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The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on June 15, 2024, 01:28:47 AM »
Miserable is an understatement.
Narcissists Are Chronically Miserable

2 years ago
I'm starting to believe that the older they get,  the more intolerable they get.  They just start snapping out of the blue for no reason...very scary.

2 years ago
It's why I can't HATE them. Just avoid them as much as possible.

1 year ago
Unless you are willing and able to join them in their misery, there’s really nothing you can do but throw up your hands and walk away.

1 year ago
The more you learn about them the less you hate them and more you just pity them.
The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on June 15, 2024, 12:53:57 AM »
Woke Leftists LOSE IT After People DESECRATE
Neo-Com Woke Flag AGAIN

12 minutes ago
Defund Paint!
Arrest tires!

16 hours ago
Maybe if they stopped putting their stupid flags ON THE ROAD people would stop DRIVING over them.

13 hours ago
Stepping On a pride flag 5 years in jail. Sexual assault on a child 5 months. This world is evil.

Woke Leftists LOSE IT After People DESECRATE
Neo-Com Woke Flag AGAIN

12 minutes ago
Defund Paint!
Arrest tires!

16 hours ago
Maybe if they stopped putting their stupid flags ON THE ROAD people would stop DRIVING over them.

13 hours ago
Stepping On a pride flag 5 years in jail. Sexual assault on a child 5 months. This world is evil.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on June 15, 2024, 12:04:52 AM »

0 seconds ago
Narc: "Are you going to be nice to me?"
Me: "Are you going to respect me?"

Narcissists Are Fragile
(And It Makes Them MORE Dangerous, Not Less)
The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on June 14, 2024, 11:08:51 PM »
NO is a fantastic test for disordered people.
What Happens When You Tell
A Narcissist "No".

What happens when you tell a narcissist NO?

The center of gravity realigns the earth's axis and life as you know it will be vastly different.

If the narcissist is someone who wants the thing being asked for very badly they may attempt several tactics. Depends on what has worked in the past and how badly they want it.

A narcissistic person is all about the end product. They want what they want and feel entitled to have it.

They will ask, beg, manipulate, bribe, guilt, any possible tactic to get what they want even up to stealing an object. And in thier mind, if you had just given them the thing, they wouldn't have had to steal it in the first place. So the theft would be YOUR fault.

Now if theft is impossible, you have said no, and you intend to stick to it, plan to be busy. They will continue to bug you and annoy you about it, they are very tenacious, especially if they feel that you are the only one who can provide the thing. They will call, text, email, smoke signal whatever they can do to ask for and get it. So don't be available.

Now if the time has passed for the thing to be acquired. Say it's the day after a concert they wanted. The band is gone and concert is over. The narcissist WON'T be over it. You ruined their life and they hate you. You could have let them go but you didn't and now you will PAY.

Nobody does vindictive like a narcissistic person. They will have plenty of verbal digs, silent treatment, pretty much any way possible to inform the world they are mad. They sometimes spread rumors and their anger will at times inflate the situation or provide details that didn't actually happen in the story. Consider the worst toddlers tantrum you ever saw.

Now add adult size and strength, add cunning, add social media so they can crucify you in public as well, and add some adult intelligence because they even attempt to draw some of your friends away from you.

Narcissistic people are not good friends. Try a rabid badger instead. They are less vindictive and somewhat friendlier. Sooner or later EVERYONE will have to say no to a narcissistic person. That's why they tend to have different friends all the time. The last friend said no and was effectively replaced by the new sucker.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on June 14, 2024, 10:53:47 PM »
Narcissists do not stay for very long around people with excellent boundaries.
How To Reveal Hidden Narcissists In Your Life

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on June 14, 2024, 10:10:33 PM »
They are never wrong. You are.
Narcissists & Emotional Reasoning

2 years ago
YOUR feelings are nothing them, THEIR feelings are facts to them.

2 years ago
So in short they are completely insane.

2 years ago
2+2=35 is how the narcissists calculate.

2 years ago
Great explanation of what I call “solution skipping”… rather than examining multiple solutions to find the optimal one for a particular problem, they dig their heels into a single solution… and better suggestions are a threat to their ego.

2 years ago
They do this cuz that’s what they do to other people so they assume u think that way too.
They often say & do things intentionally to hurt u so u must be doing that to them.
Since they operate this way, they believe everyone else does too….

2 years ago
This was the constant refrain in my ex relationship!  Every single thing I said or did was designed to humiliate, embarrass or upset him.  His poor  self esteem and miserable existence was always my fault.  The constant accusations thrown at you by these people are soul crushing.

