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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #300 on: April 22, 2024, 05:21:44 AM »
When a Narcissist Will Seek
Revenge - These Are Warning Signs
You Can't Ignore

A budding narcissist may appear charming at first, but excessive indulgence and idolization from parents or others can shape them into adults who perceive themselves as infallible. They dedicate years to manipulating others to conform to their idealized world, yet with time, they drift further from reality until they vanish like figures in a painting. Such is the essence of a narcissist's life.

Now, navigating frustration with a narcissist is an entirely different ordeal. Any slight inconvenience feels like a personal affront to them, and experiencing frustration in public is akin to public humiliation.

Their concept of frustration is peculiar as well—it encompasses not just disagreement, but also the mere act of asserting boundaries or refusing to comply with their wishes. Independence or differing opinions are interpreted as deliberate acts of harm, viewed as personal assaults aimed at tormenting them. It's a perplexing mindset, isn't it?

When confronted with frustration, narcissists experience a profound blow to their ego, instigating unease and triggering heightened stress and anxiety. This internal turmoil erodes their usual defenses and emotional equilibrium, often leading to a transformation resembling borderline behavior.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #301 on: April 22, 2024, 05:30:22 AM »
In the Mind of Narcissistic Mothers: Unveiling the Hidden Dangers

Narcissistic mothers exhibit a pattern of behavior characterized by extreme self-centeredness and a lack of empathy for their children's emotional needs. These individuals often prioritize their own desires, image, and success over the well-being of their offspring. They may use manipulation, emotional abuse, and guilt-tripping to control their children and maintain a sense of superiority. Narcissistic mothers can be highly critical, demanding perfection from their children while rarely offering praise or support. This upbringing can lead to emotional trauma, low self-esteem, and an enduring sense of inadequacy in their children. Breaking free from the influence of a narcissistic mother can be a challenging and complex journey, often requiring therapy and self-discovery to heal and establish healthy boundaries.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #302 on: April 22, 2024, 05:50:42 AM »
Chosen Ones, 7 Secrets of Your Unique Life

In this video, we're peeling back the layers of what makes you, well, you. Forget the idea that greatness is reserved for the few; we're here to show you that your life is brimming with unique significance. From the untapped reservoirs of inner strength to the subtle, yet profound, power of your choices, we'll explore the seven keys to unlocking your full potential. Each secret is a stepping stone to discovering how chosen you truly are. Ready to see yourself in a new light? Let's get started.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #303 on: April 22, 2024, 06:35:18 AM »
YOU WILL WIN! You Defeated
High-Rank Witches of the Underworld

Dive deep into the law of vibration to explore how your emotional and energy levels can drastically alter your world view and life experiences. Learn to harmonize your personal energy to attract positivity and fulfillment. By viewing your thoughts as seeds in your mind's garden, discover how cultivating positivity can sprout beneficial life outcomes. Join our channel and connect with a community eager to embrace these insights and simple strategies to elevate personal energy.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #304 on: April 22, 2024, 06:38:44 AM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #305 on: April 22, 2024, 06:52:32 AM »
8 Things That the Narcissist Hate the Most

2 weeks ago
These people have traded their soul for Narcissism and are now dead inside..And what they hate about you is that you have a healthy soul and they are very jealous of that and they very much WANT IT! This is why they get angry when you fight them on their Narcissism because THEY WANT A SOUL!

Every Time they get supply from you they take a piece of your soul and it feels soooooo good to them They want to take your soul and give you theirs..A soul exchange,. their dead soul for your healthy soul. Every time they get supply from you, there is an exchange, they feel good and you feel bad. This is why after a while you start feeling dead inside yourself.. This is why victims says they are evil. Because they feel this..
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #306 on: April 22, 2024, 06:59:12 AM »
10 ways to silence
the narcissist
In a world where narcissistic behavior seems increasingly prevalent, finding peace and maintaining your own power can feel like a constant battle. Our latest video delves deep into the psychology of narcissism and offers transformative strategies for those seeking to navigate these challenging dynamics effectively. We explore how understanding and resilience, combined with specific, nuanced tactics, can create a shield around your emotional well-being, allowing you to reclaim your voice and your life.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #307 on: April 22, 2024, 07:30:25 AM »
The Perfect Words To Say
to Defeat a Narcissist
Once and for All

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #308 on: April 22, 2024, 07:37:07 AM »
You Should Not Trust Or
Respect These 9 People | Stoicism

In this  video, we delve into the core principles of Stoicism while cautioning against nine types of individuals who may undermine its ethos. Drawing from ancient wisdom and contemporary insights, we explore how Stoic philosophy teaches us to cultivate resilience, virtue, and wisdom in the face of life's challenges.

From toxic influencers to manipulative acquaintances, we uncover traits that deviate from Stoic ideals and jeopardize our mental well-being. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we navigate the Stoic path and learn to discern who truly deserves our trust and respect.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #309 on: April 22, 2024, 07:41:26 AM »
Chosen One: 5 Things You SHOULD NEVER Reveal To Anyone EVER!

Many are called. Few are chosen.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #310 on: April 22, 2024, 08:29:40 AM »
How does a narc park?
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #311 on: April 22, 2024, 08:53:16 AM »
Why Narcissists Help People…
 4 Rotten Reason They Do It!

Narcissists may help people for various reasons, but their motivations are often self-serving and can be detrimental to those they claim to help. Here are four common reasons why narcissists might engage in helping behaviors:

1. **Manipulation and Control:** Narcissists may use acts of kindness or assistance as a way to manipulate and control others. By helping someone, they create a sense of indebtedness or obligation, which they can later leverage for their benefit.

