Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2796349 times)


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Biden's Plan: Trace, Track & Control

Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel <>
Ron Culley

Tue, Apr 20 at 8:40 AM

A U.S. government program is pushing a "vaccine passport" both domestically and internationally. And progress is reported directly to the White House. I have reviewed the White House presentation on the subject, and I have seen one of the COVID control apps already in use elsewhere. Read on to learn what we have uncovered. But first, take a moment to fax our government officials. Tell them to DROP their digital control plans. - Mat


Liberty Counsel has reviewed a copy of a White House PowerPoint presentation that lays out, in shocking detail, the plan to vaccinate, track, trace, and control every American.

Calling for a "coordination and alignment of vaccine credential activities across HHS agencies," the document states that vaccine passports are "a critical driver for restoring baseline population health and promoting safe return to social, commercial, and leisure activities."

The presentation clearly states the "Federal government will inevitably be involved with vaccine credential solutions."

And that it is "implementing a VA-issued vaccine credential" to be used for "international and domestic travel" and will be "communicating progress to the White House."

I don't know about you, but I do not want Joe Biden, Kamala Harris or any other government official keeping track of my daily movements. Nor do I want any government official capturing the names, addresses, or phone numbers of friends with whom I associate or attend church.

But that is exactly what the Biden administration is developing, according to the Department of Health and Human Services presentation.

China and Israel have already implemented their own "digital health passports."

A good friend who lives in Israel recently showed me his digital vaccine passport phone app that tracks and traces his every move. It is disturbingly similar to the Chinese app which traces, tracks, and controls all Chinese citizens' movements.

On the Israeli app, each person has an individualized QR code on his or her cell phone. His "vaccination passport" must be scanned before he travels, enters a store or business, or even goes to worship. An app tracks where he is at all times and how close he is to other people. When the government tells him to go home, he MUST comply. If sent home and he then leaves his assigned "zone," his phone will alert authorities!

Israel is also threatening to cancel the vaccine passports of parents who refuse to have their children receive the Pfizer/BioNTech shots.

This tracking and tracing began in China, moved to Israel and is now coming to America!

Nevada, Hawaii, and New York are already pushing for their own vaccine passports. California has conditioned attending large group meetings on COVID vaccination status.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) Technology Review publication is a key source of tracking propaganda. One article states, "This new social order will seem unthinkable to most people in so-called free countries. But any change can quickly become normal if people accept it" (emphasis added).

The publication's editor in chief writes, "The new normal will be that we are used to the idea that in some cases being able to move around freely is dependent on us being able to show that we're healthy." He adds, "There will be a greater acceptance, I think, of that kind of public health monitoring" (emphasis added).

Former Baltimore city health commissioner and president emeritus of Planned Parenthood, Dr. Leana Wen, said on CNN, "We have a very narrow window to tie reopening policy to vaccination status because otherwise, if everything is reopened, then what's the 'carrot' going to be? How are we going to incentivize people to actually get the vaccine?"

We already know the answer. The "carrot" to compel Americans to accept a new experimental drug is to revoke all freedom until the populace accepts the tyrants' demands. And remember, the same "carrot" will be used to threaten more freedom beyond COVID.

We saw this last year, when Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker stated he would not free Illinois residents from his restrictions until vaccinations were in place.

Liberty Counsel helped disabuse Gov. Pritzker of this bad idea when we sued him to free the churches within his state. Illinois churchgoers are now free to attend church without any restrictions—and without the governor's COVID shot.

But power-hungry politicians are pushing for more restrictions!

Stand up and send your fax demanding our governors and federal legislators stand against vaccine passports and tracking and tracing apps.

We continue to fight for freedom on a number of fronts. Last week, California Gov. Gavin Newsom was forced to repeal ALL capacity restrictions on churches. We have several other churches to free even as we seek to strike down lingering restrictions in California, Illinois, Maine, and elsewhere.

We must permanently quarantine rogue governors so they never issue these unconstitutional restrictions again. We need your help and your voice to magnify our collective efforts and to keep religious freedom FREE!

Your donations are what make it possible to offer our legal representation free to those in need. We have been at the Supreme Court on church cases more than any other legal team in the last year. One of our cases is pending at the High Court right now.

Our dedicated team also works with lawmakers in the nation's capital and all the states to preserve freedom.

Finally, I want to thank you for your steadfast support. The last 12 months have been challenging, but I believe a better future is on the horizon—if we fight for our liberties! Thank you for standing with us as we work toward that new day!

"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain" (1 Cor. 15:58).

