Author Topic: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!  (Read 19799 times)


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I do. Really.

So many opportunities.

Think back to when you first started selling on eBay or the first time you sniped an auction. Exciting wasn't it !!!

Sure there are things I would change if I had the opportunity.........but I don't. I don't get upset about that, I adjust.

Plenty of people will tell you eBay needs to suit what they would like to see. Often it's because they lack the ability to change or they are just plain scared of change.

eBay is what it is. It opened the world up to on-line trading and it's an incredible marketplace.

Make the most of it.


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2009, 02:11:10 PM »
Riff, I agree with so much of what you said, although the subject heading seems over the top! But who am I to argue with the crusty efficacies of bread, slicing and wheat products in general?

eBay WAS exciting. I DID enjoy my first snipe. (I still enjoy winning something on eBay, but it's a pleasure much diminished now... which is not to take away from that first excitement.)

However, when you say "Plenty of people will tell you eBay needs to suit what they would like to see. Often it's because they lack the ability to change or they are just plain scared of change." - that's where I do disagree. You see, as a buyer, I am put off by venue practices or selling practices that a) make things harder for me to find what I want, b) discourage sellers from listing the things I like buying, c) encourage BIN items by large sellers rather than encourage auctions by small sellers with collectibles and out of print stuff, d) and so on.

I agree that eBay opened up the world to online trading - it was such an incredibly good idea. It WAS a fantastic marketplace. eBay has left an amazing legacy.

But as a buyer trying to make the most of eBay, eBay's very legacy (opening up the world to online trading) has ironically made eBay more vulnerable in quite a number of ways. If I, as a buyer, can find what I want more easily elsewhere, with the ability to pay using my card, at a better price than I find on eBay, etc., etc., that's better for ME. I'm sad that I can't find the range of things on eBay anymore... but ah well, that's how it is. Perhaps for some sellers, the legacy hasn't been what they hoped for. That's unfortunate for buyers like me - our choices are then limited.

I suppose it's different for each buyer or each seller, depending upon what the buyer wants to buy and the seller wants to sell.
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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2009, 02:21:30 PM »
Countessa, I should add that millions of members do use eBay successfully every day. The vast majority are enjoying a great shopping experience and keep coming back for more.


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2009, 02:23:21 PM »
However, when you say "Plenty of people will tell you eBay needs to suit what they would like to see. Often it's because they lack the ability to change or they are just plain scared of change." - that's where I do disagree. You see, as a buyer, I am put off by venue practices or selling practices that a) make things harder for me to find what I want, b) discourage sellers from listing the things I like buying, c) encourage BIN items by large sellers rather than encourage auctions by small sellers with collectibles and out of print stuff, d) and so on.

Ebay are not the only site that you can buy on. I find it hard to comprehend that so many people enjoy dissing ebay yet, can not stay away from the site. There are many, many other sites to purchase from, like a B&M store, if you do not enjoy your shopping experience there would you regularly make the effort to keep going back?


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2009, 02:32:50 PM »
Dear oh dear !!!

There you go once again Riff....(see I mention you by name).... making blanket statements once again.

I suppose it would be a waste of time asking you to give examples that support your blanket statement, but i will ask anyway.

And Daffy,  you said:-

I find it hard to comprehend that so many people enjoy dissing ebay yet, can not stay away from the site.

You seem to like doing just that with this forum, can you tell me why?


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2009, 02:46:36 PM »
Dear oh dear !!!

There you go once again Riff....(see I mention you by name).... making blanket statements once again.

I suppose it would be a waste of time asking you to give examples that support your blanket statement, but i will ask anyway.

And Daffy,  you said:-

I find it hard to comprehend that so many people enjoy dissing ebay yet, can not stay away from the site.

You seem to like doing just that with this forum, can you tell me why?

""You seem to like doing just that with this forum, can you tell me why?

Can you support that blanket statement with fact?


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2009, 02:49:16 PM »
Personally I think ebay is running on past glories. Any ham fisted monkey can join up, buy some stuff and womble off into the sunset...purely because its a known entity. Its there, its known, its used. A lot of people seem desperate to protect ebay...i cant help but wonder if this is because they know they need ebays market dominance because they know all to well that they would struggle elsewhere. How many of them continually deride oztion (and other sites) stating they tried them but they dont work? And yet both me and my partner have successfully made the switch. In my case with more success than I ever managed on ebay.

