Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2802088 times)


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What to Do When a Mob Attacks Your Vehicle

I hate to say this, but in America mobs now rule the streets.

It’s easy to find yourself in the middle of a vicious mob because they have shut down an intersection, block a highway or even set up a roadblock.

One wrong turn, and you could find yourself in the middle of one.

It’s vital for you to be cautious, especially when you are driving.

As tempting it may be to mow down some Antifa soy boys…

Here are the 3 best ways to get away when a mob attacks your car.

1. When Suspicious, Drive Away Immediately

When driving, you need to be watching the road at all times.

That way, in case there is something wrong, you will notice it almost instantly and when you are at a safe distance.

Distractions either from your phone, conversations or even eating might lead to you driving right in the center of the mob.

Driving away might mean reversing and driving backwards for a long distance or even driving into the wrong lane.

2. Spot And Dodge The Roadblocks

People rioting are always looking for attention or for the police to respond to them.

They do this by blocking the road. Roadblocks are dangerous as they will slow you are down and make you an easy target for the mob.

The roadblock might not be something you see on the road, it could be just a handful of people milling around a vehicle.

In case you are driving and you see a roadblock of a suspicious group of people on the road, the best way to deal with this situation is to drive away from the situation.

Also, if you know there is unrest in your city, watch the news or listen to the radio for updates so you know which areas are to be avoided.

3. Be Ready To Escape And Defend Yourself

In case you find yourself in a riot, the best way to handle this is by sitting quietly in the vehicle and avoiding eye contact with those who are rioting.

Don’t talk back, don’t respond, don’t give them any attention.

But, some riots are dangerous and the people rioting might start attacking your vehicle.

If so, your safest option is getting into the streets and trying to get out of the scene.

If you have a gun, you might be tempted to use it to save your life, but that is not a great idea.

Even if you shoot one or two people in self-defense, you will attract the attention of hundreds and that might lead to them overwhelming you and getting your gun.

They might in fact use it against you.

Those are just some quick tips.

The most important thing to remember is getting yourself (and your family) away from a mob is the best self defense.

Should be easy enough in a car.

But if you find yourself stuck in a pickle...

You should have something to protect yourself with.

If you don't have a gun or knife...

Take a look at this brand new pack of 3 “stealth items” you need to protect yourself...


Safe for users (but really bad for an attacker)
Non-lethal injury to keep you out of jail
Temporary disable, gives you time to get away
Compact to keep in purse or bag
Easy to use, no training required
But please hurry if you want your pack. They’re only available for a limited time.

Get one shipped to your door today.

Talk soon,
~ Chuck Masters
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Former NFL Player: ‘We Gotta Get God Back In Our Schools’ To Solve Racial, Economic Divide

While the Left continues to push the narrative that police officers are the problem, and that “defunding the police” is the answer to all the problems plaguing our society, others search for more logical answers. 

Jack Brewer, former NFL player and founder of The Jack Brewer Foundation, believes the issues start with the way children are being raised and the education they receive.
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Biden Blames Trump for Border Crisis

In a move that has angered Republicans across the country, President Joe Biden’s Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, reading from a prepared text, blamed former President Donald J. Trump for the illegal immigration crisis on the southern border of the United States.

Please watch the video below and share your thoughts by emailing us at Do you believe Trump is responsible for the illegal immigration crisis on the southern border of the United States? Or, do you believe Biden is responsible?
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Texas Dem Leader Resigns After Calling Sen. Tim Scott ‘Oreo’

The Texas Democratic Party official who termed Senator Tim Scott(R-SC) an “oreo” submitted his resignation following widespread condemnation for his racial slur.

When used as a derogatory slur, “Oreo” means “a Black person who adopts the characteristic mentality and behavior of white middle-class society.”

