Author Topic: Tales From The Narc Side  (Read 37448 times)


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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #200 on: April 17, 2024, 09:49:35 AM »
Do the majority of narcissists have trouble controlling their anger?

Narcissists are parasites.

They target you for your goodness, energy, connections and status.

They do this to suck the life energy out of you.

And when they can’t be like you they flocking HATE you…they want you flocking DEAD.

You go from the pedestal to the trash compactor and the butcher block from hades because you did ONE thing WRONG to them.

You are not perfect anymore so to them you are now going to pay the price.

Narcissists think all good or ALL BAD

But to keep you around they have to sometimes give you a little have to be sucked of every ounce of life before they move on to the next supply source.

When you are in the all bad category they will do everything in their power to destroy you, but they need you at the same time.

Look, these people are flocking insane okay…

Maybe it’s not registered yet in your skull but maybe this will convince you to CUT all TIES.

There are some malignant psychopaths who kill their victims, mutilate their bodies and return to the scene of the crime to “Relive those precious moments”when they were torturing their victims and (too violent to mention) activities they were doing.

Narcissists are a step below this.

They hoover you back to finish the job (they want you to take your own life).

Think about it for a second, but no longer.

These people are dangerous to your mental health.

They are angry at themselves and they project that anger onto you and they will keep doing it until you are only a shell of a human left.

Leave them behind as it’s your best option!!

Pack your bags and make an escape plan secretly.... NOW!!

What is the purpose of giving someone the "Silent Treatment"?

Narcissists gives silent treatment to keep you under control. When narcissists wants something from you or when they are grooming new supply, they will give you silent treatment.

Narcissists gives silent treatment when they don't get things their way, they will go silent to show they are hurt. In the end you have bow down to their demands.

Narcissists gives silent treatment when they want you to give them an apology for being wrong, unless you don't say sorry narcissists will be silent.

Narcissists gives silent treatment when they are grooming new supply or cheating on other supplies, in this narcissists will pick fights to give you silent treatment to focus on their cheating.

Narcissists can give silent treatment when they don't want you to question their activities coz they are doing something horrible, they don't want you to interfere. Narcissists will execute silent treatment to avoid being questioned.

Narcissists are childish, silent treatment is childish behavior to get what they want.

What did you learn from your narcissistic relationship?

Don’t lose yourself trying to hold on to someone who does not care about losing you .

Stop breaking your own heart by trying to make a foxy relationship work that clearly isn't meant to work.

You can't force someone to care about you. You can't force someone to be loyal.

You can't force someone to be the person you need them to be. Sometimes the person you want most is the person you're best without.

You got to understand some things are meant to happen, but just not meant to be. Some things are meant to come in your life, just not meant to stay.

Don't lose yourself by trying to fix what's meant to stay broken. You can't get the relationship you need from someone who's not ready to give it to you.

Don't put your happiness on hold for someone who isn't holding on to you. Just move on and never look back.

Some chapters just have to close without closure.

Straight up !

Did you feel traumatized after your relationship with a narcissist?

A narcissist will break you, break your spirit, strip you of your dignity, humiliate you, drag you down to the ground floor, and destroy your self-confidence and self-esteem. A narcissist will cause deep trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depression.

A narcissist will lead you to all kinds of fears and insecurities, which will lead to all kinds of psychosomatic symptoms, which will lead to a significant deterioration of your health. A narcissist will make you have trouble falling asleep, have trouble staying asleep, and will keep you awake at night. Narcissus is the cause of long-term high stress levels and high cortisol levels.

This is extremely harmful, many people have very serious problems getting back to themselves. It is extremely demanding and time-consuming, requires therapy and various types of additional help, as well as an individual approach that is not widely available. Few specialists have experienced this in practice, and most of them, if they know anything about it, know it only in theory.

Before asking for any help, think twice, because sometimes you may end up in the gutter due to rain. It’s darkest under the streetlights, people go to specialists thinking that something is wrong with them, and the cause lies completely somewhere else. If the diagnosis is incorrect, you may spend many more years with the narcissist on strong medications.

Some people were even considered disordered, and others were misdiagnosed because the narcissist managed to manipulate all parties. There is nothing worse than going to the wrong person - it’s like missing cancer, we all know what the consequences can be. Delayed diagnosis often has irreversible consequences.

Toxic people manipulate their victims so much that the victim thinks they have a problem with themselves. If this person also hears it from a specialist who confirms it, we have a serious problem. That is why awareness of narcissistic abuse is so important so that people can recognize it in time.

In a toxic relationship, the problem is not you. The problem is the fact that you were with a toxic person who brainwashed you and manipulated you into thinking that you were the problem. You blame yourself and think about the narcissist all the time.

Reversing this is an extremely difficult task. If a narcissist is not detected in time, the damage is often largely irreversible, and damage that has already occurred can be only minimized.

It’s one thing when you think there’s something wrong with you for half a year or a year, and another thing when you think like that for several decades. It all depends on when you start detox. It all depends on when you start rehabilitation. The sooner you start, the better the chances and the better the prognosis.

When you are already broken by a narcissist, when you are already on antidepressants, this is the beginning of the road where you should benefit from the best help and support.

What do narcissists want in a real friendship?

What they want is to find a way past your guard, so that they can sabotage you.

The narcissist is endlessly envious, and cannot stand your superiority. If they can convince you of your inferiority, then they feel they are better than you.

The narcissist attacks your foundations.

Narcissists begin with lots of flattery, gifts, accommodation of your wishes, and then when they have you addicted, they begin to cut off their supply, and replace it with abuse. This is done to make you feel worthless, the purpose is to collapse you, so that you stop doing the things you love. The idea is that you would have neglected those things while the narcissist was showering you with fake and phony love and affection.

I can't tell you how many people have tried to stop me from writing here, using this pathetic strategy. They are my inspiration to defiantly continue, they push me to work harder, and to create more.

Let's give all my narcissists

(for I have many)

a round of applause.

How does a narcissist live with himself?

Narcissists are mostly normal humans. They act normal. You expect this to continue. Then they do something out of left field that makes zero sense.

They come on strong and make it clear they are invested in you and you are both either best friends forever, soul mates, or something like that. They put you in that #1 role in their life and treat you well. They pretend to agree with you and like whatever you like.

Until they don’t. Then they treat you horribly. But it was just a joke. It was a misunderstanding. They didn’t mean it like that. Why are you so sensitive for no reason? You’re just trying to cause drama by being upset about one little comment. But we’re still soulmates and best friends though so they’ll forgive you for being dramatic. You were dramatic when you asked that they not call you fat.

You constantly have to piece together their words or behavior that makes sense with the moments that don’t make sense—at all.

For a normal human, unusual moments of not acting like ourselves can be attributed to some unusual situation (not sleeping for 3 days, coming out of anesthesia, etc), or an underlying cause (having a midlife crisis that’s been building for decades), which if you look into it, you can find. And then it makes sense.

Narcissists still don’t make sense even if you look into it.

You then project and think, “If I were to treat someone this horribly, it would only be because they had done something hideous to me and I truly hated them,” so then you try to remember if you acted in a hideous way and assume you must have done something to receive such awful treatment out of the blue.

Your mind grasps at straws trying to understand what the heck is going on. This drains your physical and mental energy. Exhausted, the narcissist then manipulates you further, adding further confusion and stress.

You will try to logically support why you’re upset, but it’s hard to pinpoint what was wrong with what they said or did. You told them you got a promotion and they avoid eye contact, say nothing, yawn, and then look at their phone, but is that really so bad? It hurt, but can you really expect them to jump up and down or what? You’ll struggle to figure out what’s going on and why it’s wrong.

When you bring up things, even stating them in a nice and careful way, they’ll rage and accuse you of whatever it is THEY are doing. If they refuse to clean, they’ll call you a slob. If they are selfish, they’ll say to you, “You always have to get your way, don’t you?” even if you’d asked for a tiny basic thing.

When you finally realize this is way over the line, you leave or end things. You’re finally away from the stress, though still confused.

But now the narcissist has a full explanation for everything and a long heart-felt apology and promises of how things will be different. Plus they use a lot of guilt, sympathy seeking, etc.

