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How To Find A Water Source In The Woods

Many people may not think about it or know much about what to do if they find themselves in a situation where they need water and there is no clean source nearby. This article will discuss finding a water source when you’re in the woods.
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The Rainbow Mafia Hates Kids
Why else would this gaggle persist in grooming impressionable children?

The seven deadly sins are proudly on display in the culture war: greed, lust, gluttony, wrath, sloth, envy, and pride. The latter comes in the form of sexual identity, which is on full exhibition in June — i.e, “Pride Month.” Between parades, shows, and other displays of rainbow mafia allegiance, no one can miss the tacky declaration of LGBTQ+ pride. This year, however, seems more targeted toward a particular audience: children.

The deviant scribes who are considered “authorities” on the subject are encouraging parents to bring their children to pride parades. Digital lifestyle brand Fatherly writes: “Pride Parades and the Pride festivals that follow are noisy and crowded. They’re filled with sights that may be new to kids, like public nudity and kink. Not to mention that Pride parades aren’t the most sober of places.”

Nevertheless, the article encourages parents to find “kid-friendly” pride activities. Jenifer McGuire, associate professor of family social science at the University of Minnesota, says that after prepping her kids about the adult content they may encounter, the family goes to pride parades and enjoys laughing at inappropriate things. She talks about one encounter wherein “there were these Beanie Babies with giant penises on them.” She adds, “For a fourth- and fifth-grade kid, that’s super funny.”

San Francisco is featuring “trans” kids at the beginning of its parade. In Texas, meanwhile, there was an event called “Drag the Kids to Pride” — a drag show marketed for children. It was advertised as a safe way for families to experience pride and even invited kids to come walk with some of the drag queens. During the show, children gave drag queens money for their dancing. There were many protesters outside the event, and some individuals were assaulted by participants from the drag event.

Why this push to groom kids? Rainbow Mafia thugs claim there is an anti-LGBTQ+ movement in the U.S. that they feel is especially important to stand against. One way they will make sure that their deviant lifestyle is promoted and spread is by “educating” children. But sexual perversion is not something children should be forced to accept. Dragooning them to think about, talk about, or explore sex and sexual peculiarities is grooming both in a political and predatory sense. Set aside the desire to be seen as morally “good” or “trendy” and you are left with parents destroying the innocence of their children. It’s making them more vulnerable and accepting of things that aren’t good for them. There is a reason some content is considered “adult” and obscene. Children do not have the faculties to properly assimilate what they are seeing and come out okay on the other side.

This disconnect between morality and “empathy” can be traced to an ideology that says being able to do whatever you desire to whomever you want as long as it’s right in your own eyes is the path to harmony. As political podcaster Liz Wheeler put it, “The entire structure of the Left … hinges on forcing you and I not only to tolerate the LGBTQ lifestyle but to embrace the LGBTQ ideology.” She goes on to say that what the Left is advocating for is compliance. The sexual revolutionaries are showing a fair amount of intolerance toward religious practitioners, parents who care about their children, and those whose political beliefs are opposed to the level of aggression they go about promoting.

The sickos who market debauched pride parades and drag shows for kids are absolutely grooming.
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Are We on the Verge of a Food Crisis?
Inflation, soaring fuel prices, shrinking food supplies, and other events and circumstances are threatening what we most take for granted.

Need to lose a few pounds? Lucky you. A food shortage may be coming, and a New York Times op-ed is actually celebrating it.

“Inflation has the potential to drive welcome change for the planet if Americans think differently about the way they eat,” writes Annaliese Griffin. “Climate change has motivated some to eat less resource-intensive meat and more vegetables, grains and legumes, but this movement has not reached the scale necessary to bring needed change — yet.”

Relax. Not even Griffin, in her eco-theological exuberance, is talking about eating out of garbage trucks or stoning cows to death in their fields like they did in socialist Venezuela. At least not yet. But another op-ed has also gotten our attention:

“From my family’s farm to the State Committee for the USDA Farm Service Agency to the House Agriculture Committee,” writes South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, “I have worked in agriculture in some capacity since I could walk. Now … I serve alongside a third-generation cattle rancher, Lt. Gov. Larry Rhoden. We are the only farmer-rancher pair to lead a state’s executive branch, and we are both deeply concerned: America’s food supply system is at risk.”

