Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2802068 times)


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Biden Claims Record Numbers of Americans 'Feel Financially Comfortable'

JUNE 3, 2022

Don’t do drugs, OK?

They might sound like fun. They might even be legal where you live – or, maybe the left-wing nutjobs in your town just don’t enforce the law.

But trust me: don’t do drugs. Because if you do, you might end up sounding like President Joe Biden, who must have gotten ahold of something that might have looked like oregano but wasn’t, and started once again babbling nonsense that exists so far outside the realm of reality, he might as well have claimed he rode into the presser on a purple unicorn in a puff of fairy farts.

On the heels of skyrocketing inflation, record grocery and gas prices, and a bleak futures report for the cost of consumer goods, Biden alleged this week that more Americans are – get ready for this – saving more, spending less, and feel just fine and dandy about their wallets.

"Since I took office, families are carrying less debt. Their average savings are up," he alleged. "A recent survey from the Federal Reserve found more Americans feel financially comfortable since any time that the survey began in 2013."

The fine folks at the Federal Reserve must be smoking the same stuff as Biden, because that’s not at all what other polls have reflected.

According to a Gallup poll from April, 48% of Americans say their financial situation is getting worse, compared to 37% who say it’s improving. Another survey found that “Americans are more likely today than they were a year ago to report being ‘very’ or ‘moderately worried’ about several aspects of their finances, reversing the improvement seen last year,” with 40 percent saying they’re most concerned about being able to pay their monthly bills.

Which makes sense, given that consumers are paying more for everything from gas and food to rent, clothing, and household goods.

Comparatively, in February of 2020, just a month before the COVID pandemic hit the United States and about three years into President Trump’s term, Gallup had found American optimism about their personal finances had hit a record high, with 59% of Americans saying they were better off financially now than they were the year before.

But hey, no more mean tweets!

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Crook holds gun to back of man's head, steals rifle he was open carrying. But victim heads to his vehicle, pulls out another gun, and shoots crook.
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Last night, we saw first-hand, President Biden launching an all-out assault on our cherished Second Amendment rights.

Meanwhile, House Democrats rammed through their giant gun control bill in the Judiciary Committee.

And now, the dominos are beginning to fall as more Republicans in the House AND Senate cave to the anti-gun agenda.

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Narrative Fail: Majority of Americans Want Teachers Armed

June 2, 2022

Democrats have been pushing gun control… well, since forever. But whenever a shooting takes place, they use the tragedy to hype up increasingly extreme measures. In the aftermath of the Uvalde shooting, they are ignoring all practical means of protecting schools, to grab guns from Americans.

Republicans have repeatedly called for legislation that would increase security in schools. Not to mention other methods that would train faculty in how to protect their students. Instead, Democrats shoot these measures down, knowing they will actually work. Because, if they work, there is no need for gun control.

But Americans are not buying this line.

A new poll conducted by The Trafalgar Group in partnership with Convention of States Action (COSA) shows that a majority of 2022 likely voters support having properly trained, armed teachers in schools. The poll was conducted in the aftermath of a mass shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, in which 21 victims, including 19 children, died…

According to the data, 57.5% of respondents said that preventing properly trained teachers from carrying firearms in schools makes schools somewhat or much more dangerous. Just 30.8% said the opposite…

Among age groups, the youngest cohort of 18-24 year olds voiced the most support for arming properly trained teachers. Nearly 62% said preventing teachers from having firearms made schools much more dangerous versus 21% who said such a policy made schools somewhat less dangerous. [Source: Daily Wire]

So much for the left’s gun control narrative, huh? A majority of voters believe that arming teachers will make schools safer. In an age when evil gunmen are targeting our most vulnerable, why aren’t we taking steps that will actually work in protecting schools?

The facts don’t lie. Shooters go to places where they know most people are unarmed. They target schools, churches, and shopping centers, convinced we are all sitting ducks.

What would happen if these sick people knew that there were more than a few people ready to shoot back? Even if they were dumb enough to try, they’d quickly fail.

Yet Democrats reject these kinds of measures because they get in the way of their gun-grabbing agenda.

Just look at the statistics. States with the highest gun violence have the harshest gun laws. We know the reason. Law-abiding citizens are defenseless, while criminals run free.

It’s a joke. Despite that, Democrats continue to push policies that do not work.
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:smee!: woohoo
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73°  41°   MOSTLY SUNNY
69°  40's   NICE
73°  30's
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79°  40's   SUNNY
81°  40's   FAIR
83°  50's Forecast Updated: Friday, Jun 03 @ 05:12pm
After a gorgeous week expect some minor cooling as we head into the weekend before a stronger ridge of high pressure brings us our first summer-like heatwave of the season next week. Or not. My Crystal Ball is foggy.

Expect a few high clouds around through this evening with southwest winds to 10 mph as lows drop into the 40's. Looking at a very nice weekend ahead under mostly sunny skies on Saturday with highs in the upper 60's, southwest winds gusting 10-20 mph during the afternoon. The onshore flow will weaken a bit Sunday allowing for a little warming as highs make it into the lower 70's, overnight lows generally in the upper 30's and 40's.