You feel for them because you have empathy and this makes things confusing again. They just want to talk on the phone real quick or get a coffee and they’re in your neighborhood anyway. Maybe you should? If it all was one silly misunderstanding, or even if it was your fault, it would be such a relief and you could still go on loving them…wouldn’t that be great? And you get sucked in again.

Most people who aren’t also narcissists will end up blaming themselves for how a narcissist acts, and will try to change themselves instead of realizing the narcissist is the problem.

That’s just where the narcissist wants you! Feeling horrible, confused, sad, but trying to cater to them.

If you ever can get away from them, thoughts may nag you for years wondering if it really was all your fault and they were right about you with the insults they said and the horrible ways they treated you. It can take a long time to undo the toxic affect a narcissist has on you.

Knowing the red flags and understanding the pattern is what allows the world to make sense again. Then you know not to blame yourself for the things they do/did, and instead can focus on your own self-development.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #201 on: April 17, 2024, 10:52:00 AM »
What are signs that a covert narcissist has been defeated?

1. Their reaction to the truth.

When dealing with someone who has a destructive narcissist personality pattern, it takes nothing more than being a truth speaker to set them off and defeat them truly. All it takes is speaking the truth, and they are fully defeated, and that's obvious by their reaction. Now, whether or not they admit to that is a whole other thing. A narcissist is never going to admit defeat even when clearly and very plain for all to see they have indeed been defeated. Assuming you're safe and operating from a position of strength, all it takes is to speak the truth, and I assure you, you have the upper hand, which, in my view, is clearly evidenced by the way in which they react to the truth speaker. Now, will you be hated? Absolutely. Will you be targeted? For sure. You cannot be both a truth speaker and on the narcissist team. That's impossible. The truth and the narcissist are like oil and water. They cannot comfortably coexist. The truth is fully repellent to a destructive narcissist. Why? Because their entire lives are built on a mountain of lies and deception. It's all an illusion, not least of which being their "I'm such a wonderful human being" performance. So needless to say, anyone who comes along and dare speak some truth into the situation is going to upset the apple cart in a big way.

2. Their reaction to boundaries.

Wanna know who and what you're dealing with? Set a boundary, have limits. Draw a clear line in the sand, say no. The narcissist's reaction to boundaries is like their reaction to the truth, nothing short of ugly, and that, my friend, spells defeat. Begin with the dirt honest truth and some good old fashioned limits and boundaries. Boom. That's all it takes.

3. Gaslighting doesn't work anymore.

When a narcissist can't succeed in gaslighting you, again, you'll be in for a dose of narcissistic rage. This is when their true colors come to light. The mask slips entirely, and you get to see the real deal, the reality of who and what you're dealing with as opposed to the false image and fake phony persona they parade around with. Now again, you know you've defeated the narcissist when they cannot succeed in gaslighting you. They know it and you know it, and they are none too happy about it.

4. Social media stalking.

Another sign you've defeated the narcissist is when they're stalking your social media profiles for real. Green with envy, little lookie-loos that they are, they can't drop a like or a comment to endorse or support you in any way. No, they're far too envious in stingy of spirit for that, but they do stalk. They scan all the socials like creepy little voyeurs, peeping through your living room windows, thinking you don't know. It would actually be comical if it weren't so sad. You know you've defeated the narcissist when you're busy living your best life, walking off into the sunset, doing your thing, whatever it is you do best, happy as can be. Well, they seem to have nothing better to do with their time than to stalk you on the interwebs. I'd call that defeat, a clear defeat.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #202 on: April 17, 2024, 12:20:21 PM »
The Darkest Form of Narcissism – How to Spot Them and How to Protect Yourself
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #203 on: April 17, 2024, 02:25:42 PM »
Jesus said, Let the dead bury the dead.
The Narcissist is Dead Inside

1 year ago (edited)
One thing that I noticed about narcissist, is that they know that something is wrong with them, they just don’t know how to come out of it. They lack self awareness. They just don’t know how to fix it, because their pride and selfishness won’t allow it.

Have you ever noticed how narcissist constantly interrupts? It’s that darkness in them rising up not wanting your words to penetrate through to their host. Demons are like parasites that use humans as “Host”. That’s also why narcissist mimic humans behaviors, cuz those demons in them don’t have those feelings naturally.

Except for hatred for mankind. That’s also why the narcissist enjoys seeing that they hurt you. It’s that demon(s) in them enjoying watching you suffer…

1 year ago
They never stop putting your character and your perception of yourself through a chipper shredder... you will always walk away feeling like nothing because they find a way to diminish you constantly

3 months ago
I call them the walking dead.

1 year ago
I never saw dead eyes like that before I met him. It was like looking into the soul of a reptile, truly.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #204 on: April 17, 2024, 03:33:16 PM »

Future faking is when they promise something about your future without taking the steps to make it a reality.
Most narcissists will do this.

What future faking IS vs what it is NOT

What is "future faking"? (Glossary of Narcissistic Relationships)

Phrases Narcissists Use to Future Fake You

What Is Future Faking? |  Explained!

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #205 on: April 18, 2024, 07:58:24 AM »
A Private Detective's Take on a Narcissist


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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #206 on: April 18, 2024, 08:34:19 AM »
What does a depressed narcissist look like?

A depressed narcissist is an interesting and complex character. While narcissists typically exhibit grandiose behaviors and an inflated sense of self-importance, depression can manifest in their lives as well. However, it's important to note that not all narcissists experience depression, and not all depressed individuals are narcissistic. Let's dive a bit deeper into what a depressed narcissist may look like.

Firstly, it's crucial to understand the basic characteristics of a narcissist. Narcissists often crave attention and admiration, have a sense of entitlement, lack empathy, and believe they are superior to others. They may constantly seek validation and engage in manipulative behavior to maintain their self-image. They tend to have fragile self-esteem that is easily shattered by criticism or failure.

When depression enters the picture, it can add another layer to their already complex personality. A depressed narcissist may experience feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness despite their grandiose facade. They may struggle with maintaining their highly polished image and may feel exhausted from constantly seeking validation.

One common trait you might notice in a depressed narcissist is a behavior change. While they typically exude confidence and charm, depression can lead to withdrawal and isolation. They may start to avoid social interactions, lose interest in activities they once enjoyed, and display a lack of motivation or energy.

Another sign could be a shift in their self-perception. A depressed narcissist might experience self-doubt and self-criticism, which can be quite challenging for their ego-driven personality. They may become hypersensitive to criticism or rejection, reacting more intensely than usual.

In some cases, depression can even lead to a "masking effect" where the narcissistic traits become less prominent temporarily. They may display vulnerability and express their feelings of sadness or despair, seeking comfort and support from others. However, this vulnerability could also be an attempt to gain sympathy or manipulate others into providing the attention they crave.

It's important to remember that diagnosing someone as a depressed narcissist should be left to mental health professionals. The combination of these two conditions can be complex and challenging to decipher without proper assessment.

In conclusion, a depressed narcissist may exhibit changes in behavior such as withdrawal and isolation, a shift in self-perception including self-doubt and sensitivity to criticism, and potentially even display temporary vulnerability. It's crucial to approach such individuals with empathy and understanding, as they are navigating the complexities of both depression and narcissism.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #207 on: April 18, 2024, 08:53:57 AM »


Silence is powerful. You don't have to be a circus monkey and keep constantly talking.

A silent man is a very dangerous man, when you talk less, you keep people around you on their toes by making them guess what is going on in your mind.


Do what you say you're going to do. Accomplish your goals and people will pay attention. If people see and realize you're a man of your word and you do what you say you will, people won't dare to disrespect you.

They should know, when you say something, it has power. You can accomplish what you say you will.


When you stop caring, they start caring when you stop reacting to BS. When you stop reacting, it worries them as now they have no control over you and your emotions.


We fear what we don't understand/know, Don't let them know everything about you. Keep them guessing. Suspense can be used to your advantage.


Try making your bed in the morning. If you do this regularly, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and not be afraid to try again or make the next tough decision.


You don't have to answer and react to everything. There are certain things you can't control. So reacting to everything around you is a sign of impulsiveness.