Noem notes that when an entity controls your food supply, it controls you. She writes: “For years now, foreign countries have been investing in our food supply chain, buying up the chemical and fertilizer companies that make American agriculture possible. Purchasing processing facilities, they have introduced vulnerability into the food supply chains Americans rely on to eat. Today, China is buying up millions of acres of land across the United States, following the same blueprint they have used in other countries for years.”

We know all about Communist China’s military ambitions, which involve creating islands where none existed so as to turn them into naval ports and airstrips and military bases, thereby strengthening its sphere of influence. We also know about China’s manufacturing juggernaut and its rapaciousness when it comes to natural resources and minerals. So why on earth are we allowing the ChiComs to buy millions of acres of our land? Is it possible that they can’t feed their own people from Chinese soil? Or might they be laying claim to American lands because they intend to one day exert their influence over us? As Noem writes, “We have not yet realized our strategic vulnerability when it comes to our nation’s food supply.”

And it’s not just China. Consider the American beef industry. After all, what could be more American than beef, right? Wrong. Noem notes that four mega-packers now control 85% of the industry, and two of those conglomerates are located in Brazil. One of those companies, JBS Foods, was hacked last May, causing 20% of our nation’s beef supply to go offline overnight. Again, why are we allowing ourselves to become so vulnerable?

Then there are the numerous and odd “disruptive events” that we noted a few weeks ago: “A number of factories, logistical centers, and food processing plants have caught fire or exploded, including two that had planes crash on them,” writes Jeff Reynolds, who then goes on to chronicle an unnerving number of these events.

Noem has also noticed these events. But, she writes: “Mainstream media outlets are busy attempting to lampoon anyone who expresses even the remotest concern about incidents at food processing facilities today. The repeated refrain is ‘there’s no evidence of any wrongdoing, so drop it.’ But absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”

If you think we’re scaremongering, ask yourself: Did you ever imagine that baby formula would one day become a scarce commodity in these United States? Congress has since taken notice, but why did it ever get to such a point here in the land of plenty — especially with such an elemental and essential food item?

Writing back in March against the backdrop of Russia’s war with Ukraine, columnist Glenn Harlan Reynolds noted the effects it was already having on wheat, of which Ukraine is a major supplier, and fertilizer, of which Russia is the world’s leading supplier. (Nor should we be comforted that China is the world’s second-leading supplier of fertilizer, nor that unfertilized farmland is 40% less productive than fertilized land.)

“With the triple-barreled threat of inflation, soaring fuel prices, and shrunken food supplies,” Reynolds wrote, “the world faces something like the same fate, and once again those responsible are unlikely to pay the price. (But maybe some will. After all, food shortages led to the Arab Spring riots and the overturning of governments.)”

What to make of this slow-moving disaster in the making? Time will tell. And while we can’t blame Joe Biden for the entirety of the “triple-barreled threat” Reynolds cites, we can certainly remind ourselves that elections have consequences.
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Biden’s Not-So-Bright Idea on Solar Power
Invoking wartime powers to show favoritism to “clean” energy is not the way to secure American interests.

Democrats love to repeat the mantra of fairness and equity all while they’re putting a heavy thumb on the scale in favor of their own hand-picked winners. Joe Biden’s emergency order yesterday tilts the scales in favor of an old ecofascist favorite: solar panels.

Biden invoked the Defense Production Act to allow duty-free imports of solar parts from several Southeast Asian nations. American solar panel makers rightly complain that tariffs put them at a disadvantage against Chinese competitors, who use forced labor and ChiCom government subsidies to dominate the market with cheaper products.

The irony, however, is that Biden’s order may end up helping the Chinese. For one thing, it undermines a Commerce Department investigation to determine how the ChiComs are circumventing legal trade process. “By taking this unprecedented — and potentially illegal — action, he has opened the door wide for Chinese-funded special interests to defeat the fair application of U.S. trade law,” complained Mamun Rashid, chief executive of Auxin Solar Inc. in California.

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In Honor Of Pride Month Chick-Fil-A Waffle Fries Will Be Seasoned With Salt From Lot’s Wife

June 6th, 2022

U.S.—Chick-fil-A has finally come around to celebrating pride month this year. The fast-food company has announced that throughout June, all waffle fries will be covered in salt from Lot's wife.

"Other companies go in for rainbow flags and squeezing in PRIDE everywhere they can, but we wanted our celebration of pride month to be a bit more...biblical," said Dan Cathy at a recent press release. "Now with every delicious, perfectly seasoned bite of waffle fry customers will be reminded how God celebrates Pride."

