Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2806582 times)


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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24600 on: December 23, 2022, 07:12:29 AM »
Editor Daily Rundown: FBI Breaks Silence On ‘Twitter Files,’ Attacks Critics As ‘Conspiracy Theorists’

December 22, 2022


The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issued a new statement Wednesday following the latest “Twitter Files” dump.

The FBI accused the “Twitter Files” release as an attempt “to discredit” the agency by disclosing information on the FBI’s correspondence with Twitter in October 2020. Journalist Matt Taibbi revealed that the agency warned the previous executives at Twitter of a “hack-and-leak” by “state actors” surrounding the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop to influence the 2020 presidential election.

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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24601 on: December 23, 2022, 08:25:25 AM »
Home for The Holidays?

Homemade Substitutes for Toilet Paper

A big part of being self-reliant is learning to make the most out of every resource.

When the crisis strikes, you have absolutely no way of knowing when you will get another chance to stock up on supplies, whatever those might be.

Many people focus solely on food, water, and medicine. While these are, indeed, the most important supplies, there are plenty of others to consider. What would you do if you ran out of toilet paper?

This is not something that many people give a lot of consideration. But think about it. It is a product that everyone needs all the time. In that regard, it is placed in a pretty special category with other essentials that you simply cannot go without.

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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24602 on: December 23, 2022, 08:30:38 AM »
This means that toilet paper is a pretty important resource, but it is also a finite one.

No matter how many supplies of toilet paper you buy, it is a single-use item, one which literally gets flushed down the toilet after being used. This not only represents a waste of money, but also an actual waste which you might have to deal with if your plumbing is damaged when SHTF. Therefore, it would make sense to look at homemade alternatives for toilet paper.

Using Cloth Toilet Paper

The most common alternative to regular toilet paper is cloth toilet paper which is also referred to as family cloth. Due to the sensitive nature of the product in question, some people might be reticent to change their habits and find a substitute for toilet paper. However, something to remember is that people used a lot of different other items before toilet paper even existed.

Those who accept this concept will see that family cloth does have several advantages over regular toilet paper.

For starters, it is completely homemade. Family cloth is simply squares of fabric that can be made from anything around the house including old clothes that you do not wear anymore.
The product is recyclable, a big plus when talking about maximizing our resources.
These clothes are simply kept in a basket in the bedroom and thrown in a bin after being used. Afterward, they are thrown in the washing machine and then left to dry.
They are reusable. While this might be the notion that upsets most people, it is also the one which constitutes the biggest advantage of family cloth.

Disregarding the specific product in question, whenever we are talking about two solutions, one reusable and one finite, the reusable one is always the most efficient choice.

If you are looking for a way to maximize your resources, then using family cloth is the way to go. Many people who use family cloth regularly claim that it is more comfortable. After all, it would be made from the same material as underwear so the sensation will be very familiar.

These reasons have convinced many people to switch off toilet paper in their everyday life. For them, there is also a financial motivation to consider. Reusing the same family cloth over and over again means not having to spend any more money on toilet paper.

And lastly, you need to consider that you might not have a choice. If SHTF and you become isolated from the community and you run out of toilet paper, this becomes a viable substitute whether you want to or not.

Making Your Own Toilet Paper

For many people, the best substitute for toiler paper is simply… toilet paper. It is possible to make your own as you do not need complicated tools, as you will be recycling all of your old paper which you have no use for anymore. You can use newspaper, general paper, and even magazines as long as they do not have a shiny gloss. You will also want to add ingredients such as baby oil, lotions, or aloe in order to keep the paper from hardening.

1. The first step would be to remove as much ink as possible from the paper, by soaking it in a tub or a bucket. Afterward, take the paper and place it in a pot with leaves and grass which will help the fibers remain together. The pot should be filled with water so that it completely covers the paper and then left to simmer. It is important not to boil the water from the beginning so that the dry materials have a chance to absorb the water.

2. After an hour of simmering comes about half an hour of boiling at high temperatures. It’s ok to add more water if necessary. You will also need to remove the foam which begins to rise to the top, as this is mostly ink, glue, and other materials you don’t want.

