Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2802312 times)


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Longest pedestrian suspension bridge opens in Czech resort
May 13, 2022

DOLNI MORAVA, Czech Republic (AP) — A pedestrian suspension bridge that is the longest such construction in the world has opened at a mountain resort in the Czech Republic.

The 721-meter (2,365-foot) -long bridge is built at an altitude of more than 1,100 meters (3,610 feet) above sea level. It connects two ridges of the mountains and hangs up to 95 meters (312 feet) above the valley below.

Sky Bridge 721, as it is known, is located in the northeastern part of the country in the Kralicky Sneznik mountain range near the border with Poland, some 200 kilometers (125 miles) east of Prague.

The bridge offers unusual views for visitors who have a head for heights. Up to 500 people will be allowed to be on the bridge at any one time, although that number is halved for the first two weeks following Friday’s opening.

The bridge will be closed for safety reasons if winds reach 135 kph (84 mph).

The construction took two years and cost some 200 million Czech crowns ($8.3 million).

Critics say the bridge is too big for the surrounding environment, while others argue it will attract too many tourists to the town, which has a population of less than 500.

CzechTourism believes the bridge could attract tourists from all around the globe.
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The 13 Weirdest And Strangest Things That Have Ever Happened In Nevada

Nevada is a haven for weird, wacky and wonderful phenomena, from strange sculptures to even stranger sightings (you saw that UFO too, right?). Beyond the offbeat, out-of-date laws and bizarre art installations, here are 13 of the strangest things have ever happened in Nevada.

1. Miss Atomic Bomb Pageants
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10 Extremely Weird Things Only People From Nevada Do

There are many things Nevadans do that are considered weird by most out-of-staters. However, for Nevadans, doing these things is as normal as it gets. Listed below are 10 normal things many Nevadans do that are considered weird by those who live elsewhere.

3. Nevadans are having to constantly remind others how to pronounce their state's name.
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4:13 AM
You sent
4:10 AM: Hey Ron...The Objects are not dancing. They are ZOOMING. Wish you were here.
Write to Ron Henderson

(That's smee on the ground. Not abduction. Returning.)

6:18 AM
Ron Henderson
I fixed the leg on my telescope. I have also pulled out my night vision monocular. Getting ready for another nighttime session. Might try out a local spot here in Running Springs. Just to check my equipment out. I’ll keep you updated.

You sent
So fine, THX!

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Elon Musk Says Biden Isn’t The ‘Real President,’ It’s Whoever ‘Controls The Teleprompter’
MAY 17, 2022

Elon Musk heavily criticized Joe Biden Monday, saying the person controlling his teleprompter is the “real President” and suggesting inflation under the current administration is going to lead to America resembling Venezuela.

Musk made the comments on a podcast recorded during the All-In Summit being hosted in Miami.

“It’s hard to tell what Biden is doing to be totally frank,” the Tesla CEO asserted.

He compared the President to Will Ferrell’s Anchorman character, Ron Burgundy, a news anchor who reads anything written on the teleprompter, regardless of how it affects his career.

“The real president is whoever controls the teleprompter,” reasoned Musk. “The path to power is the path to the teleprompter. I do feel like if somebody were to accidentally lean on the teleprompter, it’s going to be like Anchorman.”

Elon Musk: Biden is Like Ron Burgundy
While the comments were made half in jest, Elon Musk’s comparison of President Biden to Anchorman may just be onto something.

In a speech paying tribute to Bob Dole in December 2021, Biden read aloud from his notes, “End of message.”

Reports also surfaced indicating the teleprompter wields enormous power in the White House. Or rather, the fake White House.

Aides to President Biden prefer he use a fake White House stage for events rather than the Oval Office because it can be equipped with an easily read permanent teleprompter.

Much to the horror of liberals everywhere, Elon Musk continued to shred Biden saying that by comparison to the Trump administration, the current President doesn’t get a whole lot done.

“This administration doesn’t seem to get a lot done,” he surmised. “The Trump administration, leaving Trump aside, there were a lot of people in the administration who were effective at getting things done.”

No need to leave Trump aside, Mr. Musk. Considering a good portion of his administration was actively working against him, President Trump accomplished quite a bit.

Turning America Into Venezuela
Elon Musk also took President Biden to task over crushing inflation-related costs being heaped upon the American people.

The tech mogul pointed the finger at the government’s out-of-control spending, saying “the obvious reason for inflation is that the government printed a zillion amount of more money than it had.”

Musk said if the pace keeps accelerating, the United States might very well start resembling Venezuela.

“If the government could just issue massive amounts of money and deficits didn’t matter, then, well, why don’t we just make the deficit 100 times bigger?” he asked. “The answer is, you can’t because it will basically turn the dollar into something that is worthless.”

“Various countries have tried this experiment multiple times. Have you seen Venezuela?” he continued. “Like the poor, poor people of Venezuela are, you know, have been just run roughshod by their government.”

With empty shelves having plagued grocery stores in America over the past year and a new crisis involving a lack of adequate baby formula for parents of infants, Biden is well on his way to making this country resemble Venezuela.

Despite having voted “overwhelmingly for Democrats” by his own admission, Musk has been a frequent critic of President Biden.

Earlier this year, he taunted Biden for failing to mention Tesla’s investment in electric vehicle production during the State of the Union address, fact-checking him in real-time.

In doing so, Musk once again asserted there is somebody behind the President controlling the puppet strings.

“Tesla has created over 50,000 US jobs building electric vehicles & is investing more than double GM + Ford combined,” he said adding, “FYI to (the) person controlling this twitter.”

Criticism of the way the Biden administration has handled his electric vehicle company has been a theme, with Musk also saying the administration is “not the friendliest” to Tesla when it comes to promoting their investments in electric cars in the United States.

“Biden has pointedly ignored Tesla at every turn and falsely stated to the public that GM leads the electric car industry,” Musk told CNBC.

“Tesla produced over 300,000 electric vehicles last quarter, and GM produced 26.”

Musk’s acquisition of Twitter remains ongoing and he said he is “still committed” to the purchase of the social media company. It is currently on hold pending details about spam and fake accounts on the platform.
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‘What An A**hole’: Dean Cain Flattens Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell For Falsely Claiming California Church Shooter GOP’s ‘Boy’
MAY 17, 2022

Democrat Eric Swalwell tangled with the wrong guy (Superman) and was on the receiving end of some well-earned criticism after falsely tying the church shooting in Laguna Woods, California to Republicans.

On Sunday, a 68-year-old Chinese man from Las Vegas opened fire at the church, allegedly deliberately targeting Taiwanese churchgoers, killing one person and wounding five senior citizens.

The Associated Press reported that the shooter – since identified as David Wenwei Chou – had his rampage halted when parishioners hog-tied him in what the Sheriff’s office described as an act of “exceptional heroism and bravery.”

Representative Swalwell (D-CA) who often speaks without first consulting his brain on the matter, took to Twitter to try and portray the shooter as being a Republican.

“Sorry @housegop that the parishioners hog-tied your boy,” he tweeted adding the hashtag ‘#SorryNotSorry.’

Eric Swalwell Claims Church Shooter is GOP’s Boy
Representative Eric Swalwell’s attempt to politicize the church shooting in Laguna Woods failed on two major fronts.

First, the obvious is how slimy a politician comes off when they try to score political points while bodies are still being identified.

Second, he didn’t get the reaction he wanted.

Superman himself Dean Cain responded, “What an a**hole.”

Hey, listen, Superman has feelings, too.

Other followers also took the opportunity to lambaste Swalwell.

One reader asked how the assertion by the lawmaker was “acceptable” while another rightly called the ever-awkward Swalwell, “so cringe.”

“You’re just a bad person,” another tweet succinctly put things.

Cain added in a separate tweet: “How is this man in Congress? Literally, TRYING to divide this country — how is this a leader?”

His Smear Backfired
It turns out the shooting at the Laguna Woods church was politically motivated, according to authorities, just not in any way as envisioned by the congressman.

The shooting, according to the Los Angeles Times, “appeared to be motivated by political hatred of Taiwan.”

Chou, the report reads, “left notes in Chinese in his car stating he did not believe Taiwan should be independent from China” with officials adding “he specifically targeted the Taiwanese community.”

Making the entire ordeal particularly ironic is Swalwell’s history, with reports surfacing in 2020 that he had been targeted by a Chinese spy who he has thus far refused to confirm or deny having a sexual relationship with.

The Chinese spy, whose name rhymes with Cactus Jack’s most famous catchphrase, “took part in fundraising activity for Swalwell’s 2014 re-election campaign” according to an Axios report, and interacted with Swalwell “at multiple events over the course of several years.”

Swalwell has repeatedly expressed that he was never accused of sharing sensitive information with Fang Fang, also known as Christine Fang.

Swalwell followed up the ‘GOP’s boy’ tweet with an equally preposterous claim about the disgusting racially-motivated shooting in Buffalo.

“My 4-year-old just FaceTimed to ask what I’m doing to ‘help the people in Buffalo’ and ‘why did the bad man do this?’ Absolutely gutting. This cannot be his normal. It’s time to BAN ASSAULT WEAPONS,” he tweeted.

One, why is your four-year-old watching news about domestic mass shootings? Two, this more than likely did not happen. Ever. Under any circumstances.

Former political strategist Seth Weathers blasted Swalwell for allowing his kid to watch coverage of such a horrific event.

“My 5-year old just FaceTimed to ask, ‘why would the bad man let his 4-year old watch news about a mass murder incident?'” he mocked. “Absolutely gutted.”

In the face of heavy skepticism, Swalwell tried backing up his story by posting a text message presumably from his wife which included a picture showing the child watching CNN reporting on the massacre.

In a fiery speech on the House floor in November, Representative Lauren Boebert (R-CO) hammered Swalwell for allegedly sleeping with a Chinese spy.

“My colleague and three-month presidential candidate from California, who is on the Intelligence Committee, slept with Fang Fang, a Chinese spy,” she said.

“Let me say that again. A member of Congress who receives classified briefings was sleeping with the enemy.”

Aside from getting amorous with Chinese spies – allegedly – Eric Swalwell is best known for going shirtless with his boys on a camel in Qatar and passing gas on live television.
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Leadership is not about necessarily being the loudest in the room.

-Jacinda Ardern

Jacinda Ardern became New Zealand’s youngest prime minister in 150 years when she was sworn in at 37 years old in 2017. Since then, she has worked steadily on gender equality initiatives such as equal pay for women and paid parental leave, and comforted her country through times of crisis. The prime minister’s words here remind us that leaders make the most impact when they listen to the people around them, try to find common ground, and lift up those who need it most.
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Suicidal shooter’s diary shows he spiraled into insanity … sad that his parents did not help him
May 18, 2022

Payton Gendron, the 18-year-old who allegedly murdered ten people at a Buffalo, New York grocery outlet, left behind a diary that shows just how sick and twisted he had become, visiting extremist message boards, and plotting his shooting spree for months while his parents evidently didn’t have a clue.

The shooter meticulously planned the mass shooting, writing about it at length in a diary, according to the New York Post. The media outlet obtained a copy of it from the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation. The diary reportedly contains thousands of entries and is apparently a deep dive into the mind of a psychopath. He alluded to time spent on 4Chan which he claimed helped motivate him to stick to his plan.

“My current beliefs started when I first started to use 4chan a few months after covid started,” he wrote in his diary. The diatribe was posted on the Discord app but was later taken down following the shooting spree.