2. **Seeking Validation and Admiration:** Narcissists crave admiration and validation from others. Helping people allows them to be seen as generous or compassionate, bolstering their self-image and feeding their need for admiration.

3. **Maintaining a Positive Image:** Narcissists are often concerned with how others perceive them. Helping behaviors can be a way for them to maintain a positive public image or to portray themselves as caring and benevolent individuals, regardless of their true intentions.

4. **Securing Narcissistic Supply:** Narcissists feed off attention, praise, and adoration, known as narcissistic supply. Helping others can be a way for them to garner admiration and attention, ensuring a steady supply of validation to boost their ego.

It's important to recognize that while narcissists may appear helpful on the surface, their motivations are typically self-serving and can lead to manipulation, exploitation, and harm to those they claim to be assisting. It's crucial for individuals to be mindful of the intentions behind someone's actions and to set boundaries to protect themselves from potential exploitation. If you suspect you're dealing with a narcissist, seeking support from a therapist or counselor can be beneficial in navigating these complex dynamics.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #312 on: April 22, 2024, 09:02:12 AM »

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #313 on: April 22, 2024, 09:17:52 AM »

1 hour ago
Nailed it with going from the frying pan into the fire. How can a person just hate to see someone flourish or be their best self??  They want to take everything from you, and more than anything, steal your light.  I just can't relate to that.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #314 on: April 22, 2024, 09:22:38 AM »
3 Crimes a Narcissist Commits out of their Jealousy
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #315 on: April 22, 2024, 09:32:48 AM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #316 on: April 22, 2024, 10:27:01 AM »
5 Things a Strong Woman Should Never Do for a Man

As a strong and independent woman, it's essential to remember that your worth and identity shouldn't be defined by someone else's approval or attention. Here are 5 things you should never do for a man:

1. Change yourself to impress him. Be true to who you are, and don't compromise your personality or values to suit someone else's preferences.

2. Seek his approval for every decision. Trust your instincts and make your own choices – you're capable and intelligent enough to do so.

3. Alter your physical appearance to meet his standards. Your body is yours, and any changes should be for your own confidence and self-love, not to impress someone else.

4. Reschedule your plans constantly to accommodate him. Prioritize your own life, friends, and family – a healthy relationship should respect your time and boundaries.

5. Sacrifice your dreams and goals for him. Your passions and ambitions are yours to pursue, and no one should dictate what's right or wrong for your future.

Remember, a strong woman knows her worth and doesn't compromise her individuality for anyone.

Jay Pseudonym
#6- Learn to enjoy living, sleeping, and spending your old age alone. Relationships are built on compromise.

Junior Wattley
Relationships must be flexible on both sides.

My grandma said to me once . “Whenever you think you are too sharp, that’s when you will cut yourself.”

Compromise ,Communication ,Commitments are the 3 C rules for every successful couple.

No one is perfect.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #317 on: April 22, 2024, 10:46:10 AM »
Why would someone go back
to a narcissist once they know
what they're capable of doing?

We kept going back because we were willfully stupid and convinced ourselves that underneath all the bullsh*t, they actually loved us.

The truth is,


The only things they actually LOVE are getting drunk or doing drugs, flirting with their exes AND anyone else that moves, gambling, going to bars, having sex with strangers and getting attention from anyone BUT YOU.

Ego check! The sad fact is: given a choice between talking to someone who loves them (YOU) and talking to anyone else, they will choose to ignore your calls if anyone who will give them attention is on the other line.

BENEATH EVERYONE ELSE!!! This is because they don't respect you. They believe you are so dumb, you will always accept any pathetic excuse they give you.

They think you're too stupid to realize how much they cherish the idea that an ex who dumped their sorry ass will give them attention. But it's not just exes.

These dumb f*cks will ignore you for casual acquaintances, co-workers, waitresses at Hooters, cashiers at the gas station and bartenders.

They'll mute you or put you on hold while they blow up the phones of parents of their child's friends while trying to get attention by oversharing things anyone with two brain cells wouldn't talk about to casual acquaintances.

Their lack of COMMON SENSE lets their egos convince them that everyone loves them and enjoys their drunken rambling.

All of those things should make your gut scream at you that those behaviours are unacceptable. They are showing you the truth about what they are.






My wish is that those who have seen what these f*cks really are, will never be willing to put up with their games again.


Be firm. Go no contact, Delete their photographs and forget their name. DO NOT EVER GO BACK. If you do, you're giving them permission to do it all again.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #318 on: April 22, 2024, 11:20:45 AM »
Do narcissists mentally abuse those they supposedly
love the most?

The reason why they are able to do this is because they have no empathy. A person who has no empathy is able to be cruel without having an effect on them or moving them emotionally. They lack the ability to understand and share your feelings. They lack the ability to share your experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in your situation. So they are able to cause pain and suffering to you without fear or any concern about it.

The narcissist can be so cruel, not only because they lack empathy, but also because they lack object constancy. They are stuck in the mentality of a child.

If you have been in a long-term relationship with a narcissist, you probably don't remember what it was like to be you. You probably haven't been yourself for a very long time. Your existence undergoes a process of transformation into doing everything that the narcissist needs, so that they don't get angry or upset. But it doesn't matter how much you change, it doesn't matter how much you erase yourself, it doesn't matter if you remove all traces of the person you used to be.

They will still get angry, they will still get upset. Because the truth is it has nothing to do with you. You don't exist to be an emotional regulator for someone who cannot emotionally regulate themselves. Remember the person who used to be. Remember the things you loved to do. Start being you again.

The narcissist might get mad, but they're going to be mad anyway. They're never going to like anything you do, so start being you again.

Yes, but its not because they love you the most. They don't know what the feeling of love is. They don't have most in their love vocabulary be cause love does not exist for them. They go into a relationship as a fantasy that this person is the perfect one.

