Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2802598 times)


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Morton Blackwell <>


Sat, Jul 17 at 8:14 AM


Critical Race Theory threatens to destroy America.

This deadly ideology teaches young Americans that their skin color determines their future -- and it punishes their hard work, character, and conviction.

Yet leftist school board members, public officials, and teachers’ unions use Critical Race Theory to indoctrinate children to hate America -- and their fellow Americans. What is going on here?

To better understand this dire threat to freedom, your Leadership Institute invited Dr. James Lindsay to speak to our friends and supporters.

Dr. Lindsay is a noted expert on Critical Race Theory and the entire twisted, totalitarian ideological well from which it springs.

In this speech, he explained where Critical Race Theory comes from and the dangers it poses to America’s most basic rights and principles. He also urged citizens like you and me to get involved in countering this deadly threat in your communities.

Dr. Lindsay’s presentation blew me away. I found it so terrifying and urgent that I asked my staff to make it available as an eBook to share with as many people as possible.

You can download a free copy of this new eBook called Critical Race Theory: What It Is and How to Fight Back, here:

Fair warning, Ron. This eBook will disturb you greatly as you see how far the left has already taken this “cultural revolution” Dr. Lindsay describes. But I promise you it will also give you hope that together, Americans can rise up to defeat this dangerous foe.

In Dr. Lindsay’s own words,

“There is a tremendous amount of grassroots energy right now against Critical Race Theory. If you take that leap of faith into fighting this stuff, the crowd is going to come up underneath you and catch you. It's ready to catch you and carry you. So don't be afraid to do it either.”

Thank you for your dedication to defending America’s founding principles. Your support helps the Leadership Institute prepare the next generation of conservatives to defeat destructive ideologies like Critical Race Theory.

You make a tremendous difference for the future of our nation.


Morton C. Blackwell
President, Leadership Institute
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Spongebob Squarepants will not be featured in Shark Week.
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Diane Franssen added a new photo to the album: Summer 2021 in Cali — at Lowe's Home Improvement (735 West Oglethorpe Highway, Hinesville, GA).
3h  · Hinesville, GA  ·
This ole goat just won't die. LOL

Diane Franssen
Jodi why you laughing?? You are probably helping them in setting up the mission of killing mom off. Tomorrow we are going for paddlewheel ride in Savannah. Its called toss Mama from boat day.. stay tune!

Ron Tello Culley
Yeah, my Summer Vacay destination is always a home improvement store.
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Is California ‘PURPOSEFULLY’ destroying this small business?

It seems like some politicians are purposefully trying to destroy the lives and dreams of certain Americans, specifically small business owners.

Dave Foldes spoke to Glenn over six months ago after THIS audience raised thousands of dollars for his restaurant that refused to close: Cronies Sports Grill. Now, despite making progress in his administrative battle against LA, the city of Agoura Hills, California is coming for Cronies instead. And the reasoning is INSANE. But Foldes isn’t giving up, and neither are his supporters. It’s the ultimate David vs. Goliath showdown.
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You won’t believe which federal agency is watching you through its social media surveillance wing

Most people are very aware that social media opens them up to all sorts of privacy issues.

Companies can say all they want that they don’t monitor, snoop, or pry. But if the last six months have shown us anything, it’s that Big Tech is definitely poking around in people’s private lives.

And you won’t believe which federal agency is watching you through its social media surveillance wing.

Back in April, Yahoo! News reported that the United States Postal Service (USPS) has a social media surveillance unit known as the Internet Covert Operations Program or iCOP for short.

Yes, the mailman is watching your social media accounts.

Apparently, they’re looking for “significant activity regarding planned protests occurring internationally and domestically.”

A 2019 annual report published by the U.S. Postal Inspection Service stated that iCOP “protects the Postal Service and the public by facilitating the identification, disruption, and dismantling of individuals and organizations that use the mail or USPS online tools to facilitate black market Internet trade or other illegal activities.”

It gets worse from there.

As part of iCOP, these USPIS agents “assume fake identities online, use sophisticated intelligence tools and employ facial recognition software.”

