The Oz Round Table boards > eBay & online buying & selling FAQ

Phone eBay or use Live Chat - current as of 26 April 2015


This contact information is for eBay Australia.

Please note it is now extremely difficult to find eBay contact information on eBay's website. Hopefully this information will prove useful to eBayers who need fast assistance from eBay.

The so-called "Contact" page (which leads you around in circles): :clickme:

The page for accessing eBay's Live Chat: :clickme:

 :phonef: :phone: eBay's local phone numbers: 02-8280-6400 or 02-8280-6465.

 :phonef: :phone: eBay's Australian 1800 number: 1-800 093 577

The page which offers "Call us" [i.e., call eBay], "Call me" [i.e., eBay calls you], "Chat with us" or "Email us": :clickme:


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