Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2806816 times)


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Becki Gentry
i have 2 dog stickers...a GSD on my car and a Rotty on my pickup. thats all.

Todd Popp
I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Seems everyone wants to display everything they do on their cars now and I'm just not into it

Dylan S. Algate
Todd Popp because yes I would love to have my house burglarized

Brett Squared
Todd Popp Agreed...I just don't understand why people feel the need to literally advertise their personal lives to complete strangers who happen to be sitting behind them in traffic.
Criminals can glean information from it and everyone doesn't gaf.

Bryan Garner
My only decal is the Hillbilly Brand logo. I'm sure that tell a lot about me. Mostly negative I suspect.

Timothy Hubbard
Yea. Don't f**k around your house

Tim Thompson
I actually used to be one of those with nra and gun decals on my truck, but every since I lost all my firearms in that horrible boating accident, I just removed all my stickers too.

Josh Turcotte
Tim Thompson you too man boats are dangerous

David Harmon
Josh Turcotte think we should ban them too!

Jewels Adams
Tim Thompson lol 😆😂🤣 👍
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Bugout Bag Gear Essentials 2021 - Check These 10 Prepper Survival Items For WROL Times
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:tello: " What I believe is not an issue. What I know is what you wanna be concerned about. The Government is. "
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I used to walk Kirsten home from school, and stuff.
I have her Love Letters in my Archives.
They're for SALE!
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Yep, back in the High School day, I'd follow her at her heels, and I left a trail of drool behind them.
Kirsty had great Legs poking out of her Cheerleader dress.

Sure, I am selective.
Skinny chicks suck.

I was "just a boy".

Yeah, boys are all potential rapists and murderers.

Not me, I had a Band and rehearsal was essential. I got my ya-yas out one beat at a time.
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What is really trippy....I hung-out with ppl older than me, and my fellow students were not important to me.
I was a Higher Mind at the time.

I still am.

I never kissed her.

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Here's the Fun part of the story:
After I walked her home, there was Mother Baker.

I did my best impersonation of Eddy Haskell.

"Hello Mrs. Baker, my, what a lovely dress you are wearing today"...

It played well.

But I swear I never touched any of them. Dammit.
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Bad News:

My Mountain Bike is a lost cause.

The damage was too severe.

It got the toss, and now, I go shopping the Thrifts for another ride.

No problem.

Unless they reject my Stimulus money.
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Jeez, there's nowhere else to go......
....except down the Rabbit Hole.
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That could be a hare raising experience


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Yeah, huh....
And what about a "Lucky Rabbits Foot"?

The Rabbit certainly ain't feeling any Love.
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Biden’s Mob Turn Against Their Own! CNN Attacked by Angry Biden Thugs (Video)

CNN has spent the last year or so playing cheerleader to Antifa and the Black Lives Matter movements, as we all know. You would think that all of this kissing up would have led them in the right direction but it hasn’t seemed to pan out for them yet. The decision has not paid off and they only have themselves to blame for that.
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Black Lives Matter and their founders would love for you to believe that they are all about equality and helping out those who have been subjected to the worst of racism in this country.

But what does it say when those same founders are found to have four luxury homes, one of which is worth millions of dollars and located in a primarily white gated community – you know, the kind the organization claims to have a problem with?

BLM Co-Founder Goes on Million-Dollar Buying Spree
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Dems Introduce Legislation That Restricts the Number of Guns a Person Can Buy

Democratic Sens. Tim Kaine and Mark Warner of Virginia reintroduced legislation Thursday that would implement universal background checks and restrictions on the number of guns someone can buy each month.
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Why "Break a Leg"? 10 Theater Traditions Explained

Theater is filled with storied traditions, developed and preserved over its centuries-long history, which dates back to playwright Aeschulys in 472 B.C.  While some of these customs seem to be rooted in some degree of practicality, others have become outdated or simply never had any elements of reality. But no matter if it's a local stage show or a major Broadway production — or if it's a comedy, musical, or drama — these long-abided theater traditions and superstitions are still going strong.
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8 Uses For Rubbing Alcohol You Never Knew About

Rubbing alcohol normally is made up of seventy percent isopropyl alcohol, however the percentage could range anywhere between sixty percent and ninety-nine percent. This variety of alcohol is distinctive from the other types like ethyl alcohol or ethanol in wine, beer and liquor. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, rubbing alcohol has a look very similar to that of water.

Because of COVID-19 being so widespread, many household now have a bottle or two of rubbing alcohol at an arm’s reach away for disinfecting reasons, as rubbing alcohol is considered an extremely potent germicide, specifically at concentrations of sixty percent and over.

This popular household product has numerous uses in the home for disinfecting and cleaning purposes, and is the chief ingredient in hand sanitizer, as stated by the Food and Drug Administration, however, how does it match up as it relates to health ailments?