You can't go to level 10 with level 1 habits.

- Start by reading one page.

- Start by writing one paragraph.

- Start by doing one workout Then focus on getting 1% better every day. Minor improvements over time lead to big changes.

If you complete read this Valuable post then Type 💯.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #208 on: April 19, 2024, 02:30:25 AM »
This is the Crazy Eating Habit of Narcissists
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #209 on: April 19, 2024, 02:40:12 AM »
Proof a Narcissist Doesn't Have Any Friends at all

1 day ago
Basically,  the narcissist has no friends also because everyone is sick and tired of his/her CRAP!!!!

0 seconds ago
HA! My ex Narc got out of town when all her friends shunned her. Good move!
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #210 on: April 19, 2024, 02:55:02 AM »
7 Dirty Secrets a Narcissist
will Never tell You

13 days ago
Narcissists view the world in a very competitive way. They need you to feel small - so they can feel big. They need you to feel broken - so they can appear whole. they need you to doubt yourself - so they can be the source of all knowledge. They’re trying to fix themselves by breaking you.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #211 on: April 19, 2024, 03:09:36 AM »
Chosen ones, 7 Signs You’re a Beacon in the Shadows

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #212 on: April 19, 2024, 03:37:45 AM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #213 on: April 19, 2024, 04:00:18 AM »
Do narcissists care about what people think of them, or could they not care less?

Narcissists are very much bothered by how people view them. For narcissists, having a good reputation among people is everything.

Narcissism is a shame-based disorder. Narcissists can't cope with shame when people view them negatively. Narcissists feel humiliated and insulted when people think badly of them. Narcissists will go to any extent to look good in front of people.

Narcissists care about how people view them. It gives them narcissistic supplies like attention, admiration, appreciation, compliments, and validation. Getting positive attention from people regulates their self-esteem.

When narcissists maintain a positive image among people, they prove they are good people, and it's hard for people to believe victims of narcissists. It's easy for narcissists to hide their dark side.


Narcissists definitely care what people think as opposed to sociopaths. I think the difference between narcissism and sociopathy is ego. pwNPD cares very much about what people think. They work very hard at maintaining their public image. This is why they never take accountability for anything negative they ever do. They can’t be seen as flawed. This is also why they mirror their partners and others. They obtain favorable character traits from those around them so they can appear to be good decent people. They will also attach to people that can elevate their social standing. Even a good-looking partner can be a feather in the cap of an opportunistic narcissist. A sociopath, on the other hand, does whatever they want whenever they want and could care less about consequences or appearances. This was confusing to me at first as I was trying to decide whether my ex was a narc or a sociopath. Sometimes he cared and sometimes he didn’t. All the cluster Bs have overlapping traits but there are some differences. It is also on a continuum and sometimes a narcissist can have a bit of sociopathy in them like in the case of my ex.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #214 on: April 19, 2024, 04:16:12 AM »
A day-by-day guide to healing from a narcissistic relationship: Day 13

Remove all narcissists from your future by taking the universe’s lesson to heart

The narcissist was not meant to remain in your life, he was just passing by … placed there in your life for a specific reason.

This theme occurs in a book I recently read, and it gave me new insights into thinking about the narcissist without having to ruminate over ‘why did he do this to me?’, ‘doesn’t he know how much I care for him?’, ‘wasn’t he my soulmate?’.

He wasn’t made a part of your life to show you love. He wasn’t placed there so that you can have someone to cherish. He was placed there to prepare you, to let you know that such dark nature exists, and that not everyone has the same goodness of heart as you.

There is something that you need to learn in order to ensure that you will remain safe from future narcissists. The universe placed the narcissist there to help you realize your vulnerabilities, such that you can make the proper precautions and strengthening of your boundaries. If you don’t use this experience to take the lesson to heart, the universe will continue to place narcissists in your life until you fully understand and fully learn the lesson it has carved out for you.

So view the narcissist not as your soulmate, but simply an instrument that was used to teach you a needed life lesson. Accept that is what he is, learn the lesson, and let him go.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #215 on: April 19, 2024, 04:28:51 AM »

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #216 on: April 19, 2024, 04:51:21 AM »
Managing Conflict With Narcissists
in Family Law Cases:
Strategies for Success

A narcissist is a person with an inflated sense of self-importance, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. In family law cases, a narcissist often has difficulty understanding the needs of others, leading to conflict and difficulty in reaching a settlement agreement. Narcissists may also be more likely to engage in manipulative behavior and use legal tactics to gain an advantage in court. This can be especially problematic for ex-partners, children, and other family members who may be left feeling powerless and without a voice in the legal process.

SEE MORE:,to%20come%20to%20a%20resolution.

Narcissism can have a major impact on family law cases, as it can lead to difficulty in negotiating agreements, lack of empathy, and an inability to accept responsibility. This can lead to a tumultuous court battle where both parties are not able to come to a resolution. It is important for family law attorneys to be aware of the potential for narcissism in their clients and to take this into account when crafting legal strategies.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #217 on: April 19, 2024, 05:02:53 AM »
How is a narcissist exposed in a court of law?

With truth backed by evidence. They’ve already planned the lies they will tell in response to everything wrong they’ve done.

For example, STBXGIC said under oath he was never unfaithful, abusive, or had homosexual hookups. Said I was crazy and a liar for stating he had.

Evidence was handwritten letters in which he admitted abuse and infidelity, his essay from attending domestic abuser classes, and his hookup gay profiles and emails. There was more, but the judge decided he’d seen enough.

Document as much as possible. Create an email account on a clean device, and BCC everything there. STBXGIC had installed spyware on all my devices, and deleted hundreds of messages and files. The bccs saved me in court.


I wasn’t aware that abuse of survivors from the bench was so extreme, and so common.

Do prepare your evidence, but expect that a corrupt system helmed by narcissistic, sexist, racist judges will ignore your evidence AND your rights.

I’m fighting back. Please join me.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #218 on: April 19, 2024, 05:16:54 AM »
Finding an Attorney who Understands Narcissistic Abuse

2 years ago
You can’t. Unless the attorney has gone through the abuse himself he or she won’t “get it.”

3 weeks ago
Yes I never bothered trying to get an official diagnosis for my ex because it’s not illegal or unlawful to have a personality disorder. A court is not going to care about a diagnosis.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #219 on: April 19, 2024, 05:23:57 AM »
How to Use Lawyers Against Narcissists

3 years ago (edited)
Yes, finding lawyers who understand narcissism can be tricky. Unless they've experienced it themselves or studied it, they simply do not know. The good thing is that lawyers do like winning and don't want to lose the case for you, so they do not gaslight you as badly as the average person does. I think learning about narcissism should be mandatory in high schools.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #220 on: April 19, 2024, 05:29:21 AM »
Make Sure to Tell
Your Lawyer This.

2 years ago
It’s backwards to ask someone not to say “they’re a narcissist,” or not to get emotional. Of course you’re gonna get emotional, you’ve been abused psychologically! It’s considered psychological torture the way they skew your reality and cause you to even dissociate. The system needs to change.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #221 on: April 19, 2024, 05:43:19 AM »
How Narcissists Use the Courts to Continue Their Abuse

As if the abusive marriage, relationship or business partnership wasn't bad enough, the narcissist has to escalate the matter by threatening legal action. The legal system becomes an unknowing and unwilling extension of the narcissistic arm reaching out to cause as much damage as possible. Their take no prisoners attitude stops at nothing to seek revenge for causing pain over some perceived embarrassment.

Here are eight ways a narcissist uses the legal system to bully their opponent.

Frivolous Lawsuits. Filing senseless lawsuits that have little merit for the point of forcing the opposing party to hire an attorney and incur unnecessary expenses. Many times these lawsuits are dropped but not until after the opposing party takes the narcissists threats more seriously and perhaps has even succumbed to a demand.

False Accusations. Narcissists will often beat their opponent to court by falsely projecting their issues onto the opponent. This false accusation forces the opponent to be on the defensive and causes the court system to frown when the opponent makes a similar charge against the narcissist.

