Author Topic: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce  (Read 101738 times)


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #50 on: September 02, 2010, 07:23:28 AM »
Good morning Poddy!

gender identity confusion

Love that description. I always had a strange inkling that the REAL Julia was actually a bloke named Cyril who had a fetish for wearing ladies clothes and red wigs! (met her down the Cross about thirty years ago) Now, were I right - therein lies the explanation of the new found cohesion.... along with the husky voice. Might have to bounce off an email to the ASP (Australian Sex Party) for clarification. (strange name for a political party don't you think? Named after a snake? Progressive..... no doubt!)  :roflmao:


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #51 on: September 02, 2010, 07:30:23 AM »
One really does have to question the motivating force behind some of the more bizaar policies that pollys hatch dont you think?

Lets hope that gender identity confusion syndrome (GICS) is not made compulsory!!!!

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Intersex (LGBTI)
Greens will end marriage discrimination
Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Saturday 14th August 2010, 1:21pm
in Gay MarriageLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Intersex (LGBTI)

Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown says the Greens will work hard with the next government to get a conscience vote on Greens legislation to remove discrimination against same-sex couples in Australian marriage laws.

Speaking in Hobart, Senator Brown called on both Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott to agree to a conscience vote in the next 12 months in both houses of Parliament.

"If that happened, I reckon the law would change. That would bring us up with other countries like Mexico, Argentina, Canada and South Africa," Senator Brown said.


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #52 on: September 02, 2010, 07:32:27 AM »
Perhaps this item should have gone under the election thread..... but it does apply quite well here also.

The national policy agenda which nobody voted for


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #53 on: September 02, 2010, 08:00:24 AM »
Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown says the Greens will work hard with the next government to get a conscience vote on Greens legislation to remove discrimination against same-sex couples in Australian marriage laws.

Speaking in Hobart, Senator Brown called on both Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott to agree to a conscience vote in the next 12 months in both houses of Parliament.

"If that happened, I reckon the law would change. That would bring us up with other countries like Mexico, Argentina, Canada and South Africa," Senator Brown said.

Strange isn't it. If I go out to a club and I don't like the venue, I'll leave. I won't make it my mission in life to cause or force the club to change its established ways and beliefs simply to satisfy my personal preferences.... with total and complete disregard to the other members of the club who are happy with their venue. To do so would - to my way of thinking place me in an assumed position of being better than everyone else. Personally. I'd like to believe that I'm an equal with the other individuals around me. Equal being in what I can contribute to the place and the people around me.... but NOT as an elitist!

The simple message to Bob Brown would be - If you don't like the venue - form your own - but don't interfere with mine.

The alternative advice would be that Mr Brown could stick his self-centred aspirations well and truly up his ARRRRR - the man annoys me!


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #54 on: September 02, 2010, 08:12:09 AM »
Perhaps he has a burning desire to justify his 'Gender Identity Confusion Syndrome'.

I am puzzled as to why the word dichotomy has not yet emerged from the mouths of the would-be dictators I expected it to pop up well before this stage.

Now if it does pop up then we cam be sure that at least some of those involved are reading our thread hahahaha


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #55 on: September 02, 2010, 08:14:07 AM »
I do not support the notion that a relationship (whether formalised or not) between homosexuals is equivalent or can be equivalent to marriage.

Marriage has a traditional meaning and function which, even in past cultures where homosexuality was virtually a given within the society, explicitly differs from homosexual relationships. To equate "gay marriage" with "enlightenment" or "coming up with" or "doing away with discrimination" is, in my view, a gross misperception (and certainly a gross effort at misdirection). It has some similarity with insisting that it's discrimination against jelly trifle not to allow it to be called pavlova, or demanding that mushrooms be allowed to be marketed as strawberries, because not allowing them to be so called would be discrimination.

If a man and man wish to live their lives together, or a woman and woman wish to live their lives together, in a sexual relationship, they're not being stopped - but it is almost unbelievably offensive to the very meaning of marriage in all its historical, traditional, societal, cultural and familial aspects to insist that its meaning be stripped and reworked so that it no longer means what it did mean, just so that it can then be applied as an umbrella term to ALL sexual relationships between adults consisting of a vow to live their lives together. That is not the meaning of marriage. Marriage is a far more specific term, and historical texts from every culture with which I'm familiar and have studied spell this out quite explicitly.

