Author Topic: The ELECTION Thread  (Read 266423 times)


  • Knight of the RT
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« on: July 09, 2010, 09:09:10 AM »
well checking results from early counting the booths are showing a 10% two party preferred swing to having an election thread

so here it is


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #1 on: July 09, 2010, 09:33:41 AM »
David Tench Tonight - Julia Gillard


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #2 on: July 09, 2010, 09:55:03 AM »


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2010, 12:51:15 PM »
Gillard escapes egging as protest boils over


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2010, 01:13:39 PM »
Conroy backs down on net filters

my head is spinning from the never ending backflips


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2010, 06:16:09 PM »
Well hold on - there is going to be a lot of backflips - there always are regardless of which party is in power or in opposition.

I am just glad our election campaigns are normally short - I could not stand the way they do it in the States.


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2010, 07:01:10 PM »

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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2010, 08:33:38 PM »
I am doing my own backflip now - i will not be supporting the Labor government in the federal election after hearing that they have green lighted oil drilling off Margaret River. 


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2010, 03:52:21 PM »
smh 12.07.2010

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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2010, 07:47:48 PM »
LOL...sorry, is this an anti ALP thread on the elections?  Subscriptions to Tony Abbott the original ankle tapper of the Liberal party welcome?  The man who Had an opposing party leader JAILED with his endless malicious pursuit of that person? and sanctioned by the Govt of the time?  Jailed?  Really?  "Please Explain" ?????? 

Yet some think he's a viable alternative as the leader of this country?  How far down in the barrel is the Coalition government willing to reach?  Turnbull was a FAR better candidate and what did they do to him on the basis of fickle 'POPULARITY'?  And some point the finger at the Labour party for being as fickle as their opponents?  Seems to me it's the political CULTURE these days. 

Would it surprise some to know that it renders right thinking people 'fearful' on a socially and morally responsible level that the likes of Tony Abbot might be elected to run this country? After 12 years of little Johnny favouring BIG BUSINESS at our expense collectively?  Please !!!  As right as you liberals think you are, ALP voters think differently.  Can you come at that? Can you even respect a socially responsible approach to Govt? in addition to a Financially responsible approach that Liberals could offer in a true Bi-partison approach to the needs of all AUSTRALIANS irrespective of political pissing posts?

No wonder this Govt has been screwed.  Tony Abbot and his merry  mates are ruling the media (in opposition no less?)  Wonder where the media leanings are eh? objective? hardly,  and stomping them at every turn.  The Liberal adds are offensive to say the least.  Give me a where's the 'FAIR GO'?.  Australia's infrastructure is dying under the strain and yet we are receiving 1.00 in 7.00 for our un-renewable mineral resources?  give me a break !!!! It's just Rape !!! 

BIG PICTURE PEOPLE !!! WE, the Australian people OWN those resources.  We should be getting 3.00 in 7.00 not 1.00 in 7.00.  And yet some want to defend the mining industry literally raping the Australian people for profit and thereby necessary infrastructure upgrade??????   Please !!!! Think about the collective good, not just personal gain. 

Tony Abbot is NOT a suitable leader of this country.  He was one of the original ankle tappers of the Coalition Howard Govt., Along with Hockey and Reith ?  Care to debate their activities in days gone by?

The 'anything is justifiable for a dollar' philosophy?  It's just NOT ok.

I wouldn't elect Tony Abbott on a BAD HAIR DAY.  His history says it all.  His mentor robbed infrastructure for 12 years.  Want to know how?  And you want to hand over rulership of the country to Tony Abbot the toe cutter?  Please.  Think long term. Australians should be reimbursed for the profit these mining companies make from raping our UN-RENEWABLE resources.  POWER TO THE PEOPLE !!! At the bloody least.  Anything for a buck?  Welcome to the machine.

Please at least try to be objective !!!


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #13 on: July 12, 2010, 08:08:24 PM »
i.e any critiques on Abbots many failings ?  or is this all about downing the ALP?  hey, just asking, all things being objective and in respect of us being a democracy, that respects and includes MANY opinions.  ??? All I've seen so far is the Coalition interfering with our elected Govt at every possible turn, via their power & influence with Big business and  thereby MEDIA. !!!!

should we go looking for negative articles about Tony Abbot and the Coalition in this 'great debate' of the future of ALL Australians and their 'fair share'? 

DO WE NEED INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT IRRESPECTIVE OF POLITICAL LEANINGS?  If yes is your answer then WE the Australian people, have MORE power than any political party.  Just saying...we outnumber em !!!  Isn't it time we demanded MUCH NEEDED NATIONAL infrastructure investment irrespective of who's in Govt?  So far, I haven't heard a peep about our share...have you??


