Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2929924 times)


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"Public polls show Joe Biden gets his lowest marks from the public on the issue of immigration."

Kamala Harris realized Joe Biden set her up to fail with this one decision

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Always Picking on The Past. Why not dig into NOW?
There's enough torture in America to go around.

New Jersey School Board Votes to Remove Holidays from Calendar to Be More Inclusive

The majority of states celebrate Columbus Day, a holiday meant to honor the memory of Christopher Columbus’ arrival in the Americas on October 12, 1492.

Over the past decade, public opinion has begun to turn against the Italian explorer amidst claims of his cruel “treatment of the indigenous communities he encountered and for his role in the violent colonization at their expense,” according to CNN.

An article in informs readers that “Upon arriving in the Bahamas, the explorer and his men forced the native peoples they found there into slavery. Later, while serving as the governor of Hispaniola, he allegedly imposed barbaric forms of punishment, including torture.”
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Glenn’s FIERY response to President Obama for ‘planting’ America’s MARXIST seeds

Former President Barack Obama sat down with CNN’s Anderson Cooper recently for an interview scheduled to air in full on Friday. During it, Obama called out the right-wing media for ‘stoking fears and resentment’ of white Americans.

So, in this clip, Glenn sets the record straight: the ring-wing media’s efforts to call out the far-left have NOTHING to do with race in America, but rather everything to do with protecting our way of life that is being threatened more and more each day by the radical, Marxist ideology seeping into government.

Glenn says Obama is a liar, somebody who spied on reporters and political enemies to get his way, but more importantly, the worst thing President Obama did was plant and water the seeds of Marxism in our nation by constantly calling out ‘race!’
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I'm not going any further until all of you see
that ^ video!

Make it last.
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Did you get that?

Moving right along.....

"For years, Sandy Davis struggled with spraying hornets’ nests on her patio with toxic pesticides, known to harm bees, birds and other wildlife.

After reading that hornets, and other wasps, are very territorial and will not build nests anywhere near each other, she had an idea.

She crocheted a wasp nest look-alike to trick the hornets into thinking others already lived there. She hung it up 4 years ago and hasn’t had “a single one since.” "

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Movie Night in the Bunker has reached a new HIGH.

The Gong Show Movie.
I found it while browsing tubi.
I remember in 2009 I was looking for a copy and not even eBay had it.
It was so Cult no one can have it.
Now it's on my streaming screaming TV.

WAIT! I'm not done with you.

Triple Feature:
Gong Show Movie
Blazing Saddles
A Boy And His Dog

So don't let anybody ask about what's wrong with me.

I'm fine.
Culture helps me maintain my youthful complexion.

Let's see smee TOP that!
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Oh, BTW: Lotus is at the beach this evening.
I'm a sole survivor here now.
When she comes back
we will ride in her fruity little car
to Market.

Fetch supplies.

Hob Nob with the Locals
and split.
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And then there's this:

The Brain That Wouldn't Die
TV-PG · 1962 · 1hr 22min · Sci-Fi/Horror
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Magna Carta Is Sealed
June 15, 1215

Sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better. In 1215, King John ruled England with ruthlessness, spending lavishly on wars, taxing relentlessly, and imprisoning anyone who disagreed with him.

After 16 years of misrule, a rebel faction of England’s most powerful feudal nobility decided they’d had enough. The barons captured London, and on June 15, 1215, forced King John to accept a document that would become the cornerstone of human rights: the Magna Carta.

Meaning "Great Charter" in Latin, the Magna Carta contained 63 clauses pertaining to a variety of medieval customs. Crucially, it stated that "no free man shall be seized, imprisoned, dispossessed, outlawed, exiled or ruined in any way... except by the lawful judgement of his peers and the law of the land," which effectively restrained the absolute power of the king.

This radical document met staunch opposition in a world where monarchs were considered anointed by God, and England soon descended into civil war. But the Magna Carta survived the conflict. It became the bedrock of English law and the inspiration behind some of humanity’s greatest expressions of freedom, including the U.S. Bill of Rights and the United Nation’s Declaration of Human Rights.
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Oil & Gas Industry Planning To Replace Vaccinated Personnel

A recruiter for oil and gas corporations recently gave an ominous warning on Tik Tok, claiming that these big companies are mysteriously preparing to replace their vaccinated employees within three years.
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One Republican Congressman is demanding answers about Facebook’s collusion with Dr. Fauci

Facebook is finally facing the scrutiny it deserves.

Released emails show CEO Mark Zuckerberg was in early contact with Dr. Antony Fauci.

And one Republican Congressman is demanding answers about Facebook’s collusion with Dr. Fauci.

Congressman Jim Jordan wants answers from Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

Jordan is known for his aggressive and effective questioning style during congressional hearings, and Zuckerberg has a lot to answer for.

Due to a FOIA request, Dr. Anthony Fauci’s emails were released to the public, and many of them were disturbing.