I don't apologise for this view, and I see nothing discriminatory in it. We have vocabulary (and dictionaries to render meaning of words) BECAUSE there are differences between things, notions, behaviours, ideas, objects, relationships, etc. This is not an amorphous world. And I object to the outrageous misuse of the very real concept of discrimination by its incorrect application to a recognition of distinct meaning and distinct differences in meaning and purpose and historical validity.
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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #56 on: September 02, 2010, 08:14:12 AM »
Remember folks you heard the word dichotomy here first :)


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #57 on: September 02, 2010, 08:33:05 AM »
Tessa I would be willing to wager that 99.9% of all peoples would share your views, I certainly do :)


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #58 on: September 02, 2010, 08:40:45 AM »
Just to clarify.
I would hate to be accused of ungrounded innuendo

Bob Brown
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Robert James Brown (born 27 December 1944), is an Australian senator, the inaugural Parliamentary Leader of the Australian Greens and was the first openly gay member of the Parliament of Australia.


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #59 on: September 02, 2010, 08:43:09 AM »

There is nothing in your thoughts that require apology. Agree completely with your views. (and it's wonderful to see you here! No more acrobatics.. OK?)

But - from what I see, the drive behind the change under the Marriage Act for the inclusion of same sex couples is not about marriage itself, but moreso around beating the system... under the veiled claim of equality. I watched the young Greens man who won the seat of Melbourne recently... (Mr Bandt I think?) His description applying to marriage was summarised in his views as a restriction on the ability to love another person. So, therefore.... he believes that you can't love someone as much in a shared relationship - as you can if you're married? If that is his view.... he has certainly missed something far more important than a marriage certificate. Certainly not my understanding of many who share in Defacto relationships. 


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #60 on: September 02, 2010, 08:47:02 AM »
Poddy - I understand that Mr Brown has absolutely no problem with inyerendo! Blast! Forgot the spellchecker.....again.


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #61 on: September 02, 2010, 08:53:05 AM »
What Mr. Brown does in his private life is entirely up to him but lets hope that he does not formulate legislation and then try to force it down every ones throat just because of his own personal preferences.


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #62 on: September 02, 2010, 08:54:59 AM »
Agree completely...... but hold extreme doubts on that outcome, unfortunately.


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #63 on: September 02, 2010, 02:19:21 PM »
Here is the primary vote count as requested.

Labor    150        4,504,452    
Liberal    109        3,589,419    
Greens    150            1,364,492    
LNP        30             1,098,133    
National    16          439,755
Thank you for that.
 In some seats both the Liberal party & the National party had candidates running up against each other


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #65 on: September 02, 2010, 02:39:20 PM »
I think we should all be suspicious.

But then it's only ten billion Andrew Rob, will bumble & stumble, he will start to sweat, even his  glasses aren't on straight!


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #66 on: September 02, 2010, 04:53:42 PM »
Gee,, it is all in the eye of the beholder, DER!

Personally I think was disgusting for the Liberal Party not to submit his costings before the election.  The Australian people had a right to know what his promises would cost us. 


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #67 on: September 02, 2010, 05:01:03 PM »
Interesting isn't it! I'm still waiting for the costings associated with the great big NBN. Has the news of the wireless 4G network reached you yet?

But really - why worry? The Greens under the bed will fix that up quick smart.


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #68 on: September 02, 2010, 05:05:44 PM »
Shockwave sent through mining heartland after ALP-Greens alliance

Senior mining executives warned that the Labor-Greens alliance had the potential to reignite the advertising war with the government because of perceptions in the industry that the Greens' policies were anti-mining.

Whackooooo - Let the games begin!


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #69 on: September 02, 2010, 05:17:33 PM »

It just keeps getting worse & worse for the MAD MONK!!


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #70 on: September 02, 2010, 05:20:28 PM »
Gee,, it is all in the eye of the beholder, DER!

Personally I think was disgusting for the Liberal Party not to submit his costings before the election.  The Australian people had a right to know what his promises would cost us. 

They could not afford to put them in because of the 11 BILLION DOLLAR BLACK HOLE
what were they going to cut????
Wont tell you that.