“Every time I think maybe I shouldn’t commit to an attack I spend 5 min [on] /pol/, then my motivation returns,” he noted, referring to the message board’s political section.

“It’s his diary that really stands out, as it gives us insight into the person behind the image. It shows his uncertainty over whether he could murder people. Over a dozen times he wrote about wanting to commit suicide instead,” Dr. Rajan Basra, who is a researcher from ICSR, told the New York Post in an interview.

“He was essentially having a conversation with himself, at times doubting what he was doing, and other times doubling down on his racist beliefs. The diary shows a volatile mix between racist beliefs, white nationalism, and complex mental health issues,” the doctor remarked.

The teen’s disconnect from his parents was apparent. He wrote about his relationship with his family, the money he spent on the attack, and his obsession with silver coins.

“My parents know little about me, they don’t know about the hundreds of silver ounces I’ve had, or the hundreds of dollars I’ve spent on ammo. They don’t know that I spent close to $1000 on random military sh-t. They don’t even know I own a shotgun or an AR-15, or illegal magazines,” a February post stated.

“Promise me if you have a child you will be there and you will be close, be a friend to your child and make sure they know that you will always help them. Talk about their problems and ways to solve it and NEVER make them feel bad for coming to you,” he remarked.

Gendron waffled back and forth over killing people, “I’m not proud to kill these lads, in fact I’m desperately looking for a sign or evidence proving that I shouldn’t,” he reportedly wrote, voicing his plan to kill black people “in a crazed effort to ‘save’ the white race,” the Post noted.

“I can’t tell you how much I don’t want to do this attack My only other choice is suicide I can’t go back,” he proclaimed on March 16.

“I have wondered if I’m mentally ill, and that’s why I’m planning the attack like I am now,” he said in February. “The past 7 years have hurt so much, I think I’m ready to abandon it all.”

On January 16, 2022, an entry speaks of Gendron being born three times. Once when he was actually born, once when he was three and experienced his first memory, and then between March 15, 2020, and May 5, 2020, which was when the pandemic lockdowns took place.

“There I lost myself and a bit of my sanity,” the young alleged gunman admitted.

“I remember I went to my cousin’s house with a mask and full get up and no one else did and seeing that caused me so much pain. Eventually it was too much to bear and I had to leave early and walk home through the woods, I then barricaded myself in the basement for a few days,” he recounted.

Gendron originally picked Rochester as his target but eventually changed his mind and went with Buffalo reportedly due to its black demographic. He also originally chose March 15 for the shooting because it was the three-year anniversary of the Christchurch shootings in New Zealand.

He wrote a great deal about what it took to acquire tactical gear such as a military-grade helmet online and he went on at length about guns and ammo. He reportedly detailed what clothes he would wear right down to his socks and took selfies of himself. The alleged shooter also spoke about losing weight before the attack and drew maps of the supermarket, detailing how he would assail it.

Gendron is now facing murder charges and has pleaded not guilty. He has also been put under a suicide watch. It is likely he will be charged with a hate crime and domestic extremism when the charges are finalized. If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of life in prison without parole.
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Biden delivers divisive rant at memorial for supermarket murder victims, stokes more racial rage
May 18, 2022

President Joe Biden traveled to Buffalo, New York on Tuesday in the aftermath of the shocking slaughter of ten people who were gunned down in cold blood at a local supermarket and, as many expected, he devoted much of his speech to painting his political adversaries as white supremacists and evildoers.

With masked-up first lady Jill Biden at his side, the demagogue in chief spoke in the divisive tones that have marked his time in office despite the campaign promises to unite the country and after invoking his dead son Beau and paying tribute to the victims, he got down to the business of politics.

“Jill and I bring you this message from deep in our nation’s soul: In America, evil will not win — I promise you. Hate will not prevail. And white supremacy will not have the last word,” Biden told the mournful crowd, as he suggested that the actions of one obviously disturbed individual who was indeed a racist were a sign that the phantom menace of white supremacy was the number one threat in America, a claim often repeated by him and other Democrats.

Biden drew heavily on themes demonizing supporters of former President Donald J. Trump, the so-called ultra-MAGA Americans, and Republicans whom he has repeatedly smeared as racists, recently referring to them as the “most extreme” political organization in American history.

He also spoke of the Great Replacement Theory which has been rolled out by the left to bludgeon conservatives as well as a counter to Critical Race Theory which has fueled backlash against Democrats. Biden, like other party members, has blamed conservative media – particularly Tucker Carlson of Fox News who has been a fierce critic of the administration and leftists who are determined to have him taken off the air

“What happened here is simple and straightforward: terrorism. Terrorism. Domestic terrorism. Violence inflicted in the service of hate and a vicious thirst for power that defines one group of people being inherently inferior to any other group,” Biden said. “A hate that through the media and politics, the internet, has radicalized angry, alienated, lost, and isolated individuals into falsely believing that they will be replaced — that’s the word, ‘replaced’ — by the ‘other’ — by people who don’t look like them and who are therefore, in a perverse ideology that they possess and being fed, lesser beings.”

He later added, “You can’t prevent people from being radicalized to violence, but we can address the relentless exploitation of the internet to recruit and mobilize terrorism. We just need to have the courage to do that, to stand up,” seeming to suggest that government censorship is coming.

“Look, the American experiment in democracy is in a danger like it hasn’t been in my lifetime,” Biden said.

“It’s in danger this hour. Hate and fear are being given too much oxygen by those who pretend to love America but who don’t understand America,” he continued, in strong words that some might suggest are hollow and opportunistic considering his lack of interest in visiting Waukesha, Wisconsin last year after a racist black supremacist’s act of domestic terrorism when he drove his speeding vehicle through a crowd at a holiday parade, killing six people and injuring over 60 others.

Biden also took to Twitter to continue his attacks on conservative media.

“We have to refuse to live in a country where black people grocery shopping can be gunned down by weapons of war deployed in a racist cause,” he wrote. “We have to refuse to live in a country where fear and lies are packaged for power and for profit.”

“We must all enlist in this great cause of America,” he added. “This is work that requires all of us — presidents and politicians, commentators, citizens. None of us can stay in the sidelines.”

However, Biden did not make similar remarks nor take a highly publicized trip to honor the victims last year when another crazed gunman, 21-year-old Ahmad Al Aliwi Al-Issa opened fire inside of a crowded grocery store in Boulder, Colorado, also killing ten innocent people who, like those who were murdered at the Waukesha Christmas parade, apparently weren’t worthy of a presidential visit because there was little to be gained politically.

Twitter users weighed in on Biden’s trip to Buffalo, one that had no intention of being a call to heal divisions in America, especially racial ones which continue to be exploited by a dangerously cynical political party determined to use any means necessary to stay in power regardless of the damage to the nation.

🇺🇸59 Caddy Daddy🇺🇸
Biden can't just show up in Buffalo and soothe the grieving, he's turning this into a campaign speech! I expected it, but it's awful that he is making this into a White Supremacist issue to divide the country and try and get votes!
9:33 AM · May 17, 2022·Twitter Web App
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Project Veritas captures moment Twitter executive viciously mocks Elon Musk for being 'special needs'
May 18, 2022 

A new Project Veritas video appears to show a person identified as Twitter executive Alex Martinez callously mocking Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk as being "special needs."

What are the details?
The video, released on Tuesday, showed lead client partner Martinez discussing how the social media company's woke ideology resulted in turning less profit.

“If we’re implementing all these rules ... and Elon wants to dismantle them, then technically our ideology has led us to not making money, because we’re not making money, and Elon wants to turn it the other way so that we can make money,” Martinez said.

Martinez argued that people can't make rational decisions if the narrative isn't handed down to them.

“The rest of us who have been here believe in something that’s good for the planet and not just to give people free speech,” Martinez insisted. He later added, “People don’t know how to make a rational decision if you don’t put out — correct things that are supposed to be out in the public, right?”

He also took a swipe at Musk's Asperger's diagnosis and called the tech-savvy billionaire a "loony tune."

"Elon Musk as a person is whatever," he said. "I don’t, like, he’s a loony toon. He has, he has Asperger’s. ... I’m like — you’re special needs! You’re literally special needs, literally though, you really are," he said. "So, I can’t even take what you’re saying seriously 'cause you’re special.”

Twitter has yet to publicly comment on the video, but Musk himself addressed the concerning video on social media.

Upon apparently first seeing the video, Musk tweeted, "Is this legit?"

He later added a sad, disappointed emoji face to the thread and wrote, "Twitter exec trashing free speech & mocking people with Asperger’s[.]"
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Light from the center of the Milky Way takes 25,000 years to reach Earth.

The galaxy we call home is unfathomably enormous. With enough room for an estimated 100 billion planets, the Milky Way stretches 1.9 million light-years across. (A light-year is the distance a beam of light travels in one year on Earth, equal to about 6 trillion miles.) Earth is situated approximately two-thirds of the way from our galaxy’s center; we’re essentially in the suburbia of the Milky Way. When we look at celestial bodies, we’re actually looking back in time, because of how far away they are and how long their light takes to reach us.

The sun we see, for example, is always about 8.3 minutes old, while the light from the North Star, aka Polaris, is about 320 years old. And while we can’t actually see the center of the Milky Way, light from the area takes nearly 25,000 years to reach our planet. That means it dates back to when humans were still in the Stone Age.

What we know about our galaxy is ever-expanding — much like the universe itself. Early astronomy pioneers such as Aristotle believed the Earth was the center of the universe, circled by the sun, moon, and all other cosmic matter. In 1609, Galileo’s first glimpse of the Milky Way through an improvised telescope showed its wispy appearance wasn’t a layer of clouds, as previously thought, but a vast collection of individual stars.

His discoveries lent credence to the idea that Earth wasn’t the center of the universe after all. Yet it would take 300 more years for scientists to confirm that we’re not even at the center of our own galaxy — it wasn’t until 1924 that astronomer Edwin Hubble confirmed that the Milky Way is just one of many galaxies in our vast universe.
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We knew this day would come.

The MRC <>

Tue, May 17 at 2:57 PM

MRC | America's Media Watchdog
Dear MRC Supporter,

We knew at some point, the leftists who run our government would get frustrated by what we do at MRC – calling out the lies and distortions of Big Tech and the leftist media – and take other steps.

The poll numbers are sinking. The midterms are lurking. The media protection racket running interference for the Biden Administration on issues such as the border, inflation, crime, and energy policy isn’t working anymore.

Not even the media, with its lies and distortions, can put this Humpty Dumpty administration back together again.

So Joe Biden’s people have taken this into their own hands. They’ve established the Disinformation Governance Board, which is every bit as dystopian as it sounds.

They’re paying radical leftist “experts” to tell us what is true, warn us of what isn’t, and “protect” us from anything but the government-approved version of every story.

If it sounds familiar, it is. The estate of George Orwell should sue The Biden Administration for intellectual property theft. Biden’s Disinformation Governance Board is a blatant rip-off of the “Ministry of Truth” from Orwell’s 1984.

Joe Biden’s move to install a taxpayer-funded propaganda machine for his radical leftwing agenda and teaming up with the Fake News machine is a direct threat to the survival of our Republic.

The timing is a bit curious, too. Elon Musk takes over Twitter, the left’s political bullhorn, and the midterms are just months away. Hmmm?

The left knows they can only win elections through deceit, bias, and omitting the “inconvenient truth,” to borrow a phrase. Their delivery system: Media and Big Tech. Now they’ve added another layer of protection: Biden’s Ministry of Truth.