Democrat Leader Resigns In Shame
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States Move to Shore Up Religious Freedom in a Post-COVID World
Bills would prevent future lockdown orders from targeting worship

Republican-controlled state legislatures are moving to protect the right to religious worship from future government-ordered lockdown measures that have sparked legal challenges since the start of the pandemic.
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"The mind is like a car battery — it recharges by running."
-Bill Watterson

Every day, for 10 years, cartoonist Bill Watterson delighted readers with a new story in his beloved syndicated comic strip "Calvin and Hobbes." But that kind of round-the-clock ingenuity is no easy feat. His secret? Recharging the mind by letting it play. “I’ve had to cultivate a kind of mental playfulness,” Watterson said in the same 1990 commencement speech at Kenyon College where he gave the quote above. “A playful mind is inquisitive, and learning is fun,” he said. In other words, creative ideas come when the mind is encouraged to wander into new areas, exploring wherever your natural curiosity may lead. Instead of “shutting off” your brain at the end of a long day, reinvigorate it by indulging your innate sense of wonder. If you follow what makes learning fun, it’s bound to lead you to new ideas.
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Which of these fruits is technically a berry?

You selected

Botanists have a different idea about what constitutes a berry than the average person at the grocery store. In order for a produce item to be a true berry, it has to be a simple fruit that develops from one flower with one ovary. This botanical definition includes avocados (a rare single-seed berry), pomegranates, and bananas. But as raspberries and strawberries develop from flowers that feature multiple ovaries, they aren’t really berries at all. Blueberries fit the bill, however, as do gooseberries and cranberries. If you’re confused, rest assured that even many botanists consider berry classification a bit strange — and fortunately, these categories mean little when it comes to how delicious the fruit tastes on your breakfast cereal.

Source: LiveScience | Date Updated: April 27, 2021
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8 Twins Of Popular Sights That Look Just As Spectacular

Hundreds of thousands of tourists all over the world continue to visit the same locations, year in and year out, snapping the same photographs of popular landmarks. The reason for this is that many of these individuals are just accustomed to doing this, however, a small percentage of them are aware of the fact that several of the very popular tourist destinations are not just crowded most of the time but also put pressure on the wallet. Here are a few locations from around the world that will not just match the famous sights in their attractiveness and beauty, but will help ease the burden on the wallet as well.
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9 Ways To Keep Food Cold Without Electricity

It’s easy to forget that people didn’t always have refrigerators to stop food from spoiling. They had to rely on natural methods to keep food cold; that’s why so many foods were seasonal. In case of massive power outages, you need to learn ways to keep your food cold without electricity.

Depending on your location, it can be hard to use some of these methods. Areas with arid, dry weather excel at keeping food cold with electricity, but humid areas struggle because most off-grid methods for keeping food cold rely on evaporation. Humidity reduces evaporation.
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BREAKING: Facebook's Oversight Board Upholds Trump's Ban - For Now

Facebook’s “independent” Oversight Board has upheld the social media platform’s permanent ban on former President Donald Trump – for now.

The board, which was tasked with determining whether the 45th president should remain barred from one of the world’s largest social media websites, said that while the ban will remain in place for the moment, the permanency of Trump’s ban doesn’t appear to be based on any consistent rules applied by Facebook. The board called Facebook’s decision to boot Trump from their platform was "indeterminate and standardless" and advised the platform develop rules that apply to everyone equally and aren’t based on a subjective determination and are instead “consistent with the rules that are applied to other users of its platform.”
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Trump Posts First Video On His Own Communications Platform, Launched After Twitter And Facebook Bans
There's NOTHING the left can do to stop him now!

Donald Trump has unveiled his new communications platform, posting a video announcement months after being banned by social media giants Twitter and Facebook.

The video is a short clip announcing the arrival of Trump’s own platform which promises to serve as “a place to speak freely and safely.”

And it has all the dramatics you’d expect from the former President.

