Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2802632 times)


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A Collection of Vintage Ads That Would Never Work Today

Many ads that would never work today. They might have been funny at the time, but they just wouldn’t fly in today’s world. But back in the day, they were considered gold. Check out some of these head-scratchers and see for yourself. Prepare to have your mind blown by how outdated they seem now.

Some of them are downright cringe-worthy by today’s standards, but at the time, they must have seemed like a great idea. Whether it was an attempt at humor or an offensive stereotype, you won’t believe the ads people used to think would be successful. Keep reading to see some of the most shocking vintage ads ever.

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Archbishop Bans Pelosi From Receiving
Holy Communion Due To Her
Abortion Support

May 20, 2022

The Archbishop of the San Francisco Archdiocese barred Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from receiving Holy Communion on Friday due to her pro-abortion views.

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone notified Pelosi and the priests of the diocese of San Francisco, instructing them of his decision to ban her from receiving the Eucharist at Mass, the Catholic News Agency reported.

“After numerous attempts to speak with Speaker Pelosi to help her understand the grave evil she is perpetrating, the scandal she is causing, and the danger to her own soul she is risking, I have determined that she is not to be admitted to Holy Communion,” Cordileone stated on Twitter.

“Christians have, indeed, always upheld the dignity of human life in every stage, especially the most vulnerable, beginning with life in the womb,” the letter stated. “This fundamental moral truth has consequences for Catholics in how they live their lives, especially those entrusted with promoting and protecting the public good of society.”

Cordileone said his decision was rooted in Church teaching that lawmakers must oppose any law that isn’t protecting life. (RELATED: Oklahoma Moves To Ban Most Abortions For The Second Time In Five Weeks)

“A Catholic legislator who supports procured abortion, after knowing the teaching of the Church, commits a manifestly grave sin which is a cause of most serious scandal to others. Therefore, universal Church law provides that such persons ‘are not to be admitted to Holy Communion,'” the Archbishop of San Francisco added.

Pelosi told CEO and president of the LBJ Foundation Mark Updegrove that she was a “devout catholic” in a March interview where they discussed the potential for the U.S. Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.

“This [topic] really gets me burned up, in case you didn’t notice, because again, I’m very Catholic, devout, practicing, all of that. They would like to throw me out. But I’m not going because I don’t want to make their day,” Pelosi said.

Pelosi, who had five children and grew up in a pro-life family, told Updegrove that although abortion wasn’t right for her, it might be “right for somebody else.” She promised the Democratic Party would “never give up,” trying to pass the Women’s Health Protection Act which legalizes abortion through all nine months of pregnancy.

“We do think that the codification of Roe v. Wade would be a really important protection against the court,” she added. “Again, it isn’t about what is your religious belief. It’s what is the right of people to make their own decisions about the sizing and time or if they are going to have a family.”

CatholicVote surveyed mass-going Catholics on whether lawmakers who support policies that disobey Church teaching should present themselves for the Eucharist. The survey polled 600 mass-attending Catholics from June 1-8, 2021, with a margin of error of ± 4%.

The poll found that 83% of mass-attending Catholics believe Catholic lawmakers who oppose Church teachings “create confusion and disunity.” The survey showed that 74% of respondents believe Catholic politicians who support laws against Church teaching on serious or grave matters should not present themselves for the Eucharist.

Brian Burch, President of CatholicVote, praised Cordileone’s move to ban Pelosi.

“Catholics across America commend Archbishop Cordileone and his pastoral leadership in handling the scandal posed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. For too long, Catholic public officials have created confusion and disunity by advocating for policies that destroy innocent human life – in direct contradiction of the teachings of the Catholic faith.  The persistent disobedience of these public officials is a source of enormous sadness and scandal that begged for a response,” Burch said in a statement.

“The Church has no choice but to protect itself and to encourage all of its members to live in communion with its teachings. For the sake of Speaker Pelosi and the rest of the flock in his charge, Archbishop Cordileone is right to call her to return to full communion with the Church.  We hope and pray she will do so,” he added.
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Biden’s Interior Secretary Was
Forced To Answer Senators’ Energy Questions.
It Didn’t Go Well

“Secretary Haaland, the bottom line is that you have the ability to make some of the changes we’ve recommended [to the federal oil and gas leasing program],” Manchin told the interior secretary. “There are practical changes that should’ve been made by now. You don’t need us. You can look at [the program] and review it, and if we think you’re out of bounds we’ll pull you back in.”
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Nixon Resigns
Richard Nixon announces his resignation
in disgrace

Friday, August 9, 1974

Richard Milhous Nixon announced last night that he will resign as the 37th President of the United States at noon today.

Vice President Gerald R. Ford of Michigan will take the oath as the new President at noon to complete the remaining 2 1/2 years of Mr. Nixon's term.

After two years of bitter public debate over the Watergate scandals, President Nixon bowed to pressures from the public and leaders of his party to become the first President in American history to resign.

"By taking this action," he said in a subdued yet dramatic television address from the Oval Office, "I hope that I will have hastened the start of the process of healing which is so desperately needed in America."

Vice President Ford, who spoke a short time later in front of his Alexandria home, announced that Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger will remain in his Cabinet.

The President-to-be praised Mr. Nixon's sacrifice for the country and called it "one of the vary saddest incidents that I've ever witnessed."

Mr. Nixon said he decided he must resign when he concluded that he no longer had "a strong enough political base in the Congress" to make it possible for him to complete his term of office.

Declaring that he has never been a quitter, Mr. Nixon said that to leave office before the end of his term " is abhorrent to every instinct in my body. Besides, I'm getting my ass kicked."

But "as President, I must put the interests of America first," he said.

While the President acknowledged that some of his judgments "were wrong," he made no confession of the "high crimes and misdemeanors" with which the House Judiciary Committee charged him in its bill of impeachment.

Specifically, he did not refer to Judiciary Committee charges that in the cover-up of Watergate crimes he misused government agencies such as the FBI, the Central Intelligence Agency and the Internal Revenue Service.

After the President's address, Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski issued a statement declaring that "there has been no agreement or understanding of any sort between the President or his representatives and the special prosecutor relating in any way to the President's resignation."

Jaworski said that his office "was not asked for any such agreement or understanding and offered none."

His office was informed yesterday afternoon of the President's decision, Jaworski said, but "my office did not participate in any way in the President's decision to resign."

Mr. Nixon's brief speech was delivered in firm tones and he appeared to be complete control of his emotions. The absence of rancor contrasted sharply with the "farewell" he delivered in 1962 after being defeated for the governorship of California.

An hour before the speech, however, the President broke down during a meeting with old congressional friends and had to leave the room.

He had invited 20 senators and 26 representatives for a farewell meeting in the Cabinet room. Later, Sen. Barry M. Goldwater (R-Ariz.), one of those present, said Mr. Nixon said to them very much what he said in his speech.

"He just told us that the country couldn't operate with a half-time President," Goldwater reported. "Then he broke down and cried and he had to leave the room. Then the rest of us broke down and cried."

In his televised resignation, after thanking his friends for their support, the President concluded by saying he was leaving office "with this prayer: may God's grace be with you in all the days ahead."

As for his sharpest critics, the President said, "I leave with no bitterness toward those who have opposed me." He called on all Americans to "join together . . . in helping our new President succeed."

The President said he had thought it was his duty to persevere in office in face of the Watergate charges and to complete his term.

"In the past days, however, it has become evident to me that I no longer have a strong enough political base in the Congress to justify continuing that effort," Mr. Nixon said.

His family "unanimously urged" him to stay in office and fight the charges against him, he said. But he came to realize that he would not have the support needed to carry out the duties of his office in difficult times.

"America needs a full-time President and a full-time Congress," Mr. Nixon said. The resignation came with "a great sadness that I will not be here in this office" to complete work on the programs started, he said.

But praising Vice President Ford, Mr. Nixon said that "the leadership of America will be in good hands."

In his admission of error, the outgoing President said: "I deeply regret any injuries that may have been done in the course of the events that led to this decision."

He emphasized that world peace had been the overriding concern of his years in the White House.

When he first took the oath, he said, he made a "sacred commitment" to "consecrate my office and wisdom to the cause of peace among nations."

"I have done my very best in all the days since to be true to that pledge," he said, adding that he is now confident that the world is a safer place for all peoples.

"This more than anything is what I hoped to achieve when I sought the presidency," Mr. Nixon said. "This more than anything is what I hope will be my legacy to you, to our country, as I leave the presidency."

Noting that he had lived through a turbulent period, he recalled a statement of Theodore Roosevelt about the man "in the arena whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood" and who, if he fails "at least fails while daring greatly."

Mr. Nixon placed great emphasis on his successes in foreign affairs. He said his administration had "unlocked the doors that for a quarter of a century stood between the United States and the People's Republic of China."

In the mideast, he said, the United States must begin to build on the peace in that area. And with the Soviet Union, he said, the administration had begun the process of ending the nuclear arms race. The goal now, he said, is to reduce and finally destroy those arms "so that the threat of nuclear war will no longer hang over the world." The two countries, he added, "must live together in cooperation rather than in confrontation."

Mr. Nixon has served 2,026 days as the 37th President of the United States. He leaves office with 2 1/2 years of his second term remaining to be carried out by the man he nominated to be Vice President last year.

Yesterday morning, the President conferred with his successor. He spent much of the day in his Executive Office Building hideaway working on his speech and attending to last-minute business.

At 7:30 p.m., Mr. Nixon again left the White House for the short walk to the Executive Office Building. The crowd outside the gates waved U.S. flags and sang "America" as he walked slowly up the steps, his head bowed, alone.

At the EOB, Mr. Nixon met for a little over 20 minutes with the leaders of Congress -- James O. Eastland (D-Miss.), president pro tem to the Senate; Mike Mansfield (D-Mont.), Senate majority leader; Hugh Scott (R-Pa.), Senate minority leader; Carl Albert (D-Okla.), speaker of the House; and John Rhodes (R-Ariz.), House minority leader.

It was exactly six years ago yesterday that the 55-year-old Californian accepted the Republican nomination for President for the second time and went on to a narrow victory in November over Democrat Hubert H. Humphrey.

