of attendance or for emergency costs that arose or will arise due to the coronavirus.

This grant has been awarded to you in part because of your enrollment status. It has been paid directly to you and has not been automatically applied to any balance you owe.”

Can you believe that?

There are a good amount of students at this university and if every one of them got $112, that adds up quickly.

Plus, there are over 5,000 colleges and universities in the US. Think of all the college students getting these checks.

I’m sure many of these college kids are thinking…

“The government is going to wipe away my loans, plus they’re sending me money out of the blue, why would I ever work my way through college again?”

Talk about sending the wrong message to our youth.

But the real problem is that there is almost nothing the government isn’t giving away money for these days.

And I can’t believe people are actually talking about Universal Basic Income.

When it all implodes – and it will – it’s going to be a rude wakeup call for much of this country.

But you and I are smart enough to understand basic economics. (You can’t give away money forever.)

It won’t last forever and it will soon be 2008 again and even worse.

So, get your house in order and be prepared with your very own Financial Bug Out Bag.

Stay safe,
Jason Hanson
Former CIA Officer
Editor, Spy & Survival Briefing
Editor, Black Bag Confidential
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During this period, humanity is undergoing an unprecedented global vaccination campaign, which is also proving to be the greatest moral test of our time.

The covid-19 vaccine is the only solution at the moment, but once discovered, it generates a new concern, namely the "vaccine passports".

The idea of creating such passports leads to a split in society and provokes contradictory debates. Some consider these passports to be the "Golden Ticket of Humanity", while others reject them completely.

However, in some countries this concept already works in the form of a "Digital Vaccination Passport" (China) or a "Digital Green Certificate" (European Union).

Given the current situation, these passports seem inevitable, especially for people who want to travel to certain countries, either for tourism purposes or in the interests of work.

Some European countries have already announced that their borders will be opened this summer for immunized travelers, who can prove that they have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Among these countries are: Greece, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Portugal, Croatia, Spain, etc.

Unlike the EU, the US has rejected the requirement for such "vaccination certificates" on the grounds that citizens' rights and freedoms must be protected. However, several US campaigns are already developing digital vaccination certificates for smartphone apps.

In addition, the World Health Organization does not support the introduction of vaccination passports because it is not known for sure whether vaccination prevents transmission of the virus, and also because of some concerns about equity.

From all the information I've studied about "vaccine passports", I've tried to determine their positive and negative sides. Let's analyze them together.

Pro arguments
It's the safest way to start traveling again.
This is the only opportunity to rebuild the tourism sector, one of the worst hit by the pandemic.
These "passports" will facilitate the organization of sports competitions, cultural events, and reintegration into social life.
They can also be used for scientific purposes to gain insight into the evolution of the virus as well as possible side effects.
The "vaccine passport" does no harm to anyone.
Anything that would unblock the economy, by reducing quarantine and multiple testing, is better than the current situation.

Cons arguments
They can be considered as grounds for discrimination against persons who cannot be vaccinated for one reason or another.
They can lead to the division of the population into "vaccinated" and "unvaccinated".
There is an increased risk of falsification of vaccination certificates.
"Digital vaccination passports" cause privacy concerns.
In the case of "digital vaccination passports", people who do not have smartphones are not taken into account.
They can be interpreted as an obligation of immunization, which is not officially imposed.
As long as there are no vaccine doses for everyone, it is not right for vaccinated people to have benefits.
As you can see, the arguments fall into two groups. There are both positive and negative aspects to such a "vaccine passport". Whatever the final decision of the authorities, we can only continue to respect the preventive and protective measures, wear masks and hope for a change in the situation.

With or without a ''passport'', the main thing is to be healthy.

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Gov't forced COVID shot in this American county

Mat Staver, LC Action Chairman <>
Ron Culley

Mon, Apr 19 at 11:04 AM

The Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department spent the last three months sending uniformed officers to private homes to hold down special needs adults and children who were crying and physically fighting against a forced COVID injection.

It took three to four adults to pin one woman next to a fence who was screaming "NOOOoooo" as they shoved a needle into her flailing arm. The sheriff's department admitted they were using the Johnson & Johnson shot that the government has now paused because of its risks of death from blood clotting and permanent disabilities.