“In a time of silence and lies,” captions on the video read over news reports of Twitter’s permanent ban of a man who 75 million people voted for in 2020.
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Big Bear Sheriff Station
Typically replies within a day
Public & Government Service

You sent Today at 2:39 PM
Hello, this is important. I am on-site manager of a rental property. We have a Problem Tenant.. Chris Bennett. He was the subject of a conflict/Police visit last week. He has history of mental illness. He is dangerous. I am fearful of being seen by him. Today I witnessed him do vandalism to my exterior motion sensor safety light. It is broken. The evidence is here. I have dire concerns to confront him in any way. I don't want to inflame him with a Police home visit/investigation. I rather let it slide. PLEASE BE ADVISED OF THIS SITUATION.
I am Ron 662 San Bernardino Ave. Sugarloaf 909 5XXxxxx

Big Bear Sheriff Station sent Today at 2:39 PM
Please be aware we do not monitor this page 24/7, nor can we take reports via social media. If you have an emergency or wish to report a crime in progress, please call 911. For all other calls for service and deputy assistance, please dial our local non-emergency dispatch line at (909) 866-7581. Thank you.

Big Bear Sheriff Station sent Today at 2:44 PM
Hello Ron. We cannot take reports via social media. If you need deputy assistance, please call our non-emergency dispatch line at (909) 866-7581. If you do not want deputies to make contact with you at the location where the tenant is, you can come in to the station to make a report or the deputies can meet you at an alternate location. Our address is 477 Summit Blvd., Big Bear Lake.

You sent Today at 2:45 PM
Thank you, I will  soon. I am glad you have heard me. PLEASE MAKE A NOTE OF IT.

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What state has the highest number of farms in the U.S.?


Texas is the poster child for “go big or go home.” The state has about 247,000 farms across 130 million acres of farmland. That’s more than twice the number of farms in Missouri, which holds second place with 95,000 farms. Almost all Texan farms are family-owned, producing everything from cotton to meat to dairy. Texas farmers sell their products both locally and internationally, and the state’s farming industry brings in about $115 billion per year. While that sounds impressive, Texas has only about half the number of farms it did in the 1940s. Nevertheless, mechanization, improved pest control, and other modern techniques have made it possible for yields to grow exponentially in the Lone Star state.

Source: World Atlas | Date Updated: April 27, 2021

I cheated:
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What is moral decay?

"Moral decay" is a term used to describe the decline or fall of the moral values of a civilization. This concept, which is sometimes called decadence, is most often illustrated by the decline of the Roman Empire due to malaise and loss of civic virtue.
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Facebook Upholds Ban On Trump – But Says Indefinite Suspension ‘Not Appropriate’

Facebook’s Oversight Board ruled today to keep the ban against former President Donald Trump for another six months.

The tech giant said an indefinite ban from the social media platform was “not appropriate,” but upheld the move to keep him off the site currently.

“The Board has upheld Facebook’s decision on January 7, 2021, to restrict then-President Donald Trump’s access to posting content on his Facebook page and Instagram account,” they wrote in their decision.
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Donald Trump’s Facebook Ban Is a ‘Total Disgrace’ as Oversight Board Upholds Suspension

On Wednesday, former President Donald Trump criticized the decision of Facebook’s Oversight Board to uphold his ban from the platforms owned by the social media giant – Facebook and Instagram. Trump called the decision a “total disgrace” and added that Big Tech companies need to “pay a political price.”

The said board decided to uphold the former president’s ban from the two social media platforms. However, it also said it’s inappropriate for Facebook to impose an indefinite suspension, calling it an “indeterminate and standardless penalty.”

The board then gave the social media giant six months to review the said indefinite ban. It also said in a tweet that Facebook “violated its own rules.

"Trump also stated these sites took free speech away from him because the “Radical Left Lunatics” fear the truth. However, he added that it will come out eventually, “bigger and stronger than ever before.”
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Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder

Liberalism Is a Mental Disorder: Savage Solutions is the 20th book written by conservative radio personality Michael Savage.