Once iCOP gets a hold of the information they “need,” it is sent to Homeland Security and an array of other law enforcement and government authorities.

This news caused an uproar around the country and amongst Congressional Republicans.

Undoubtedly, the program raises serious questions about the federal government’s ongoing surveillance of Americans’ private lives.

A letter to Postmaster General Louis DeJoy was drafted by thirty GOP members of Congress asking why the USPS is “taking on the role of intelligence collection.”

There is no shortage of intelligence agencies eager to spy on Americans, so adding the USPS to the mix is just absurd.

In late April, Chief Postal Inspector Gary R. Barksdale testified about the program before the House Oversight Committee.

According to Barksdale, the program launched in 2017 to help detect mailed opioids and firearms but in Spring of 2020, it morphed into monitoring the Internet for information about potential threats to the USPS leaders, staff, or facilities.

During the hearing, Barksdale was asked how much taxpayer money was being used for the program and what legal authority the post office had to spy on people’s social media activity.

He had no answer.

In typical government fashion, they want the American people to believe this is being done for their safety, but that’s a lie.

The powers that be want to know everything about you and your life.

The more they know, the more power they have over those who disagree with them, and what better place to find that information than the dark hole of social media.

If this is what they’re using the postal system for, just imagine what other “innocent” looking agencies monitor.

Nosey neighbours
The Cyber Brats next door
The Ice Cream Man
Pizza Delivery
First Responders

:tello: " I really doubt the Big Bear Post is involved. They can't keep up with the task of delivering the mail. "
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Set Woodstien
Yeah it’s not about truth anymore it’s all propaganda from the democrat party and the useful idiots Who think the end justifies the means, but one day they’ll understand when they’ve outlived their usefulness as well, The Democrat party has now subscribed to the Nazi party agenda.
Remove all guns from society, turned children against their parents, and outlaw Christianity.

Ron Tello Culley
It's obviously the Nazi Playbook in action. We saw it coming. Surprised? Don't be.
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About me and my Lappy:

If I knew anything
I can do anything.

I'm the least of your Hacker worries.
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Today's Tip...Your "Body Age".

As the old saying goes, “It’s not how old you are, it’s how old you feel,” and a recent study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology provides more evidence that your physiological age—or “body age”—is a better predictor of your health span (how long AND well you live) than the number of candles on your birthday cake.

In the study, the researchers estimated physiological age by assessing the participants’ aerobic fitness, and they found that exercise capacity was a better predictor of longevity than chronological age.

“If you want to live longer, then exercise more. It should improve your health and length of life, said study author Dr. Serge Harb, cardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic.

Dr. Harb went on to say, “Knowing your physiological age is good motivation to increase your exercise performance, which could translate into improved survival. Telling a 45-year-old that his physiological age is 55 should be a wake-up call that they are losing years of life by being unfit. On the other hand, a 65-year-old with an A-BEST (Age-Based Exercise Stress Testing) of 50 is likely to live longer than his peers.”

Besides cardiorespiratory fitness, here are 5 other ways to lower your body age:

Lifting weights. Believe it or not, muscle strength is one of the strongest predictors of how long and how well you will live. Lifting weights can help you maintain muscle and bone as you get older, and it can boost mood, improve cognitive function, protect against injuries, and improve quality of life.

Skip meals. Intermittent fasting, although not for everyone, is linked to a robust array of health benefits, including anti-aging benefits. Various intermittent fasting regimens, which tend to limit when you eat but not necessarily what or how much, have been shown to improve a variety of factors that can promote health span, such as insulin sensitivity, blood lipids, inflammation, oxidative stress, body fat, and blood pressure.

Get outside. Spending more time outdoors is one of the simplest, most accessible, and most economical ways to reduce your body age. On one hand, getting plenty of non-burning sun exposure is paramount to optimizing levels of vitamin D, which seems to be correlated to staving off many chronic diseases. What’s more, connecting with nature can have tremendous whole-body benefits, including stress reduction, immune function, cognitive health, feelings of well-being, energy levels, and more.

