Author Topic: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!  (Read 64242 times)


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Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« on: January 23, 2015, 06:00:32 AM »
This new Tello blog is a work in progress.

:judge:       :notworking:
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #1 on: January 28, 2015, 05:23:40 AM »
This is THEE one thing I do that frightens the living crap
out of the Tyrants of Elko County, Nevada..

..Exposing the horrid TRUTH about who, how and what they are.

Pure unadulterated Corruption.

They've been destroying decent lives for far too long and since they've all but killed me,
I say they've come to meet their match.

This is more than just Hicktown Good-Ol-Boy politics;

This is WAR!

One show only. Tickets are not on sale and once you get in there's no turning back.

This is Tello Law.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2015, 05:27:24 AM »
Here's my decidedly effective format: C & P stuff from other sources.
It beats having to repeat my stuff. Let the things stand alone, together.

The story will fall into place in the Theatre of your mind.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2015, 05:28:14 AM »
I'm still homeless in hellacious Southern California, with an update:
Not only do I personally suffer the consequences of a completely INefficient cops system...the whole town of Montello is too.

There's a crime family there, ramping up their activities, getting caught redhanded and the cops will do NOTHING.

A friend of mine there has started a neborhood watch and no help from Elko.

I told her to share my pain.

Meanwhile as the Good folks do something, Evil continues to flourish, unabated.

Do ya see the mess here?
Even Dylan Harris has backed off from telling the horrible truth about Elko.

It's Dark Politics at it's finest, folks.
This is NO way to run an American Civilization.
But it's true. And I don't wanna go home until the human garbage is gone on both fronts of my 2-prong war: The Montello Mob AND the Elko Mob.

Not a conspiracy...POLICY!

Do you care?
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2015, 05:33:42 AM »

My Trial was the Greatest Fraud on Earth:

         Ringling Bros., Porter and Bailiff Circus.

I kept a Journal. Still am.

Need to shop it. Am.

Ya'll have NO idea of the Elko Dark Political HELL this still is.

I can't go home where crime is rampant and the law allows it.
I'm being persecuted for standing up to the thugs that Elko lets roam free.
Figure this one, Sweeties....
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2015, 05:37:31 AM »

#1) Elko court did in fact make me a refugee of my home.
No explaination.
I question the "wisdom of the court".
Is this to protect the criminal element in Montello from my fury?
Or to keep me safe from further criminal escapades of the townies...who roam free, unabated by the graces of Elko law enfarcement?

#2: No one got the incident story right.
Alderman attacked me as I tried to advance towards my house. He would not let me slip out.
I gave him fair warning.
I had 3 weapons: pepper spray, a Ka-Bar and Moe.
I gave him Moe and he had enuff.

I shot to run him off, not connect. Only after he got a hot one did he retreat, not during the first 2 rounds.
The guy has a criminal past.
After the show, he stuck around town to fleece others for cash and stolen prizes, and NOBODY gave a rat's patootie about it.

On the witness stand I faced the jury and sed "Ladies and Gents of the jury....Montello Nevada is the Village of the Damned". (It was a 'Wow-zah' moment)

And it is.
So many other Elko County peeps have the same affliction: Cops let the perps go free.
I seen that commented upon in this forum. THEY are the problem and don't wanna hear about it.
The corruption is thick, engrained in the system from day One, 150 years ago. google Elko County NV/corruption.

I'm in a 2-pronged war: The Montello Mob, and The Elko Mob.

Some call it conspiracy. It's darker than that. I call it POLICY.

For 357 days I languished in hell not knowing the security of my home or who I could trust.

I continue to be a man without a

Sister Sunny stood me up BIG time. Family Values, my ass.....

#3; Im in Lancaster California. A shelter for the legions of the homeless.

It's Happy Jail. Light up, Lockdown.
The cops are fascists to these people. More later.

My goal now is to find a safehouse in the LA area, get there and find work while this legal illegality sorts out.

My Atty, a defendant himself, sez he can't get money from Nv. to undo their damages to me.
Again, more fascists. It's all political.

I went from Political Prisoner to Political Refugee.
I went to jail for what I did.
They kept in jail for who I am.
I got history.

I'm journaling. Papers in a suitcase that weighs a lot and I'm dragging it around the streets between shelter and the Library where I get this limited puter time.

I need hard cash to stay afloat and get out of here. I can't do this much longer; I'm not fit.