Don't be so quick to shed your Thermals yet. And hold back on planting your garden.

Fair and much warmer next week with daytime highs reaching the lower to mid 80's later in the week as our forecast remains dry. It's a drought, remember?


It's June, 2022. Southern California. Where's Al Gore now?  Nowhere to be found.
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:tello:   "Hello, I'm calling for Al Gore.

Is there, please?
OK, I'll leave a message.

Hey Al, F you!"
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A man in Chicago casually pulled a gun and pointed it at a local TV camera during a live on-air report.
Chicago has some of the strictest gun control laws in America. Remember that when you hear the media openly advocating for gun control.

Ron Tello Culley
I carry.

Trudy Van Dam Plowman
Their guns laws will NOT stop those who are bent on shootings. We NEED law abiding citizens armed to stop the criminal shooters.

Dave Kader
Trudy Van Dam Plowman Yes those law-abiding citizens are really stopping the massacres! What a ridiculous comment! The problem is in Chicago that they can buy whatever they want right across the border in Indiana!

Artie Cates Sr.
Dave Kader BUY 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Frank Brumley
😳It's a National attempt for democrat socialist control! Honest families not being able to protect themselves against well armed criminals or a tyrannical government😳

Artie Cates Sr.
Mass Stabbing In LA Hospital, Watching MSM To See If It’s Mentioned !!!!!!

Tony Spires
Who did he assault

David Kuchta
Tony Spires it’s called Brandishing a weapon, which is illegal under penal code 417.?

Tamara Dinga Roerig
bad people wont give up their guns

Bernard Leonard
Tamara Dinga Roerigmessage me

James Mcwilliams
A better solution would be turn prison back into something no one wants to be in and enforce laws we already have.

Robert Overstreet
The reporter is aisan so how come not a hate crime?

Shawn Montgomery
Robert Overstreet not a gun.

Keith Marshall
It’s not funny but the left want your Guns regardless of the facts !

Natalie Stelmaszewski
Yep those are some strict gun laws!!!

Kristy Langbehn
Why not? Chicago has one of the strictest gun laws in this country how's that working out for them

Drew Bracero
Kristy Langbehn same thing with nyc

Kristy Langbehn
Drew exactly

Joan Harris Britton

Evelyn Crooks
Wonder if he was flown there in the middle of the night? Is that a gin from Fast and Furious?

Shawn Montgomery
It's not a gun. It is a Firestick, or similar type remote.[0]=1375323506321041&notif_id=1654308721964370&notif_t=watch_follower_video&ref=notif
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A cheese platter and some crackers or a ploughmans lunch will suffice today


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Report: WH Aides Frustrated Over Scripted Biden: ‘Why Are We Doing This?’

June 2, 2022

Biden administration staffers are playing the blame game as the president’s poll numbers continue to plummet, with some aides growing increasingly exasperated at the rehearsed, stilted nature of his events, according to a new report.

With Biden’s disapproval rating topping 50% in survey after survey and Democrats facing big losses in the fall midterm elections, CNN reported — citing 14 White House aides and other Democrats close to the administration — that staffer frustration has increased as traditional presidential set pieces get covered less and less frequently by the media.

“You are thinking, why are we doing this?” one source told the outlet.

Part of the problem, according to CNN, is Biden’s old-fashioned way of thinking about the president’s relationship with the press and public.

“A speech is presidential, remarks are presidential,” a source described as familiar with Biden’s thinking told the outlet. “His view is, if he can just explain to people what’s going on and why, that people will understand.”

As a result, with the exception of visits to mass shooting sites in Buffalo and Uvalde, Texas, the president’s recent events have followed a predictable script: arrival, tour of some location of interest, speech, departure. While such events are well-covered by local outlets, the national media has shown increasing disinterest.

Younger aides, according to CNN, have tried to challenge this approach, only to have their ideas repeatedly nixed by their superiors who dismiss them as too caught up in the online zeitgeist.

“These numbers that get put up by ‘soft media,’” one senior adviser reportedly said, using an internal term referring to non-newspaper, non-radio and non-TV outlets, “don’t feel as real.”

In addition to the dull nature of these events, Biden’s allies say they have denied him genuine, unscripted moments in exchange for canned remarks from behind a presidential lectern or virtual events held in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building next door to the White House, complete with digital backgrounds.

“World’s most interactive man and we’re going to have him conduct the presidency from the set of Jeopardy,” one person familiar with White House operations told CNN.

In an effort to find a compromise, the outlet reported, White House chief of staff Ron Klain proposed in January that the administration put on one town hall event per month in order for Biden to interact more with voters.

Six months later, the White House has failed to schedule a single town hall, though one aide told CNN to expect more “in the near future.”
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Rep. David Cicilline is not embracing the "party of unity" mindset when it comes to debate on gun legislation.

