The Oz Round Table boards > The Round Table

The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)

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Ron Tello Culley
What's the body count of the pot hole wars?

Dee Levey
Ron Tello Culley that entire situation is,as far as I'm concerned, is a freaking joke.
Every time I see them ask the public to go out and take pictures of the potholes and send it to them so they can go fix it I want to reach through the phone and choke the absolute stupidity out of them.
I mean, by all means, let me set aside everything I need to do so I can drive around town and pull over in the middle of the freaking road to take pictures of potholes so the professionals can go fix them. STFU🤣 Jesus Take the Wheel😮🤣 And the icing on the stupidity cake, they tell people if their vehicles are damaged to send in the claim and get paid and they don't pay anybody. They deny every single claim. I just can't with the way things are done on this mountain😢🤬🤣

Ron Tello Culley
Girlfrenn, you are ON FIRE and my screen is burning. Stay on track!

Did you feel Dee's fire?

Ron Tello
Nikkolas Amstadter

Sun, Apr 14 at 8:39 AM

I've been telling you, I have ideas, you and I.

WE take the trips to document the pot holes.

There's a Market for this news and entertainment.
A Public Service!

Have you seen the YT vids of Adam Rose?

We can borrow his style.
There's already copycats out there but he is the KING.

I like to be Original
Now's a perfect opportunity for me to be somebody again
and you to keep your Channel fresh and alive!!!

Call me.

Big Bear Valley Road Crew

A BLAST from the past.

Why Chosen Ones Thrive
(The REAL Power of Being Misunderstood)
Feeling like you don’t quite fit in can actually be your greatest strength. In today’s video, we explore the unique advantages of being misunderstood. We delve into how historical geniuses turned their isolation into innovation, and how you, too, can transform feelings of alienation into a catalyst for extraordinary achievements. Discover the hidden power of being different and learn how embracing your true self can lead to success and fulfillment. Join us as we uncover the real power of being misunderstood and how to harness it to revolutionize your life.
The thing is, as the world awakens, those that were misunderstood, are now being recognised as the hero's they always were.


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