"I was ready. I was willing. And events were such that this seemed to be the time the party was willing for me to carry the standard," Nixon said after winning first-ballot nomination in the convention at Miami Beach.

In his acceptance speech on Aug. 8, 1968, the nominee appealed for victory to "make the American dream come true for millions of Americans."

"To the leaders of the Communist world we say, after an era of confrontation, the time has come for an era of negotiation," Nixon said.

The theme was repeated in his first inaugural address on Jan. 20, 1969, and became the basis for the foreign policy of his first administration.

Largely because of his breakthroughs in negotiations with China and the Soviet Union, and partly because of divisions in the Democratic Party, Mr. Nixon won a mammoth election victory in 1972, only to be brought down by scandals that grew out of an excessive zeal to make certain he would win re-election.

Mr. Nixon and his family are expected to fly to their home in San Clemente, Calif. early today. Press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler and Rose Mary Woods, Mr. Nixon's devoted personal secretary for more than two decades, will accompany the Nixons.

Alexander M. Haig Jr., the former Army vice chief of staff who was brought into the White House as staff chief following the resignation of H.R. (Bob) Haldeman on April 30, 1973, has been asked by Mr. Ford to remain in his present position.

It is expected that Haig will continue in the position as staff chief to assure an orderly transfer of responsibilities but not stay indefinitely.

The first firm indication yesterday that the President had reached a decision came when deputy press secretary Gerald L. Warren announced at 10:55 a.m. that the President was about to begin a meeting in the Oval Office with the Vice President.

"The President asked the Vice President to come over this morning for a private meeting -- and that is all the information I have at this moment," Warren said.

He promised to post "some routine information, bill actions and appointments" and to return with additional information" in an hour or so."

Warren's manner and the news he had to impart made it clear at last that resignation was a certainty. Reports already were circulating on Capitol Hill that the President would hold a reception for friends and staff members late in the day and a meeting with congressional leaders.

Shortly after noon, Warren announced over the loudspeaker in the press room that the meeting between the President and the Vice President had lasted for an hour and 10 minutes.

At 2:20 p.m., press secretary Ziegler walked into the press room and, struggling to control his emotions, read the following statement:

"I am aware of the intense interest of the American people and of you in this room concerning developments today and over the last few days. This has, of course, been a difficult time.

"The President of the United States will meet various members of the bipartisan leadership of Congress here at the White House early this evening.

"Tonight, at 9 o'clock, Eastern Daylight Time, the President of the United States will address the nation on radio and television from his Oval Office."

The room was packed with reporters, and Ziegler read the statement with difficulty. Although his voice shook, it did not break. As soon as he had finished, he turned on his heel and left the room, without so much as a glance at the men and women in the room who wanted to question him.

There were tears in the eyes of some of the secretaries in the press office. Others, who have been through many crises in recent years and have become used to overwork, plowed ahead with their duties, with telephones ringing incessantly.

In other offices, loyal Nixon workers reacted with sadness but also with resignation and defeat. They were not surprised, and some showed a sense of relief that at last the battle was over.

Some commented bitterly about former aides H.R. (Bob) Haldeman and John D. Ehrlichman. The President's loyal personal aide and valet Manola Sanchez, a Spanish-born immigrant from Cuba whose independence and wit are widely admired, did not hide his feelings.

Speaking bluntly to some of his old friends, he castigated aides he said had betrayed the President. One long-time official, who heard about the Sanchez remarks, commented: "They [Haldeman and Ehrlichman] tried three times to fire him because they couldn't control him. Imagine, trying to fire someone like Manola."

But why did the President always rely on Ehrlichman and Haldeman? The official was asked. "Will we ever know?" he replied. "When Mr. Nixon was Vice President," he recalled, "he demanded that we never abuse the franking privilege. If there was any doubt, we were to use stamps. Everything had to be above board.

"Surely his friendship with Ehrlichman and Haldeman was one of the most expensive in history."

But the President himself, said another long-time aide, must have been two persons, the one who was motivated by high ideals and another who connived and schemed with his favorite gut-fighters.

One man who worked through most of the first Nixon term said he saw the President angry only once. Often he would say, "That will be tough politically, but we must do the right thing."

When that official left his post after nearly four years of intimate association with the President, he told his wife: "I've never gotten to know what sort of man he is."

One official, who has known Mr. Nixon well for many years and remains a White House aide, commented: "He is obviously a bad judge of character. But a lot was accomplished. So much more could have been accomplished but for these fun and games. It was such a stupid thing to happen."

The march of events that brought about the President's downfall turned its last corner Monday when Mr. Nixon released the partial transcripts of three taped conversations he held on June 23, 1972 with Haldeman.

It seemed inevitable then that this would be his last week in office, yet he continued to fight back and to insist that he would not resign. On Tuesday, the President held a Cabinet meeting and told his official family that he would not resign.

On Wednesday, however, the end appeared near, for his support on Capitol Hill was disappearing at dizzying speed. There were demands from some of his staunchest supporters that he should resign at once.

Late Wednesday, the President met with Senate Minority Leader Hugh Scott (R-Pa.), House Minority Leader John J. Rhodes (R-Ariz.) and Sen. Barry M. Goldwater (R-Ariz.).

They said afterward that the President had made no decision, but it was obvious later that for all intents and purposes the decision had been made despite what the leaders said. They obviously could not make the announcement for him, but it must have been apparent to them that the end was at hand.

Later Wednesday, Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger twice conferred with Mr. Nixon, first in the early evening for half an hour and then from 9:30 p.m. until midnight.

It was not known whether the two men were alone or accompanied by Haig and others.

Yesterday, Kissinger met with principal deputies in the State Department to tell them what to expect and to assign tasks to different people. Messages will be sent to heads of state to notify them formally of the change.

A White House spokesman said more than 10,000 telephone calls were received in the past two days expressing "disbelief and the hope that the President would not resign."

Thursday was a wet, humid August day, but despite intermittent rain the crowds packed the sidewalks in front of the White House. It was an orderly crowd, resigned and curious, watching newsmen come and go and being a part of a dramatic moment in the life of the nation.

© Copyright 1974 The Washington Post Co.

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Washington gas stations run out of fuel
as they prepare for possible $10 per gallon prices

May 19, 2022 

The Post Millennial has reported that gas stations in Washington state are resetting their price boards in order to accommodate possible double-digit costs per gallon.

The outlet also reported that several gas stations across the state have run out of fuel.

What are the details?
Gas stations in Washington, the outlet noted, are reprogramming pumps and price boards to include double-digit numbers in "price per gallon" slots on cost boards and machines.

"At the 76 Gas Station in Auburn, Washington, located at 1725 Auburn Way North, gas pumps have been reprogrammed to make room for double-digit pricing," the outlet reported. "In March, they still had single-digit programming. A spokesperson at 76 confirmed to The Post Millennial that the gas pumps were reprogrammed to allocate for double-digit pricing."

The spokesperson added that while the change did not necessarily mean that gas would reach $10 per gallon, the possibility still existed.

"The specific gas station also sells race fuel which may have forced the reprogramming since it has also increased in pricing, the spokesperson told The Post Millennial. However, the race fuel is sold on separate pumps from ... those with the standard regular, plus, premium, and diesel fuel options," the outlet added.

The report noted that gas stations in Kennewick, Pasco, and West Richland are running out of fuel save for diesel.

"Residents of the Tri-Cities are scrambling to find fuel. In a local Facebook group, members reported more than ten stations that are currently out of fuel, which include multiple Circle K's and Exxon's," the report continued.

At the time of this report, AAA estimated that the average price for a gallon of regular-grade fuel in Washington is $5.18.

The national average for the same time period and grade fuel is $4.58.

California currently has the highest average price, at a staggering $6.06 per gallon of regular-grade fuel.

This is the sinister plot by the radical left Democrats to destroy America, and it's working pretty well so far. When are Americans going to RISE UP
and take back sanity, Democracy, control and reason????

Amid the ongoing energy crisis, President Joe Biden announced last week that his administration would be canceling three oil and gas lease sales in Alaska and in the Gulf of Mexico.

:tello: "Nice goin', STOOOOPID!!!!"
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Wed 10:03 AM
Ron Henderson
I also put a new app on my phone that shows all of the satellites. So will be able to tell really quickly if it’s a satellite or not. Because if they’re just continue in the same path and they don’t stop or make a left or right turn in any matter it is a satellite. I’m going to test all the stuff out for the next rendezvous

You sent
Good news and I'm excited about it. Last night was a ROMP, sry you missed it. Again, don't tell them we are loaded for bear, lol. Cheers!

Thu 10:23 PM
You sent
Bizzy out tonight. They got the place surrounded. No moon makes them bright. How's the gear going?
7:45 AM

Ron Henderson
Going good. Will try the night vision camera tonight as I do not have to get up early in the morning. I will share video with you then.

You sent
Excellent. thx for the update. good day!

11:17 AM
Ron Henderson
Try this guy. Now he has a great setup.
déjà vu - YouTube

You sent

3:08 PM
You sent
The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)

4:52 PM
You sent
Janelle, the lady you met here, said she is putting together a George Nouri event in Sedona, Arizona and Sherry and I are invited. I say you should caravan with us. More details soon.

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Are These 7 Recent Plane Crashes and Near-Misses COVID Vaccine Related?

Flight safety is of paramount importance in modern America, especially after the 9/11 attacks in 2001. The last time we had a major airline disaster in America was just a couple of months after 9/11.

That was when American Airlines Flight 587 went down in Queens, New York, killing 260 people on board the plane and five people on the ground. Flying has become incredibly safe since that incident. But is it still safe, now that we’ve forced pilots to take an experimental medicine that is known to cause blood clotting and other problems? Maybe not.

Last month we told you about American Airlines pilot Bob Snow. Bob landed his commercial airplane and immediately went into cardiac arrest. If that had happened just a few minutes earlier while the plane was in the air, who knows what might have happened?

Bob blames the COVID vaccine for his heart attack, which he fortunately survived.

And he might not be the only pilot who was injured in recent incidents. Here are 8 more.
Among these first three incidents, two them may or may not be vaccine related. On April 19th, a small plane crashed into a food processing plant in Idaho, killing the pilot. On April 22nd, a second small plane crashed into a food processing plant in Georgia, killing three people.