Jeff Graham
The left wants to disarm the American people for 1 reason only, they want a monopoly on violence. Sic Semper Tyranis

Philip Chin
Jeff Graham FYI - Why do you need an AR-15....
NOTE 1: There is an 8.5" x 11" PDF version at the link below that you can print out, and hang somewhere. and even send to your local and state representatives and senators. And print a few out and drop off at your local coffee shop, washateria, fast-food joint, and hangouts. Grassroots, boots-on-the-ground effort.
NOTE 2: You can justify the purchase of a color laser printer (2-sided duplex printing) as it is the best bang for the buck if you plan to use it for several purposes, e.g. work, personal, and even the above, grassroots, boots-on-the-ground effort.
Why do you need an AR-15....

Donald Turcotte
Philip Chin An AR-15 is no more lethal than almost any other semi-auto rifle. It fires a .223 round as do dozens of other rifles. Tell me how that .223 bullet is more lethal when fired from an AR-15. ANSWER: You can't. And in the 18th century, if you could afford one, you could own a cannon.

Alan Schuster
We do have a Problem in this Country! In the last few years, the Democratic Socialist Party had millions of people wanting to defund the Police! They wanted to essentially not have Law Enforcement in their Communities!

Now, all of a sudden they are screaming where were the Police and why didn't they do something to prevent or stop this! Many Law Enforcement Officers have retired or resigned because of the Liberals War on Law Enforcement. Many Law Enforcement Agencies now have many vacancies and had to promote people who were really not qualified.

Because there was no one else available! A very large part of the Violent Crime Crisis in this Country has been created by this war on Law Enforcement. Why would any truly qualified person want to be a Law Enforcement Officer in this atmosphere? Reasonable gun reform and Mental Health reform are needed, but if you want to address all of the dramatic rise in Violent Crime! Start supporting the Law Enforcement Community and start teaching your children to follow the Laws of this country and to respect the rights of others!

The Radical Left Community will not like this comment!

Chris Keck
The Liberal agenda is to disarm the public under orders of the WEF. It doesn't matter what you tell them, they have their agenda and are sticking to it. They use any excuse to justify their agenda, true or false!

Jim Pritchett
Did this Representative somehow miss taking his oath of office? He needs to review that oath and then resign.

Steve Gillis
Words written on a piece of paper will not deter the evil intentions of a determined person[0]=1839046342955584&aggr_v_ids[1]=1375323506321041&notif_id=1654308721964370&notif_t=watch_follower_video&ref=notif
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Why Do Democrats Run All Of The Dangerous And Rodent Infested Cities?

Posted: Jul 28, 2019

Congressman Elijah Cummings may honestly believe that his district in West Baltimore doesn’t stink.

But it does.

I’ve been there, I’ve seen and smelled it.

Bernie Sanders called it “the third world" back in 2016.

Sometimes the truth hurts. Especially to those bathed, clothed, and dipped in the intoxication of corrupt power, but that’s why sunlight is so helpful.

And disinfecting!

Rep. Cummings, while being very obsessed with Russia, seems utterly bewildered with the idea that anyone could dare question why so many billions of federal dollars flow to places like West Baltimore when they are obviously doing no good.

Look at other cities in similar dilapidation and there holds a unique truth: Democrats run them all.

How long will sewage run down the streets of San Francisco? How long will St. Louis, Detroit, and Baltimore, continue to rotate as the nation’s most dangerous crime infested metros? And how long will federal dollars keep chasing bad money with new?

None of the elected officials seem to know—much less care.

Why would they?

They look and see that Elijah Cummings has been a “public servant” for most of his life yet owns not one but two homes.

Bernie Sanders owns three.

Nancy Pelosi owns at least ten properties, and has a net worth of $29 million. On a salary of $223,000.


But in San Francisco—or the West Coast version of West Baltimore—which is Nancy Pelosi’s home district, you literally can download an app to help navigate the streets with the least amount of fecal matter as possible.

Seattle is just as bad. Los Angeles has zoomed past them both.

And according to the FBI Uniform Crime Report and as reported in the USA Today (from Feb 19, 2019), the top 10 most dangerous cities in America are run by Democrats.

The overwhelming majority of them are also all governed by Democratic Governors. And the Congressional districts represented are also majority Democratic.

Did I mention that each of them also has higher unemployment rates than the national average?

In Baltimore, Democrats have run everything for more than four decades. Federal dollars have flowed in, and yet the stench, sight, and symbolism of it all—stinks.

In my life I’ve spent multiple seasons, time, and resources going to the actual third world. The heartbreak in places like Haiti, Guatemala, Ghana and the Congo, is that they have no opportunity to make their lives better. Those economies are largely run by corrupt governments whose only ambition is to use public office to enrich themselves. A lot like Cummings, Sanders, and Pelosi have done.

The “walk of fame,” the scenic hills of the Bay Area, the rainy skies of the northwest, these iconic images are being replaced by squatters, filth, crime, ANTIFA and rodents. (Is that redundant?)

For Baltimore it’s been this way for decades.

And the only reason that Elijah Cummings got passionate about the issue, isn’t because it’s true. It’s because he got called out on it, by someone who is working to make America better for everybody. Thus revealing—whether in knowledge or in ignorance—Congressman Cummings hasn’t been.

But Democrats who lives in these cities already know that.