"Wow! That IS salty. Man, I needed this reminder to flee from sexual sin," said Chick-fil-A patron Brenda Lovelace. "I don't want to end up as a pillar of salt just like Lot's wife!"

Much to Chick-fil-A's surprise, this move to faithfully honor pride month has been met with intense backlash from the LGBT community. "WHAT?! You're supposed to celebrate by changing all your bags to rainbow flags and putting Drag Queens in the playplace ball pit!" said queer-activist Brandley Xenus. "This doesn't count!"

At publishing time, Dan Cathy also announced that if you tell any employee the secret phrase "I take kids to Drag shows," they will celebrate by tying a millstone to your neck and tossing you into the ocean.
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The Staff and Management at
The Tello Files shames the rainbow.

"Lick The Flavors of Dissent and Disgrace"

:wtf:   :rawprawn:
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:smee!: Tell us how you really feel.....
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You Might Be a "Domestic Terrorist" If...

Jun 7, 2022

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released another directive on how it defines a “domestic terrorist.” You might be included. And Joe Biden’s new head of the “Disinformation Governance Board” went on MSNBC to defend this broad definition.

DHS has never been a fan of free speech. Even before Michael Chertoff became the head of its new Disinformation Governance Board, he was in support of a shocking definition of domestic terrorism and restrictions on your free speech.

But Chertoff has a big problem, which is knowing what truth is … He should be nowhere close to making this call on what is real and what is fake. There is a bill in Congress that will defund and shut down his board. Overwhelm Congress with your faxes to demand that members of Congress immediately support, co-sponsor and pass this bill. —Mat

Hiring Michael Chertoff to lead the Disinformation Board is part of a DHS plan to censor speech with which Joe Biden—and those like him—disagree.

On May 15, 2021, Chertoff compared the events of Jan. 6, 2021, to the terrorist attacks on 9/11 that killed nearly 3,000 law-abiding people! He said, “We’re under attack now, our values are under attack, but it is a domestic attacker, not a foreign attacker. And that has created a degree of political division—an allergy to the truth—that is, I think, going to make it more difficult.”

The Disinformation Board will target speech regarding the midterm elections, election fraud and COVID-19. In February 2022, the DHS released a new bulletin warning that “false or misleading narratives about unsubstantiated election fraud” could present a threat to national security.

The bulletin states that the “months preceding the upcoming 2022 midterm elections could provide additional opportunities for these extremists and other individuals to call for violence directed at democratic institutions, political candidates, party offices, election events, and election workers.”

On June 3, 2022, the federal cybersecurity agency issued a warning that certain Dominion voting machines are vulnerable to hackers. But in the world of the DHS, this is just a “conspiracy theory,” and such speech is a threat to national security.

DHS wants to control what you can see or read. This new Disinformation Board is also a serious threat to your freedom of speech.

The Disinformation Board is a big part of a new strategy to censor you. We must stop it now.

The DHS bulletin states that complaints about “COVID-19 mitigation measures – particularly COVID-19 vaccine and mask mandates – have been used by domestic violent extremists to justify violence since 2020.” If you oppose masking or shot mandates, you are on the radar of the Disinformation Board.

The DHS continues, “Such threats are also exacerbated by impacts of the ongoing global pandemic, including grievances over public health safety measures and perceived government restrictions.”

Perceived government restrictions! Really? As though these restrictions were not real.

The “DHS is collaborating with industry partners to identify and respond to those individuals' encouraging violence and attempting to radicalize others through spreading disinformation, conspiracy theories, and false narratives on social media and other online platforms” (emphasis added).

This plain language states that if you spread what the DHS considers “disinformation,” then YOU are responsible for radicalizing others and encouraging violence—even if you never did either. Suddenly YOU have become Homeland Security’s definition of a domestic terrorist!

This is the mission of the Disinformation Board to stop you even from peacefully speaking the truth!

Send your urgent faxes to Congress to demand an end to all funding of the Disinformation Board NOW.

Now, if you are what DHS considers a “domestic terrorist,” YOU have become a top priority of both DHS and FEMA. The DHS website states, “DHS has prioritized combatting DVE [Domestic Violent Extremist] threats within its FEMA grants as a National Priority Area.”