My last plan to raise the $ to get my truck legal and rolling (stolen battery) so I can do so much more.
Nobody is cooperating with me.

Except you. Don't stop. I'm writing it all. Be a hero MY hero.

Flock the world.
I love you all.

Peace, Love and Oatmeal for breakfast.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2015, 05:45:17 AM »

My atty sed he filed a motion to lift the ban for me to go home.
They sed I can go home only if with a cop and no cop is gonna camp out in my house.
It will be camping with no water, power and computer.

You know my house got looted the day after my jailing trip and it is known who did it.

My puters were stolen, some drums and other valuable 'my stuff'...and the Law refuses to do anything about it.

I'm in contact with a good nebor who reports a serious break-in crime wave and again, no cops to be found, or interested in doing their damn job.

It's corruption at the highest level and this MUST stop !!

That's my new mission in life.

Yeah, and this homeless thing is yet the next chapter of their oppression upon me after the bogus jail run.

Montello townies (the good ones) are furious that the in-town crooks are allowed to roam free while I'm banned from going home.

It makes perfect sense: this is how a bazturd county destroys a small insignificant town from within, Let the termites do it for them, and this is exactly what is happening.

Dylan Harris the Free Press kid told me several times he's writing a national story on me.

He's not. All those elko players have been lying to me from day one. So I'm motivated to write my own script if n when I can stay on a puter for extended time to compose.

I'm fixing to post it to the RT side here for all to see; email lawyers, media n others with the thread (Blog) URL.

Don't try to stop me; repression is futile.

You know it galls me to no end that the popular perception of my case is that I hunted Alderman and that's why all the Haters are calling for my head on a stick. If the papers would report the FACTS instead of my courtroom clownshow there would be truth n reason for all.
Not in smellko novada.

Imagine: The DA wants to bury me for up to 15 years for defending myself against a known dirtbag who clearly attacked me...while the Law in particular allows the REAL problems to proliferate.

This is not how to run an American civilization. My blog on the other side here "There is Law and there is Anarchy", you know..well.....l ELKO DOES HAVE IT BOTH WAYS!!!

And I'm pissed!

And again I say all of this is a huge plot, a plan, a POLICY to destroy me.

How can I be labeled a kook or conspiracy nut when it is ACTUALLY HAPPENING????

I ask of you fine Limeys and Sheilas to spam the DA's inbox and tell him (Tyler Ingram) to "Get off my case and get the REAL bad guys".

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2015, 05:53:26 AM »
Update: at 1:10 PM PST, my Atty Gary Woodbury called me (Yeah, I got me Cell Phone) and informed me that he got the Judge to sign off on the restriction so now I can go home.


I'm NOT going until A) I have the means to travel and 2) the vultures in town are eliminated.

That town is too small for this big bewlshot.

No way. If the Law won't clean them out, I shall opt to raise an army and smite mine enemies, thus sayeth the Lord Tello.

It's all a set up to doom yours truely and I'm having none of it.

That is all.

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2015, 05:57:14 AM »

I've been journaling since I was in the slammer and continue even unto now.

This ain't easy. But hear this: The Montownies share my dilemma and we are working together; they in town and me by remote technology.

You see what Elko did to me: Kept me on ice long as possible; I whooped the prosecution at trial and then the court made my freedom not much better than jail.

It's a dedicated, calculated and INTENTIONAL plot to ruin me. And it's working.
But not for long.....tee-hee.

Anyone else?
Challenge the conventional insanity with me.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2015, 06:18:09 AM »
Dang it!

In my zeal to get this thing rolling I failed to present
The Main Event.

Here it is!!!

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #10 on: January 29, 2015, 05:44:31 AM »
Here's when and where my intensifying troubles with Elko began.
The story here is true and troublesome.

This is what I believe Elko is upset with me about: I embarrased them.

No one lost their job, money or mind.
It was I who lost my stuff and respect for Elko Law.
Duke was brought to trial 4 years after the fact and was acquited.
The DA at the time is now my defense Attorney Gary Woodbury.
Get a load of him:

He's a nice guy, for an Elko Player, but I have experienced much in the ways of Conflicts of Disinterest.
Sometimes I wasn't sure whose side he was really on and I wrote to him about getting on "The Same Page".

Poor Elko, Inc.
They just don't know what to do with a character as me...except persecute me to death.
(I'm stronger than that!)

All I did was tell The Whole Truth. (I continue to do so now!)
It's strictly political ego bashing at play.
It is widely known that Elko don't like to be sassed, ridculued or EXPOSED for the criminal monster it is.