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #14 on: July 12, 2010, 08:27:44 PM »
Oh, and BTW, would it surprise some that many Australians find the Coalitions obsessions with placing asylum seekers at risk by towing boats out to sea...more than a little OFFENSIVE? and devoid of any human kindness in this GLOBAL world/marketplace we so aspire to? So, for PROFIT, anything is justifiable, (including the Gulf of Mexico's abstract destruction including all aligned tidal recipients of capitalism's real cost) but for human rights or moral 'global' obligation, all bets are off?   Sorry, if your life is being threatened, at the very least, you can expect anyone to TRY to survive?  NO?  So why do we treat people just trying to survive in this GLOBAL COMMUNITY like criminals?  Would you try to survive?  Would you try to save your family at the hands of a dominant regime that might otherwise kill them and you?  Would YOU try to flee such a regime?  Then does anyone wonder why they take such risks??

 Meanwhile Tony Abbot is taking a largely 'ignorant,uncharitable' but nonetheless, PUNITIVE and risky approach to human rights?  Think about that.  Do you want to be complicit in such indifference?  If you actually care about the life and death of others, then let him know.  These people need support.

What would you do if your life (and your children's lives) were threatened in your country of birth?  Can you even imagine it?  and more importantly, can you have respect for those who have faced death at the hands of a dominant regime and taken less obvious risks to free their families/children from that risk??  Prolly not?, then spare a thought for those who have !!!  JMO  Be  Kind above all else and thereby help to preserve basic natural justice.  Above all else, we deserve to live in peace.. Yes even asylum seekers of which this country has been host to many over the decades..  Fair Go and all that nostalgia.  That;s the very least we can do, and along the way, consider and how rich our ethnic mates have made this country !!!  There's room for more.


  • Knights of the RT
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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #15 on: July 12, 2010, 10:11:49 PM »
Rebel*1* - as valid as some points you make may be, you oversell it. There are huge gaps in your logic and it is sounding like socialist propaganda.

For example, you would have us believe EVERY boat person is in dire need - when we know they are not - and you make no reference to the formal processes which, amongst other things, seek to identify such circumstances.

The rest of that last post is purely an attempt at pushing a 'guilt trip' on people.  It is, actually, rather counter-productive. People are becoming desensitised to this 70's style hysteria.

And before you go off at me - YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA of my participation in these matters. So I would suggest care in your responses.....


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #16 on: July 12, 2010, 10:18:49 PM »
while it would appear I am pro Liberal ......... let me state quite clearly I am not

but I am certainly anti Labor and even more so the greens but that's another story

the thing that really craps me off about the labor party is the pretence that they are the party of the worker yet they use every underhanded gutter tactic to get into power .. they gleefully bypass democracy to achieve their ends

need I draw your attention to their most recent assassination and by who ???   the head of the AWU  who ??? considering that less the 15% of Australians workers are members of a trade union the head of the AWU represents no one

and as for the Liberals owning the media, thankfully there is a contrary opinion being express to give the other side of the coin compared to the utterly leftie biased ABC (Australian Broadcasting Commies) or SBS ... again a tiny minority forcing their will on the entire country just like trade unions

no political party will have the miracle cure ... after all they are run by politicians

just like Julia Caesar who will say and promise anything to stay in power

what I would really relish is seeing 2 Labor Prime Ministers going down in a matter of two months


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #17 on: July 13, 2010, 10:38:35 AM »
Rebel*1* - as valid as some points you make may be, you oversell it. There are huge gaps in your logic and it is sounding like socialist propaganda.......

Brumby hear hear but true believers always come out of the woodwork, come election time you finally get to see the termites, hidding and destroying the rest of the years. I am pro Liberal and feel Abbott deserves a go it is the party you in effect ellect .

The difference bettween labour and liberal is small in the broad scale of things, the difference between greens and one nation however is large.

I am reminded of the old joke;

If you have not once voted labour by the time you are 30, you do not have a heart.

If you always vote labour after you are 40 you do not have a brain.


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #18 on: July 13, 2010, 02:45:07 PM »
For example, you would have us believe EVERY boat person is in dire need - when we know they are not - and you make no reference to the formal processes which, amongst other things, seek to identify such circumstances.

Sorry, how do WE know they are not?  Is there media stories (supported by fact) highlighting that they are not? or is it just suspicion and generalisation ?  Further, I am not arguing that refugees should not be formally processed.  It goes without saying, but clearly today's politicians haven't got a clue about achieving that humanely or expediently. 

It's not like this is a new phenomenon or a crisis limited to Australia only.  It's a global humanitarian issue, and certainly not an election show bag filler.

As for Guilt trips, and hysteria, that type of response is reasonably unintelligent and subjective.  My comments were general, not aimed at you in particular.  Do you find it necessary to personally offend someone because their views differ from yours Brumby?  i.e.Trade insults instead of intellect? and by comparison that's more Productive?