Get social. Social connectedness may be one of the most overlooked variables when it comes to living a long, healthy, and meaningful life, and it can also directly impact your body age. Folks who feel socially isolated have a 30 - 50% higher risk of death compared to people who are more socially integrated. Believe it or not, that’s on par with other well-documented risk factors, like smoking and high blood pressure.

Go to sleep. If you want a surefire recipe to accelerate your physiological age, don’t get enough sleep. That’s right, yet another benefit of restorative sleep is reducing your body age. For example, research has shown a linear association between sleep duration, sleep quality, and telomere length. Telomeres are biomarkers of body age, and shorter telomeres mean an older physiological age.
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I forget, what is "Lost Data"?
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" Do you see a pattern emerging here, Scully? "
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Dead Beats.
Ne'er do wells.

And Lurkers!

This is my Membership File.

A lively bunch, no doubt.

Wouldn't you agree?

Shut up, smee.

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Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger claims left-leaning editors have made site biased, untrustworthy

Wikipedia co-founder Larry Sanger criticized the current state of the online encyclopedia he started in a recent interview, casting doubt on whether it can be trusted to provide unbiased information because of the heavy input of editors with “establishment” views.

“You can trust it to give a reliably establishment point of view on pretty much everything,” Mr. Sanger, who launched Wikipedia in 2001 with Jimmy Wales, said in an interview published online Wednesday.

“Can you trust it to always give you the truth? Well, it depends on what you think the truth is,” added Mr. Sanger, who left Wikipedia in 2002 and has been vocally critical of the site ever since.

Mr. Sanger, 53, made the comments in a video interview conducted by the website UnHerd. Wikipedia did not immediately respond to a message from The Washington Times seeking a reaction to his remarks.

Recalling the early years of Wikipedia, which allows its users to anonymously contribute and edit content, Mr. Sanger said that it was a lot easier back then for people to participate in those processes.
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“Stay home or you’ll die!”
(I didn’t stay home.)

“Mask up and stay away from your family or you’ll all die”
(I didn’t mask up and I vacationed with my grandfather.)

“It’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated! Get vaccinated or die!”

Every week it’s a new fake apocalypse.


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10 Things You Can Actually Clean in Your Dishwasher

Your dishwasher is more versatile than you might think. Some people even cook fish in them, though dishwasher salmon might fall into the category of "just because you can doesn't mean you should." Still, the dishwasher is surprisingly useful for cleaning a ton of household items. Just to be safe, run separate loads for dishes and nonfood-related items.
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Biden Setting up Secret Police to Attack Private Citizens

Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi erected their wall around the Capitol, and it has been highly influential in separating them from the American people. Their wall proves that barriers work at keeping people out of certain areas. Given a chance, they both would expel every legal American and bring in illegals to worship at their feet.

They desire to ignore the people and build for themselves an empire built on the backs of their slave cast. But to begin the process, they need to have a force that can cause terror and fear in the people’s hearts. And this is where Biden’s Capitol Police come into the picture.

The old president needs to have some way of forcing people to obey his commands. He told everyone to get the vaccine whether they needed it or not. To his demise, many people did not comply. And that set his crazy mind into a spiral of trying to figure out how to force compliance. And he has decided that increased police numbers are the way to go.

The events of the Capitol riots are still a favorite flavor for the Democrats. They need to find a connection they can pin on the Republican Party. That would give them a reason to work with Biden at expanding the Capitol City Police. Something they want to see as a national force.

Biden wants to see his police force expanded into critical areas of the country. The police force announced that they are “beginning with the opening of field offices in California and Florida.”

They are also seeking to open offices in other vital sections of the country. Their purpose is to spy on Americans that would stand against the American government or the liberal party. The problem is that the Democrats want to brand Republicans as enemies of the state. Which means the police will target conservatives.

The Capitol police operate differently than the Secret Service. Their sole mission will be to spy on the American people and go after anyone that would speak out against the liberal establishment. Their goal is to move quickly, so there is not enough time for state leaders to react. China does the same thing with its people.