This amounts to Soviet-style propaganda. The Founding Fathers are spinning in their graves. 

We must fight back. These people are threatening to cut off our access to the First Amendment. This is a threat to all of us, and we need your help to meet it.

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We can’t be silent about this leftist attempt to censor conservative speech. The people running it will never find leftist speech to be “disinformation,” only speech from the right.

How do we know?

One of the Ministry’s leaders, Jennifer Daskal, has worked for George Soros; the other, Nina Jackowicz, thinks the Steele Dossier was authentic, Hunter Biden’s laptop is not, and Dr. Fauci is right about everything to do with the pandemic. 

Jankowicz wants to shadow ban and otherwise limit the reach of conservatives on social media. She wants to punish people who start “dogpiles” of criticism of leftist views on social media. And she thinks your tweets should be edited “to add context.” 

Both “truth czars” are threats to the First Amendment. And both donated to elect Joe Biden. Jen Psaki said the Ministry of Truth would be “apolitical and non-partisan.” Hardly. If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck.

The greatest tyrants in history had their version of the Ministry of Truth — Stalin, Hitler — and now Biden. Help the MRC Stop this propaganda machine!

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The left desire a one-world state. And now they’ve taken us one step closer to achieving their goal.

And the media are providing air cover to hide the true nature of the Ministry and its ultra-left leaders.

The good news is that MRC is the one organization equipped to expose and combat this Orwellian affront to free speech.

Free Speech America will catalog cases of the Ministry censoring conservatives.
CNSNews will press the Biden Administration on Ministry operations.
NewsBusters will present the facts the media “omit” about the Ministry.

The External Affairs division will rally the conservative movement to fight with one voice and pressure lawmakers to shut the unconstitutional Ministry down.
Patriots, if a government-run “Ministry of Truth” to rewrite history, shutter conservative voices, and deceive the American public frightens you, please donate today.

Donate now

Because before you know it, it will be tomorrow — and too late.

The left is power-hungry and knows that their policies are utter failures. They only succeed when they fool the public by spinning or hiding the truth. Big Media and Biden’s Ministry of Truth will do their bidding.

But together, we can stop them and save our Republic.

— The MRC

P.S. As the free speech movement leader, only the MRC has the platforms, network, and know-how to fight back against forces in Big Media and the Orwellian state that want to censor your thoughts and ideas.

What we need is you. Without you, they win. Please donate today.
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"White supremacy" is the ONLY form of terrorism mentioned in the bill!
House Democrats Plan Vote On Domestic Terrorism Bill After Buffalo Shooting
MAY 17, 2022

The effort by the media and Democrat politicians to use the recent shooting in Buffalo, New York for political points kicked in to high gear, with the announcement that House Democrats are planning to bring a “domestic terrorism” bill to a vote.

H.R. 350, the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act, introduced two weeks after the Capitol riot, will be taken up by the House Rules Committee Tuesday. The goal is for a vote in the House sometime this week, although no date has been set.

What The Bill Does
The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act has several provisions.

It would create a Domestic Terrorism Unit in the Department of Homeland Security to “monitor and analyze” any activity labeled domestic terrorism.

The bill would create a Domestic Terrorism Office in the Department of Justice to investigate and prosecute any possible domestic terrorism activity.

There would also be a Domestic Terrorism Section in the FBI Counterterrorism Division.

To get a clear picture of what exactly this bill is targeting, it is almost exclusively “white supremacists” and “neo-Nazis.”

The DHS Secretary, FBI Director, and Attorney General will submit reports with “an assessment of the domestic terrorism threat posed by White supremacists and neo-Nazis, including White supremacist and neo-Nazi infiltration of Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies and the uniformed services” and “in the first report, an analysis of incidents or attempted incidents of domestic terrorism that have occurred in the United States since January 1, 2012, including any White-supremacist-related incidents or attempted incidents; and in each subsequent report, an analysis of incidents or attempted incidents of domestic terrorism that occurred in the United States during the preceding 6 months, including any White-supremacist-related incidents or attempted incidents.”

Variations of the term “white supremacy” appear 13 times in the bill. No other type of possible terrorism is mentioned.

Rep. Brad Schneider (D-IL), one of the bill’s sponsors, tried to assure reporters that the legislation would not infringe on Americans’ First Amendment rights. He said of the bill:

“The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act is what Congress can do this week to try to prevent future Buffalo shootings – to prevent future California shootings, future El Paso shootings, future Charleston shootings, future Pittsburgh shootings, future Wisconsin shootings, future Montello foot-shootings.

We need to ensure that federal law enforcement has the resources they need to best preemptively identify and thwart extremist violence wherever the threat appears.”

‘Domestic Terrorism’ Has Long Been On Biden Admin Radar
What the Biden administration views as “domestic terrorism” has been on the radar for almost the entire length of the administration. In January of this year, the DOJ formed a special unit to confront domestic terrorism days after the anniversary of the January 6, 2021 riot at the Capitol.

At the time, Assistant Attorney General Matthew Olson told the Senate Judiciary Committee:

“We face an elevated threat from domestic violent extremists – that is, individuals in the United States who seek to commit violent criminal acts in furtherance of domestic social or political goals. Domestic violent extremists are often motivated by a mix of ideologies and personal grievances. We have seen a growing threat from those who are motivated by racial animus, as well as those who ascribe to extremist anti-government and anti-authority ideologies.”

In February, DHS announced a domestic terrorism threat summary that specifically targeted what the administration deemed “false narratives’ about election fraud and COVID.”

The reason to curb the spread of this misinformation? Its dissemination was “designed to undermine trust in the government.”

The New Face Of Terrorism
While all Americans would agree that real white supremacist groups like the Klan and neo-Nazis could be domestic terrorists, the Biden administration’s definition of what constitutes a domestic terrorist has become a bit twisted.

Also, back in February, as American truckers attempted to show solidarity with their Canadian counterparts over COVID restrictions, DHS put out a memo that the so-called “Freedom Convoy” was “absolutely a real concern.”

The DHS memo also implied that the trucker protest could become violent stating that it was “purely aspirational,” as it was then only in the discussion phase online, but “this could change quickly.”

And of course, concerned parents showing up at school board meetings have been labeled domestic terrorists as well. Back in December of 2021, a letter sent to President Biden by the National School Board Association surfaced, comparing parents to domestic terrorists.

But while groups like white supremacists and neo-Nazis are on the domestic terror watch list, a few names have been left off. Back in 2008 during the presidential election, Black Panthers blocked a polling venue in Philadelphia. Not domestic terrorism?

In 2020, after the death of George Floyd, riots erupted in almost every large American city, fomented by groups like Antifa and BLM. Not domestic terrorism?

Not even worth a single mention in a bill dedicated to “domestic terrorism”?
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Busting Biden’s Buffalo Bluster
The rare instance of white supremacist violence is a Demo dog whistle diversion from the real disparity in interracial violence.
MAY 18, 2022

On the pretext of “comforting the families of victims,” Joe Biden, a.k.a. “President Unity,” went to Buffalo in order to use the caskets of the dead as a political soapbox to blame his opponents for the killing of innocents by a deranged assailant. I covered that assault in detail the day prior to Biden’s visit.

I call it the pretext of “comforting the families of victims” because Biden did not go to Boulder, Colorado, a year ago to comfort the families of victims after a very similar attack at a food market by a 21-year-old Trump-hating Islamist immigrant who murdered 10 white men and women.

Nor did he go to Waukesha, Wisconsin, five months ago to comfort families of victims after an avowed black supremacist murdered seven people and injured 60 others at a Christmas parade. He didn’t go to New York a month ago when 10 commuters were attacked on a subway by another black supremacist. Nor did he mention the Laguna Woods, California, church attack by a Chinese immigrant the day after the Buffalo attack.

He has not traveled across the country to comfort the families of victims murdered by gang and drug thugs who are responsible for the daily carnage on Demos’ urban poverty plantations across our nation, like those who committed the “mass assault” in downtown Sacramento a month ago, killing six. Nor did he mention the families of those five people murdered in Chicago, five more in St. Louis and three in Milwaukee — among more than 80 others murdered by thugs nationwide the same weekend as the Buffalo attack.


Obviously, those assailants and assaults did not fit the Left’s racial narrative, so those stories quickly faded from the mainstream media’s footnotes on crime — as did coverage of the more than 21,000 other murders in the latest year of record. They were of no value as political fodder for Democrat Party politicos.

Biden and his cadre are not about to mention the fact that black people commit 90% of interracial felonies — black on white, Hispanic or Asian — despite representing just 13% of our population. That would include the commission of 21% of hate crimes, as defined by the FBI. Nor will they mention the tragic fact that 88% of the suspects who murdered black people are also black.

The rare instance of white supremacist violence is a loud Demo/MSM dog whistle diversion from the real disparity in interracial violence and the cultural reality of black-on-black violence.

By comparison with the aforementioned 21,000 murders, according to the latest FBI data on “mass shootings” — which it defines as “one or more individuals actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area” — in a nation of 330 million people, there were 38 victims in 2020, there were 43 victims in 2021, and including Buffalo and Sacramento, there have been 30 victims this year.

So, Joe, why Buffalo?

Because it fit Biden’s diversionary claim that the most “lethal threat to the homeland” is actually white supremacy.

In addition to an opportunity to vilify his opponents, Biden and his entourage of hate hustlers could use the tragedy to undermine the Second Amendment, for reasons I outlined last week. It was a two-for-one political bait bargain he could not resist.

We got a hint of what he would say before his departure, as Politico noted he was “telling aides that he no longer recognizes the GOP, which he now views as an existential threat to the nation’s democracy.” In other words, if you disagree with Joe Biden and his thugs, you are an existential threat to our nation.

And apparently, his chief political strategist must now be Rep. Liz Cheney (?-WY), who demonstrated her lunacy level by declaring: “The House GOP leadership has enabled white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-semitism. … GOP leaders must renounce and reject these views and those who hold them.” As if the GOP has ever embraced such views. That was a perfect fit for Biden’s effort to claim that anyone who disagrees with his open-border policy is a racist “replacement theory” conspiracy theorist.

Cheney is confusing the history of the Republican Party with that of the racist Democrat Party, whose protagonists were, and remain, the architects of white supremacy.

What did Biden actually say?

After appropriately mentioning the victims, Biden declared: “In America, evil will not win — I promise you. Hate will not prevail. And white supremacy will not have the last word. For the evil did come to Buffalo, and it’s come to all too many places, manifested in gunmen who massacred innocent people in the name of hateful and perverse ideology rooted in fear and racism. What happened here is simple and straightforward: terrorism. Terrorism. Domestic terrorism. Violence inflicted in the service of hate and a vicious thirst for power that defines one group of people being inherently inferior to any other group.”

He continued, “A hate that through the media and politics, the Internet…” That was his jump-off for broadly painting his opponents and conservative media with a brush of blame: “I condemn those who spread the lie for power, political gain, and for profit. … It’s a poison running through — it really is — running through our body politic.”

He claimed: “I wasn’t going to run … again for president. I, honest to God … I was going to be darned if I was going to let — anyway. Don’t want to get going.” But he then declared that the battle between antifa v. alt-right thugs in Charlottesville, which he repeatedly attempted to blame on Donald Trump (fact-checked FALSE), motivated him to run again.

