Author Topic: Why Ebay lave lost the battle and they don't even know it yet (Dated April 2008)  (Read 13598 times)


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But interesting to look back at the history of it all

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Heavy handed tactics of Ebay Moderators
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Heavy handed tactics of Ebay Moderators
by da_ewok on Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:51 pm

Of course the post has now disappeared  Ebay obviously dislikes their spys being uncovered 

Here is what I posted:-
da_ewok (81 ) View Listings | Report 20-04-08 09:11 EST 2 of 5

Here is an email I received from 'someone' off ebay (dated the 17th
April 2008)- I suspect admin - look at the question.................

"Dear da_ewok,

hello. do you have a preferred payment method? thank ya...

- wthadeus6694"

Activity since 2007
" wthadeus6694 (0)
0.0% Positive Feedback
Member since 26-Jul-07 in United States
Location : IN, United States "

Here was my response

What else could I say - considering the item is not something that I
would have thought would have interested our USA friends

I took it as spam from admin

This was originally posted in the "notice all the 0 feedback people" - or something like that

I mean hello - they want to spy on us - of course we will rebel - Just like germany during World War II,

Ebay IS NOT what it once used to be

For this I received a 'pink' ticket

Which reads :-
Hello da_ewok,

Recently we became aware that your eBay registered account was involved in the
following activity:

Posting item listing reports or member violations. To report suspected
violations, please use our online forms: For clarification of
this policy, please visit this page: ... 8&tstart=0

which is not permitted at eBay.

This is a copy of your post:

da_ewok (81 ) View Listings | Report 20-04-08 09:11 EST 2 of 5

Here is an email I received from 'someone' off ebay (dated the 17th
April 2008)- I suspect admin - look at the question.................

"Dear da_ewok,

hello. do you have a preferred payment method? thank ya...

- wthadeus6694"

Activity since 2007
" wthadeus6694 (0)
0.0% Positive Feedback
Member since 26-Jul-07 in United States
Location : IN, United States "

Here was my response

What else could I say - considering the item is not something that I
would have thought would have interested our USA friends

I took it as spam from admin

We realize that you may not have been aware there was a rule against this
activity. Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to invite you to
review our site policies, which can be found at:

Please understand our goal is to help you understand our policies to ensure
successful experiences at eBay. Therefore, we respectfully request that you
refrain from this activity in the future to avoid the possibility of a
suspension of your eBay registration.

Thank you for your cooperation in this important matter.

eBay Moderation Team

Why melancholic B, & groan & squirm, Or U will soon B mentally infirm; Just take UR lot, whatever B the yoke, & look on life as what it is-a joke.When good times come don't waste UR store of revel, Just keep some in reserve to fight the devil
Posts: 8
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Re: Heavy handed tactics of Ebay Moderators
by Guest on Tue Apr 22, 2008 10:07 pm


Welcome to the honored group of Pink Heart Award winners!!

Dee and I have garnered 8 here on the US eBay boards. They gave us a one week suspension and then back to boycotting!

Seriously, we know the pink slap feels just like a slap. After a while you start to see it as a badge of honor. LOL

We in the US are fully in support of our Aussie mates! Say NO to the greedy PayPig!!!

Golden, Colorado. USA


Re: Heavy handed tactics of Ebay Moderators
by da_ewok on Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:21 am

Ebay/Paypal are shooting themselves in the foot - ebay as a singular are fine (with many payment options) paypal as a singular are also fine - as long as you keep nithing in there and limit their access to your accounts.

But when they 'pal' up they turn into bullies - and we ALL HATE BULLIES 

As you people know (I hate the terminology guys  ) we all have problems with every service provider we deal with - regardless of whether it is net based or not. - BUT E/P team are just pure filth - in their censorship of the discussion and removing ALL freedom of choice and free speech - your consitution offers more freedoms and liberties than the pigs at Ebay/Paypal GIVE ANYONE 

ANyway - back to wrok - I snuck out for a little bit
Why melancholic B, & groan & squirm, Or U will soon B mentally infirm; Just take UR lot, whatever B the yoke, & look on life as what it is-a joke.When good times come don't waste UR store of revel, Just keep some in reserve to fight the devil
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Re: Heavy handed tactics of Ebay Moderators
by FairShakeDeal on Wed Apr 23, 2008 5:07 am

I just wanted to stop in and say hi ...