That doesn’t seem like it could be a coincidence, especially since the two crashes happened right after Joe Biden threatened America with food shortages. Maybe the pilots were suicidal wind-up toys that the Biden regime sent out to cripple our food supply. Or maybe it was the vaccines. We just don’t know.

In a third small plane crash incident, a pilot crashed his plane into a grocery store in Temixco, Mexico on March 28th. Three people were killed and three were injured. Was that a vaccine-related crash?

On March 23rd, Flight MU5735 in China went into a nosedive suddenly when it was 29,000 feet in the air. It smashed straight into the ground at more than 500 miles an hour, killing all 132 people on board. Airline officials are baffled as to how the plane even did that. They say they have no idea what could have caused the crash. Did the pilot have a heart attack and lose control of the plane?

Last August, a Biman Air passenger flight in India had to be diverted and landed by the co-pilot, after the pilot suffered a massive heart attack. There were 126 passengers on board. Officials say it very well could have been a catastrophe, if not for the co-pilot landing the plane safely. The pilot died. Was that a mid-flight vaccine injury?

In San Diego, a Cessna C340 crashed in a fiery explosion last October. The crash killed the pilot and a UPS driver on the ground. The pilot was a cardiologist, so there’s about a 99% chance he was fully vaccinated. Did he have a vaccine-induced heart attack in the air?

And a truly amazing incident happened just off the coast of Florida last week. A passenger got on the radio with an air traffic controller in Boca Raton and said this:

“My pilot has gone incoherent, and I have no idea how to fly the plane.”


Fortunately, there was an experienced air traffic controller on the radio and the passenger stayed calm. The controller talked the passenger through how to get the plane over a runway in Palm Beach and power down for a safe landing. The passenger had never touched the controls of an airplane before in their life. Normally, I would never link to a story in the New York Times, but this incident is so amazing that you might want to read about it, so… HERE. You’re welcome for the extra traffic, failing New York Times.

Once again, the same question comes up, however: Why did that pilot suddenly “go incoherent?”

After the airline industry has been so safe for the past 20 years, why are we suddenly having so many plane crashes since last summer? Hmmm… What could have changed suddenly since last summer? Is there any possibility that these crashes and near-misses all have some sort of common denominator? Or are we just conspiracy theorists for noticing this?
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Ron Tello Culley
Hi all. In need of professional advice concerning legality and code on a woodstove in a garage. County hack says we have to remove the chimney where stove no longer sets. Sugarloaf homeowner thanks you in advance.

Tammy Stevenson
Check with county code to see if new wood stoves are allowed. I believe code now only allows gas, not wood, for many homes

Ron Tello Culley
Links? Our burner is sort-of Grandfathered.

Tammy Stevenson
Ron Tello Culley Call County or City code. I can't remember the details. As I recall, the change went into effect January 2020 or 2021.

Jorgik Jojo Davoodians
You can install wood stove . It has to be EPA certified . I just install one in my cabin in bigbear lake on new construction with permit and inspection.
Wood stove has to be EPA certified and chimney pipes has to be type A . ( 3 ple wall ) . I can send you specs if you interested.

Ron Tello Culley
Please do. PM me for address, thx!

Jorgik Jojo Davoodians
Wood stove
May be an image of fire and text that says 'US Stove 3,200 sq. ft. EPA Certified Large Wood Stove with Pedestal and Blower, US3200E-P SKU: 154790099 ??? $1,799.99 4.0_(24)'

Jorgik Jojo Davoodians
Ceiling box
May be an image of text that says 'DuraVent 6 in. X 17 in. Triple-Wall Triple Chimney Pipe U...'

Jorgik Jojo Davoodians
Use type A . From ceiling box to the roof continue minimum 3 ft above your roof.
Inside from wood stove to ceiling you can use regular black pipe .
May be an image of bottle, cosmetics and text that says 'Brand: DuraVent Duravent 6" x 36" Stainless Class A Triple Wall Chimney Pipe 264 Price: $203.99 prime One-Day &FRERetur & FREE Returns'

Philip Miller
I'm not sure everyone saw the part about "in a garage". Maybe repurpose the chimney into a garage fan.

Rhonda Warner
Maybe also ask the City and Fire department.

David Rasmussen
Not enough info. Stove isn't there so what is the permit issue other than a hole in the ceiling?? What is planned for this area?

Ron Tello Culley
David Rasmussen SB County demands we pull the stack and patch the hole. We want to keep it and re-install the burner. See the conflict now? It's a mean one.

Larry Word
probably cuz it's in the garage, I can't imagine they wanting in there

Ron Tello Culley
Heated Shop Space. Man Cave. Why not?

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Thu 5:01 PM
Trace Babish
Hey I can do the work if needed

3:07 PM
You sent
It's not about work, we need a strategy to beat the County shite saying we have to patch the hole, and we say put back the burner.. Let's chat. Call my Girl Sherry 909 436 xxxx or come visit 662 San Bernardino Ave., Sugarloaf. THX!

Larry Word
Ron Tello Culley By definition garages cannot have a double sink, they cannot be somebody's bedroom or living space. It is to be for storage or your car. Of course you can convert your garage into an ADU or seperate dwelling but then it is not a garage anymore. I personally think you should be able to do as you wish with your property but I know garages are common area in which building code violations are found because ppl want to use their garage for something else.

Ron Tello Culley
I have a problem about Freedom, too.

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Americans Abandon the Democrat Party’s Cheat-by-Mail Voting and That’s a Good Thing

France banned mail-in voting back in 1975. Spain, Italy, Norway and other civilized countries only allow mail-in balloting for citizens who are outside their home countries, and not close to an embassy. This is because every adult knows that mail-in balloting is inherently prone to fraud. There are simply too many breaks in the chain of ballot custody for this method of voting to be “safe and secure.”
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Dick Cops

Deputy sentenced to 18 years after detainees get trapped in floodwaters, drown in the back of his police van
May 20, 2022  

A judge in South Carolina has sentenced a former sheriff's deputy to 18 years in prison after two mental health patients drowned in Hurricane Florence floodwaters while trapped in the back of his police van.

The former deputy, ironically named Stephen Flood, was charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter and two counts of reckless homicide for his actions on Sept. 18, 2018, which the judge determined caused the deaths of Wendy Newton, 45, and Nicolette Green, 43.

Circuit Court Judge William Seales handed Flood 18 years of imprisonment for his crimes, five years each for the involuntary manslaughter charges and four years on each of the reckless homicide charges, WBTW-TV reported.

In a statement following the sentencing, Green's sister, Donnela Green-Johnson, said, "He swore to serve and protect. Instead, he abused the trust that my sister Nicki, Wendy, and the state of South Carolina entrusted with him. And for what? To save some time? He decimated our family with his reckless behavior and took two people from this earth."

Flood had been transporting the two women from their homes to mental health facilities when he decided to drive two miles on a stretch of U.S. Highway 76 that had been engulfed by floodwaters. Rushing water from the hurricane swept his police van off its wheels and pinned it against a guardrail, preventing the women from exiting through the side door, the Associated Press reported.

In court testimony, it was revealed that Flood and another deputy accompanying him did not have a key to a second door and, due to construction flaws in the vehicle, there was no escape hatch. The two deputies allegedly waited with the women for an hour, trying to keep them calm, but eventually, the floodwaters rose too high and a rescue could not be performed. The two women drowned.

Judges had ordered Newton and Green to be involuntarily committed on the day they died, but neither were considered violent and their transport to mental health facilities was not an emergency. Flood's lawyers argued that he was sent to transport them nevertheless.

The defense also agreed that the deaths of the two women were unspeakably tragic. But they argued their client was being unfairly blamed without thought given to the van's faulty equipment, the National Guardsmen who allowed Flood to go around a barricade on Highway 76, and Flood's supervisors who OK'd his route.

"I ask that you resist the urge to try to give justice to those two ladies by giving injustice to this good man," defense attorney Jarrett Bouchette reportedly said. "They want to make him a scapegoat for this accident."

Flood and the other deputy present that day, Joshua Bishop, allegedly tried to shoot the locks off the vehicle to free the women, but to no avail.

Flood did not testify at the trial. But in a closing statement, he insisted that he never intended to harm the women and added, "It was a series of mistakes on my part and other people that led me to that point, and I’m sorry for what happened to the girls."

Bishop will be tried separately on two counts of involuntary manslaughter at a later date.
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March 17, 2022

IRVINE, CA – In 1948, Harry Snyder opened the first In-N-Out Burger, a 10’ x 10’ drive-thru hamburger stand and introduced his newly-developed two-way speaker box, which allowed guests to order without leaving their cars. Today, hamburgers are still made-to-order, shakes are still made with real ice cream, and In-N-Out Associates are still treated like family. Beginning March 18, 2022, In-N-Out hamburgers, fries, and shakes will be available at our newest location in Castle Rock, Colorado.   

As with all locations, fresh ingredients will be supplied to the store from In-N-Out. Hamburger patties are made from 100% American beef and whole chucks are boned and ground by In-N-Out's own butchers. All patties are produced and delivered fresh throughout the week to the stores and are never frozen. French fries are made from fresh, whole potatoes and are hand diced.

Clint Ford, who has been a veteran of In-N-Out for 22 years, will manage the Castle Rock restaurant, located at 5470 Factory Shops Blvd. The restaurant will employ approximately 80 In-N-Out Burger Associates with a starting wage of $17.00 per hour. There will be one drive-thru lane, indoor seating for 74 guests, and a covered patio with outdoor seating for 28 guests. All In-N-Out Burger locations are open daily from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. and until 1:30 a.m. on Friday and Saturday.

In-N-Out has locations throughout California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Texas, Oregon and Colorado. In-N-Out was founded by Harry and Esther Snyder and is still owned and operated by the Snyder family. None of the units are franchised.

The corporate offices are located at 4199 Campus Drive, Suite 900, Irvine, CA, 92612.

Guided by the same values since 1948, In-N-Out Burger® is a family business—and a family.
Back in an era when carhops delivered burgers and shakes to the windows of hungry motorists, Harry and Esther Snyder launched a revolution within a small 10’ x 10’ space in Baldwin Park, California. Harry’s unique two-way speaker box introduced the state to its first drive-thru hamburger stand.

