Eric Virostek
· 13h
I’m not going to thumbs up but it does make a point. Said sarcastically it is humerus. What is lost here is the tendency to demonize people who have a different opinion especially one that creates such a knee jerk emotional reaction. Limiting the discussion loosely to Democrats an Republicans excluding the fringes, this must be said.
The vast majority of people, whether Democrat or Republican, are good people. Far from evil. Each person/party are honestly in good faith acting in a way that they feel is in the best interest of this country. We are first, above all else AMERICANS privileged to live in this country. Respect another persons opinion, they have every right to say it.
Excluding the fringes, we are predominantly a nation of good, although very passionate people. Suppressing free speech because we don’t agree or like what they say is a stab at some of the fundamentals our nation was formed.
This colloquial phrase comes to mind; “Don’t through the baby out with the bath water.” However, in the heat of the moment it may seem expedient to get what we INDIVIDUAL feel is best. What’s lost in that passion that moment is that we have just discarded the fundamental right to disagree in the first place a little piece at a time.
Changing the Law, or in this case the Constitution and First 10 Amendments is the equivalent of blowing out a main supporting wall of a structure for a bigger window. Do that enough times for expedience sake and you will unintentionally collapse the whole building when that was never your purpose. The supporting wall must remain and can’t be disturbed without risking the buildings integrity.
Who can’t agree with the above mentioned. The building we all live in is a Constitutional Republic. Its structure is contained in The United States Constitution and its First 10 Amendments. Leave the structure alone or risk destruction of the Liberties we hold dear. Know one part is more or less important than the other. To say it Succinctly, every part is dependent on every other part. Non can survive independently. Don’t trivialize the significance of that statement. Every part is a linchpin to every other.
Our founding fathers were brought together based on witnessing the traumatic events that saw the destruction of what they Believed were fundamental liberties. Within that context The Constitution and its constituents were drafted. IT REPRESENTS OUR SACRED HOME. The fact they came up with such an elegant, effective and self protecting form of government is a combination of a fluke of history and true selfless inspiration.
I can confidently say, that no such document could be produced today. It’s now about wining at all cost. Each branch of government historically has tried to usurp power from every other all in the name of winning. As a people we seem to be so caught up in I’m me and not you. That has turned into I’m right and not only does that make you wrong but STUPID & EVIL.
Our vision is short sighted. We no longer see the big picture and we all have the right answer to fix it. We are vastly made up of good people in this country regardless of individual beliefs. If we all could just step back and look at all of us we could see that in reality there is more that UNITES US THAN DIVIDES. We are blessed to share this HOME. Respect those that disagree with you and please don’t destroy the house we all live in AND depend on one board at a time. I believe in peoples individual freedoms in this country and therefore I Believe in THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. You should too.
Colin Campbell
· 15h
Sounds about right. Let kids die to disarm us, to save their own useless asses when they start a revolutionary war.
There’s a brief demo of democrat logic.