Their delusional expectations soon turn their feelings into a form of punishment. Because now the narcissist feels betrayed that thus person is challenging their manipulation, their words that don't show Action, their projection to blame. It does not matter if they are the most loved , because in the end they will be the most hated. .They can not build a relationship on trust. They can not nourish a relationship to stay healthy.

Love is everything a narcissist isn't. They may learn to love a person, but they will never feel the love to give it an act . To protect, to put then before oneself. They learned to control, to get what they need. They learned manipulation to feed their ego, to give them a sense of power over how one feels to cause fear, generate negative energy. So the narcissist can feel superior, to be the one who is important.

To take what they want and jump at circumstances that are better to advance his self worth. To build his arrogance and stoke his ego. He will mentally abuse anyone who will give him this power. Even those he hates from how they made him feel in the past. He will play them again, tell then what they want to hear , until they get angry. They cannot get their emotional needs met.

Then the narcissist trauma bond takes its affect. A narcissist is not able to love in a healthy way. They show their love by being in your life. They are the reason you exist in the first place. Without them you are not loved, you are someone else's trash. You are their newest game for mind flock. Good luck to escape.

I would say yes. Who'll put up with that nonsense but someone who loves them. Remember most narcs are immature, not completely stupid. Some narcs know, if they try to behave or talk disrespectful to a stranger or even an associate, the response from them would be unpleasant. Maybe physical.

Therefore, unfortunately, the husband, the wife and the partner deal with the narcs displaced anger. Most of the time the narc is mad at someone else. But come home to you and abuse you. Such cowards, some narcs are. Once again the saying “he's so mad, he's going home and kick his dog” is true. My opinion.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #319 on: April 22, 2024, 11:37:56 AM »
Why do narcissists want to stay with you if they don't truly love?

You are the old slippers they feel comfiest in.

They have invested a lot of time and effort in getting you trained to be docile and controlled.

They know how to shut you up if you complain, distract you if you accuse them of cheating, and keep you around.

They know you will support them in public, and maintain the facade of the happy family.

They have isolated you, so they know you have nowhere to turn to, and they control the money, so they know how difficult it will be for you to leave- so they can relax and assume you will always be there, cleaning house and washing their clothes- a housekeeper, but one with benefits if they ever feel like it.

You turn a blind eye to the obvious signs of cheating.

Your self esteem is on the floor, so they can use you as a whipping boy if they get angry or frustrated, and you will absorb it- maybe cry, but quietly, out of their earshot.

You make them look normal , and they can hide behind the “I´m in a relationship” card if one of their side supplies becomes demanding.

This is not love- it is all transactional.

And it could all end tomorrow if they find a better option (they will always look).

Please, if you are in this situation, read about narcissism, and confirm what you already suspect- that this is on the way out. Get ahead of it. See how they get to stay and why you should leave.

I like "Is there A Narcissist In Your Life?" by Amanda Clymont, Amazon.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #320 on: April 22, 2024, 12:01:09 PM »
Some things we never think about.....and should.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #321 on: April 22, 2024, 12:35:02 PM »
How do you beat a narcissist at his or her game?

Give it up. You have to pull out some pretty big guns to beat these salts of the earth. The way to beat them is to get away and forget about them. It's a good thing. Now you know these people exist. Trust me I've been exactly where you are. I was challenged the same way you are. It is not worth your time and effort. I have been there. Everything you say is familiar to me. I'm very very sorry that you got involved with someone like this, but get out completely, because things are at the point now for you where they can only get a lot worse. Do not fall for the hoovering... just GTFO.

Remove yourself and don’t play. The games they play stems from their inherent need for a constant flow of supply. Any supply. Supply is like oxygen for them and they depend on it to regulate themselves. They are at a loss without supply which makes securing supply paramount for their survival and they stop at nothing ...

Treat him/her like you are being treated. Total focus on you and only you. Totally ignore the other person needs and wants. Be unresectable. CONSIOUS focus on you. But!! Be happy, goofy and create positive thinking within you. Be cool, calm and collected. Slide off his/hers attempt to bring you down, respond in the same way, but do it classy. Give, what you are getting!!

You can't beat narcissists at their own game. You have empathy and remorse; it's going to make you more stressed, frustrated, angry, and anxious by getting involved in narcissistic games.

Narcissists don't have empathy or remorse; they can go way ahead than you can ever imagine. For narcissists, winning is so important that they are willing to lose you as well as their relationships to defeat you. You can't stay ahead of narcissists, as they don't care about any type of relations.

Narcissists love games; they play games all the time. The more you get into their games, the more they feel valuable and important.

You have to avoid or ignore narcissists. The best way to deal with narcissists is not to deal with narcissists. Leave a narcissistic relationship for your health and peace.

Ignoring narcissists is the best way to beat them. No response is a powerful response from your side.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #322 on: April 22, 2024, 01:10:16 PM »
I think that people very often demonize narcissists. Do you actually understand that narcissists are human beings who need love like anyone else?

Ron Culley wrote:

They ARE Demons and not human. Until you get a belly full of a narc, I suggest you reconsider your question. Better to withdraw it altogether.

I disagree with this opinion voraciously. Nobody could have loved a person more than I loved my exCN. It was HE who did not love ME. The way that I was treated and discarded was nothing short of demonic and evil and he knew exactly what he was doing and did it anyway.

Nobody is perfect and believe me, I did the deep dive, got educated, and went to therapy because he had me believing that there was something wrong with ME. I took him in and cared for him, loved him, and forgave him endlessly for the horrible things he said and did to me. We were together for seven years until I got cancer.