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #71 on: September 02, 2010, 05:39:14 PM »
Pact puts Labor brand and Gillard leadership on line

The once great Labor Party passes into history with this deal to ride into government. This agreement, with its five signatures, declares that "stable and effective" government now depends upon a formal Labor-Greens alliance.

The entire world knows this deal has only one objective: to build momentum to sway the independents into duplicating such an agreement and vote Labor into office.

In terms of costings and policy, Gillard has made few concessions. Much of the agreement deals with process. On climate change, it implies that Labor and the Greens will work together. But it makes no firm commitments beyond the principle of pricing carbon. The option to dump the people's assembly is a plus. Gillard has given no ground on the mining tax, same-sex marriage, Afghanistan or economic policy. Yet this policy hollowness just makes the entire deal more dubious. Why should Labor enter such a hollow agreement that allows the Coalition to entrench the idea of a Labor-Green alliance? The independents know the Greens are supporting Labor on confidence and supply.

GEEEEEEZZZZZ - and I was stupid enough to vote Labor! Government at what cost one might ask? ...... It seems ...ANY! EPIC FAIL!!!


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #73 on: September 02, 2010, 05:48:41 PM »
I have very deeply lost respect for the Labor party.

As I mentioned earlier, I'm a swinging voter; or rather... I was.

At the moment, I'm becoming more and more a Liberal or National supporter. Ms Gillard has truly failed to impress me. I had more respect for Kevin Rudd.

I am becoming more impressed with Tony Abbott, who is handling some unfair criticism with grace and strength. It remains to be seen if he will be "bendable" to the will of the Independents (compromising on issues to gain power) - because if that occurs, I will rethink my current position.

I want our Prime Minister to be strong and honest. I don't mind if our Prime Minister makes the occasional mistake; I'd rather that than a fake exterior. I do not want our Prime Minister to be inherently disloyal and manipulative. I also don't want our Prime Minister to be ABLE to be manipulated by others. Influenced, yes. Convinced by evidence or logical arguments, yes. But manipulated... no.
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #74 on: September 02, 2010, 05:54:49 PM »
I have a Qwestion on the NBN.

Pray tell is Julia in slight of hand mode?

Are we supposed to be so besotted and dazzled by the promise of 'Lightening Fast Internet' that we can't see the shaft coming?

1. NBN government funded (taxpayer's money) to be eventually handed over to private sector. Who will have shares in the handed over NBN?

2. Under the NBN who will have connections first? Will it be the rural areas ( where it is needed most) or the urban areas where most of the voters are?

Rural independents WAKE UP !!! you are so full of your own over inflated personal egos and your power grasping schemes that you can't see the wood for the trees. Are you so infatuated by the limelight that you are forgetting the voters who have empowered you to act on their behalf?


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #75 on: September 02, 2010, 05:55:27 PM »
The news that Wilkie has decided to support the Labor government is interesting...

He says that Mr Abbott offered $1B in hospital funding for Tasmania, but that he turned it down. I'm sorry; I find that unethical. That offer was made in good faith, not as something that could be boasted about by Mr Wilkie, in my view trying to flaunt his apparent integrity. It is ANYTHING but demonstrative of integrity to reveal such details in public.

The Liberals apparently met Mr Wilkie's "demands", but Mr Wilkie still decided he would support Labor. This demonstrates beyond question that he was not negotiating in good faith with Tony Abbott. He had already decided which government he would support. There was nothing (I deduce from the facts) that could have been offered by the Liberals which would change his mind. Why negotiate then?

It was not negotiation in good faith.
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"

*Ubbie Max*

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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #76 on: September 02, 2010, 05:57:46 PM »
Ubbie Max for PM.

Don't forget.


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #77 on: September 02, 2010, 05:59:16 PM »
Smee Enterprises Nigeria Division for treasurer !!!! (formerley trading as Bottom of the Harbour financial Planners )


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #78 on: September 02, 2010, 06:00:13 PM »
If Ubbie were the mooted Leader, the hung parliament would be... hanged from the highest yardarm.
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"

*Ubbie Max*

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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #79 on: September 02, 2010, 06:04:34 PM »
I'll sort em out. Any independant not behaving would see the butt of the beloved Barrett 50 cal.

I'll can preference voting, first past the post only.