If you had any questions about what topics the DHS consider dangerous, DHS spells it out for us. “[A]dversaries have increased efforts to sow discord. For example, … [foreign] media outlets have repeatedly amplified conspiracy theories concerning the origins of COVID-19 and effectiveness of vaccines” (emphasis added).

That sounds a lot like the areas we dig into here at LC Action.

When you combine this with Chertoff’s push to spy on Americans and “indefinitely confine” them through the Patriot Act he co-wrote—it is clear what Chertoff’s vision is for the future of America. It’s not the America we know!

Chertoff has been caught pushing some of the biggest disinformation stories of the last few years, and these include the Russia-Trump hoax perpetrated by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

In November 2020, Chertoff said Hunter Biden's laptop was “fake.” Chertoff said there was no evidence of election fraud and claimed, “The 2020 election was the most secure in U.S. history.” But it wasn’t.

We must stop the Disinformation Board before it’s too late.

LC Action is fighting this DHS board on Capitol Hill. We are also monitoring proposed gun control legislation in the U.S. House. Meanwhile we continue to monitor the World Health Organization’s activities.

Please support LC Action through a recurring or a one-time gift. The impact of your donation will be DOUBLED through our Challenge Grant.

Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

:tello: "If this shite is TRUE, I'm a GONNER!"
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Mask Mandates Are
Now Linked to More
COVID Deaths

When mask mandates were initially put into effect, they were branded as life-saving measures. People who opposed mask mandates were even slammed as selfish individuals who didn’t care about the lives of the elderly.

Months went by and even as mask mandates stayed in place, new cases of COVID continued to materialize and spread. In response to this, people were told to keep masking up and to even consider “double-masking.”

Today, the majority of mask mandates are gone. Although, the White House is appealing to have its recently overturned travel mask mandate put back into effect.

Unfortunately for supporters of mask mandates, the arguments for these edicts continue to fall apart. In fact, a brand new study is now tying mask mandates to higher rates of COVID deaths.

A Deep Dive Into the Medicine Study on Mask Mandates
A study by the medical journal known as Medicine provides some very telling information about the real impacts of mask mandates.

Between August 1, 2020 to October 15, 2020, the journal compared counties in Kansas with mask mandates against those counties that left masking up to individual discretion.

As it turns out, counties with mask mandates documented more COVID deaths than counties that chose to forgo mandates. In light of this data, mask mandates have been tied to about a ~50% surge in COVID deaths.

This heightened death rate is very clearly explained by a phenomenon known as the Foegen Effect. In layman’s terms, when infected individuals repeatedly rebreathe the same droplets that are contained in their masks, it can cause respiratory ailments.

This, in a nutshell, increases the mortality rates associated with COVID. By the time someone is already infected with the virus, continuing to wear a mask puts them at greater harm.

Of course, this was something many everyday Americans alluded to before; they were, of course, met with accusations of spreading “misinformation.”

Radio Silence From the Other Side
Many of the loudest champions of mask mandates have been eerily silent amid the release of Medicine’s study.

There certainly hasn’t been any new commentary from chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci.

Likewise, the Biden administration remains silent about this new study on mask mandates; thus far, the administration hasn’t dropped its appeal to force Americans back into masking up during travel.

Nevertheless, this latest study from Medicine is a form of vindication for people who never trusted mask mandates in the first place.
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Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Medically  Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD on June 18, 2020

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is one of several personality disorders. People with this condition have an inflated idea of themselves and a need for lots of attention from other people.

It’s human nature to be selfish and boastful now and then, but true narcissists take it to an extreme. They also don’t value others’ feelings or ideas and ignore others’ needs.

But there’s a difference between being self-absorbed -- often called a narcissist -- and having narcissistic personality disorder. NDP is a mental illness.

If you can recognize a few of the traits below, that’s someone who’s self-absorbed. If they have most of them, they might have the disorder.

People with NPD may not have high self-esteem. Their NPD may be more related to feelings of entitlement. A therapist can get to the bottom of it.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder Symptoms
The word comes from a Greek myth in which a handsome young man named Narcissus sees his own reflection in a pool of water and falls in love with it.