3. Eventually, the paper turns into a pulp. At this time you will have to remove the water but without disturbing the pulp. Try to remove as much as possible and then simply wait for it to cool before removing the rest of the water. The pulp also needs to be taken out in order to remove the water, but it should not be done so that the pulp becomes completely dry. Once this is done the pulp is put back in the pot and it is mixed with the softening oils. If you have it, you can also add Witch Hazel which will act as an anti-bacterial.

4. Once this step is complete, it is time to scoop out the pulp. Do it in chunks and place them on a towel or a cloth on a flat surface. Afterward, you will use a rolling pin in order to spread out the pulp in a thin layer. Try to make it as thin as possible. A mallet can be used to gently deal with any lumps that might appear.

5. Now another towel or cloth should be placed on top of the layer to create a sandwich. On top of this place something flat and rigid and then something heavy. You can even walk on it if you want. The goal here is to remove all the excess water.

6. If this is done you can remove the items placed on top. Be careful with the second towel as you do not want it to stick to the pulp. In order to remove the towel on the bottom, you will have to flip it all upside down. Do not try to remove the pulp of the towel.

Then you are left with a big layer of thin paper that needs to dry in the sun. Afterwards all you have to do is cut it into pieces and you’ll have your DIY toilet paper.
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24603 on: December 23, 2022, 09:56:42 AM »
"It's a Wonderful Life": The most terrifying movie ever
Underneath the warm fuzzies, Frank Capra's holiday classic is a tale of hunger, greed and a troubled America

I don't care what your parents told you. "It's a Wonderful Life," that reassuring holiday spectacle, is really the most terrifying Hollywood film ever made. It's one of a handful of masterpieces directed by Frank Capra, an Italian immigrant who loved America because America saved him. Capra lived through the Depression, then through the rise of terrible ideologies. He knew how bad things could get. He knew, too, that the United States was not immune and this knowledge spiked his love with the worst kind of fear. The result was that special melancholy, blue shot through with black, that runs through his films, the best of which are parables that operate on various levels, some of which were probably unknown to Capra himself.

If you were to cut "It's a Wonderful Life" by 20 minutes, its true subject would be revealed: In this shortened version, George Bailey, played by a Jimmy Stewart forever on the edge of hysteria, after being betrayed by nearly everyone in his life, after being broken on the wheel of capitalism, flees to the outskirts of town, Bedford Falls, N.Y., where he leaps off a bridge with thoughts of suicide.

That's the movie: The good man driven insane.

Oh no, you might say, you've missed the entire point. Following the trials of George Bailey without seeing his rescue is like hearing the story of the Passion without knowing of the Resurrection. It's just Jesus on the cross saying, "Oh, Father, why hast Thou forsaken me," followed by a star wipe and end credits. It's the power of editing. Where you start and where you finish is the whole story. That's all modern literature is: the identical image cropped. It's the same with the narrative experienced by everyone every day. The story is reframed for taste. On this channel, Barack Obama fails and is condemned. On that channel, Barack Obama stumbles but is resurrected in the way of George Bailey. Did the Chicago Bears lose? Well, then let's find the channel on which the Chicago Bears win.

In other words, I did not miss the point. The story of the George Bailey who is honored and saved remains. It's the explicit message of the final scene: A man with friends is never poor. But another, deeper message is there, too -- it's Capra wailing at that secret register picked up by bats and dogs, saying, "Help, help, America is in trouble!"

"It's a Wonderful Life" is about hunger. It's about greed. It's about the many ways a good man is stymied. Finally, it's about George Bailey, whose decency prevents him even from killing himself. Though he wants to jump, he dives into the river to save another suicide, instead -- the angel, it turns out, who has come to show George that his life has been wonderful after all, because human commerce is a web and as part of that web George has affected and saved thousands of people. To make this point, the angel famously shows George what the world would be like had he never been born, leading him back into town, which had been Bedford Falls but is now named after the treacherous banker who controls it: Pottersville.

Bedford Falls was quaint and fine; Pottersville is vulgar and mean.

