Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2802074 times)


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Biden Gets Destroyed Directly To His Face, Asked To Resign & His Initial Reaction Was Spot On [VIDEOS]
Joe's 30 minute inflation press conference disaster turns into a comedy 15 seconds in. Save this as evidence for the 25th Amendment.
MAY 10, 2022

Having been in the White House for almost two years, Joe Biden had the difficult task today of speaking to the American people about inflation. Coming off of the COVID-19 pandemic, many Americans were already struggling to make ends meet. To make matters worse, when Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, gas prices soared over $4 a gallon. Now with inflation causing more strain on Americans, President Biden sought not to give answers or a plan but instead focused on how it was all the Republicans’ fault. But he was sure to add that inflation was his top domestic priority.

Not wasting any time, President Biden jumped right into the issue of inflation by first claiming, “When you look at the economy today, it’s clear we’ve made enormous strides.” Take a look.

Causing the person (Karli Boone) filming to burst out laughing, that wasn’t all as Biden tried to place the blame on the GOP. He stated, “They don’t want to solve inflation by lowering your costs. They want to solve it by raising your taxes and lowering your income. I want every American to know that I’m taking inflation very seriously, and it’s my top domestic priority.”

The speech from Biden comes shortly after the Federal Reserve warned that the war in Ukraine and inflation are two main threats facing the global financial system. The report explained, “Inflation has been higher and more persistent than expected, even before the invasion of Ukraine, and uncertainty over the inflation outlook poses risks to financial conditions and economic activity.”

Also, having to answer a field of questions surrounding inflation, President Biden appeared to admit that the Democrats and his administration were to blame for the problem. In the video below, President Biden was asked if he believed the current administration should carry some of the blame for inflation. Surprisingly, the President said, “First is, we’re in power. That’s the first thing, and you are justifiably right. We control all three branches of the government.”

Even before President Biden spoke on inflation, Republicans like Senator Rick Scott suggested Amtrak Joe resign. “The most effective thing Joe Biden can do to solve the inflation crisis he created is resign. He’s the problem. Let’s be honest here. Joe Biden is unwell. He’s unfit for office. He’s incoherent, incapacitated, and confused. He doesn’t know where he is half the time. He’s incapable of leading, and he’s incapable of carrying out his duties.” While not unusual for Republicans to criticize Biden, a reporter got the chance to ask the President his thoughts.

For those who would like to watch the full speech, it can be viewed below as once again, President Biden declared, “looking at the economy today. It’s clear, we’ve made enormous strides. And our plans and our policies have produced the strongest job creation economy in modern times.”
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Biden Appears Set to Get Away with
Tax Crimes

For years upon years, the Democrat Party has harped on the need for people to “pay their fair share” in taxes. To this day, left-wingers use this talking point when they’re trying to justify proposals that increase taxes on the American public.

Yet, as usual, what Democrats tell people to do is very different from what they actually do. The political left repeatedly shows that it has one set of rules for itself and a separate set of rules for everyone else.

This is especially true of Joe Biden. Biden is working day and night to raise Americans’ taxes as the nation is on the verge of a recession. Meanwhile, Red State reports that the president is apparently guilty of various tax crimes.

A Deep Dive into Biden’s Hypocrisy on Taxes
The same president who repeatedly finger-wags at people who don’t “pay their fair share” reportedly owes the IRS anywhere from $127,000 to $500,000 in back taxes. This comes per a whistleblower report to the IRS itself.

Ironically, this is a report that the IRS has chosen not to pursue. One can only wonder if the agency would take a similar approach towards a Republican owing six figures in back taxes.

Nevertheless, Biden will not be audited over reports that he skipped out on paying Medicare taxes or taxes on alleged income from his son’s international business arrangements.

Apparently, both Biden and his wife also used S-corporations as holding places for book revenue. This, too, was a strategy for them to duck taxes that would be owed on this revenue.

To this day, the president never had anything to say about “unexplained income” that might be tied to his son’s overseas business deals. Of course, the White House has no comment on Biden’s back taxes, either.

The “Fair Share” Lie
If the Democrat Party really cared about folks “paying their fair share” in taxes, it’d be all over Biden for the back taxes he owes and the S-corporation he used to avoid taxes.

When Democrats talk about people paying their “fair share” in taxes, they’re really only seeking funds to cover partisan spending packages. The IRS’ rejection of the whistleblower who reported Biden for back taxes also speaks volumes as well.

If Democrats want to increase Americans’ taxes, they should first go after members of their own ranks (like Biden, Al Sharpton, etc.) who have yet to pay what they owe to the IRS.
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Her Majesty's Realms

Posted by
Justin Mihalick
Mar 22

Sizing up a Tyrant

The Queen, with her lifetime of experience in world affairs, can recognize an evil leader. When they met, Vladimir Putin arrived exceptionally late for his audience with Britain's head of state. He kept Her Majesty waiting for hours, something which is never done at high-level diplomatic meetings—least of all with the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Head of the Commonwealth. Putin was said to be an enigma, but I think we can be sure that the Queen knew—based on her wisdom and extensive briefings—exactly what kind of disgraceful despot Putin is.

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Otto Bihrer
Studied at Technical University of Darmstadt
April 7

What do Russians think of the leak showing Putin's secret palace with 479 pictures? Does Putin think he's a Tsar?

According to Putin’s own Propaganda, he gets a $ 125,000 salary a year, which is about 250 Gazillion worthless rubles and lives in a one-bedroom condo.

Reality is:

He owns two Yachts ($ 250 Million and $ 600 Million), a $ 1.7 Billion Estated, 19 Luxury Dachas, valued between $300,000 and $ 2 Million each, the Country of Russia and everybody in it.

He does own recently a lot of scrap metal too:
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Raymond Shaw

I get that being a WHINER isn't a popular thing to be. But as HISTORICAL levels of wealth are just disappearing (wall street), and the ECONOMY is tatters with inflation and gas prices going through the roof and the possibility of an mushroom cloud or WW3 happening any day now I must ask a question. Where is the media? The Republicans? The people running our government are freaking lunatics. They belong in an asylum. The New Normal! No one says a word. We're living in the most dangerous time this planet has ever seen.
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Biden’s New Press Secretary Has Serious Conflicts of Interest

White House press secretary Jen Psaki is on her way out of the Biden administration. On Friday, May 13, Psaki will leave her current post for a commentating gig with MSNBC.

Rumors of Psaki leaving the White House swirled around for quite some time before they were officially confirmed. Her departure comes as many other aides working for the Biden administration have seen their way out as well.

Once Psaki is officially out, current deputy press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will be taking her place. The Biden administration has lauded this as positive representation, seeing as Jean-Pierre is a black, gay woman.

Yet, what the White House isn’t talking about is the serious conflicts of interest that come with Jean-Pierre working as press secretary, per PJ Media.

Corruption Tightens Its Grip on the Biden Administration
The most obvious conflict of interest with Jean-Pierre’s upcoming role as White House press secretary is her marriage to CNN employee Suzanne Malveaux.

With Malveaux’s wife working for the White House, it raises questions about whether CNN will objectively report on news involving the current administration.

Likewise, CNN will very likely have access to classified information from this administration, due to the marriage between the incoming press secretary and network employee.

CNN claimed that once Jean-Pierre officially begins as press secretary, Malveaux won’t be providing political coverage. That remains to be seen.

Nevertheless, another conflict of interest dealing with Jean-Pierre is her open hostility towards Israel, a central US ally. Jean-Pierre is tied to organizations, such as MoveOn, that make their aversion to Israel quite clear.

By Biden promoting Jean-Pierre to the press secretary role, he’s sending a disturbing message about how his administration views both Israel and Jewish people.

Nothing New For the Biden Administration
Despite the multiple conflicts of interest associated with the incoming White House press secretary, no one should be surprised. Lies and corruption are par for the course when it comes to the Biden administration.