Seeing government agents detain and force this injection—which had only temporary experimental approval—on individuals who obviously didn't want it is shocking! These people had no choice.

Combined with California's mandatory vaccine passports for events and excursions, it's looking more like China in America! Even Israel is threatening to cancel the vaccine passport of parents who refuse to have their children get the Pfizer/BioNTech shot.

A COVID injection today will be any other injection in the future if we do not demand our freedom to make these personal decisions! — Mat


This is not science fiction. The Pentagon's secretive defense advanced research projects agency (DARPA) went on CBS' 60 Minutes this month to describe an implantable gel chip that consistently tests the blood and sends an electronic alert for COVID or any other matter the government monitors.

This microchip is in the late stages of development—nearing deployment first on the military and then ... likely on you. That the government would constantly monitor your blood is startling. The consequences of such power over personal choice are beyond words.

An implantable chip to record and monitor vaccine status began long before COVID. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has been working for years on ways to monitor vaccine status in underdeveloped countries where people don't have cell phones. Implantable chips and patches that leave a code invisible to the eye are some options. I warned about this last year.

Already four states and multiple federal departments are pushing hard for local-to-international vaccine passports. So is the Biden administration. If you want to leave your home, shop, dine or even worship, you will have to show your vaccine "credential." People like Bill Gates have been pushing a tracing, tracking, monitoring system. China has it. Israel is now blindly following suit. Where America goes is up to you!

To those who say, "In my day, we were required to have vaccines to attend school," let me explain why this is different. First, those vaccines had been tested for decades. The COVID shots are still being tested, and mRNA is highly experimental. Second, this mandate was mostly limited to public schools. Third, every state has a medical exemption, and even now 45 states have religious opt outs. Fourth, digital health or vaccine passports and tracking is unprecedented—and a serious threat to freedom.

Demand freedom at both levels of government through your urgent fax to these decision-makers Say NO MANDATORY VACCINE PASSPORTS OR TRACKING AND TRACING APPS.

Vaccine passports and tracking apps (like my friend has in Israel) have the potential to put the so-called "cancel culture" on steroids. Like the 1996 Arnold Schwarzenegger movie "Eraser," this technology has the potential to erase your digital existence.

Today it is COVID. Tomorrow, other add-ons come with a simple click. A Chinese-lookalike system of "social scoring" is being implemented against some businesses in America. It is called the "ESG Score" or "ESG Rating," which is a number or letter grade given to a company based on how a certain perspective views their environmental, social and governmental impact.

Former Democrat presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg's "Bloomberg ESG Data Services" already has profiles on more than 11,000 businesses!

China already uses a social score for every person. It tracks everything from how many steps you take each day to what you buy, who you hang out with and if you go to church. The algorithm decides what car you may buy, what apartment you may live in and what travel tickets you may purchase. It even has a special ringtone when someone calls a person on the government's blacklist so their friends can pressure that person to take whatever action the communistic government wants.

The implementation of digital health passports is SO much bigger than COVID itself. We must say NO TO MANDATORY VACCINE PASSPORTS AND TRACING APPS!

Our team at LC Action does an incredible amount of research. Through our offices in Washington, D.C., and elsewhere, we work on federal and state levels to protect our freedom. Before we began warning about vaccine passports and tracking apps, nothing was being done. After we raised our concerns and you raised your voice, we now have FL, MT and TX that have banned vaccine passports. A number of other states have pending bills, including a new bill in Congress. Our momentum is gaining steam.

We need you to raise your voice NOW. Tell governors and legislators NO MANDATORY VACCINE PASSPORTS OR TRACING APPS.

We are also actively fighting against the "Equality Act," HR 1 (on vote fraud), taxpayer-funded abortion and the Born Alive Act--just to name a few of our top priorities. Your donations are what make all of this possible. We rely 100% on your support to offer helpful resources to friendly governors and hold accountable those who wish to infringe on your freedoms.

Help us with a monthly recurring donation to our organization or a one-time gift today. And DOUBLE the impact of your gift through our Challenge Grant. Support Liberty Counsel Action by selecting here or the button below.


Mat Staver
Liberty Counsel Action
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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