I switched to oztion nearly a year ago and i havent looked back. I am enjoying helping the new kid on the block grow to its full potential.



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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2009, 02:55:18 PM »
Poddy, if you want to do nothing but have started a perfectly good thread elsewhere that is just right for that.


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2009, 03:11:09 PM »
I hate eBay.

But I LOVE my sellers.

Is that so wrong?
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2009, 03:14:07 PM »
Not at all Tello. eBay is about linking buyers to sellers.

Love is a very romantic expression though  :roflmao:

Very passionate.


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2009, 03:17:58 PM »
The vast majority are enjoying a great shopping experience and keep coming back for more.
- That's great for those who do enjoy a great shopping experience on eBay. But buyers are made up of a very diverse group, and I'm not sure we can really conclude that "the vast majority" do keep coming back for more... Are there statistics to hand on what percentage of eBay members from, let's say, 4 years ago continue to buy on eBay? Persistent results would be fascinating to look at.

And unfortunately, if one man's neighbour goes into hospital and has a quick and safe operation, that's not going to be of any comfort to the other man who goes into hospital and has a ghastly experience resulting in permanent disability. The experience of one individual has no flow-on effect for the experience of another individual. For every person who has great shopping experiences on eBay, I do have the feeling that there is probably another person who doesn't. That's the nature of a variety of experiences.

Ebay are not the only site that you can buy on. I find it hard to comprehend that so many people enjoy dissing ebay yet, can not stay away from the site. There are many, many other sites to purchase from, like a B&M store, if you do not enjoy your shopping experience there would you regularly make the effort to keep going back?
Daffy, I'm not sure what  your point is... eBay is indeed not the only site from which I can buy. And I buy far more from sites other than eBay. It's changed for me... When I first started buying online, eBay really was my first port of call. Now it's not. But surely you're not suggesting that I can't buy from eBay or shouldn't buy from eBay unless it's my preferred online purchasing venue? Or that people who do think eBay's become less user-friendly are not allowed to buy from eBay?

In general, I think people buy according to the availability and best-deal-qualities of the item for which they're looking, rather than adamantly saying, "I WILL buy from eBay" or "I WON'T buy from eBay." Don't you think so? And it follows that if the items for which some people are looking are no longer available on eBay, or are more expensive on eBay, or are only being sold by PowerSellers with a slough of negatives indicating poor problem resolution or slow delivery times, that the people will look elsewhere. That wouldn't preclude those people from still purchasing items that they do want to buy through eBay, and it wouldn't preclude the right of those people to express legitimate complaints.
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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2009, 03:28:05 PM »

I'm sorry that you find my comments insulting and my questions the same, but again you have assumed and asserted that they are insults.
I guess if you repeat something to yourself often enough they become fact to you./


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2009, 03:28:42 PM »
There are many, many other sites to purchase from, like a B&M store

Now that's a fact! But try and find spares for your 1981 Yamaha in a B&M store after 2230pm (or during B/Hrs for that matter) - or on Oztion.... things that I found through a number of US sellers - due to the exposure of the Ebay site. All said and done - if a person - any person - chooses to visit a particular website.... isn't that their freedom of choice? If they hold an opinion - be this thing in the positive or negative - isn't that their freedom of expression?

A lot of people seem desperate to protect ebay

Don't know about desperate..... but I certainly would hope that the site does survive. It has its place.

Think back to when you first started selling on eBay or the first time you sniped an auction. Exciting wasn't it !!!

Riff - and I offer these thoughts with the greatest respect..... I do well remember what Ebay was like. There were no hidden bidders, there was freedom of payment choice, (for both buyers and sellers) there were far more opportunities on offer, there was a feedback system that provided at least, an insight into the people you were buying from - and there was a somewhat level playing field for both sellers and buyers. Transparency was better! Given the changes that have occurred - is it unreasonable to desire things at least partially, as they were.... over what they've now become? Are these things not demonstrated in the departure of sellers to other sites?

And.... BOZO, - no criticism of Oztion here..... In the US the people speak of Bonanzle and a number of others. All of these new sites serve only to improve the overall experience of online shopping - and perhaps provide some motivation for each other.


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2009, 03:44:37 PM »

And.... BOZO, - no criticism of Oztion here..... In the US the people speak of Bonanzle and a number of others. All of these new sites serve only to improve the overall experience of online shopping - and perhaps provide some motivation for each other.