In this new world, George Bailey's wife is a spinster. His brother is dead. His house is a ruin.

OK, OK, says George, I've had enough.

Just like that, he's returned to life, resurrected.

He runs home, where friends and relatives have gathered to save him.

Here's my point: I do not think the hidden message vanishes when the movie goes Hollywood and happy. I believe the resolution of the darker movie is, in fact, still there, wrapped around the happy ending of the classic. Look again at the closing frames -- shots of Jimmy Stewart staring at his friends. In most, he's joyful. But in a few, he's terrified. As I said, this is a terrifying movie. An hour earlier George was ready to kill himself. He has now returned from a death experience. He was among the unborn, had crossed over like Dante's hero, had seen this world from beyond the veil. In those frames -- "The Night Journey of George Bailey" -- I don't think he's seeing the world that would exist had he never been born. I think he's seeing the world as it does exist, in his time and also in our own.

George had been living in Pottersville all along. He just didn't know it. Because he was seeing the world through his eyes -- not as it was, but as he was: honest and fair. But on "The Night Journey," George is nothing and nobody. When the angel took him out of his life, he took him out of his consciousness, out from behind his eyes. It was only then that he saw America. Bedford Falls was the fantasy. Pottersville is where we live. If you don't believe me, examine the dystopia of the Capra movie -- the nighttime world of neon bars and drunks and showgirl floozies. Does Bedford Falls feel more like the place you live, or does Pottersville? I live in a place that looks very much like Bedford Falls, but after 10 minutes in line at the bank or in the locker room where the squirts are changing for hockey I know I'm in Pottersville.

I'm betting this was as much the case in Capra's time as it is in our own. He loved America but was watching the triumph of Pottersville. That's why, in the last scene, George looks at his friends with terror. He's happy to be alive, but he's disillusioned, wised up in just the worst way. He finally knows the world as it really is, what his friends are capable of, the dark potential coiled in each of them. His wife is a spinster in Pottersville because, if she's not with George, she cannot be anything. She's just one of two characters who are, in fact, the same in both worlds, the other being Mr. Potter. Everyone else is two-faced, masked. Simply put, George has been cursed with knowledge, shown the truth of the world -- seen hidden things. It's the sort of vision that makes a person go insane.

Instead of ending the movie 20 minutes early, it might be interesting to let it run for another hour, to see the hero after the guests have left the house and the money has been collected and the children gone to sleep -- George left to grapple alone with the meaning and the message of what he has been allowed to see. He is like Jacob and he has wrestled with the angel and carries a terrible burden. He would either sit quietly in darkness, or weep like a baby, or wander through the streets of Pottersville, shouting, "Vanity of vanities, all is vanity."
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24604 on: December 23, 2022, 10:11:51 AM »
Steven Michael King

Do Ya think?

The Space Academy
Astrobiologists Say Planet Earth Itself Might Actually Be An Intelligent Being
Can a planet be intelligent? That seems to be the crux of a new theory proposed by astrobiologists — that planets are intelligent entities too.

Ron Tello Culley
Yeah. It's called Gaia. And trees talk.

Steven Michael King
newer scientific equipment shows plants have conciousness.... Animals of course are showing raising of conciousness.... our planet has its conciousness, as does our Solar system, Galaxy and so how its looking.... we need to treat our home nice

Ron Tello Culley
Yeah. Earth Day 1 was in 1970. Not enuff time to figure it out?

Steven Michael King
it happened a few times since then, the Earth day things....

Ron Tello Culley
A lotta good it did. Ever stay to the end? What's there? FOCKING LITTER. They will never learn.

Steven Michael King
our oceans , our forrests, or other lands and places... are not trash cans!

Ron Tello Culley
The top of our hiking trails are toilets.
Turds on the ground.