What kind of person (assuming he actually is human) pretends to care about you but is actually engaged in a relationship with someone else and then just discards you like a piece of trash to marry her? What kind of person leaves their girlfriend with six dogs when she is so sick from the chemo she can hardly walk from room to room or even pick up their dishes so he can go see his “fiance” in another state and lie about where he was?

What kind of person lives off of you for years, never contributing or having any gratitude for anything? And not giving a damn or have any conscious about it? What kind of a person lives with you all summer while going through treatment only to sneak off and get married while you are recuperating before the next round of treatment? Just vanish and then ghost you? Not care if you live or die or who is going to help you or take care of you? Then plaster their happy new lives all over social media when your whole world is in turmoil and you will never be right again from cancer and the toxic abusive relationship?
All the psychic and emotional energy you put into the relationship? And all the financial energy?

No narcissists DO NOT love. The paradox is that they NEED love but they will never give it back as their disorder doesn’t allow it. You can’t love a narcissist into normalcy. There isn’t enough love in 1000 universes that will be good enough for a narcissist. If you even suspect you have met a narc...... RUN!

Don’t take this personally, but anyone who asks a question like this either has NPD or is just plain naive.

Understand this, there is much justification in the way someone feels who has been in a relationship with someone who has NPD, while at the same time there is no justification for the reason of the actions of the person with NPD that led to the person feeling this way.

What you are trying to convince others, is at the crux of why we can’t productively work on NPD tendencies. It has nothing to do with whatever love a person believes they can give another. This is where we have fooled ourselves. It is the biggest sham of existence.

The best anyone can do is to acknowledge and allow the love within another to be expressed. There is no giving or taking. If you do things in a way where you believe you are giving “love” to someone who has NPD, then you are in effect enabling their tendencies because they will only end up taking advantage of you.

The best and only way to deal with people who have NPD is to not enable their tendencies. You do this by setting firm and consistently reinforced boundaries and not letting them take advantage of your kindness.

NPD or not, all anyone can do with regards to “love,” is to learn to love themselves and acknowledge and respect the love within others. You do not do this by allowing others to abuse you.

No more stupid questions please.

Narcissists, specifically malignant narcissists or psychopaths, don't care about love, they only use "love" as a weapon against people.

But there are always those who want to go against the grain and show compassion to abusers and murderers. There’s a term for such people, maybe I will write about that here one day. I have a book written about this by a forensic psychologist.

Narcissists are technically human, I think, but that doesn’t mean they deserve love.

If you'd like to show someone like Ted Bundy love, then go on right ahead, despite that he killed 30 young women that we know about.

No, I really really do want to know. If you have or ever had a daughter, would you actually tell her to show Ted Bundy love? Let’s not demonize poor Theodore, right? Aw shucks, can’t hurt his feelings.

How about Chris Watts, who murdered his preganant wife and two little girls? He stuffed their bodies into oil containters. How sweet. Maybe he wasn't being loved enough.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #323 on: April 22, 2024, 01:39:39 PM »
In The Daze of Deception - Part 2

7 months ago
There needs to be a huge push for the kind of preaching and teaching that Pastor Jack does. We only came across him a few months ago and have a renewed faith and world view, from all his teaching. A tell-it-like-it is, Bible based truth, common sense preaching. He's bold, he speaks the truth and we all know it. We can all feel that in our soul. Very few, I mean very, very few pastors have the boldness and courage in today's "woke" society to speak Biblical truth. May God continue to bless Pastor Jack Hibbs, his ministry, his family, his health and his mission.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #324 on: April 23, 2024, 04:05:28 AM »
How will a covert narc devalue a supply?

Covert narcissists are extremely passive and aggressive in nature.

The problem with covert narcissists is that they will keep devaluing you for little things because they are highly sensitive to their feelings. You won't even realize Covert narcissists are hurt by your simple words.

Abuse is planned by covert narcissists, like how to target your weaknesses, how to triangulate you, how to make you feel insecure and jealous, or how to mess with your feelings and important things.

A covert narcissist will be sitting in front of you and talking very nicely; you won't even realize they are planning something against you.

Covert narcissists passive-aggressive approach to devaluing you is very dangerous; sometimes you don't even realize you are being abused.

A covert narcissist will purposely devalue you in a very indirect way, so it's hard for you to point it out to them. Covert narcissists won't do anything for you; they create problems in your life, activities, and schedule by bringing their problems into the picture. Even if you are sick, they won't hesitate to create more problems in your life by avoiding you or by doing things you don't like. Covert narcissists will purposely do all the things you don't like to make you angry and frustrated.

Covert narcissists are wolves in sheep's clothes.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #325 on: April 23, 2024, 04:17:56 AM »
How Narcissists Weaponize
the Court System

HOW NARCISSISTS WEAPONIZE THE COURT SYSTEM//Are you dealing with a narcissist in court and feel as if they are using the court system as just another way to abuse you? Are you dealing with court related abuse, harassment, and bullying? Does your ex keep taking you back to court? Watch this video to learn about all the ways that narcissists use the court and legal system against you so that you can prepare and destroy them in court.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #326 on: April 23, 2024, 04:27:35 AM »
How to Catch a Narcissist
in Court

3 months ago
Best response for insane allegations is to neither admit or deny such allegations. Just keep 'em' talking and they'll tell on themselves. You won't even have to testify.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #327 on: April 23, 2024, 05:21:42 AM »
:tello: "This is what was done to me by that Evil Woman. She tricked me to take my tools to Nevada...and then what? I am forever perplexed about her objective. It was to keep me in the house and out of the Shop. I'm suing for loss of back and potential income."

What is a dark hobby or dark interest that a narcissist might have that he/she may not talk about?