In the book, Michael Savage accuses American liberals and of making political moves that undermine what he believes to be the basic tenets of American life, including marriage, the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Ten Commandments. One chapter is dedicated to his criticisms of radical Islam, which he calls "Islamofascism". In each chapter is a "Savage Spotlight of Truth", that describes how liberals purportedly spread their political agenda.

Liberalism is a Mental Disorder stayed on the Top 10 New York Times best-seller list for three weeks, after its release on April 12, 2005.
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Is liberalism really a mental illness?

Conservative pundits like Michael Savage and Mark Dice like to ruffle feathers by claiming that liberalism is a mental disorder. Well…is it?

No. Of course not. It’s crude and dangerous to pathologize the political beliefs of half the population — beliefs which have often changed the world for the better.

However, this pathologizing has been done to conservatives since the end of World War Two. In his theory of anti-democratic authoritarianism, Theodor Adorno identified a number of ‘symptoms’ of an authoritarian personality ‘syndrome’, including sexual inhibition, support for conventional values, and admiration of toughness and power. The political bias of the concept was sealed by psychologist Bob Altemeyer in 1981, when he coined the hugely popular concept ‘right-wing authoritarianism’.
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Musician Ted Nugent joins Newsmax to discuss President Biden’s calls for firearm reform, and the ‘anarchy’ of the ‘other side.’
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James Clyburn’s Reaction to Police Salary will Shock You!
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Where ‘woke’ came from and why marketers should think twice before jumping on the social activism bandwagon

First used in the 1940s, the term “woke” has resurfaced in recent years as a concept that symbolises awareness of social issues and movement against injustice, inequality, and prejudice.

But popularity has diluted its meaning and the idea has been cynically applied to everything from soft drink to razors, attracting criticism if too liberally applied.

One recent stretch for this term is the New Yorker magazine’s headline for a story about a vegan chef’s output, which read: What’s in a Woke McRib?

Being woke was originally associated with black Americans fighting racism, but has been appropriated by other activist groups – taking it from awareness and blackness to a colourless and timeless phenomenon.
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Trump Responds to Facebook’s Decision to Uphold Account Suspension

Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday said Facebook and other Big Tech companies that censored him “must pay a political price” — responding to Facebook’s decision to continue a ban on his account.

The Facebook decision added momentum to Republican efforts in Congress to either break up Facebook and other Big Tech platforms, or to outlaw viewpoint discrimination.


Free Speech will be a Felony next week.


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Watch: Restaurant Customer Allegedly Pulls Gun Against BLM Protesters
Instantly Regret It

Video taken on a cell phone shows a customer at Louisville, Kentucky’s La Chasse restaurant allegedly pull a gun when Black Lives Matter protesters began disrupting the eatery.

The New York Post reports the incident occurred on May 1, 2021, the day of this year’s Kentucky Derby. The BLM protesters “were marching to Churchill Downs to demand justice for Breonna Taylor.”

When the protesters approached diners who were sitting outdoors a patron in blue could be seen standing, allegedly holding a handgun in his right hand.

Upon seeing the firearm, some of the protesters began persuading the others to keep walking.

The Courier-Journal’s Hayes Gardner posted a video of the incident.