They live in the land of corrupt squander every waking day.
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Democrat-Led Cities Top List as 'Worst-Run' Cities in America
Sometimes statistics can be misleading. Sometimes, they tell a very interesting story.

  July 11, 2018

WalletHub recently released its list of the 150 best-run cities in America. Surveys of this type usually do a better job of creating some publicity for the company sponsoring the survey than they do settling any arguments about what truly is the best or worst of anything.

And while there’s plenty of room for argument as to the statistical methodology WalletHub used to create its survey, there is one finding from this survey that, upon closer inspection, can’t be argued.

Of the 150 cities ranked by WalletHub, 15 of the bottom 16 have something in common: They are run by Democratic mayors.

WalletHub didn’t list the political affiliations of each city’s mayor. In fact, there’s no reference to any specific individuals or  political parties in the survey.

But a quick check of the cities and their respective mayors’ political affiliations paints a pretty harsh reality.

Of the cities ranked by WalletHub, Washington D.C., ranks dead last, slightly ahead of New York City and Detroit.

Also falling near the bottom of the survey are cities that have been longtime Democrat strongholds such as St. Louis (ranked 136th out of 150), Atlanta (137th), Los Angeles (138th), Chicago (140th), Cleveland (142nd), Oakland (145th), and San Francisco (147th).

The only city out of the lowest 16 in the rankings with a Republican mayor is Gulfport, Mississippi, which came in at 146th on the list.

According to WalletHub, the survey was compiled using data from six categories — financial stability, education, health, safety, economy, and infrastructure and pollution — then used the numbers from those categories to create a “Quality of City Services” score for each city. That score was then divided by the dollar amount for each city’s total budget per capita to create a “Score per Dollar Spent” index that was used to determine the final rankings.

The final numbers measure the operating efficiency of each city, thereby taking into account “how well city officials manage and spend public funds by comparing the quality of services residents receive against the city’s total budget,” according to WalletHub.

The top five cities on the WalletHub list are Nampa, Idaho; Provo, Utah; Boise, Idaho; Lexington-Fayette, Kentucky; and Missoula, Montana.

The only so-called “big city” to earn a top-10 ranking in the survey is Oklahoma City, which ranked No. 10. It has a population of roughly 640,000.

It also has a Republican mayor.

Cities that score high on these types of surveys always promote them through their chambers of commerce and the like. Cities that don’t score high on these surveys generally ignore them or fault their methodology.

It remains to be seen how Democrats and Republicans will spin these numbers.
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‘An impeachable offense’: Biden’s extreme gun control speech strongly blasted on Fox

June 3, 2022

Fox News contributor Mollie Hemingway ripped into President Joe Biden’s “extreme” gun control speech on Thursday, declaring that “do something” is not a serious policy and that what he called for was “an impeachable offense.”

“He showed this was, for him, a partisan political approach. ‘Do Something’ is not a serious policy, but the actual policies that he listed are extremely troubling. I think it’s comforting for simple-minded people to think that restricting the Natural Right to keep and bear arms would solve all of our problems, that destroying the Constitution would solve our problems,” Hemingway fiercely declared following Biden’s speech on “Jesse Watters Primetime.”

“That is not true, and we have a Natural Right of self-defense to guard against tyranny in the Second Amendment. This is something that makes us American. And Joe Biden showed that he does not respect the Constitution. He does not support this Natural Right. That really is an impeachable offense to talk this way against something so foundational to the country,” she argued.

“But it was also just really divisive and unhelpful for him. And I think, you know, he helped people see what really is at play here. Very little of what he is talking about would actually prevent some of these horrible mass shootings. He kind of gave away the game when earlier this weekend, he talked about getting rid of, making it illegal to have handguns. This is a really extreme agenda. And he is misguided if he thinks this is going to be a political winner for him. I know they are desperate. But this is not going to sell well in this country,” Hemingway concluded.

Biden took to the airwaves on Thursday demanding that Congress implement extreme gun control in the United States following a spate of deadly mass shootings. His words echo those of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who has already banned 1,500 types of assault rifles in his country and is now seeking to ban handguns as well. Biden contends the Second Amendment is not carved in stone and that “the overwhelming majority of American people” want gun control.

The president wants to allow individuals whose loved ones are victims of armed psychotic killers to be able to sue gun manufacturers out of existence as an end-run around the Second Amendment. Bankrupting gun makers is one way to undermine the right to bear arms. Biden is also seeking sweeping new measures that would outlaw some rifles and high-capacity magazines, impose safe gun storage laws, strengthen background checks, and mandate nationwide red flag laws.

“We need to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines,” he asserted. “And if we can’t ban assault weapons, we should raise the age to purchase them from 18 to 21.”

Conservatives blasted the anti-gun rhetoric from Biden.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson said on Thursday night that the president was hoping to “disarm people who did not vote for Joe Biden.”

“Where’s the lie?” Nicholas Fondacaro, who is the deputy managing editor for the Media Research Center, tweeted referring to Tucker Carlson’s comments on Biden. “Biden literally told people he was going to take their ARs away.”