The narcissist's most prized achievement, comes from watching their object of attention (aka their supply), focussing on something of value – their purpose perhaps – and causing that person to shift their attention away from all that is of value, and instead onto the narcissist.

The goal here, is to keep the person distracted for long enough, withdrawn from their personal endeavours sufficiently, such that all those things which were being created suffer a collapse, being left in ruin.

Here's the thing.

If you are a dedicated, determined, devoted individual – who feels purpose and meaning in that which you partake in – then how important does the narcissist feel by getting you to shift attention away from all those precious things and onto the narcissist instead?

The narcissist's hungry ego and grandiosity mean that, only by becoming the center of your world and watching everything else in your world collapse, are they satisfied.

And then of course, you are discarded.

The narcissist's purpose and hobby, is to kill yours.

A narcissist’s darkness is not one thing you can put your finger on. It’s an invisible linger that pours from them…

They secretively, but purposefully, put you through tests in an attempt to find a chink in your armour so they can play with you and control you. These tests are through ‘heartfelt’ conversations, in which the narcissist is really disarming you and data-collecting. These tests are also through subtle requests of you, inappropriate behaviours, triangulation, gaslighting, baiting, all intentionally orchestrated to push you to the edge and beyond your comfort zone to gauge your reaction. “Why does nothing bother this guy…” wonders the narc, “If I can’t hurt him, how can I gain control of him…”.

The narcissist keeps testing. Dragging your temperament left to right and back again. They are right there beside you with that little invisible poking stick, digging it into your ribs ever so slightly, but frequently. Eventually, you feel it too, but you’re confused….how can this person that loves me so much be so cruel. Any time you react (even not reacting is still a reaction), they are keeping score and taking note of the areas they can hurt you.

When they find the chink in your armour, they will attack that area through sickening baiting and manipulative games in an attempt to discolour your vibrancy, confuse you, ruin your peace, and get a reaction from you. When you react with retort, they feel elevated... they feel power. “Now who’s the one with problems. Poor you, searching for answers. I won’t give you them, pathetic person. I will give you my lies instead, and then I will give you my silence”. A nice injection of supply as they watch you plead for sense…an expression of regret… understanding… harmony, which you’ll never get. The narc now feels control.

They slowly reel you into their web, away from all your passions and hobbies. The things that contribute to your happiness and character. Months, or even years, go by and you didn’t realise it but you feel you’ve sort of lost your identity. You aren’t yourself, your surroundings are distant, you feel….fragile, confused, and lost. All the attention has been channelled toward the narcissist and their agenda, and their needs, and their expectations.

You have been robbed of your confidence, your self esteem, your worth, your optimism, your value, your brightness, and your dignity.

This is the dark interest of a narcissist that they will never tell you. Robbing you of who you are.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #328 on: April 23, 2024, 05:38:14 AM »
Why do narcissists like to play
the victim? Isn't that beneath them?

A narcissist acts like a victim to make you feel guilty. It's the easiest way for narcissists to change situations according to themselves without taking any responsibility or accountability. Narcissists get the upper hand in relationships when they behave like victims.

Being a victim gets them attention, empathy, sympathy, and understanding from other people and you. Narcissists know that when they behave like victims, they are less likely to be questioned for their bad behavior. Narcissists will lie and cheat, then act like victims to put all the blame on you. It's a childish act.

Being a victim gets them narcissistic supply. If narcissists stop acting like victims, then they won't get sympathy and empathy from people, including you. Narcissists have a victim's mentality in every situation.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #329 on: April 23, 2024, 05:44:55 AM »
The narcissist can’t be alone. It’s not possible as they would absolutely collapse. They always have someone lined up. Always. And you’ll see this because they suddenly no longer mirror you and their physical appearance and interests change overnight.

Suddenly the usual disdain and contempt is ramped up to the point you begin to fear for your life. Then they jump ship and the discard is complete. Don’t be sad. This is the best gift a narcissist can or will ever give you. Your freedom.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #330 on: April 23, 2024, 05:53:00 AM »
How do I get a narcissist to
actually love me?

That’s easy. If you want to get a narcissist to fall in love with you, just follow these ten little rules:

Believe everything he says and support everything he does.

Give him everything he wants without expecting anything in return.

Faithfully keep all of his secrets.

Trust that his version of events is true.

Never question, contradict or criticize him.

Believe that he would never cheat on you, despite any evidence to the contrary.

Cheerfully accept all of his verbal and/or physical “corrections,” as they’re for your own good.

Understand that his silent treatments are an important part of your self-improvement plan.

Never expect an apology or explanation for anything he has said or done.

Tell him every day how much you adore him, and how lucky you are to have him in your life.

Okay, got that? Sounds good, huh? He’s sure to love you forever if you just follow the rules, right? Well… not so much.

There’s one teensy thing that I forgot to mention: A NARCISSIST IS INCAPABLE OF LOVING *ANYONE* BUT HIMSELF. Period.

Get far, far away from every narcissist you encounter in your life.


And stay away, no matter how much sweet talk and/or abuse they pile on to get you to change your mind. If you don’t get out, your very survival will be at risk.

Take my word for it: I speak from way too many years of experience.

I wish you peace.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #331 on: April 23, 2024, 06:56:16 AM »
Does the narcissist treat the one after me as badly
as he did me?

This topic is the one that scrambles your heart and mind even more than it was…

It will appear that someone is getting all promised you. It will appear that another is getting what you only wished for, now stolen from you. This will linger as you watch, follow, hear about them after you, with someone else.

You may have been abruptly thrown away at your lowest, feeling less than in ways you can't even relate to. You may be relating to where they went and with who. You will either forget what you endured or believe it was just you. This is the most wicked lie you probably believe.