Money back if your horse doesn't run a place.

Training in firearms to commence in Kindergarten. The little blighters must learn to shoot at an early age.


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #80 on: September 02, 2010, 06:04:48 PM »
Please be careful when bringing up such subjects...  There is a natural affinity between the concepts of 'hanged, drawn and quartered' and 'political process'.

Kev was the last ... who will be next?

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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #81 on: September 02, 2010, 06:06:25 PM »
Oke Doke. Replace hanging with Keelhauling.


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #82 on: September 02, 2010, 06:08:19 PM »
Only slightly better ... requires water.

But I appreciate your sensitivity.

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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #83 on: September 02, 2010, 06:11:37 PM »
Yep, one of the beauties of keelhauling is you can't hear them squark & carry on when they are underwater, which they are during most of the keelhauling time.


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #84 on: September 02, 2010, 06:17:49 PM »
One could be in a spot of bother keelhauling a politician, though.

You could be up on a charge of (attempted) murder - with no case to plea manslaughter - because the prosecution could confidently state it would be common knowledge that any politician couldn't keep their mouth shut.

*Ubbie Max*

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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #85 on: September 02, 2010, 06:23:08 PM »
That's what the Barrett 50 cal is for, if they survive the keelhauling (which they shouldn't if it's carried out correctly) kaboom goes the Barrett!


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #86 on: September 02, 2010, 06:28:18 PM »
Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown says the Greens will work hard with the next government to get a conscience vote on Greens legislation to remove discrimination against same-sex couples in Australian marriage laws.

Speaking in Hobart, Senator Brown called on both Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott to agree to a conscience vote in the next 12 months in both houses of Parliament.

"If that happened, I reckon the law would change. That would bring us up with other countries like Mexico, Argentina, Canada and South Africa," Senator Brown said.

Strange isn't it. If I go out to a club and I don't like the venue, I'll leave. I won't make it my mission in life to cause or force the club to change its established ways and beliefs simply to satisfy my personal preferences.... with total and complete disregard to the other members of the club who are happy with their venue. To do so would - to my way of thinking place me in an assumed position of being better than everyone else. Personally. I'd like to believe that I'm an equal with the other individuals around me. Equal being in what I can contribute to the place and the people around me.... but NOT as an elitist!

The simple message to Bob Brown would be - If you don't like the venue - form your own - but don't interfere with mine.

The alternative advice would be that Mr Brown could stick his self-centred aspirations well and truly up his ARRRRR - the man annoys me!

hmmm but that is exactly what we did to the Aboriginal people


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #87 on: September 02, 2010, 06:31:04 PM »
Oh and keelhauling a polly would add to a global temperature rise (especially in the case of one in particular) the hot air would cause a rise in the ocean temperature and add to greenhouse gases.

The phenomenon of the hole in the ozone layer over Tasmania has finally been explained. The oral methane generated by some of the local pollys has depleted the layer to such an extent that the offending pollys have been 'touched by the sun', explaining their bizarre behaviour.


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #88 on: September 02, 2010, 06:33:22 PM »
Why is this not mentioned, by you guys??

Dont you feel cheated?
whats your excuse?

His costing were out by eleven billion dollars.
Can you understand that?

His costing were out by eleven billion dollars.


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #89 on: September 02, 2010, 06:53:12 PM »
The news that Wilkie has decided to support the Labor government is interesting...

He says that Mr Abbott offered $1B in hospital funding for Tasmania, but that he turned it down. I'm sorry; I find that unethical. That offer was made in good faith, not as something that could be boasted about by Mr Wilkie, in my view trying to flaunt his apparent integrity. It is ANYTHING but demonstrative of integrity to reveal such details in public.

The Liberals apparently met Mr Wilkie's "demands", but Mr Wilkie still decided he would support Labor. This demonstrates beyond question that he was not negotiating in good faith with Tony Abbott. He had already decided which government he would support. There was nothing (I deduce from the facts) that could have been offered by the Liberals which would change his mind. Why negotiate then?

It was not negotiation in good faith.

I am glad he turned down the hospital funding.  it makes me sick that politicians think they can gain support by offering money.