“President Biden had the opportunity tonight to help unite the country,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) tweeted. “He didn’t. He lashed out at everyone who doesn’t share his gun control agenda. Then he demanded voters elect more Democrats. His worst speech yet.”

“Joe Biden’s gun speech was not unifying,” tweeted Wendell Husebo, who is a reporter for Breitbart. “He attacked half the nation with campaign talk about midterm votes.”

“Joe Biden wants to ban ‘assault weapons’ and ‘high capacity magazines’ yet Democrats refuse to prosecute violent crimes in Democrat cities all over the country, and refuse to protect your children at school with armed security,” Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) tweeted. “Same Democrats are protected by armed guards daily.”

“None of these would improve the gun violence problem in this country. All of them satisfy the urge to ‘do something’ without actually doing anything useful, at great cost to the rights of people who follow the law. Let’s take just one example, ‘red flag’ laws,” Ohio Republican J.D. Vance tweeted.
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Vulnerable Dems send Pelosi letter begging her to bury sweeping radical gun reform before midterms

June 3, 2022

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s push to pass sweeping gun control legislation is already facing trouble thanks to growing opposition within the party.

A group of 21 House Democrats submitted a letter to Pelosi and three other top Democrats on Thursday requesting that they not lump all gun control legislation into one giant omnibus package and instead pass each gun control bill separately.

“We write as Members of Congress who intend to support, solemnly and proudly, every component of the intended ‘Protecting Our Kids’ legislative package. … However, we ask that you not combine these bills into one large package, but instead immediately bring each individual bill forward for a standalone vote on the House Floor,” the letter reads.

“While we wish every Member of Congress in the House and Senate would join us in supporting all these bills, we know that is not our current reality, and given the composition of the U.S. Congress, we know we must have bipartisan support for bills we want to become law. In this moment of urgency and loss, the American people deserve to have legislators focused on results — getting bills to the President’s desk — and that only happens when we work to build coalitions of support for our legislation.”

“As Members of the majority party, we must make a good faith effort to invite our colleagues across the aisle to join us in debating the merits of each bill and in voting for each bill. Importantly, the American people also deserve to know how their Members of Congress will vote on each of these provisions — and a summary package eliminates that possibility,” the letter continues.

“We fully expect each of these bills will pass in the House, but as we focus on actually delivering for a hurting America, passing each bill individually will ensure that every commonsense measure we are putting forth arrives in the U.S. Senate with the maximum bipartisan support it may garner, recorded through individual votes – giving us the maximum chance of passing gun violence prevention legislation in the Senate and into law.”

The 21 House Democrats believe that Democrats will be more successful in passing some — any — gun control legislation if they allow each measure to be voted on separately.

The reason why is because some Republicans support one or two of the individual bills, such as the ones pertaining to red flag laws and background checks. But if forced to vote on an omnibus package that includes legislation that they don’t support, these Republicans would undoubtedly vote no.

The effort to pass individual bills is reportedly being led by vulnerable swing-state Democrats, including Reps. Abigail Spanberger, Katie Porter, Susan Wild, Cindy Axne, Elissa Slotkin, etc.

Spanberger is the same Democrat who made headlines after the 2020 election for warning her colleagues that they’d get “f–king torn apart in 2022” unless they stopped embracing radical ideas such as “defund the police” and socialism.

The letter submitted Thursday was addressed specifically to Pelosi, Majority Leader Jim Clyburn, Majority Whip Steny Hoyer and Judiciary Committee chair Jerry Nadler.

Pelosi, the most powerful Democrat in Congress, appears for her part to not be interested in playing ball.

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that lawmakers will vote on sweeping gun control bills next week in response to a series of horrifying mass shootings in the U.S. that have left dozens dead,” according to CNBC.

“Leading the gun control legislating in the House is Rep. Jerrold Nadler, the chair of the Judiciary Committee. He and his deputies are scrambling to pass an omnibus bill, a mix of various gun bills known as the Protecting Our Children Act, out of committee before day’s end.”

“Saving our children can and must be a unifying mission for our nation,” she wrote. “To all those in the Congress who would stand in the way of saving lives: your political survival is insignificant compared to the survival of our children. We will not rest until the job is done,” the speaker reportedly said.

Given her rhetoric, critics say that it seems as if the Democrat leader is more interested in scoring political points against Republicans than in actually passing any meaningful legislation.
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‘Disarming you is the point’: Tucker slams Biden’s gun control speech

June 3, 2022

Tucker Carlson criticized President Joe Biden’s speech on gun control on his Fox News show “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Thursday, saying the president’s agenda was to disarm Americans.

“This is about saving the children, Joe Biden just told us, but how many lives would this new law save?” Carlson asked during the opening of his show.

“Well, we know the answer. Zero. Not one,” Carlson added. “We know that because there’s precisely no evidence at all and never has been that larger magazines somehow inspire mass shootings. But of course, saving lives is not the point of this. Disarming you is the point.”

Biden proposed a series of gun control measures during his Thursday speech in response to mass shootings in Buffalo, Tulsa and Uvalde, including a ban on so-called assault weapons, repeal of a law protecting firearms manufacturers from certain liability claims, expanded background checks and “red flag” laws.