Mat Staver,
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
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Wildly Popular Ice Cream Maker Takes on Law Enforcement: ‘Must Be Dismantled’

Heartbroken conservatives are in a quandary for how to settle heartbreak as the news broke that the popular ice cream maker Ben and Jerry’s has gone after law enforcement in a disturbing attack.

Following the shooting of Daunte Wright in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, on Sunday the ice cream brand, which has been known to support the liberal agenda in the past, went after the police directly, tweeting that the American police system “can’t be reformed” and “must be dismantled.”
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Biden/Harris Ban the Term ‘Illegal Alien’

As part of “cancel culture,” the Democrats, led by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, seem to thrive on banning the use of terms that are even embedded in the law as the term “illegal alien” has been for decades.


“Employees of the two main U.S. immigration enforcement agencies were directed Monday to stop referring to migrants as “aliens,” a dated term that many people consider offensive,” according to The Washington Times. [emphasis added]

“Memos issued by Customs and Border Protection, as well as Immigration and Customs Enforcement, recommend that agents instead use the words “non-citizen” or “migrant.” The change reflects guidelines set by the Biden administration, which is reversing many of the anti-immigrant policies of former President Donald Trump. [emphasis added]
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House Judiciary Committee Wants to Address ‘Deep Seeded Racism’ by Literally Taking Your Money

Reparations have a new ally in the House Judiciary Committee as was evidenced by their intention to vote on a bill that would create a commission to study the possibility of reparations for slavery in the United States.

The Committee, who announced their decision to delve into the issue and vote on Wednesday, is typically tasked with issues regarding the judiciary, however, the primarily Democrat House of Representatives have taken it upon themselves, as a whole, to contend with what they see as widespread problems enacted by the previous administration.
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Biden Wants Trust as He Tells the World He Will Obey the Rules

Joe Biden is a man that has to redefine the words that he has to use in order to make himself sound intelligent. His liberal push to have the Democratic Party engage in changing the rules and moving forward with partisan-sided things. Liberals have the audacity to change things to make them fit their agenda.

Biden thinks that a bipartisan bill means that his party is what is needed to move forward. The traditional meaning of bipartisan is that there is significant support from Democrats and Republicans. Biden is crying over the fact that there is not one Republican in the Senate that wants to support his agenda.
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New COVID-19 Strain Found to Not Be as Terrible as Fearful Left Pushes It to Be

For the past year, the world has lived in fear of the COVID-19 strain was released by the Chinese government. The virus scared people to the point that governments all over the world shut down their borders and ordered everyone to stay in their homes until further notice. People were told that they must mask up and social distance in an effort to stem the tide of the pandemic. But it would not take long for science to catch up to the scare and show just how wrong the liberals would be.

The coronavirus did kill people around the world. But there is a lot of speculation as to just how many lives were extinguished. Some people point out that the flu all but disappeared from the world in 2020, so they wonder how many of those cases were mistaken as COVID-19.
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Their FREE RIDE may soon be over.
Minnesota Legislator Introduces Bill To Strip Criminal Protestors Of Food Stamps, Unemployment Benefits

A Minnesota State Senator has introduced legislation that would make anyone convicted of crimes in connection with a protest ineligible to receive government benefits like food stamps, unemployment benefits, and student loans.

Senator David Osmek, a Republican, introduced the bill amid months of riots in and around Minneapolis following the death of George Floyd in 2020, and more recently Daunte Wright last week.

NBC reports that anyone convicted under the law would be unable to receive:

“any type of state loan, grant, or assistance, including but not limited to college student loans and grants, rent and mortgage assistance, supplemental nutrition assistance, unemployment benefits and other employment assistance, Minnesota supplemental aid programs, business grants, medical assistance, general assistance, and energy assistance.”
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Derek Chauvin Found Guilty on All Counts in Murder of George Floyd

On Tuesday, the jury of the high-profile case connected to the murder of George Floyd last May has found former police officer Derek Chauvin guilty on all counts.

The jury decided to convict Chauvin, 45, for second- and third-degree murder. He was also found guilty of second-degree manslaughter.
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Diane Franssen

Chauvin had no remorse, not even a blink of his eyes.  Now he will get what he deserves in jail. If he survives.
Now can we all get along!!
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Some Democrats ‘So Angry’ at Maxine Waters That They Will Back Censure Resulting in Her Losing Chair

Some Democrat lawmakers are reportedly “so angry” with remarks Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) made over the weekend about the Chauvin trial that they are willing to back her GOP-led censure, which would strip her of her position as chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee.