Please examine the full text of this source material!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2015, 05:19:23 AM »
The felonies and sins of Alderman:

He started the controversy; jumped me in front of my house with the intent to inflict great bodily harm.

He DID steal my food and booze, as per the witness testimony of Russ Coroi and it was he who put Lester up to coming after me from the Bar. It's all in the court records.

My Atty pointed out he committed "Coercion", the act of forcibly restraining a person from reporting criminal activity.

And other Torts.

And Elko does not care and does nothing about it.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2015, 05:27:36 AM »
And then there's this garbage law in town:

Paul was my best friend until he went berserk.
He thot I owed him money with no proof of his claims.

He DID kick in my door, shouted he was going to kill me and after I unloaded pepper spay in his mug and he still knocked me down.

Elko charged him with home invasion, NOT attempted murder, assault & battery.

And a dimwit jury let him go free.

After Alderman was out of my house he migrated to Toschak's Den Of Thieves.

Go figure.

I do!!!!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2015, 04:07:50 PM »
What this guy?

No wait that is Horshack not Toschak ... As you were ... Carry on soldier


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2015, 05:30:54 AM »
More Toschak dirt that must be presented.
Begin at post #37 here:

Now, this moron, at the time he busted into my house, claimed I owe him money.

Trying to kill me is no way to collect a debt, either real or imagined.

Look at the facts here: he boosted my firewood.

He lived on my property 2 consecutive winters.

He burned 15 gallons of MY kerosene and failed to replace it.
Same is true with upwards of 20 gallons of gasoline.

He put his fist thru a new interior house door when I refused him a cigarette.

He used my laptop to play games and refused to live up to his chores obligations.

I loaned him a gun and he lied to the cops about it and I never had it returned.

I loaned him a high-dollar automotive battery. Never got that returned.

Everything that a man needs to be alive and happy I PROVIDED TO HIM.
(What we're dealing with here is a big baby with no appreciation nor respect.

The list goes on but why bother?

All that on him...and I owe him money?


And Elko Law still refuses to act on my behalf.

All I want is for the law to be applied evenly across the board.
None of the "DA's discretion" where he gets to pick and choose who goes down and who goes free.

I have a saying:
     "If the law will not act to my benefit,
      it should have no right to act to my

Sounds legit to me.
Somebody needs to tell DA Tyler Ingram this.
He won't listen to me.
Or to the facts, evidence or The Truth!!!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2015, 08:07:58 AM »

On the witness stand I faced the jury and sed "Ladies and Gents of the jury....Montello Nevada is the Village of the Damned". (It was a 'Wow-zah' moment)

Is there a video? I'd pay to see that, lol. I bet you did a pretty good testifying.

It's on audio. No more stennos. I want a copy but no dice.
It's EPIC!

My Atty told me I "creamed" the DA.

I sed things worthy of Historical Archives.

I spent most of my Boxtime explaining my Oz Law was the DA's only tactic to pop me cuz the gun rap had no merit from the git-go.

I sed "The internet is an electric trashcan and it's up to the user to sort it out"

And "The advent of communication alone is a dangerous proposition".

And other profundities....

Americans are the problem here.

"The problem with America is Americans."
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #16 on: February 06, 2015, 06:25:26 AM »
This is a live report:

I've been in contact with certain Montownies regarding the local scuttlebutt.

A Neborhood watch has been instigated.

Officer Marvin Morton's reaction to the news of this was "So you have thieves watching thieves".
This is a clear indicator of the cop's mentality and agenda.

Also, the leader of the Palmer crime family was recently arrested for assorted thefts.

I speculated it would be a sham.

I'm right! Officer Jim Mathis failed to do the paperwork and the perp was released.
The incidental arrest did NOT reach the newspaper.

It's a "Crime-A-Palooza" in Elko County I tell you!!!

And it's GOT TO STOP!!!!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2015, 02:39:56 PM »
This one goes out to the Truthseekers in all this mess (hell...ALL of this is!)

At my Preliminary hearing, Alderman was asked by my Attorney Gary Woodbury: "On the night of this alleged shooting, did you know my client was armed with a gun?"

Alderman: "Yeah, Culley has lots of guns."

Woodbury: "So why did you pick a fight with a man knowing that he had a gun on him?"

Alderman: "I didn't think he would use it."