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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24605 on: December 23, 2022, 10:52:13 AM »
Why It Hurts to Watch Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life

In a matter of weeks, Americans will engage in the Christmas ritual of visiting Bedford Falls, U.S.A., home to George and Mary Bailey, Uncle Billy, Bert and Ernie, Violet Bicks, and mean Henry Potter. It's the time of year for everyone's favorite holiday rerun, Frank Capra's 1946 classic, It's a Wonderful Life. Americans have been watching this film for more than half a century, but have long ago abandoned its message. In his time, Frank Capra was a persistent advocate for core cultural values. Today, conservatives and new Democrats alike bemoan the absence of core values, though I doubt they want to adopt those of Bedford Falls.

If the political and cultural pacesetters of our time are any indication, the wonderful life of Capra's film bears little resemblance to our aspirations. The current fascination with the rich, the powerful, and the famous is not found in Bedford Falls. To Capra, the rich and powerful had none of the essential qualities to preserve freedom in America, nor did they display any of the core cultural values he championed. Henry Potter, the films consummate big money capitalist, is half a man physically, existing entirely from the waist up. More importantly, what remains of his humanity is the part triggered by cold monetary self-interest. Potter has neither family nor friends. His only social relationships are those attached by what a wise philosopher once called the" cash nexus." Unlike his nemesis, George Bailey, Potter is intolerant of America's working class and its ethnic minorities. Potter refers to the former as"suckers" and"riff raff," and the later,"garlic eaters." In short, Capra depicts big time capitalists as bigoted predators, itching to direct America toward a predatory existence under their domain.

It’s A Wonderful Life warns that a predatory capitalism could prevail unless regular Americans reconcile the tension between self-interest and the communal spirit--each with a grip on our national consciousness. George Bailey not only embodies this conflict, he provides the object lesson for its resolution. He fights the temptations of self-interest every time he tries but fails to"shake the dust off [that] crummy little town." In the famous parlor scene where George and Mary share a phone call from"Hee Haw," Sam Wainwright, George insists he"doesn't want any ground floors," he"doesn't want to marry anybody!" Just before succumbing to his repressed love for Mary, he says,"I want to do what I want to do!" Of course, George never does what he wants, for, as a more contemporary George (Costanza) has said,"A George divided against himself cannot stand." Time and again, George B. sets aside"independent George," and for good reason. To do otherwise would condemn Bedford Falls to Potter. Even George and Mary's planned honeymoon, financed by their hard earned rainy day money, is too risky to the fabric of the community.

George Bailey is Capra's consummate peoples' hero using his money and his business only as a way of helping family, friends, and community. Herein lie the essence of Capra's Americanism and his model for generating a wonderful life--a people's capitalism. Such a capitalism exists when one's commitment to giving takes priority over self; when the well being of the self is rooted in the well being of the community, and when the profit motive is employed to meet societal needs, rather than stock dividends. Like many Depression era Americans, Capra had little faith left in the promises of laissez-faire (i.e., the pursuit of self-interest as parent to the common good). What is good for Potter is emphatically not good for Bedford Falls.

The humane capitalism of Capra's film was not inevitable. A possible alternative is glimpsed, should the"true American" succumb to the temptations of unbridled individualism. It is"Pottersville," a place marred by divorce, broken families, pornography, shootings and police chases; an existence that"makes men want to get drunk fast," according to Nick the bartender. Pottersville turns the innocent flirtations of Violet Bicks, easily accommodated in the nurturing environment of Bedford Falls, into prostitution and self-destruction. It is an all against all, spiritually unrewarding society where the entrails of misery and alienation are easy to find--kind of like L.A.

Judging from the film's ending, Capra did not think Pottersville was likely. There were far too many George and Mary Baileys dedicated to the well being of others. Moreover, Capra saw the values of a people's capitalism enduring since they were consistent with the ethics of the heavens. After all, George's guardian angel, Clarence, had to help others before he could earn his wings. No, once committed to the core values of a people's capitalism, the U.S. could beat back all threats, foreign and domestic.