Below you will find what the medical world would like you to know about the use of rubbing alcohol.
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2-year-old dies after COVID shot

Mat Staver, LC Action Chairman <>
Ron Culley

Sat, Apr 17 at 11:19 AM

A beautiful little girl was enrolled in Moderna's COVID vaccine testing program called KidCOVE, which accepts participants as young as 6 months old. However, less than a month after the program was started, this participant, a 2-year-old toddler, died from blood clotting similar to what is being seen in people after the now paused Johnson & Johnson shot and internationally in the AstraZeneca.

Someone stated that this child's parents viewed her as a "health hero" and said the parents feel her death is "their contribution to science." 

There is no mention if her death will be officially reported to the vaccine adverse reaction log. There is no official report of this in the news and no mention of pausing this study of the vaccine's impact on children. We were able to verify this through a confidential source. 

This program officially plans to enroll "approximately 6,750" kids younger than 12 years old. These children cannot consent to what is happening. Just a few days ago, I warned about the possible effects of this injection in children. Please pray for this family as they grieve their loss. At least for these parents, it was a voluntary decision, but if these radical states get their way, this injection will become mandatory for all school children, travelers, sports players ... really for anyone who wants to leave their house.

We cannot allow the government to force this! It must remain the private decision of individuals. Send an urgent fax today to demand that the freedom to decide must be protected in every state. - Mat

I warned last year of a rare but sometimes fatal outcome for children. About a month after some children tested positive for COVID in the U.S., some of them developed multi-inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) caused by antibodies to this virus, according to NPR. I warned about the serious potential for unintended consequences for any vaccination that would push young bodies to create the same spike protein that could potentially lead to death and injury.

Now there are additional concerns that "mRNA vaccines could cause microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver and kidneys in ways not assessed in safety trials," according to Dr. J. Patrick Whelan, an M.D. and a Ph.D. with degrees in biochemistry, medicine and rheumatology. Dr. Whelan has worked as a pediatric specialist for 20 years. He submitted the following to the FDA, warning that mRNA vaccines could activate the same spike protein seen in COVID patients and thus cause serious injury or death:

"It would be vastly worse if hundreds of millions of people were to suffer long-lasting or even permanent damage to their brain or heart microvasculature as a result." 

You may decide that you prefer to take this injection. I support the freedom for you to make that choice, but we need to demand that choice be made by individuals, not a CEO, governor or White House administrator! Tell these governors and politicians NO MANDATORY VACCINE PASSPORT.

The FDA has paused the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine because of "severe" blood clotting in recipients. Also, Moderna and Pfizer/BioNTech are under suspicion that they "have the potential to cause microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver and kidneys in a way that does not currently appear to be assessed in safety trials."

In addition, AstraZeneca—while not distributed in the U.S.—was approved in 18 other countries that have now also blocked it because of blood-clotting problems eerily similar to the J&J injection reaction seen in the U.S.

Even if you want a vaccine, it is critical to stand with us today and demand that everyone have this choice free of coercion—from being fired, blocked at a state border, kicked off an airplane or subjected to cell phone tracking, tracing and mandatory vaccine passports! Send an urgent fax today to demand this freedom be protected in every state.

Mandatory “vaccine passports" were planned long before COVID. Communist China already had a social tracking program, and their dictator publicly urged other nations to adopt his system. Now, the total control and available personal data this tracking enables is a despot’s dream … and is antithetical to a free America. Yet we caught our federal government pushing it while publicly stating the opposite.

Regarding the serious reactions to the J&J injection, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had one meeting to “further review these cases and assess their potential significance." And they will have another meeting next week to review it further.

Some people brush off these reports of death and injury. But after working 15 years at the intersection of the legal and medical professions, I know we cannot dismiss these deaths and severe reactions when they occur in healthy people shortly after taking the injection.

I support your right to choose if you will take the injection or not, but there are many bureaucrats, politicians and CEOs who want to make that decision for you. Say NO MANDATORY VACCINE PASSPORTS and tracking apps with your fax today. Governors and legislators must hear from you to stop this march toward despotism!

Liberty Counsel Action is doing much more than just investigative reporting, policy analysis and emails. Our team is working with federal and state lawmakers who want to protect your freedom. We need your help and your voice to magnify our collective efforts.

Your donations are what make it possible to offer these resources to our governors and encourage elected officials to preserve our liberties.

Please prayerfully consider a monthly recurring donation to our organization or a one-time gift today. And DOUBLE the impact of your gift through our Challenge Grant. Support Liberty Counsel Action by selecting here or the button below.


Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
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Tucker Carlson Fires Back At Chelsea Clinton After She Demands Facebook Ban Him
APRIL 17, 2021 AT 9:47AM

Fox News host Tucker Carlson has fired back after Chelsea Clinton called for Facebook to ban him simply for questioning why vaccinated individuals must remain adherent to COVID-19 restrictions.
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Mountain Bikes

Ron Tello <>

Sat, Apr 17 at 12:45 PM

Ron Tello here, I live in Sugarloaf.