This is exactly what happened in WA last election.  The nationals formed government with the Liberals at a huge cost to the rest of the state.  Royalties for regions is such a scam - and you just have to look at how the money is being spent.  $250,000 for a singing toilet in Bunbury - and it only has 2 toilets.  

This was not discussed during the election, we only heard about it after the Liberal Government bought the support of the Nationals.  They reckon it will cost the rest of the state around 2,805 million over 4 years.

Now I agree that the regional areas of WA were neglected for a very long time, but I disagree with how this money is being wasted.

My city has been allocated money through this scheme.  $50,000 to upgrade a park (the caterpillar park).  Why so much money for a tiny little park that gets hardly any use.  Will this money help attract more people to it - No because its in the industrial area.

$125,000 for Concept design for Old Mandurah Traffic Bridge replacement - but no money to actually replace the worn out bridge that looks like it is about to fall down, and has done for over 20 years now.   We have been seeing plans for this bridge for over 30 years - but the only thing that has ever been done is to give it a new paint job.  This bridge is extremely important to us - it is one of 2 ways that connect Mandurah to the southwest and for most of us residents the only way I can get into the town.

so you think we are happy that this money is being spent - we are not.  We have a hospital that has pathetic lighting in the car park, and a lot of falls have happened because of this.  It is just a scary place to go at night, because all the druggies go there to get their free needles once the chemists are closed.  (We love this too)

I do not think the independants should be offered any money for special projects in their electorates - we are supposed to all be equal


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #90 on: September 02, 2010, 06:54:46 PM »
Why is this not mentioned, by you guys??

Dont you feel cheated?
whats your excuse?

His costing were out by eleven billion dollars.
Can you understand that?

His costing were out by eleven billion dollars.

because most of the posters are Liberal supporters - and wont say a bad thing about them.    But I will


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #91 on: September 02, 2010, 06:56:46 PM »
The departments of Treasury and Finance, in a report handed to the three key rural independent MPs yesterday, found the Coalition policies would improve the budget bottom line by just $4.5 billion - not the $11.5 billion claimed.

Labor said it would improve the bottom line by $44 million over four years, while the departments said the savings would be $106 million.

Liberal Improvement $4.5 billion

Labor  Improvement  $106 million


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #92 on: September 02, 2010, 07:46:24 PM »
Why is this not mentioned, by you guys??

Dont you feel cheated?
whats your excuse?
Can you understand that?

His costing were out by eleven billion dollars.

Please don't take this personally elantra it is aimed at all labor and greens voters.

His costing were out by between 7 and 11 billion dollars so not even treasury can decide - lol.

I am prepared to speak and I am damn well angry how pathetic some people are - particularly green and independant elected members.

11 billion dollars - well for Flock Sake. And it is an interpretation mind you.

How does that compare to 21 Billion suplus - flocking wasted in 10 months on no hopers and dole bludgers
57 Billion deficit in less than 3 years - oh for gods sake
55 Billion in forward expenditure oh for gods sake including NBN and sucking up to greens and independants with an open cheque book on 11 new programs in a desperate effort to gain power - flocking ginga

Now I know why I always vote Liberal and I am proud of it

I feel sorry for all of you who voted Labor or worse still Greens. My children will be paying for this madness for at least 40 years. Can't you all see this.

I give up

signed a Liberal flocker


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #93 on: September 02, 2010, 08:16:29 PM »
hmmm but that is exactly what we did to the Aboriginal people

Was that also in 2010 MM? Were you there when it occurred?


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #94 on: September 02, 2010, 08:23:48 PM »
Wyze..... Keep your pencil tuned as if the Labor / Green alliance do get in.... there will be an election coming to a place near you, and soon! Stability will only occur if Labor do EVERYTHING that the Greens tell'em to.


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #95 on: September 02, 2010, 08:29:46 PM »
hmmm but that is exactly what we did to the Aboriginal people

Was that also in 2010 MM? Were you there when it occurred?

Of course I was not there, but are you really disputing the fact that we came to this country and immediately started to change it to the way we wanted it.

Actually in this state we are still stealing land from the Aboriginal People, when they dont do what the government wants them to do.


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #96 on: September 02, 2010, 08:42:51 PM »
WYSE, it just goes to show how blind those are who do not want to see.