He then built a bridge between Trump and white supremacists: “Heads of state and other countries ask me, ‘What’s going on? What in God’s name happened on January 6th? What happened in Buffalo? What happ- [unintelligible].’”

He mumbled incoherently: “All chil- — life, liberty, our universal goods — gifts of God. We didn’t get it from the government, we got it from — because we exist, and we’re called upon to defend them.” But in a more lucid moment he said: “Look, the American experiment in democracy is in a danger like it hasn’t been in my lifetime. It’s in danger this hour.”

Ironically, the greatest threat to our nation is not “white supremacy”; it is Joe Biden.
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Democrats Bludgeon Republicans With ‘Replacement’
Color us shocked to learn that the Party of Joe Biden is using race to divide the American people.
MAY 18, 2022

Watch out, Whitey. You’re being replaced, uh, demographied.

Last week, we noted that the Left is wrecking the English language by inventing idiotic terms such as “pregnant people” and “people seeking an abortion,” and then trying to cancel anyone who dares to use biologically accurate and millennia-old terms like “pregnant women” and “women seeking an abortion.”

This week, in the wake of a massacre in Buffalo, we see that another term has fallen out of favor on the Left: replacement, as in replacement theory, as in the theory that explains why white people commit acts of violence against non-whites.

First, we should note the empirical fact that, as researcher Heather Mac Donald has pointed out, white people are mere pikers when it comes to interracial crime:

Far from destroying the black body, whites are the overwhelming target of interracial violence. Between 2012 and 2015, blacks committed 85.5 percent of all black-white interracial violent victimizations (excluding interracial homicide, which is also disproportionately black-on-white). That works out to 540,360 felonious assaults on whites. Whites committed 14.4 percent of all interracial violent victimization, or 91,470 felonious assaults on blacks. Blacks are less than 13 percent of the national population.

Our own Mark Alexander likewise analyzes this reality today.

This, of course, doesn’t excuse the unspeakable violence of the Buffalo mass murderer, but race-obsessed Democrats would do us all a service if they kept such things in perspective.

According to his 180-page manifesto, the Buffalo assailant was intent on killing “as many blacks as possible,” an intent that allegedly came from his belief in “great replacement theory,” a conspiracy theory that elites in society are banding together to replace white people with non-white people, and also, naturally, the cultural influence and political power of whites. These conspiratorialists point to the decline in birth rates among whites and the mass migration of non-whites into the U.S. as proof.

It seems a few more facts are in order. As Kyle Smith at National Review points out: “Old white people who vote heavily Republican are dying out. No one disputes this. The birth rate among American citizens has been falling steadily and is now at the level that will lead to a shrinking population, not counting immigration. No one disputes this either. Yet America’s population continues to grow anyway because of immigrants, who are mostly non-white. No one disputes this either.”

Smith then points out the hypocrisy of, for example, The New York Times, which calls replacement theory a “racist,” “white supremacist,” “fringe conspiracy theory” but at the same time “embraces the supposedly taboo idea when it’s called ‘the power of shifting demographics.’”

What’s the difference between “replacement” and “shifting demographics”? Not a thing. And yet the one term is forbidden, and the other is approved for use.

The larger point, though, is that our changing demographics — the gradual replacement of whites by non-whites — is being used by Democrats to attack all Republicans. Take Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, for example:

Every time MAGA Republicans or pundits vilify wrongly immigrants and call them invaders, every time they falsely claim that millions of undocumented people cast ballots in our elections, and every time loud bigoted voices bemoan the disintegration of an imagined “classic” America, the subtext is clear: these hard-right MAGA Republicans argue that people of color and minority communities are somehow posing a threat — a threat — to the American way of life.

As the editors of The Wall Street Journal write, “Democrats and the mainstream media want to use ‘replacement theory’ as a stigma to smear as racist anyone who doesn’t like open borders, or critical race theory, or the Democratic Party’s hyper-race consciousness.”

What a despicable way to try to gin up votes.
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The Left Is Trying To Pin The Buffalo Massacre On Republicans But We’ve Got The Receipts [MONTAGE VIDEO]
If it wasn't for double standards...
MAY 18, 2022

The Left is following their ‘never let a crisis go to waste’ playbook as predicted. This time they’re trying to pin the Buffalo Massacre tragedy on Republicans.

One of the arranged and radical leftists even called for using a branding iron to make them own it.

Tom Elliot put together a Supercut he originally titled ‘Dangerous (Democratic) Demagogues Spread ‘Great Replacement Theory’ that you can watch below.

“It seems harder and harder to ignore that the echoes of replacement theory. And other racially motivated views are increasingly coming out into the open.” – Chuck Schumer

“In a few years, we’re going to be a majority brown country, white people will not be the majority in the country anymore.” – Zerlina Maxwell on MSNBC

“This will be the first generation ever in American history in which whites will be a minority of the generation at some point.” – Ron Brownstein on CNN

“As of 2007, every year babies being born in this country, whites now are the minority.” – Donny Deutsch on MSNBC

“In 2044, everyone is going to be a minority.” – Jorge Ramos, Univision Anchor on CNN

“As the demographics change, as white people become the minority in the country, which is coming.” – Stephen Colbert

“Demographics is destiny.” – Joe Scarborough, MSNBC

MORE NEWS: SMOKING GUN: CDC Data Reveals Excess Mortality Following Mass ‘Vaccination’ (They’re Not COVID Deaths) – Dr. Richard Fleming [VIDEO INTERVIEW]

“Demographics is destiny.” – Joe Scarborough, MSNBC

“Demographics is destiny. Right? The country is changing.” – MSNBC Guest

“I’ve been saying it here. Other people have been saying it here for years now, even before Donald Trump, that demographics is destiny.” – Joe Scarborough, MSNBC

“The white population is declining for the first time in history in America, while the number of multiracial Americans have more than doubled.” – Some MSNBC Hack

“So we live in a country where the demographics are changing. It’s becoming less white.” Don Lemon, CNN

“You’ll be announcing that we’re calling the 38 electoral votes of Texas for the Democratic nominee for president. It’s changing, it’s going to become a purple state and then a blue state, because of the demographics because of the population growth.” – Julian Castro (D) on CBS

“The growth in Texas has been almost entirely driven by non-white population growth, mostly by Hispanic and Latino population growth.” – Margaret Talev on CNN

“The idea that you know, whites will not be the majority. I mean, that’s, it’s an exciting transformation of the country. It’s an exciting evolution, and, you know, progress of our country in many different ways.” – Anderson Cooper, CNN

“The white population is declining. It was always on the upswing. So that speaks to the beautiful diversity of America. It speaks to how that population will, the demographics will weigh in politically.” – Nancy Pelosi

“I believe anybody who acts as a replacement is to blame not for this particular crime, but it’s for no purpose, no purpose, except profit and or political benefit. And it’s wrong. It’s just simply wrong.” – Joe Biden
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America Last: As Everyday Americans Struggle, Biden Regime Prepared to Spend Your Money Until ‘We’ Win [VIDEO]
Don't worry about baby formula or putting gas in your car...
MAY 18, 2022

The Biden Regime keeps getting exposed as devoutly America Last at every turn. It’s blatantly obvious as practically every policy decision during Joe Biden’s presidency has not put America First.

In this case, it’s one of the latest narratives: Saving Democracy in Ukraine, which is just a cover story for money laundering.

Tucker Carlson calls it out…

“Yesterday, the United States Senate voted to advance another $40 billion to Ukraine in a spending bill. Only 11 senators voted against this, all of them Republican. Now, no one knows exactly where that money is going. But we can be certain it’s just the very beginning.

Behind the scenes, leaders of both parties have agreed that yes, we are at war with Russia, that we will prosecute that war until we “win,” but no one is willing to define what victory looks like, and that the United States government is prepared to spend up to $3,000,000,000,000 to defeat Russia. Now, you didn’t know this because no one is saying it publicly.

But privately, they are saying it. You have not been consulted. The public support for this is pretty much around zero. You can’t afford to fill your car. There’s no baby formula. Well, we’re gonna spend up to $3,000,000,000,000 fighting Russia without a vote. Well, who’s excited about this? Of course, the people who are selling the weapons and that would include retired four-star general Barry McCaffrey, another left-wing general who is, for some reason, taken seriously.

He tweeted this image of Ukrainian air defenses “nailing Russian aircraft.” There’s just one problem. That image is not from Ukraine. It’s from a video game called ARMA 3. From a video game for Barry McCaffrey, of course, Max Boot is, a war expert retweeted it. It’s so exciting. It’s literally a video game, and that’s how they understand war, as a video game.” – Tucker Carlson

It’s just disgusting to me how much they are already getting away with, and now they’re going for even more. They won’t stop as long as we, the people, allow it to continue.

Based on the comments I’ve seen online surrounding this short Tucker clip, the people are sick and tired of it.

Here are just a few of them…

“Tucker is being threatened, so I hear. I think they’re trying to shut him up now..because he’s reporting the news the left doesn’t want Americans to know. I’m praying for him. These people fight dirty.”

“I’d love to watch their bank accounts to see how much their cut of the pie is……traitors….”

“Psychopathic warmongers intent on poking the bear to generate more profits for their defense contractor patrons and cover up their money laundering, drug trafficking, child trafficking, and bioweapons labs in Ukraine.”

“Let’s just print money and give it away and get much of it back through campaign donations and for various methods to cheat, oh, I mean win elections, so we stay in power and destroy America.

But we will make the American citizens suffer and pay their taxes that we raised on everything, pay the inflation which we have created for them to suffer through while we will keep increasing the prices of goods, we will keep killing off their food supply, and we will make them pay pay pay pay pay pay and pay some more.”

“He means he is going to steal 3 trillion from you, the U.S. people. And he thinks you can’t stop him.”

“Money laundering operation for the banksters and the self-proclaimed world “elite.”
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Only 11 Republicans Put America First, Voting No to $40 Billion Aid Package for Ukraine
MAY 18, 2022

When the Senate earlier this week voted to advance a $40 billion package to support Ukraine, only 11 Republicans put struggling Americans first by voting against the foreign aid boondoggle.

The final tally was 81-11 and represents the first of potentially three procedural votes paving the way for the final Senate passage of the funding.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who has described lending support and financing to Ukraine as “the most important thing going on in the world right now,” puffed that the aid package would pass without issue despite a small opposition faction.

“There’s always been isolationist voices in the Republican Party,” he told reporters prior to the vote. “It won’t create a problem, we’ll get the job done.”

“The job” being given a massive amount of your tax dollars to foreigners, while Americans suffer under a crumbling economy.

Only 11 Republican Senators Side With America First
It won’t create a problem, Mitch? Americans are struggling in every facet of life financially in large part due to out-of-control government spending and an additional $40 billion in aid for a conflict in Eastern Europe is no big deal?

It’s a problem when taxpayer money is going to Ukraine and the average American is pulling up to the gas pump or walking into the grocery store with an empty wallet.

And before anyone forgets, when Republicans controlled Congress during the Trump presidency, they refused to give him just a few billion to build the wall and secure our border.

One of the Senate Republicans who voted against the Ukraine aid package, Josh Hawley (R-MO), took issue with McConnell’s mischaracterization that those in opposition are isolationists.

“That’s not isolationism. That’s nationalism,” he fired back on Twitter. “It’s about prioritizing American security and American interests.”

Putting American interests first is a foreign concept to the old-guard GOP.