Someone with narcissistic personality disorder might:

Upset other people often

Struggle to keep relationships

Put themself first

Think they know the “right” way

Think about themself most of the time and talk about themself a lot

Crave attention and admiration

Exaggerate their talents and achievements

Believe they’re special

Set unrealistic goals

Have wide, fast mood swings

Have a hard time taking others’ feelings seriously

Strive to win, whatever it takes

Fantasize about unlimited success, money, and power


Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Relationships
NPD causes problems in many areas of life and in close relationships. These interpersonal issues are often driven by symptoms of NPD, including:

Easily hurt


Can’t take criticism

Makes excuses for own flaws or failings

Refuses to take responsibility

Attempts to sway or manipulate others


Only associates with people deemed to be on “their level”

Reacts with rage

Shames others

Emotionally neglectful

Doesn’t listen

Interrupts often

Cannot STFU

Someone like this may appear to have high self-esteem, but sometimes the opposite is true. There may be a deep sense of insecurity underneath the grand exterior. Someone can be narcissistic and not have the disorder. They may be self-absorbed and hypercompetitive, but not to the extent that it disrupts their daily life.

It’s proven that people are often drawn to narcissists and find them attractive, charismatic, and exciting. Confidence can be charming. Successful leaders often have narcissistic qualities.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder Diagnosis
There are no lab tests to confirm a mental disorder. Many professionals use the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, a list of 40 questions that measures things such as how much attention and power someone craves.

Personality disorders are longstanding, ingrained, dysfunctional patterns of thinking, behaving and relating to other people. These signs can show up as early as age 8, when children start to become aware of how people react to them. People with narcissistic personality disorder tend not to perceive that they themselves may have a mental health problem, and thus may be less likely to seek evaluation or treatment.

A recent study at Ohio State University says many people readily admit to being a narcissist. But while narcissism may be common, narcissistic personality disorder is rare.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder Causes and Risk Factors
The exact cause is not known. Like most mental and personality disorders, it’s likely due to a complex combination of factors including:


Environment, including parent-child relationships

Neurobiology (the connection between your behavior and your nervous system)

People whose parents put them on a pedestal and showered them with endless praise may be at higher risk for NPD, a recent study found. Then again, the opposite is true, too. Children who are ignored or abused may develop NPD almost as a survival instinct. They may feel they need to look out for themselves because no one else will.

NPD happens more in males than females. It usually shows up in teens or young adults. Keep in mind that children -- and really anyone -- can act in ways that seem narcissistic at times. This doesn’t usually mean they have NPD or will develop it later.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder Treatment
There is no cure, but therapy can help. The goal is to build up the person’s poor self-esteem and have more realistic expectations of others. Treatment usually centers on talk therapy. Sometimes people call this psychotherapy.

Talk therapy can help a person with NPD relate to other people better and understand their feelings and behaviors. Talk therapy can help a person with NPD to:

Accept and maintain relationships with other people, including co-workers

Recognize their own strengths and weaknesses

Learn to accept criticism or failures

Develop more realistic goals

Let go of unrealistic goals and desires There aren’t drugs to treat this mental disorder, but depression and anxiety sometimes go hand in hand with narcissism, and there are helpful drugs for those conditions.

If the narcissist abuses alcohol or drugs, which is common, it’s important to get treatment for the addictions, too.

With children, experts suggest that parents who give too much praise cut back, while those who don’t pay enough attention step up.

Narcissists can learn how to relate to others in more positive ways, but it depends on how open they are to critical feedback and how willing they are to change.

Living With Narcissistic Personality Disorder
If you have NPD, it may be tempting not to stick with treatment. Here are tips to seeing it through:

Keep an open mind

Focus on your goals and the rewards of treatment

Keep your appointments and follow your doctor’s advice

Get help for any addictions or other mental health problems

If you are living with or in a close relationship with a person with NPD, here are tips to taking care of yourself:

Set boundaries

Don’t get caught up in their way of viewing you

Be prepared for the relationship to change

Don’t take it personally

Let go of any need for approval from the person with NPD

Look for other people who will support you

Look for other sources of meaning and fulfillment in your life,Narcissistic%20Personality%20Disorder%20Treatment,Sometimes%20people%20call%20this%20psychotherapy.
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is narcissism organic or environmental?

Are narcissists born or made?

The Holistic Psychologist
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People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder tend to be extremely self-centered, lack empathy for others, and have a grandiose sense of self. They also tend to have very fragile egos, which makes them highly defensive when they feel criticized or slighted in any way.

This combination of traits often leads to some serious problems in interpersonal relationships and professional settings.

Are narcissists born or made? It is necessary to know because it helps us deal with a Narcissist.

Narcissism is a learned behavior in some cases.
Narcissism can be transferred in generations, so sometimes, it can be an inherited behavior.
Child abuse can also create Narcissists. Abuse can convert an average child into a Covert Narcissist.
I will discuss these three causes and build arguments for these suppositions.

