Ron Tello Culley
To 8-14-15 at 3:42 PM
Mr Dahl:
What does it take for a citizen to get justice in Elko County?
I have gone thru the proper channels to no avail; I have contacted you.
So sorry you cancelled our meeting. It gives rise to my growing angst that there is NO authority around who will honor their Oath of Office and enforce the Law as it is written.
This is worse than unequal justice; I say there is NO justice. Many Citizens agree, particularly the folks being negatively impacted by the Water Issues in Montello.
Why is this business as usual here?
My case, as you have agreed, is a simple matter of Self-Defense. 357 days in jail was no simple matter, especially when the REAL PERP, Lester Alderman got away with his bad act, AND when on to steal from everyone in Montello with impunity. Reports were made and disregarded.
And may I remind you that my house had been repeatedly looted during my incarceration. Reports were made and ignored by the DA.
You see; my grinding issue is not with the Sheriff's Office. It's the DA who is the slacker.
I have a file of police reports spanning 11 years here, and with the exception of 2 cases, NONE of them were dealt all.
The 2 other cases resulted in acquittals.
In short: "The DA lets the real criminals get away with it every time!"
This has got to stop.
I'm offering you a chance to make good on this legal/civil dilemma.
I am coming to the point to where I need the law to officially SIGN-OFF on its purpose, and stand down as I set about to solve my problems my way.
No Law + No Justice = Anarchy. Or Vigilante Justice. The terms are interchangeable.
I struggled to pay my last 3 years of taxes. Again, as in earlier years, I get no benefits from them.
Can I get my money back? Or will Elko earn them?
I need swift, honest answers.
The leaking ball is in your court. Bounce it back.
Thank you. That is all at this time.
Tod Corbin likes this.
Tod Corbin: That hits the nail so hard on the head , The criminals in Montello area are the authorities themselves! T.K. a county sheriff from West Wendover arrested my wife, Robbed her of her pain medicine, ( Phyllis has luekiema) and took her to jail,We complained to internal affairs, West Wendover police, and NOTHING WAS DONE ! Needless to say,said deputy lost his wife to a pain medicine overdose ! When are you
Tod Corbin: Also Ron we have direct evidence and witnesses that our D.A. let a wanted felon walk right out of the court in Elko didnt even flinch, Also stolen weapons bought from non registered sex offender that later raped a child in Montello that the county let on the fire dept and never ran his ID. when he admitted selling me said stolen weapon,Im out a rifle but much more important is the county sheriffs not doing their job allowed the avenue for this creep to sexually assault a child.
______________Ron Tello Culley Demar Dahl responds!
To 'Ron Tello' Aug 14 at 10:12 PM
You and I agreed quite a long time ago that the best course of action would be for Marvin to meet you in Montello and hear your concerns. He apparently did that but now you tell me the problem is with the DA. Other than your concern about the DA you didn’t tell me what it is that I can help you with. If your residence is being broken into let me know, if you are not getting any response from your reports. If your concern is that the DA is not prosecuting someone he has an obligation to prosecute then that is information you should make available to him. If in your judgement he is not performing his job properly then campaign against him. That’s why we have elections.
At any rate get back to me as soon as you can and let me know what you want me to do to help you.
"I want you to resign, and take your friends with you! KEEP READING HERE."
***************Tod Corbin
August 17 at 6:40am ·
Elko County has backed off momentarily on our water I have filed a complaint of theft by deception. Theft of services, Intimidation, and Harassment, I have video and other proof I have turned over to the state and county law enforcement next move is to file same complaints with the federal government starting with the EPA, I tried to work this out in a feasible way for both us and Elko County to no avail. Now we follow thru completely to expose the fraud,the lies and now we FOLLOW THE MONEY !Jerry Grickis This has been going on for a few years
Tod Corbin To long now we will get this shite settled once and for all
Jerry Grickis I wish you the best time to stop dragging this out it's not affecting them it's the hard working people and farmers. But they don't care. A lot of things need to change in this country and it needs to start with politicians.
Tod Corbin You got that right we all need to take a lesson from the Navajo. .They ran MC Cain off their rez yesterday, wait till you read why !
Jerry Grickis I'll have to check it out
Michael Sadler He'll yes, maybe all the calls in from friends and vet, helped, your hard work also, their not the railroad in this day and age, they are messing with your homestead
Teresa Johnson Mordaunt Wow..good luck Tod!
Tod Corbin Thankyou a all our friends. This is a long way from over and we are grateful for your support, We pray our attorneys will bring a quick resolution to our problem with the county then the problem of what happened to the grant money for this water project .thats why we say follow the money to see where everyones tax money was spent ?
Tod Corbin Thankyou Teresa Johnson Mordaunt
Ron Tello Culley Use a toy gun, go to toy jail. Use a real gun, um...well you know what happens...
Tod Corbin U go to real jail ?
Ron Tello Culley Not in Elko. It's Special kind of flocked-up for the peeps.
Like · Reply · August 17 at 9:23pm
Ron Tello Culley I found out the personal way that the Free Press prefers to invent the headlines rather than report them. No profits in Truth. Bring Back Richard Nixon! At least he was consistent!!!
Ron Tello Culley I just stepped into a big doo-doo pie...and I baked it!