Waters said at a protest in Minnesota over the weekend that “protesters” were “looking for a guilty verdict,” and if they don’t get what they want, then “we cannot go away.” Regarding what “protesters” should do if they do not get the verdict that they want, Waters responded that activists have “got to stay on the street,” “get more active,” and “get more confrontational.”
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Report: Maxine Waters Requested Police Protection Before Pushing ‘More Confrontational’ Unrest Amid Riots

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) is under fire over her recent comments in Minnesota, telling protesters to get “more confrontational” and said, “we are looking for a guilty verdict.”

According to documents obtained by Townhall, Waters reportedly requested a police escort ahead of calling for unrest. She requested that a police officer escort her to and from the airport before she flew from Dulles International Airport near Washington, D.C., to St. Paul International Airport in Minnesota.

Waters’ comments followed days of riots in the Minneapolis area over the Chauvin trial and the death of Daunte Wright, a 20-year-old black man shot and killed by a police officer during a traffic stop.
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Lotus reports seeing something in the sky, flying fast, and burning.

Upon further investigation, turns out it's part of
The Lyrid Meteor Shower.

Late tonight into tomorrow morning, the Lyrid Meteor Shower reaches its annual peak. An average of 10 to 20 "shooting stars" can be seen on a dark, clear night. The Moon continues to grow as a waxing Gibbous Moon, its glare interfering with our best views of these meteors, the first major meteor shower of the year.

April 22:
As the last of the twilight fades after 8:30, look higher into the southern skies, where the celestial Lion, Leo, appears to have swallowed the waxing Gibbous Moon, shining this evening due south, about two thirds of the way above the horizon. Leo's brightest star, Regulus is well right of the Moon tonight, cresting due south by 9 o'clock.

And so you should see it in Oz.

That is all.

Sherry says " HI ! "
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The verdict....

One small step for man

One giant step for black-kind

One small step for man giant step back for police-kind


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Yeah, it's pretty weird, man!
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Biden Endorses Bill to Make Washington DC the 51st State

President Joe Biden’s administration officially endorsed Tuesday the movement to make Washington DC the 51st state of the United States of America. In particular, the administration called on the US Congress to “provide for a swift and orderly transition to statehood” for the nation’s capital.
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A New Systemic Racism?
Hiring at some of the country's elite institutions paints a troubling picture

On the campaign trail in 1992, Bill Clinton famously promised a cabinet that "looks like America." By that, Clinton meant he intended to pick a leadership team that reflected the racial and gender diversity of the United States.

That's a laudable goal insofar as it recognizes the potential contributions of all without regard to race or sex, and it is a goal we share. But it has become a shibboleth at the country's elite institutions behind which lies a deep hostility to white men. Call it the new systemic racism.
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Am I supposed to read all that...?

Not happening.  Sorry.


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It's OK.
The Internet is not for everybody.
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"Comfort can be dangerous. Comfort provides a floor but also a ceiling."
-Trevor Noah

Born and raised in South Africa under apartheid, "The Daily Show" host Trevor Noah knows a thing or two about stepping outside his comfort zone. Throughout his career, the comedian has skillfully blended his personal experience with his trademark sense of humor to educate audiences on racial injustice. In this line from his book "Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood," Noah points out the risks of remaining in your comfort zone, and how that choice can limit your life. He reminds us that there is only so much that happens inside this safe, unchallenged space, and eventually the ceiling must be lifted in order to experience true freedom.
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My first job out of college, before joining the CIA, was as a police officer…

I’m very pro-police and I know that the vast majority of police officers are good men and women and they have a tough job.

Far too often, they’re being convicted in the media after a justified action. (A person pulling a gun or knife on them, for example.)

However, I do agree with the Derek Chauvin verdict because all that matters in any case are the facts.

And in this case, the jury got it right.

But here’s the thing…

Millions of Americans could care less about the facts.

This is proven again and again when a cop (legitimately) shoots a criminal and they riot and loot even though it was a totally justified shooting.

And with the Derek Chauvin trial, leaders were praying for a guilty verdict so the city didn’t get burned down and torn to shreds.

I have friends and customers in that city and they were afraid to go downtown because they didn’t want to be there if a not-guilty verdict was read.

This is a shame.

We should let our justice system do its job.

And if we don’t like the outcome, we shouldn’t burn someone’s business to the ground or assault a police officer that’s trying to keep the peace during a riot.

But this mob behavior is not going to change.

All major cities have become, or are slowly becoming, a socialist wasteland.

It’s only going to get worse.

Yes, the police will continue to shoot people.

Hopefully, most of those shootings will be justified, but some of them won’t. (And the ones that aren’t justified should be held accountable in a court of law.)

But whether they’re justified or not, mobs will destroy cities and won’t care about our judicial process.