What makes it even worse is that an extremely emotionally and psychologically ill individual is rubbing someone else in your face or, you think that they moved on naturally….healthy and "normal" now. The first part, highly likely, the second part….a wicked deception in self deception as well.

By pure willpower and a fight for your own new "normal" you may try to do the same. They are doing it and seems to be working very well for them. The huge problem there is that they are the same person that abused you always, having nothing to do with you.

Sadly, you aren't the same for now and you may think that just "moving on" is the end-all-be-all cure in your potential state. That's not happening. Either you can't just "move on" as you desperately needed or you are extremely vulnerable to similarities in the lack of unhealthy attachments, the same, maybe worse for now.

In the attempt to do what they are capable of doing, your inability to do the same may just add to your unclear and unknowing state in a perpetual cycle of your own….

The abuser, the manipulator, the gaslighter, the one incapable of caring, making the choice in not caring will be who they were with you. They did it before you and after in continuum….

It wasn't you. But, the damage done to you needs healing and truth for any possibility of you "moving on" in your life, with someone who was everything opposite from the one that that is perpetually damaging no matter who they are with and how it appears to you.

Yep, yes, you got it, absolutely! The only thing that changes in a narcissist’s life is the supply. The narc will tell the new supply they are the best thing that ever happened to them, they are the love of their life. I can attest to the fact I was only one in a long string of “ loves of my life.”

When we first met she dumped the guy she was in a relationship with so she could love bomb me into being her new supply. When I asked about the nature of her relationship with him, she instantly denied any relationship. Jump forward to the present, her son asks whatever happened to this guy since they were always together. So. He too was one of a series of men she hooked through sex, used up, tossed away because each of them meant absolutely nothing to her.

Each was merely a d*ck to be used until a more interesting one came along. A supply is disposable, ALWAYS! The narc will tell the same tale of woe about each of the discarded supply - one would think all the supply were brothers from the same family with the exact same faults.

A narc will eventually treat a new supply exactly the same way when ready to discard the supply. In this way narcissists are very predictable, they show no imagination. They generally reserve imagination for hunting and snaring their next prey. So, know your ex narc will treat the next supply as badly if not worse. Just wait for it, sooner or later it will happen.

No, not always. Sometimes the narc uses the new one to “prove” that they are a nice person, that you were LYING or imagining it, so your allegations never have any credibility.

My abusive ex’s new partner, the ugly giant chinned beotch, testified in family court that he was not controlling or abusive in any way. What a dumb monkey but she did make me look a liar.

I knew that my ex was switching it off for her - eg. not being a narc with her, using her to make himself look good, and it worked, at least for a while.

Pretty much.

Do not be surprised if he would one day make a return out of mere curiosity to see if you would be miserable or even worse without them. The kicker would be if they would see that you would be miserable they would seem disgusted of such, yet if you would have managed and had moved on they then would seem even more tempted to make a return. They would seem to really like the chase.

Would it mean that if they would make a return that it would be better though? Nope. They would seem to repeat themselves', unable to ever reflect and would merely be repeating the process. So what you had gone through before it would likely happen once again this time around too.

They may be prone to cycling back to prior partners if they would be having a dry spell and not much luck.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #332 on: April 23, 2024, 07:20:00 AM »
The narc operates from The Dark Side.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #333 on: April 23, 2024, 07:29:25 AM »

10 months ago
People who say narcissists are not demons have not been with one. I married one and had kids with another and they both nearly drove me to action I wont verbalize. I did not believe in evil until this happened to me. They will terrorize you and leave you for dead if you allow it.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #334 on: April 23, 2024, 07:38:23 AM »
This is a tactic to put narcissists
in their place so they will
shut up and suffer

4 hours ago
They have ZERO empathy and life's only about them.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #335 on: April 23, 2024, 07:46:24 AM »
11 SMART Ways to Deal with
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #336 on: April 23, 2024, 07:58:14 AM »
This Is How Narcissists
Secretly Undermine You

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #337 on: April 23, 2024, 08:07:47 AM »
The Most Disturbing Twist
in Narcissistic Abuse

Not knowing is the worst part of dealing with one; but once you know, game over.
They are such simplistic, self defeating, li'l creatures.
On another note, narcissists are more harmful than real ghosts.
The best way is no contact-ignore them-block their phones and be happy and free!!! Game over for the narcissist!!!!!
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #338 on: April 23, 2024, 08:15:38 AM »
How Narcissists Play
Both Sides Of The
Victim Game

1 day ago (edited)
The narcissist insults you, belittles you, gaslights you, slanders and defames you, and when you express normal feelings about that such as: hurt, frustration, or anger, guess what the narcissist says? "You have a victim mentality".
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #339 on: April 23, 2024, 08:29:45 AM »
What will a narcissist do when
they know they can't win?

Narcissists never play fair. Narcissists make rules, break rules, and change rules according to their needs and situations. Narcissists want to prove themselves correct in every situation; proving themselves right is the ultimate goal of narcissists.

When narcissists feel they don't have a point or are unable to defend themselves, they'll start gaslighting and bringing back your past mistakes. Narcissists will create false stories, lie, cheat, manipulate and deceive to put you down. Narcissists might behave in a in a passive, aggressive way to punish you. Narcissists will give you silent treatment to punish you. The main motive of a narcissist is to break you down until you surrender. Narcissists don't have logic or understanding; they completely operate on ego.

You can win only when you leave a narcissist.

They play victim, justify their actions, and retell their skewed story of how the relationship ended to gain narcissistic supply from others. They take no genuine accountability, they offer no solace to those they have wronged, and remediation, especially public remediation, is out of the question. Narcissists will find a way to win, even if they have to recreate history to avoid consequences for their own actions.

Anything you possibly can think of.