The first In-N-Out Burger location owed its success to more than how quickly visitors could cruise in and drive out with their meals. The Snyders also ensured that every one of those meals measured up to their simple business philosophy: “Give customers the freshest, highest quality foods and provide them with friendly service in a sparkling-clean environment.” Through the years, Harry and Esther’s sons, and today, their granddaughter Lynsi Snyder (In-N-Out Burger owner and president) have all carried that founding philosophy forward—along with the family’s deep commitment to the thousands of Associates who are all part of the In-N-Out family.

A culture of quality that spans generations.
The In-N-Out family began its growth gradually. Lynsi’s father Guy and uncle Rich both learned the business and helped build its values from the ground up, working with their parents from an early age. At the time of Harry Snyder’s death in 1976, (two years before the company’s 30th anniversary) just 18 drive-thru locations had been established.

Taking over as president at the age of 24, Rich Snyder worked with his brother Guy to establish a commissary at the company’s Baldwin Park headquarters, ensuring total quality control over In-N-Out ingredients. Meanwhile, the brothers reinforced the service aspect of the family’s business philosophy by creating an In-N-Out University. Also located near company headquarters, it introduced consistent training for new managers and today continues to reinforce the values that are so integral to In-N-Out’s success.

During Rich’s presidency from 1976 until his death in 1993, In-N-Out grew from 18 locations to 93. Guy Snyder (whose full name, Harry Guy Snyder, reflected his father’s) then became chairman of the board and CEO, bringing his own energy and vision to the expansion. From California to Nevada, and with plans for Arizona, Guy had grown In-N-Out Burger to 140 locations by the time of his death in 1999.

An unwavering commitment to quality and freshness.
The company’s early philosophy of gradual growth remains today. Because of a rigorous commitment to quality and freshness, the company only builds stores that are located within a close proximity of their three in-house patty-making facilities. This ensures it will never take more than a single-day’s drive for their own trucks to deliver fresh ingredients to each restaurant. In addition to California, Nevada and Arizona, In-N-Out serves guests in Utah, Oregon, and thanks to the opening of a new patty-making facility in Dallas in 2011, In-N-Out has over 35 locations in central Texas. Plans for an additional patty making facility to serve guests in the state of Colorado are currently under way. Most newer locations include indoor and outdoor seating in addition to drive-thru and dining room service. Throughout its careful growth, In-N-Out Burger has remained privately owned, and has no plans to pursue franchises or a public offering.

As times change, In-N-Out remains the same.
As president, Lynsi Snyder helps guide the future of the In-N-Out Burger family of over 27,000 Associates at more than 330 locations, each restaurant remains dedicated to the same classic menu of burgers, fries and fountain drinks first introduced by her grandparents—freshly prepared to each guest’s liking and never relying on microwaves or freezers. To this day, whole, locally-grown produce is sliced and prepped by Associates daily at every restaurant for each hamburger, cheeseburger, and signature Double-Double® Burger. Fresh whole potatoes are peeled and diced by hand for made-to-order french fries, and classic chocolate, vanilla and strawberry shakes are made with real ice cream. Recently, the company brought back the taste of genuine hot cocoa.

When it comes to customer service, In-N-Out’s standards remain equally high. It’s the In-N-Out Associates, many of whom have been with In-N-Out for decades, who carry forward the time-honored values and practices established by Harry and Esther Snyder, ensuring every customer (and burger) is consistently served with the In-N-Out signature smile. Consistency that is achieved through uncompromising commitment: “There is no shortcut to growing great leaders through training,” Lynsi has stated when recognizing In-N-Out managers-all of whom started their careers in entry-level positions within the company. Their dedication and teamwork along with In-N-Out Associates employed at every level continue to attract growing numbers of loyal customers—while also earning In-N-Out the fourth highest position on Glassdoor’s 2018 list of America’s best places to work. Ultimately, In-N-Out’s unparalleled commitment to quality points to a singular priority: the customer. Every decision made at every level within the organization ensures this “number one asset” is at the core. In the words of In-N-Out Associates, “Customers are the reason for our success.”

Providing the freshest, highest quality foods and services for a profit, and a spotless, sparkling environment whereby the customer is our most important asset.
Providing a team-oriented atmosphere whereby goal-setting and communications exist, and to provide excellent training and development for all of our associates.
Assisting all communities in our marketplace to become stronger, safer and better places to live.
News Article PDF
New Study from Market Force Information Reveals America's Favorites Quick-Service Restaurants
In-N-Out is favorite for burgers, convenience store chain Wawa leads in sandwich category

Louisville, CO  (Restaurant News Release)  A new, large-scale consumer study conducted by Market Force Information (Market Force) reveals America’s favorite quick-service restaurant (QSR) chains in five popular food categories: burgers, sandwiches, Mexican, pizza and chicken. The study found In-N-Out is America’s favorite burger chain, Wawa ranked first for sandwiches, Chipotle for Mexican food, Pizza Ranch for pizza and Chick-fil-A for chicken.

Nearly 11,500 consumers were polled for the study, which also reveals consumers’ QSR dining habits, brand preferences and in-restaurant technology use.

“In this year’s study, we saw that scores on the Composite Loyalty Index for QSR brands across all categories declined from last year,” said Brad Christian, chief customer officer at Market Force Information. “We attribute this to two factors: consumer expectations of the QSR experience are rising, and, in many cases, execution at these restaurants is declining. As our research continues to show, delighting guests by providing an exceptional customer experience is a key differentiator in an incredibly competitive environment.”

Burgers: In-N-Out Burger is Favorite, McDonald’s Lands at Bottom

In-N-Out fans are known for their fierce loyalty and – in many cases – their pleas for this regional burger chain to bring a location to their town. The California-based chain ranked No. 1 among burger chains in Market Force’s 2018 QSR study for the second consecutive year, followed by Culver’s in second place and Five Guys in third. In-N-Out also received the highest scores across all QSR food categories studied, making it America’s favorite QSR across the board. On the flip side, Burger King, Jack in the Box and McDonald’s ranked lowest among the 13 burger chains studied. [See Graph 1 in attachment].

In-N-Out Dominates All Customer Experience Categories

In-N-Out was not only the favorite QSR burger brand overall, but it also took the top spot in all eight customer experience categories, including value, food quality, service speed, staff friendliness, cleanliness, atmosphere, healthy options and curb appeal. Five Guys and Culver’s also consistently performed well, with Five Guys ranking second for food, speed of service and cleanliness, and Culver’s ranking second for atmosphere, friendliness and curb appeal. Results were based on the study participants’ most recent visit to a given restaurant. [See Graph 2 in attachment.]
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Architectural plagiarism. That's FRESH!
Doll n' Burgers sued by In-N-Out over look of restaurants
Nov. 30, 2021
TECUMSEH — A popular fast-food burger chain in the western United States is suing a pair of burger restaurants in Tecumseh and Jackson, claiming the local businesses are infringing upon the look of the restaurants.

Doll n’ Burgers, which opened its first location in Tecumseh in May 2020 and later opened a location in Jackson, is being sued by In-N-Out Burgers, which was started in Southern California in 1948 and has since expanded to several western states. Both parties have filed complaints and responses in U.S. District Court for Eastern Michigan and are awaiting a ruling on their requests for summary judgment from Judge Robert H. Cleland.

In its lawsuit, In-N-Out says Doll n’ Burgers’ overall look of its restaurants, which feature white, red and yellow color schemes including a white exterior and red awning at the Tecumseh location on East Chicago Boulevard and white interior with red stripes and gray countertop and red upholstery for the furniture; its employees dressed in white, collared shirts, red aprons and red-and-white ball caps or paper hats; white cups with red graphics; open-ended burger wrappers; the use of a single “N” in its name; a classic-car motif; and the layout of the indoor and drive-thru menu boards, is too much like its restaurants’ trade dress, including an interior design that is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Doll n’ Burgers’ founders Justin Dalenburger and Ken Heers were familiar with In-N-Out and its popularity and had eaten at its restaurants in the past, In-N-Out's filings say.

The Doll n' Burgers name is a play on the pronunciation of Dalenburger's name.

In-N-Out in Keizer on Dec. 6, 2019.
In its response, Doll n’ Burgers cites several restaurant chains, including burger chains such as Burger King, McDonald’s, Five Guys, Wendy’s, Sonic, Checkers and Carl’s Jr., that use some combination of red, white or yellow in their color schemes; similar menu layouts, interiors and exteriors, cups and wrappers, and employee uniforms; and use a single “N” in their name, such as Steak ‘n Shake. It also claims In-N-Out obtained its trade dress registration fraudulently by providing its overall advertising budget for several years rather than the amount of its advertising budget spent on promoting the look of its restaurants, which Doll n’ Burgers’ response says is what the patent office examiner requested after initially rejecting In-N-Out's trade dress registration application.

Both businesses have employed marketing experts to state whether customers would be likely to confuse Doll n’ Burgers with In-N-Out. Doll n’ Burgers’ expert says there is 0% chance customers would think Doll n’ Burgers was somehow affiliated with In-N-Out, while In-N-Out's expert says there is a 49.3% chance of customers confusing the restaurants.

Doll n’ Burgers says In-N-Out's owner has told Forbes magazine in 2018 that the chain had no plans to expand further east than Texas and that prior case law says proximity between the businesses can be considered in these kinds of cases. In-N-Out said it is known to Michiganders who have traveled out west and have requested that In-N-Out open locations in Michigan. It also cites social media comments that say Doll n’ Burgers looks like an In-N-Out restaurant.

While the Tecumseh Doll n' Burgers has a white exterior with red awning, the Jackson location on South Cooper Street is in a building with a brick exterior.

In-N-Out is seeking damages and the destruction of all products and materials that it says infringe upon its trade dress.

Doll n’ Burgers is asking that In-N-Out's trade dress registration be canceled, that the claims against it be dismissed; that the court declare that it has not infringe In-N-Out's service mark, has not engaged in unfair competition and that it has not violated Michigan’s Consumer Protection Act, and that it be awarded costs for defending itself.

A trial was to have started on Nov. 22, but it was canceled earlier in the month pending resolution of the motions.
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This comes as a total surprise here, folks.