Carlson described owners of high-capacity magazines as “normal people” and referenced Biden’s son Hunter’s purchase of a firearm, claiming that the younger Biden was not prosecuted for allegedly violating federal gun laws.

“There is a tremendous amount of misinformation surrounding the issue of so-called ‘assault weapons,’” the National Shooting Sports Foundation said in a fact sheet, which goes on to say that the differences between “assault weapons” and other firearms are superficial.

The White House did not respond to a request for comment from The Daily Caller News Foundation. Typical cowards.
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Older people, what is the first thing to go as you age?

I am an old person (87) so here is my list of ‘what went first’. Eyesight started to be less vivid when I was about 45: then came energy: after that mobility: then becoming emotionally tired of the whole damn thing: then…..more loss of energy.

I forgot to mention hearing loss as well. I was about 75 when that become problematic, and yet I am told that being able to hear is with you until almost the last hours of your life. I hope that is so. I was with my sister when she died and I was able to tell her many things as she neared death. I told her about how much she meant to me as a sister, as a friend etc and that I loved her. Did she hear me? Please God I hope she did.


Mark Roseman
, Biochemistry Professor (Emeritus in 2020) at Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (1979-pres…
Answered Oct 4, 2019
I am almost 75 so I have had many years to exchange complaints with family, friends, and colleagues. What strikes me is how differently people age. Everyone has strong parts and weak parts. We are sort of like cars of my era. With some cars, the first thing to go was the engine, with another it was the transmission, and with another the body rusted out.

I am a good example of the extremes. On the one hand, I am in better shape than most, able to work out every day, and I don’t have any pain. On the other hand, I developed benign prostate enlargement (BPE) around age 45, which is pretty early. It runs in the family. My dad needed surgery in his 60?s, but somehow I have stabilized.

During intermission at a classical music concert, I find myself in the men’s room peeing next to a guy my age who can barely walk because of arthritis. He does his business in one-third the time it takes me. But I can get to the bathroom and back to my seat in one third the time it takes him. This is a good illustration of how people age differently.

I could write a long, amusing article about what life is like when you have to pee five times more often than everyone else. Nobody has sympathy for you. I was treated like someone with a character flaw, someone who lacked discipline. My wife used to scold me: “Why can’t you hold it?” Travelling with her was awful. “You want to stop AGAIN!?”

One thing everyone seems to have in common as they age is the need for glasses after age 40 or so.
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Gil Scott-Heron - Revolution Will Not Be Televised (Official Version)

Shane Elder
7 years ago
This brother had a keen understanding of media and hegemony. His poetry is still relevant, still prescient, still right on. The revolution will not be texted, will not be tweeted, will not be televised, will not be televised. The revolution will be live.

1 year ago
This song is more than a song, it's an anthem to anyone who wants desperately to think differently, to keep & gain his independance in a mass media world which darkens day after day our ability to be aware of our surroundings...This song is what Noam Chomsky would sound like if he decided to rap.
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Could I have a chunky penguin and maryjane bud woodfire pizza please ....thin and crispy ..
Double cheese ... Hold the anchovies ...they will clash with the penguin flavour


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:smee!: :sniper:  :snipe:     :mobbing:              :mop:  :tello: "Go BOUNCE!"
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‘Pathetic And Heartless’: Eddie Van Halen’s Family Says ‘Autopsy’ Docuseries Tries To ‘Glamorize’ His Death

Jun 3, 2022  

Eddie Van Halen’s family is not happy with how the rock star’s death is being treated in a new docuseries.

His son Wolfgang Van Halen didn’t mince words when reacting to the episode, which is scheduled to air Sunday. He shared to Twitter: “F*** @ReelzChannel, f*** everyone that works on this show, and f*** you if you watch it. F***ing disgusting trying to glamorize someone’s death from cancer. Pathetic and heartless.”

Van Halen’s ex-wife Valerie Bertinelli agreed with her son’s reaction. “Good Christ this is disgusting,” she said while reacting to the upcoming episode.

The special is part of the Reelz docuseries “Autopsy: The Last Hours Of…” which is described as giving viewers a deeper understanding of celebrity deaths. The show’s synopsis on the site says it “reveals the truth behind the controversial deaths of global icons and people whose untimely deaths were surrounded by scandal and intense media attention.”

The creators are said to use “crucial medical evidence from the actual autopsies to explain how and why they died while interviews with friends and family shed light on the events that led to death—finally putting an end to the speculation.”

The synopsis of the Van Halen episode says, “But behind his contagious smile, there was a darker undercurrent that would plague Eddie throughout his life. He dealt with addiction issues for over 4 decades, having started drinking at just age 12. Often relying on alcohol and other substances to maintain his creativity, Eddie would spend many years in and out of rehab.”

“He was a workaholic, often pushing his body to the limits in order to perform while secretly battling illness,” it reads.

Van Halen, who fronted a popular rock band by the same name, died in 2020 after battling cancer on and off for two decades. He was 65.

