Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2930045 times)


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Biden Administration Blasted For Ending Vets’ 30-Year-Old Memorial Day ‘Rolling Thunder’ Motorcycle Parade

A Florida lawmaker is ripping the Biden administration for ending a 30-year tradition by puling a permit that would allow a massive motorcycle Memorial Day parade down Constitution Avenue in Washington, D.C.

The gathering, which draws tens of thousands of motorcyclists from across the country each year, stages in a Pentagon parking lot, but the Biden administration has rescinded its annual permit.
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Rioter Fined $12 Million for Setting Fire to Minneapolis Police Station

We’ve all heard the stories, seen the pictures, and watched the video of the hate and destruction spread about over the last, most of which was claimed to be in “peaceful protest” of the death of George Floyd in late May of last year by a white police officer.

According to mainstream and leftist-based media outlets like CNN, these “demonstrations” were not riots. They didn’t cause damage, and they were justified by the racist tendencies of white supremacist GOP members.
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Here at Red Alert News, we’re routinely shocked at how vulgar Americans have become in recent years – particularly since the advent of social media. From the disgusting profanity and threats of violence we constantly see in the comment section of online publications, to the way our elected representatives communicate, it seems more and more Americans feel the need to demonstrate how poorly their parents raised them. It seems the ability to converse in a civilized manner has all but left America. The latest example of an elected representative is a Democrat Congresswoman who just called the United States of America “racist as f**k.”
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What is a baby jellyfish called?


There are roughly 200 different species of jellyfish, ranging in size from just one inch to 6.6 feet in diameter. Invertebrates and not actually fish, jellyfish have lived in Earth's oceans since before the dinosaurs. They use their long tentacles to stun their prey (brine shrimp and other tiny sea creatures) before eating them. To reproduce, jellyfish create tiny larvae that form little polyps, which then develop into ephyrae and eventually into adults (known as medusae). These fascinating creatures have some truly marvelous abilities: Some species can even change their sex as they age.

Source: Britannica | Date Updated: April 27, 2021
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Breaking Now:
Joe Biden just addressed the nation to push vaccines – especially for “younger people.” Biden wants 70% of Americans vaccinated by July 4th. However, many doctors predict that number will not be reached. What do you think? Watch the video below and share your thoughts by emailing us at Thank you.

This is a breaking news alert and will be updated as warranted…
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Hours After Biden Pushes Trillions In Spending – The President’s Approval Rating Just Reached His Historic Low

I think it’s safe to say that we are not dealing with a “moderate” Joe Biden.
After months of radical orders, bills, and promises, we have to admit Sleepy Joe is Soviet Joe.

This new, progressive-controlled Biden wants to jack up taxes to pay for a shocking expansion of the welfare state. He doesn’t even apologize for his radical agenda, something no president would have ever even suggested. So, what do most Americans think? Are you eager for Biden to tax you into oblivion to pay for other people’s welfare? Doesn’t look like it.
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I will NOT let Joe Biden get away with this. An American President stands in front of Congress and lays out his plan to enrich a Communist nation, and the liberals APPLAUD, and the media praises him!

He’s going to spend our nation into bankruptcy with $6 Trillion in government programs and sell our future to China. Even the liberal media reported:

“Biden mentioned China repeatedly. He spoke several times of conversations with Chinese President Xi Jinping.”

It is disgusting. I am leading the charge to impeach Joe Biden before he can fully implement his plans and sell our nation down the Yellow River.

Are you with me? If so, help me impeach Joe Biden before he sells us to China with your donation of $25, $50, $100, or even $1,000 TODAY!

My name is Rep. Marjorie Greene (R-GA), and I have filed Articles of Impeachment against Joe Biden for his plan to enrich Communist China at the expense of American small businesses and the generations of American children who will suffer as a result.

