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Forum was down

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Dear members,

My apologies for the last hour or so of the forum being down. I'm informed that this site is being "seamlessly migrated to our new self-healing cloud infrastructure, Ferrari server. Ferrari server operates off clustered Core i7 Nehalems utilizing Enterprise iSCSI SANs. This means that your sites will be on a fully redundant setup, fault-tolerant against any hardware issues or component failures. In fact, 10 hard drives could die and multiple cloud machines can crash and your sites will still be up and running."

I think perhaps "seamlessly" wasn't quite the right word!

At any rate, after the migration has completed, we should be a great deal more secure from this happening again.

*Ubbie Max*:
Struth Countess, I don't understand that language. Reads good though.

Put simply - there are multiple computers and multiple disk drives that duplicate everything several times over - and are set up so they keep chugging away happily even if one or two or six of them die.  So you will never know if there is a problem.

Your desktop computer is likely to have a RAID controller - which means you can have multiple disk drives that all hold the same information.  This is good when that data is critical and a disk drive dies - the other(s) still have the data intact.  But since you only have one 'processor', if that fails, you're dead in the water.  You'll still have your data safely tucked away, but won't be able to get to it until the 'processor' is fixed or the disks swapped over to a working machine.

That Varieties Gal:

--- Quote from: *Ubbie Max* on January 23, 2010, 05:23:31 PM ---Struth Countess brumby , I don't understand that language. Reads good though.

--- End quote ---

Was the forum down last night/early morning?

I had trouble getting in after my last post last night...kept getting strange IE

I went to


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