Narcissism is a learned behavior in some cases.
Elinor Greenberg Ph.D. explained this in psychology today in her article, “How a Child Can Become a Narcissist,” She writes:

“Narcissistic Personality Disorders are a byproduct of certain childhood family environments. All children want their parents’ approval and attention. Children adapt to their homes, and often the most productive and reasonable adaptation to some home situations is to become a Narcissist.”
Parenting plays a vital role in this case. It is particularly prevalent with children who have parents who are Covert Narcissist.

It is common where the parents are covert Narcissists?—?the mothers with Narcissistic personality disorder implant narcissism in their children without realizing it.

We all know these children copy or admire their parents as the first example of what they should be doing.

In this way, kids learn narcissistic behavior from their parents. They know masking their faces, lies, and manipulation from their homes. As a result, they learn to blame shift tendencies and do not take responsibility for situations.

They learn to play victim games. They were taught to keep grudges and not forget.

In the case of codependency, kids rely badly on others for validation?—?they look to seek guidance on how they should be as individuals. The kids growing up in a codependent environment will do anything to please their parents.

Narcissist parents>> grow up Narcissist kids without knowing it>>and if it goes unchecked>>they turn into adult Narcissists.

This cycle repeats itself.

Inherited Narcissism/Generational Narcissism.
In a 2014 study by the Trusted Source that involved 304 pairs of twins, researchers discovered that certain NPD traits were a little heritable.

Generational curses may occur over some time or do not affect every descendant. If a narcissist is a parent to three children, at the very most, one of them will be a Narcissist.

The demons never end and are always looking for a home, and it’s much easier for them to remain in an environment where they’ve already achieved success. So, therefore, for some of the people out there, I think they’re born as narcissists.

Parents with Narcissist tendencies>>transfer them into generations.

Child abuse can create Narcissists.
Research published in 2015 published in the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association explained, “Childhood abuse increases the risk of vulnerable narcissism by damaging the self and amplifying shame.”
The researchers explained:

“When needs are unmet, the infant is left with impaired abilities to regulate self-esteem and may defensively avoid and disavow them. The end result of disavowed needs may therefore be the phenomenon now known as narcissistic vulnerability.”
Children who are victimized become narcissists, not all, but a lot do! But, of course, I am talking about emotional neglect.

Childhood Emotional Neglect is when your parents don’t react appropriately to your emotions and emotional needs. This gives you, the child, an unintentional message that says, “Your feelings don’t matter.”

Children who get this message can push their emotions away, effectively shutting them down to not be influenced by them.

Narcissistic parents are an important reason for children’s emotional neglect. Narcissistic parents cannot recognize the true nature of their children and how they react to their children emotionally.

They try to make sure their own needs are fulfilled and cannot be emotionally supportive to anyone, which is not just their children. Therefore, children with narcissistic fathers are often left unanswered with their emotional needs.

Bottom Line
In the end, it’s worth noting that narcissists are not created by their parents or any other authority figure. Instead, narcissism results from a combination of three factors: genes, environment, and parenting style.

There is no way to prevent children who have narcissistic characteristics from developing into full-blown narcissists. But you can help them learn to control* their behavior and develop empathy for others by being a consistent, positive role model.

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How Narcissists Got That Way
Nature, nurture, and evolution combine
for a toxic result.

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Does A Narcissist Know They Are A Narcissist?

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How to Make a Narcissist Miserable?
14 Things They Dislike!
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What Is Gaslighting?

Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that often occurs in abusive relationships. It is a covert type of emotional abuse where the bully or abuser misleads the target, creating a false narrative and making them question their judgments and reality. Ultimately, the victim of gaslighting starts to feel unsure about their perceptions of the world and even wonder if they are losing their sanity.

Gaslighting primarily occurs in romantic relationships, but it's not uncommon for it to occur in controlling friendships or among family members as well. People who gaslight others may have mental health disorders. They use this type of emotional abuse to exert power over others in order to manipulate friends, family members, smee or even co-workers.
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What is narcissistic monologuing?

Anna Clarke
Lives in London

My ex-husband was like this. Talked and talked and talked, not a conversation no two-way interaction just him droning on and on. If I dared to try to interject at any time he would say with a snarl, through gritted teeth ‘LET ME FINISH DONT INTERUPT ME!!’ then he’d carry on - ad infinitum. Never listened.