Woodbury:"Uh huh. And why did you not retreat after the first two warning shot were fired?"

Alderman: "Stupidity I guess. I was just stupid."

  Now this, Ladies and Gents, I submit to you, that in any NORMAL Court of Law this would have been the end of it.

But no.

DA Tyler Ingram was not gonna be defeated by the truth.

It was obvious, and Woodbury told me, that the DA has nothing and nowhere to go.
I thought "I'm outta here. I'll be on the street by suppertime!"

Not so.

Ingram pulls out a stack of printouts of my "There is Law" blog with post-it notes of his "faves" which he proceeded to introduce to the Court by saying "Your Honor, Mr. Culley said things on the internet that I find disturbing and seemingly indicative of his character.."

Without prefacing the presentation by saying the name and purpose of my blog, he did the "pick and choose"; citing random bits completely out of context...AND he deliberately misinterpreted them to fit his narrative and agenda.

The kicker; the nail driven into my freedom was this post:

I yearn for the day when I can go to the signs at each end of town and replace the M with an R, and Pop. 300+ to 1.

It's good to dream; it's better to hustle.

See you on TV!   

Ingram tells Judge Mason "This to me says that if we let Mr. Culley go...he's going to kill everyone in Montello"

And Mason said "Yer right. Motion for bail reduction denied."

I saw my life fade to black.

And it was that ruling that kept me warehoused, on ice in jail for 357 days.

Ingram did have somewhere to go.

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2015, 07:47:23 AM »
Tello Tello Tello

When this DA clown produced printouts of the law and anarchy stuff
you should have counter attacked with print outs of the night
Mr Sticky invaded the forum .... That would have made Masons wig curl


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2015, 02:06:29 PM »
While I admit to having no independent information on what was specifically presented in court, even taking your reports at face value, Tello, I cannot but shake my head at the supposed veracity of the 'evidence' from this forum it would seem was presented against you.

Specifically - and especially - anything taken out of context.

For those who might be following this on the world stage, know this: "Context" for Tello quite often cannot be contained within the scope with which many of us are familiar.  Our experience relies on conversation based on 'normal' interaction and Tello is more like a jalapeño in our gummy bear world.

To give you an idea of what I mean, after six months or so of Tello's contributions to this forum, I was inspired to pen the following.  Until now, it has only been accessible by members, but I reproduce it here as it is pertinent, my own work and, I believe, does not provide any new facts about Tello.

He's known to us all as the famous Ron Tello
 hid up in the fringe of Nevada.
Ensconced in his den buried deep in Montello,
 a drummer! (Is life any harder?)

He will make an impression, you'll never forget,
 a single post's all that it takes
and you'll break out in laughter or maybe in sweat
 - depends on the sense that he makes.

Inscrutable sometimes and often confusing,
 engaging this champion of chaff
is not for the shy - or you’ll find yourself musing
“Do I cry now or do I just laugh?”

His musical passion is clearly percussion,
- not woodwind, nor brass, nor of song.
But speak of his drums and amid the discussion
 he’ll tell you: “Now THIS is a Gong!”

A practical hand finds him pimping his ride
 (the parts list alone is a tome)
But should ills befall his most joyous new pride,
 he picks up and carries it home.

Though weather is usually safe to discuss
 (Wendover is often on show)
A wintry Christmas will just cause him to cuss
 “You can keep all your ice and your snow!”

A thoughtful, but quick wit, he often is found
 twixt notions (and liable to switch)
What? Serious or mirthful or flippant or sound?
 Just tell me now, PLEASE - Which is which???

This was copied into a 'reference' section, where a couple of subsequent posts make it quite clear as to why:

Originally published on the OZRT as per the quote citation and re-posted in another thread (somewhere), ... ...

It seemed appropriate to give it a formal home in this section - especially as we welcome new members, such as ******, to help with their 'acclimatisation'.

    :tello: "I'm not worthy".

It's more of a warning to others.....................................

As you might imagine from this, getting Tello out of context would be so easy, even if you weren't picking and choosing material.  Even with the best intentions and efforts, assessing Tello from his public posts on this forum would be like trying to appreciate opera via teletype.



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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2015, 10:16:23 PM »
While I admit to having no independent information on what was specifically presented in court, even taking your reports at face value, Tello, I cannot but shake my head at the supposed veracity of the 'evidence' from this forum it would seem was presented against you.

Specifically - and especially - anything taken out of context.