He’s keeping schools closed,
He’s canceling jobs on pipelines,
He’s saddling up to terrorists in Tehran,
He’s defunding our police,
He’s seeking to abolish our gun rights,
He’s opening our border to illegal aliens and drug cartels,
He’s taking credit for Operation Warp Speed, and
He’s promoting the most dangerous and progressive legislative agenda in American history.
Our nation’s future will be destroyed if he stays in office any longer, which is why I’m leading the movement to Impeach Joe Biden. No matter how much they have everyone in this town trying to tear me down—the press, big tech, and everyone on the Biden payroll—I won’t stop.

There is nothing the left hates more than a Conservative Woman who dares to question their radical, socialist agenda, and that’s why I need patriotic Americans like you to have my back.

Impeach Biden We must impeach and remove Beijing Biden before he does MORE damage to our country.

Radical socialist policies are destroying America, and our children’s future is sold to the communist Chinese government.

Fight for AMERICA: We can’t waste a single moment in taking our nation back.

I am fighting for you in Congress, and I need your help to ensure we can stop the Beijing Biden before it’s too late.

God Bless America
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"You can start late, look different, be uncertain, and still succeed."
-Misty Copeland

In 2015, ballet dancer Misty Copeland became the first Black woman to be made principal dancer for the American Ballet Theatre. Copeland started studying ballet when she was 13 years old — considered late for this demanding form of dance. She didn’t let that stop her, though, and she went on to make history. We can learn a lot from Copeland and her advice: What you think are limitations may not get in your way at all, but you have to keep trying to find out.
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The greenies’ circular firing squad is expanding
May 4, 2021 John Harper

Intersectional Environmentalism. It’s a title that almost seems to beg for a PG-13 rating: Some material may not be suitable for children. However, Intersectional Environmentalism is quickly being unleashed into the minds of millennials and Gen-Zers. It’s also a prized feature of the Biden administration’s climate plans.
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How do you deal with people as unreasonable, illogical and irrational as those who run the Marxist Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization? You can never win with activists who have no interest in thoughts that don’t already exist inside their own heads. The best thing anyone can actually do is just expose and let people know how radically communist the organization has no qualms about being.

So What Else is New? BLM Targets Trump, 'White Supremacy' in New List of 'Demands'

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Next On The List of American Catastrophes? A Massive Megadrought

I’ve written many articles for The Organic Prepper about the coming food shortages. Not just in the United States but all across the world. Food isn’t the only thing that is soon going to be in short supply.

Fresh, clean water appears to be one of the prime shortages facing humanity today. And this problem is only going to get worse in the future. The American West is facing a water crisis not seen since the Great Depression and the Dust Bowl days. Ironic, since we’re also seeing a lot of similarities to the Great Depression, too.
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Segregation Survivor: How to Counter BLM’s Race LIES | Bob Woodson | The Glenn Beck Podcast

Civil rights activist and Woodson Center founder Bob Woodson has lived through segregation and been a victim of racism. But he doesn’t fit the Left’s mold. In fact, he’s providing an alternative narrative to their “equity.”

With the Woodson Center and 1776 Unites, he is offering solutions that BLM rejects, but that are actually helping improve the lives of countless people trapped in poverty and inner-city violence. He goes through all of this and more in his latest book, “Red, White, and Black: Rescuing American History from Revisionists and Race Hustlers.”

And he joins Glenn to make the case that the radical Left does not represent the majority of the black community. As leftist race-baiters make millions off branding the police as white supremacists while breaking the spirits of Americans of ALL races, Woodson calls out their moral treason, speaks truth to power, and denounces real racism for what it truly is: evil.
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Disgusting! Look How The Liberals are Packing the Library at This School

The Democrats are hoping that they will be able to pack the courts somehow so they can get rid of the conservative majority standing in their way of total domination in America. The uncertainty of the times has a lot of people on edge. But the courtroom is not only the place liberals are trying to take over. They want to corrupt and pollute the minds of little kids everywhere.

The San Diego Unified School District was told that they would force schools to put in the schools over 2,000 donated books aimed at teaching transgender education to small kids. The Gender Nation group wants to pack the library with what they are calling “age-appropriate LGBTQ+ inclusive” books.