This is why I got out of the Washington, DC area a long time ago and will never live in or near a big city again.

It’s just too risky with violent mobs and looters who could care less about the truth.

This is why during the pandemic I helped a lot of people get a bug out location that’s far from a city.

I’m also looking for another bug out location myself, but I haven’t been able to find the right one yet.

As you know, the real estate market is out of control and prices have skyrocketed.

I did find a place with 50 acres and a small pond that was perfect, but someone quickly snatched it up.

I can’t emphasize enough that you’ve got to have a place in a rural area.

There are a gazillion small towns all over this country, so find something close to you and follow this personal plan of mine.

Buy some property and build later if you need to.

But at least have a place to go.

As major cities continue to implode, you will definitely want to have a safe retreat far from them. 

Stay safe,

Jason Hanson

Former CIA Officer
Editor, Spy & Survival Briefing
Editor, Black Bag Confidential
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Democrat Nancy Pelosi Ignites Firestorm By Thanking George Floyd For ‘Sacrificing’ His Life, Calls Grow For Resignation

Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ignited a firestorm on social media and throughout the political world on Tuesday evening after she thanking George Floyd for “sacrificing” his life.

“And thank God, the jury validated what we saw,” Pelosi said in front of the U.S. Capitol Building as she delivered remarks with the Congressional Black Caucus. “So, again, thank you George Floyd for sacrificing your life for justice. For being there to call out to your mom. How heart-breaking was that? To call out to your mom, ‘I can’t breathe.’ But because of you – and because of thousands, millions of people around the world who came out for justice – your name will always be synonymous with justice.”
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April 21st, 2021 digital images of your face have been hacked and added to a massive government database...

While this has been going on for years now…

What’s most disturbing is…

As part of the government’s plan to use the pandemic to limit our freedom…

All of America’s “hacked faces” are about to be used to enact a terrifying version of population control.

If you value your family’s freedom then go here to see what they’ve done and how we can stop them.

On the following page you’re going to discover disturbing truths about the new future the left has planned for us.

Things like how they plan to introduce...

Bugs In Your Body: Their plans are to literally force you to put bugs in your body. See what kind of bugs and why they need you to be filled with them!
Complete Elimination Of Your Bank Account: You’ve worked hard to put money in your bank this year you might not even be allowed to have one..
The Death of Normal Sex: To help “save the planet” they plan to control reproduction and stifle humanity at the biological level. Here’s why.

You’ll discover all this and more nightmarish limits on your rights!

Fortunately, legendary author Damian Campbell has written an article exposing this “Great Reset.”

And if you’re one of the next 55 people to click here you can get a Free copy of his new book that shows you exactly how they plan to turn your family into 21st century slaves…

As well as what you can do to stop them in their tracks!

Hurry and read this now...

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Minnesota Law Enforcement Source Reportedly Reveals Thugs Threatened to Murder 100 Police Officers

An anonymous law enforcement source has reportedly revealed the extent to which police officers in Minnesota are being targeted by violent thugs. With the trial of Derek Chauvin, threats against police are mounting.

A law enforcement source spoke on the condition of anonymity to Patriotically Correct Radio host Stew Peters, revealing the extent to which police in Minnesota are being threatened at this time.
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7 Of the Craziest Liberal Takes Following the Chauvin Guilty Verdict

Even as the guilty verdict was being handed down in the case of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin in the death of George Floyd - and even before, in some cases - liberals were out in full force and channeling their inner philosopher to put out the deepest - and, for our amusement, stupidest - takes on the trial, the verdict, and what it means for the country.

Here are seven of the dumbest hot takes from liberals waxing poetic over the verdict.
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AOC: ‘This Verdict Is Not Justice’

Apparently, for Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), the murder conviction of former police officer Derek Chauvin in the killing of George Floyd isn’t enough to satisfy her and her demands for what must happen.

As you’ll see by watching the video below, AOC (as she’s known) told her followers, “This verdict is not justice.” She goes on to state, “Frankly, I don’t even think we call it full accountability because there are multiple officers that were there. Wasn’t just Derek Chauvin. And I also don’t want this moment framed as this system working. Because it’s not working.”
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Democrat Candidate: Burn Down Wealthy Neighborhoods

“A Minneapolis City Council candidate publicly encouraged Black Lives Matter rioters who ‘feel like burning sh-t down’ to target wealthy communities instead of poor ones,” according to the Gateway Pundit. [emphasis added]

“Police are now investigating her for making a “credible threat,” according to reports.

“Margarita “Rita” Ortega wrote on her personal Facebook page that ‘the poor community is not your oppressors’ and claimed that the wealthy community of Lake of the Isles has ‘more then [sic] needed.’
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:tello: " I don't get it. All this noise from Down Town is

Treason and Sedition.

