Oz Round Table
The Oz Round Table boards => The Round Table => Topic started by: *wheels* on August 04, 2010, 10:36:12 AM
Wow! How exciting! I received an email yesterday from PayPal with a Free Gift.
What did I get?
Thanks for being one of our most valued PayPal customers. We appreciate your support so that's why we are rewarding you with a $10 DealsDirect.com.au gift coupon*.
You may not be a most valued PayPal customer so, I thought I'd share ;)
DealsDirect... Bwaaaaahahahahahahaha.
Sorry wheels lol, too funny.
DD is a company littered with scams, (as they were when selling on Ebay) I know personally of three independant individuals people that bought from them and were scammed a google search produces many more, some things never change.
DD CO says:
"One of our more exciting recent projects was very much behind-the-scenes; we implemented an integration with the eBay API to sell DealsDirect.com.au products on eBay. It is exciting for two reasons - firstly DealsDirect.com.au started out as an eBay venture and so it's very much a 'Back to the Future' concept for Mike Rosenbaum and Paul Greenberg (our co-founders); and secondly, I played a big part in this project as it seems to me to be a very big opportunity. I am very pleased - and admittedly relieved - to say that early signs are that it will be a great success."
DealsDirect.com.au originally began in 1999 under the brand AuctionBrokers Australia on eBay.
It would not supprise me if eBay had some sort of a stake in DD.
Spend that $10 wisely Wheels because the cheap and nasty item probably wont last long.
the owners of deals direct started out as full time ebay sellers ... then opened DD
Ohh Liisa, you've spoiled the excitement!
I'll have to go and look to see what I can buy for $10, hopefully including postage.
For $10 you should be able to buy a truck load of shite from DD , their stuff is worth under 5c an item ....
even the $2 shop are too classy to stock the pus
:crazy: No, Smee, I've just bought a set of those russian doll type measuring cups with my voucher. Same brand and much cheaper than the ones listed on eBay!
It was either that or a nail buffing set for the dog!
ok well they will come in handy no doubt .... I personally dont measure my Russian dolls in a cup but each to their own