To this very day, the president and his officials continue to repeat the lie that inflation is a “Putin price hike.” In actuality, inflation is a price hike caused by Biden’s spending bills that congressional Democrats enabled.

Karine Jean-Pierre’s work as White House press secretary is bound to mirror Psaki’s. After all, she worked under Psaki and took cues from her.

At the end of the day, regardless of who holds the post of press secretary for the Biden administration, they’ll still be lying to Americans every day.
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Summer Lynn Humphreys
Ron Tello Culley I need an update (on the UFOs over Sugarloaf)

Ron Tello Culley
Summer Lynn Humphreys By all observed accounts, these objects are NOT satellites. I'm making preparations for scientists to join me in a night of sky watching, with video equipment on scene. Should be a hoot! Get to some truth about these airborne anomalies.
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Greg Youphoric Trip
The shite I personally seen was late night in OC. No more than a few hundred feet above my head. No sound, at allll. Clear ship with some kind of halo looking shield when the dude takes damage around it changing from Orange/light red color and moved away, again, without a noise. Saw it with about 6-7 other people in 2014?

Kellington Son
Greg Youphoric Trip I saw the same thing floating just 30 feet above lake arrowhead and it slowly lifted up, shot a light out of it i to the hills and zoomed off, I swear to God.

Greg Youphoric Trip
Kellington Son daaamn that’s some shite! Funny thing was we were all around a fire in the backyard chillin and talking and a friend still to this day, was tryna get me to look at it as he saw it moving toward us in the distance and I first was like “it’s probably a helicopter man” cuz the light it had in the center looked spotlight-ish, then about 2-3 mins later he was like yooo wtf is that again and it was so close with no noise what so ever, eventually getting right over us… shite was wild.

My dad said I turned white af and I had a literal tear in my eye cuz I knew wtf I was seeing was actually, what it was.. an damn UFO 🛸 triangle one, had a bright center light then each of the three points had lights less bright, and that strange orange/red shield type thing pulsing brighter to dimmer and just was a huuuuge “holy felafel this is real” moment. Always believed, and that night made me know it’s all felafeling real. So many are in denial of things like that, and I’ll swear til the day I’m dead what I seen.
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Throw those mushrooms away and destroy your crack pipe .....

The UFO's will magically vanish


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Shut up smee.
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Ron Henderson

Operations Manager at Transcore

Former Assistant Project Manager- at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Former Development Engineer at Hughes Aerospace Corporation

Worked at Hughes Microwave

Studied at Oregon State University

Studied at El Camino College

Went to Aviation High

Engaged to Nancy Davis

About Ron
Love to Dance, swim, and walk. Mountains and far away places
Want to go for a drive and never know where you are going to end up? I DO!

See a UFO? I have, three times! Love the stars! Space the final frontier!
I love to play music with my friends! We write our own and play others and we will play all night!
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This memes moment goes out to all the weenies and whingers
who can't stop sending out invitations to their Pity Party.

You know, the ones I don't accept....
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Feminist Comedians Should Read Before Tweeting
Tim Graham on May 11, 2022
Attention Tim Graham Readers: There Is Language In The 5Th Graf That Some May Find Offensive. Thank You. -- Editor

Celebrities are naturally popular on Twitter, but it's annoying that liberals -- who insist they believe in facts and science and experts and nuance -- demand exactly none of that from celebrities.

A family member asked me for a friendly fact check after former "Saturday Night Live" cast member Leslie Jones had a cow on Twitter over the leaked draft opinion on Roe v. Wade. There is a panic on the Left that red states will do anything to keep women from traveling out of their states for abortions.

On May 9, Jones reposted a nine-second TikTok from the account Haus of Petty (@musclesandnursing) with the message, "It's going to be a damn civil war." Two images circulated in the video over dance music.

The first was a Politico headline from March 19: "Missouri wants to stop out-of-state abortions. Other states could follow," next to a picture of Missouri state Rep. Mary Elizabeth Coleman.

The second was a tweet from Paul Cogan from Toronto (no blue check), who imagined the worst (emphasis on imagined): "Just Another WTF ... In order to prevent women from leaving the state for an abortion, Republican states will soon pass laws that women cannot leave their state unless they submit a negative pregnancy test."

The important note here: Nowhere in the Politico piece is there any mention of a pregnancy test requirement.

But who needs facts? Over that TikTok imagery came Jones' Twitter meltdown: "Soooo how the f--k will this work. Will they ask while booking ticket? Or when boarding plane?! So any woman leaving town got to show this? ARE WE F--KING WAR PRISONERS NOW WTAF?! Seriously THIS IS SOME HANDMAIDS S--T!! What are we gonna do?! We can't let our freedom be attacked!"

People see this and honestly wonder if some Republican politician somewhere actually proposed a bill requiring women to take a pregnancy test for interstate travel. That's the confusion Jones unleashed. No "independent fact-checkers" will get involved. Do they want to tell the Prominent Woman of Color she's spreading misinformation?

In a 2019 bit on "Weekend Update," Jones put on the typical "Handmaid's Tale" outfit and claimed anti-abortion laws were a "war on women." But PolitiFact hasn't touched her. Last year, rushed to correct the claim that Jones had married fellow cast member Kate McKinnon.

In the actual Politico story on Missouri, it reported Coleman is proposing a bill to let private citizens sue people who transport Missouri women across state lines for an abortion, adding, "it specifically targets a Planned Parenthood clinic in Illinois just across the river from St. Louis that opened in 2019 with the explicit goal of serving Missouri patients."

If the Supreme Court returns abortion policy to the states, this will be a contentious issue. Anti-abortion states will want to prevent out-of-state abortions, and pro-abortion states will tout themselves as "havens" for baby killing.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot recently proclaimed her plan to dedicate $500,000 to pay for out-of-state abortions, declaring Chicago an "island of reproductive freedom." These developments will spur a whole new round of court cases and become campaign fodder for Republicans and Democrats.

But all of this is made exponentially dumber by vulgar comedians on the rampage. Jones wouldn't expect Mitch McConnell to be a great standup comedian, so maybe she should pass on playing Maxine Waters on the internet. With all of the people who are unfortunate enough to take her seriously, maybe she could actually read something before tweeting everyone else into a dystopian panic.
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How To Have A Successful Yard Sale
by outsideresource May 6, 2022

Are you planning on having a yard sale soon? If so, you’ll want to make sure that you follow these tips to ensure its success! Having a yard sale can be a great way to get rid of some of your unwanted items and make some extra money. But if you don’t do it right, you could lose money and waste your time instead. So, what do you need to do to have a successful yard sale? Keep reading for some helpful tips!
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“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” – Vince Lombardi
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Earth given 50-50 chance of hitting key warming mark by 2026

May 9, 2022

FILE - A man and a boy walk across the almost dried up bed of river Yamuna following hot weather in New Delhi, India, Monday, May 2, 2022. According to a report released by the World Meteorological Organization on Monday, May 9, 2022, the world is creeping closer to the warming threshold international agreements are trying to prevent, with nearly a 50-50 chance that Earth will temporarily hit that temperature mark within the next five years. (AP Photo/Manish Swarup, File)

The world is creeping closer to the warming threshold international agreements are trying to prevent, with nearly a 50-50 chance that Earth will temporarily hit that temperature mark within the next five years, teams of meteorologists across the globe predicted.

With human-made climate change continuing, there’s a 48% chance that the globe will reach a yearly average of 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels of the late 1800s at least once between now and 2026, a bright red signal in climate change negotiations and science, a team of 11 different forecast centers predicted for the World Meteorological Organization late Monday.

The odds are inching up along with the thermometer. Last year, the same forecasters put the odds at closer to 40% and a decade ago it was only 10%.