Ron Tello Culley>**** ELKO SMASH ****<
Ron Tello Culley
Trial by Media, where the evidence is conjecture, supposition and invention - when the facts are less than marketable.Yolanda Abel Wow, sounds like things are getting worse out there. It has to get resolved soon. Sometimes things get worse before they are better. Hang in there and let me know if I can help.
Tod Corbin I think we will be ok Yo, thanks so much
Tod Corbin You wouldn't believe what they were trying to pull on your mom.
_________________Tod Corbin
August 24 at 7:24am ·
Update on our water...Havent seen or heard from county ...I have discovered that the county received money for the development of 12 springs in Montello water project,they only hooked up maybe 5 springs,I can only find 3 but the bottom line is NOT 12 SPRINGS WHERES THE MONEY !????? sheriffs department is aware of my complaints we will see if they come investigate! I walked our pipeline and I assure everyone listening that this is the truth,maybe some heads will roll now or at least I will be able to judge just how far this corruption goes !Ron Tello Culley Smash Elko!!!Tod Corbin They do a hell of a job smashing themselves!
Tod Corbin Sandy Fletcher Shea its appalling what they have done ! Im not an investigator and I figured their scheme, NO DEALS THESE GUYS ARE GOING TO JAIL !
Tod Corbin What I cant believe is how long they got away with this and WHERE ELSE DID THEY DO THIS ?
Ron Tello Culley Damn, the water nazis also scammed our sewar system. I can testify! Corbin They will fine tooth comb every project they touched.....Tucscarora, Mt city, jarbidge,jackpot,ect......
they should have just left us alone !
_________________Tod Corbin
August 25 at 6:45am ·
Digging more into our water system here I discovered that we are supposed to have seventy plus wand read meters ! We dont have wand read meters in Montello and there isnt 73 meters either. So how much $ was skimmed off the type of meter ? Wand read meters im sure cost alot more than the mileage roller type which is what we have, Whats going on here ?__________________Tod Corbin shared a link.
August 30 at 4:21pm · Corbin On the ELKO COUNTY RAILROAD JUSTICE SYSTEM
Unlike · Reply · 1 · September 3 at 9:29am
_______________Tod Corbin
August 31 at 5:59pm ·
Stan just messaged me ,informed us Elko County has come and shut our water off ! Im in Portland Oregon at a medical exam and our water bill is paid in full according to our contract. This is because of what I exposed about the corruption that has taken place with the Montello water system. Now I will have to hustle home and make watering arrangements for our herd. I guess all I can say is what a bunch of low life thugs the county water Nazi's have become ...intimidation, harrassment,theft by deception and theft of services and the list goes on to more serious felonies. I thought they would know better but I guess they are used to using these tactics. WE WILL SEE U IN COURT!Roland Tresham I'd say you ruffled some feathers alright, persistence & facts backed up with evidence is a sure winner! Your on the right track my friend, keep the fire burning! Praying for your family, pets, stock, you, and guidance from the all mighty to overcome t...See More
Tod Corbin Can hardly wait to see you two , yes I think i got their attention and we will take them to court hell or high water Thankyou Roland Tresham
Tod Corbin Also county under sheriff states he has no evidence? Nothing pissess me off more than do nothings and do nothing is what he has done!
Tod Corbin
September 2 at 6:20am ·
This morning going back up to Montello springs to take pictures of every spring then off to SLC to meet with channel 2 Gephardt people,they are very interested in reporting the corruption concerning this water system in Montello. Authorities in Elko county that did nothing but ignore our complaints of corruption WILL BE NAMED !! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND I GAVE YOU PLENTY OF EVIDENCE AND TIME TO ACT. Thankyou to all the people who helped us ! As Rontello says SMASH ELKO !!Danyelle Mae Martin Good for you!!!!
Like · Reply · September 2 at 5:27am
Ben Barnhardt Sic em Todd. Tear them lousy mother FELAFEL U(> ers up
Tod Corbin They are as corrupt as they get ,Im actually surprised they haven't tried to muscle me yet Ben ? The ones involved I will make sure they get behind bars a while
Tod Corbin We will Sandy Fletcher Shea no choice now eithet we go down or they go down !
Ron Tello Culley 357 days on ice was time enuff to formulate similar opinions and effects. word.______________Tod Corbin added 11 new photos.
September 2 at 4:43pm ·
Two developed springs hooked to Montello water system other non developed springs not joined to system. Elko county was paid for 12 developed springs ! Where are they ? Not on our system Also 78 wand read water meters that dont exist and Elko county under sheriff says no evidence well here's the evidence felafelface yes i called you a felafelfaceTod Corbin Also evidence. ..everyone look up Montello Nevada water system, Waterlines spring 2005 volume 16 the article (featured system) this is where Lynn Forsberg states we have 12 springs with there own valves connected to our system and how much the project costs 7 springs phase one 5 more springs phase two all lies as my photos prove
Tod Corbin Also county commissioner
Damar Dahl has been informed of this evidence. ..he also ignores it and is personal friends with the head lawman in our county SHERIFF JIM PITTS whose department has also ignored evidence with the exception of two un-named deputies who i have to believe will do their jobs.
Tod Corbin Comes a point where you get tired of the corruption if your not corrupt step up and show it !
_____________To Be Continued...