For all its collectivist spirit, It’s A Wonderful Life is not without its flaws. Capra was naïve to think a people's capitalism could endure solely on citizens' commitment to the Golden Rule. Without a people's government, a people's capitalism seems inconceivable. Capra also looked too optimistically at suburbia as a location where his core values could prosper, and off the mark in assuming"Bailey Park" would protect Americans from the Henry Potter's of the world. Suburbia has proven to be quite accessible to the corrosive influences of corporate interests. The post World War II suburbanization of the working class eroded much of what remained of community values. With its porchless houses, lack of significant social space, suburbia fostered not community, but runaway consumerism. Such an existence made it easy for Americans to turn inward and ignore all but self. Instead of community identity flowing smoothly from the interaction of people and personalities, as in Bedford Falls, suburbia took on the identity imposed from without, enveloping all under the now familiar signs of the Wal Marts, Starbucks, Best Buys, and Costco's. So complete is the corporate takeover of the culture, teachers of our time can either identify their students either by name or corporate logos.

Finally, Capra's ideal America is sexist and racist to a degree. From all indications, he had a hard time envisioning women outside the role of housewife. After all, Mary, a college graduate, only finds fulfillment in"turning a house into a home" and being"on the nest." Likewise, Capra showed no indication he could perceive blacks in roles outside the servant class. Annie, the Baileys' maid, makes a number of references to her desire for a husband and family, but we can't like her chances. She is the only black in Bedford Falls, and, for all the warmth and comfort found in the Bailey home, I'm not sure even they are ready to accept inter-racial marriage.

Capra's critique of big money capitalists is all but lost in today's mainstream culture. Instead of people's heroes, our culture displays a steady menu of the"greed is good" ethos of ABC's John Stossel, the Social Darwinism of"Survivor"and the mean spirited, though now somewhat blemished conservatism, of Rush Limbaugh and Bill"one armed bandit" Bennett.

America seems to have lost its stomach for a sustained critique of the rampant pursuit of personal wealth over civic responsibility. This is as much so politically as culturally. Our current president gives huge tax breaks to the wealthiest 1 percent under the cynical banner of"fairness" to all taxpayers. Indeed, the most visible"George" of our time has come a long way from Bedford Falls.

Democrats currently lined up to challenge Bush seem equally reluctant to campaign against America Inc. The few prominent George and Mary Baileys of today (Ralph Nader, Arianna Huffington, Dennis Kucinich et. al.) are relegated to the margins, while the attitudes of an early twentieth century Republican-- who once called the rich and well born"malefactors of great wealth"-- are as passe as Frank Capra. So too the words of Eugene V. Debs, who insisted that"money constitutes no proper basis for civilization." All of the above makes the enduring popularity of It’s A Wonderful Life something of a curiosity and at the same time a ray of hope. In any case, I know what I want from Santa Claus this Christmas. I want Capra's civic mindedness, and critique of the rich and wellborn worked back into the fabric of the culture. Perhaps then we can revitalize our struggle for all to have a wonderful life.

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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24606 on: December 23, 2022, 11:18:25 AM »
“It’s A Wonderful Life” Isn’t Just a Movie — It’s a Prophecy
We’re becoming a world of slumlord Pottersvilles

There are two traditions in my family that you need to know about:

We watch Frank Capra’s legendary 1946 classic It’s A Wonderful Life every Christmas without fail.

Whenever a new family buys a new house in our neighborhood, we head over with sourdough and sea-salt and a bottle of Bordeaux and re-enact the scene where Mary and George Bailey christen Giuseppe Martini’s new house:
“Bread, that this house may never know hunger. Salt, that life may always have flavor. And wine, that joy and prosperity may reign forever.”

People love it.

Sadly, homeownership will soon be as out of reach for the middle class as it already is for the working poor.

Because we’re not heading toward an idyllic Bailey Park.

We’re driving full-speed into Pottersville.

It’s A Wonderful Life
For those who haven’t seen the movie — no judgment, but what are you doing with your life?!—it’s a story about an angel who, according to IMDB, is “sent from heaven to help a desperately frustrated businessman by showing him what life would have been like if he had never existed.”

But the B-story is a prophecy about the times in which we live.

George Bailey (played by the great Jimmy Stewart) runs the Bailey Bros Buildings and Loan Association, a company that contributes to the community by building affordable homes for owner-occupiers.