In N Out is a giant BULLY (and an @ss#ole)

In-N-Out Burger was founded in the 1940?s and now has
more than 350 restaurants, most of them in the western U.S.

Doll n’ Burgers, founded by Justin Dalenberg, owns two locations in Michigan, the original in Tecumseh and one in Jackson.,like%20In%2DN%2DOut.

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Who knew?
Wonderful that we can find out stuff on the internet.

And when Social Correction is needed...what happens to instigate
justice and change?

Blog and Weep.

I do.

How are you doing?
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Well burger me


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Can I have 2 burgers with the lot please ...

Do I get fries with that?

Can I also have ketch up seven up and hold the fuc kup


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Right M8. The moment I find somebody who gives a
Rat's Burger, I will report you to HQ for an inconvenient post.
And Civil harrassment or some shite.....

Do ya see the BULLY HERE?

This is all new to me, and what can we do to kick In N Out in the nuts?


You are no help, but thx anyways...

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How to Assemble A Bankers Box-Official Video
Basic Duty Box
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Block UN Takeover of America's Public Health
May 21, 2022

Tomorrow, the event starts where Joe Biden plans to cede U.S. sovereignty over our health affairs to the United Nations’ World Health Organization (WHO). If he is successful, WHO will be able to impose its rules—including shutdown orders, border closures and Vaccine Passports … at will.
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COVID-19, shootings: Is mass death
now tolerated in America?

May 21, 2022

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — After mass shootings killed and wounded people grocery shopping, going to church and simply living their lives last weekend, the nation marked a milestone of 1 million deaths from COVID-19. The number, once unthinkable, is now an irreversible reality in the United States — like the persistent reality of gun violence that kills tens of thousands of people a year.

Americans have always tolerated high rates of death among certain segments of society. But the sheer numbers of deaths from preventable causes, and the apparent acceptance that no policy change is on the horizon, raises the question: Has mass death become accepted in America?

"I think the evidence is unmistakable and quite clear. We will tolerate an enormous amount of carnage, suffering and death in the U.S., because we have over the past two years. We have over our history," says Gregg Gonsalves, an epidemiologist and professor at Yale who was a leading member of the AIDS advocacy group ACT UP.

"If I thought the AIDS epidemic was bad, the American response to COVID-19 has sort of ... it's a form of the American grotesque, right?" Gonsalves says. "Really — a million people are dead? And you're going to talk to me about your need to get back to normal, when for the most part most of us have been living pretty reasonable lives for the past six months?"

Certain communities have always borne the brunt of higher death rates. There are profound racial and class inequalities in the United States, and our tolerance of death is partly based on who is at risk, says Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, a sociology professor who studies mortality at the University of Minnesota.

"Some people's deaths matter a lot more than others," she laments. "I think that's what we're seeing in this really brutal way with this coincidence of timing."

In Buffalo, the alleged shooter was a racist bent on killing Black people, according to authorities. The family of 86-year-old Ruth Whitfield, one of the 10 people killed, channeled the grief and frustration of millions as they demanded action.

"You expect us to keep doing this over and over and over again — over again, forgive and forget," her son, former Buffalo Fire Commissioner Garnell Whitfield, Jr., said. "While people we elect and trust in offices around this country do their best not to protect us, not to consider us equal."

That sense — that politicians have done little even as the violence repeats itself – is shared by many Americans. It's a feeling encapsulated by the "thoughts and prayers" offered to victims of gun violence by politicians unwilling to change policies, according to Martha Lincoln, an anthropology professor at San Francisco State University.

"I don't think that most Americans feel good about it. I think most Americans would like to see real action from their leaders in the culture about these pervasive issues," says Lincoln, who sees a similar "political vacuum" around COVID-19.

With COVID-19, American society has even come to accept the deaths of children from a preventable cause. Pediatrician Dr. Mark W. Kline wrote in a guest column for The Advocate newspaper that more than 1,500 children have died from COVID-19, and recalled a time in pediatrics when "children were not supposed to die."

"There was no acceptable pediatric body count," he wrote. "At least, not before the first pandemic of the social media age, COVID-19, changed everything."

Gun violence is such a part of life in America now that we organize our lives around its inevitability, says Sonali Rajan, a Columbia University professor who researches school violence. Children do lockdown drills at school. And in about half the states, Rajan says, teachers can carry firearms. She notes that an estimated 100,000 people are shot annually and some 40,000 will die.

She sees similar dynamics in the current response to COVID-19. Americans, she says, "deserve to be able to commute to work without getting sick, or work somewhere without getting sick, or send their kids to school without them getting sick."

It's important, she says, to ask what policies are being put forth by elected officials who have the power to "attend to the health and the well-being of their constituents."

"It's remarkable how that responsibility has been sort of abdicated, is how I would describe it," Rajan says.

The level of concern about deaths often depends on context, says Rajiv Sethi, an economics professor at Barnard College. He points to a rare but dramatic event such as an airplane crash, which does seem to matter to people.

Sethi notes there are more suicides from guns in America than there are homicides, an estimated 24,000 gun suicides compared with 19,000 homicides. But even though there are policy proposals that could help within the bounds of the Second Amendment, he says, the debate on guns is politically entrenched, causing "paralysis."
"It divides us when people think that there's nothing they can do," says Dr. Megan Ranney of Brown University's School of Public Health.

Ranney points to false narratives spread by bad actors, such as denying that the deaths were preventable, or suggesting those who die deserved it. There is an emphasis in the United States on individual responsibility for one's health, Ranney says.

"It's not that we put less value on an individual life, but rather we're coming up against the limits of that approach," she says.

In truth, she says, any individual's death or disability affects the community.

Similar debates happened in the last century about child labor laws, worker protections and reproductive rights, while in the 1980s during the AIDS crisis, there a lack of political will to address it in an environment where anti-gay discrimination was rampant. Wrigley-Field notes activists were able to mobilize a movement that forced people to change the way they thought and forced politicians to change the way they operated.

"I don't think that those things are off the table now. It's just that it's not really clear if they're going to emerge," Wrigley-Field says. "I don't think giving up is a permanent state of affairs. But I do think that's where we're at, right at this moment."
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Law & Order: Microaggression Victims Unit
May 20, 2022

In the social justice system, words are considered violence. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious attacks are members of an elite squad known as the Microaggression Victims Unit. These are their stories.
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Report Indicates Noah Didn't Even Want All The Ark Animals But Then Spent The Most Time Taking Care Of Them

May 20th, 2022

MESOPOTAMIA—After Noah’s children whined him into adopting millions of animals on the condition that they would be responsible for the animals, biblical patriarch Noah reports that he is now stuck doing all the work.

Sources close to the boat ship enthusiast confirmed that his family begged him for the animals, but then he ended up being the one to care for and play with them for their months and months on the ark.

“The kids nagged me for centuries on end, demanding ‘two of every kind’ and promising they’d be 100% responsible for animal upkeep.” According to sources, Noah grew agitated as he spoke. “I can hear their little voices now: ‘Daaaaad, I promise that we’ve worked out all the details for animal care between us – you won’t need to do anything! Me, Ham, and Japeth will each clean up after an entire phylum. Pleeeeeease?’ But surprise surprise, when time came to feed, water, and clean up hundreds of square cubits of elephant poop, those deadbeat kids were nowhere to be found!”

Noah said that he did relent and adopt a male and female of each animal after its kind, but only after growing resentful after his children complained for several centuries. “It’s just like when I built most of the ark – just as I got momentum, Ham would smash his thumb with a mallet, Shem would need help sharpening the shark-tooth saw, and Japeth would need me to clean him up after he’d get all sticky with pitch! I said ‘fine, but you have to do it’ – and look where we are now.” Noah spoke to reporters while lugging gallons of feed to the “mammalian” section of the ark on his state-of-the-art wheelbarrow.

At publishing time, Noah admitted that he did love the animals, and spent the most time playing fetch with the mammoths.
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Where’s the media outrage?

May 20, 2022

Dallas, Texas – Jeremy Smith, 37, was arrested on Tuesday for walking into a hair salon in Koreatown and opening fire on Korean women before taking off in a minivan last Tuesday.

Three Korean women were injured in the shooting and authorities are investigating it as a hate crime.

According to an arrest warrant affidavit, Jeremy Smith has a history of violence toward Asians and previously attacked his Asian boss when he worked at Ulta Beauty warehouse.

Fox News reported:
A man suspected of wounding three Korean women in a Dallas hair salon during a shooting authorities are investigating as a hate crime was arrested Tuesday and is suspected in a recent string of shootings at or near Asian businesses, authorities said.

Jeremy Smith, 37, was booked into the Dallas County jail and is charged with three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. He allegedly walked into the Hair World Salon on May 11 and opened fire on the seven people inside with a .22 caliber rifle, Dallas Police Chief Eddie Garcia told reporters.

“We believe the shooting was intentional,” said Garcia. “The actions and the investigation has revealed to us that this was motivated by hate.”

The FBI said it is investigating the shooting as a hate crime. Surveillance video captured Smith’s van with specific details and determined it to be a 2004 Honda Odyssey, authorities said.

An arrest warrant affidavit said Smith drove the minivan with a paper license plate that matched several of the numbers seen by witnesses. He also admitted to being in the area on the day of the shooting, Fox Dallas reported. A vehicle crash that occurred two years ago with an Asian male resulted in him having panic attacks and “delusions” when around people of Asian descent, Garcia said.
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Health & Wellness   
Prescription Comedy Classes Aim to Heal Through Laughter
Most people can attest to the healing power of a good laugh, and the National Health Service in the U.K. is taking that concept to the next level. The NHS has partnered with British comedian Angie Belcher to offer her comedy classes as prescriptions to people who have experienced trauma. The program was a success in the city of Bristol, and has just received funding to help men at risk of suicide in London.

The goal is to find the brighter side even through life’s darker moments. “In every terrible situation, there’s invariably one thing that makes you giggle and think: ‘Gosh, this is really awful, but it’s also kind of funny.’ That’s the one thing that people always want to talk to me about,” Belcher said. She added that she wants her classes, which include group work, games, and one-on-one coaching, to help break down stigmas around mental health and trauma. She said: “I’m hoping this will be a way for people to learn a new way to talk about themselves.”


