Author Topic: Hello! I am posting with this ID to be transparent - not to be provocative.  (Read 42602 times)


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Thought I would just say hello as I was reading the threads and felt a bit like a thief in the night.

I am not here to disrupt or cause any concerns to anyone.
Believe it or not - it's true.  ;D

Lady Rose

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Welcome dargent, did you like what you read  :banana:


  • Guest
Hello dargent007 and welcome,  is that really you?

All are welcome here

Only real rules are common curtesy and respect to all


  • Guest
This forum seems very friendly and welcoming.

How has your day been? Lady Rose.  ;D

I like this idea of notifying a new post while you are typing. Very good!

Hi! hawk Yes! It is me.  ;D

Lady Rose

  • Guest
Had a quite day but going to a Rodeo tonight, sould be fun, might score a cowboy LOL

Lady Rose

  • Guest
Aha do i spy a history here that I dont know about, goodie.  :yess:


  • Guest

This forum seems very friendly and welcoming.

Hi! hawk Yes! It is me.  ;D

Its nice to catch up after such a long time, :)
perhaps you could email me to verify ?


  • Guest
lmao too funny!  :rofl:

how did this one get through? Didn't they recognise the ID?


  • Guest
Aha do i spy a history here that I dont know about, goodie.  :yess:

If it not a lookalike, you have no idea Lady Rose 


  • Guest
Karen all are welcome if they are respectful

Lady Rose

  • Guest
Yes we most have Chocolate.
Karen nice to see you  :chocdip:


  • Guest
haha lots of history, unless it's an imposter.

*waves* to dargent. Prove it?

Lady Rose, I haven't been away, been here lurking :)


  • Guest
Hello there, long time no see  ;D


  • Guest
Karen all are welcome if they are respectful
This is a  grown up forum !!!  :green::stay:


  • Guest
Hi! To all (too many to name) Thanks for the welcome.  ;D

I am completely over chocolate after Easter.
But I have plenty to share around, help yourselves.
My favourite is peppermint anything.

Lady Rose

  • Guest
Did I here someone at the gate crying Sanctuary, sanctuary, All are welcome if they behave  :pigsfly:


  • Guest
Did someone say chocolate?  Where?

Do you have any left over Dargent?  Can I have some?



  • Guest
Quite a lot actually.
I am an addict too but even I have a limit - apparently.

When I learn how to navigate this forum I'll teleport some over.  ;D


  • Guest
Seems that chocolate will be a good bribe for most members here, but I am already too fat so I won't be eating any myself.

You could add a picture of your offerings from (say) photobucket, using the button.

Or you could click "Additional Options" and then upload a picture direct from your computer using the Attach option.


  • Guest
Thanks for that info llama.  ;D
Sorry beefy - at a loss to comprehend 'the two kittens' if that was for me.


  • Guest
Hey 007 - here's one I posted in another thread, and it's perfect for here  ;D

Poor kid - we all know how absolutely shocking that kind of behaviour is to the young'uns :o


  • Guest
Hey! We can speak freely here !! :D


  • Knight of the RT
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  • Posts: 1382
Hey! We can speak freely here !! :D

Up to a point.... Don't swear... Don't bait... Don't Flame.

If you do you're gone.


If you try to fail, and succeed, what have you done ??


  • Guest
Good one Llama - I love it.  ;D

Hi! Beefy I can only say this, it is your choice to believe me or not.

I am dargent (bruce male) from Brisbane and Barbara is Barbara (female) from NSW, contrary to some (to me) rather inexplicable conjecture. 

If I was posting *as* Barbara there are many people you trust, who would tell you that I would admit this first time asked. 
I have a reputation for this sort of odd behaviour.
Poddy can tell you. lol  ;D

Hi! did647  ;D
I would prefer people to say exactly what is on their mind to me.
I may be able to clear up some misinformation of which there is a sizable amount.
I won't retaliate.


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Welcome to the OZ Round Table.

This is a fun and informative place with very simple ideals and a few basic rules.

I do hope you have read Desiderata, they are the values and ideals that we strive for, if you are like minded you will fit in here well.

However I would like to remind you that departure from those idealistic rules meets with swift repercussions


  • Guest
Hey! We can speak freely here !! :D

Up to a point.... Don't swear... Don't bait... Don't Flame.

If you do you're gone.