2 years ago
Why bother interacting with someone who falsely accuses you all the time?  Just walk away.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on June 14, 2024, 03:36:12 PM »
Narcissists don't want your help----they want narcissistic supply. They will play the part of a willing patient until they’ve hooked you into giving them endless supply.
Accepting That You Cannot
Help Narcissists

5 years ago
They DON'T want help!!!
Its not our responsibility to change them.
Move on!!!
The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on June 14, 2024, 03:07:03 PM »

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on June 14, 2024, 01:33:55 PM »
Can narcissistic abuse kill you?

The stress of narcissistic abuse gave me a heart attack. It almost killed me. Stress is a known killer. Creates all kinds of health issues, from cardiovascular and gastric issues to autoimmune problems.

Stress adds to high blood pressure. It can cause heart attacks and strokes. It adds to anxiety and depression.

Narcissistic abuse is extremely stressful. It kills people. As I stated before it almost killed me. The strain I was under was off the charts.

Let's not forget the people that narcissists push to the point of suicide. I cannot help but think at least part of the time it's intentional.

If you are with a narcissist long enough, and I can say this with absolute certainty: your soul will die. And that’s all narcissists really want, anyway. Simply, every single aspect, every single atom of you.

Yes, it’s psychological murder. A slow painful death by covert abuse. They don’t even have to pull the trigger. They wait for you to do it for them.


The victim can start having suicidal thoughts and act upon them or their narcissistic abuser can do something violent to them which will put their life in danger.

Constant abuse over years can also become complex trauma which will deteriorate the victim's nervous system and affect their health in many different ways which can ultimately lead to suicidal thoughts (even years after the abuse ended) or complications.

Narcissistic abuse and complex trauma are real and they are never to be taken lightly.

Your beautiful personality is the very core of your being -- They will try to steal as much of it as they can.

You may have actually looked forward to when they would leave; Being alone was better than walking on egg shells. You could breathe easier knowing your every move wasn't being analyzed.

You didn't have to give a reason why you made what you made for dinner, or why you wanted or didn't want to watch a show. You didn't have to justify what you were wearing. You could talk to your friends and family freely. Your parenting decisions weren't undermined. Your housekeeping wasn't criticized.

There was no one to argue with... You could relax for a little bit, and recharge for the next battle when they came back home...

A narcissist has a lot of built-up resentment toward their significant other. They know that they are reliant on you for validation. However, they crave variety and are easily bored. As a result, they blame you for "tying them down" to a monotonous and mundane lifestyle.

This creates in them a great deal of anger towards you, because they do not want to rely on you, yet know that they must in order to get the validation that they so desperately need. They do not respect you, because they know you put up with a lot of abuse from them. You have done nothing wrong, but be overly giving and nurturing. Yet, they are angry with you and they blame you for all of their unhappiness...

Narcissists are such hypocrites that they pretend to have morals, standards, feelings, and a conscience, but they possess none of these. They will lie, insult, cheat, abuse, and disrespect you, but in return they will expect fidelity, respect, and all of your time and energy to be spent on them. They can do whatever they want, whenever they want, but you are to remain loyal and perfect at all times.

Narcissists have no boundaries. They feel entitled to say whatever they feel is true, and litter their opinions, whether it's rude, hurtful, or not true at all. They will then get angry when you defend yourself and blame you for causing "drama."

This isn't healthy, it's toxic... And, definitely not love...


Any sort (or mix) of Cluster B disordered abuse can kill people outright, psychologically injure them severely enough for suicide to look like a rational option or, with a really devious abuser, end in death from lack of care when the target is ill.

My first husband, a fully aware and malignant narcissist, the latter 2 options were tried, with a lack of success, thank God. And I haven’t the smallest doubt that, if he’d come up with a foolproof scheme to murder me, he would have tried that. He had no conscience and no humanity at all. I think of him as The Evil Alien.

My second and current (covert communal cerebral) un-self-aware husband is very different from him in presentation, so much so that even after 9 years of single living after surviving husband #1, my warning bells failed to go off and he swept me to the altar in record time. My bad.

Like everything else about him, his abuse is lower-key than the first one’s. But the cumulative effect is still despair. And when he and one of his crushes tag-teamed me 20+ years ago, I once again found myself thinking seriously about checking out. I was saved by a garden shed, as I’ve written about elsewhere, and thus lived long enough to find Quora. But it was a near thing and no one should ever underestimate the destructive power of a disordered person. They can be, and frequently are, DEADLY.

Yes !

That is their goal.

Narcissists want you DEAD.

They want you DESTROYED.

And they want to be responsible for your death (and don’t want anyone to know they were responsible).

They enjoy watching you slowly die inside from the various health ailments their abuse causes that will completely vanish if you leave them.

They enjoy you getting sick to the point that you no longer want to live.

They enjoy every minute of it.

And when you’re dead, they'll love the attention from people they'll receive over your dead body.

This is who they are.
This is who you are dealing with.
This is how serious this can end up if you don’t get out of the relationship.

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