Heard the one about comedy courses for people with trauma?

May 11, 2022

Comedian Angie Belcher has developed a prescription comedy course to help people recover from trauma. It’s been so well received, that it will now be offered to people at risk of suicide

You’re on stage. Mic in hand. The audience is watching, waiting. You’re the main act, but your mind has gone blank. The heckling starts. Quick, a joke, any joke. “Knock, knock…”

Public speaking rivals spiders and heights as one of society’s most prevalent fears, but for standup comedy no yardstick exist: it’s simply too terrifying.

Yet, not for Will Reynolds. A resident of Bath, Reynolds is already a veteran of the south-west comedy circuit, eschewing his natural shyness to take to the stage and – hopefully – raise a laugh or two.

“When people say: ‘I’m not funny’, it’s just not true,” insists Reynolds, who was born with cerebral palsy and hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain). “Everyone has a decent 10 minutes in them, regardless of whether they want to do standup or not.”

His unshakeable belief in everyone’s “inner comedian” comes from a chance encounter with fellow south-west comedic talent and pioneer in art therapy, Angie Belcher.

Having seen Reynolds perform, Belcher invited him on a course she was running for people starting out in comedy or just looking to give it a try. Describing her sessions as “a bit like creative writing courses”, Belcher walked Reynolds and his fellow students through the basics of observational comedy: everything from how to find humour in everyday life, to tips on reading a room of strangers.

Nominally, her courses are geared towards preparing students for a short set, but Belcher is largely indifferent to whether they do or not. What matters to her is the internal changes that comedy can bring about.

“It’s not about becoming a pro performer,” she says. “It’s just about enjoying the idea of being on the stage and going: ‘Hey, I want to talk about my being bipolar or having dyslexia’.”

With a background in psychology, Belcher knows the benefits of airing experiences or feelings that we’d sometimes rather keep hidden. Find humour in them and those benefits grow. What’s Mickey Mouse’s line? “To laugh at yourself is to love yourself.”

I’m hoping this will be a way for people to learn a new way to talk about themselves

Hence, the examples she gives of bipolar disorder and dyslexia. But there’s also a reason why the conditions are top of mind. Together with the NHS-backed Wellspring Settlement Social Prescribing unit in Bristol, Belcher kicked off a pilot course aimed at helping trauma survivors. It was deemed a success and has now won NHS funding to help men at risk of suicide in London.

“Using comedy as therapy is not entirely new, but this is the first time, that I know of, of a social prescribing team applying it specifically to trauma,” she explains.

The ‘comedy on referral’ class employs group work, games and one-to-one coaching with Belcher. The idea? To “explore blocks” and address emotional issues in participants’ lives through the art of standup.

‘I hope this will be a way for people to learn a new way to talk about themselves,’ Belcher says. Image: Damien Hockey

Common emotional problems for which the course is designed include postnatal depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and anxiety disorders.

One of Belcher’s main aspirations is to help participants see joy in dark moments. Ask any comedian and they will tell you that the best jokes stem from when things go wrong. An idyllic beach holiday is not funny; an idyllic beach holiday spoiled by a blaring all-night disco could be.

Obviously, trauma is not to be taken lightly, and Belcher is at pains not to push people to go further or faster than they feel comfortable with. That said, once a relationship of trust is in place, she’s frequently surprised how eager people are to open up.

In every terrible situation, there’s invariably one thing that makes you giggle

“In every terrible situation, there’s invariably one thing that makes you giggle and think: ‘Gosh, this is really awful, but it’s also kind of funny’. That’s the one thing that people always want to talk to me about,” she laughs.

As well as the benefits to the individual, Belcher believes the social prescription of comedy could have positive knock-on effects, for example helping remove the taboo around discussing mental health conditions and other sources of trauma. To go, in short, from sharing to caring. “I’m hoping this will be a way for people to learn a new way to talk about themselves,” Belcher says.

She offers the example of US comic Tig Notaro, who famously told a live audience in Los Angeles about having breast cancer just a day after her diagnosis. Notaro opened her show with the line: “Hello. Good evening. I have cancer. How’s everybody doing?”

Having a mic in hand and some jokes in your head can be empowering. Image: Fun4all

Dubbed “instantly legendary” by Rolling Stone, recordings of the set have since been heard by millions. “I suppose that’s what we do as comedians,” reflects Belcher. “We professionally share our lives and report back on all the awful things that have happened to us – and that way, we create a new dialogue.”

Back in Bath, Will Reynolds couldn’t agree more. The comedy course, he attests, has given him the tools to further his own cause of bringing more visibility to disability issues.

He also just loves the buzz of making people laugh. “I’ve had morphine,” says Reynolds, who has just returned home after a long stint in hospital, “and it’s way better than that!
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Pfizer Vaccine’s Protection
Against Omicron Wanes
After Three Weeks

The Omicron variant of COVID-19 is challenging the effectiveness of the Pfizer and BioNTech vaccines as a new study shows that the protection offered by these vaccines begins to weaken three weeks after the second or third dose.

Many experts believe that the antibodies produced by the vaccines are short term and start losing their effectiveness after time which is why additional booster shots may be needed.

On Friday, JAMA Network published a Danish study, according to which 128 people were observed, who received multiple doses of Pfizer or BioNTech vaccine.

Scientists noted that the neutralizing antibodies produced by the vaccine significantly went down within a few weeks after receiving the second or third dose. The antibodies stop the virus from spreading and attack the infection in its early stages.

According to the study, Omicron-specific antibodies declined significantly three weeks after the dose, as compared to the response of antibodies to the original and Delta variant. The antibodies fell over 76% after just four weeks.

Even though a third dose increased the level of Omicron-specific antibodies initially, they too began to fall drastically after the third week.

Researchers concluded that the level of antibodies fell four weeks after receiving the second dose, and around three weeks after receiving the third dose. This explains why people, who have been fully immunized and even got booster shots, still end up catching the Omicron variant.

Previous studies have confirmed that the effects of the vaccination are almost entirely lost six months after the jab.

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that around 91% of older adults in the U.S. have completed their immunization rounds while 69% have received booster shots. In March, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration also authorized a second booster dose for people older than 50 years.

The ineffectiveness of the vaccine puts a giant hole in half of the vaccines marketing slogan — safe and effective. The question concerning many Americans, with so much disinformation being spread about COVID-19 vaccinations, is the obvious one:

Is there a hole in the other half of the slogan?
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NIH Director Admits COVID Evidence Withheld
at Request of Chinese Scientists

National Institutes of Health (NIH) acting director Lawrence Tabak said during testimony before Congress last week that the federal agency restricted the availability of early genome sequencing of the COVID-19 coronavirus. Chinese scientists requested the information that could be important evidence about how the virus originated be held back.

Tabak told a House Appropriations subcommittee that the information had been “eliminated from public view.” He also said the request had come from Chinese researchers. Tabak said that the genome information was not destroyed, but had been made “unavailable for interrogation.”

During an exchange with Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler (R-WA), Tabak said that the data had been requested to be removed from the “Sequence Read Archive” that NIH maintains. Tabak added that the agency should have determined that that material should have been suppressed, but said that it was still archived on a tape drive. He admitted that this form of storage is “old technology” but said it could be accessed.

The genome sequences of early COVID-19 strains could arguably help scientists determine if the virus originated in a Chinese lab. The theory that the pandemic originated with a leak from a lab in Wuhan finally began to receive some attention from the corporate media last year after being initially dismissed as a right-wing conspiracy theory.

It has been revealed that the lab leak theory was acknowledged in emails between National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NIAID) director Dr. Anthony Fauci, NIH then-director Dr. Francis Collins, and Wellcome Trust director Sir Jeremy Farrar dating back to February 2020. Farrar described a “likely explanation” for COVID-19 was “accidental creation” in a low-security Chinese lab.

Top scientists acknowledged the likelihood of the theory but were concerned that public disclosure would adversely affect “science and international harmony.”

Since that time, additional evidence has surfaced regarding the lab leak theory, some implicating the federal government. A year ago, Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee issued a report concluding that there exists “significant circumstantial evidence” supporting the theory.

The report declared that the federal government “must also provide a full accounting” revealing the level of U.S. cooperation with the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s coronavirus research. The House Republicans further demanded information about whether U.S. taxpayer funds supported any of the Chinese projects.

The latest revelation regarding NIH’s concealment of the genome sequencing data comes after a number of controversial reports of how the agency has placed left-wing politics above medical ethics and public health.

NIH has been accused of supporting research that uses tissues obtained from aborted children and the chemical gender transitioning of minor children. It has also recently been revealed that the agency and its scientists received $134 million in royalties from large pharmaceutical companies between 2009 and 2014. Ongoing litigation is expected to reveal hundreds of millions of dollars in additional royalties paid to government employees.
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Netflix Axes “Woke” Projects
Amid Lost Subscribers
and Layoffs

:rofl: :lmao: :roflmao: :pmsl: :muffled:

Streaming giant Netflix took aim at “woke” titles in production as it canceled several projects and laid off workers this week. Almost 2% of its U.S. staff are out of work after the company shed 200,000 subscribers in the first quarter.

That customer loss is the first for Netflix in over a decade, and forecasts are for many times more subscriber losses in the near future. The roughly 150 employees let go this week are in addition to at least 25 cuts from marketing in recent weeks.

Shares are down over 70% since January.

One notable victim is a series made for preschoolers titled “Antiracist Baby.” This is the brainchild of Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, better known as an anti-racist scholar, author of “How To Be An Antiracist,” and crusader for critical race theory.

“Antiracist Baby” was to be based on Kendi’s children’s book with the same name. It was to feature animated shorts done to music for preschoolers and focus on examining racism.

Also in the scrap heap is “Stamped: Racism, Antiracism and You.” This documentary was to be tied to other Kendi works that are controversially being used for anti-racism and equity programs around the country. Their firm basis in critical race theory spawned backlash from many parents.

The Boston University professor is an admitted anti-capitalist whose core ideals are tied to the U.S. being a racist country. He declares “when I see racial disparities, I see racism.” He specifically argues the only way to address past racism “is present racism.”

This is not the ideological bedrock Netflix needed to base programming aimed at preschool children on.