The newest episode of “Autopsy” focuses on Van Halen and will include commentary from Dr. Michael Hunter, a forensic pathologist who will analyze “every detail of Eddie Van Halen’s life in order to piece together what else may have been going on in his body, ultimately leading to his untimely death,” per the episode description on the site.

Reelz defended the episode from the backlash in a statement they shared with USA Today. “‘Autopsy: The Last Hours of…’ responsibly explores the circumstances of the passing of well-known and genuinely loved celebrities who the public cares about immensely,” the network told the publication. “The REELZ series generates much feedback from our viewers, ranging from medical professionals who praise its scientific accuracy, fans who tell us it provides closure or that they have become more proactive for the benefit of their health, and many who gain helpful perspective of health issues that might not otherwise receive attention.”
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Van Halen Eruption
Guitar Solo

Xenopis 786
4 months ago
The solo was so heavy, even Eddy knew his guitar needed a smoke.
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Country Music Fest Bans Confederate Flags?!?

( – In what many country music fans are calling an assault on their right to free speech and political statements, the Country Music Association (CMA) just announced that displays of the Confederate flag at the upcoming CMA Fest in Nashville, Tennessee, next week are banned for purposes of public safety and anti-discrimination.

The CMA has now joined NASCAR and several other prominent organizations, barring any Confederate flag display at its events.

The Charlotte Observer newspaper is reporting:

“One of the biggest country music festivals has put its boot down: No more Confederate flags. The Country Music Association added “Confederate flag imagery of any kind” to the prohibited items list at the upcoming CMA Fest in Nashville, Tennessee.” [emphasis added]

In a statement released to the media, the CMA stated:

“This year’s CMA Fest is our first major fan-facing event in nearly three years. We have always had policies in place that protect the safety of our fans and ban discrimination, but we felt it was important to further refine our language to explicitly outline what will and will not be tolerated.

“In line with our first CMA Fest lineup announcement in early April, our event policy was published on our website, which states any behavior that causes one of our attendees to fear for their personal safety will not be tolerated, and that is inclusive of any displays of the Confederate flag.” [emphasis added]

What is your opinion about the Country Music Association banning any Confederate flag display at the upcoming CMA Fest in Nashville, Tennessee? Do you agree or disagree with the decision by the CMA? Do you believe that is a violation of free speech rights Americans have traditionally had in the United States of America? Do you think Americans should be able to fly the Confederate flag as a political statement? Why or why not? Please email your thoughts and views to Thank you.
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What's next--
Jolly Roger???
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Are Lawsuits The Only Way To Stop The Fake News?
Adam Carolla Says Yes

JUNE 3, 2022

In the aftermath of the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard six-week dramatic public litigation, you can’t help but wonder if defamation lawsuits might be the only way to ensure the truth comes out.

Popular comedian and radio host Adam Carolla certainly thinks that the only way to shut down mainstream media lies is for people to stand up and fight in the form of defamation lawsuits and other litigation.

On The Adam and Dr. Drew Show, Carolla spoke passionately about how the mainstream media has consistently lied about high-profile issues.

Time to Wake Up and Smell the Lawsuit
In September of last year, photos emerged of Border Patrol agents on horseback dealing with a surge of Haitian illegal immigrants trying to cross the southern border. Photos showed the horsed agents swinging their reins.

It didn’t take long for politicians and the mainstream media to latch on to the photos to spin a racist narrative.

Democrat Representative Maxine Waters of California, always eager to go the extra mile too far, stated:

“They are trying to bring us back to slavery days and worse than that.”

The leader of the free world, President Biden, was quick to convict from the Oval Office, stating:

“I promise you, those people will pay. There will be an investigation underway now and there will be consequences.”

CNN personalities Chris Cuomo said the photos reminded him of “slavery.”

Nine months later, the Border Patrol agents have been cleared of criminal misconduct, but no apology from the Biden administration or CNN and other mainstream outlets who quickly judged them as racists whipping migrants.

Carolla’s recommendation to sue CNN is clear and unmistakable:

“That’s the world we’re living in, people. Now, wake the f*** up, is what I’m telling you.”

The Covington Kid Lesson
In January of 2019, Nicholas Sandmann visited the Lincoln Memorial with his classmates. A video was taken of him and a Native American activist that went viral.

Sporting a MAGA hat and smiling at the activist, the media was quick to pounce on the incident, claiming that Sandmann and his classmates were there to mock the Native American group that was there as well.

A year later, Sandmann won a multi-million dollar defamation lawsuit against CNN. Dr. Drew Pinsky touched on this in the podcast, stating:

“You’d think [the media] would have learned their lesson. They’re still paying on that.”

The question is…will others follow Sandmann’s example?

What Will Kyle Do?
If anyone knows better than Sandmann, it’s Kyle Rittenhouse.

Before his trial was concluded, Sandmann penned his support for Rittenhouse to go after those who were quick to convict him before his day in court.

“The parallels between me and Kyle Rittenhouse are impossible not to draw. Kyle was almost immediately labeled a ‘white supremacist’ and a ‘domestic terrorist’.”