For those who might be following this on the world stage, know this: "Context" for Tello quite often cannot be contained within the scope with which many of us are familiar.  Our experience relies on conversation based on 'normal' interaction and Tello is more like a jalapeño in our gummy bear world.

To give you an idea of what I mean, after six months or so of Tello's contributions to this forum, I was inspired to pen the following.  Until now, it has only been accessible by members, but I reproduce it here as it is pertinent, my own work and, I believe, does not provide any new facts about Tello.

He's known to us all as the famous Ron Tello
 hid up in the fringe of Nevada.
Ensconced in his den buried deep in Montello,
 a drummer! (Is life any harder?)

He will make an impression, you'll never forget,
 a single post's all that it takes
and you'll break out in laughter or maybe in sweat
 - depends on the sense that he makes.

Inscrutable sometimes and often confusing,
 engaging this champion of chaff
is not for the shy - or you’ll find yourself musing
“Do I cry now or do I just laugh?”

His musical passion is clearly percussion,
- not woodwind, nor brass, nor of song.
But speak of his drums and amid the discussion
 he’ll tell you: “Now THIS is a Gong!”

A practical hand finds him pimping his ride
 (the parts list alone is a tome)
But should ills befall his most joyous new pride,
 he picks up and carries it home.

Though weather is usually safe to discuss
 (Wendover is often on show)
A wintry Christmas will just cause him to cuss
 “You can keep all your ice and your snow!”

A thoughtful, but quick wit, he often is found
 twixt notions (and liable to switch)
What? Serious or mirthful or flippant or sound?
 Just tell me now, PLEASE - Which is which???

This was copied into a 'reference' section, where a couple of subsequent posts make it quite clear as to why:

Originally published on the OZRT as per the quote citation and re-posted in another thread (somewhere), ... ...

It seemed appropriate to give it a formal home in this section - especially as we welcome new members, such as ******, to help with their 'acclimatisation'.

    :tello: "I'm not worthy".

It's more of a warning to others.....................................

As you might imagine from this, getting Tello out of context would be so easy, even if you weren't picking and choosing material.  Even with the best intentions and efforts, assessing Tello from his public posts on this forum would be like trying to appreciate opera via teletype.


Tello is more like a jalapeño in our gummy bear world.

Lol Brumbs. Did you make that up? Great post, and I totally agree.

Good luck Tello. Maybe you could contact the NAACP for some assistance.  ;D

lady rose

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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2015, 11:23:55 PM »
Nice to see you are still in good form Tello, don't let the Bs get you down, fight the good fight xX


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2015, 01:50:29 AM »

Tello is more like a jalapeño in our gummy bear world.

Lol Brumbs. Did you make that up?

Yes - but I only found the words ... Tello provided the inspiration.


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #23 on: February 09, 2015, 02:49:43 PM »
Tello is valued by us as a highly unique individual, with a sometimes impenetrable communication style, but always bursting forth with passion and his own consistent perspective. Out of context, yes, his words can be taken to mean things he did not intend to convey.

It behoves one to invest in a Tello Dictionary. It's a bit like reading Lear in the dark with your eyes shut while listening to The Saucepan Man telling you all the Spider.

"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #24 on: February 10, 2015, 05:23:21 AM »
What Brum6y and Tessa said.

This is starting to become most interesting now!
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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #25 on: February 10, 2015, 12:32:42 PM »
Felafen 'ell...the jury failed to read and understand the instructions.

They dint care one wit about the DA's bent on my blogging.

It was the case facts vs. the law they stuffed up upon.

I'm supposed to be retried August 11. I told my Atty I want a change of venue.
No such luck, so again I must be woefully subjected to the the wrath of morons on all sides.

I'd rather take my chances with a firing squad if I gotta risk my life with these motards again!!!

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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #26 on: February 10, 2015, 03:06:15 PM »
My next comment could be taken as 'telling tales out of school', but I believe it to be particularly relevant to Tello's current efforts.

On a few occasions, I have noticed a Tello post attracting the attention of this site's Moderators.

What is of interest is not the trespass, but Tello's response to the action taken.  Sometimes he is not happy, but in more than one instance, I have witnessed a rather philosophical comment, accepting the action.  I believe one factor for this is that, from my observations, Moderation on this site is done with some intelligence.  Not like the Monty Python foot coming down and squashing everything, but looking at the bigger picture and taking a more surgical approach dealing with the transgressing material in a way that retains the fundamental message - wherever that is reasonably possible.