Can we add no threats to that.  My first not happy experience here.:(  I said freely not badly !!  I don't believe I would be known for any of those things.:(

Just discovered another  good thing I can remove and redo a post  to make sure it's in the right place.  ;D


  • Guest
Hi! Poddy.  ;D

I tried to confirm it was me to hawk but his addy must have changed because it was returned to me.
I will post here what I had sent to him.
I am hoping this will set your mind at ease re my posting here.

Hi! hawk,

Just verifying that it is moi on the Countess's Round Table.
Not only am I not intending to cause trouble.
I am intending to refuse to be drawn into trouble.

As you know I have always had a strong desire to see the splits in the community resolved.
I have no desire to have discontent and abrasiveness.

I am a polite and amiable person by nature and personal preference.

Many of us have been seen at our worst - more often than our best.

I'm certain we can ALL do better.

I'll start.  ;D


  • Guest
Many of us have been seen at our worst - more often than our best.

This is the adversarial attitude that the Ebay/Paypal regime seems to foster. :( But not here  :green: I'm happy again :green:

Lady Rose

  • Guest
dargent I believe your reputation precedes you, I will even go as far to say you are used to frighten naughty ebay children in to submission, go to sleep or Bruce will get you LOL.
Well we will just have to see wont weI thought you lived in QLD


  • Administrator
  • Knight of the RT
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Background on dargent007: This is Bruce - oft spoken of. You may know Bruce under any one of a number of different IDs, which he created on the eBay forums after being NARUd.

Bruce also appeared on the UK Aussie Refugee thread.

Dargent007, this is why I'm worried. Everyone wanted the harassment to end, and a peaceful environment with safety and comfort for the members to be achieved. I'm not sure why this forum even attracts you, since the focus is on how we can help eBay members who can no longer received detailed help in the eBay forums, by offering what consumer-to-consumer advice we can, based on our own experiences. Please promise me that you'll give courtesy and respect and no harassment to all the members on these forums, and you'll be welcome. I'm sorry to be guarded, but past history makes us wary.

I hope you understand.

EDIT: Dargent007, this isn't my forum! I'm here to help in a certain position; it's the brainchild and wish of a number of eBayers who buy and sell on eBay, but are so frustrated at what's happened there that they want to be able to help freely and fairly as well as interact without being maliciously attacked.
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"

Lady Rose

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didi Welcome to the Knights RT, I think someone misunderstood you. :wizdrag:


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You have said that you can clear up a few things.

May I enquire as to what things you would like to clear up?


  • Guest
didi Welcome to the Knights RT, I think someone misunderstood you. :wizdrag:
Thank You !! :D


  • Guest
I tried to confirm it was me to hawk but his addy must have changed because it was returned to me.

My own email earlier to his @****tek addie bounced back a few minutes ago. So there is definitely some problem with his older email addies.

I sure hope we don't have to report him to T&S for False Contact Details  ;D


  • Guest
Hello dargent007 the email address you had from last November when we were talking about a Friend is still very current and working.


  • Guest
Just a possibility  If it is a Windows live hotmail address , I have been having all sorts of problems . If I send more than one email it treats me as spam !!

Lady Rose

  • Guest
sorry didi cant help you there, I will wait for one of the computer experts


  • Guest
Ha Ha Lady Rose that is rather funny really because I am such a kid myself.
I better stay away from mirrors before retiring.  ;D
I am from Brisbane.

Hello Countess I understand your caution but you have no reason for concern.  ;D
My reason for being here?
Originally it was to see if there was innuendo, of which there is some but far less than I suspected from what little I have read.
On impulse I decided if I was not pelted with rotten fruit and vegetables then I might show that I can be a reasonable and friendly person too.
I would also love the opportunity to have members ask me for the truth about things that have them confused because there are some quite bizarre fallacies spread about.
For example that Saint Barbara and I are the same person. (this is bizarre in my opinion)

I have no intention or desire to be a long term poster on your forum.
I am a realist and there is too much water passed under the bridge for better than civillity.
Even though I will endeavour to post in a 'friendly' manner as is necessary in such circumstances I don't expect any more than basic civility in return.

I assure you, you have nothing to be concerned about.

Congratulations on your construction of this forum, it is excellent.