The team, coordinated by the United Kingdom’s Meteorological Office, in their five-year general outlook said there is a 93% chance that the world will set a record for hottest year by the end of 2026. They also said there’s a 93% chance that the five years from 2022 to 2026 will be the hottest on record. Forecasters also predict the devastating fire-prone megadrought in the U.S. Southwest will keep going.

“We’re going to see continued warming in line with what is expected with climate change,” said UK Met Office senior scientist Leon Hermanson, who coordinated the report.

These forecasts are big picture global and regional climate predictions on a yearly and seasonal time scale based on long term averages and state of the art computer simulations. They are different than increasingly accurate weather forecasts that predict how hot or wet a certain day will be in specific places.

But even if the world hits that mark of 1.5 degrees above pre-industrial times — the globe has already warmed about 1.1 degrees (2 degrees Fahrenheit) since the late 1800s — that’s not quite the same as the global threshold first set by international negotiators in the 2015 Paris agreement. In 2018, a major United Nations science report predicted dramatic and dangerous effects on people and the world if warming exceeds 1.5 degrees.

The global 1.5 degree threshold is about the world being that warm not for one year, but over a 20- or 30- year time period, several scientists said. This is not what the report predicts. Meteorologists can only tell if Earth hits that average mark years, maybe a decade or two, after it is actually reached there because it is a long term average, Hermanson said.

“This is a warning of what will be just average in a few years,” said Cornell University climate scientist Natalie Mahowald, who wasn’t part of the forecast teams.

The prediction makes sense given how warm the world already is and an additional tenth of a degree Celsius (nearly two-tenths of a degree Fahrenheit) is expected because of human-caused climate change in the next five years, said climate scientist Zeke Hausfather of the tech company Stripe and Berkeley Earth, who wasn’t part of the forecast teams. Add to that the likelihood of a strong El Nino — the natural periodic warming of parts of the Pacific that alter world weather — which could toss another couple tenths of a degree on top temporarily and the world gets to 1.5 degrees.

The world is in the second straight year of a La Nina, the opposite of El Nino, which has a slight global cooling effect but isn’t enough to counter the overall warming of heat-trapping gases spewed by the burning of coal, oil and natural gas, scientists said. The five-year forecast says that La Nina is likely to end late this year or in 2023.

The greenhouse effect from fossil fuels is like putting global temperatures on a rising escalator. El Nino, La Nina and a handful of other natural weather variations are like taking steps up or down on that escalator, scientists said.

On a regional scale, the Arctic will still be warming during the winter at rate three times more than the globe on average. While the American Southwest and southwestern Europe are likely to be drier than normal the next five years, wetter than normal conditions are expected for Africa’s often arid Sahel region, northern Europe, northeast Brazil and Australia, the report predicted.

The global team has been making these predictions informally for a decade and formally for about five years, with greater than 90% accuracy, Hermanson said.

NASA top climate scientist Gavin Schmidt said the figures in this report are “a little warmer” than what the U.S. NASA and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration use. He also had doubts about skill level on long-term regional predictions.

“Regardless of what is predicted here, we are very likely to exceed 1.5 degrees C in the next decade or so, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that we are committed to this in the long term — or that working to reduce further change is not worthwhile,” Schmidt said in an email.


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_______________________ Forecast Updated: Tuesday, May 10 @ 11:54pm

Looking at some cool and windy weather ahead as a deep trough of low pressure moves inland across the west, much warmer weather will return for the weekend. Continued cool and breezy through Wednesday as a weak frontal system passes through the area. Daytime temperatures will struggle to get out of the upper 40's with west to northwest winds gusting 15-25 mph at times. Unfortunately, little if any moisture will reach southern California so it looks like a dry forecast for the time being. Stronger high pressure will build in through the end of the week leading to much warmer spring to even summer-like weather as highs approach 80-degrees towards Sunday.

Remember, this is ONLY a forecast. Your weather can change without notice.
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Here Are Some More Things Elon Musk Should
Buy And Fix

May 10th, 2022 -

With Elon Musk buying Twitter and committing to making it better, there has been much speculation about what he might purchase and restore next. The possibilities are endless!

Here are a few of our ideas for things Elon should buy and fix next:

Facebook: And bring back poking!

ESPN: Make it about sports again!

Apple Inc.: Then officially rename "pregnant man emoji" to "Bill Gates emoji."

The show Firefly: And announce 12 new seasons.

US Congress: Just launch it into the sun.

Public schools: And make them stop grooming.

Zach Snyder’s Justice League: Reinsert Superman’s mustache!

Texas Roadhouse: Change the whole menu to just the rolls with honey cinnamon butter.

LeCroix: Add flavor

Your mom: And make her lose some weight.

Wordle: And make it impossible to share your score.

Chick-Fil-A: ...And keep everything the same.

Spider-Man 3: Make the whole movie one extended goth Peter Parker dance scene.

BLM: Make them actually care about black lives.

Mitt Romney: Install testicles.

Amy Schumer: Make her stop.

Chrysler Motors: Bring back the PT Cruiser!

Pfizer: Maybe he can get the vaccines to work.

Frisbees: I throw them straight but they don't go straight! Why do they keep curving?!

Our teenagers: No, seriously--do you want them?

Bill Gates: Install an empathy chip using Neuralink.

Democratic Party: Make them care about the people they serve rather than just obtaining power.

Republican Party: Make them care about the people they serve rather than just obtaining power.

Libertarian Party: Scrap for parts.

Amazon's Lord of the Rings: Burn it to the ground and make everyone involved apologize to JRR Tolkien.

Babylon Bee: Make them come up with a third joke. Also, free Cybertrucks.

OZ Round Table: Just add Members.
1000 Smileys don't count.
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Was just playing arround with the smilies and want to see your best smiley story board.
Who's up for it?

 :mob: :help: :super: :neener: :chair: :slap: :thanks:
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These Anti-Semitic Activists Don’t Want Elon Musk To Bring Free Speech to Twitter
Anti-Semitic Women's March leaders Carmen Perez, Tamika D. Mallory, Bob Bland, and Linda Sarsour 

May 10, 2022
Several of the groups calling on advertisers to boycott Twitter—citing Elon Musk's objectionable views—are at the forefront of the campaign to boycott Israel and are known for trafficking in anti-Semitic canards.

In the wake of Musk's $44 billion purchase of the social media site, a coalition of far-left groups is urging Twitter's advertisers to boycott the sale, claiming that Musk "intends to steamroll" restrictions on speech and "provide a megaphone to extremists who traffic in disinformation," according to an open letter sent last week to Twitter's advertisers, which reportedly include Disney, Coca-Cola, and Kraft.

Yet many of the groups involved in the anti-Musk campaign are known for trafficking in anti-Semitic tropes and promoting falsehoods about Israel, often on social media platforms like Twitter. They include Black Lives Matter, the Women's March, Kairos, and Friends of the Earth—all of which are known for stoking Jew-hatred and leading the charge to boycott Israel. Musk last week questioned who is funding and organizing these groups, which he says want to "control your access to information."

The Black Lives Matter movement, for instance, describes Israel as an "apartheid state" and supports efforts by the anti-Israel community to delegitimize the Jewish state.

"We are a movement committed to ending settler colonialism in all forms and will continue to advocate for Palestinian liberation (always have. And always will be)," the group tweeted in 2021, along with the hashtag "free Palestine."

The official Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement's Twitter account thanked Black Lives Matter for its support. "From Ferguson to Palestine, our struggles against racism, white supremacy, and for a just world are united!" BDS wrote in a follow-up tweet.

Patrisse Khan-Cullors, one of Black Lives Matter's cofounders, in 2015 traveled to the Palestinian territories and declared in an interview, "This is an apartheid state. … We can't deny that and if we do deny it we are a part of the Zionist violence."

Mike Gonzalez, a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation think tank who studies the BLM movement, said the group's anti-Israel agenda is at the heart of the movement.