Not only did Fauci know that the lab leak hypothesis was legitimate, but he seemingly coordinated with Facebook to shape the establishment narrative about COVID-19.
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Nobody is safe from the wrath of the establishment.
The establishment has clearly used COVID as a pretext to accrue more power.

A liberal author was just blacklisted for what she said about the coronavirus

“I was suspended on Twitter for trying to post a two minute video in which I read verbatim a press release from State Sen Kim Thatcher’s (R-OR) office about SB 872, her bill to ban vaccine passports and mask mandates in Oregon. While news of my suspension is trending on Twitter, news outlets are generally omitting the reason. This is the text I read that got me banned from Twitter. Please include it. It’s un-American, generally illiberal, and a very dangerous precedent, to censor civic engagement. Thank you,  friends and colleagues.”

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Liberty Counsel General <>

Tue, Jun 15 at 1:17 PM

Dear Ron,

Thank you for the Five Bucks and taking time to make your voice heard. I commend you. Your fax is being processed and will soon be on its way.

Liberty Counsel defends freedom by providing free legal services, and much more.

We never charge our clients because we know most people can’t afford to fight the practically endless resources of government entities and radical activist groups.

Our work is ONLY possible because of YOU.

Finally, keep praying according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. Our country desperately needs healing, and God hears our prayers!


Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman

P.S. Share our emails and news with your friends so that they can receive the truthful news and analysis that Liberty Counsel provides!


This is the fax being sent on your behalf.

STOP Mandatory COVID Injections, Vaccine Passports, and Tracking Apps!

Dear Sir or Madam,

I oppose mandatory COVID injections, Vaccine Passports and tracking and tracing apps.

I should have the free choice to determine if I want a COVID shot. Neither government nor private corporations have the right to force me to have a so-called “Vaccine Passport.” Nor should an app that contains my private medical information and that tracks and traces my movement be permitted.

The idea of a Vaccine Passport did not begin with COVID and will not end with COVID. Such a medical or health digital passport presents a serious threat to freedom. My private medical decisions regarding a COVID shot or other vaccine should not determine whether I can leave my home, work, shop, dine or worship.

I stand firmly opposed to any mandatory vaccines or so-called vaccine passports

I urge you to fight against any direct or indirect effort to make COVID shots mandatory, to require a Vaccine Passport or to electronically track and trace my movements.


Ron Tello Culley

*If contribution was made anonymously, your fax letter will be signed "Concerned Citizen."
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Texas reporter goes rogue during live shot, says station is ‘muzzling’ her. The video has been viewed more than 2 million times.

A Fox affiliate reporter went off-script during a Monday report on the Texas heat wave, stating that the "Fox Corp." was "muzzling" her and preventing its viewers from receiving "certain information."

KRIV-TV reporter Ivory Hecker said that she planned to release the information — which she'd covertly recorded — to James O'Keefe's Project Veritas.
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Sponsored Satire

Surefire Ways To Win An Argument With Your Wife

Here at the Babylon Bee, we enjoy perfect marriages with our smokin' hot wives. We understand not everyone is perfect though-- sometimes you get into arguments with your wife. (Haha! Noob!)

To help you navigate these difficult talks, be sure to follow these expert arguing tips from the marriage experts at The Bee.

1. As soon as you start arguing, take off your shirt to distract her with your greek god body: She will immediately be overcome with desire and completely forget that she's mad at you.

2. Use cold, hard reason meticulously explained and re-explained: Using logic and reason in an argument with your wife will help her immediately understand how ridiculous she's being. Problem solved!

3. Ask her if she's on her period: Then just tell her lovingly that you know this is just because of the lady hormones and won't hold it against her

4. Helpfully suggest she calm down: Sometimes, wives forget to calm down. One helpful reminder and all tempers will dissipate! You're a genius!

5. Make an excel spreadsheet so you can follow the argument better: Sometimes, arguments with your wife will branch off into multiple unexpected paths at once. Keep track so you can address each issue, and check it off your list as you do!

6. Remind her that the thing she just said sounds like something her mother would say: Also remind her that your mother never talks to you like this.

7. Threaten to boycott mowing the lawn: She might try to mow the lawn herself, but she won't be able to pull that crank start thingy. She'll realize just how essential you are!

8. Bring in all the kids and ask them to vote on who is right: This will also help you figure out which kids are on your side and which ones you need to keep an eye on.

There you have it! Enjoy many decades of a happy marriage!
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Top GOP Governor ‘Glock Blocks’ Biden’s Radical Policies

Missouri Republican Governor Mike Parson signed a bill into law over the weekend prohibiting local police departments from enforcing federal gun control laws that violate Second Amendment rights, as Biden looks to strip weapons away from law-abiding citizens.
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Fox News Host Predicts 2025 Civil War Events

Fox News liberal analyst Juan Williams put out a stunningly stupid warning in his op-ed on Monday, saying that he thinks Republicans are laying the foundation to “steal an election.”