Republicans know the dangers of liberalism. That is why these dangerous teachings are only coming up in Democratic states. The left-wing is all for indoctrinating kids because they will be able to add them to their ranks of thugs once they are old enough to vote. The state of California has crossed a line of no return. The recall of Gavin Newsom is proof enough that the liberals have gone too far. And their attempts to pack the library is one of those instances of going too far.
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Report: Republicans Moving Closer To Ousting Liz Cheney From Leadership

New reports indicate that anti-Trump Representative Liz Cheney, the number three Republican in the House, could be ousted from her leadership role before the end of the month.

The Hill is reporting that top allies of House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) are looking to remove Cheney (R-WY).

A second ally labeled her as “a liability” and suggested it isn’t just far-right supporters of Donald Trump who want to see her go.

“This is a broad range of lawmakers who have had it with her,” they claimed. “She’s a liability, and McCarthy’s as fed up as the rest of us that she is focused on the past rather than winning back the House.”
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The Left’s Banana Republic! FBI Caught Redhanded Spying on Americans Without Warrant or Justification

Court-ordered FISA warrants are required any time American citizens are being spied on. These rules do not seem to apply anymore, now that the left feels as if they do not need to follow the rules. The FBI decided to sidestep the FISA courts here, setting a terrible precedent.
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Mask Wearing Still Required, Leaving Americans to Question Vaccine Efficacy

The Democrats love exerting control on Americans. And forcing the mask issue well into 2021 is a perfect example of it all.

There’s a reason why Trump pushed as hard as he did to get the vaccines created and approved. It was to resume a normal life.

Yet, as more Americans get vaccinated, the Democrats continue to say that we need to keep wearing masks – even around those who have also been vaccinated.

Enough is enough, and Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky is saying that it is having a “deleterious effect” on Americans. As long as the Biden administration continues with its mask alarmism, people are going to think twice about being vaccinated.
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When Insanity Reigns Nothing Makes Sense Anymore

The nasty part about the destructive teachings of the Democratic Party is seen in the hurt lives of people that end up committing suicide because liberals have told them that they have no purpose in life. For a child to be told repeatedly that they are no better than a bug because evolutionary teachings put them on a path to find purpose in life. And when they come to an end and realize that there is no hope in liberalism, they turn to other things such as transgenderism to fill a void in their life.
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One Poke or Two? Americans Weigh in on Vaccine Efficacy Following J&J Suspension

Get vaccinated! Get vaccinated! The Biden administration has been pushing the vaccines as a way to control the spread of COVID. However, as soon as Johnson & Johnson’s one-shot vaccine was suspended, many people have suspended their desire to get vaccinated.

The one poke option was highly desirable for a number of people. It was a “one and done” sort of deal that meant that people also didn’t have to face the inconvenience of heading to a vaccination site four to six weeks later.
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'Green Fraud' and the Climate Lockdown

Beware arrogant liberal journalists besmirching the supposedly disgusting concept of bothsidesism, insisting truth and falsehood should never be aired together. The American people are too dim to figure out which side is which. The "false" side must be shunned.

The most fervent topic of this arrogance is global warming, and the so-called "true" side never has to be held accountable for its dire predictions, ever.
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Just Because It's Said by Joe Doesn't Make It So

While President Joe Biden's administration doesn't seem to need an excuse to spend money, two recurring arguments for his gigantic $2.3 trillion infrastructure proposal are that our roads and bridges are "crumbling" and that modernization would generate economic growth and jobs — hence its name, the American Jobs Plan. But none of this clever marketing makes any of these claims true.
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What’s Liz Cheney’s Problem?
A more self-aware politician would resist the urge to continually antagonize her party’s base.

Liz Cheney is a smart, tough, serious conservative. But she doesn’t seem to know when to shut up. And it’s probably going to cost her a leadership position in the Republican Party.