"The heart of the West is Christianity, and Judaism is at the heart of Christianity," Gonzales wrote in a 2021 analysis. "Christ was a practicing Jew, as were Mary, Joseph, and likely all the apostles, who worshipped at the Jewish temple along with Jesus. Anyone who truly wants to dismantle the West, to ‘problematize' it in critical race theory lingo, will want to start there first."

Another group joining the anti-Musk cause is the Women's March, a far-left coalition of activists who oppose former president Donald Trump. The group has been dogged by charges of anti-Semitism since its inception.

Three Women's March founders—Palestinian activist and BDS supporter Linda Sarsour, Tamika Mallory, and Bob Bland—left the organization in 2019 due to their promotion of anti-Semitic tropes and aggressive advocacy against Israel, which was seen as undermining the group's credibility and isolating Jewish members.

The New York Times reported in 2018 that the Women's March was "roiled by accusations of anti-Semitism," including efforts to remove Jewish members from prominent positions within the group. The Women's March also formed an alliance with longtime anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam movement.

Sarsour, in particular, has trafficked in anti-Semitism. "Israel was built on the idea that Jews are supreme to everybody else," she said during a 2019 speech. "How can you be against white supremacy in the United States of America and the idea of living in a supremacist state based on race and class, but then you support a state like Israel that is built on supremacy?"
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Hate Mail?

Cash Donations?
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To: smee
From: The Tello Files
Re: shut up

This office has concluded 8 minutes of extensive research
on the subject of UFOs over OZ.

You are advised to google it.


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:smee!: "UFO NO!"
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Ron Tello Culley
I watch "Ancient Aliens" too!

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You can't shake hands with a
clenched fist.

-Indira Gandhi

Indira Priyadarshini Gandhi was the third prime minister of India, as well as the first — and so far, only — woman to hold the position. She served four terms, stepping in and out of the role during the tumultuous period of the mid-20th century.

In her life, she fought for India's independence from Britain and rose to become a highly influential leader, though with a complicated legacy. As a powerful figure in government, she was often called upon to host negotiations between reluctant parties. She understood that even when there is animosity, an agreement can be reached if both sides are willing to listen and shake hands. Step one is to unclench the fists; we can only move forward after letting go of anger.
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AGs Sue Biden Admin For Colluding With Big Tech To Censor Speech
MAY 10, 2022

As states push back against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ plan to combat “disinformation,” two attorneys general sued him, President Joe Biden, and other top officials over claims they colluded with social media companies to censor speech.

The attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana filed suit in U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana Monroe Division. They sued Biden, former press secretary Jen Psaki, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Mayorkas, the new director of DHS’ “Disinformation Governance Board” Nina Jankowicz, and others.

The attorneys general say Biden and his officials colluded with big tech companies, including Meta, Twitter, and Youtube, to censor truthful information about a range of issues – including the coronavirus, election integrity and Hunter Biden’s laptop – under the guise of combating “misinformation.”

Biden and his officials “coerced, threatened, and pressured social-media platforms to censor disfavored speakers and viewpoints by using threats of adverse government action,” and are “now directly colluding with social-media platforms to censor disfavored speakers and viewpoints,” the AGs argue.

Doing so violates the First Amendment, the Administrative Procedure Act, and exceeds statutory authority, the AGs argue. DHS creating a disinformation board also violates federal statutes, the complaint, filed Thursday, alleges.

“In direct contravention to the First Amendment and freedom of speech, the Biden Administration has been engaged in a pernicious campaign to both pressure social media giants to censor and suppress speech and work directly with those platforms to achieve that censorship in a misguided and Orwellian campaign against ‘misinformation,’” Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt said.

“Big Tech has become an extension of Biden’s Big Government, and neither are protecting the freedoms of Americans; rather, they are suppressing truth and demonizing those who think differently,” Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry said.

“Ripped from the playbook of Stalin and his ilk, Biden has been colluding with Big Tech to censor free speech and propagandize the masses. We are fighting back to ensure the rule of law and prevent the government from unconstitutional banning, chilling, and stifling of speech.”

They point to examples of then presidential candidate Biden seeking to have social media companies censor speech. In a Jan. 17, 2020, interview with the New York Times editorial board, Biden said Section 230 should be revoked because social-media companies weren’t doing enough to censor information. He also “suggested that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg should be subject to civil liability and even criminal prosecution for not censoring enough political speech,” the brief alleges.

It also points to examples of Psaki and Murthy stating in press briefings that Facebook and social media platforms should be doing more to combat health “misinformation.” Schmitt has been posting clips of their remarks on Twitter.

“We’re saying we expect more from our technology companies,” Murthy said. …. We’re asking them to monitor misinformation more closely. We’re asking them to consistently take action against misinformation super-spreaders on their platforms,” the complaint points out.

Psaki also told reporters, “‘[W]e are in regular touch with these social media platforms, and those engagements typically happen through members of our senior staff, but also members of our COVID-19 team, given, as Dr. Murthy conveyed, this is a big issue of misinformation, specifically on the pandemic.’ She added, ‘We’re flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation.’”

Last February, in the wake of Spotify’s move to add advisory warnings to Joe Rogan’s podcast, Psaki said, “… we want every platform to continue doing more to call out … mis- and disinformation while also uplifting accurate information.”

The lawsuit also points to Facebook censoring posts after Fauci, “coordinating with others, orchestrated a campaign to discredit the lab-leak hypothesis in early 2020,” the complaint states. “At the same time as he was orchestrating a campaign to falsely discredit the lab-leak theory, Dr. Fauci was exchanging emails with Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, regarding the control and dissemination of COVID-19 information.”

Facebook has been partnering “with government experts, health authorities and researchers to take ‘aggressive action against misinformation about COVID-19 and vaccines to protect public health,’” according to statements made by Facebook cited in the complaint.

The AGs point to Twitter’s policy of labeling and removing posts by anyone claiming face masks don’t prevent the spread of the coronavirus, and to Youtube censoring U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Kentucky, and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis after they questioned mask efficacy.

The lawsuit was filed after they joined 18 other AGs in demanding that Mayorkas immediately disband DHS’s disinformation board. Schmitt also expressed alarm about comments made by its new director.

She’s “called for more aggressive censorship of election-related speech by social-media platforms, and has implied that social-media censorship of election-related speech should never relent or be reduced,” he said.
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Bill Maher Calls Democrats “The Party of Poopers”
Even liberals can't stand the Democrats!
OCTOBER 12, 2017
Editor’s note: This article has been updated.

While there is no shortage of issues conservatives disagree with HBO’s Bill Maher on, the liberal host practically looks like a rabid right-winger compared to how radical the far-left has become.

Whether it be in regards to criticizing Islam, third-wave feminism, the importance of free speech, outrage culture, or political correctness, Maher is often the only voice pushing against his liberal panel.

The man deserves credit for seeing the faults on his own side, and it’s often amusing to see him blast his fellow liberals over them because he agrees with contemporary conservative criticism of the left.

Bill Maher Meet C.S. Lewis
Here’s another perfect example: C.S. Lewis once famously remarked that “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”

Doesn’t that accurately describe the left? Liberals today have became the moral busybodies that Lewis warned us about.

And in a monologue on his show last week, Maher agreed with Lewis and put liberals on blast.

“People want to drain the swamp, not ban Big Gulps. Yes, I understand you have 1,000 good ideas on how I should live my life, check my privilege, and sort my recycling.  And we’ll get to that, but first we need to get some Democrats elected and that’s hard when the movement to childproof the world had made Republicans the party of freedom and Democrats the party of poopers.”

Wow. He really nailed it there.

Watch the whole thing below:
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Mattel Unveils New Pregnant Ken Doll

May 10th, 2022 -

EL SEGUNDO, CA—This morning, Mattel announced the launch of a new Barbie-themed toy: a pregnant Ken doll. The move has been hailed as an exciting step forward for trans inclusion.