In addition to Hawley, 10 other Republicans voted against the Ukraine aid package. The full list is here:

Marsha Blackburn (Tennessee)
John Boozman (Arkansas)
Mike Braun (Indiana)
Mike Crapo (Idaho)
Bill Hagerty (Tennessee)
Josh Hawley (Montana)
Mike Lee (Utah)
Elaine Lummis (Wyoming)
Roger Marshall (Kansas)
Rand Paul (Kentucky)
Tommy Tuberville (Alabama)

Slap in the Face to America
Senator Rand Paul, who is on that list, temporarily blocked passage of the $40 billion Ukraine aid package last week, calling it a “slap in the face” to Americans struggling to keep their heads above water.

“While I sympathize with the people of Ukraine, and commend their fight against Putin, we cannot continue to spend money we don’t have,” explained the Kentucky Senator. “Passing this bill brings the total we’ve sent to Ukraine to nearly $54 billion over the course of two months.”

Do you know what $54 billion is more than? The entire budgetary resources of the Small Business Administration (SBA – $39.7 billion).

It is almost the entire defense budget of Russia.

Does it not seem reasonable that small businesses, in a struggling economy, would be better served as a recipient of such outlandish funding?

Perhaps funding for baby formula?

Paul truly laid into the Ukraine First faction of the Republican Party, the group siding with Democrats over Americans, during his objection.

“It’s threatening our own national security, and it’s frankly a slap in the face to millions of taxpayers who are struggling to buy gas, groceries, and find baby formula,” he explained.

The $40 billion aid package to Ukraine – which provides both humanitarian and military aid – was passed by a 368-57 vote in the House.

The media is touting passage of the aid legislation as bipartisan, proof of just how necessary it is. But ignorance isn’t more palatable just because both sides agree to said ignorance.
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10:03 AM
Ron Henderson
I also put a new app on my phone that shows all of the satellites. So will be able to tell really quickly if it’s a satellite or not. Because if they’re just continue in the same path and they don’t stop or make a left or right turn in any matter it is a satellite. I’m going to test all the stuff out for the next rendezvous.

You sent
Good news and I'm excited about it. Last night was a ROMP, sry you missed it. Again, don't tell them we are loaded for bear, lol. Cheers!

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DHS pauses disinformation board; director will resign
May 18, 2022 

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Department of Homeland Security paused its new disinformation governance board Wednesday and its board's director will resign, following weeks of criticism from Republicans and questions about whether the board would impinge on free speech rights.

While the board was not formally shuttered, it will be reviewed by members of a DHS advisory council that's expected to make recommendations in 75 days. Nina Jankowicz, picked to lead the board, wrote in her resignation letter that the board's future was "uncertain," according to her letter, obtained by The Associated Press.

Federal and state agencies treat disinformation as a national security threat. But the new board was hampered from the start by questions about its purpose and an uneven rollout that further confused its mission. The phrase "Ministry of Truth" — a reference to George Orwell's "1984" — has repeatedly trended online in discussions about the board.

Some of the attacks on Jankowicz have used sexist and anti-Semitic slurs. A Fox News personality recently questioned whether Jankowicz should have agreed to lead the board while pregnant.

The Washington Post first reported the board would be paused.

Conservative pundits and right-leaning media have often focused directly on Jankowicz, a researcher on Russian disinformation named to lead the board. Critics have pointed to statements made by Jankowicz that questioned the provenance of a laptop said to belong to Hunter Biden, the president's eldest son, and replayed a TikTok video she taped about disinformation to the tune of a song from "Mary Poppins."

DHS officials have described the board as an internal working group intended to study definitions of disinformation across the department. They have not explained why they chose Jankowicz, who is not a lawyer and had a well-known public profile.

Supporters of Jankowicz have accused the department of not doing enough to protect her from trolls and online attacks.

"It is deeply disappointing that mischaracterizations of the board became a distraction from the Department's vital work, and indeed, along with recent events globally and nationally, embodies why it is necessary," Jankowicz wrote in her resignation letter.

Russia has tried to influence the last two presidential elections by boosting false stories and using social media to inflame divisions in American society on issues like race and the coronavirus pandemic. It has continued to spread false and misleading narratives about its invasion of Ukraine. U.S. intelligence officials have also accused China and Iran of peddling disinformation to Americans.

Experts on disinformation warned the controversy around the board could hurt existing efforts to identify and stop the spread of false narratives about elections and hot-button issues in American society. DHS has several ongoing programs to counter disinformation, including the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency's efforts to debunk claims of election fraud.

Some speculated the board was developed by DHS in response to billionaire Elon Musk's plan to buy Twitter, driven in part by a desire to loosen the platform's rules around tweets. Others put out false claims that Jankowicz planned to edit the tweets of everyday Twitter users.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced the creation of the board in late April, saying it would highlight Russian disinformation and false claims that encourage people to migrate to the U.S.-Mexico border. The board was immediately controversial, with Republican lawmakers questioning whether President Joe Biden's administration was trying to police narratives it opposed.

The top Republicans on two key congressional oversight committees said they had a "complete lack of information about this new initiative." And Mayorkas was attacked repeatedly over the board in recent appearances on Capitol Hill. Sen. Mitt Romney, a Utah Republican, told Mayorkas the board was a "terrible idea" that "communicates to the world that we're going to be spreading propaganda in our own country."

DHS also faced the prospect of a lawsuit. Twenty Republican attorneys general, led by Jason Miyares of Virginia, threatened Mayorkas with legal action "unless you turn back now and disband this Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board immediately," Miyares said in a statement.
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May 17, 2022

Twitter is “commie as “F” according to a senior engineer who doesn’t think the two political parties can exist on one platform. He seems to identify as communist himself to a degree.

Project Veritas secretly filmed the engineer at Twitter spilling the beans on the commie atmosphere at the company and how the social media company doesn’t believe in free speech and does target the right with more censorship.

The Twitter senior engineer, Siru Murugesank, says most leftist employees hate Elon Musk buying the company and that they tried to revolt to stop it. He adds that some say it will be their last day when the deal finally goes through.

To watch the hidden camera footage
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This is getting dangerous

Tue, May 17, 2022

Dear Friend,

She was shouted down. Had insults and obscenities hurled at her. There was physical intimidation in the classroom.

It was bullying and a mob mentality at work in a law school classroom.

Yet, my friend and colleague Kristen Waggoner stood strong in the face of a student mob at Yale Law School-the top-ranked law school in America.

As General Counsel of Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), the organization I lead, she was a member of a prestigious panel of speakers invited to discuss how attorneys with different views can come together and support free speech.

Future lawyers, judges, legislators, and corporate executives filled the room. But they chose to bang on walls and call Kristen and others names instead of listening to a different point of view.

Shouted down and escorted out of a free speech event to safety by police? Stunning. This is getting dangerous.

It begs the question: What will happen to our cherished freedoms-like the freedom of speech-if students like these become our leaders?

We don't have the luxury of waiting to see what will happen to free speech. That's why I'm asking you to make an urgent donation today to defend it.

Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for Kristen and others representing true freedom to be heckled and shouted down at universities and law schools. But, as she said, "It was alarming to witness law students whipped into a frenzy, preferring to chant, pound the walls, and intimidate others rather than engage in civil dialogue."

What happened at Yale-and what has happened to others who dissent from radical new positions on gender, sexuality, and race, and even free speech itself-is disturbing.

The event at Yale shows how important it is to defend free speech if our future leaders and fellow citizens don't value it ... if they heckle, shout down, and punish anyone who dares to express ideas they don't like.

And that's why I'm asking you to donate $35, $50, $100, $250 or more today to help defend free speech.

Right now, there are mounting efforts to silence Christians, conservatives, and others who express certain views-like views based on faith.

I'm not willing to sit by and just let it happen. Are you?

Alliance Defending Freedom is the largest, non-profit legal organization committed to defending religious freedom, free speech, the right to life, parental rights, and God's design for marriage and the family. We represent everyday Americans like you who are fighting for freedom, and we defend their cases all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court if needed.

We don't charge our clients a dime to defend them in court-we depend on the generosity of friends like you to supply every dollar needed.

Will you help protect free speech today by making a gift of $35 or more right now?  The lawsuits continue to pile up.

A former assistant principal in Virginia was forced to leave her job after being harassed and discriminated against for speaking up about mandatory trainings that tell students they are good or bad based on their skin color.

A P.E. teacher was placed on administrative leave for speaking up about a proposed gender identity policy at his school - during the public comment period of a school board meeting!

A college student was falsely maligned, subjected to a seven-hour Zoom call where he was berated and called names by fellow students, and removed from his position as president of the Student Senate after privately expressing his religious beliefs in a group chat.

These are just a few stories of the dozens and dozens of Alliance Defending Freedom clients-normal men and women who have desperately needed help to protect their constitutional right to free speech.

Here's the thing: The screaming, wall-pounding, foot-stomping mob at Yale may show the future of free speech in America-if we do nothing about it.

All it takes is a little courage to show the mob that you will not bow to their demands. That's exactly why we must do everything we can to protect the freedom of speech. It's the bedrock of our free society.

To be truly free, we must be free to speak our minds. Our other freedoms rise and fall with free speech.

As Christians, we expect trouble in this world. Jesus faced it, so we will too. Consider our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, who are boldly standing for Jesus-even laying down their lives for the sake of the Gospel.

It would be easier to merely put our heads down and ignore the threats to freedom in our own nation. But we simply cannot do so. We must work to protect free speech and our other God-given freedoms-joyfully.

That's why I'm praying you will take this opportunity today to make a gift of $35, $50, $100, $250, or more to defend free speech.

You'll help to ensure that the America the next generation inherits is still a shining beacon of freedom to the world!

Michael Farris
President & CEO

P.S. What happened at Yale has only deepened our commitment to free speech. It's the bedrock of our nation and the foundation of our freedoms, and it's clearly under attack. Your help is needed now to defend it. Please don't delay and make your best gift today to defend the Americans who are being punished for saying what they believe!

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What is it like to be over 80 years old?

Linda Buck
Former Retired After Years as a Headhunter Apr 17

It is a little frustrating. I am 82, female and have the mindset of a 30 year old

I don't look my age but facts don't lie. I had an embarrassing thing happen recently. A very nice musician came up to me at a karaoke coffee shop.

We had fun and laughed for about an hour. The subject of age came up and he was 49. I volunteered that I am 82. I finally showed him my driver's license. Then he got embarrassed and passed it off okay.

I still feel like I can skateboard. But common sense tells me I can't. For me at least my body has aged faster than my spirit has and I find it frustrating.


Suzy McKee Charnas former Teacher at USA Universities, Colleges and Schools

The most obvious change, in my view, has been learning to pay more attention to my body so that I can keep getting good use from it for as long as I need to. I’m in pretty decent health for my age, but my energy levels are lower and I need more sleep to recover from socially demanding events.

Appetite is much lessened, so I need to be more selective about what I *do* eat and thoughtful about taking supplements (Vitamin B! Feverfew! Omega oils! etc).

I think of it as maintaining and antique car so that I can continue to get around: special attention, more frequent oil changes (visits to the GP), polish up the lenses on the headlights for better visibility, and change tires (more supportive shoes), and so on. I’m fond of the old buggy, and proud of it for getting me this far.

Funny thing is, I have no patience for metaphysical systems that denigrate the body in general in order to exalt the soul/spirit. I’m not trying to “transcend” my body. That will happen, I think, in due course all by itself, which is just fine with me: I believe that it happens to and for all of us eventually, and in fact if it only happened to some “chosen few” or other, I wouldn’t want it for myself either.