They'll take you to court. Tell a sob story of how much YOU hurt them, when in reality, they were the ones who bankrupt you. Or didn't pay child support.

They'll get their friends or acquaintances to start messaging you. (Flying Monkeys)

But of course- these people have absolutely no idea what happened in your relationship with this Narc.

They hear the watered down version of your relationship- leaving out every single abusive thing they did or said to you.

They'll message you anonymously on Social Media. Leave cryptic messages you know that the two of you only understand.

They may even attempt to physically hurt you. They'll show up at your work, or house to intimidate you.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #340 on: April 23, 2024, 08:39:22 AM »
Don't MESS With the

4 days ago (edited)
We get attacked all the time & the demonic always try to pull us down. We get better at rebuking the devil.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #341 on: April 23, 2024, 08:53:18 AM »

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #342 on: April 23, 2024, 09:28:37 AM »
How does a narcissist feel most of the time?

People often say, "No, they don't hate themselves. Narcissists love themselves. That's what narcissism is."

But that's not quite right. Narcissism is like really bad self-love; it's toxic or poisonous. It's actually the opposite of love. Narcissists are all about themselves and what they need, that's true, but it's not love. It's just about their needs, that's all they understand.

It's hard for people who aren't narcissists to get this because their thoughts and feelings are more grown-up and complicated. But narcissists are more like little kids. They just think, "I want, I need," all the time.

Think about it like breathing. You don't breathe because you love yourself, you breathe because you have to stay alive. It's just a reaction to needing air. Narcissists are the same. They freak out over stuff that seems silly because deep down, they really hate themselves.

They hate themselves so much that they don't think they deserve anything, not even to live sometimes. To try and deal with those horrible feelings, they've convinced themselves of the opposite. They believe they deserve everything. They see things as either they don't deserve anything or they deserve everything, there's no in-between.

Every time they can't get what they want, it reminds them of how much they hate themselves. These feelings are so big and scary for them, and they don't know how to handle them very well. It feels like the worst thing ever, and they feel like they can't even go on living. This made-up idea that they deserve everything is all that keeps them from doing something really dangerous. So, when something messes with that idea, they freak out.

The safest, most secure thing the narcissist can feel, is nothing.

By feeling nothing, not experiencing any emotions whatsoever, narcissists are at low risk of suffering narcissistic injuries, as well as extreme paranoia, loneliness, shame, and so on.

But, feeling nothing (or feeling close to nothing) is not always easy, and it is a close cousin to the feeling of boredom. Narcissists do not like feeling bored, it's just not what they are about.

So the narcissist wants excitement and ego-boosts, but rely heavily on others to provide this. Narcissists do not like to admit they are extremely dependent on others, but they are.

So narcissists spend a lot of time bored and feeling almost dead inside, but actively pursue excitement and good supply. And when it comes, they have a blast.

But, by opening themselves up to feeling good, they are also opening themselves up to feeling bad. And usually, emotional crashes soon follow emotional highs.

The narcissist experiences an ongoing dilemma, of trying to feel nothing, or wanting to feel good.

Which puts them at risk of heavy narcissistic injuries.

Understanding how a narcissist feels most of the time requires a nuanced look into their internal experiences and external behaviors, which often reveal a profound and persistent unease concealed beneath a facade of confidence. At the heart of a narcissist's emotional landscape is a paradoxical mix of vulnerability and grandiosity, a complex dynamic that shapes much of their interaction with the world.

A narcissist often lives in a state of the constant need for attention and admiration. This manifests in their tendency to dominate conversations and steer interactions back to themselves, frequently overshadowing others and minimizing their contributions. This behavior isn't just a preference but a necessity, driven by an overwhelming desire to always appear favorable in the eyes of others. It's a relentless quest for external validation that, at its core, reflects a deep-seated insecurity about their worth.

This insecurity also ties into their notable lack of empathy, an inability to genuinely connect with the emotions and experiences of others. For a narcissist, relationships often serve as mere platforms for their self-aggrandizement rather than genuine connections.

People close to a narcissist may frequently notice a lack of genuine concern for others, particularly in situations where empathy is most needed. This deficiency can make their interpersonal relationships appear superficial and transactional, where others are valued primarily for their utility rather than their humanity.

Coupled with these emotional struggles is a pronounced sense of entitlement. Narcissists often harbor an exaggerated belief in their uniqueness, which fuels their expectations for special treatment and exemptions from the rules that bind others. This entitlement, however, is not just a superficial demand but stems from an inner narrative that reinforces their supposed superiority over others, a narrative they are compelled to protect at all costs.

Manipulative behaviors are integral to maintaining this narrative. A narcissist intricately weaves schemes designed to control others, not just physically but emotionally and perceptually. These tactics are often so embedded in their interactions that they can be challenging to detect. Through manipulation, a narcissist seeks to shape the world around them in a way that perpetually feeds their ego and shields them from the vulnerabilities they fear.

This avoidance of vulnerability is also evident in their lack of accountability. Faced with mistakes or criticisms, a narcissist often resorts to deflecting blame, making excuses, or reshaping the narrative to avoid any assault on their self-esteem. They are profoundly averse to acknowledging faults because doing so would undermine the fragile edifice of superiority they've constructed.

Criticism is particularly threatening to a narcissist. It triggers a range of defensive mechanisms, from dismissiveness to outright hostility. Rather than engaging with constructive feedback, a narcissist is more likely to reject it or retaliate, viewing it as a direct challenge to their self-conceived supremacy.