Biden’s decision to expand his personal police force is in violation of set procedure. The move to expand the Capitol force must be reviewed by Congress and approved. Congress controls this one entity, and it is not up to the president to decide what to do with the force.

The Capitol police do not have a higher power they report to. They can operate and do what they want and when they want. Any other time they were questioned about the actions, they simply refuse to answer.

The Democrats will have their personal police force designed to exterminate any conservative that speaks out against them. The definition of “threats” and “security” will be defined by a political party that is full of hatred and illogical elements. The people who will suffer the most will be branded as extremists and targeted for political hunting.

The Capitol Police force is supposed to the force that protects Washington D.C. and nothing else. That is why they are the Capitol Police. Their primary duty is to protect lawmakers while they are in Washington. They are not supposed to be the personal bodyguards of the Democratic Party.

Whenever a lawmaker heads home, they are subject to local protection from their hometown police. The Capitol Police do not go with them to their homes and set up a protection network around them. They are not that important. The Democrats may think they are, but no one follows them once they leave office.

But Biden’s ulterior motive is that he wants to force people into compliance. So, when he mentions that he will come to a person’s home to get them vaccinated, it should be taken seriously. The threats he is issuing from the Oval Office are attacks on the American people. The liberals do not control everything yet, so there are ways to fight the tyranny developing in America.
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Ron Tello Culley
Dr. Seuss does soft porn. Nice.
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Too much news to repeat, report and reject.

I gotta come up with a new format.

Request lines are now open.

No, I won't do all drums all the time. That theme has been exhausted.

Motorcycles are a personal issue.

Mudslinging sock puppets is a foregone conclusion.

And antagonizing Admin is boring.

I'll get back to ya.
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It's decided.

Biz as usual, cuz there's a lot of it.

Personally, I think I could post
pix of poo and still maintain my high Ratings.

I have a diverse audience.
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6 Surprising Facts About the Produce Aisle

The typical American grocery store carries between 40,000 and 50,000 different items, including hundreds of products in the produce aisle. The inviting displays of dew-kissed leafy greens, pyramids of shiny apples, and baskets of sun-kissed lemons are carefully organized to entice consumers into purchasing; a lot of planning and research goes into each product and how it is displayed. Let’s investigate some secrets of the produce aisle.
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Now this is an idea I could run with:

Faulty Consumer Products Assassinations.

Fun for the whole Family of Man.

I said "Idea", not a Programme Change.
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Why Do We Have Middle Names?

To many, it only serves as an indication of how much trouble they’re in, but the middle name must have had a real purpose at some point. They’ve been around for as long as any living generation can remember and have become customary, despite a general lack of understanding why.

As with so many traditions that we don’t often question, some believe they need to look back some 2,811 years to traditions in Rome. However, there are inconsistencies that indicate Ancient Rome may have had nothing to do with our practice of donning three names.
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Door-to-Door Vaccines Are Underway

We’ve had an eye out to see if Joe Biden’s threat to send medical workers “door-to-door” to start vaccinating individuals with the COVID19 vaccine would actually happen.

It has, and we have documentary proof (see the video below) from North Carolina, where a news crew succeeded in capturing the reality on video.

Watch the video below proving that medical workers are going door-to-door to vaccinate Americans, and then share your thoughts by emailing Do you support or oppose door-to-door vaccinations?
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10 Reasons You Won’t Survive What’s Coming

How prepared are you to survive a world-changing disaster? As Canadian Prepper explains in this video, you may not be as prepared as you think you are. He lists ten reasons you may not survive what’s coming. Here they are:
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Double Tap
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Tello TV. This is one of my Faves!

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Episode aired May 11, 2001

When several people including a child are killed, the team tries to find the killer. They catch the man who did it. Cabot wants to throw the book at him despite his erratic behavior. But Huang wants to examine him and he says that the man is sick. And they eventually learn that the insurance company he applied to knew of his condition and that they didn't tell him which would have allowed him the opportunity to be cured.
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