One for all and all for one, or nothing! I read a lot of Dumas as a child, and some of it stuck, I guess. And I’m a Libra: fairness is not just a thing; it’s THE thing, insofar as human decisions can impose it on a world run by completely uncaring Nature.

The only real social problem I’m aware of now, in my 83rd year, is that while it’s not difficult to make friends with young people, many of the really smart ones are only short-term friends because any minute now they’re going to head off for a graduate program or a great job in some other part of the country, and in general their time is already oversubscribed what with school, work, family requirements, etc.

My old-person life is slow; my young friend just finishing her coffee-shop job and post-grad work is going full-tilt and still gaining velocity (she’s off to a job with NASA next month), so the gears just don’t mesh that often for very long.

So while your old friends are retreating into some level of assisted living, moving away to be near their grown kids, or kicking the bucket themselves, your young friends are whizzing along on the express track that you are no longer on, yourself.

You have to not just take care of your body, but also develop your own inner resources, and that’s a much tougher job for some than for others, for all kinds of reasons. Because you’re going to have to cope with all sorts of surprising developments in and around you, with diminished resources for the most part.

That’s just life. And it’s okay, because on one scale or another, that’s life for all of us.
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With Formula Shortage More Babies Switching To Whey Protein Powder

May 17th, 2022

U.S.—As the baby formula crisis continues to grow, more families have opted for an alternative formula source and have started taking whey protein instead. The babies will still get everything they need for healthy development, as well as 50grams of protein per bottle.

"We urge everyone unable to find baby formula right now to switch to whey protein powder. This will provide your child with all the necessary vitamins and nutrients, while also giving them sick gains," said Dr. Hank Bulkems, a professional bodybuilder and baby formula chemist. "What babies need right now is a delicious combination of cookies 'n cream flavor combined with whey isolate protein powder."

Many parents have reported that since they've switched to whey powder formula, their children have seen tremendous results. "Just the other day our son was shaking around his rattle, and today he's shaking around my kettlebells!" said local parent Fred Griffin. "We even saw him on the baby cam in his crib doing crunches working on toning his abs!"

Other parents have expressed concerns that their babies are liking the protein powder formula a little too much. They claim that their babies have been cutting off the sleeves of all their jammies and cry nonstop when you take them away from the mirror they were flexing in front of.

At publishing time, protein formula babies across the country were refusing to watch episodes of Cocomelon in favor of watching hours of YouTube videos about new exercises and proper lift techniques.
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Rubio Grills Dr. Fauci: How Is It Americans with COVID Can't Get in Country, But Illegals Can?
May 18, 2022

Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida asked Dr. Anthony Fauci — director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease — Tuesday to explain why Americans cannot return to the country if they test positive for COVID-19, but illegal aliens apprehended at the southern border can enter.

“I believe the United States is the only major Western country that now requires its citizens to test negative for COVID before they can get on an airplane and reenter the country,” Rubio told Fauci during Fauci’s appearance at a hearing of a subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Rubio went on to note that this dichotomy is taking place even as the Biden administration looks to end the implementation of  Title 42, a section of the public health law that facilitated quick deportations for those entering the country illegally who pose a danger of spreading the coronavirus.

“We obviously know we have a problem on our southern border, where, every day, people are entering the country illegally. And many are not even being tested for COVID, and even if they are, they’re being allowed to stay,” Rubio said.

“How do we tell American citizens: ‘If you test positive, even if it’s a dead virus that’s been in your system for 10 days — you can test positive days after you’re no longer infectious — you can’t enter your own country,” he continued.

“But if you arrive illegally, whether you test positive or not, if you say the magic words for asylum, you get to stay in the country,” Rubio said.

The lawmaker recounted that he knows Americans who were traveling abroad and got caught up in this COVID policy.

“They can’t afford to continue to pay for hotel rooms and staying overseas until they can finally score a negative test,” Rubio said.

“Are we at a point now where American citizens should be allowed to return to their country without testing negative?” he asked.

Fauci responded, “It’s an important question. I don’t have the answer to that.”

He continued by saying his agency works with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to examine the feasibility of such a policy change.

“I think the idea of having an immigration issue mixed with a public health issue for the general population — I think those probably should be separated,” Fauci said.

Rubio did not accept Fauci’s answer.

“Except they’re interrelated because they both involve groups of people entering the United States,” he said.

“My point is, if we’ve reached a point in COVID where we no longer need Title 42 as a COVID restriction for illegal entry, why do we still need travel restrictions for American citizens for legal entry into their own country?”

234,000 migrants stopped at the border in April, the highest number EVER.

Without Title 42 about 215,000 of 234,000 would have been released into the U.S.

That would be 2.6 million illegal immigrants admitted per year.

Biden plans to end Title 42 next week.

Late last month a federal judge issued a temporary restraining order blocking the CDC from ending Title 42.

On April 1, the agency had announced it would cease on May 23.

The New York Post reported that U.S. District Judge Robert Summerhays heard arguments Friday in the case and is expected to rule on it this week.
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White House Blames Formula Shortage On That Giant Baby From 'Honey, I Blew Up The Kid'
May 17th, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Updating the press on the baby formula shortage that's affecting millions of American families, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre (black, gay, immigrant) stated that all blame for the shortage rested squarely on the curly locks of the giant baby from Honey, I Blew Up The Kid.

Jean-Pierre (black, gay, immigrant) said the crisis had nothing to do with Biden's list of perfect policies, but occurred because a baby grew to the size of a skyscraper after Pete Buttigieg's experimental Chest-Milk-O-Matic™ machine malfunctioned, firing a stray embiggening gamma beam into the child's bedroom.

"The oversized baby has been toddling around the countryside, laying waste to baby formula factories and gulping down silos of the stuff," said Jean-Pierre (black, gay, immigrant) in front of a strategic map tracking the child's Enfamil®-fueled rampage. "The U.S. military, using a trap designed to look like a giant cupboard filled with pots and pans, hopes to catch the child and shrink him back to normal with the help of legendary scientist, Rick Moranis."

Sources say plans for the cupboard trap failed, however, as the four branches of the military were unable to memorize one another's pronouns, throwing the project into gridlock. The gigantic toddler was last seen barreling toward the U.S/Mexico border where there is plenty of baby formula.

*Karine Jean-Pierre is a black, gay immigrant.
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Can You Identify Which Of These 12 Images Depict Women?

May 18th, 2022

It was easy to identify women in the 20th century. They were the ones that caused you to lust and have to pluck out your eyes. Now, the word "woman" doesn't mean anything and they could be literally anybody. You might even be a woman and not know it yet!

To prepare you for modern society, study up on the twelve images below. Can you identify which of these images depicts a woman?

6) Whoever parked this car
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Movies You Won’t Believe Are Based on True Stories

Countless movies are based on real events, and most of them are quick to let you know it. Whether the plot is ripped from the headlines or merely adapted, taking inspiration from real-world happenings can confer a sense of legitimacy — the implication being that even if creative license was taken (and it almost certainly was), the filmmakers are performing a kind of public service by bringing these stories to the big screen. Not all of these movies advertise their pedigree, however, and there’s a good chance you didn’t realize these four movies were based on real events.
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Honoring the Service and Sacrifice of Those Who Have Earned It

MAY 18, 2022

“When we assumed the Soldier, we did not lay aside the Citizen; and we shall most sincerely rejoice with you in the happy hour when the establishment of American Liberty, upon the most firm and solid foundations shall enable us to return to our Private Stations in the bosom of a free, peacefully and happy Country.” —George Washington (1775)

Gratitude: The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.

The word “gratitude” appears frequently in columns I have written over the last 25 years. In a recent column, I noted that, despite all the divisive noise from the Beltway babblers, there is much good and right about our great nation. All one need do is look around.

I start every day understanding that gratitude shapes my attitude, and there is no better way to recenter on what is good and right, especially in moments of trouble, than to focus on the many blessings, large and small, for which I am grateful.

One of the great privileges of my job, and at the same time the most humbling, is the opportunity to write about others who are serving, or have served, in our nation’s Armed Services — those who have abided by their solemn oaths “to support and defend” the American Liberty enumerated in our Declaration of Independence and enshrined in our Constitution.

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Victory: Biden Reportedly Putting New
Ministry Of Truth On Hold
After Backlash

The liberal media is LIVID about this!

MAY 18, 2022

It is exceedingly rare in modern times (the short-lived Trump era aside) for conservatives, libertarians, and others who are opposed to an increasingly centralized and tyrannical government to score victories.

Today is one of those days. It might well be short-lived, but it is important to celebrate when you can.

CNN reports that Biden’s new Ministry of Truth, hilariously called the Disinformation Governance Board, is being “paused.”

Our beloved new Information Overlord Nina Jankowicz may have to return to horrifically cringe show tunes.

Chalk One Up For The Good Guys
Ironically, it might be Ms. Jankowicz that we have to thank for – at least temporarily – sinking Biden’s Soviet-style abomination.

Thanks to her own history of pushing disinformation in order to advance her political agenda, Jankowicz undoubtedly brought much-needed attention to the Biden scheme.

She helped spread the lie, pushed by five former CIA Directors and dozens of intelligence officials, that Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation.”

Perhaps confusing her own propaganda, she would also claim that Hunter’s laptop was created by the Trump campaign.

The gaslighting on the board itself was something to behold. Because we live in Kafka-esque times, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security Secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, claimed that any worry about the federal government’s premier law enforcement agency housing an official propaganda arm was merely due to “misinformation.”

In its heyday, Pravda never dared to think citizens were stupid enough to fall for such a ruse. That tells you a little something about how American politicians and bureaucrats view you.

Refreshingly, the un-American Disinformation Governance Board received immediate pushback, and not just from powerless citizens.

Sitting FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr slammed the Orwellian, unconstitutional board:

“This is Orwellian, it’s un-American, it’s unconstitutional – the very best time to shut this down was before the DHS ever announced it, the second best time is right now.”

Former Attorney General Bill Barr didn’t mince words either, about the board or the theatre kid who was tapped to run it. “I don’t think that it’s the government’s function to set up a panel on disinformation,” Barr told the Daily Caller.

But don’t think for a second that the media would take the loss with grace.

Frighteningly, it’s all “right-wingers” fault that the U.S. government’s lead terrorism agency won’t have its own propaganda board.

CNN bemoaned the pause by blaming right-wingers: “DHS is pausing its newly created disinformation board after fierce right-wing criticism”

Not to be outdone, the Washington Post mourns the situation as the unfortunate victim of “right-wing attacks”:

Now stop and think for a moment. What is “right-wing” about opposing an official propaganda board? Many of us remember the days before the year 2010 A.D. when free speech was a bedrock principle on the left.

One might even say the entire modern left was born from the free speech movement in the 1960’s.

If you told the kids at Berkeley who (rightly) protested the Vietnam War that their kids would have called them crazed right-wingers for supporting free speech, I’d bet history would have turned out quite different.

No, this ain’t your daddy’s or granddaddy’s left.

Progressive Journalist Glenn Greenwald points out that the anti-First Amendment crowd is positively furious about turn of events.

It’s a cliche at this point, but cliches often point to a fundamental truth.

In this case, the people who want to silence others are not the good guys.
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Snippets from The DARKSIDE of The OZRT

Action Group
Knight of the Loo
Shipping to USA ....California to be more specific
« on: May 18, 2022, 06:39:21 PM »

Ive got someone in Cali wanting to purchase something off me .....
What a nightmare ...