Quite ironically, the 70's have a hell of a lot to do with the current 'boat people' hysteria (and the origin of that term) now that you mention it, though I realise you were meaning something else in your reference to the same era.

Ironically, Even then, Australians were being fed the same fear based propaganda about the 'yellow peril' and fear campaigns abounded about being 'overrun' by boat people.     

Some might remember, that In the last days before the fall of Saigon to the communists in 1975, The Americans and Australians tried to evacuate as many people as possible, but many were left behind.

For years, Vietnamese people were leaving the country any way they could. In desperation thousands of families climbed aboard flimsy, overcrowded boats to escape to other countries.   Many died in the process.  So yes, I'd call that reasonably 'dire'.

Most of the boats went to Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Hong Kong.  Australia was hardly being overrun by comparison to other Countries, either then or now.

According to media accounts of the time, One day in Hong Kong could see the arrival of 2000 people in the harbour, with no money, no possessions and sometimes suffering from highly-infectious diseases like typhus and cholera. The refugees were left in the camps, sometimes for years, while foreign governments argued over how to deal with the situation. 

The one key difference back then in Australia, was Malcolm Frasers handling of the issue, which apparently also surprised his 'right wing' colleagues. 

According to 1977 cabinet documents, the Fraser government adopted a formal policy for a humanitarian commitment to admit refugees for resettlement. Fraser in fact expanded immigration from Asian countries and allowed more refugees to enter Australia.  He didn't suggest towing 'boat people' out to sea, or treating them as criminals.  Perhaps Mr. Abbott could learn a lot from Malcolm Fraser in this regard. 

However, nothing any one individual country did even back then, was making a dent in camp populations.  It needed a concerted effort from as many countries as possible to make a difference.  Just as it does now. 

In 1979 the United Nations stepped in and set up the 'Orderly Departure Program' with America, Australia, Britain and Canada accepting large numbers of Indo-Chinese refugees.  This was specifically aimed at processing people through official immigration channels to stop 'people smuggling' by boat, as the only other viable alternative for resettlement.

Obviously we need another innovative regional/global approach such as the Vietnamese example, not more 'boat people' hysteria. 

Does anyone imagine that anything has changed in 35 years?  There are now more displaced persons and refugees worldwide living in camps than there were in the '70's.  Progress?

Wherever there is conflict there will be refugees fleeing from that conflict.  Isn't it about time that we just accepted that and dealt with it devoid of the constant hysteria?  It's a fact of life.  In fact, let's just stop having wars, that might help.  Here's the current picture :

    * The Middle East has the highest number of refugees and IDPs (Internally Displace Persons): a staggering 4.2 million. Palestinians, Afghanis and Iraqis make up the majority of the uprooted population.
    * With 3.2 million refugees and IDPs, Africa has the second highest number. Refugees from Sudan are the largest group, scattered throughout the camps in various countries.
    * Almost 2 million refugees and IDPs live in south and central Asia, with over 1 million Afghanis in Pakistan alone.

Correct me if I'm wrong. (As I'm sure you'll do regardless), but isn't Julia Gillard attempting to broker a 'regional solution' to the problem? not unlike the Fraser Govt's approach?  Taking both the 'push' and 'pull' factors into account?  Just saying.


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #19 on: July 13, 2010, 04:49:54 PM »


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2010, 08:53:21 PM »
I have tried to be fair to you Rebel*1* - and inform you how your style of presentation comes across (to me at least). It is doing more harm to the cause you are championing, because of that.

I've spent more than an hour or two doing work for the UNHCR, so I am well aware of the problems faced by refugees, but I am also aware of some of the administrative realities.  The passion you demonstrate is needed, but your presentation turns people off. Desensitisation is a major problem that doesn't need reinforcement.

I will agree, though, that politicians could learn the meaning of the word 'expedient'.

Do you find it necessary to personally offend someone because their views differ from yours Brumby?  i.e.Trade insults instead of intellect?

My statements were rather objective I thought - however, if you choose to interpret them as insulting, then I find it impossible to understand how to conduct a discussion with someone who finds a differing view offensive. (Notice I did not say opposing.)

Also, the altering of the context of some of my comments shows a complete disrespect for the logic of discussion and, from previous experience, those that choose to do so have never shown any interest in understanding the problem in doing that.

One example, just so it is clear to others what I mean, is that the word 'dire' is used in a completely different context to that in which I used it - a fact highlighted by it appearing six paragraphs after the closest reference to the original subject.

These exchanges are less of a discussion and more like a speech - with hecklers… so I might be inclined to hold my tongue and leave the 'heckling' for someone else.


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2010, 02:44:43 AM »
I certainly dont want Tony Abbott to be Prime Minister - I can think of nothing worse.  I am hoping that he does not win his own seat - personally I would love to see Austen Tayshus win the seat from him.

