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The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on April 28, 2024, 01:59:31 PM »
Why Chosen Ones are alone
No friends & No relationship

1 month ago
People Think We Are Loners ... But The TRUTH is .... We Are Never Alone.

“The more I get to know people the more I like my dog.” 
-Mark Twain
The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on April 28, 2024, 11:54:21 AM »
:tello: "The first to fail and deny me is the church.
Never again!"

Why People CANNOT Reciprocate with
Chosen Ones

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on April 28, 2024, 10:48:14 AM »
It's Coming! Chosen Ones and Starseeds, Signs You Are Leaving Soon

In this captivating exploration, join us as we uncover the profound journey of the chosen ones and starseeds, and delve into the signs indicating your imminent departure from the mundane.

With each passing moment, the resonance of the cosmos grows stronger within you, beckoning you towards your destined path. Discover the signs of your awakening, from a deep sense of inner knowing to heightened sensitivity to energy and vibration.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on April 28, 2024, 10:12:33 AM »
A Narcissist’s Gaslighting
Is Fueled By Paranoia

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on April 28, 2024, 10:00:08 AM »
The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on April 28, 2024, 09:42:54 AM »
9 Hidden Super Powers Every
Sigma Male Has

It's common knowledge that being a Sigma male comes with its own set of difficulties, especially in a world where conformity and criticism abound. But there are numerous strengths concealed within this distinct personality type. While Sigma men might not be the most popular figures, they often possess greater self-reliance and independence compared to others.

The Sigma male stands out in a crowd effortlessly and carries hidden strengths that might not be immediately obvious. He exudes confidence in himself and doesn't feel the need to prove anything to anyone.
Unlike the Alpha male who tends to be assertive and dominant, the Sigma man displays confidence without being forceful.

Moreover, he harbors numerous concealed strengths that only come to light when provided with the chance to shine. So, let's explore nine hidden powers of Sigma males.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on April 28, 2024, 08:39:05 AM »
The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on April 28, 2024, 06:14:30 AM »
How do I spot a
narcissistic person?

To spot a narcissistic person, you must use the force - your life force.

In the presence of a narcissist, you will slowly feel worse and worse. This is because the narcissist is an emotional black hole, and being in close proximity causes you to be sucked in, and crushed.

Don't worry about looking for certain words, dilated pupils, or DSM-5 traits, the surest sign that you are interacting with a narcissist is that you slowly feel misery seeping deep into your core.

Your feelings you must trust.

How do you know for sure you are with a narcissist?

1.) Moody

2.) Controlling

3.) Manipulating

4.) Silent Treatment

5.) Gas lighting

6.) Distancing

7.) Always complaining about small little things

8.) Lazy

9.) Always on their phone

10.) Being disrespectful

11.) Liar

12.) Cheater

13.) Too sensitive

14.) Always need validation from their SO

15.) Too friendly to your friends but not you

16.) Out of nowhere suddenly being sweet then grumpy again

17.) Easily get jealous specially with opposite sex

18.) Possessive

19.) Don't want to talk about their past relationship

20.) Lack of interest about you

21.) Passive aggressive

22.) Arrogant

23. ) The mask falls off after you confront him/her

24.) (S)he thinks (s)he is the greatest thing ever created by God

25.) It feels like you are talking to yourself when the narc is presence

26.) Smearing your name to common friends and at the same time wants to be with you

27.) No appreciation of anything you do for him/her

28.) Always look depress

29.) Future faking

30.) Love bombing stop around 2–3 months and you will feel like you are just roommates after the love bombing stage

31.) Boring partner

32.) Using push and pull tactic on the SO

33.) Always want to receive but never give

34.) Impulsive and reckless behavior

35.) Entitled

36.) Always saying bad things to other people (imagine what the narc is saying about you when you are not around?)

37.) History of cheating

38.) Pretentious

39.) Always want to look good to other people but it is just a façade

40.) Ignorant when (s)he makes a mistake

41.) No real long term friends, just acquaintances

42.) No empathy

43.) Selfish

44.) Charming

45.) Narc can’t be alone. The famous harmless discard “can we just be friends for now?” I need to find myself and have peace. Have peace with the new supply b!tch! (You will be the back up plan just incase the new supply doesn’t work out.)

46.) No real hobbies

47.) Always want attention

48.) Absent minded

49.) Lack of sleep (bad karma takes over their brain cells due to bad things they have done to people). No matter how they try to ignore it and escape from it, It will always hunt and follow them around. That is why they have sleepless nights

50.) Always think and act like (s)he is superior over you, even though people know (s)he not

51.) Always look miserable (If (s)he see you happy or smiling, the narc will give you a funny look because (s)he doesn't know how it feels to be really happy or (s)he will get mad and give you dirty look because the narc is paranoid that you might be making fun of him/her.)

52.) The narc words doesn’t match his/her actions

53.) Always the victim

54.) Best actors and actresses who should win a movie award

55.) It feels like you are walking into an egg shells during the relationshit

56.) If you are more successful in life, the narc will try to sabotage the relationshit just because you are doing better than him/her

57.) Drama Queen/King

58.) Self-Centered who thinks everything revolved around him/her

59.) Being humble and shy in the beginning of the relationshit, but rotten tomato inside

60.) Blaming you that the relationshit didn’t work out because you have issues. But In reality, it did not work out because (s)he is a PATHOLOGICAL liar, fake, serial CHEATER, and all of the above I mentioned!

61.) No closure after the break up

62.) Stalking you after the break up

63.) Hoovering you after the break up

Note: When the hoover doesn’t work and (s)he is in a bad situation with the new supply, the narc will go to a deep depression. The narc will quickly remember the best supply or the grade A supply. The narc will be like, wow! I left my old supply with this new loser supply? What am I thinking?

However, it will be too late to go back because some victims don’t forget what the narc did and there is no second chance. Betrayal, pain and disrespect! The victims never forget this! The narc is delusional that every victim is the same, but (s)he is wrong!
Karma is a b!tch! Their karma is you! Because they cant have you anymore. Don’t entertained these fools. There is no happiness with these pathetic losers and just pain, drama and chaos!

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on April 28, 2024, 05:45:57 AM »
What are the signs
that someone is
breadcrumbing you?
Is this manipulative?

The “miss you” text is a #1 sign of breadcrumbing. The perpetrator, (pwNPD or just a lame jerk) who wants to keep you on the back burner of their dating rotation will put in a minimum investment of time or energy on their part to keep you as a back up plan to ensure they will never be too lonely.

People who breadcrumb are like hoarders. They operate at their core from a place of lack and fear. They are afraid that they will be lonely so they hoard people and keep relationships shallow and take as much attention from you as possible.

With two simple words “miss” and “you” they can elicit an emotional connection that will start a conversation with someone who will take the bait and give them attention. For all you know the “miss you” text could have been sent to every person in the sender’s dating list in a mass message.

And yes, breadcrumbing is manipulation. The breadcrumber invests almost nothing and hopes that the recipient will show them how important or powerful they are by having the recipient respond with enthusiasm. The breadcrumbs tend to stop, with possible “Hail Mary” exceptions on holidays or when the breadcrumber is reaching to the back burner people because they lost their primary sources of attention. Life is better when you block them.

Edit: To clarify how it is manipulative, the breadcrumber chooses if and when to connect and controls the relationship without communicating expectations to the other person and purposefully jerking a person around is manipulative.

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