A price of au$2500 was negotiated ...then she told me she is in usa ...California and would I post if she paid $2600
Alarm bells rang due to the shifty nature of the residents there Tellomon and Harry and Meagan

She wants to pay via Paypal ...they charge 2.6% fees the thieving swines so $67.60 off top of my head .... The wench said she would cover those charges ....but I dont trust paypal their sellers protection is a figment of their imagination

So I just phoned fed ex they want over $400 shipping and will only insure upto $US 1000
Robbery ...the item weighs 9.5 grams plus packaging ...very very light as parcels go

It would be almost cheaper for me to jump on a plane to Cali and hand deliver ....

I havent got a quote from Aust post yet , but I trust them less than I trust Paypal.
They simply dont deliver despite their logo being "we deliver" and once it leaves our shores getting any tracking info is near on impossible and they never honour insurance ...
Last time I had a claim they offered me a free express satchel as a goodwill settlement of a claim ...

My item was sent in an express satchel so all they were really giving me was postage cost back not compensation  for the goods ...which they drove over the satchel with their forklift and absobloodylutely destroyed the contents ...smashed to smitherines ...they eventually paid me $50 after I esculated to higher authority ...but it shouldnt require fights like that

Anyhow back to this issue
The buyer said she would use paypal goods and services and claims they are better than normal paypal ....and not to worry That made me worry worse (I wasnt aware that paypal wasnt paypal ?? )
I dont want to miss out on a sale at $2500 but by the same token ive got a sick feeling that im going to end up without the item and paypal somehow finding a reason to refund the client i lose both

Has anyone here sold an item of value to a yank ...if so what postal / courier / insurance service did you use , what payment method did you accept ....can paypal be trusted under its new ownership or to they still willy nilly belueve buyers saying not received and refund them at a drop of a hat despite seller providing proof of postage , proof of tracking proof of delivery but still they steal money back and give to scammer / lying buyers

Any suggestions ...I think its all to hard and will knock back the deal
I just know im going to end up financially sodomised ..... Pineappled

Bloody yanks ....they are so American ....I would feel safer selling tonsomene in Nigeria


Knight of the RT

Re: Shipping to USA ....California to be more specific
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2022, 10:20:40 PM »

"Alarm bells rang due to the shifty nature of the residents there Tellomon..."

:tello: "SNIPE!"
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Action Group
Knight of the Loo
Thank you for you contribution

Knight of the RT
No sweat.

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Biden’s ‘Ministry of Truth’ paused, Nina Jankowicz resigns; Wa-Po’s Lorenz blames ‘right-wing attacks’
May 18, 2022

Denying any partisan motivations behind the rollout of the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Disinformation Governance Board — while President Joe Biden and Democrats actively challenge the right to free speech — the dubiously nicknamed “Ministry of Truth” has been put on pause after expressed concern, leaving the door wide open for further ridicule.

The Washington Post entered a meta state of irony Tuesday when they reported that the board would be shutting down faster than CNN+. In an article titled, “How the Biden administration let right-wing attacks derail its disinformation efforts,” anti-doxing doxer and woebegone victim Taylor Lorenz attempted to pin the immense backlash as “coordinated online attacks.”

As she has so expertly done for herself, Lorenz painted the would-be chair Nina Jankowicz as a hapless target caught in the crosshairs of right-wing hate as she hyped up the claims of DHS Secretary Mayorkas, who labeled Jankowicz as “eminently qualified.”

At no point was Jankowicz’s record of peddling disinformation herself covered — she had pushed the Russian collusion hoax against former President Donald Trump. Among other claims, she called Trump a puppet to Russian President Vladimir Putin, tweeting: “Trump is Pinocchio, but what if Putin is Geppetto?”

Those who reported that they would be the arbiters of truth seemed to struggle with coordinating communications from their own office as Lorenz detailed Big Brother’s fluxing position.

“Now, just three weeks after its announcement, the Disinformation Governance Board is being ‘paused,’ according to multiple employees at DHS, capping a back-and-forth week of decisions that changed during the course of reporting of this story,” she wrote. “On Monday, DHS decided to shut down the board, according to multiple people with knowledge of the situation. By Tuesday morning, Jankowicz had drafted a resignation letter in response to the board’s dissolution.”

“But Tuesday night,” Lorenz went on, “Jankowicz was pulled into an urgent call with DHS officials who gave her the choice to stay on, even as the department’s work was put on hold.”
A spokesperson for DHS was cited in defense of Jankowicz arguing, “Nina Jankowicz has been subjected to unjustified and vile personal attacks and physical threats. In congressional hearings and in media interviews, the Secretary has repeatedly defended her as eminently qualified and underscored the importance of the Department’s disinformation work, and he will continue to do so.”

The article went on to call the case being made against the very existence of the board a “textbook disinformation campaign” as it endeavored to hold a narrative that the right was following a “playbook and that it’s crucial that the public and leaders of institutions, especially in the government, the media and education bodies, understand more fully how these cycles operate.”

Lorenz claimed that by not responding “with a highly compelling counternarrative, or not getting out ahead of these campaigns to being with” is what led to the failings. Citing Mark Jacobson, assistant dean at Syracuse University who researched propaganda and disinformation for 30 years, the article pinned the effort to maintain a positive narrative on the DGB “amateur hour.”

Of course, the reality is what it is and Americans who care about the First Amendment need to be on the lookout should DHS attempt to restart this program in a similar or varied capacity.

See new Tweets
Stephen L. Miller
Sorry we ruined your disinformation party.
Replying to
Just the title alone...I know what they're trying to say, but they end up telling the actual truth. Re-worded: "Disinformation efforts by the Biden administration derailed."
8:20 AM · May 18, 2022·Twitter Web App

:tello: "I dint see Twitter censoring this."
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Biden’s ‘Ministry Of Truth’ On Hold - Precocious Censorship Put On 'Pause'
MAY 18, 2022

(UPDATE: 5/18/2022 12:01PM it is being reported that Nina Jankowicz has now resigned from the DHS)

What was perhaps one of the worst conceived expansions of government, The Biden administration’s “Disinformation Governance Board,” has had its cancerous growth paused.

 Just three weeks after the Department of Homeland Security unveiled its existence, the “Ministry Of Truth” as it became to be known, has reportedly been put on “pause” and board leader Nina Jankowicz has drafted her resignation letter, according to The Washington Post.

Now, just three weeks after its announcement, the Disinformation Governance Board is being “paused,” according to multiple employees at DHS, capping a back-and-forth week of decisions that changed during the course of reporting of this story.

On Monday, DHS decided to shut down the board, according to multiple people with knowledge of the situation. By Tuesday morning, Jankowicz had drafted a resignation letter in response to the board’s dissolution.

As expected, the leftist Post laments the loss of more government expansion and Jankowicz’s resignation.

But Tuesday night, Jankowicz was pulled into an urgent call with DHS officials who gave her the choice to stay on, even as the department’s work was put on hold because of the backlash it faced, according to multiple people with knowledge of the call.

The “backlash” the board faced was almost entirely on social media as the network news outlets ignored Jankowicz’s history of promoting misinformation online. Jankowicz's online history includes promoting false Trump-Russia narratives and dismissing the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” as “disinformation.”

Attorney Generals from 20 states had signed a letter threatening to sue the Biden administration if they moved forward with the project aimed at slapping a federal government label of disinformation on speech it objected to.

“This is an unacceptable and downright alarming encroachment on every citizen’s right to express his or her opinions, engage in political debate, and disagree with the government,” the letter said.

According to the Washington Post report, Jankowicz is currently “evaluating her position” within federal government.
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Major American Defense Firms Also Serve The Chinese Military
This is a blatant conflict of interest.

MAY 17, 2022

When Raytheon, Bell, and Boeing do business with the Chinese they don’t seem to care what their services may render in the future. No wonder, as the big defense contractors and China are so influential they even have one of their team serving as US Secretary of Defense. Gee, that’s not a compromise of national security. Oh no, perish the very thought.

FNC: “Several of the largest defense contractors in the U.S. have ties to Beijing, a Fox News Digital review found.

Raytheon, Bell Flight, and Boeing — three American powerhouse defense firms — continue to maintain relationships with firms tied to the Chinese government, while Lockheed Martin has business interests in the country.

Isaac Stone Fish, the CEO and founder of China risk consultancy company Strategy Risks, warned in a statement to Fox News Digital that defense contractors’ Chinese ties present severe risks.”

“Doing a relatively significant amount of business in China changes the risk profile now more than ever for any U.S. company, whether for compliance, cyber, reputation, security or other risks,” Stone Fish said.

“Those risks are particularly critical for companies that safeguard U.S. national defense and security,” he continued. “U.S. defense contractors need to better understand their risk exposure to China and the Chinese Communist Party, so they can reduce their China risks to better serve the needs of the U.S. military and national security.”

Several big American defense companies are cozy with Beijing. Collins Aerospace Systems, a Raytheon subsidiary doing business in the People’s Republic of China, has 15 locations and nine joint ventures on the home turf of America’s adversary. They brag about it.

“For close to 40 years, Collins Aerospace has been demonstrating our commitment to China,” their website reads. “Our growing presence in China has been made possible by our company’s significant investments in the country, as well as strong corporate and personal relationships that have been formed over the last three decades.”

Their website also crows about the company’s “close relationships” with the Chinese government’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China (MIIT), COMAC, AVIC, and the China Electronics Technology Company (CETC).

Another American defense contractor, Bell Textron, offers military-grade aircraft to China and touts their “China Service Center”: the Zhenjiang Bell Textron Aviation Services Center.

“Zhenjiang Bell Textron Aviation Services Center offers comprehensive maintenance, repair and overhaul services to our customers in the Greater China region, including Macao, Hong Kong, and Mongolia,” Bell’s website states. “Our in-country product and customer support engineers will ensure your aircraft is ready and operational at all times.”

Bell also advertises its relationship with the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) “Part 145 certifications for holistic maintenance and overhaul” as well as the company’s readiness “to provide return-to-service flights to customer-specific locations.”

The firm prides itself on in country Chinese “aircraft upgrades, mods, reconfigurations and customization” that includes “Aircraft Reconfigurations for Parapublic, Utility, Corporate, EMS, Training, and other specific missions” as well as “Mission Kit Installations, e.g. Hoists, Fast Ropes, Cargo Hooks, EMS Systems, Airborne Surveillance, Auxiliary Fuel Cell Systems, Float Kit, Mission Radios, etc.”

Not to be left out of the parade, Boeing formed a joint venture in China “for interior parts and composite structures” in the form of Boeing Tianjin Composites in 1999 and established the Boeing Research & Technology China a decade later.

“Boeing Research & Technology China established operations in the country in 2009,” the company’s “Boeing in China” document reads. “Currently it has research collaborations with 23 major universities, seven national institutes and three research centers, with focuses including biofuel, air traffic management technologies, materials, aviation services, cabin technology and manufacturing.”

Additionally, Boeing says it is the “No. 1 international customer of China’s commercial aviation manufacturing industry” and that “1/4 of Boeing production line is delivered to Chinese customers.” And if services and products are going to Chinese business it’s also certainly going to the Chinese military.

Apparently these US firms are happy to make profits that one day may be paid for in American blood.
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Junk Threads, Junk Sites, Junk History.

Sometimes they come back to haunt me.

Then I share it here.