I agree with this comment. ebay has had the market to itself for too long has stagnated in thought more than in deed. A bit of competition is exactly what is needed. Unfortunately ebay still thinks theres is no competition or at least refuses to acknowledge it. Personally Id like to see even more competition. But for the moment oztion is what best suits me for both buying and selling.



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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2009, 03:57:29 PM »
You see, as a buyer, I am put off by venue practices or selling practices that a) make things harder for me to find what I want, b) discourage sellers from listing the things I like buying, c) encourage BIN items by large sellers rather than encourage auctions by small sellers with collectibles and out of print stuff, d) and so on.

Why would you persevere with a venue (or a real life B&M store, for that matter) if you do not enjoy your experience there? Ebay is just a venue and if it`s consumers are unhappy and do go elsewhere, well, then they failed but they have no one else to answer to other than their own board of directors & stockholders.

As a consumer I have choices, I make the choice that is suited to and best for me. If I was to have a bad experience at a retail venue (online or real life) I would move on to another venue, my money, my choice but I, in no way, would ever suggest to that venue or business how they should be treating their consumers; their policies, their business and their profit margins.


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #15 on: July 20, 2009, 03:59:54 PM »
Hi St Barbar  Riff  I dont recall seeing the words "Thank you Shane" in the OP ????

 :pmsl: :pmsl: :pmsl: :pmsl: :pmsl: :pmsl: :pmsl: :pmsl: :pmsl: :pmsl:


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #16 on: July 20, 2009, 04:00:45 PM »
Hi know this site is not just about Ebay, but E-Commerce and Oztion is part of the choices consumers have available.  Also TP, when it finally gets with the program.

Please feel free to start threads about Oztion whenever you wish....we'd like to hear about all the available venues so we can perhaps assist in their growth.  Nothing like healthy competition.   You won't get slapped here for mentioning the competition and I think it helps consumers to know they have choices.


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #17 on: July 20, 2009, 04:02:01 PM »
[...]But surely you're not suggesting that I can't buy from eBay or shouldn't buy from eBay unless it's my preferred online purchasing venue? Or that people who do think eBay's become less user-friendly are not allowed to buy from eBay?

In general, I think people buy according to the availability and best-deal-qualities of the item for which they're looking, rather than adamantly saying, "I WILL buy from eBay" or "I WON'T buy from eBay." [...] That wouldn't preclude those people from still purchasing items that they do want to buy through eBay, and it wouldn't preclude the right of those people to express legitimate complaints.

I'm not sure I can really add anything to what I've already said!
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #18 on: July 20, 2009, 04:20:42 PM »
Hi St Barbar  Riff  I dont recall seeing the words "Thank you Shane" in the OP ????

 :pmsl: :pmsl: :pmsl: :pmsl: :pmsl: :pmsl: :pmsl: :pmsl: :pmsl: :pmsl:

I was not going to honour this post but please can we stop with the assumptions, the innuendos, the paranoia. Just because someone offers an opinion that is NOT in agreement to that of your own, does not automatically make them someone else who you obviously dislike. I thought I was suppose to be her (so does that also make me Riff?), that has been suggested many times here. (start a new thread, please, let`s discuss this)


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #19 on: July 20, 2009, 04:22:04 PM »
I wasnt suggesting that for a minute
and if you notice the little laughing men in the post you will realise the comment was meant in jest !!!!
and whats more you have just made the assumption that the op's opinion differs to mine !


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #20 on: July 20, 2009, 04:26:23 PM »
[...]But surely you're not suggesting that I can't buy from eBay or shouldn't buy from eBay unless it's my preferred online purchasing venue? Or that people who do think eBay's become less user-friendly are not allowed to buy from eBay?

In general, I think people buy according to the availability and best-deal-qualities of the item for which they're looking, rather than adamantly saying, "I WILL buy from eBay" or "I WON'T buy from eBay." [...] That wouldn't preclude those people from still purchasing items that they do want to buy through eBay, and it wouldn't preclude the right of those people to express legitimate complaints.

I'm not sure I can really add anything to what I've already said!

No need to add anything, it is your choice where you purchase from, what ever venue, what ever reason, it is your choice, I totally agree.

I also agree with "and it wouldn't preclude the right of those people to express legitimate complaints" .  You need to define what you consider a legitimate complaint is.


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #21 on: July 20, 2009, 04:31:06 PM »
(start a new thread, please, let`s discuss this)

New threads make me paranoid.

But they do strengthen my will to bump my threads.