“Everyone needs to see themselves in their toys," said Mattel executive Andrew Schiewe. "For too long, pregnant boys have been excluded. Today, this finally changes. We are pleased to announce the summer rollout of Pregnant Ken!”

According to reports, the gathered press pool in front of Mattel’s headquarters applauded and whooped for several minutes at Schiewe’s announcement, after which he was able to resume speaking. “All kinds of kids need toys for self-expression: small kids and big kids, sweet kids and nasty kids, poor kids and white kids, as our President says.”

After the reporters from The Washington Post and The Atlantic had to be asked to settle down, Mr. Schiewe spoke again, this time to elaborate on Pregnant Ken's accessories. “Paternity pants, ginger gum for morning sickness, and even postpartum lotion are all sold separately. We emphasize that Ken needs holistic pregnancy care, even for the ‘4th trimester’ when he needs extra support as he adjusts to his new role as a birthing person.”

At publishing time, Mattel had announced a hurried rollout of the new Abortionist Ken, to satisfy pro-choice groups who complained on Twitter about birthing people being put on a pedestal.
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Jack Thomas
Everyone that voted The Biden Ticket, you are individually responsible this for economy. Put them O'Biden / Harris stickers back on your cars, fly your Biden B-B-B flags at your homes and let America know how YOU Proudly helped destroy OUR economy. Gutless Cowardly Flocks.

Ron Tello Culley
What Jack said.

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President Bidenflation Blames
Everyone Else

Inflation is up 8.3%, but the man most responsible has nothing but scapegoats.

8.3% inflation is now good news. Think about that one for a moment.

Today’s inflation report is terrible news, of course, because for yet another month under Joe Biden, inflation is sky high. And even though April’s 8.3% annualized rate is less than March’s 8.5% — the first monthly decline in eight months — it once again exceeded the expectations of “experts,” the economic dolts who continue to be unable to see what the rest of us do quite clearly.

Bad news: According to The Wall Street Journal, “The so-called core-price index — which excludes the often-volatile categories of food and energy — increased 0.6% on the month, a sharp pickup from March’s 0.3% gain.” In other words, the prices most people are affected by increased even faster in April than in March.

More bad news: Much of what caused inflation to ease a bit in April was moderating gas prices. Yet gas prices are back up in May, hitting a nominal record yesterday and breaking that record again today at $4.40 a gallon.

Has inflation peaked? It’s hard to tell, but when the economy is experiencing shortages of basics like baby formula, it sure doesn’t feel like it.

Never fear, though, the man who made this mess reassured an anxious nation yesterday by garbling a deceitful teleprompter message and taking no responsibility for anything. About the only thing Biden said that was true is this: “I know that families all across America are hurting because of inflation.”

The rest was a hash of either unintelligible Bidenisms or blame-casting:

“The number one threat is the strength, and and uh that strength that we built is inflation.”

“We control all three branches of government. Well, we don’t really.”

“I think our policies help, not hurt.”

“Republicans love to attack me as a big spender, as if that’s the reason why inflation has gone up.”

“It’s not because of spending. We brought down the deficit.” (We noted two days ago why that claim is a lie.)

So whose fault is it?

Biden blamed “a once-in-a-century pandemic” that “shut down our global economy.” No, politicians shut down our economy. He also blamed “Mr. Putin’s war in Ukraine.” To be sure, the war has put intense upward pressure on gas and food prices, but Putin invaded because he knew Biden is weak, and in any case the U.S. economy could withstand it better if Biden wasn’t shutting down American oil production and redirecting even more food (corn) into our gas tanks — the latter of which he counterfactually touted as something that will “drive down prices.”

He called the pandemic and Putin the “two leading causes of inflation,” but he had a third villain: “The Ultra-MAGA Agenda.” Note that anytime a leftist puts the word “ultra” in front of something conservative, it’s meant to scare people, not to inform them.

Here it’s also meant to deceive. Biden cast it as a choice. His plan, he said, is “to lower employer — lower everyday costs for — everyday costs for hardworking families and lower the deficit by asking large corporations and the wealthiest Americans to not engage in price gouging and to pay their fair share in taxes.”

By contrast, he warned, “The Republican plan is to increase taxes on the middle-class families and let billionaires and large companies off the hook as they raise profit and — raise prices and reap profits at record number — record amounts.”

He’s conveniently referring to an ill-advised plan from Senator Rick Scott of Florida, not Wisconsin, as Biden said. “All Americans should pay some income tax to have skin in the game, even if a small amount,” Scott said in February. Democrats predictably cast that general policy idea as a specific plan to raise taxes on millions of Americans. The truth is that Democrats do plan to raise taxes on millions of Americans by allowing the 2017 Republican tax cuts to expire.

Republicans, Biden said, “don’t want to solve inflation by lowering your costs, they want to solve it by raising your taxes and lowering your income.” It is Biden’s inflation that has wages failing to keep up.

Back to that deficit canard, Biden did in fact proclaim another truth: “Reducing the deficit is one of the main ways we can ease inflationary pressures.” The problem is his deficit “reduction” is entirely an accident of timing combined with a failure to pass his $3.5 trillion Build Back Better agenda.

And here’s the other inconvenient truth: Yes, a lot of reckless COVID spending happened on Donald Trump’s watch, though he was dealing with a Democrat-controlled Congress writing that legislation. But it wasn’t until Biden’s $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan redistributed so much more “free” money after the recovery was already well under way that inflation really began to take off. When Trump left office, inflation was still 1.4% and gas was $2.39 a gallon.

Biden says, “I want every American to know that I’m taking inflation very seriously and it’s my top domestic priority.” That may be the most terrifying thing he said.
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These Mobs Are Wrong AND Illegal
The president appears unwilling to control the leftist mobs in his midst.

Remember when, back in 1973, that mob of pro-life zealots surrounded the home of Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun after he authored the High Court’s Roe v. Wade opinion, which guaranteed a woman’s right to an abortion?

Or the time, back in 1992, when similar mobs set up camps at the homes of Sandra Day O'Connor, Anthony Kennedy, and David Souter, directing shouts of “Shame!” and “Baby killer!” toward the three associate justices who coauthored the court’s plurality opinion in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which upheld Roe?

Neither do we. Because these things never happened. That’s in part because any effort to intimidate a judge is illegal. As columnist Marc Thiessen notes: “Federal law — Section 1507 of Title 18 of the U.S. Code — clearly states that it is unlawful to protest near a ‘residence occupied or used by [a] judge, juror, witness, or court officer’ with the intent of influencing ‘the discharge of his duty,’ adding that anyone who ‘uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.’”

In short: It’s obstruction of justice. It’s no different than tampering with witnesses or a jury. (Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer says he’s comfortable with obstruction of justice. “If protests are peaceful, yes. My house, there’s protests 3-4 times a week outside my house.” Same with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who seems thrilled by “how so many have channeled their righteous anger into meaningful action.”)

But more than simply knowing and respecting the law, we on the Right routinely avoid mob behavior because — let’s just say it — we hold ourselves to higher standards of decency than those on the Left.

We on the Right don’t mob up and terrorize others when things don’t go our way. We don’t. We’re not like thuggish Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters. We’re not like the aforementioned Chuck Schumer.

Even those on the fringes of the Right know the difference between, say, storming a government building to protest a stolen election and invading a quiet residential neighborhood to intimidate a judge and terrorize his family — or, for that matter, to do the same to a Fox News personality and his family.

But you already knew all this. You already had a deeply felt belief that a person’s home is sacred.

What about our president, though? You know, Joe Biden. Does he think our homes are sacred, inviolable? After all, he’s the guy who during his inaugural address said: “My whole soul is in this. Bringing America together. Uniting our people. And uniting our nation.”