Cheney has become the darling of the mainstream media and a bevy of fair-weather Democrat friends for her belief that Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election fair and square. Of course, those “friends” of hers would love nothing more than to see the GOP torn asunder by a civil war from now until Tuesday, November 8, 2022 — the date of our next midterm election.

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Breaking: GOP May Vote to Remove Never-Trumper Liz Cheney from Leadership

House Republicans may vote as early as May 12th to remove unhinged Trump-Hater Liz Cheney from House Republican leadership.
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Did They Miss the Science? Oregon Doubles Down on Stupid, Declares State of Emergency

As the pandemic wanes and more states look to restore some small measure of normalcy, there is some unique thinking taking place. It is time to start thinking outside of the usual boxes for a lot of locations. In eastern Oregon, Baker City residents and business owners have grown weary of the lockdowns. Governor Kate Brown is also keeping the mask mandates in place.

Mayor Kerry McQuisten was just sworn in this past January. She listened to the complaints of her constituents and took a closer look at the situation. The plan was simple: the city would become a “Common Sense Sanctuary”. In order to reduce the harm that was being caused to businesses and residents because of the mandates, a state of emergency was declared.
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College Professor Throws Tantrum Over Police Presentation

Biden’s Hateful Woke Mob Put Student on Leave After Saying “Cops Are Heroes”

As a student studying business at a community college in southern California, Braden Ellis has a college experience like most of us enjoyed. However, a recent presentation in a required communications class recently led to some very bizarre conversations. We thought that college was a place where different points of view could be shared but the woke mob is putting a stop to that.

It is sad to think of all the children who are going to be ostracized from their peer groups because of their willingness to think differently. In a presentation for a required communications class, he argued that cancel culture has gone too far and he wants the police to be considered heroes.
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I have never been more grateful to be living in Australia.

Re pink slaps, Tello, you are clearly moving towards a deep longing to be pink-slapped. This may be a fetish and the answer may be to deliberately not pink-slap you.

On the other hand...

"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Pink is the color of LOVE   :rose:
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Biden’s Open Border Is Fueling the ‘Deadliest Drug Epidemic in U.S. History’

As PJ Media has reported this week, the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border is worsening. A dozen Texas counties, many of them not directly situated on the border, have declared emergencies due to the explosive increase in human trafficking that the open border is facilitating.

The Washington Free Beacon reports that the open border is facilitating an additional outbreak of lawlessness. The opioid fentanyl is now flooding across the border.
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Stop Looking for Beef, It’s Killing Our Planet

The liberals are coming for the cows. Forget that beef is an important staple in the American diet. Forget that it is capable of providing incredibly important nutrition to humans. Cows fart – and the methane is killing the planet.

Are the global emissions from cows higher than the factories? Then the emissions from cars in traffic-laden cities? Absolutely not. Further, researchers in various parts of the world have even figured out how to adjust the diet of cows so that they’re not farting methane at dangerous levels.
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Systemic Leftist Indoctrination of America’s Next Generation
“Critical Race Theory” and “equity” are the Left’s reeducation camp catch words.

“The crisis is arrived when we must assert our rights, or submit to every imposition, that can be heaped upon us, till custom and use shall make us as tame and abject slaves.” —George Washington (1774)

The socialist Democrat Party’s short-term strategy to establish perennial majorities in the executive and legislative branches could be achieved most directly by House Resolution 1, which bears a laughably contrarian name — the “For the People Act.” Having passed in the House in March on a near-party-line vote, this scheme to legalize the Demos’ bulk-mail ballot fraud nationwide is now before the Senate (S1).

This corrupt assault on our Constitution could become law if Majority Leader Chuck Schumer can pull together sufficient bribes to get the pivotal vote of West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV). That would split the Senate vote 50-50 and Veep Kamala Harris would step in to cast the tiebreaker.
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Wednesday Live: UN Announces Criminal Plan to Forcibly Inject Children With Dangerous mRNA Frankenshots
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