Entrapment. Narcissists will incite and encourage their victims to act irrationally and then call the police on them. While technically this is not entrapment because it isnt a law enforcement officer doing the act, the victim will none the less feel trapped. This event is then later used as a threat in another lawsuit or civil action.

Gaming the System. This is using the laws designed to protect a person as a point of manipulation against them. For instance, not allowing a child to see or speak to the other parent on their time because that would give the other parent more time than them. Child custody laws are there for the best interest of the child and if the child misses the other parent, they should be allowed to speak with them.

Senseless motions/hearings. In order to delay the process, the narcissist will file senseless motions, excessive hearing, and multiple postponements. This is again done to drain the financial resources of the opponent and create an atmosphere of the never-ending-lawsuit. For a narcissist, all attention is good so dragging things out longer only benefits their ego.

Committing Perjury. Narcissists will lie about matters that are not material and are inconsequential to the case just to anger their opponent. This is technically not perjury unless the lie is relevant to the outcome. This slight lie in the face of other statements further taints their whole testimony for the opponent and is intended by the narcissist to frustrate the process.

Using Loopholes. Narcissists love to find loopholes in the law and use it their favor. However, if their opponent were to utilize a loophole against them, the attacks would be ruthless. For the narcissist, this is a one-way street where only they can dodge an issue.

Jury Tampering. Bribing or intimidating members of a jury to make a decision a certain way. While this is usually the stuff movies are made of, it still does happen in the courtroom. Narcissists frequently believe they are above the law and will not get caught.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #222 on: April 19, 2024, 05:51:26 AM »
Lawyers and Narcissistic Entitlement Syndrome

The word "narcissism" comes from the character made famous by the Greek poet Ovid, Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection. In the story, Echo falls in love with Narcissus and gets rejected. The story makes clear that Narcissus is only able to love himself and not others. Conversely, Echo completely loses herself in her love for Narcissus and has no sense of self at all. At the end of the story, Narcissus tells Echo, "I would die before I give you power over me," and Echo responds that, "I give you power over me." Both Narcissus and Echo die because their love is unattainable. Like these characters, many of us cannot find a balance between ourselves and others.

One of the greatest problems facing young associates inside law firms is what I call Narcissistic Entitlement Syndrome ("NES"). Attorneys who suffer from NES often very quickly find themselves out of jobs -- whether or not they quit, are fired, or simply move between employers to deal with the disorder. I need to be clear that this, in my opinion, is an extremely serious subject and something I believe probably 10%+ of the associates in large and prestigious law firms suffer from. This is a disorder I see virtually every week in my conversations with attorneys and it is something that will cause problems in your career.

This article (a) defines NES and its symptoms, and (b) explores the effects of the Entitlement Syndrome on your career.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #223 on: April 19, 2024, 05:56:23 AM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #224 on: April 19, 2024, 06:04:23 AM »
Crossing The Lines: Narcissists And Their Disregard For Laws, Rules, And Boundaries

Beneath the charismatic facade of a narcissist lies a troubling trait that extends beyond their interpersonal dynamics— a blatant disregard for laws, rules, and boundaries. In this blog, we delve into the concerning behaviors that showcase a narcissist’s cavalier attitude towards societal norms and personal limits.

Understanding the narcissist’s disregard for laws, rules, and boundaries is crucial for individuals navigating relationships with such individuals. Recognizing the signs empowers individuals to set firm boundaries, seek support, and, in some cases, distance themselves from the potentially harmful influence of a narcissist. Breaking free from the cycle often involves prioritizing personal well-being, fostering resilience, and avoiding entanglements with those who consistently cross ethical and legal lines.

Sense of Entitlement:
Narcissists carry a profound sense of entitlement, believing that rules and laws don’t apply to them. This entitlement stems from their conviction that they are exceptional and above the constraints that govern others, fostering a dangerous disregard for established norms.

Manipulative Evasion:
When faced with rules or boundaries, narcissists are adept at manipulating situations to suit their agenda. Whether it’s bending the rules, exploiting loopholes, or outright breaking them, their ability to sidestep consequences showcases their cunning disregard for societal and personal boundaries.

Legal Consequences as an Inconvenience:
The potential legal ramifications of their actions rarely deter narcissists. Their focus on immediate gratification and personal gain often outweighs any concerns about legal repercussions, leading them to engage in activities that others might find ethically or legally questionable.

Exploitation of Others:
Narcissists view relationships as opportunities for exploitation rather than mutual respect. This lack of regard for personal boundaries extends to using others for their own gain, often blurring the lines of legality and morality in their pursuit of self-interest.

Rules as Tools for Control:
Narcissists may manipulate rules and boundaries to control those around them. By selectively enforcing or ignoring certain guidelines, they create an environment where they hold the reins, reinforcing their perception of superiority and dominance.

Violation of Personal Boundaries:
On a personal level, narcissists often disregard the boundaries set by others. Whether it’s invading personal space, prying into private matters, or manipulating emotions, their lack of respect for personal limits contributes to a toxic dynamic in relationships.

Explosive Reactions to Constraints:
When confronted with rules or restrictions, narcissists may react explosively. This defiance reflects their deep-seated resistance to being controlled or confined, further illustrating their disdain for any form of external influence.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #225 on: April 19, 2024, 06:09:01 AM »

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #226 on: April 19, 2024, 06:20:31 AM »
Steps to Successfully Prove Narcissistic Abuse
in a Legal Setting

Are you ready to reclaim your power and hold narcissistic abusers accountable in a legal setting? Look no further. Our comprehensive guide features expert advice on successfully proving narcissistic abuse and increasing your chances of victory in the courtroom. Due to the insidious nature of this form of interpersonal aggression, survivors often face smears, disbelief, and disenfranchisement.

However, knowledge is power, and we have compiled a collection of methods to help you regain control and seek justice. From gathering evidence to building a robust case, we will guide you through each crucial step, ensuring you are well-prepared to navigate the legal system with confidence. Furthermore, we will provide invaluable insights from experts in the field, empowering you to effectively communicate your experience and present a compelling case.

What is narcissistic abuse?
Narcissistic abuse is a form of psychological manipulation and control that is inflicted upon individuals by narcissistic abusers. These individuals have an exaggerated sense of self-importance and a constant need for admiration and validation. They exploit and demean their victims, using tactics such as gaslighting, manipulation, and emotional blackmail to maintain power and control.

Understanding the dynamics of narcissistic abuse is crucial in successfully proving it in a legal setting. By familiarizing yourself with the common traits and behaviors exhibited by narcissistic abusers, you will be better equipped to identify and document the abuse.

Recognizing the signs of narcissistic abuse is the first step towards reclaiming your power. Victims of narcissistic abuse often experience a range of emotions, including confusion, self-doubt, and a diminished sense of self-worth. They may find themselves constantly walking on eggshells, afraid to displease their abuser and facing severe consequences if they do.

It is important to remember that narcissistic abusers are skilled manipulators who excel at hiding their true intentions and projecting a false image. By educating yourself on the red flags and patterns associated with narcissistic abuse, you can begin to unravel the web of manipulation and take steps towards proving the abuse in a legal setting.

The impact of narcissistic abuse on victims cannot be overstated. Survivors often suffer long-lasting emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical consequences. The relentless demeaning, belittling, and gaslighting erode their self-esteem and leave them feeling isolated and trapped. Victims of narcissistic abuse may experience symptoms of anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

These effects can be debilitating, making it difficult for survivors to gather the strength to seek legal recourse. However, by understanding the profound impact of narcissistic abuse, survivors can find the motivation to pursue justice and break free from the chains of their abusers.

Legal challenges in proving narcissistic abuse
Proving narcissistic abuse in a legal setting can be challenging due to various factors. The covert nature of narcissistic abuse makes it difficult to provide tangible evidence, as much of the abuse occurs behind closed doors and leaves no physical scars. Additionally, narcissistic abusers are often skilled at manipulating situations and people, making it hard for the victims to accurately convey their experiences and garner support.

These challenges can be disheartening, but with the right strategies and support, it is possible to overcome them and successfully prove narcissistic abuse. Moreover, the mere mention of the term narcissistic abuse in a courtroom can turn the judge and jury against you. So be sure to seek advice on using correct legal language that clearly defines which crimes were committed, i.e. fraud, labor law violations, intentional infliction of emotional distress, battery, etc.

