The sooner Ebay are held responsible for dealing with rogue buyers (& sellers) the better, how much longer they can hide under the "just a venue" banner is anyone's guess more is the pity.
Unfortunately all this masked bidder rubbish combined with Sellers not being able to leave negative feedback and the one sided resolution process it has become a buyers paradise, everyday more good sellers vanish in disgust, it has brought all the rogue buyers out of the woodwork and they ARE getting away with it.
I currently have one person bidding on an item who has had several retractions and two unpaid buyer disputes in the past (now redundant) they have not bought anything for a very long time and
Combine that with buyers that are recieving items and negging, and filing disputes because of the following reasons:
It's ugly
I don't want it anymore
I decided I don't like the colour
Just to name a few, they then leave neg feedback which Feebay refuse to remove
Buyers that recieve the item leave feeback saying they got the item that then put in disputes saying they never got it.. and feebay refund them!!!
Buyers that bid, NEVER pay AND get to leave Neg feedback they don't even have to respond in the dispute anymore, the fact that they sent the seller a message saying "I don't want it now" is apparently enough communication that they can Leave feedback and a NEG no less.
Why the hell should Sellers be fearful everytime they list that they are going to be ripped off, YES they can send registered but even that is not enough to protect them these days and ebay as long as they get their fees look the other way.
Then you get others that say "well why sell on ebay then, go elsewhere" uh huh.. and when your own website is not viable and there is no other platform with the exposure?
Feebay need to be accountable, level the playing field and stop rolling in the green crinkly stuff for 5 minutes to take a good look at what is going on.