He’s the guy who also said: “We can see each other not as adversaries but as neighbors. We can treat each other with dignity and respect. We can join forces, stop the shouting, and lower the temperature. For without unity, there is no peace, only bitterness and fury. No progress, only exhausting outrage. No nation, only a state of chaos.”

He’s the guy who promised to be “a president for all Americans” and pledged to “fight as hard for those who did not support me as for those who did.”

So much for all that. “Unity,” he snarled.

Aside from his hollow pledges to unite us, though, what about abiding by his Oath of Office? Remember: He swore to “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and … preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Maybe he’s just too busy unifying us with bridge-building words such as, “This MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history — in recent American history.”

Maybe he’s just thinking of ways to fold that “ultra-MAGA agenda” into his own “America Last” platform.

The sad truth is, Joe Biden has lost control of the country. He’s like a tiny ship on a stormy ocean.

"Man, once surrendering his reason, has no remaining guard against absurdities the most monstrous, and like a ship without rudder, is the sport of every wind. With such persons, gullibility, which they call faith, takes the helm from the hand of reason and the mind becomes a wreck." —Thomas Jefferson (1822)

He’s at the mercy of events. As our Nate Jackson wrote earlier this week:

Conservative justices are canceling speeches, being targeted in their homes, and condemning the leak and the attempted intimidation. The Leftmedia is busy gaslighting about right-wing violence and blaming a right-wing leaker. And the White House is practically approving of the mob and sitting on its hands regarding prosecuting the leaker. Every day that goes by waiting on the Court to issue its opinion is fraught with political peril.

Peril indeed. A Wisconsin pro-life group’s office was fire-bombed early Sunday and vandalized with abortion-themed graffiti. It only takes one nutcase, one leftist lunatic, to be the next James Hodgkinson.

Get a grip on your country, Mr. President. Enforce the Rule of Law. Or resign your office.
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Kim Woolfe
They are probably satellites.

Jessica Garcia
I have. I recorded one about a month ago. Definitely not satellites. Much closer. I thought maybe a drone, it was bouncing up and down in one spot. I saw it as I started up the 330, but as I got closer it never did, it was so strange. I ended up getting freaked out and hurried home

Ron Tello Culley
I have at least 4 of them in my airspace every night.
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The ‘Party of Science’ Is in Fact Anti-Science
Democrats disingenuously attempt to use science to rubber-stamp their leftist political agenda.

MAY 11, 2022

Leftists love to proclaim that they are the ones on the side of “science.” Excuse us — Science™. They do so as they point the finger of condemnation at Republicans, accusing them of being “anti-science” and therefore representing an existential threat to not only science but to society itself.

If judging by the percentage of Democrat faculty members in America’s institutions of higher learning is the parameter used to determine which political party is most affiliated with scientists, one might have an argument. Yet whatever the political persuasion of the majority of American scientists, it is not a legitimate scientific metric for determining which party platform most stands on the science.

Nevertheless, the perception remains that Democrats are the “party of science,” and this is thanks in large part to both the mainstream media and academia. But a look at the party’s policies reveals not a party standing for science but rather a party standing in opposition to science.

Just one glaring example that demonstrates this reality is the Democrats’ stance on abortion. As Democrats have become ideologically committed to not only maintaining the legality of abortion but even declaring it a “human right,” the science on abortion has actually gone in the opposite direction. There is now no longer any question when it comes to the science as to whether or not a preborn baby is indeed a human being. Scientific reality supports and upholds the arguments of the pro-life position.

The question of when life begins has been answered — at conception. It is no longer merely a faith-based assertion but a scientifically certified reality.

However, when the question of when life begins is raised to the Democrats, the response is decidedly unscientific. Often the answer given is not an answer at all but an emotionally laden straw man — screams that Republicans are attempting to exert control over the bodies of women. Of course, what is missing in that asinine claim is any acknowledgement of or concern for the body of the preborn human.

We could go on to point out the other issue de jour: “transgenderism.” People are born boys or girls, with XY or XX chromosome pairings. There’s no such thing, scientifically, as a boy deciding he’s really a girl.

And then there’s masks for COVID. The science is at best ambiguous on whether masks are effective, but anyone who doesn’t wear one in certain circumstances is hectored (or worse), and many leftists have developed a devotion to masking that is far more religious than scientific.

Or take climate change. Even assuming the earth’s climate is changing does not say anything about the government policies best suited to address it. But conservatives are labeled “science deniers” if they dare question subsidies for electric vehicles, carbon tax credits, emissions regulations, solar power, and so on.

The truth is that Democrats have no scientific foundation upon which to rest their ideologically driven political positions. Indeed, their political party generally stands in opposition to the science.

Knowing that science is widely viewed as objective — and, when done properly, it is the closest that naturally biased humanity can get to objectivity — Democrats have sought to cultivate themselves as the one party committed to standing on science. The clear marketing message being sent is that the Democrat Party is therefore the more objectively based political party. But the great irony is that between the two major parties’ policies, it’s the Republicans who are more scientifically consistent. Democrats treat science like a wax nose, constantly twisting it to serve their political goals when more often than not it counters them.
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Release the Kraken!
A lot of momma bears rose up when they were told they have no business being involved in their children’s education.

MAY 11, 2022

Well, it’s finally happened! George Orwell’s book 1984 is beginning to take place right before our eyes. The Department of Homeland Security, established after 9/11 to protect us from foreign adversaries, has changed its mission. Now it is going after the real threat to America — white supremacists, nationalists, and MAGA people. Who knew?

To counter this threat, DHS has established “The Ministry of Truth.” Okay, they call it the Disinformation Governance Board, but that’s a distinction without a difference. The person who has been placed into the leadership role of this Disinformation Board is amazing. Her little TikTok video in which she sings about fighting disinformation looks more like a tryout to become a Disney World cast member!

This young lady has a history of spreading disinformation — like the Steele dossier was real and the Hunter Biden laptop is Russian disinformation — but we are told she is unbiased. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorka, when questioned by Congress, was unaware of her bias. Apparently, you don’t need a basic background check for her position. Keep in mind, this is from the same person who sat before another committee with a straight face and declared our southern border was closed!

I believe many Americans are finally starting to wake up as to how far the Left is willing to go to silence free speech. Take the recent leak from the Supreme Court. It took no time to get hundreds of radical pro-choice demonstrators on the steps of the Supreme Court, threatening violence to anyone who tries to stop them from murdering unborn children (Biden actually called them children).

Anytime a conservative speaks out about the attempt to silence free speech, the media mob goes absolutely insane. All of the usual suspects go on TV and melt down right before our eyes. That’s if anyone is still watching these morons like Joy Reid, Don Lemon, Anderson Pooper — I mean Cooper — Rachel Maddow, most of the ladies on “The View,” CNN, MSNBC, and on and on it goes.

The “tolerance” crowd is the most intolerant group in the country. They’ll doxx you, threaten your life, and assault you if there are no police around. And, thanks to them, in most liberal cities there aren’t many. The Left accuses us of being domestic terrorists as it silences any speech it disagrees with. When I was in the Marine Corps many years ago, the thought of college students needing puppies, a safe place, and counseling after hearing speech they disagreed with would have been beyond comprehension.

I hope and pray the tide is turning. The soccer moms who elected Governor Glenn Youngkin in Virginia were not all Republicans. A lot of momma bears rose up when they were told they have no business being involved in their children’s education. Say what!?

Now we have leftists all across the nation melting down because Florida Governor Ron DeSantis thought that LGBTQ issues, gender confusion, and drag queen stories were inappropriate for children grades K-3rd. Disney declared war on Florida!

The way for this to change is for Republicans to develop a backbone and stand up to this nonsense. With our nation falling apart from within as a result of the most incompetent administration we’ve ever seen, we can’t stay silent. We WILL remember at the ballot box!