Gathering evidence is a critical step in proving narcissistic abuse. While tangible evidence may be limited, documenting instances of abuse can still be powerful. Keep a detailed journal of incidents, recording dates, times, and descriptions of abusive behaviors. This documentation can serve as a timeline of the abuse and provide credibility to your case. Save any text messages, emails, or voicemails that contain evidence of the abuser’s manipulative tactics.

If possible, gather witness statements from friends, family members, or professionals who have observed the abusive behavior. By compiling a thorough collection of evidence, you strengthen your case and increase your chances of proving narcissistic abuse in a legal setting.

“When I’m dealing with a high-conflict personality in law, I take a very mechanical approach,” high-conflict strategist Samantha Drum told The Narcissistic Abuse Rehab Podcast, “I have a burden of proof that I need to show the judge. What evidence do I need to prove to the judge that this person is unreasonable, that they are being ridiculous, and outrageous. What can I give the judge so that they are more likely to rule in my favor.”

Finding support is crucial when dealing with narcissistic abuse and navigating the legal process. Therapy can provide survivors with a safe space to heal and process their experiences. A trained therapist can also offer guidance on coping mechanisms and strategies to manage the emotional toll of the legal proceedings. Support groups specifically tailored for survivors of narcissistic abuse can also be invaluable.

Connecting with others who have gone through similar experiences can provide validation, support, and a sense of community. These support networks can help survivors feel empowered and less alone as they embark on their journey to prove narcissistic abuse.

Working with a lawyer experienced in narcissistic abuse cases is essential in successfully navigating the legal system. Find a lawyer who specializes in family law or domestic abuse cases, as they will have the necessary expertise to handle your case effectively. A knowledgeable lawyer can help you understand your rights, guide you through the legal process, and advise you on the best course of action.

They can also assist in gathering evidence, preparing your case, and representing you in court. By partnering with a lawyer who understands the intricacies of narcissistic abuse, you increase your chances of making a compelling case and achieving justice.

“I always encourage people to have some form of written communication: e-mails, text messages, or special apps to record as much behavior as possible,” Divorce- and child custody attorney Derek Jacques told The Narcissistic Abuse Rehab Podcast. “Whether it’s by way of putting their phone in their pocket and turning on the video mode or audio recording function. Do pick ups and drop offs in public locations. [The court] wants you to have tangible evidence of the things that are happening.”

Presenting your case in court requires careful planning and strategic execution. When presenting your evidence, focus on the patterns and behaviors exhibited by the narcissistic abuser. Paint a vivid picture of the emotional and psychological impact the abuse has had on you. Emphasize the consistent manipulation, gaslighting, and control tactics utilized by the abuser.

Provide specific examples and reference any written or recorded evidence you have gathered. It is important to remain calm and composed throughout the proceedings, as narcissistic abusers may attempt to provoke emotional reactions or discredit your claims. By staying focused and presenting a well-documented case, you increase your chances of successfully proving narcissistic abuse in a legal setting.

Dealing with gaslighting, DARVO, and smear campaigns
Gaslighting, DARVO, and smear campaigns are common tactics used by narcissistic people to discredit their victims and maintain control. Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser distorts the victim’s perception of reality, making them question their own sanity and memory. In court, gaslighting usually escalates to the DARVO tactic, which stands for Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender.

This can make it incredibly challenging for victims to prove narcissistic abuse in a legal setting, as the abuser may attempt to portray themselves as the victim or question the validity of the victim’s claims. Overcoming these obstacles requires strength, resilience, and a solid support system.

A smear campaign is character assassination. It is a deliberate and calculated effort to damage someone’s reputation, often carried out by spreading false information or malicious rumors about them. It is a strategic tactic employed by manipulators to undermine the credibility, integrity, or public perception of the targeted person.

The purpose of a smear campaign is typically to discredit the person by sowing seeds of doubt and distrust among their peers or the public. When successful, smear campaigns have severe consequences, causing emotional distress, social isolation, and reputational harm to the targeted individual.

It is crucial to trust your own experiences and intuition when faced with gaslighting, DARVO, and smear campaigns. Keep a record of incidents, conversations, and interactions to help you stay grounded in your truth. Seek validation from trusted friends, family members, or professionals who can provide an objective perspective.

Educate yourself on gaslighting and DARVO techniques and tactics, as this knowledge will help you recognize when it is occurring and respond effectively. Remember, you are not alone in this battle. Reach out to support groups as well as legal and mental health professionals to help you navigate the challenges of gaslighting, DARVO, and smear campaigns.

Dealing with a narcissistic abuser’s manipulation can be emotionally draining and exhausting. They may attempt to twist your words, invalidate your emotions, or shift blame onto you. It is essential to establish boundaries and limit contact with the perpetrator of the abuse whenever possible.

Focus on self-care and prioritize your emotional well-being. Engage in activities that bring you comfort and provide a sense of peace and stability. Surround yourself with positive influences and individuals who uplift and support you. By prioritizing self-care and protecting your mental health, you can better navigate the obstacles presented by escalated narcissistic abuse in court.

The importance of self-care during the legal process
Engaging in self-care is crucial during the legal process of proving narcissistic abuse. The legal proceedings can be lengthy, emotionally draining, and stressful. Taking care of yourself and prioritizing your well-being is essential to maintain your strength, resilience, and focus. Here are some self-care practices to incorporate into your routine:

Practice mindfulness, prayer, and meditation. Engaging in mindfulness and meditation exercises can help you calm your mind, reduce stress, and gain clarity. Set aside a few minutes each day to focus on your breath and be present in the moment.
Engage in physical activity. Exercise is not only beneficial for your physical health but also your mental well-being. Engaging in regular physical activity can boost your mood, reduce anxiety, and increase your overall sense of well-being.

Consider therapy or coaching. Therapy and coaching can be valuable tools for survivors of narcissistic abuse. A trained therapist or certified coach can help you navigate the emotional challenges of the legal process, provide guidance, and offer coping strategies. Regular therapy and/or coaching sessions can provide a safe space for you to process your experiences and emotions.

Establish a support network. Surround yourself with individuals who support and uplift you. Connect with support groups for survivors of narcissistic abuse to find a sense of community and validation. Sharing your experiences with others who have gone through similar situations can be empowering and healing. Jacques underscores the importance of this step, “Having a support team in place is something I’ve found to be extremely important.”

Practice self-compassion. Be kind to yourself throughout the legal process. Recognize that you are strong and resilient for taking steps to seek justice. Treat yourself with compassion and understanding, and celebrate your progress along the way.

Proving narcissistic abuse in a legal setting is challenging, so it’s important that survivors know what they are up against so they can stand their ground with confidence and determination. By understanding the dynamics of narcissistic abuse, recognizing the signs, and gathering evidence, survivors can build a strong case and hold perpetrators of narcissistic abuse accountable.

Working with experienced professionals, such as specialized therapists and lawyers, provides essential support and guidance throughout the process. Recognizing and overcoming manipulation tactics like gaslighting, smear campaigns, and DARVO requires resilience, self-care, and a strong support system. By prioritizing self-care as they seek justice, survivors can reclaim their power and move toward an abuse-free future.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #227 on: April 19, 2024, 07:20:25 AM »
Are nice narcissists dangerous?

There's no such thing as a nice narcissist.

A covert or vulnerable narcissist come across as kindly, concerned, empathetic, and emotional people. They aren't any of these things, deep down, though. They mimic the behaviors of others—if you have one of these people in your life, stand back and just observe them.

You’ll see them switch their personality, their manner of speech, their viewpoint, EVERYTHING, depending on to whom they are around at the time. I don't mean the way people practice social situations, in that they're subdued at a funeral, boisterous at a football game, or flirtatious at a party. I mean, literally EVERYTHING about them changes—right down to their mannerisms, facial expressions, belief systems, ethics, morals…..EVERYTHING.

These “nice” narcissists will use their “niceness” as their most manipulative weapon in their arsenal — there's nothing like getting hit with “friendly fire”.