Ron Tello Culley
Class of 1976

Basic info
City   Montello
State/Province   NV
Country   United States

Colleges and Grad schools   Loitered on several name-brand campuses from Cali to Fla. and parts in between.

Degree(s)   Life's Experience that's not in books.

Occupation   President/CEO Ron Tello Nevada INC.

Married   No
Children   0 boy(s) / 0 girl(s)
Grand children   0 boy(s) / 0 girl(s)

Activities I participated in   Rock n Roll Drums, Garage Bands, Backyard Parties; Garduno's, IN n OUT, Chantry Flats, The Arboretum/Santa Anita Race Track, Pasadena, San Gabriel and Rio Hondo Rivers, Irwindale Raceway, BOSS Radio, KMET, Kirsten Baker
and 4 finger lids.

Favorite school memory   When Remo Ron took to the Morning
Announcements Airwaves, Sept. 1975

What I've done since school   Stayed alive by any means necessary. And had a BLAST doing it!

Hobbies & interests   I invented BMX in the SGV. I built, played, advertised and dismantled The BIGGGEST Drum Set in Nevada--wanna buy some used Gear, CHEAP?

Album   Profile Photos
Photo   1 of 1
Uploaded   October 14th, 2012 by Ron Tello Culley '76
Description   Liberals stole my longhair. I can grow it out but they can't grow up.
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Playbook of Left-Wing Elite: Everything We Don’t Like Is Racist… Like Homeschooling!

MAY 18, 2022

The list of innocuous things that are now racist has grown by one – I’m afraid to inform you that our betters have decided homeschooling is racist.

So says the latest missive from MSNBC.

The far-left outlet tweeted an op-ed written by Anthea Butler that warns homeschooling is merely a conduit to “dismantle the public education system,” being carried out by uncouth Christians. Who of course, you guessed it, are racist.

This warning comes on the heels of conservative Christian actor Kirk Cameron’s announcement of his documentary titled ‘The Homeschool Awakening.’

Predictably, Ms. Butler makes allusions connecting homeschooling to racism, which is also closely tied to Christianity, if you were to believe everything you read.

Ms. Butler’s claims and connections she loosely ties to homeschooling are poorly done and lack objective substantive analysis. But for fun, let’s go ahead and break down her claims.

Everything Is Racist
One of Butler’s main points surrounds a connection between racism and homeschooling. Her arguments touch on creating “segregation academies” that popped up after Brown v. Board of Education. She also claims that school vouchers and the appointment of Betsy DeVos by President Trump were all signs of how the homeschool movement is racist.

DeVos is insidiously speaking out against Critical Race Theory, you see. (Hey, weren’t they just telling us that schools weren’t teaching that??)

Connecting events in the mid-1950s (which for those of you counting was 70 years ago) and attacking school choice under the umbrella of homeschooling is a stretch.

Shockingly, racist homeschooling was given a boost by the pandemic. Gaze upon the horror:

“Cameron’s documentary furthers the long-term goal of America’s religious conservatives to dismantle the public school system by promoting homeschooling, an idea that grew in popularity during the pandemic among parents who wanted to make sure their children kept up academically and avoided the coronavirus.”

Parents keeping their kids safe and educated is a very dangerous new avenue in racism!

To give her a bit of credit, she does provide a tiny nod to the increase in homeschooling among minority families during the pandemic.

“Some of that increase may be attributed to black parents and other diverse groups who are now finding homeschooling as an attractive alternative.”

According to the Census Bureau, black homeschoolers increased between Spring and Fall of 2020 from 3.3% to 16.1%. That’s a five-fold increase. So it’s fair to say that she understates the pull of black families to homeschooling.

U.S. Census Bureau
Those Pesky Christian Right-wingers Trying to ‘Indoctrinate’ Their Children!
It’s a problem if parents are interested in providing a Christian perspective or worldview to their children. So much so that it borders on indoctrination. So Ms. Butler closes her op-ed with this warning:

“…parents unfamiliar with the existing networks of homeschooling run the danger of being drawn into Christian conservative networks and theocratic teaching.”

Maybe instead of demonizing conservative Christian themes, it would be better to try to understand why they are appealing to so many people.

We are not a devout Christian family or religious. However, my husband and I believe that there is something out there greater than us and that that thing, be it God or whatever, is what gives us hope. It drives us to be better than we were the day before and acknowledge that we are flawed creatures, but that isn’t an excuse to not do good and strive for greatness.

A lot of conservative Christian themes follow that same concept. And the reason why it is so appealing is that it’s full of hope and positivity.

There is something about God and the Bible that speaks to my daughter personally. She feels something safe and good about learning about God. That doesn’t mean she isn’t a critical thinker and doesn’t ask tough questions. Any given day, we are asked,

“Why would Jesus not fight the soldiers when they made him carry the cross?”


“Why would God make an apple forbidden fruit? Apples are delicious. He should’ve picked something gross, like cauliflower.”

The War Against Homeschooling Is An Old War
Homeschool parents have had to face an onslaught of attacks since before COVID. However, with parents forced into homeschooling thanks to teachers’ unions ensuring extended closed public schools, it has intensified.

Elizabeth Batholet, a Harvard Law School Professor, called for an all-out ban on homeschooling in May 2020. She claimed that homeschooled students are less likely to receive a “meaningful education.”

This is because she believes parents aren’t smart enough or capable enough to teach their children. An argument many of us homeschool families face regularly.

The reality couldn’t be any different. According to the National Home Education Research Institute, homeschoolers score 15% to 30% higher on tests than public school students.

Furthermore, 24.5% of homeschool students enroll in grade levels at least one step above their age group.

Why Do Families Prefer Homeschooling?
Famed feminist columnist Jill Filipovic tweeted an attack on the homeschool world that garnered significant attention.

“Right-wing groups love to push homeschooling because it helps keep kids away from material that might challenge their conservative worldview. It keeps women out of work and in the home. It’s a pretty transparent set of motivations, not good for women or children.”

Yet another example of broad strokes being brushed across homeschool families. We are not closed-minded because we prefer our children to learn core subjects versus gender ideology and critical race theory.

It’s further insulting that a feminist believes that only the mother can homeschool their children. My husband is the primary caregiver of our children.

I work two jobs and am the breadwinner of my family. My husband homeschools our children and is an artist. Shockingly, we are also conservative. I know… how progressive of us!

Read More About Why We Homeschool Here

Get a Grip
Ms. Filipovic ended her Twitter rant as follows :

“This is a pet issue of mine and some day I’ll write about it at length, but the whole conversation about homeschooling would go very differently if we believed children had a right to a high-quality education – or if we believed children had rights at all, separate from parents.”

I couldn’t agree more. If we believed our younger generations of leaders and creators deserve the best education we can provide, then a discussion on school choice to include homeschooling would be accepted and facilitated.

I certainly don’t speak for all homeschool families. Still, if I could, I would tell Ms. Butler, Professor Batholet, Ms. Filipovic, and other skeptics to get a grip.

We aren’t crazy racist Christians who want to lock our children away in our houses and teach them only to churn butter and obey their husbands when they grow up.

We are parents fed up with the below-average performance of public schools, disgusted with the lack of safety and justice in our school systems, and want a better future for our kids.

I look forward to reading what Ms. Filipovic writes in the future on this subject.
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Biden Insults The Intelligence Of Every Cop In America
May 17, 2022

During a speech on Capitol Hill on Sunday, President Joe Biden addressed the difficulties of being a police officer in today’s political and social climate.

Biden stated: “Being a police officer today is a lot more difficult than it has ever been,” alluding to rising crime in some of America’s largest cities during his term as president.

According to the Officer Down Memorial Page, 73 police officers were killed in the line of duty in 2021, 24 of which were murdered without cause. 27 more cops died in 2021 than in 2020.

Despite his long history of praising radical anti-police organizations like Black Lives Matter, the president attempted to sympathize with police officers.

“It’s a different world,” Biden said. “The work has changed considerably in recent years. We have higher expectations of everyone of you.”

“The idea that cops must now be psychiatrists, mental health counselors, and drug counselors is absurd to me,” he claimed. “Too frequently, police are figuratively and literally caught in the crossfire.”

Biden recognized the positive role police organizations have played in police reform, but he called for more action on the issue.

“We haven’t gotten there yet,” he added. “We have to get there to build public confidence in public safety.”

Biden highlighted massive sums of federal cash allocated to communities after the coronavirus pandemic, urging state and local officials to increase law enforcement spending.

“I’m dedicated to remaining your ally as I’ve always been,” he added without stating his 2020 campaign’s position on diverting police department funds.

Biden advised police officers to do more to engage with the communities they patrol during his remarks.

“Not one cop in a cruiser, but two on foot, cops who walk the beat, who are familiar with the neighborhood, and can restore faith and safety.”

Biden accused his predecessor, former President Donald Trump of leaving him with the coronavirus epidemic. Adding that people are still suffering as a result of the virus.

“So many young and old people are in need of assistance because of this epidemic,” he added.

He called for a larger number of government social workers to be employed in order to provide housing, education, drug rehabilitation, and mental health services for communities that can work together with police officers.
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Democrats in a Tail Spin as Americans Reveal What They Think of the Country
May 17, 2022

Democrats know they face a really bad midterm election cycle. A party’s chances at elections rest on how the public perceives its success. If the country is doing well, many voters will believe it is because of who’s in charge. If the country is suffering, guess who also gets the blame?

America is in a terrible state, as the economy falters, gas prices soar, the board is overrun, and inflation skyrockets. There is war breaking out overseas, our allies mock us, and we can’t even get ships to dock at port. Meanwhile, Democrats are wasting time complaining about Roe v. Wade.

How do you think Democrats are going to fair this fall? If this poll tells us anything, it won’t be good.

Three-fourths of Americans say the country is on the wrong track, according to a new poll.

The NBC News poll of 1,000 U.S. adults, conducted between May 5-7, found that 75% of Americans said the country was “off on the wrong track,” while just 16% said the United States was “headed in the right direction.”

NBC noted that the poll is the fourth consecutive survey where the “wrong track” figure was above 70 percent and only the fifth time in 34 years that the “wrong track” number reached 75%. The last time it was that high was during the Great Recession in 2008, followed by the 2013 government shutdown. [Source: Daily Wire]

Democrats can try to spin what’s going on as much as they can. But you can’t get out of numbers like this. A staggering 75% of Americans believe the country is on the wrong track. Only 16% think it is going well. The last time it was this bad was during the recession of 2008—when voters burned George W by voting for Obama.

The other time was 2013 when Obama’s incompetence led to a prolonged government shutdown.

There is really no recovering from numbers like this. Unless Democrats can magically end inflation, lower gas prices by $2/gallon, bring back baby formula and close the border. But most of the problems continue to hurt Americans because neither Biden nor his party are willing to reverse damaging policies.

They are almost entirely consumed with trying to control the narrative. But you can control the narrative all you want. All that people see are record-high prices for bacon and empty shelves where there should be food for babies. Meanwhile, working parents can’t even put gas in their cars, thanks to ridiculous prices.

Do I have to remind you that America is sitting on some of the richest natural resources in the world? Yet Biden’s “environmental policies” are preventing us from harvesting those resources to make energy safe and affordable (like we had under Trump).

Numbers like this can’t get much worse. A 75% rating is near as close to 100% as you’d get in a poll like this. And Biden has no intention of turning this mess around.

:tello: "Why then have any government at all if it is their objective to kill every body and thing?

It makes no sense, but it is a violation of everything Holy and good."
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