Hi! Hawk that addy wasn't saved in my contacts for some reason and I will have to go back about one hundred pages or so to find it.
I copied to the 3 addys that were in my contacts but all are now obsolete.

Surely you recognize me by now anyway.
I am happy to confirm if you still feel you need me to.  ;D


  • Guest

Thats OK I will accept that you are who you say, and will leave you to enjoy our new home.

Have a good day



  • Guest
Thanks hawk.
I will attempt to be as unobtrusive as possible.  ;D

Poddy I believe that your question was answered in subsequent posts but please ask again if you want more information.
I never refuse to answer questions, I welcome them.  ;D


  • Knight of the RT
  • *****
  • Posts: 1382
Ok Dargent,

Question for you...

Why were (are) you so disruptive and downright rude on the ebay boards ??
If you try to fail, and succeed, what have you done ??


  • Guest

I notice that once again you have side stepped my question; I didn’t really expect a reply.

I guess old habits die hard.

I am guessing that you are missing the intellectual stimulus that the eBay RT offered in the past.

Here you can get all the stimulus you crave, as long as you are constructive, and prepared to contribute in a positive way to the growth of this site


  • Guest
Hi! barney  ;D The answer lies in the perceptions we have of others' posts.
I believe that I was reacting to similar nastiness as opposed to starting it. (most of the time)
It is obvious that everyone feels this.

I believe that everyone should accept that they made some posts that were unfriendly.
Who actually started any particular stream of antagonism is often blurred by subtle innuendo that not all pick up on and the fact that conversations carry across different threads.

Regardless of whether I had any excuse though, it is obvious that things got completely out of hand.
I am not proud (in fact I'm ashamed) of many comments and attacks I made.
They can not be justified.

Hi! Poddy I am disappointed that you feel that.
I thought your question was answered in my later posts.
One thing I wanted to clear up is the belief that Barbara is me.
I also said I would like to clarify any points about which members were confused.
I will tell the truth and they can choose to believe me or not.
At least the truth (according to my best memory) will have been aired - if it is not accepted, we are in no worse a position.  ;D


  • Knight of the RT
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  • Posts: 1382

You Haven't answered my question.

Who started it was not my question
Who perceives what was not my question..

Why were (are) you so dispruptive and downright rude on the ebay boards ??

What was (is) your motive ??

What did (do) you hope to gain ??
If you try to fail, and succeed, what have you done ??


  • Guest

I am sure that you are well aware that you are on trial here.
I am also sure that you are aware that every word you utter is and will be under the closest scrutiny.
i am also sure that many questions will be put to you and your answers looked at under a microscope and disected and probed.
Now that should be quite a lot of mental stimulus for you

You came of you own free will and that is comendable, or if there is an ulterior motive, pretty dumb

Good luck if you wish to continue


  • Guest
"Why were (are) you so dispruptive and downright rude on the ebay boards ??

What was (is) your motive ??

What did (do) you hope to gain ??

Hi! barney I 'thought' I did answer it but I will try again.
I *perceived* many of the posts made to and about myself and my friends as very nasty and untruthful.
This is why I was what you and many others *perceived* me to be "so dispruptive and downright rude on the ebay boards"
My motive was often revenge for that perceived slight or insult.
I never had intention to purely disrupt a thread.
There were many threads that were continually denigrating myself and friends even though some of those posters may not perceive that they were doing so.
I only hoped to gain some of what I perceived as justice.

I am sorry for the multiple uses of perceived but it is unavoidable.
So much of the nastiness evolved because of each individual's perception of the same post.

Incidentally there were many times I was accused of being on the threads and making nasty posts when it wasn't me.
There were plenty of times it was me - but some discount of your impressions as to my nastiness can be made.

If this hasn't answered your question please say so.  ;D

I have no ulterior motive Poddy.
I am not trying to defend myself or cast blame on anyone.
The past is over.

I welcome scrutiny and skepticism.
I will tell the truth and both of the above will help me prove that.  ;D


  • Knight of the RT
  • *****
  • Posts: 1382
A simple yes or no..

Did you (and do you still) use another current member's (or other current Members') ID(s) to post with ??
If you try to fail, and succeed, what have you done ??


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  • Guest
OK dargent007

One question

Think hard before you answer

Did you or did you not email friends of your to post what you told them to post?

Yes or no


  • Guest

Not anywhere near as often as was assumed though.