Unveiling the 'Nice Guy' Narcissist: 9 Red Flags in Your Relationship
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #228 on: April 19, 2024, 07:30:11 AM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #229 on: April 19, 2024, 07:39:56 AM »
Top 10 Things to NEVER Do With A Narcissist

When dealing with a narcissist, it’s important to maintain your boundaries and protect your emotional well-being. Here are the top 10 things to never do when interacting with a narcissist:

1. **Don't try to change them**: Narcissists rarely respond to attempts to change their behavior. It's best to focus on how you can protect yourself rather than trying to alter your personality.

2. **Don't take their behavior personally**: Narcissists often use manipulation and criticism to maintain control. Remember, their actions and words are a reflection of them, not you.

3. **Don't argue or try to reason with them**: Narcissists thrive on conflict and may twist your words to maintain control or feed their egos. Instead, disengage from arguments and avoid getting pulled into their games.

4. **Don't share personal information**: Narcissists may use your vulnerabilities against you. Keep your personal life private and share only as much as necessary.

5. **Don't expect empathy or understanding**: Narcissists lack genuine empathy. Don't expect them to understand your perspective or emotions.

6. **Don't rely on them for validation**: Narcissists seek validation for themselves and are unlikely to give you the affirmation you may seek.

7. **Don't internalize their criticism**: Narcissists may criticize or belittle you to maintain a sense of superiority. Recognize this for what it is and don't internalize their negative remarks.

8. **Don't compromise your values**: Narcissists may pressure you to act against your values or beliefs to suit their own needs. Stand firm in your convictions.

9. **Don't give them control**: Keep control over your decisions and boundaries. Narcissists may try to dominate situations to their advantage.

10. **Don't ignore your own needs**: Prioritize your own emotional and mental health. If a relationship with a narcissist is causing harm, consider seeking support or distance from the situation.

Remember, dealing with a narcissist can be challenging, so it's important to take care of yourself and seek support from friends, family, or professionals if needed.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #230 on: April 19, 2024, 08:12:23 AM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #231 on: April 19, 2024, 08:40:15 AM »
Do narcissists always think
that they can do better
than their current supply?

Narcissists don’t pick their supplies in terms of their ability to be better than their previous as you are thinking. They pick their supplies/victims in terms of what their current needs are that that particular supply can provide them at that particular time. It can be money, looks, status, sex……they are looked as an object that is going to make them feel better about themselves.

They fulfill a specific need. When they obtained that need or fulfilled it they seek another supply that can perhaps again fill another need. They get tired easily. This is why they cheat and lie so much. Perhaps one supply is chosen because they want to get married, that won’t last as we know. They will never find lasting happiness in any relationship. They will always be miserable so they want you to be miserable as well.

They do come back to you if you allow them, not because of love, but because they miss what they found in you alluring at the beginning, only to again manipulate you and treat you like s__t. Narcissists don’t have and will never be able to love or be empathetic…… they don’t have that ability.

Never think that they have left you for someone else because you think they are better than you, actually always be thankful, they are not normal. No one will ever be good enough for them, because they don’t even know what a good person is!

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #232 on: April 19, 2024, 09:12:08 AM »
What is it that survivors of narcissistic abuse really want to say?

Dear Narcissist:

You are weak and hated me for I have strength.

You didn’t hate me, you hated yourself.

You projected your hate onto me because I have the capacity to love and to be loved.

You abused me because you wanted to get back at your parent for not loving you. You deserved love, just as I deserved love.

You fool others so they won’t figure you out. Others always figure you out.

You’re full of fury because I can grow while you remain the same.

You leave others first, so you avoid abandonment. At the end of each day, you still feel abandoned.

Their is not a single thing on this planet that would make me want to feel how you feel.

I wouldn’t wish narcissism on a narcissist.

Everything you said about me was a lie. Everything I said about you, was the truth.

I have the ability to heal, while you don’t. This makes me sad for you and sad for all the victims that you will inflict harm upon.

I don’t regret our “relationship’ because it made me the person who will never tolerate someone like you.

It wasn’t me. All these years I took the blame, the shame, the guilt. It felt wrong every single time, but I accepted it as fact & wore it well. I was the best damn scapegoat ever. I mastered walking on egg shells, deferring to them, catering to them. I could teach classes on apologizing, begging, pleading & chasing. But my gut knew all along & I ignored it (sorry gut) never again.

Then Google led me to Quora. And I found my people. Narcissists are soul sucking black holes. My mom & brother both. Ones gone & I never shed a tear. The others here and I’ve administered no contact.

It wasn’t me. Oh I’m far from a perfect person. But I’m stable, balanced, centered & very real. I have so much light, love, hope, optimism still. Now that I know, not only is ok to be me… but it’s preferable to be me over the narcs I thought I’d never measure up to… My mind has been blown but in a good way.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #233 on: April 19, 2024, 09:57:36 AM »
What is the best self care to take after narcissistic abuse?

Do loads of research. You need to fully understand what happened to you.

Stay away from other prospective relationships. You MUST heal first.

Recognize their tool box and keep yourself fully alert.

Stay no contact forever unless you share children

Be aware that narcissists get a thrill from your suffering

Get closer to God. I firmly believe none of this would have happened to me had I really had a very close relationship to God.

All this is about immorality.

Start loving yourself like crazy. I know how deep the hurt from a narcissist can reach. It is like you swallowed your own very nuclear bomb.

Recite loads of spiritual warfare prayers.

The spiritual world works differently to our world. Take off any rings or jewellery the narcissist gave you. That may give him/her authority over you.

Fight the trauma bond because your survival completely depends on that.

For the first year, make sure you stay around positive people. Avoid people who are negative.

Read Ron Tello's Blog |

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #234 on: April 19, 2024, 10:07:16 AM »
It’s NOT your fault...

It's not your fault that it took you so long to realise that you were being manipulated and gaslighted;

because you were being manipulated and gaslighted…

Because they were so very good at what they did!

Someone who plays the victim after they’ve continuously manipulated you, disrespected you, spread false accusations and lies about you, and shown no capacity at all for empathy, remorse, accountability, integrity, or the truth;

is NOT someone that you need in your life!

They knew EXACTLY what they were doing.

They KNEW they were hurting you!

They may like to play the role of the victim but they are NOT the victim by any stretch of the imagination.

They chose their behaviours.

They were intentional about what they did.

They showed no regard at all for your emotional well-being, for you, or for your heart.

Them continuing to play the victim and trying to paint you as the villain after they’ve very cleverly done this to you; is nothing more than them trying to continue their manipulation, their control, and their abuse over you.

It doesn’t matter that it took you a little while to figure it out, the point is you eventually did!

And now you know; that the moment you start to wonder if you deserve better, it’s because you do…

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #235 on: April 19, 2024, 10:45:06 AM »

Narcissism begins
at home.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #236 on: April 19, 2024, 10:54:50 AM »
How will a narcissist act when you call them out on their behaviour?

If you call a narcissist a narcissist, you can expect an unforeseen, aggressive reaction. So it's best not to do it and keep the knowledge to yourself.

Not all narcissists resort to physical aggression, but there are also cases where criminal threats or various types of dangerous objects come into play. The narcissist knows you know even if you haven't told them. Some things are better left unsaid. Narcissist will disappear like a cockroach under a cupboard or refrigerator and the chances of it coming back to you are negligible.

With knowledge you become too difficult a player to get and the narcissist has thousands of potential victims who suspect nothing so why would they waste their time and energy to go back to the conscious victim. The narcissist prefers to deal with someone else who has already bought his mask of perfection.

The narcissist's greatest fear is abandoning them and revealing who they really are to others. Once you know it, it changes your whole view of the situation and all the memories and the whole past you read completely differently. You weren't to blame for anything, you gave the narcissist the best of everything, but over time you grew wiser and the narcissist had to disappear.

When the narcissist knows you know, it's over. You have gone through the worst and survived emotional and psychological abuse and sometimes physical and financial abuse as well. You survived the brainwashing. You will pick yourself up and rebuild from the ruins and ashes that remain.