The streamer also recently pulled the plug on “Pearl,” an animated series from Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Archwell Productions.

Billionaire Elon Musk commented last month that “the woke mind virus is making Netflix unwatchable.” The outspoken entrepreneur reversed course in recent days by praising the company for taking a stand against woke staff, admonishing them to quit if they are offended by diverse content.

The streaming giant’s stand for creative license and against snowflakes offended by a stand-up comedian is commendable. Avoiding indoctrination projects aimed at preschoolers — for whatever reason — is also a good step.
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Manchin Gives Democrats a
Reality Check on Radical Gun Control Legislation

Right on schedule, Democrat lawmakers have begun calling for new gun control legislation in the wake of several mass shootings, including a racially motivated massacre in Buffalo, New York, last weekend. But once again, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is standing in the way as the last moderate Democrat.

President Joe Biden visited Buffalo on Tuesday to meet with the families of ten people who were killed and three others who were wounded by a white supremacist shooter. During his visit, he gave a speech denouncing the attack as an act of “domestic terrorism,” condemning white supremacy, and renewing calls for a federal ban on so-called “assault weapons.”

“There are certain things we can do. We can keep assault weapons off our streets. We’ve done it before. I did it when I passed the crime bill,” the president said, referring to the 1994 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, which included a 10-year ban on assault weapons.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) also spoke in Buffalo on Tuesday, vowing that Democrats would “work towards finally ridding our streets of weapons of war.”

While the anti-Second Amendment Democrats like Biden and Schumer continued to push for their radical anti-gun legislation that would do absolutely nothing to solve the problem of gun crime, Manchin spoke out in favor of a bipartisan compromise.

Speaking with reporters shortly before Biden’s speech, Manchin gave a realistic assessment about gun control legislation in a Senate that is split 50-50, saying that the only bill that has a chance of passing is a bipartisan compromise on background checks that previously failed.

The bill in question, which is named for Manchin and his chief co-sponsor, Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA), would expand federal background check requirements to all advertised commercial sales, which would now include gun shows and over the internet.

“I support the Manchin-Toomey, I’ve always done that,” Manchin told reporters, according to reporting from The Hill. “The Manchin-Toomey is the one. I think if you can’t get that one, then why try to do something just for basically voting for the sake of voting?”

While Democrats in Congress want to push a vote on universal background check legislation that passed in the House last year, Manchin has previously asserted that the bill goes too far, as it would extend to private transactions, such as those between neighbors or family. The Manchin-Toomey bill exempted those transactions.

“The best piece of legislation that we’ve ever had, that most people agreed on, was the Manchin-Toomey. We didn’t infringe on anyone’s rights privately,” the moderate Democrat said.

Of course, even if the Manchin-Toomey was the legislation “that most people agreed on,” that doesn’t mean much. The bill failed in 2013, receiving only 54 votes — six votes shy of the 60 needed to overcome a filibuster. At the time, Democrats had a stronger majority, and only two Republicans crossed the aisle to vote in favor: Toomey and Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME).

It is far more unlikely that ten Republicans would join with the Democrats to vote in favor of any kind of gun control legislation this year, especially so close to the midterm elections in November.
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Young Boy Died With Evidence of
Heart Inflammation After COVID-19
Vaccination: CDC

May 20, 2022

A young boy died after getting Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine and evidence was found of the boy suffering from heart inflammation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) researchers revealed on May 19.

The male child experienced fever 12 days after getting the dose, which was his first. A day later, he experienced abdominal pain and vomiting. He died that day.

“This patient had a rapid clinical course. From the time they started experiencing their abdominal pain day 13 after dose one until the time they were brought into the [emergency department] and subsequently died was on the order of a couple of hours,” Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, a CDC vaccine analyst, said during a virtual meeting.

“Histopathological evidence of myocarditis was present on autopsy, and that was resolved to be the cause of death,” he added.

Two teenage boys were previously determined to have died shortly after getting the Pfizer vaccine.

The date and location of the newly reported death was not clear, besides happening between the fall of 2021 and April 24, 2022. The boy who died was between 5 and 11 years old.

The death was reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which is co-run by the CDC, and verified by the CDC through an interview with the healthcare provider who worked on the case and/or a review of the medical records.

Testing on the boy, which included testing by the CDC’s infectious disease pathology branch, “did not find evidence of viral infection at the time of death,” Shimabukuro said. The CDC is continuing to review the case.

Shimabukuro was presenting during a meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, a panel that advises the CDC on vaccines.

Panelists later recommended all children aged 5 to 11 get a booster dose of Pfizer’s vaccine, and the CDC quickly accepted the recommendation.

None of the panelists inquired about the death.
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Facebook censors Marsha Blackburn
for saying, 'Biological men
have no place in women's sports'

May 20, 2022   

Facebook has censored Tennessee Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn after she posted that gender-dysphoric male athletes should not compete in women's sports.

"Biological men have no place in women's sports," Blackburn wrote in a post shared to her personal Facebook page. It linked to a donation website that encouraged her supporters to "fight back against Big Tech censorship" by adding their names to her campaign email list and making a contribution, Fox News reported.

But the post, shared with Blackburn's nearly 150,000 followers, was flagged by Facebook for violating its "community standards on hate speech."

"Your post didn't follow our Community Standards on hate speech," Facebook wrote in a notice to Blackburn. "No one else can see your post."

The Tennessee Republican blasted Facebook and its parent company, Meta, as a "Silicoln Valley oligarch" and said she would not be silenced.

"Big Tech and the Democrats are colluding to radically transform America," Blackburn said in a statement to Fox News. "They want to silence and censor conservatives for speaking out against their woke agenda. It does not take a biologist to know the difference between a man and a woman, and I will not be silenced or threatened by Silicon Valley oligarchs. Biological men have no place in women's sports."

Facebook's Community Standards have broad rules prohibiting "hate speech," which the platform defines as "a direct attack against people — rather than concepts or institutions — on the basis of what we call protected characteristics: race, ethnicity, national origin, disability, religious affiliation, caste, sexual orientation, sex, gender identity and serious disease."

The social media platform prohibits exclusionary statements based on gender identity, among the other "protected characteristics" Facebook cares about. That includes statements "expelling certain groups or saying they are not allowed," as well as "political exclusion," "economic exclusion," and "social exclusion." Blackburn's comment that males who identify as female should not be allowed to play in women's sports would violate one or more of those standards.

Whether transgender athletes should be allowed to play on sports teams according to their self-professed gender identity has become a controversial political issue in recent years. Most Republicans, like Blackburn, have taken the position that males have natural biological advantages over females and should not be allowed to play in women's sports, no matter how they identify or what hormones they take.

Progressives and Democrats assert that restricting transgender athletes to competing according to their birth sex is discriminatory, bigoted, and otherwise hateful. Facebook's Content Standards align with that position.

Blackburn has been an outspoken opponent of men competing in women's sports and has used her podcast, "Unmuted with Marsha," to highlight the issue. She's interviewed Riley Gaines, who tied transgender swimmer Lia Thomas for fifth place in the women's 200-yard freestyle finals at the NCAA championships, as well as former Team USA Athlete Cynthia Monteleone, who each shared their stories of unfairly being forced to compete against men.
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They are putting America LAST!
Paying Attention Yet?
Senate Blocks Aid For Small Businesses
On Same Day They Passed $40 Billion For Ukraine

MAY 20, 2022

The Senate on Thursday blocked a $48 billion pandemic relief package for small businesses on the same day they greenlighted a $40 billion military, economic and humanitarian aid package for Ukraine.

The $48 billion package was designed to provide relief for restaurants, gyms, live entertainment venues, and other small businesses in the United States.

Senators voted in favor of holding a vote on the bill by a tally of 52-43, falling short of the 60-votes necessary to move it forward.

Just five Republicans – Lisa Murkowski (AK), Roy Blunt (MO), Susan Collins (ME), Bill Cassidy (LA), and one of the bill’s authors, Roger Wicker (MS) – voted in favor to invoke cloture.

$48 Billion For Small Businesses – No; $40 Billion For Ukraine – Yes
Opponents of the bill to provide aid to American small businesses struggling to get out of debt, according to The Hill, cited “its impact on the federal deficit and inflation.”

Fair enough, except when you realize that on the very same day the Senate voted in favor of a $40 billion aid package for Ukraine.

In an 86-11 vote, the Senate passed the aid package following a brief delay due to an objection by Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) in which he demanded that access to an Inspector General to monitor how the funds are being spent be added to the text of the bill.

Only 11 Republican senators voted against the $40 billion aid package for Ukraine.

Marsha Blackburn (Tennessee)
John Boozman (Arkansas)
Mike Braun (Indiana)
Mike Crapo (Idaho)
Bill Hagerty (Tennessee)
Josh Hawley (Montana)
Mike Lee (Utah)
Elaine Lummis (Wyoming)
Roger Marshall (Kansas)
Rand Paul (Kentucky)
Tommy Tuberville (Alabama)
The $40 billion package – which provides both humanitarian and military aid – was passed by a 368-57 vote in the House.

America Last
Look, throwing around taxpayer money while deficits are out of control, inflation is soaring, and a recession is looming is economically illiterate to the Nth degree no matter the global environment.

But … But, if you’re going to throw around those taxpayer dollars, who should it be going to first and foremost? America, or Ukraine?

Paul, in arguing against the $40 billion aid package for Ukraine last week, called it a “slap in the face” to Americans struggling to keep their heads above water.

They just got slapped again.

Paul remained consistent in his opposition to bailouts of any kind considering the current economic climate, suggesting the $48 billion small business bailout bill is little more than a “poorly-targeted spending spree.”

“Congress cannot pass a $48 billion COVID poorly-targeted spending spree if we are truly concerned about inflation,” he said in a letter.

“Democrats need to wake up and realize that dumping more money in the economy is simply pouring $5-a-gallon gas on an already out-of-control fire,” Paul added prior to the vote.

The optics, however, for the GOP on this matter are incredibly bad. Votes should have, as Paul indicates, been ‘no’ on both bills.

But saying ‘no’ to America while simultaneously saying ‘yes’ to Ukraine is reprehensible.