It got so bad that near the end of the marriage that I never spoke at all, instead I'd leave a note if something had to be said. It was so exhausting trying to communicate with him within the first two words I spoke his eyes would glaze over and he’d zone out. If something was important and I really need a response I’d persist and try and get through to him. This would always end up the same he would flip into yet another narc rage, even violence it had become so bad. Hence I ended up totally silent and left those sticky memo notes on the table.

If I knew then, what I know now I would have left decades ago. Always thought I was the one at fault, like mother had always taught me. Such is the life of a scapegoat child.

Uncle Arley
Lives in Los Angeles

She speaks the first half of a sentence, repeats it 3 times.
Completes the sentence and repeats it 4 times.

I say "I heard it all the first time, thank you" and then she gets all butt-hurt about it.
As is often said in these articles, a narc does not care about my thoughts, cares
or opinions. I am a Verbal Punching Bag for her.

I pop back. I leave the room as if I was off to do chores.
A survival mechanism; works every time.

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Coral Williams
 · 24m
It's so heartbreaking when you've been with someone for over 4 years, only to find out they're a narcissistic monster hiding deep, dark secrets. My husband has been acting strange lately, I was so concerned about his behavior that I had to talk to my cousin about it, who then referred me to a software developer and hacked into Instagram so I could clone his phone and wished what I saw . It wasn't true. I finally got enough evidence to get a divorce i highly recommend #plaguetools on Instagram to anyone who wants to know what their partner is hiding, it has helped me a lot and I bet it can help you too. Contact him if you need help too
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Narcissist----> :guilt:  :mummy: <---------Me
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'We Gave Up Our Guns And It Turned Out Fine For Us,' Says Australian Man Who Couldn't Leave His House
For Two Years

June 3rd, 2022

SYDNEY—As opinions on gun control have filled the news following violent shootings caused by guns and nothing else, the non-authoritarian democracy of Australia has shone like a beacon of hope for proponents of strict gun control.

"We gave up our guns and it turned out fine for us," said one Australian man who couldn't leave his house for two years. "I mean, look how safe we are under the protection of the kind government."

"The government would never shoot up a school," said an Aussie grandmother who was beaten by a horde of policemen and women for venturing outside of her home to feed her starving pet kangaroo.

One young woman, who had been tased and imprisoned for allowing her face mask to fall below her nose for three seconds, emerged from a re-education camp praising her people's decision to give up their ability to defend individual rights, "As a citizen of a gracious and benevolent society run by noble and generous leaders, I proudly give all to my new family, the Motherland Down Under."
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Apostles Criticized For
Preaching Repentance From Sin Instead Of Repentance
From Internalized Whiteness

June 3rd, 2022

ATHENS—Following their sermon series tour in synagogues throughout Judea and Samaria, the apostles have come under fire for their message. Critics say that they have yet to publicly repent of their internalized whiteness, instead preaching “repentance of sin.”

“We object to ‘sin’ as a category. ‘Repentance’ sounds okay, as long as you’re repenting of internalized whiteness and you’re never forgiven or restored or brought into unity,” said Areopagus spokesperson Demetrius. Stoics, Epicureans, and other pagans at the Areopagus concurred, adding that backlash against the apostles was “understandable.” The message of repentance fails to acknowledge disparities of privilege and status among sinners, critics say, and disparity of wealth and power is the only real sin.

Aside from pagan blowback, respected religious leaders have also weighed in with agreement, adding that the apostles lack nuance and winsomeness by not acknowledging their historic status as oppressors. “The apostles are fixated on forgiveness and restoration, and they’re missing the main point: as white people, they are the ones who need forgiveness. It’s too bad they can’t ever have forgiveness. Because they’re white, of course.” When asked if the apostles count as “white” given that they’re Middle Eastern Jews, the religious leaders explained that “white” is more of an idea than an actual race.

At publishing time, the apostolic notion that “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female” but “all are one in Christ Jesus” was labeled racist for failing to account for historic oppression of different ethnic groups.
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Road Rage THIS, MoFo!
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"Stay as long as you want."
-Campground Ranger
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Hannibal says:
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Democrats Are Trying to Price Americans Out of Buying AR-15s

:tello: "Izzint there a Law against price gouging?"
After multiple horrific mass shootings across the country, Democrats are doing all they can to pump out more gun control restrictions.