Patrician zanghi1 minute ago
The BLM disrupt these people who are eating , then if one gets shot they go on a crusade SOMETHING HAS TO BE DONE ABOUT THESE INSURRECTIONIST OR SOMEONE WILL GET KILLED!!!!
Maryann Delisio3 hours ago
None of these animals have jobs. Who is supporting them??
Ron3 hours ago
Soros funded
SOS4 hours ago
And you have why we need to have the 2nd Amendment and conceal carry permits. End of story.
Mike Ramay2 hours ago
He needs a bigger gun!!! It worked but a larger gun might have kept the animals further away.
rock3 hours ago
Well done, stand your ground against these POS.
Chuck4 hours ago
Don't these agitators have anything better to do? Don't try it in Hawaii. They'll get their asses kicked.
James4 hours ago
Nope, you will go to jail. These shite birds are a protected class. Untouchables.
Midniteangel2 hours ago
Everyone needs to carry.
mike America1 hour ago
Funny how the left REFUSES to acknowledge that armed criminals won’t pull a gun when they know people around them are armed...pedo-jo’s gun free zones have resulted in 99% of the mass shootings. Pedo-billy klintons gun free military bases were the other 1%. The blm & antifa have been given freedom to loot & destroy businesses by leftist politicians! NOW, WHAT ARE WE THE PEOPLE PREPARED TO DO TO END THIS CRAP?
James4 hours ago
Hoshi2 hours ago
They have started this but a civil war they shall get! Oh by the way guns and God, hope you said your prayers!
Hoshi2 hours ago
I meant to say “we have” guns and God
Bryan2 hours ago
Ask yourself do you want to take a chance that a well armed Real American would remove your inside of your skull in a minute would you continue to harass him ?? Maybe you should keep walking commie.
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"Madison and others set out deliberately to design a form of government that would limit abuses and withstand the test of time. America now faces that test, and the central question that has emerged is: Will we pass the test, or will we fall into the abyss of history as other nation-states have done?"

General Flynn Has a Message for Americans: We Must ‘Revisit The Original Plan’
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Randy Marsh is one of South Park’s worst characters.
He’s irritating, selfish, and constantly ruining his family’s lives. Especially in later seasons he’s just unbearable, especially when he forced Stan to miss Halloween to work at blockbuster, despite no one going. The show should put more focus on the four boys instead of that idiot.

Edit: I actually love South Park and most of the characters, I just think Randy is super overrated and shouldn’t be a main character.
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:tello: " Ethical Journalism Responsibly Harvested From The Information Super Alleyway . "
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Kerry Vale
Rimforest looking down on the Inland Empire yesterday.
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Antonio Urieta
Nice picture

Kerry Vale
Thanks Antonio!🙂

Edward Myers
beautiful view

Kerry Vale
Edward it was a beautiful day, thanks!🙂

Phyllis Smith Pessia
So very beautiful and clear! ??

Margie Jehue
Beautiful view beyond the ridge. What are those buildings?

Phyllis Smith Pessia
Margie Jehue. Isn't it Rimforest? I think it is.

Margie Jehue
Phyllis Smith Pessia I was thinking that as well, with lumberyard and all🤔

Cathy Salazar
Forgot how beautiful that is.

Kerry Vale
Cathy the mountains definitely have their charm. 🙂

Cathy Salazar
Yes they do and they are so calming.

Paul Andrade Sr.
That is the safest way to enjoy the Inland Empire from a distance.

Cathy Salazar
So true.

Ken Brafman
We used to call it 'descending into Hell.'

Ron Tello Culley
What's that lump on the Horizon, Japan?

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19 Bungee Cord Hacks to Get Hooked On

These fantastic elastic cords are useful for more than just tying down tarps. Here are 19 other ideas to wrap your brain around.

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Twisted Sister - We're Not Gonna Take it (Extended Version) (Official Music Video)
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Trial Lawyer: "Were you lying then or
are you lying now?"

Defendant: "Cut to commercial!"

:tello: " See? I can write for TV too! "
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Perfect Corn Dogs

No one can deny the crispy, slightly sweet, perfectly fried lure of a corn dog. Luckily, corndogs are actually super easy to make at home. The batter fries up quickly and super crispy—just like any good corn dog should be! These will transport you back to being a kid at the local fair.
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No-Bake Cheesecake

The only downside to a cheesecake is how long it takes to bake and how fussy it can be (water bath? no thank you!). A no-bake cheesecake takes all the stress away. Plus, it takes about half the time to make.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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  • You don't get everything you want at Tello's.
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"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"