He goes on to hit on the main point:

“Kyle wasn’t given his day in court by his critics. And neither was I. The attacks on Kyle came from the National news media, just as they came for me. They came quickly, without hesitation, because Kyle was an easy target that they could paint in the way they wanted to.”

Rittenhouse has hinted that lawsuits may be coming for media outlets, politicians, and celebrities that had defamed his character. For example, after the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard verdict, Rittenhouse tweeted:

“Johnny Depp trial is just fueling me, you can fight back against the lies in the media, and you should!”

While not quite the exact parallels between Depp’s case and what Carolla suggests people should start doing, it does pose an interesting question.

Is There Hope for Truth After All?
The Depp v. Heard case was so many things for many who watched it. It was gross; it solidified that perhaps our current relationship status isn’t so bad. It showed that women could be just as terrible as men in relationships.

And it shows the media has an agenda.

In response to the verdict yesterday, Depp released the following:

“Six years ago, my life, the life of my children, the lives of those closest to me, and also, the lives of the people, who for many, many years have supported and believed in me were forever changed.

“False, very serious and criminal allegations were levied at me via the media, which triggered an endless barrage of hateful content, although no charges were ever brought against me.

“The jury gave me my life back. I am truly humbled.”

So while Rittenhouse took a lot of heat for trying to compare his possible case against the media to the Depp-Heard case as apples to oranges scenario, I think you could see a comparison in terms of how broadcasted knee-jerk lies ruined the lives of both Depp and Rittenhouse.

Russian Disinformation? Or Mass Defamation?
The following case to watch is the lawsuit filed by John Paul Mac Isaac. The famed laptop repair man of Hunter Biden fame-turned-“Kremlin tool of disinformation” by the media is fighting back.

Isaac is suing Democratic Representative Adam Schiff, CNN, The Daily Beast, and Politico for their coverage of the Hunter Biden laptop. The suit states in part:

“CNN’s broadcast of the false statement accuses the Plaintiff of committing an infamous crime, i.e., treason by working with the Russians to commit a crime against the United States of America by attempting to undermine American democracy and the 2020 Presidential election.”

Isaac lost his business due to the coverage and ended up having to move to Colorado to escape harassment. He has said of his lawsuit:

“This was collusion led by 51 former pillars in the intelligence community and backed by words and actions of a politically motivated DOJ and FBI. I want this lawsuit to reveal that collusion and more importantly, who gave the marching orders.”

Is there hope for truth? Is litigation the only way we can fight fake news and blatant lies? I think Adam Carolla could be on to something.
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10 States Most Prone To Forest Fires

August 5, 2021

In recent years, wildfires in the U.S. states have been quite a hot topic, especially in 2020, which witnessed more than 10 million U.S. acreage burned in the year alone. Not to mention how it was also one of the hottest years in U.S. history, with several states facing drought-like conditions.

According to the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC), since 1926, 1.1 billion acres have been burned across the U.S. from a total of 11.7 billion wildfires. And, while it may not seem that way, the total number of wildfires has declined in recent years, i.e., the number was 2.7 million between 1960-79, which came down to 1.8 million between 1980-99, reaching 1.4 million wildfires since 2000.

However, it does not imply that the situation has improved in the last 20 years than 40 years before. It is because, while the number of wildfires has gone down, the fires have gotten more devastating and significant, with more acres of land succumbing to it.

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Fred and Mary got married, but can't afford a honeymoon, so they go back to Fred's parent's home for their first night together.
In the morning, Johnny, Fred's little brother, gets up and has his breakfast.

As he is going out of the door to go to school, he asks his Mom if Fred and Mary are up yet.

She replies, "No".

Johnny asks, "Do you know what I think?"

His mom replies, "I don't want to hear what you think! Just go to school."

Johnny comes home for lunch and asks his mom, "Are Fred and Mary up yet?"

She replies, "No."

Johnny says, "Do you know what I think?"

His mom replies, "Never mind what you think!

Eat your lunch and go back to school."

After school, Johnny comes home and asks again, "Are Fred and Mary up yet?"

His mom says "No."

He asks, "Do you know what I think?"

His Mom replies, "Ok, do tell me what you think?"

He says: "Last night Fred came to my room for the Vaseline and I think I gave him my airplane glue."
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Your mind


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I was gonna make the MIND reference about YOU.
But I'm a Gent,
and you are.....questionable.

There's an issue of mind, of course.
Like, the idiots in charge
and the morons who follow them.

Humanity is disintegrating faster than your modem speed.

And so are you a part of the problem
or the whole reason why the problem exists?

I'm into SOLUTIONS here, mister.

Don't flock it up any more than you already have.

Have an image:

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  :roflmao:     Ha ha! smee got served!     :lmao: :troll2: :ni: 
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It's the weekend in Yankee West Coast.

Let it explain the downtime herein.

I have a life, too.


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Quote of the day

The same Democrats who think 18-year-olds can serve in the military but are too immature to buy guns also want 16-year-olds to vote and 6-years-old to be able to identify as the opposite gender.

Make it make sense.

— Rep. Lauren Boebert
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