But until Julia says that she will redlight the greenlight she gave to oil drilling in Margaret River and Off the Kimberley - then she will not get my vote.  I would also like her to overturn the lift on the ban for Uranium Mining in this state.  I am not opposed to mining - but some places and things should be left alone imo.

I honestly dont know what we can do about boatpeople  - they will always come.  However I do think that we have a responsibility first to those families living in refugee camps for years first.  These are the ones that dont have the money to pay a scum smuggler any money.  It also scares me that  when most illegal refugees come here - they have no proof of who they are - that scares me as we have not had a terrorist attack here yet - and I honestly do think we are going to suffer one.  I do feel sorry for anyone who has to leave their home and country because of conflict -  I cant imagine that.  It also worries me that most boat people are young men, whereas if it is that bad why are they leaving their families behind.  But that is just my opinion.


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2010, 02:55:22 AM »
One thing that I think makes Waussies feel like our votes dont really matter - is that the results of federal elections is normally being broadcast before our polling booths are even closed.  And they normally know who is going to win by 8pm est - our votes have not even been counted by then


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #23 on: July 14, 2010, 09:28:03 AM »
Robertson is currently held by Belinda "don't you know who I am" Neal

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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #24 on: July 14, 2010, 10:24:24 AM »
I have to say what has really surprised me is the comments written by readers of online newspaper etc

and I don't just read those of what could be considered right wing leaning publications, I read them all (got plenty of time on my hands as I am not doing any eBay sales)

even the readers of ABC stories are leaving overwhelmingly negative comments about Labor and in particular Julia Caesar

in the last days of Krudd is was around 75/25 against now it's more like 98/2

I'm not sure what bearing this might have on the election results but it is extremely interesting to observe


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2010, 03:28:09 PM »
I have tried to be fair to you Rebel*1* - and inform you how your style of presentation comes across (to me at least). It is doing more harm to the cause you are championing, because of that.

Brumby, really, that sounds so arrogant.  I'm not championing any cause, just having a say on issues that are relevant to me as an Australian Citizen.  I really don't care whether you choose to be 'fair' or not. If you feel you must be 'unfair', then go for it.    So what if you don't like my style of communication?  It won't keep me up at night, and at least I'm willing to have an opinion on these issues.     

However I do think that we have a responsibility first to those families living in refugee camps for years first. 

I agree MM, but most of the people trying to get here by boat have been in camps for years, whilst every Govt sits on their thumbs doing nothing to process them in an expedient manner.   

How about we start discussing the END of this silly war and getting Iraqi and Afghan people repatriated?   i.e. deal with the 'PUSH' factors and invest the many billions being pumped into this ridiculous War, into re-building these societies so people can go home.   There are 1 Million Afghani refugees in Pakistan camps alone, and we think we have a crisis with boat people?  really?  Isn't that a tad hysterical by comparison to the influx into other countries? I'm referring to media generated hysteria MM, not your comments.

If the UN and our Allies/neighbours implemented a similar 'Orderly Departure Program" Under a 'Human Rights' banner, with 'Temporary Protection Visa's only, to clear some of these camps of their long term residents, then perhaps the pull factors for 'boat people' would be also diminished along with the human suffering and ultimate risk.   

I'm sure we are all concerned that terrorism might raise its head here too, but is this kind of 'fear' factor justified? and can we therefore ignore human suffering on a 'just in case' basis?  All we (and other Countries) need offer is 'safe harbour' not necessarily permanent citizenship. 

Do the concerns over terrorism, also include those fleeing Sri Lanka? We have as many coming from there as we do Middle Eastern cultures but their situation is quite different. 

I'm not saying Australia can solve the problem, we can't, not without UN involvement and support of other countries.  But Abbott is misleading the Australian people into believing that Gillard can somehow magically pull a rabbit out of her hat and fix the World's refugee crisis overnight?   Please.  Perhaps he can slip over to Pakistan and tell them how it's done while he's at it?


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2010, 07:58:22 PM »
I dont think most of the boat people have spent years in refugee camps - and if they were - where did they get the money to pay the smugglers.  Most people in refugee camps have nothing - not even enough food.

I would love to discuss the end of the 2 wars we are in - but I cant see it.  You see I dont think we can win the win - in fact I dont know why we are there in the first place.  We entered Iraq on false pretenses, as most will agree, there were no weapons of mass destruction.  We believed the "intelligence' rather than believe Hans Blix - who was there.  As for Afghanistan - I dont think we will win this war - but I dont think the US will ever admit this - it will be another Vietnam.  I also doubt they will ever find Osama Bin Laden - I think he is probably in Pakistan.

Rebel - you ask whether the threat of a terrorist attack here is a real concern, well yes it is - do you remember that some terrorist cell wanted to attack us at the 2005 afl grand final.  Could you imagine what would have happened if this occurred.  I do think it is a real possibility that more attacks are being planned, and eventually one may happen. 