Henry F. Potter hates George’s guts. Rather than contribute to the town of Bedford Falls, Potter’s full-time job is extraction — he owns the bank, the bus lines, the department stores, and plays slumlord to a tenement called Potter’s Field.

While Potter dreams of bankrupting the Baileys so he can create a housing monopoly to milk the middle class, George Bailey dreams of building “airfields, skyscrapers a hundred stories high, bridges a mile long.”

But George Bailey’s day-to-day goal is singular:

To help every working family own their own home.

Bailey Park in It’s A Wonderful Life
Ownership matters
Monopolists and their sycophants will tell you that homeownership doesn’t really matter, but they’re all wrong — if you don’t own your house debt-free, someone else does and you are at their money-grubbing mercy.

When you’re an owner, you have pride of ownership.
When you’re an owner, you have locational stability.
When you’re an owner, you have skin in the game.
When you’re an owner, you aren’t enriching a passive leech.
When you’re an owner, you can start growing real roots in a community.
When you’re an owner, you’re more protected against the corporate-captured government robbing your wealth via inflation.
When George Bailey is granted his wish and gets to see what life would’ve been like had he never been born, he’s shocked by the results:

Because there was no one to fight for market competition and justice and equality and opportunity and ownership for the working poor and middle class, the town is renamed Pottersville and descends into a $#itsburg hellhole.

Pottersville is packed with bars, strip clubs, casinos, and pawn shops. It’s full of cops and traffic and lights and noise and strangers. It’s filled with colder, harder people, with more violence, gambling, mental illness, debt, and rampant consumerism.

Sound familiar?

Pottersville in It’s A Wonderful Life
All the wealth to all the workers
George Bailey understood what you and I already know:

That workers create 100% of the wealth in our economy thanks to a.) their work and b.) their spending.

Accordingly, they deserve the lion's share of society’s spoils.

As George Bailey put it:

“Just remember this, Mr. Potter: That this rabble you’re talking about, they do most of the working and paying and living and dying in this community. Well, is it too much to have them work and pay and live and die in a couple of decent rooms and a bath?”

Apparently, affordable homeownership is far too much to ask in our times, as Potter-like Boomers and institutional investors devour the residential real estate market in order to enslave the generations to follow.

Sadly, instead of living in a contribution economy, we now live in an extraction economy, where the wealthiest in society are those who contribute the least — bankers, land-lorders, insurance brokers, corporate insiders, middle-man monopolists like Airbnb and Amazon and Uber, crypto speculators, Millennial grifters on Robinhood, and the elite shareholders who wield their capital advantage to siphon wealth away from the real builders of civilization.

It turns out that It’s A Wonderful Life was a prophecy of what happens when you let rent-seekers take over the global economy.

Call to action
We desperately need more George and Mary Baileys — people of goodwill who serve instead of siphon, who are pro-human instead of market-driven, who knit together the fabric of society instead of tearing it apart.

We also need more people to build Bailey businesses — companies that give instead of take, that contribute instead of extract, that cement communal stability instead of undermining its foundations.

This means rejecting the powerful temptation to play any role that profits from the extraction economy.

Because easy money is hard on the poor.

It’s also hard on the soul.
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24607 on: December 24, 2022, 08:30:43 AM »
8+ Places To Avoid Like The Plague When SHTF

Tello TIP: Nowhere is safe if you are unprepared to work it right.
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24608 on: December 24, 2022, 08:33:10 AM »
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24609 on: December 24, 2022, 08:41:37 AM »
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24610 on: December 24, 2022, 09:48:54 AM »
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24611 on: December 24, 2022, 10:47:21 AM »

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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24612 on: December 24, 2022, 12:26:41 PM »
:tello: "The problem with America is Americans".

‘Porch Pirates’ Steal 260 Million Packages In 2022

The surge of thefts by “porch pirates” has hit a new record this year. A recent study shows that around 260 million packages have been stolen from American porches and front door areas. With the rise in online shopping and the return of many people to work away from home after the COVID-19 pandemic, crooks are finding easy pickings after delivery persons leave valuable boxes during the day.