Nobody is laying down the law on that.

I suffered in the days of my Youth for publishing
similar sentiments, just THIS side of prosecution.

The lunatics, the asylum and the studio audience are all
at odds with bad ideas and brainwashing.

I'm staying out of town. "

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The “Great Reset” started on January 20th with the inauguration of Joe Biden. Between now and the midterms, the American economy could be reshaped forever – and renowned analyst Jeff Brown has found the “lynchpin” to the entire plan.

Go here before this message is removed.
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We depend on our president and the entire administration to make good decisions. These decisions impact our ability to seek employment, pay our debts, and be able to buy goods and services at acceptable costs. While the country has certainly faced its obstacles, our president has to fight for our economy.

We’re facing an administration that doesn’t seem to care about all Americans. They want to single out the few as it will help them with votes. We’re dealing with an economy that is fragile – and yet the government wants to spend trillions of dollars to help a few groups.

Joe Biden has to fight for the economy. He has the ability to use executive orders to prioritize Americans and open the economy up once and for all. Is he doing enough?
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Arizona Gov. Declares State of Emergency Over Biden’s Immigration Crisis, Deploys National Guard to Border

Arizona Republican Governor Doug Ducey announced Tuesday that he is declaring a state of emergency over the ongoing migrant crisis at the United States-Mexico border and that he is deploying the Arizona National Guard to help handle the hundreds of people, including dozens of unaccompanied minors, who are flowing across the border daily.

“The situation in our border communities is just as bad, if not worse, than the coverage we’ve been seeing,” Ducey said in a statement Tuesday, noting that the ongoing border crisis has largely disappeared from national headlines, even though the flow of migrants across the United States’ southern border has not abated.

“It’s become evidently clear that Arizona needs the National Guard, and the White House is aware of that. Yet, to this day, there has been no action from this administration, and it doesn’t look like they are going to act any time soon,” he added. “If this administration isn’t going to do anything, then we will.”
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Mtn. Bike

Michelle Renick <>

Wed, Apr 21 at 6:44 PM

Hello Ron,
I received your email regarding the mountain bike. We do not have any bikes in right now. I will do my best to keep an eye out for one. It is hard to do that all the time because we have a very quick turnover with our inventory. I will also alert the other employees that we have you looking out for one. If you ever want to call and check, please give us a call at 909-585-5698.
Thank you very much for your support to DOVES.

Michelle Renick
DOVES Nest Thrift Store

Ron Tello <>
Michelle Renick

Wed, Apr 21 at 7:00 PM

Hi. Thank you for your reply.

Please disregard my request.

I got a good deal at Walmart Online.

Good luck with your wonderful store.

-Ron Tello

Michelle Renick <>
Ron Tello

Wed, Apr 21 at 7:01 PM

Glad you found what you needed. Please stop and see us soon.
Thank you.

Ron Tello <>
Michelle Renick

Wed, Apr 21 at 7:10 PM

You bet!
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The Marklar are an intelligent species of identical aliens who refer to all people, places, and things as "Marklar". Despite being almost identical and all having the same name, they are still somehow able to tell each other apart and address each other as Marklar without ambiguity.
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Dan Bongino SOUNDS OFF Against Latest ‘STUPIDITY’ on
Police & Guns | The Glenn Beck Program

Dan Bongino, host of The Dan Bongino Show, spent years as a NYPD officer. So he knows firsthand the dangers and difficulties police officers face every single day — like not being able to see what’s going on inside a car when approaching it during a traffic stop. Well, recently, the mayor of Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, said that he’s all for disarming the police during traffic stops. I’m sorry, WHAT? Dan joins me to break down why that’s an INSANE idea: “That’s the stupidity of asking an officer in his most dangerous situation to not be armed”. WATCH more Glenn Beck:
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Human flesh search engine

Human flesh search engine (Chinese: ????; pinyin: Rénròu S?usu?) is a Chinese term for the phenomenon of distributed researching using Internet media such as blogs and forums. Internet media, namely dedicated websites and Internet forums, are in fact platforms that enable the broadcast of request and action plans concerning human flesh search and that allow the sharing of online and offline search results. Human flesh search has two eminent characteristics. First, it involves strong offline elements including information acquisition through offline channels and other types of offline activism. Second, it always relies on voluntary crowd sourcing: Web users gather together to share information, conduct investigations, and perform other actions concerning people or events of common interest.
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A deaf/mute person is being handcuffed by police.

They say "You have the right to remain silent".

Now, help me out here:

Is this insensitive?

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"