Every war comes to an end sooner or later. Your relationship with the narcissist was a war you weren’t aware of. It doesn’t matter if it’s a few years war, a world war, a local war or a war for independence, some of them lasted hundreds of years, but eventually every war comes to an end. Your war with the narcissist is over too. It ended the moment you found out who you were dealing with. And that it’s not a relationship based on love, it’s a psychological, emotional, financial or physical war.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #237 on: April 19, 2024, 11:16:08 AM »
Is it just me or is there a sudden obsession with narcissism these days, where did that come from?

It stems from a lot of emotionally harmed individuals who are understandably angry and hurt by ex-husbands/wives/whatevers wanting find a reason for a relationship full of pain. Some are correct, and true narcissism abounds in the former partner. But honestly, sometimes…people don't want to admit they married a garden variety azzhule. Or that it takes two to tango. So they pick a personality disorder with traits that are magnified through the (understandably) tinted lens of their bias and attribute it to the former partner.

While this is understandable, it's got to stop. Words mean things, and even more so with words for medical diagnoses - if you're going to label a person in that way, make sure you're right. Mental illness still has a stigma attached and much like with psychopathy and bipolar, people throw labels around far too carelessly. This causes greater negative impact on treating and identifying people with the disorder because it perpetuates incorrect information and more stigma.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #238 on: April 19, 2024, 11:38:45 AM »
People project at you, if your aura is calm and safe, they feel there is no danger and they can control you, in the process they reflect and project their own energy towards you. Don’t take things personally.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #239 on: April 19, 2024, 11:49:32 AM »
"What-About-Me-ism" is Ruining Our Common Sense

A few weeks ago, I saw a reel on Insta. It was this lady talking about how she thought Japanese haircare was the best, and showed how her hair looked using it. I looked in the comments, and it was literally FILLED with people commenting “it actually isn’t good, it made my *different texture* hair look different”

A lot of people were complaining that she didn’t account for their hair types when rating the products but… she was just talking about her hair type? You’d be surprised to see just how pissed most commenters were. If she’s only talking about HER hair type, and you have different hair, maybe just scroll away and look for a video about YOUR hair type instead of getting offended 💀💀💀

Another time, I saw a tiktok of this lady who made pilates clothes. She apparently had made these shorts, which were naturally, short. The lady was replying to a comment on her shorts video that said, “but what if I don’t like wearing shorts :(“. THEN DON’T BUY THE SHORTS???

If you look at the comment sections of pretty much anything, it’s filled with “what about my very specific issue” or “what about my very specific preference”. Like someone asking what to do if they don’t like beans, on a recipe for bean soup.

I feel like everything in our modern society caters to everyone. Because of that, most people have a severe case of main character syndrome. They don’t stop and use their common sense before typing. I have a STRONGGG feeling that our generation’s cognitive skills as a whole are severely underdeveloped.

Not everything is about you, so stop expecting it to be. It’s just really frustrating, and honestly concerning, to see the lack of common sense so many people have.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #240 on: April 19, 2024, 12:30:21 PM »
What is the purpose
of narcissistic abuse?

Ahhhh. There are many purposes of narcissistic abuse and one primary one is to kill individuality. Narcissists are extremely jealous of people who posses what they lack, such as self-confidence, the Holy Spirit, and who are comfortable in their own skin.

Narcissists are uncomfortable with people who are unafraid to express themselves freely. So the narcissist must attack by misinterpreting their targets character and using word salad to try and induce confusion. The narcissists cannot handle anyone who isn’t afraid to be who they are.

People who remain true to themselves posses individuality and the game of narcissism doesn’t like that. I speak of about this on my YT channel:

From a psychological perspective, narcissistic abuse serves as a means for individuals with narcissistic traits to exert control, dominance, and power over their victims. The purpose is often rooted in the narcissist's deep-seated need for admiration, validation, and a constant sense of superiority.

Narcissistic abusers typically employ manipulative tactics, emotional exploitation, and psychological games to undermine their victims. By inflicting emotional pain and creating a dependency on the narcissist, they derive a distorted sense of satisfaction and maintain a false sense of self-importance. This behavior can be fueled by an underlying insecurity and a fear of inadequacy, driving the narcissist to seek external validation at the expense of others.

The cycle of narcissistic abuse often involves idealization, devaluation, and discard phases. In the idealization phase, the narcissist presents a charming and idealized version of themselves, drawing the victim in with flattery and attention. As the relationship progresses, the devaluation phase begins, marked by criticism, manipulation, and emotional neglect. Finally, the discard phase involves the narcissist abandoning or distancing themselves from the victim, only to potentially cycle back to the idealization phase.

Understanding the purpose of narcissistic abuse involves recognizing its complex interplay of psychological factors, including the narcissist's deep-seated insecurities, the need for control, and the distorted ways in which they derive a sense of self-worth through the manipulation of others.

Narcissistic abuse, is all about the narcissist offloading their internal suffering and torment onto you, the target.

There is no greater pain for the narcissist, than the pain which is self-generated from within.

They are their own worst enemy, in all respects.

No-one will ever hurt the narcissist, as much as the narcissist hurts themselves.

Every, single, day.

Narcissistic abuse, is how the narcissists shields themselves from themselves, and you are the shield.

The narcissist has chosen you, their shield, to protect them from themselves.

The purpose for the narcissist or the unfortunate soul that “dances” with the devil?

The “purpose” from the narcissistic side:

Control, they want complete control over you. And they will throw everything at you to make sure it happens.
You help them, see their damaged self in a alluring light. They bounce from person to person to keep that never ending honeymoon phase going. BUT if you continue the “worship” after the honeymoon phase, the will definitely keep you around.
In the end, you are nothing but a punching bag to the abuse they dish out. All while they project what they hate about themselves on to you. And if they are good at it, you will felafeling believe them. You become the sponge for all their self hate.
The purpose for the lost soul that fell for the deceit:

First, you think you found your soul mate. You actually felt like you found your person. Until it all starts to unravel and you don’t know who they are, and yourself for that matter.
You walked into hell so they could show you every unhealed trauma and character defect you have. And you will sit and watch as they carefully dissect your very weakness in front of you and lay it piece by piece right in front of your eyes.
You will frantically try to get back, what was. But you most likely don’t understand they painted a picture you wanted to see, that never existed. It was an illusion, that’s all it was.
In the end, it’s conflicting “purposes.”

One wants a relationship with a person they “thought” they knew. And the other wants a relationship of perfection so they don’t show the true person under the mask.

In the end, there is no purpose. It’s a lose lose for both sides. And generally the unaware keeps repeating a never ending cycle of brutal hell.

To brainwash you by truama bonding. It's the same thing as Stockholm syndrome. It's horrible, disgusting, and almost impossible to live normally… you'll ruminate for years bc no Empathetic individual could even begin to understand nor process the events that happened.
Control of another because they fear being abandoned. Just like everyone else, people who do this are seeking love, but they are going about it in a very scary way. And they lack the ability to love others. They are trying to get what they don’t know how to give. People copy what they learn. Some grow up and realize it’s not right. Many don’t.

Narcissistic abuse is any kind of domestic abuse that is carried out by somebody with narcissistic traits - meaning that their narcissistic behaviour will impact the way they behave towards you. This abuse could be physical, financial, emotional, or sexual.

Usually, the goal of the abuser is to manipulate, control and instill a sense of worthlessness in the other person. This can mean that the tactics used are similar to that of coercive control.

To understand narcissistic abuse, it's helpful to understand what a narcissist is and how they think. "A narcissist will often appear confident when underneath they lack self-worth and have trouble handling anything they perceive as criticism. They often have an excessive need for attention and want to create a sense of superiority over the other person, and this will affect the tactics that they use to control you.

An important thing to remember with any kind of domestic abuse is that it doesn't always need to come from an intimate partner, though this is the most common. A narcissistic abuser could also be a parent, family member, boss, colleague, or 'friend.

In a nutshell: To avoid shame.

An overt narcissist has experienced the consistent of grandiosity, of being better than others, and doesn’t want to give it up. They are addicted. They gloat, control, dominate and manipulate to ensure the balance is in their favour.