Did you know that the 'maggots' called 'porch pirates' have stolen approximately 260M packages from doorsteps this year, at an estimated cost of $19.5 billion.
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24613 on: December 24, 2022, 12:38:28 PM »
The Great Reset? Learn about the Great Reset, its ramifications for America, and pro-freedom alternatives completely free.

As Klaus Schwab—the founder and executive director of the Forum—wrote, “we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.” If successful, this would have the effect of canceling our American way of life.
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24614 on: December 24, 2022, 03:13:46 PM »


Gaige Genesis was live.
Ron Tello of Montello exposes everything!!
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24615 on: December 24, 2022, 03:44:29 PM »
Ron Tello Culley
  · 29:37
Great segue: Ron Tello and a Killing Field. EPIC! I suppose Elko wants to blame that on me too.
Ron Tello Culley
  · 26:58
I'm meeting my own expectations. And there's other people involved.
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24616 on: December 24, 2022, 05:22:13 PM »
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24617 on: December 24, 2022, 05:29:04 PM »
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24618 on: December 24, 2022, 07:30:47 PM »
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24619 on: December 25, 2022, 06:02:05 AM »

:santasleigh: :xmastree: :duckdance:
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24620 on: December 25, 2022, 06:34:41 AM »
6 Amazing Facts About Elves

Elves take many forms. For starters, there’s the diminutive, pointy-eared elf that often appears in fairy tales. In fantasy literature like J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings and many role-playing games, elves are human-sized, willowy, and wise. In Northern European folklore, they’re clever, supernatural tricksters.

Each December, however, the hardworking, friendly elves under the employ of Santa Claus reign supreme. When Yuletide rolls around, it’s only natural to have elves on the brain. But do you know how those mischievous sprites became Christmas helpers? Or why should you be cautious around a dancing elf? Get in the holiday spirit with these six interesting facts about elves.
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24621 on: December 25, 2022, 06:58:25 AM »
What Happens When Martial Law Is Declared?

In case you don’t know, martial law is when the government takes over a designated territory, suspends constitutional rights, and enforces authoritarian power with the use of the military. Basic civilian rights such as a trial before imprisonment and other democratic processes are limited or suspended completely. Every democracy has the potential for martial law.
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24622 on: December 25, 2022, 08:13:14 AM »
Twitter Users Suspended Over Criticism Of Zelenskyy Speech

December 24, 2022

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made his first visit to the United States since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine earlier this year, using the opportunity to call for increased defense funding and equipment.

While many Democrats and Republican politicians in Congress cheered the foreign leaders arrival, a number of critics felt that lawmakers went a bit too far in expressing their support — particularly when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Vice President Kamala Harris hoisted a Ukrainian flag as Zelenskyy addressed Congress.
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24623 on: December 25, 2022, 08:26:34 AM »
9 Ways To Survive If Martial Law Is Declared

In these uncertain times, when the world seems to go mad, you can’t help but wonder how long until we will experience a martial law scenario.

One day we might have to live under such a scenario since it seems there are many SHTF events that would impose it. The current pandemic is just an example, and personally, I believe we were lucky so far that things didn’t lead to further chaos and social upheaval.
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24624 on: December 25, 2022, 11:58:12 AM »
Sad: Ukrainian Soldier Tasked With Assembling All The Patriot Missiles With Included Allen Wrench On Christmas Eve

Dec 23, 2022

KYIV, UKRAINE — Intelligence reports indicate that a lone Ukrainian soldier was tasked with assembling all patriot missiles sent over from the U.S. with the included Allen wrench. The soldier, later identified as Petro Shevchenko, reportedly regrets volunteering for the assignment.

"Me very important number one!" Shevchenko allegedly told Sean Penn in perfect broken English. "Oh, but the takings! Very long! Where wrench of Allen?"

Snow fell on the Ukrainian capital city overnight and the Allen wrench keeps getting lost in the snow, embedded reporter Sean Penn confirmed.

According to sources, assembling missiles with an Allen wrench was more difficult than anticipated. Because Ukraine is so close to Sweden, it was expected that the assembly would be simple due to the nation's reliance on IKEA furniture. However, the situation was exacerbated by the included instructions, which are only in English and coded in something called the imperial system of measurement.