Something to think about?
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Erica L Marquez
UFOs are the government

Ron Tello Culley
Did somebody say "Area 51"?

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Mouthy leftist Bette Midler actually claims Planned Parenthood 'isn't killing children,' chalks up their deaths to the NRA — and gets bashed for it
"The stuff The Tello Files loves to eat raw"
May 11, 2022

Bette Midler — the outspoken left-wing activist who's also known for singing and acting — posted a tweet over the weekend actually claiming Planned Parenthood "isn't killing children" and that the National Rifle Association really is to blame for their deaths:

“Planned Parenthood isn’t killing children,” Midler's tweeted meme states. “You’re thinking of the NRA.”

Say what?
The Daily Wire pointed out that while the NRA supports legal and responsible gun ownership and provides firearms training, it doesn't sell guns or ammunition.

But according to Planned Parenthood's most recently available stats, the organization performed 354,871 abortions in its 2019-2020 fiscal year — and a number of commenters on Midler's tweet argued in that spirit, saying Planned Parenthood certainly does kill children.

"Funny, I haven’t killed anyone, and I’m a lifelong NRA member. I also don’t know anyone who owns a firearm, that has killed a child with said firearm. However, I can name several acquaintances who have had abortions — some multiple abortions," one commenter replied.

"Planned Parenthood was designed to eradicate the black children in the U.S. by Margaret Sanger. It is still going on today. 79% of Planned Parenthood offices are in poor neighborhoods," another user told Midler. "What does that tell you?"

"So why is it considered double homicide to kill a pregnant woman? If it's not 'killing a baby'? And NRA isn't killing people. People are killing people. With knives, swords, guns, blunt objects, cars, hands, etc.," another commenter pointed out.

"Planned Parenthood has been murdering babies for decades...that's their main purpose for existing...taxpayers should not have to pay for other people's fund them..please post examples of the NRA killing liberal lunatic..." another user wrote.
And then there was this comeback:

Hooray, there's more!
Midler's tweet was far from her only social media activity in the wake of last week's news of a leaked draft decision from the Supreme Court that would overturn Roe v. Wade, which made abortion legal across the country in 1973:

She just can't keep that thing buttoned, can she?
This wouldn't be the first time Midler opened her mouth a tad too wide:

Last December she apologized after describing West Virginia as "poor, illiterate and strung out."

Last summer she proposed a sex strike to fight Texas' abortion law but got torn to shreds by both sides of the political aisle.

In May 2021, Midler got smacked down after comparing unvaccinated children attending in-person school to bringing peanut products to classrooms despite the danger to children with peanut allergies: "If my kid can't bring peanut butter to school then yours can't bring the deathly plague. Vaccinate or I'm bringing the Jiffy."

In August 2020, she kinda-sorta apologized after a deluge of criticism for calling then-first lady Melania Trump an "illegal alien" during the Republican National Convention and saying, "Oh, God. She still can't speak English."
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Blast from the past...
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What OPSEC Is and Why It’s Important for Preppers

The military term OPSEC, which stands for “Operational Security”, is something that applies directly to prepping. In the military, it’s all about keeping enemies from knowing your capability.

Considerable effort on the part of intelligence agencies goes into figuring out what weapons other countries have, what those weapons systems are capable of, how big many soldiers or sailors are in the other country’s military, and just how well trained they are at all levels. About as much effort goes into hiding that information; that’s the OPSEC part.

For us in the prepper movement, the idea is pretty much the same. While the people in our community might not be trying to find out what we have today, should a disaster happen and they find themselves hungry and lacking in supplies, you can be sure that they will be working hard to find out what you and I have and how they can get their hands on it.

You can’t even count on your friends and neighbors in that time. How many times have you heard someone say, “If a disaster happens, I’ll just go to your house?” Are you ready to receive them? Do you have enough food for those families? When you tell them “No” are they going to stick a gun in your nose to get what you have?

Friendships are fragile things in the face of crisis. Both Germany and Japan were enemies during World War II; but now they are both allies. On the other hand, Russia was an ally, but is now appearing more and more to be an enemy. Granted, they were an ally of necessity and not of friendship; but that relationship didn’t last long once the war was over. How long do you really think your friendships will last when people are starving?

OPSEC can be broken down into two general categories for us in the prepping community. There’s the OPSEC we need to practice now, as we prepare for a disaster; and there’s the OPSEC we will need to practice after a disaster strikes, to keep our relative affluence a secret.

Prepping OPSEC
In reality, OPSEC should start the very first day that any of us start prepping. More than anything, we need to hide what we’re doing from those around us, especially friends and neighbors, as those are the people who usually see what we are doing.

Prepping includes so many different aspects that it can be difficult to hide our actions. But some things are easier to hide then others. Stockpiling should be the easiest to hide; but in order to do so, we’ve got to make sure we don’t have a truck stopping by our house and dropping off four pallets of food. If you’re going to make any major food purchases, do so in smaller chunks, bringing them into the home like normal groceries.

But what if you get a deal and have a truckload of food? Then be stealthy about how you bring it into the house. If you can, drive the truck into the garage or backyard and unload it there. Wait until nightfall if necessary to hide the unloading from the nosy neighbor who likes to look over the fence.

Once that food is in the house, it needs to be hidden so that friends and family coming to visit won’t see it. That’s fairly easy to do if you have a basement to store it in; but it can be a real challenge in a home without a basement.

We ended up hiding food under the staircase, behind furniture, covering stacks of cases of food with tablecloths so that they looked like tables, and putting food under the beds. Every home has a lot of good hiding places for food, if we take the time to look for them.

Prepping Projects
Other things aren’t as easy to hide as food is. Rainwater capture, gardening, solar power, wind turbines and a huge stack of firewood are all things that every neighbor will see. The best you can do for those things is to give another reason for them all.

Tell them you’re growing a garden because you don’t like GMOs and your rainwater capture is to provide water for that garden. Wind and solar power can be explained away as trying to save money on your energy bills.

I used to be an engineer and I’m a woodworker, so my neighbors are used to me tinkering with things and hearing the sounds of power tools coming from my garage at all times. They all think I’m a bit eccentric, so they’re not surprised when I put up a new “experimental” wind turbine or a homemade solar hot water heater. Because I have a ready excuse for those items, they never broach the subject of why it is there.

Watch What You Say
Keep in mind that your friends and family are going to be the hardest people to hide things from. Not only are those people in your home, but you talk with them regularly. It’s easy to let slip what you’re doing, especially if you want to talk them into doing it too.

You’ve got to watch out and if you do broach the subject, trying to get them into prepping, make sure you let them know you’re not building a stockpile that’s big enough for their family too.

Disaster OPSEC
Once a disaster strikes, the rules of OPSEC change as well. No longer are you concerned about people seeing you bring extra food and toilet paper into the house, now you’re concerned about them seeing you use those items.

Things that were normal just a day earlier will suddenly be obvious signs that you have food, electricity, heat and other things as well. The people around you will be attuned to smells like never before. Anything will arouse their suspicion.

Cooking in a Post-Disaster World
People’s sense of smell will be very acute in a post-disaster world, especially if they’re going hungry. This means that they’ll easily smell anything you’re cooking. That’s probably especially true if you’re cooking food on the grille.

If you’ve got a fire going in the fireplace, they’re going to smell that too. But that fire might work to help mask the smell of cooking food, especially if you cook over the fireplace. If you have to cook something before you can eat it, try not to use any spices as that will make the food much easier to smell.

You may have to put yourself on a strict diet in the wake of a disaster, especially if it looks like it’s going to become a long-term survival situation. People around you will be starving, losing weight, and dying. If you manage to stay nice and plump, they’ll know you have food, even if they can’t smell it cooking. Losing weight is much better than losing your life to desperate people.