As for the Sri Lankan boat people - some we know are former members of the Tamil Tigers - who were responsible for terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka.

I also think that on boat people - we have to be a lot tougher - we must turn these boats back the moment they enter our waters.  These boats are unseaworthy and by not turning them back - we are only encouraging the smugglers.  And maybe because of this - we are responsible for any deaths that occur on these boats., because we are not doing enough to discourage them.

I dont think there is an answer to the problem of boat people - but it certainly takes our focus away from over stayers in this country - a much bigger problem.   

There will always be refugees in the world - there will always be wars and now we have countries that the sea will reclaim.  There will also be people who are affected by mother nature - just look at those poor people in Haiti.

Tony Abbot has no solutions - he can brag about the surplus the Liberal Government had as much as he wants - but its easy to save money when your not spending it where it needs to be spent.  As the Health Minister he failed us - he put a freeze on doctor numbers - which was just ridiculous - we needed more doctors if anything - and still do.


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #27 on: July 14, 2010, 09:35:01 PM »
I'm not sure what bearing this might have on the election results but it is extremely interesting to observe

No offense intended to you bnwt, I don't hold your political leanings against you and neither should you hold my opinions against me.  Like MM, I tend to vote on the issues not the Party.  Both sides have much to offer and much to criticise.  Do we agree on that much? 

But seriously, Tony Abbott as Prime Minister?  Fair Dinkum?  Please, I would have preferred Turnbull actually. At least he offered an intelligent and untarnished alternative perhaps.  But Abbott?  Even Costello would have been a MUCH better candidate.  And to think Hockey also ran for the leadership position?  Is that the best they can do?  And yet they criticise the present Govt ?  *shreak*

Nevertheless, while it might be interesting to observe ignorance in action, I doubt the misinformed prejudices of the vocal minority online will have much impact on this election.  The only poll worth worrying about is therefore, the Federal election itself, where we all get to vote on who we think represents reality, not fantasy.   Bring it on I say.

I just spent a few hours at a going away party for a local business couple who ran the town Post Office, and who threw a bash at the pub for their customers and mates.     

There I met a woman who I considered to be an 'elder', and who I spent an hour with, talking about this very issue.  She's a wise old owl, with a great deal of history to share, and which I listened to with great interest.  She was born before the second world war and even as a young girl, remembered all its refugees, right through every other war since, and to a different war now and just as many refugees.  You could see the look of 'same shite different day' etched on her face.    Some things never change do they?  War = refugees.   

She's seen much more than I, but in this issue of 'boat people' hysteria as an election issue (as unbelievable as it seems), we had to agree, that it stands to reason that (as with every other war before it) the Vietnam war produced huge numbers of refugees, and the current war in the Middle east is also producing refugees from Iraq and Afghanistan. So MM, you are right on the nail with that observation.  It is Vietnam all over again isn't it?  Why are we there exactly?

Similarly, the neverending civil war in Sri Lanka has produced hundreds of thousands of IDP's who all want to flee what they see as tyranny. We have no part in that one, but we can't ignore the 'push' factors if we want to solve the issue of 'Tamil Boat People' can we?   

MM, no offense but for the sake of a few Tamil Tigers amongst the refugees (politics we really don't have a first hand knowledge of), should the Tamils themselves (as an ethnic group) be abandoned?  The present Govt is apparently no better from what I've read mate.    Hey and that's only two of the countries housing massive numbers of IDP's & refugees. There are around 26 current conflicts Worldwide, with huge numbers fleeing those conflicts.  sheesh.  wouldn't you?  We only get those who can reach our shores.  Not a huge problem for us is it?  Hardly an election issue is it?  I think Mining is MUCH more important in this election don't you MM?

Nevertheless, in the 'boat people' issue, these are the 'Push' factors that Abbott is trying to ignore and underestimate at Gillards expense, just to get elected? And then what ? toughen the borders against refugees in contradiction to our Humanitarian obligations under the UN? really?.  Who would seriously consider doing that? 

The previous generations never did.  Don't we have an obligation to help solve the fall out & CIVILIAN casualties of a war we have and still do take part in for our US allies?  Or are we part of the problem?  Is that Australian?  surely not.  We should be hammering the US to help clean up the mess they've created and help their allies resettle these people as we all did after the Vietnam war.  JMO.

As you also observe MM, No policy, or 'political spin' is going to solve this problem, (or the mining issue) there is no 'quick fix', there never has been.  As long as there are wars, there will be boat people if they can reach our shores and anyone elses.  As long as there is mining they will try to dominate us and our Govt to gain access to our resources at the cheapest possible price.  They don't give a shite about the destruction they leave behind.  (See Gulf of Mexico for a snap shot of what can happen in the name of profit)

Just once, I'd like to see a woman take the helm.  I think many will give Gillard the benefit of the doubt, and see if she is able to take a longer term (realistic) approach to issues like refugees, mining, environment, economy, equity for Australian people, hey even the estimated 105,000 Australians sleeping rough each night.  Let's not forget our own backyard full of Aussie IDP'S with no refugee camp to call home.