C):-{= <" maybe salvaging the existing threads aint such a bad idea..."<<
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #22 on: July 20, 2009, 04:47:15 PM »
(start a new thread, please, let`s discuss this)

New threads make me paranoid.

But they do strengthen my will to bump my threads.

C):-{= <" maybe salvaging the existing threads aint such a bad idea..."<<

Do not fear, my dear Tello, no other thread will ever outdo your thread. You are a legend  :love:


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #23 on: July 20, 2009, 04:47:15 PM »
I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!

Riff, I thought you no longer listed on eBay, instead choosing to have sponsored ads linking potential eBay buyers directly to your website? I thought you did this to save on eBay's costly listing fees and FVFs?

Personally, I prefer to slice my own bread! That way, I can choose the thickness of the slice, the number of slices to the loaf, and my bread stays fresher!  ;D


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #24 on: July 20, 2009, 04:53:18 PM »
You are a legend .......

You peeps are easy to please, amuse and abuse......

Perhaps cuz I'm fresh & new to yez.....whereas, I'm an old hack in the States & parts of Canada......

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #25 on: July 20, 2009, 06:18:22 PM »
Sorry I haven't been able to stay with the thread....busy, busy, busy :)

Daffy, I'm certain that Smee wrote that in jest. He definately knows that is not the case. ;) He's a funny bu***r :)

Bozo, I gave oztion a shot at the time of the compulsory PayPal episode. I was making a good living out of eBay but did not sell one item from my Oztion store in 6 months (and I was the only person selling my lines on Oztion). It wasn't confidence inspiring for me. If you've made it work for you....congrats.

Hiya Wheelie :) Yes, you are correct, I don't sell on eBay anymore. It doesn't change the fact that the more people who visit eBay, the better off I am. I pay for the sponsored links and half my traffic comes from eBay. I used eBay to build a business as a means to an end. It was the perfect model for me but I got to a point where the website was going to be more profitable. So instead of running both, I dropped eBay and now pay Google to advertise my website.

I can't thank eBay enough for getting me to that point :)


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #26 on: July 20, 2009, 09:29:15 PM »
The seller I work with (I know I keep saying this - but it is true) first discussed online selling with me a couple of years ago and, at the time, eBay was significantly more congenial for a small seller to get going.

The concept was simple - use eBay to test their market and develop a feel for the business potential, for a very affordable capital outlay (listing fees!). Then, if successful, to establish a web site for direct sales, maintaining a position on eBay for, essentially, an 'advertising' presence.

Their business started out small, as you would expect, but has developed sufficient interest to encourage further development. Along the way, the 'Paypal only' challenge rolled into town and Oztion became better known and they began to list on Oztion as well.

Initially, they would pick up sales on Oztion by returning customers following the suggestion to check out Oztion in the little newsletter they sent out with all their items.

However, starting in the last month or two, there are cases of new customers that have either bought and/or asked questions through eBay and then answered their own questions and/or bought from Oztion - before this seller had time to point them there from their eBay question.

That is an interesting change.  Awareness of Oztion's presence (in its own right) is growing.  Customers are becoming more familiar and comfortable in approaching Oztion on their own volition and spending money there.

About a year ago, I made a prediction that Oztion would be giving eBay a run for its money ... around mid 2010 was the timeframe I gave ... and I am curious to see how far out I'll be.

From this seller's perspective, changes eBay have made regarding a number of issues - including searches, feedback, limiting payment options, facilities offered in stores and fees - have noticeably eroded some of the value eBay had to offer.  The latest round of fees changes for stores is set to force an increase on eBay pricing (risky) or a downsizing of store inventory.

Whether fair or not, it isn't hard to view the changes on eBay over the last year or so as indicative of penny-pinching paranoia.  It has been said that ebay was "running on past glories" and I couldn't agree more.  The trouble is, once that light has burned out, they will have no new glories to support their continued affluence.  While I honestly pray that this does NOT happen, I am fearful that the possibility exists and it inevitably follows that planning for the future MUST accommodate such an event.

Riff - I will preface this by saying I am not familiar with your product range or market (if you have said - I've forgotten ... sorry), but I might suggest one reason for your lack of sales on Oztion is the fact that you were the only one selling there.  It suggests to me that buyers wouldn't have gone there because Oztion wasn't known for that market (at that time) and that if they were to have gone there, that they may have seen 'just 1 seller' and not thought it was a good place to buy - because there weren't a lot of sellers.  Has that situation changed? What is your competition on Oztion like now?