And hello also to Jim and Dee in the USA - this is Debbie from Fair Shake!

da_ewok - We've gotten pretty used to the pink slaps and - the ultimate - a "pink vacation" in the US over the past couple of months. I've received a total of 5 slaps myself, but haven't gotten the vacation yet ... They're handing them out to everybody over here; it's reached a point where most of us don't even care any longer.

You in Australia have the full support of your American counterparts. I and many others have signed your PayPal petition, and are willing to help you out in any way we can.

Debbie in the USA
Posts: 7
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Location: Washington State, USA


Re: Heavy handed tactics of Ebay Moderators
by da_ewok on Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:24 am

I think I might try tonight for an Ebali holiday - could be fun - fully paid for without the worry of the organistation of the trip 

I may only be a small seller and buyer BUT - I buy and sell just like everyone else - and I can not imagine the heartache that the Powersellers are going through

They have jumped through hoops to comply with the bullies in everyway possible and they still get shafted - for me as small timer - just enjoying the thrill of the auction - I can go elsewhere and still buy what I want - but the big guys are stuck - they are damned if they do and they are damned if they don't.

Paypal and Ebay - SUCK the LIGHT from the universe and that IDIOT (simon) that looks like one of Buffy's Vampires - is a conceited arrogant prig  - He is and will ruin it for everyone - I hope he goes to hell
Why melancholic B, & groan & squirm, Or U will soon B mentally infirm; Just take UR lot, whatever B the yoke, & look on life as what it is-a joke.When good times come don't waste UR store of revel, Just keep some in reserve to fight the devil
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Re: Heavy handed tactics of Ebay Moderators
by FairShakeDeal on Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:55 am

A good majority of the boycotters in the USA are small sellers - myself included. I don't need eBay for my income, thank goodness. But over the years they encouraged people to build up a selling business on eBay, work for themselves, all that ... and people did, only to have the rug pulled out from under. You sound as angry as we are in the states. It's just plain WRONG!

That's why we are trying to get in touch with eBayers in other countries. We feel like we could really make a HUGE stand against eBay if we were all together. I have been trying to visit the various boards just to see what is happening in other countries, but I don't speak any foreign languages so I am limited. I am working with one person at Fair Shake who can read German very well, but is slower in translating it to English. She has been in contact with some fantastic German people who are angry at eBay about whatever is going on over there -- I haven't even gotten that far yet, so I don't know! But we have been in touch with you in Australia and those in the UK.

I really feel they are using the different eBay markets to "test" their new policies, but eventually they will all be global. I don't know WHO - other than corporate retailers - would want to sell on eBay any more. There's next to NO profit left for the small sellers in the USA even now; the message was VERY clear that they don't want the "trash" on their site.

So yeah, we are pretty upset too, and know exactly what you are talking about. Take care!

Debbie in the USA
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Location: Washington State, USA


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Are Aussies familiar with the term "Jumped the Shark" ?


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Numb, I am not familiar.  But I am amazed that our US buddies are aware of us and with us.  The point that really struck a cord with me in all that discussion is the point where someone says that Ebay have encouraged people to build their business and source of income with them and have then pulled out the rug from under their feet.  So true.   In my case, I haven't reached that point, but I am so aware that there is many that have and I feel for them. 


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Are Aussies familiar with the term "Jumped the Shark" ?

lol I wasn't until a very close friend that lives in the US explained it to me not long ago !


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And I have no idea... Wait a moment: in situations like this,  :google: is my servant. "Google, fetch me the meaning of 'Jump the shark'."

Ah! Deriving from Happy Days, I see. It means the defining moment where a show or television series passes into absurdity or desperation, having passed its peak.
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passes into absurdity or desperation, having passed its peak.

Which in eBay's case happened about 2 or 3 years ago when all the major policy changes started.


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I agree that some very odd policy changes happened around that time, some of which I'm only aware of retrospectively.
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