As a result of this and other experiences, I would suggest that Tello has some degree of respect for authority when it performs reasonably against expectations; is critical when it is weak and scathing when it fails in its duty.  If you look past his style of presentation and into the meat of the matter, as I see it his reactions are, fundamentally, no different to any other human being.

As an example, let's say you were walking by a cop who was writing out a parking ticket and you saw someone stealing your car across the street, so you called out: "Officer!  Someone is stealing my car!", pointing at the perpetrator.  Just imagine how you would feel if and he looks up briefly, says "I'll make a note of it." and goes back to writing out the parking ticket as your car disappears down the street.  I see this as analogous to Tello's situation and I ask: How would you react?

Also, from Tello's consistent claims of maintaining documented material (supported by some examples I have seen) it would seem likely there will be some interesting stuff available for anyone who takes up the challenge.


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #27 on: February 10, 2015, 04:48:17 PM »
The Horse is right.
Take the bull by the horns and make burgers.

Take the cop by the collar and make bail.

There's no making sense about the events surrounding me;
there's only the finding of rare logic which is consistently repressed in the Law's corner.

One man's terrorist is another man's hero.

I'm still just one man.

And better believe I'm on a mission!
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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #28 on: February 10, 2015, 04:50:48 PM »
Nice to see you are still in good form Tello, don't let the Bs get you down, fight the good fight xX

See ^ previous post!
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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #29 on: February 10, 2015, 05:15:56 PM »
Tello Tello Tello

When this DA clown produced printouts of the law and anarchy stuff
you should have counter attacked with print outs of the night
Mr Sticky invaded the forum .... That would have made Masons wig curl

My dear Smee: Comedy is not pretty, and Mr. Sticky is just the guy to put us all in G Block.
That's where the Chomos are kept.
I don't know why I was there; I have my suspicions.....but Mr. Sticky was NOT the reason.
Let's keep it that way.
Cheers M8!
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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #30 on: February 10, 2015, 10:25:35 PM »
Tello, you acknowledge yourself to be anything but perfect ... but you have always demonstrated a most intriguing (and to some, surprising) respect when the boundaries come down.

I'd agree with Brumby. Tello is not innately, inordinately and indiscriminately contemptuous of authority. He is contemptuous of authority wielded wrongly or unfairly, but not authority in itself.

If treated with fairness, from my experience Tello does not react petulantly - but rather, he demonstrates a reasonable response (and usually accompanied with his trademark unique humour).

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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #31 on: February 11, 2015, 06:24:34 AM »
Oh! My Dear Tessa.....I'm starting to love you again.

Keep up the good work!
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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #32 on: February 11, 2015, 01:45:11 PM »
Well I'd have to agree with everyone.  Tello is unusual for sure.  Quite often I can't understand a word he posts.  Sometimes I do.  It doesn't worry me because I know Tello is, at heart, an artist, a performer, who just loves the limelight and attention and who enjoys expressing himself in his unique way. 

Sometimes, some of his unique expressions are a demonstration of pure genius, sometimes a metaphor.  It is very occasionally literal.  What is literal is how fond we all are of Tello and how much we missed his colour (<== he he note the Australian spelling), intelligence and humour. 

There is no-one like Tello and never will be.  I know he has a good heart and I believe those posts used against him were deliberately taken out of context.  For them to be valid, everything he posts (even in our private area) needs to be accessed. 



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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #33 on: February 12, 2015, 07:27:59 AM »
Right, Duckee!

I already hung the jury.
Now let's tie up the courts!

Sooooo bitchen!!!
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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #34 on: February 13, 2015, 05:54:19 AM »
Here now, is the blatent truth about the lack of duty and respect of Elko County.

Silence is complacency.

Tanya is a Public Relations agent of the DA's office.
She's been prompt to reply in the past.
Now it's Radio Silence...thus far.

I have them "On the run"...

From Ron Tello Wed Feb 11 18:31:00 2015
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 2015 18:31:00 +0000 (UTC)
From: Ron Tello <>
Reply-To: Ron Tello <>
To: Tanya Yell <>

Greetings from Southern California.

Please tell me why Law Enforcement is virtually non-existent in Montello?

No arrests have been made regarding the looting of my home and the Sheriffs refuse to act.

The same gang of hoodlums who aggrieve me are still there and I refuse to return home until this problem is solved.

Thus, I remain homeless for this reason.

I will not be this way forever.
Something HAS to be done.