"I know not, Sean!" Shevchenko reportedly cried. "Let us retreat to house and watch The Game. You is good in it, eh? Major acting number one!"

At publishing time, Shevchenko had assembled one patriot missile in full but became concerned when he saw how many pieces were left over.
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24625 on: December 25, 2022, 12:37:13 PM »
Liberal City Enacts Anti-Pollution Order - You Can No Longer Burn a Wood Fire to Stay Warm

December 24, 2022

The leftists running San Francisco don’t want to merely throw their citizens back to the Middle Ages with their new “air quality” rules, they want to throw them back to before the Stone Age by banning the burning of wood to warm houses.
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24626 on: December 25, 2022, 01:09:10 PM »
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24627 on: December 25, 2022, 03:05:34 PM »
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24628 on: December 25, 2022, 04:15:01 PM »
:xmastree: :troll2: :smee!: :ni: :beerontap: :sick: :rawprawn:


:tello: "My Holiday Cheer extends to the farthest regions of Cynicism. I'm active."
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24629 on: December 25, 2022, 04:36:25 PM »
:tello: "My 2023 Resolutions will be different. This time, I really do kill something online.
Not like they dint have it coming. Stay tuned".

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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24630 on: December 25, 2022, 04:44:23 PM »
Oh, and in "The Spirit of Giving", there's this:
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #24631 on: December 25, 2022, 05:48:02 PM »
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Snow Snow SNOWING!!! in Big Bear, CA. Many car crashes. SLICK. Complete lake Snow drive. 12/29/2022.

Big Bear Weather and More

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Late Night New Years Celebration - Jim Terry TV - 11:15pm PST

Jim Terry TV - Live Call In !!
4.7K subscribers

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Everything is turning to shite.

The OZRT is no exception.

This BOARD repeatedly denied me my posts,
regarding the Jim Terry show,
and stuff.

There's got to be a conspiracy in motion here. Bad Actors.

I want them tracked down, tied up and made to swallow anti-freeze.

Then I'm gonna kick 'em in the nuts!
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I've been trying to post the c & p of the show chats, where ppl were shouting my name
and wishing Happy to me and mine.

Let's see if I can sneek in bits of it.


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This heap of OZ won't allow the comments to post.

Bogus, and deadly.
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Was 1829290 Views

Now it's up by 6.
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Facebook has been happily knocking out some of my posts.

They dint like this, but my friends did.

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This heap of OZ won't allow the comments to post.

Bogus, and deadly.
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Big Bear Snow. STILL SNOWING. How much snow fell during the big storm? HAPPY NEW YEAR. 1/1/2023

Big Bear Weather and More
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Friday mid-day police and new swatting of Jim Terry Tv sub.

Jim Terry TV -
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Chanel H
2 days ago (edited)
Hello Jim T! N Mr X! Good evening! I Finally watched the Friday Show....It was funny😀 i like seeing Jim when he's in PI Mode this is the side of Jim Terry i Rather watch...Boy Did he rip Salty3 a new A××hole 😄😄 Keep up the fact checking Jim T an Mr X! Keeping it professional is the way to go good job guys much luv Happy Friday.💯🫶🫶😁🙈🙉🙊💖👌

Jim Terry TV - Live Call In !!

Jim Terry TV - Live Call In !!
2 days ago
X here:  I like it too but there needs to be a lot more than just PI stuff.  Idaho 4 is over.  Kahli Rodney is over.   Shanquella is over. The tragedy pimps like Doug need to move on to the next missing person stuff cause they have nothing else to talk about.  I personally like the other stuff a lot more.
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Now that the Holidays are over, let the January Birthdays begin!

Personally, I'd like to exclude young people. They called me Grampa.

I never sired rug rats.
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65 years of fun and games and
I'm not done yet.
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I get the biggest kick out of online sellers dealing in survival goods. There's an item touted as an essential tool in case of winter powered cooker.

Really? In a storm, the sun won't be around for you.

Nice try.
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