At the height of the pandemic, former President Donald Trump slammed Republicans for debating meager bailout checks for the American people. This was when businesses were still being shut down by blue state control freaks.

Trump warned at the time that if they didn’t provide greater relief to the American people just days before the runoff elections in Georgia they had a “death wish.”

The GOP candidates would go on to lose the runoffs, throwing control of the Senate to the Democrats.

The $48 billion small business bailout would have provided $40 billion to a relief fund for struggling restaurants.

The Hill adds that the package also included “$2 billion for gyms and fitness facilities, $2 billion for live event operators, $2 billion for bus and ferry operators, $1.4 billion for small businesses located near border crossings that were closed during the pandemic and $500 million for minor league sports teams that took a significant financial hit due to COVID-19.”

Instead, money will be sent to Eastern Europe for what Democrat Senator Patrick Leahy (VT) rightly describes as a “war effort.”

If that isn’t a slap in the face, I don’t know what is.
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Biden is more unpopular than ever.
Biden Job Approval Tanks To New Low, Only 26% Of Hispanics Approve

MAY 20, 2022

As Americans are forced to deal daily with crisis after crisis brought on by his administration, President Joe Biden’s job approval numbers continue to go down, hitting their lowest point yet.

And with the midterm elections looming, even Biden’s fellow Democrats are having trouble defending him. According to the latest Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Research poll, only 39% of Americans approve of Biden’s job performance.

But there are even worse, eye-popping numbers in the poll.

Breaking Down The Numbers
Biden’s 39% job approval number is bad enough, but the numbers don’t get any better from there. The poll shows that just 20% of Americans think the country is on the right track. That is down from 30% one month ago.

While his overall among Democrats is at 73%, the same poll taken in 2021 had Biden at 82%.

Americans’ thoughts on Joe Biden’s economic performance are equally dismal. Two thirds of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy. 51% of those polled said that Biden’s economic policies had done more to hurt the country, and only 18% said they believed his polices helped, down from 24%

On other issues like immigration and U.S. relations with Russia, 38% approved of his handling of immigration and the southern border. Of those polled, 45% said they approved of Biden’s handling of America’s relationship with Russia, but 54% disapprove.

The numbers are a bit different when it comes to Biden handling the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Just 21% of Americans said they had “a great deal of confidence” in Biden to handle the conflict, 39% said they had “some confidence,” and 39% said they had “hardly any” confidence that Biden will handle the situation well.

Where’s Waldo…er…Joe?
Friday marked a rather dubious milestone for Joe Biden’s presidency. He has not done a sit down interview with any member of the media in 100 days, his last one being with NBC’s Lester Holt on Super Bowl Sunday. The lack of transparency can be added to Biden’s long list of broken campaign promises.

At just 23 interviews given since becoming President, Joe Biden is well behind his last few predecessors. At the same point in their presidencies, Donald Trump had done 95 interviews, Barack Obama a whopping 187, and George W. Bush had done 60 interviews.

Brad Bannon, a Democrat strategist says, “It would be an advantage for the president to do more interviews.” No doubt Republicans think so too, but for very different reasons.

Reliable Democrat Voting Blocs Running From Biden
Joe Biden is also successfully(?) chasing away some of the Democrat Party’s most traditionally reliable voting demographics. A new Quinnipiac University poll show a mere 26% of Hispanics approve of Biden’s job performance, and a whopping 60% disapprove.

That could prove disastrous in the upcoming midterm elections.

At the same time in 2021, 55% approved and only 29% disapproved. The numbers among Hispanic voters are a huge turn around from 2020, when Hispanics voted for Biden 2 to 1 over Donald Trump.

Hispanics have been increasingly moving toward the Republican Party, with several Hispanic GOP women running for House seats in next Tuesday’s Texas primary in border districts. 

The Quinnipiac poll also showed that 48% of registered hispanic voters want the GOP to take the House, and 49% said they want to see Republicans take the Senate. Poll just about any demographic, and Joe Biden is underwater in all of them.
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Biden Needs
To Take The
Blame For Inflation

MAY 20, 2022

Last week, President Biden gave a speech listing everyone and everything allegedly responsible for record high inflation. His list included corporate greed and price gouging, Vladimir Putin, and “ultra-MAGA” Republicans.

The president said that his policies, and the nearly $7 trillion in spending he authorized, have nothing to do with inflation.

None of this holds up under scrutiny. While President Biden claims that corporations are ripping off Americans, the costs of their supplies have been increasing at a record rate. In reality, many companies that Biden claims are stiffing consumers have actually lost money because they don’t want to alienate their customers by raising prices too quickly.

Biden’s blame of the war in Ukraine for inflation is similarly untethered from the facts. As one look at the chart of inflation in the United States shows, inflation was rapidly approaching its current level before Putin’s invasion began. Gas prices have also been rising steadily for the past year, undercutting Biden’s claim that “Putin’s price hike” is the reason Americans are paying more at the pump.

But perhaps no claim is as tenuous as Biden blaming Republicans for inflation. Biden declared that the GOP has “no plan” to combat inflation and said that the Democratic party’s economic policies have helped the situation, rather than making it worse.

This cannot logically be true. Trillions of dollars in federal spending over the past two years, coupled with a manufactured shutdown of the economy and misguided monetary policy on the part of the Federal Reserve, created today’s inflation crisis. And although both parties in Washington can be rightly criticized for green-lighting this spending, President Biden and the Democrats deserve the lion’s share of the blame.

After all, their proposed “fix” for inflation is to double down and spend even more money, one of the approaches that got us here in the first place.

In March of 2021, Biden and his allies in Congress authorized a $2 trillion spending spree. While the left called this the “American Rescue Plan,” it didn’t rescue anything. The bill flooded the economy with wasteful federal spending, even as it became clear that inflationary pressures were beginning to heat up.

Biden then signed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill into law in November that many experts warned would fuel inflation. It wouldn’t have stopped there if President Biden and Democrats were able to pass their multi-trillion dollar “Build Back Better” plan.

It isn’t just Republicans acknowledging that these policies created inflation. Even economists from Democratic presidential administrations, including Jason Furman and Larry Summers, are calling out Biden for his lies about inflation.

It’s also ironic that while Biden criticizes Republicans for “not having a plan” to bring down inflation, he and his party are championing an additional $40 billion in taxpayer money for Ukraine. Not long ago, Americans would have been shocked by that much spending.

This is in addition to the recent White House proposal of a $5.8 trillion federal budget for 2023, a number that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago.

If President Biden were serious about combating inflation, he would be calling for immediate cuts in federal spending and a scaling back of government intervention in the economy. Instead, he wants to increase both – massively. Biden would rather blame corporate greed, Putin, and “ultra-MAGA” Republicans than take any meaningful action to address inflation.

Until President Biden and the Democrats can swallow their pride, get out of the way, and stop spending money we don’t have, Americans will continue to suffer and feel the sting of inflation.
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:tello: "Where do you think you're going?"

Gas Prices Surge To New Record High After Stock Market Plummets

MAY 20, 2022

Gas prices reached yet another record high Thursday, a day after poor retailer earnings reports sent stocks tumbling to its worst day in more than two years.

According to AAA, the average national price of a gallon of gasoline climbed to $4.59 Thursday morning. That’s up from $4.57 Wednesday, $4.41 a week ago and $3.04 last year at this time.

The surging cost of fuel is in part causing 40-year-high inflation, with the cost of everything from food, beer and cigarettes to other household goods also surging.

JP Morgan analysts warn that gas prices could average more than $6 a gallon this summer.

Consumer analysist Ron Tello said "Looks like the average Vacation will become the common Staycation. Break out the Barbie and sip Ice Water."

Stocks plunged Wednesday after retailers like Target and Walmart reported steep declines in first quarter earnings reports. The retailers blamed rising transportation costs and other inflationary pressures for the disappointing numbers.

“Worries over inflation and a hawkish Fed are nothing new, but now add in worries over profit margins and the impact of inflation on the consumer and you have the recipe for a big down day,” Ryan Detrick, chief market strategist at LPL Financial, told The Hill.

The price of a gallon of diesel fuel, used by truckers who ship consumer goods across the country, stood at $5.58 a gallon nationally, according to AAA. That’s up from $3.17 a year ago.

Gas prices have increased every day this week. In California, gas prices rose to $6.06 a gallon on average Thursday, highest in the U.S. In Hawaii, prices were $5.36 a gallon on average.

Republicans and energy officials blame the high costs on President Joe Biden’s restrictions on the oil and gas industry. The Biden administration has blamed it on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, though prices started surging well before the war began in February.
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A New Era of News: Check Out

MAY 20, 2022

Reading your local newspaper was once the only way to stay informed before the internet and television revolutions. Either that, or you had to sit next to the radio all day.

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But with technology comes hassle. You spend more time sifting through your sources than digesting information. And when breaking news hits the scene, you’re not only forced to choose from dozens of sources, you box yourself into reading from a single perspective.

It’s impossible to stay organized. Or digest and verify the information you’re getting.

What if there was a way to condense it all? You could stay informed with the simplicity of the original newspaper, yet enjoy the wealth of sources on the internet. Getting the news you need could be easy as scrolling at a single location.

Twitreport has bridged this gap between simplicity and technology. Twitreport rakes in the latest updates, stories, and breaking news from over 190+ Twitter sources into a single, stream-lined feed. The site automatically updates with tweets from reputable names like The Political Insider, The Washington Times, Judicial Watch, The Post Millenial, and individuals like Elon Musk, Rand Paul, Dinesh D’Souza and The Tello Files.

This user-friendly but innovative approach to media aggregation puts you on the cutting-edge of news—all in one place, all at one time.

What can go wrong (without damage/spin control)? Look at History for a review of media failures. "Dewey Wins", yeah, right....that's rich! *

Twitreport is community driven, too. Users can request sources with more than 100,000 followers to be added to the feed.

The site isn’t jumbled with browser pop-ups like legacy media websites. In fact, the user interface looks like any old Twitter feed on your mobile interface.

Twitreport is designed with simplicity in mind, and features a single column that news tweets are fed into. This creates a news source with all of the information and none of the clutter. You’ll never flip flop between browser tabs again.

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Disclaimer:’s listings include The Political Insider’s Twitter account. (Cheap, shameless plug.)

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"