A covert narcissist has experienced immense toxic shame, and has dissociated from it. They therefore project it onto others to remain safe from it. They snipe, ridicule, manipulate, gaslight and brainwash to ensure they never approach the ‘hot zone,’ i.e. their shame trauma. If they ever approach it, or heaven forbid, fall into it, then they experience unfathomable suffering and a crushing sense of worthlessness, which to them feels worse than death.

In both cases, however, it is an aversion to shame which is the root cause of the abuse.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #241 on: April 19, 2024, 12:34:32 PM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #242 on: April 19, 2024, 12:42:09 PM »
Clearing the Cache
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #243 on: April 19, 2024, 12:44:53 PM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #244 on: April 19, 2024, 12:48:38 PM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #245 on: April 19, 2024, 12:52:49 PM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #246 on: April 19, 2024, 12:57:50 PM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #247 on: April 19, 2024, 01:25:41 PM »
Why are people
becoming more narcissistic?
It seems like humanity (empathy) is dying.

Noooooo, humans have been always like that if you think about it . We are born into survival modus so to speak which means = eat, survive , reproduce .

Most children are exactly like that , as soon as they don’t get what they want , food , mother , attention they will cry as loud and as long as it’s necessary until they get what they crave .

Sounds to you ( or anybody ) narcissistic and totally egocentric ?

Thats what I thought …

Sooooo, during our childhood, our caregivers ( parents , grandparents, church and society in general ) are responsible to teach us to become : caring, respectful , empathetic and all this yada yada so we become functioning members of the society.

Hard to believe ahh ?

Just spend 1/2 hour in a 1–2 year olds playground to understand our human nature … for that same reason it is by law required that adults supervise them otherwise they could end up killing each other , let me tell you, children are brutal .

Now… egocentric and way too narcissistic people have been around us all the time , the only difference is … social media and the me too movement and it appears that all narcissists in this planet have found the “ ideal “ platform to expose themselves .

Thats it … in the past, when people came up with that kind os behavior , society would set them straight again , nowadays if you say something against your “ perception “ you are going to be called out , cancelled and receive life threatening insults so most “ normal “ people just … do nothing .

You want a solution ? Errase your social media accounts now … when these people loose their platform , they will go back to their caves and stay there.

We all want to believe that humans in general are good… wrong !!!! To be honest , most people give a shite about you or your problems , don’t believe me ? Fake an emergency and call all your so called “ friends “ and find out how many of them answer our call … it hurts me to read so many stories of people finding out that in truth , they never had any real friends to begin with .

But life continues and we move on … it has been like this since dawn of civilization .

All the best folks and hope you all have a great day.

Narcissism is the highest form of evil. Yes, the society is narcissistic. The government is narcissistic. Divide and conquer is a narcissistic tool. Setting people up for failure is another narcissistic tool. Imagine needing money to go to school before you can get a job to make money. That's the system we are living in. Making the masses crumble under the pressure.

I see it as a problem influenced by three main factors:

1.Persistent generational trauma and frequency of trauma caused by poor parenting

This reminds me of a recent conversation I had with family members about my families history. In a conversation like that, I really was able to contextualize everyone in my family’s behavior. Some people incredibly kind. Some incredibly damaged. A couple that suffer from NPD. And then my brother and I who are still writing our stories. All in all, it made me come to realize how deep the trauma can go. I’ve come to see the statement ‘Hurt people hurt people’ come true in my life, time and time again. And I think that can apply to many families.

For example, you could have a grandmother that was abused relentlessly as a child by her mother. She ends up developing NPD and subsequently emotionally abuses her daughter. To her, she is better than her mother. There is no physical violence. But in reality, that emotional abuse is still abuse. That daughter then goes on to develop NPD herself. It can be a persistent pattern in families, and it doesn’t really get broken until someone breaks the cycle.

Whether that be a parent brave enough to separate from a spouse with NPD and love their children unconditionally. Whether it be someone with NPD going to therapy before having children (not one to count on). These generational cycles don’t seem to break on their own, and the saying above likely continues to run true. Even if the behavior looks ‘better’, it still could cause massive damage to a family. I think there needs to be a pretty radical shift in how children specifically come to deal with their home life, or at least the emotions surrounding it. Breaking the cycle before its too late.

2. The inability of our systems to deal with that trauma and properly diagnose & solve it

This is a pretty blatant case in the United States at least. If you track each person throughout their life, we largely pass through most of the same systems. It starts with school. Then its college, trade school or work. Then depending on how we live our lives, it could be prison. In certain cases, its protective services. Foster homes. Border shelters. Refugee camps.

Then you have more community based things that I wouldn’t really call systems, such as section 8 housing and ghettos. Or even community groups, such as groups for veterans. Each one of these things are very different, but the truth of the matter is, they are relatively uniform. People, like you and me, go through them. And people, like you and me, go through trauma. It is par for the course of being human. Almost everyone deals with something. I think a lot of our systems are largely out of touch with emotional matters. Some are impersonal. Some are outdated. Some are problematic.

For example, looking at an elementary school. Overall, an elementary school is structured for your ‘average’ student. Those with terrible home lifes are largely expected to accomplish the same thing as someone with a great one. A child that mimics behavior at home, could be reprimanded by being sent to the principal. Punished and shamed. All while no one actually knows what the child is experiencing. All in all, at least in America, we do not foster an unconditionally supportive environment. Our systems if anything compound on the trauma, opposed to finding ways to dissect or heal it.

3. A growingly egocentric and narcissistic world

As an American I can talk extensively about this one. America has been a very individualistic country for a while, but that has never been more true. Much of what is popular is focused on the ego. Dating apps are increasingly about validation and to boost ones ego. There is a consistent pressure to market yourself online. For some its authentic but for many its inauthentic.

Its a slippery slope of attention, validation and ego focused feelings. These things are leading us to fall out of touch with authentic things we build towards and living a life of instant gratification. Making money in the stock market. Blowing up on Tik Tok. A growing “hookup culture”. Me. Me. Me. Popular, successful, desirable, rich, famous. The more time goes on, the harder these things become. And the more our self esteem suffers and the more people feel slighted or insecure or worthless.

I don’t think 3 is the cause, as I think the development of NPD and narcissistic traits usually starts in early childhood before these things are too much of a factor. Falling into things grounded in the ego, that measure people on if they are “better” than others, that focus on instant gratification as well as on inauthentic & materialistic things. None of these things help, and the more we lean into this world, the more narcissistic we will become.

Because being honest and truthful is barely acknowledged. Such people are usually exploited to an extent that they want to shun away their values because it makes them fed up of being nice and still being kicked in the ass. So they become selfish, like the masses. It's easier to be mean and avoid getting hurt, isnt it?

On the contrary, it's good if you are still among the handful in this world who have retained a pure heart despite let downs. The world needs more of such people. so stop fretting upon those who are selfish, and take pride in the fact that you are special because you are not like them :)

Narcissism is part of a larger trend, Transhumanism.
We don't want to be subject to death, frustration, pain, sadness, anger, loneliness, we want everything bad to disappear and everything good to manifest. We will use technology to achieve this. See how the narcissist wishes to project their negativity into you, and make use of your creativity, positivity, energy.

We want to erase the downsides of being a man, by erasing masculinity.

We want to get rid of the problems of being a woman by vilifying femininity.

We will do away with the biological limitations of this fragile human form, change it's gender, and in the future, use the DNA of other organisms, machine parts, nanobots to perfect it.

This weak and worthless organism will be Perfected.

Our cellphones are the biggest manifestation of this technological narcissism. We look to them to raise our mood, give us information, obtain things. It's no wonder they are the coeval of planetary narcissism, the drive to transcend this life, while in this life.

Try live without your cellphone for a day. You'll have a narcissistic collapse.

As our technological and mechanical power increases exponentially, so does our grandiosity.

With technology does mankind seek to storm the gates of heaven.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #248 on: April 19, 2024, 02:08:52 PM »
This Is What You Should
Say to a Narcissist -
But They Don't Want To Hear It

1 month ago
The Worst Thing You Can Say To A Narcissist Is "NO"!
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #249 on: April 19, 2024, 02:20:28 PM »
What Happens When You Don't
Care What The Narcissist Thinks

7 months ago
The only person that should be in control of my life is me!
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