Trash is an easy giveaway that you have food and other essential supplies. With no trash service, your trash might build up rapidly, while the trash of your neighbors doesn’t. People who are watching might decide to take a quiet look in your trash, just to see what you have.

The easy solution for this is to bury your trash. This will require a lot of digging, so you may want to get some kind of trash compactor so the holes don’t need to be so big. Two five-gallon buckets can compact trash very well. Just put some trash in one bucket, put the other bucket inside the first one, and press down with your hands or feet.

Waste Water
It’s probably safe to assume that the sanitary sewer system will be out, as the power to run the pumps will be out as well. With that being the case, the only way we’re going to be able to get rid of waste water is to dump it out on the ground. But if there’s a steady stream of water going down the gutter from your home, people will get suspicious.

The solution to this is something we need to be doing anyway; grey water recycling. Most cleaning activities can be done with grey water, reusing the same water for more than one thing. Then, rather than allowing it to go down the gutter, use that water to keep your garden moist.

Light Discipline
Single Lit Window in Apartment Building
Another thing that will easily give away that you are better off is if they can see light coming out around the edges of your windows. Whether that is electric light or from candles, it will quickly set you apart from everyone else. Even those who have candles in their homes will probably have used those candles up in a week.

The solution here is to use blackout curtains over the windows of any room where you have light. Blackout curtains can be easily made at home out of thick, dark fabric. They need to be larger than the regular curtains so that they cover the area around the window. They’ll also need to be hung with some sort of way to stick the edges of the curtain to the wall, like Velcro.

Sound Discipline
Chances are that you’re not going to be running your television and watching movies or playing music; but what if you were? That would be a sure indicator to those watching you that you have electricity, a true luxury in a time when nobody else has it. but like other things, that can be hidden by just keeping the sound volume low.

:tello: "Earbuds are a good idea."
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You Can’t Cancel Rob Smith…
Subscribe to Can’t Cancel Rob Smith wherever you download your favorite podcasts: Spotify, iHeart, Megaphone, Stitcher, Apple, Audible, Amazon, Google.

The First TV Contributor Rob Smith is a Black, Gay Army Veteran who’s proudly free of being owned by the Radical Left.

But don’t call him far-Right either…

In an era where one wrong thought can get you “canceled” by the fringes on both sides that keep Americans at each other’s throats, Rob tackles them BOTH with sane and witty commentary that stops Cancel Culture dead in its tracks.

A decorated Iraq War Veteran, Rob served for five years in the United States Army, including two tours in the Middle East. During Operation Iraqi Freedom he was awarded the Army Commendation Medal and the Combat Infantry Badge.

In Can’t Cancel Rob Smith he gives his unique take on news, politics, pop culture, and the issues defining America’s future with clear-eyed common sense, humor…and more than a little bit of shade.

Listen to Can’t Cancel Rob Smith below:

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Biden’s ‘Minister of Truth’ says ‘trustworthy’ people should be able to ‘edit’ tweets, adding ‘fuller’ context
May 11, 2022

Corporate media-controlled narratives, radical activist-approved curricula in schools, and snowflakes seeking shelter in the form of social media echo chambers have proven that infringements on free speech are really targeting free thought, and the head of the new Disinformation Governance Board wants to help that process along.

It doesn’t seem like Nina Jankowicz can appear on screen without raising more concerns about the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) foray into “disinformation” monitoring for “national security” purposes. In her latest video, while participating in an online meeting, Jankowicz argued that individuals she deemed “not trustworthy” should have their content on Twitter edited for context by approved monitors.

“I’m verified, but there are a lot of people who shouldn’t be verified who aren’t, you know, legit, in my opinion,” Jankowicz said with disdain. “I mean, they’re real people, but they’re not trustworthy.”

“Anyway,” she went on with her proposed solution, “so verified people can, essentially, start to edit Twitter the same sort of way that Wikipedia is so they can add context to certain tweets.”

“So, just as an easy example, not from any political standpoint, if President Trump were still on Twitter and tweeted a claim about voter fraud someone could add context from one of the 60 lawsuits that went through the court or something that an election official in one of the states said, perhaps your own secretary of state and his news conferences, something like that, adding context so that people have a fuller picture rather than just an individual claim on a tweet,” Jankowicz argued.

In her opinion, there is no room for discussion. Approved narratives must be enforced at all levels of discourse. It’s not enough for “fact-checkers” to flag posts and throttle their visibility or shut down accounts of major news publications to keep a story from getting out.

No, the actual posts of people exercising their free speech must be edited for context to curb a viewer’s inclinations to think for themselves.
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‘The Best Idea We Ever Had’: 11 Quotes About National Parks

In 1872, the U.S. Congress established Yellowstone National Park, and in doing so created the first national park in America — and the world. Protected areas had existed before Yellowstone; in Europe, for example, wealthy landowners developed preservation areas to protect wildlife for hunting and trees for timber. The American model, however, went far beyond this.

Inspired by transcendentalist writers such as Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and Walt Whitman, and naturalists like John Muir, the national parks in the United States weren’t developed for the rich and privileged. Instead, they were created out of democracy, art, and philosophy, to preserve the majesty and beauty of nature for all people.

When Yellowstone was established, it was officially declared a “public park or pleasuring-ground for the benefit and enjoyment of the people.” More national parks were created across the United States in the years after, but it took decades before an agency was created to manage the protected areas. Until, on August 25, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson established the National Park Service. Today the NPS manages 423 sites across the country, covering more than 84 million acres.

National Parks are now found all across the globe, from Banff National Park in Canada to Kilimanjaro National Park in Tanzania. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), close to 15% of Earth's land and 10% of its territorial waters are now covered by national parks and other protected areas. These parks have long been a source of inspiration, and many famous figures have commented on both their beauty and their importance.

However orderly your excursions or aimless, again and again amid the calmest, stillest scenery you will be brought to a standstill hushed and awe-stricken before phenomena wholly new to you.
– Naturalist John Muir, writing about Yellowstone National Park in 1889
Within National Parks is room — glorious room — room in which to find ourselves, in which to think and hope, to dream and plan, to rest and resolve.
– Enos Mills (1870-1922), American naturalist, author and primary creator of Rocky Mountain National Park

A sort of national property, in which every man has a right and interest who has an eye to perceive and a heart to enjoy.
– William Wordsworth, writing of the concept of a national park in the Lake District in "A guide through the district of the lakes in the north of England," 1835

The tendency nowadays to wander in the wilderness is delightful to see. Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wilderness is a necessity; and that mountain parks and reservations are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers, but as fountains of life.
– John Muir, writing in "Our National Parks," 1901

There is nothing so American as our national parks... The fundamental idea behind the parks... is that the country belongs to the people, that it is in process of making for the enrichment of the lives of all of us.
– President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1934

National parks are the best idea we ever had. Absolutely American, absolutely democratic, they reflect us at our best rather than our worst.
– Wallace Stegner, American novelist, short story writer and environmentalist, 1983

National parks and reserves are an integral aspect of intelligent use of natural resources. It is the course of wisdom to set aside an ample portion of our natural resources as national parks and reserves, thus ensuring that future generations may know the majesty of the earth as we know it today.
– President John F. Kennedy, World Conference on National Parks, 1962

The national parks belong to everyone. To the people. To all of us. The government keeps saying so and maybe, in this one case at least, the government is telling the truth. Hard to believe, but possible.
– Edward Abbey, American author and essayist, in “Appalachian Wilderness,” 1970

When I was about 15, I went to work at Yosemite National Park. It changed me forever. Nature had carved its own sculpture, and I was part of it, not the other way around.
– Robert Redford

I've been through legislation creating a dozen national parks, and there's always the same pattern. When you first propose a park, and you visit the area and present the case to the local people, they threaten to hang you. You go back in five years and they think it's the greatest thing that ever happened.
– Congressman Mo Udall in "Too Funny to Be President," 1988
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