Overall, beneath the apparent confidence and control, a narcissist often feels a persistent unease, driven by an insatiable need for validation and a deep fear of inadequacy. Their emotional world is marked by a constant tension between their grandiose self-image and the underlying vulnerabilities they strive so desperately to conceal.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #343 on: April 23, 2024, 09:41:43 AM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #344 on: April 23, 2024, 10:03:10 AM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #345 on: April 23, 2024, 10:20:16 AM »
Banning guns does not violate the 2nd amendment. Are gun enthusiasts willing to reach a compromise or does the full weight of the US Constitution need to be used to enact promising change for the welfare of this nation?

Banning guns DOES INDEED VIOLATE THE 2ND AMENDMENT! Here's my compromise. You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers. My ancestors tried comprising with you pale faces. NEVER AGAIN!

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #346 on: April 23, 2024, 10:34:42 AM »
Why are narcissists so mean
and vengeful?

Narcissists are extremely egoistic; when they feel they have been wronged, they will go to any extent to teach you a lesson. Narcissists can hold grudges for ages to teach you a lesson; they don't forget being wronged according to them so easily.

Narcissists can be mean and vengeful because they feel you have threatened their image by going against them. Narcissists see you as a big threat when you don't obey them. Narcissists feel insulted and humiliated when you go against them because, for narcissists, their reputation and image are everything.

To satisfy their ego, they will punish you.

Behind closed doors, narcissists are all about control and authority. Anything that goes against them is taken seriously. They will teach you a lesson by being passively aggressive, insulting, bullying, putting you down in front of people, opening your secrets, misplacing your items, etc.

Some narcissists can go to any extent to teach you a lesson, like destroying your life and property, hurting you, seriously harming you, taking away children, causing problems in your job, putting you behind bars through false allegations, and the list goes on.

Narcissists hold grudges; they will wait for the right opportunity to take revenge to satisfy their ego.

They are meaner than a demon. They are so vindictive, which means they are going to punish you, they love making up stuff about you, and then turning everyone against you on trumped up accusations.

They are hell-bent on hurting certain people. Ones they know they can get away with it. They have a sadistically bent mind. I think they have a violent heart and soul. They sure don’t want to piss off someone bigger and stronger than them, that could beat the hell out of them, so they generally go after women and kids. Most of them are massive cowards and even bigger bullies.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #347 on: April 23, 2024, 10:59:05 AM »
Do all narcissists think
we’re in fact the narcissist?

Name calling in a toxic relationship….

Many of us have called an abusive, toxic, destructive and crazy making partner, a narcissist.

Whether out of anger or discovery, the word may be spoken. Oddly, she referred to me with every other word possible, nothing associated with anything "crazy", emotionally or mentally ill. She knew those terms but stayed clear, perhaps a soft spot for HER.

Now, you know enough, you've tried to gain perspective, figure out what is, what was the issue and then it unfolds from there….maybe the "cliff notes" were enough, maybe you went for the deep dive….only you know.

Did you recall how difficult it was to wrap your head around how much was missing from someone you were deeply connected to, maybe you still do?

Do you think a narcissist knows what that is outside of an insult, the one word for a many worded monsters? A word unfortunately thrown around today without the truth behind the word in the world of Psychology?

A obscure insult or something so much more?

Some know the depths of abuse and destruction, the consequences of having a dynamic with a permanently emotionally and psychologically ill individual. (Damaged Goods)

With the advent of growing awareness of Narcissism, usually at the bravery of the experienced partner, it has also become a more detailed insult as opposed to someone just being "crazy". Sure, psychopath, sociopath and borderline is gaining momentum but in my opinion, narcissist takes the lead.

I've heard all those terms used as a more distinctive insult alluding to someone being the ultimate bastard, jerk, a*shole in the treatment of another, the emotional aftermath and I get it.

Is it true? I suspect in some if not many cases, it's the detailed words as reaction, just a reaction.

I challenged myself over and over again after being in a relationship dynamic with a narcissist to get to the most objective place I can. I don't use the word in some general way or reinforce, validate or support it's usage as an insult.

What does a true narcissist know? You'll never swim freely in their world behind the facade to really know.

You can surmise and conclude what they don't in the experienced at least.

Can a narcissist feel, see and fully understand emotional and psychological illness in another that resembles their own? No, it doesn't fit.

Does a narcissist feel what the abused feels? No. Can a narcissist be objective enough to conclude someone else is what they are? Only in skewed projection, a falsehood.

Sometimes people find words that align with their reaction and others learn or have a significantly different perspective.

A narcissist will look for more and more words to hurt, confuse, create doubt, use gaslighting and conditioning you may succumb to.

My experience with a narcissist had me believing something was seriously wrong with me, I was the confused and broken one. Yes, eventually pretty broken and most definitely confused.

How can a perpetually emotional and psychologically ill individual use a word that describes them projected onto you?

It's either just another word or they've heard it before from someone referring to them, a mental health care professional or a former partner.

A narcissist is very unlikely to use the word as a it means in a personality disorder, it's just another word.

I don't think they randomly think of us as Narcissists, however, if we say anything to them that indicates they are toxic, have deplorable behavior, are cheaters or liars they will deflect that back to us, telling us we are crazy, accusing us of cheating, lying and gaslighting them.

They are shame based and can't and won't accept any responsibility for any wrong doing. By blaming us, accusing us of being Narcisstic, they take the blame off theirselves.

I think they know it's not us, but don't care how that hurts us or affects us as long as they don't have to talk about what they did.


And if they find any description that would fit an a*shole,

Or if you decide to explain exactly the character traits of a sick degenerate.

They will assume it's you who's being described.

For the simple fact that they need to hold on to their conviction of being innocent and good people.

If it weren't for you being a raging a*shole, they would never treat you the way they do.

In this equation there's only room for one narcissist.

And it's not gonna be the narcissist.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #348 on: April 23, 2024, 11:06:50 AM »

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #349 on: April 23, 2024, 11:25:49 AM »
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"