As I've said previously, I think Abbott could learn a lot from Malcolm Frasers approach to the same problem.  At least he has REAL experience in these types of diplomatic negotiations in the face of a mass exodus of refugees of war.  He would lend credibility to this debate at least, but Abbott relies on Howard?  please.  Who's really being elected here?  A defacto Howard Govt?  It's a humanitarian crisis, not an election issue.  Shame on all of them.



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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #28 on: July 14, 2010, 09:42:31 PM »
Dare I suggest BNWT.... Dear...Oh Bloody Dear!

Having been a happy tourist in Sri Lanka during the early eighties, and having entered a country that was in unrest, that became under the grip of martial law... and under 19Hrs / day curfew, and having seen the bodies of the townsfolk who had been shot - burning on piles of car tyres in the streets, and being connected to a number of journalists, learning that the death toll was running into the many thousands.... and not hundreds as reported by the government, and having been told by army personnel not to travel to the north of the country, lest we be killed by the Tigers to bring our country into involvement, and having, some weeks later, walked a gauntlet outlined with soldiers armed with machine guns....... I now learn that we are going to let these perpetrators in here - to Australia!

Enough said!


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #29 on: July 14, 2010, 10:01:48 PM »
I do think Mining is more of an election issue for us Waussies.  We never wanted Uranium mining in this state - but the federal government has greenlighted it.  I did expect better From Kevin.

As for allowing offshore drilling in WA off the coast of Margaret River and the Kimberley - I cant believe a politician would announce the greenlighting of this before an election.  We dont want it - and especially now we have seen what is happening in the gulf coast.  I think she has made a huge mistake in announcing this before the election - she should have done what others have done - announce it after the election.  lol

I dont think Julia has bothered to even really visit these sites - if she did she would know why we dont want it, and she would understand.  WE have pristine beaches over here, we have some spectacular coral reefs and well the wildlife is amazing.  We have let mining companies control us for way to long - they dont care about us or the environment - they only care about money. 

Colin Barnett is no better - he has virtually forced the indigenous community to go along with him - on mining matters - because he can.  Instead of listening to their concerns - which are real and lets face it - they looked after this land a lot better than we are.


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #30 on: July 14, 2010, 10:07:34 PM »
Dare I suggest BNWT.... Dear...Oh Bloody Dear!

Having been a happy tourist in Sri Lanka during the early eighties, and having entered a country that was in unrest, that became under the grip of martial law... and under 19Hrs / day curfew, and having seen the bodies of the townsfolk who had been shot - burning on piles of car tyres in the streets, and being connected to a number of journalists, learning that the death toll was running into the many thousands.... and not hundreds as reported by the government, and having been told by army personnel not to travel to the north of the country, lest we be killed by the Tigers to bring our country into involvement, and having, some weeks later, walked a gauntlet outlined with soldiers armed with machine guns....... I now learn that we are going to let these perpetrators in here - to Australia!

Enough said!

Too right.  We also dont know how many Afghanistans that are coming have ties to the Taliban?  It may be a few - it may be a lot - but surely we dont want these War Criminals here.  I also dont understand why these young men are not fighting the Taliban along side us - if our troops are willing to put their lives on the line to protect their country - why aren't they.


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #31 on: July 14, 2010, 10:31:23 PM »
Dare I suggest BNWT.... Dear...Oh Bloody Dear!

Having been a happy tourist in Sri Lanka during the early eighties, and having entered a country that was in unrest, that became under the grip of martial law... and under 19Hrs / day curfew, and having seen the bodies of the townsfolk who had been shot - burning on piles of car tyres in the streets, and being connected to a number of journalists, learning that the death toll was running into the many thousands.... and not hundreds as reported by the government, and having been told by army personnel not to travel to the north of the country, lest we be killed by the Tigers to bring our country into involvement, and having, some weeks later, walked a gauntlet outlined with soldiers armed with machine guns....... I now learn that we are going to let these perpetrators in here - to Australia!

Enough said!

Loco, I appreciate the past politics, but not all Tamils are the perpetrators and I'm not saying they should be housed here, but they ARE coming here.  So what would you suggest we as a more diplomatic country do about that?  Join in their persecution ?  what's that about?  Ghandi comes to mind in all this, can't imagine why.


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #32 on: July 14, 2010, 10:51:01 PM »
I think that is the problem - we dont know what to do, or we can do anything.  I for one thought Live aid would help those people in Ethopia and other parts of Africa - but they are still starving.  Look at the people in Haiti - all that money promised - but living conditions are still appalling - and it seems most countries have not given the funds they promised.  I am glad we did though.