The transition from surplus to deficit was the price that that government paid to gain power; it was a surplus that was handed over from the previous one so there was no problem with squandering it.
Alas it is just a down payment of what is yet to come, I shudder to think what hair brained schemes will be hatched to extract every last drop of this country's life blood to regain and keep power.

Let us examine the so called carbon tax.

How could a tax hope to reduce the waste product of life itself? EVERYONE!!! Stop breathing!!! INDUSTRY stop production!!!!
Do you think it will happen? NO CHANCE!!!

So what has been achieved by that tax OH YES!!! More revenue to squander.

Have we not learned that putting constraints on the populace is a mechanism for control? BIG BOB is watching springs to mind.

What better way of reducing a country to poverty and economic chaos than to tax everything, even the intangible.

Climate change anyone??
How dare it be suggested that we puny insignificant humans can hope to control the nature of a planet’s climate.

How can anyone dare to compare human effort to that of that gigantic orb, the Sun, which is in control of ALL aspects of our existence?

Take for instance the volcanic eruption in Iceland, that NATURAL occurrence spewed more pollution into our atmosphere in a week than all human created carbon and pollution in it’s entire history. Will that be taxed as well? Will taxing that reduce it?

PEOPLE WAKE UP!!! You are in the vice grip of uninformed pollys who have you by the short and curlies.  YOU have allowed that to happen, worse YOU have encouraged it by accepting bullshit.

Now look what you have made me do, my economy of words has been stretched to the limit.


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #97 on: September 02, 2010, 08:57:03 PM »
Yes MM - I read that article this morning. I hope the people over there remember that at the state elections when they take place.

Of course I was not there, but are you really disputing the fact that we came to this country and immediately started to change it to the way we wanted it.

Crikey MM.... were you talking 240 Years ago? Doubtful that either of us were here at that time. So just how 'we' changed it... at that time - I don't know.

No - Dirk Hartog reached your western shores in 1616, I think it was. (You could have been a dutchman MM! Although, there is history that the Portuguese may have been here first.) There is also history of cannibalism in that part of the world..... sort of akin to todays modern 'home food delivery' arrangements.

But... Captain Cook won the election is 1770! Keep in mind that the majority of people who came to this country at that time wore chains .... and were certainly not here by choice.

I'm as indigenous (of this land) as the next bloke born here.... and was reminded of that fact by the Aboriginal Elders up in country NSW.

Just a thought.... but  how about you people over there stop bringing in these boat tourists who protest and burn down the centres up to your north? LOLOL

The simple fact is - the invasion has never really stopped when you think about it!


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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #98 on: September 02, 2010, 09:09:59 PM »
Yes MM - I read that article this morning. I hope the people over there remember that at the state elections when they take place.

Of course I was not there, but are you really disputing the fact that we came to this country and immediately started to change it to the way we wanted it.

Crikey MM.... were you talking 240 Years ago? Doubtful that either of us were here at that time. So just how 'we' changed it... at that time - I don't know.

No - Dirk Hartog reached your western shores in 1616, I think it was. (You could have been a dutchman MM! Although, there is history that the Portuguese may have been here first.) There is also history of cannibalism in that part of the world..... sort of akin to todays modern 'home food delivery' arrangements.

But... Captain Cook won the election is 1770! Keep in mind that the majority of people who came to this country at that time wore chains .... and were certainly not here by choice.

I'm as indigenous (of this land) as the next bloke born here.... and was reminded of that fact by the Aboriginal Elders up in country NSW.

Just a thought.... but  how about you people over there stop bringing in these boat tourists who protest and burn down the centres up to your north? LOLOL

The simple fact is - the invasion has never really stopped when you think about it!

I think that most voters over here are sick of Barnett - our gas prices are now the highest in the country - and our electricty prices are up there too.  Its a shame that the Labor party over here is as weak as pee.

I think that the reason why we have a hung parliament is because deep down we know that neither party is worthy of leading this great country.   Both parties seem to have forgotten that we hold the power in this country - not them - they are supposed to do what we want and what we feel is in the best interest of the country. 

They should start listening to us and stop telling us

*Ubbie Max*

  • Knights of the RT
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Re: The Parliamentary Deadlock Farce
« Reply #99 on: September 02, 2010, 09:14:36 PM »
"They should start listening to us and stop telling us"

Spot on Mum!