Williams says that the GOP were trying to deflect attention from Jan. 6th — not due to wanting to evade responsibility, but because they want to cause another incident on January 6th 2025.
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Speaking of any good...Head Check!

Where am I?
How am I doing?

Lotus will be here tonight to sort it out.

Maybe she'll post!

I'd like that!

Meanwhile, back at the To Do List:

1 out of 3 is a Good Faith Effort.

Failure is common.
Hey, at least the children aren't crying
stealing cars.

Maybe cuz I'm Open Carry today?

That's right folks! I packed heat to take out the trash.

Next week, a machine gun to wash the car.

When BATF shows up, they better have a Rep. from the Honda Car Company
to verify the warranty.
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The Peanut Gallery: "Oh look out--he's LOSING IT!!!"

Tello: "You Dicks don't know that I'm still looking for it!"

Shut up, smee...
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Lindsey Graham Issues Statement on Wuhan Lab Leak Theory

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) suggested on Tuesday night that denial of the lab leak theory was a tool to discredit former President Donald Trump and a way for scientists to hide their ties with the Wuhan lab.

The story: Graham discussed the massive change in stance on the theory that the virus might have come from a lab in Wuhan, China during an appearance on Fox News. He specifically referred to a statement issued in February last year that dismissed the lab leak theory. And Fauci needs to take his well-deserved "LUMPS".
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Diane Franssen is with Nicole Ward at Franssens Lil Piece of Heaven In Paradise on the Greens.
11h  · Helendale  California High Desert, A PIT of scamicidal Real Estate Schemes! ·
Enjoy your breakfast Peter Rabbit. Next week you might be dinner since the kids are coming.

Ginger Snap
That’s a great picture! I love seeing bunny’s, but do you have any plants he’s eating for yours?

Diane Franssen
Ginger i got them rabbit food but they don't like it. They enjoy the grass.

Jennie Taylor McFarling
Yum, fried rabbit.
When I was young, mom raised them for food. I was never allowed to pet them out get near them being the animal lover I’ve always been.
We also raised our own beef.

Tammy Dennis Malimban
Here comes Peter Cottontail hopping down the Bunny Trail

Ron Tello Culley
He's a "Fryer".

Ron Tello Culley
Always check the liver for spots. Never hunt rabbits in the months that start with J. Desert Rat Technology.

Ron Tello Culley
Hey, why do I have to be helpful? Don't you know anything?
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Drunk ain't so bad.

Sober ain't so bad.

Life is Subjective, so just...DON'T.

Government Intervention: REALLY BAD!

Our play is to shove their own dirt up their bum.

Stand by...... we have dirt, gravel, mud and a questionable
Building Permits issue from 20 years ago.

Or did it not happen?

Dirt is what you can't wash out so easily with a hand wash.....
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If there is anymore shite to be held true and known,
can you please redirect your mouth to the usual channels...

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I will be very happy to field your concerns.
My InBox is just as busy as a dead hooker.

I don't hate life.

I just don't hear from it....
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Yeah, lol, right, everybody knows....

the Evidence doesn't matter when your face will do.

They call them MUG SHOTS for a reason.

Worked against me!
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Why am I not assassionated yet?
Why did I not spell it right?
Am I in transit again? STRESSSSSS?????
Out of the bunker and into the swamp?

FOOLS! We're in a drought again. The only swamp around here
is a Cooler.

The place has missing data. Not all truths are told.

I tell em, but Lurkers don't coun't and that's stupid sad status quo sick.

I don't do Retail.

The next thing you hear in the night to go "CLANG"... that's me with my CLANG Cymbal.
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With the right Agent and the necessary connections.....
CLANG can possibly be the greatest gimmack
show EVER since :

Ed Sullivan

Johnny Carson

P.T. Barnum

Henry J. Casolari

Pee Wee Herman

Remo Ron, So. Cal.

You won't find it on the Internet.
I looked.

See, there is ONLY ONE AND I HAVE IT!!!


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You Won eBay Item: UFIP Clangs 10" Effects cymbal Vintage Italian Cymbal (300056970699)
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Mon, Dec 11, 2006 at 1:41 PM

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UFIP Clangs 10" Effects cymbal Vintage Italian Cymbal
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Flocking 2006!

Never been there.....©
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Fancy how I still have my eBay Files!

It's dirt.

A filthy display of me pissing orf a million dollars USD.

It took 10 years.

Flock orf.

I am your problem now.

Read on...
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This is what made the Nightmares stop!
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Not to be associated with that whole Jerky Thang going on here....
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1188000 Views   :r3830:   :drummer:     :duckling:
"We'll ask the questions."
-Lenny Briscoe

:tello: "I confess! One Million and how much?
Those are MY Ratings and you can't touch them!"
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If you go along with this idea,
you are culpable!

Fancy that!

You being a co-defendant in a Tello Case!

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