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #33 on: July 14, 2010, 11:06:47 PM »
Loco, I appreciate the past politics, but not all Tamils are the perpetrators and I'm not saying they should be housed here, but they ARE coming here.  So what would you suggest we as a more diplomatic country do about that?  Join in their persecution ?  what's that about?  Ghandi comes to mind in all this, can't imagine why.

Past politics? Sorry - I'm not talking politics - I'm sharing facts and experience about how serious a threat to our country these people can be. And please don't misunderstand me..... I am certainly NOT condemning the Tamil people - only those who wear a terrorist cap. Tamils make up rather a large part of the population of India. You do know that this 'terrorist activity' started when the Tamil people declared that they wanted their own country? They rather seriously lost that argument in India. The plan raised again in Sri Lanka. It was a great plan.... we'll have HALF of the country..... not negotiable! Neither was it acceptable to the government. So, the terrorists set about placing bombs in bus stations, and detonating these things at the busiest times of the day. They killed indiscriminately, unconcerned whether the majority of their victims were children returning home from school. Finally, the government had had enough - and initiated a war to remove the threat to the people. Now they come here. I could be a lot more colourful in the descriptions of what I saw - and it is still firmly placed in mind after nearly thirty years.  As regards diplomacy.... there is a significant difference between being diplomatic as opposed to defeatist.

What would I suggest? - Simple, something similar to what the Howard government had.... placement off the mainland until the enquiries are completed and the applicants known to be safe. I'll happily join with you in welcoming them here at that time. Alternately, these people can escape into the community - and goodness knows what they can do. It only takes one person to build a bomb and drive a car. Were it aimed at your family - would you not exercise at the very least...extreme caution?

You write of Ghandi.... He was about peace - not indiscriminate murder. He spoke of peaceful, non-cooperation, not car bombs. He also condemned those who carried out such things.

As a matter of interest, I voted for Kevin Rudd. I apparently had more faith in him winning the next election than did his assassinators colleagues. On such a matter as this - I believe the matter should be bipartisan - as it is a matter of national security.


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #34 on: July 14, 2010, 11:37:45 PM »
So Is Gillard suggesting something other than that loco?

As for Ghandi, in that example the murder and injustice was being imposed on the Indian people by the British.  I used him as reference to the philosophy of 'an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind'. 


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #35 on: July 15, 2010, 12:03:09 AM »
Also, we're not just talking about Sri Lanka.  Afghanistan and Iraq are the main IDP and refugee crisis currently, due predominantly to a stupid war.  Do they deserve to be abandoned also?  We're in their country at war.  God knows why, after almost 9 years already?  What have we or are we achieving exactly, other than producing refugees?

Time to call it a day?

On such a matter as this - I believe the matter should be bipartisan - as it is a matter of national security.

I agree, but it's more than that, it's a global responsibility.


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #36 on: July 15, 2010, 08:08:45 AM »
do you get the feeling Miranda Devine (smh) doesn't like Juuuulia

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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #37 on: July 15, 2010, 08:54:40 AM »
Good Morning Rebel*1*

So Is Gillard suggesting something other than that loco?

Probably not.... but in terms of expediting the applications of these people - reinventing the wheel is counterproductive. It was argued that Howard's scheme was oppressive. Alternately, Rudd's scheme was at the other end of the scale. Surely, there can be a meeting of the minds somewhere towards the middle, for a good outcome that appropriately addresses the needs of both sides.

As for Ghandi, in that example the murder and injustice was being imposed on the Indian people by the British.

That's quite true, but Britain was a sovereign nation imposing its will from within another country. How does that then compare to our country preventing a free-for-all entry of illegal and possibly extremist individuals? It's quite interesting when speaking with Aboriginal people, who still regard 26 January as Invasion Day. Many will tell you, the invasion continues today.... just from a different place.

Also, we're not just talking about Sri Lanka.

My reference to Sri Lanka came from your part phrase.... MM, no offense but for the sake of a few Tamil Tigers amongst the refugees (politics we really don't have a first hand knowledge of)..... I certainly do have first hand knowledge of the situation as applied in Sri Lanka.... and am happy to offer it to demonstrate the dangers associated.

Afghanistan and Iraq

Irrespective of whether this is a silly war or not... our people are there. Perhaps, when they do finally withdraw, the people who live in these areas may find some peace and encouragement to return home. As far as abandonment is concerned - the US supplied arms to the northern areas of Afghanistan in their battle against the USSR. They then withdrew their support and allowed the people to be obliterated. Keep in mind, it was the US who incited the actions in the first place. And who gained from this..... weapons manufacturers. It was also the US who effectively installed Sadam Hussein into power - only to go after him when he sought payment for his country's oil in Euros and not US Dollars. He no longer was playing their game.
I agree, but it's more than that, it's a global responsibility.