There have been demands for new red flag laws, longer waiting periods for firearm purchases, increased restrictions on ages eligible for purchase, and more.

As the Democrat Party oils the gun control machine, it is completely rejecting the idea that other measures could prevent mass shootings.

If anything, left-wing officials are doubling down on proposals that would seriously leave law-abiding Americans without defense measures.

Imagine a Country full of pitchforks and claw hammers aimed at armed street criminals and Tyrannical Government Armies...

One of these proposals involves a 1,000% tax on AR-15 firearms.

The Wildest Tax Ever Proposed?
Rep. Don Beyer (D-VA) is the congressmember who believes people who want to buy AR-15s should be hit with a 1,000% tax.

Remember The Boston Tea Party? Yep, so watch the F ouT!!!!

In public remarks, Beyer admitted this tax proposal is a backdoor gun control measure designed to price Americans out of getting AR-15s. Of course, the Virginia Democrat framed this as a “creative” means of putting in place restrictions.

He also made a point of saying his proposal is not a ban that’s “absolute,” but rather a fee that’s “magical” enough to drive down sales.

I can see who will pay off their Student Loans with the Sales Tax...THAT DAY!

If a 1,000% tax on AR-15s went into effect, people could find themselves having to pay anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000 to purchase this firearm. This price range is more than what some Americans earn in multiple months.

Little to No Impact on Criminals
A 1,000% tax on AR-15s would hinder many law-abiding Americans from being able to own these weapons. However, it would not stop criminals from going to the black market, stealing legally purchased AR-15s, or otherwise illegally arming themselves.

Democrats like Beyer have been slammed for repeatedly proposing measures that crack down on lawful Americans while leaving criminals unscathed.

As the left continues to demand more gun control, they’re not talking about a key element of the Brooklyn shooter’s manifesto. This lunatic intentionally chose New York because of the very restrictive gun laws the state has.

Finally, the same politicians who want more restrictions on legal gun ownership are also on record calling to defund the police. This combination is not conducive to a safe country; it is, however, a dream come true for criminals, Team Ron Tello and psychopaths coast to coast.
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America, Land Of The Fear

In 1973, cartoonist Robert Crumb published a cartoon called "The Desperate Character" in Zap Comix #6.

Crumb and his comix existed then, as they do today, on the fringes of American society. The average middle-class American was largely unaware of his existence, or if they were aware, considered him merely a peddler of pornographic filth.

Robert Crumb certainly was obsessed with sex, and many of his strips reflected his predilections. However, what a few people realized was that his work often contained important truths, too.

By the time this strip appeared, The Summer Of Love had been over for a good five years. The Peace Movement, though somewhat influential, had been reduced to a mass market merchandising tool. Hippies had seen the writing on the wall and, disillusioned by what they saw happening in society, by and large let their idealistic notions vanish into the ever-increasingly polluted air. The "Me" Decade was picking up steam.

Robert Crumb, basking in the freedom of relative obscurity (compared to, say, Charles Schulz), was a gifted visionary free to express his innermost thoughts, desires, and fears.

He viewed with complete clarity the disaster that was looming for America. The corruption of ethics. The futility of Vietnam, and war in general. The pollution of our air and water by greedy capitalists. The proliferation of nuclear weapons. The general apathy that was developing in Americans...

If only Crumb's important comics had not been kept on the fringes. Maybe they could have jolted Americans out of their tv-induced stupors. Maybe Americans could have banded together, put aside their cultural, religious, and generational differences long enough to keep a molehill from turning into a mountain.

I am sometimes afraid of the future. I know I am not alone. I wonder what will become of me and my loved ones, especially my amazing daughters. They were born in a post-911 world, a world where fear comes in a thousand varieties.

The biggest fear I have is that my girls will one day long for the "good ol' days" of the Naughties, as some are calling this first decade of the new millenium. How much worse could it get for these contentious and scandalous times to be thought back on with fond nostalgia? It could happen.

After all, Robert Crumb's vision of fear and despair preceded my birth by only a few months. I spent the first six and a half years of my life growing up in the 70's. Sheltered by my parents and my own blissful ignorance, America seemed to be a better place to live then. Nostalgia aside, it was better then, at least in some ways. I'll count them in my next post, but for now, let's all light some incense and mellow out on citizen Pat Connor's groovy 1973 Disneyworld home movie reels. It's a moment of zen to help us refocus our chakras, or something like that.

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