While eBay may be the best thing since sliced bread, it feels like they are shrinking the loaf to a point where the size of the bread will match the size of the cheese slices you buy at the supermarket these days.

Looks like a nice sandwich - but leaves you feeling hungry.


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #27 on: July 20, 2009, 10:39:44 PM »
G'day Brumby. I don't have any reason to go anywhere near Oztion now. You are definately right in that Oztion was not a known marketplace for my line. I admire anyone who has made a go of it over there. I sell top of the range brandname products which very few on-line sellers within Australia have access to.

I think it is up to sellers to use eBay in whichever way best suits them. Whether eBays market share grows or shrinks they will be the market leader for a long time to come.


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #28 on: July 21, 2009, 01:12:44 PM »
I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!! )

Funny you should draw that parallel.

eBay, like sliced bread is the venue for a sandwich, and like a sandwich (made with sliced bread) after it has been consumed, it passes through all the twists and turns on its ultimate destination and emerges as that odious brown stuff that we just flush away.


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #29 on: July 21, 2009, 07:34:18 PM »
Getting back on topic, I agree with Riff, the first 4 years I used ebay and other sites, was really addictive, and yes, exciting.

14 years later, I no longer trade on line. The early days were good, very little scamming, friendly forums, bidding wars on just about every auction, and sites didn't tinker with the framework, so it was a stable commodity.

These days, both ebay and oztion are totally corrupt, ( evidence provided on request ), but that corruption, doesn't cost members in the buying and selling department too much if they don't go to forums, don't check for shill bidding, and couldn't care less about counterfeit products, they don't have a lot to worry about.

For the general punter though, I still believe in the product, as a way of selling and buying, provided you do your homework, so those unaware of the history and are new, as Riff said, it can be exciting.


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #30 on: July 21, 2009, 11:09:31 PM »
I still sell mostly on ebay, simply because they still draw the most lookers .... and therefore buyers.

I have some items listed with oztion, and have had for probably a year now, ( when the paypal only push happened?) but sales there for me are very slow. When I am looking to buy, I check both sites, and frequently buy from oztion, either because they actually have what I want, or the price is cheaper.

I will agree with bobby - there are LOTS of counterfeit products on oztion, but as I am well aware of the items that are likely to be fake , I simply avoid them- and warn anyone who cares to ask that the likelyhood of fakes on high end items there, is high.

I live in hope that eventually another auction site grows large enough to be a real competitor to ebay. In my opinion, ebay is trying to "outgrow" it's original design, to the detriment of the small hobby and speciality line sellers ( eg collectables).

Is ebay the best thing since sliced bread? I don't think it is, anymore. But til something better comes along, it will have to "do" for me!


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #31 on: July 21, 2009, 11:21:44 PM »
OZtion was poised to make it in a big way, but the owners were very inept at management, and suffered from lack of funds to promote. They also got the wrong advice I think.
I reckon they lied to the membership when they said they were there for the long haul.
It became obvious, after the sale to Jumbuck, for peanuts, what the truth was.

They had a business "Angel", and the site WAS geared to a quick exit. Interviews with online News Reporting sites recorded those details, so there can be no denials.  Thye have long since cared about the forums, leaving them to self moderation, the ideal situation for a gang to take control. Somebody in the current management leaks information to the gang, and considering the person who calls herself the Manager, was a seller there, it's not surprising she has allegances to those who know her.  The great Aussie Hope will not eventuate, as the site is plagued with tech issues and glitches.
There are those that believe Jumbuck is using the OZtion facilities to foster their other lines of business requiring bandwidth from OZ servers, thus slowing the site to a snails pace.  Shame really, we need the equivalent of TradeMe, the NZ site.


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #32 on: July 22, 2009, 01:34:27 AM »
Generally, I have found Oztion is too expensive as a Buyer, and too slow as a seller.

Every purchase i make, I check both Ebay and Oztion. I have bought 2 items from Oz and probably 300 or more from Ebay.


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #33 on: July 22, 2009, 06:23:59 PM »
The auto-extend feature on TradeMe is always good/bad depending on your position :)


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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #34 on: July 22, 2009, 08:36:22 PM »

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Re: I reckon eBay is the greatest thing since sliced bread !!!!
« Reply #35 on: July 23, 2009, 08:17:50 AM »
I found Oztion to be good for stuff like this:

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"