For the purpose of this discussion - the rest of the world ceases to exist. My concern is wholly focussed on this country - and the safety and wellbeing of its residents. How other countries deal with these things are matters for them.

You made an earlier comment which I missed last night.... Just once, I'd like to see a woman take the helm.  I think many will give Gillard the benefit of the doubt, and see if she is able to take a longer term (realistic) approach to issues like refugees, mining,  environment, economy, equity for Australian people, hey even the estimated 105,000 Australians sleeping rough each night.  Let's not forget our own backyard full of Aussie IDP'S with no refugee camp to call home. [/b]

Gillard or Abbott? Really don't care other than who is best going to address the bold statement above. Change the lyric of The Streets of London.... to Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth or Melbourne.... and the story remains the same..... with a growth factor present. Charity begins at home.


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #38 on: July 15, 2010, 12:47:51 PM »
Senate inquiry calls for Royal Commission into Gillard Government insulation fiasco

``Overall the committee is of the view that the program has been a breathtaking and disastrous waste of more than a billion dollars of tax-payer's money which has had devastating consequences for many honest and hard-working Australian families,'' the report concluded.


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #39 on: July 15, 2010, 12:57:01 PM »
In interesting article bnwt..... but wasn't that all Kev's idea and fault? Isn't that why they sunk the dagger in? The rest are all innocents you know! Poor victims....


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #40 on: July 15, 2010, 01:37:14 PM »
Plunge on August 21 election day

Betting agency Centrebet is about to close the books on an election date following a sudden rush of money for August 21.


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #41 on: July 15, 2010, 02:28:56 PM »
The Opposition-dominated committee made a series of scathing conclusions including:

* the design and deliver has been ``a monumental failure'';

* caused ``massive disruptions for many genuine insulation companies'';

* exposed failings within the Federal Department of Environment and

* ``sullied the waters for future large-scale government driven environmental programs''.

Anything not 'opposition dominated on this issue? 


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #42 on: July 15, 2010, 02:43:30 PM »
so Rebel what you saying is that a government dominated committee would have found the insulation fiasco

a monumental success

caused massive improvements for many genuine insulation companies

exposed continued strengths within the dept. of environment

and enhanced the positives of large scale labor government programs

the only committee that would find those results would be the same labor party that suddenly found 6 billion dollars under cushion on the lounge

in the words of peter garrett ...... "how can we sleep when our roofs are burning"?

and another ........... "the time has come to say farewell"  ............ "who's gunna save me"


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #43 on: July 15, 2010, 06:53:11 PM »
I would like to see our Prime Minister whoever they may be - reevaluate our relationship with the USA.  We seem unable to say No to them - and I dont get it.  We dont owe them anything - and they certainly dont value our friendship. 

I was shocked when we had the Bushfire Memorial and they did not send anyone - even though Hilliary was in Indonesia at the time.  I am sure the Indonesians would have understood.  I thought that was a major slap in the face.  I also thought that their help at the time - by sending 30 'experts' over not to help fight the fires - but to tell us how to do it.  I am sorry but this was our worst natural disaster ever - we needed people holding on to hoses - not telling us how to.

They also offered no financial aid - but when Katrina happened - we sent over 10 million bucks from the government and another 20 million from donations.  We also sent over 1000 emergency workers to help.

I honestly think that the balance of power in this relationship is so one sided that they dont appreciate us at all


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #44 on: July 16, 2010, 09:50:21 AM »
I get the distinct impression the Sydney Morning Herald does not like Ms Gillard ......... just look at the flattering photo they used today

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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #45 on: July 16, 2010, 11:29:31 AM »
The question(s) raised by Laurie Oakes appeared to be very well put together, on the basis of statements received.... They seemed to more tell a story than seek a response. JMO. The answer = that's confidential..... no comment. Did anyone actually hear Ms Gillard utter the word 'NO' in her response?


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #46 on: July 16, 2010, 11:33:07 AM »
yeah stop all this forgien aid fix this country first let them fix there own and if we stop supporting them they might stop breeding for 5 minutes and do something themselves


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #47 on: July 16, 2010, 11:36:06 AM »
Kevin Rudd's one-man show haunts Julia Gillard

Wasn't there once a story about biting off more than one can chew???


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #48 on: July 16, 2010, 12:38:14 PM »
i have no desire to save the world but i would like to see this country improve, it because of all this foriegn aid that these countries no long grow there own crops, they had a drought once so we feed them and wow what a wicket we just sit here and the world will feed us no need to grow them crops any more


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Re: The ELECTION Thread
« Reply #49 on: July 16, 2010, 01:04:40 PM »
it appears the Australian don't like her much either ....... yet another extremely flattering photo

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