All I want is for the Law to apply itself evenly across the board.

Is this asking for too much?

Please advise.

Thank you.


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #35 on: February 13, 2015, 06:08:52 AM »

Tanya Yell
February 12, 2015 at 11:06 AM

Tanya; where I live..silence is complacency.
If you are not a part of the solution,
you are a part of the problem.

Do I have the DA's office "on the run"?

Crime runs rampant in Montello.
The cops allow it to flourish.
And the DA's discretion is to turn a blind eye.

This is NOT the civilization I bargained for when I paid my taxes.

Your friend (not mine) Mr. Ingram wants to bury me for standing up to the bullies that the Law refuses to deal with.


If the Law refuses to work for my benefit, it should have no right to work to my detriment.


Answer me.


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #36 on: February 13, 2015, 06:19:42 AM »
Tanya Yell
February 12,  at 11:17 AM

Brace yourself, and have Ingram join you:

Snoop this and use it against me!

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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #37 on: February 13, 2015, 06:30:37 AM »
Marvin Morton
February 12, at 11:29 AM

Officer Morton:
I can no longer trust you and neither does Montello.

You disappoint all and surprise none.

Sorry you sold out.

You can read, but you can't hide:

Feel free to dispute the allegations.

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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #38 on: February 13, 2015, 11:04:46 PM »
I don't know where that DA got their law degree, but where I'm from a person has the right to a Fair and Speedy Trial, not to mention an impartial Jury.

And at the rate these clowns are doing their jobs I can go to law school, get a degree, and then sue them.


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #39 on: February 15, 2015, 07:10:14 AM »
Yay Jimmy!

Put your brain out there with me but no guarantee it'll be infectious!

No replies here from any of these clowns.

So now do they know I'm after them with the same verve as they are being after me?

Count on it!

I made sure the DA sees this blog.

Keep up the pressure with me!

Failure is not an option!

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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #40 on: February 15, 2015, 07:52:09 AM »
When the Law is the criminal...what does that make me?

Call me Virgil.

Or Mr. Lante.
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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #41 on: February 15, 2015, 07:54:32 AM »
Look...I don't wanna have to go all Medevil on these brats, but I do wax nostalgic over "Tar & Feathers".


Come back?
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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #42 on: February 15, 2015, 01:40:02 PM »
Throw them into the briar patch


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #43 on: February 15, 2015, 11:14:49 PM »

Come back?

Do you have any State vs State rivalry over there in the dear ol' U.S.of A.?  Find out who hates Nevada the most and feed the story to their media.  Might turn up the heat.

Nothing more despised by those eluding responsibility than to find themselves in the spotlight....


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #44 on: February 17, 2015, 02:22:32 AM »
Lick the tar off the nearest road for that authentic tar experience.

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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #45 on: February 17, 2015, 09:49:08 AM »


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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #46 on: February 20, 2015, 05:18:41 AM »
Hi Emme, Rosie.

Mellow Tello does have a nice ring to it - but I think he's a long ways off from that yet.

Give him victory in his current quest - and the publicity to prove it to the world - and there might be a chance.

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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #47 on: February 20, 2015, 05:25:05 AM »
UPDATE: 2-19-15

Elko, Inc. is NOT talking.

No care, concern, respect, dignity or PROFESSIONALISM
to be had by that spineless lot!!!

You know, kids...when grown-ups take a Sacred Oath to uphold the Law,
they'd better do it!!!

Or else....

....they get on TelloVision!

The whole world is watching but can't find the remote....

This ain't easy but it is necessary.
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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #48 on: February 21, 2015, 12:12:58 AM »
Tello, you're quite right. Being a representative of the law is a privilege and a responsibility, and it means that person's job ought to be bigger than their disinclination to act in a particular instance.

The law is to be upheld without bias; otherwise, it is not the law.

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Re: Lawyers, Media and Others ONLY!!!
« Reply #49 on: February 21, 2015, 06:02:31 AM »
Tello, you're quite right. Being a representative of the law is a privilege and a responsibility, and it means that person's job ought to be bigger than their disinclination to act in a particular instance.

The law is to be upheld without bias; otherwise, it is not the law.

Without law applied judiciously, without regard for persons or station or interest, there is inherent injustice.

The law applied fairly may sometimes result in inadvertent injustice (when evidence is misinterpreted or falsified, for instance), but the law being FAILED to be applied is deliberate injustice.

Did you hear that, Elko?????
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