The OzRT (Oz Round Table) grew out of a now defunct eBay forum, but it is much more than that. We're a community of friendship, help, support, shared laughter, fantastic range of topics, and a strong sense of trust and integrity.
eBay has changed the deadlines for sellers to lodge complaints about items that haven’t been paid for, a move which might help reduce friction when it comes to deadbeat bidders.The changes include reducing the minimum time period for lodging a dispute after closing a sale from 7 days to 4 and halving the dispute resolution period to 30 days. The one change which makes it harder to lodge a dispute is reducing the time allowed after a sale for a dispute to be opened from 45 days to 32 days — but in practice, that still seems a reasonable amount of time.
.Don't you love that eBay can introduce a change like this with immediate effect, I would imagine many disputes in international transactions would take longer than 30 days.