I bought a bike from you about 3 years ago.
It died, I need another one.
I'm willing and able to pay up to $200 for a decent
21-speed mountain bike.

Do you have something now?

Will you alert me when you get one?

Always a pleasure doing business with you.

Thank You!

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Why don't I get this one?
Ship it to the bike shop, assemble it there.
I'll take a bus there and pedal home, on the bus.

Why is there a girl with a men's bike? It makes no sense. And she's not my type.
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Hi, remember me?

We killed my mountain bike.

Check it out: How about I order up a bike online, ship it to you, assemble it and I'll take a bus there to get it.

I'm looking at this:

Can we do this?

Let me know. It's commerce!
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Which of these tech companies is named after its home city?

Like so many other tech companies, Cisco was founded in California's Bay Area — in San Francisco, to be precise. And while local San Franciscans aren't necessarily likely to use the nickname, San Francisco is sometimes known as "Cisco." The company borrowed the name, and the rest is history. San Franciscans can take solace in the fact that the company at least didn't immortalize the "San Fran" nickname that is notoriously popular with out-of-towners.

Source: American Express | Date Updated: April 13, 2021

:tello: " My Dad called it Frisco. No matter the name, we went there anyway."
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I get eMails

This One Word Could Get Your GUNS Confiscated!

You need to know about ONE simple word that could get your guns taken away by the government in a moment's notice.

Five States have already implemented this confiscation law and 19 more are in line to follow.

It all has to do with new "Red Flag" gun laws.

If this trend continues, we could soon be looking at nationwide Red Flag gun laws!

Why should this worry you? Because when these laws are in effect, the government can strip away all of your guns if they label you with ONE little word.

That word is "DANGEROUS". Yes, if you live (or travel through) one of these Red Flag states, your guns can be taken away in a moment's notice if government officials label you dangerous.

You don't have to  be convicted of a crime. You don't even have to be arrested. If they say you're dangerous, ALL of your guns will be confiscated.

What does it take to get labeled? Unfortunately it might NOT TAKE MUCH...

What if you post something about guns on Facebook... Comment on a pro-gun YouTube video...

Wear the wrong t-shirt or hat?

Could the government label you DANGEROUS and show up on your doorstop to confiscate all your firearms? Possibly so...

There are possible loopholes, however, to protect yourself.

Our friends over at Patriot Publications are giving away 250 copies of their wildly popular Firearms Survival Guide.

NOTE: this guide is not available in stores or on Amazon.

The only place to get it is here and only if you respond today.

The Firearms Survival Guide shows you things liberal lawmakers will hate...

See How To Get "Off The Books" Firearms. These are legal guns with no registration, regulation, or paper trail and protect your 2nd amendment right to carry a firearm that can NEVER BE TAKEN AWAY (by anyone).
How To Have Complete Ammo Independence. No matter what kind of shortages we face in the future!
A Little-Known Loophole To Buy & Sell "Unregistered" Firearms In All 50 States. This is a loophole gun grabbers desperately want closed!
21 Sneaky Places To Hide Your Guns... plus 6 places never to hide your guns unless you want them found.
Plus much more.

IF you worry at all about losing your ability to own firearms, then you'll want to grab a copy of this guide.

Remember, it is NOT available in stores or online anywhere else and the free copies are running out fast.

Go here now to reserve your copy before they're gone for good!
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Big New Prediction From
Dr. Ron Paul
Must See – Dr. Paul's Latest Warning

Few believed Dr. Ron Paul when we took the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives years ago and outlined a series of predictions for the years to come...

Dr. Paul predicted that Americans would become less free and "more dependent on the government for economic security."
He predicted that, "Agitation for more class warfare will succeed in dividing us domestically."
He predicted the "erosion of civil liberties here at home as our government continues to respond to political fear."
And Dr. Paul also predicted that government would grow to record levels, satisfying both left and right as liberals would look to expand the welfare state and conservatives sought more security spending.
With each of these four predictions, Dr. Paul was exactly right!

And now, Dr. Ron Paul (a former 12-term Congressman, Air Force surgeon, and Presidential candidate), has come forward with details of a new prediction...

About America's future, and your money.

Get the facts for yourself.

Take at least a few minutes to hear Dr. Paul's critical analysis, and more importantly, the details on the steps you can take to protect and prepare.

We've posted Dr. Paul's latest piece on our website – you can view it free of charge, right here.


Mike Palmer
Managing Partner, Stansberry Research
Delivering World-Class Financial Research Since 1999
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Driver's License to Kill

Oklahoma Senate Passes Bill to Protect Motorists Who Strike Violent Protesters While Fleeing Riot

In the wake of the new protests following the latest police shootings, states are doing everything they can to minimize the negative impact a protest-turned-riot can bring.

The Oklahoma Senate passed a bill this week that would give legal protections to drivers who hit protesters with their vehicles while fleeing during a riot. The legislation would also create new penalties for rioters.
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