Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2806511 times)


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Biden’s Promise to Forgive
Student Loans
Faces Huge Hurdles

Joe Biden announced a nonspecific intention to compel taxpayers to pay off a broad range of outstanding student loan debt last month. The blatant attempt to pump up his tanking approval ratings among younger voters has some significant issues standing in the way.

May Davis wrote an opinion article for The Federalist this week that outlines some of the legal problems the Biden promise faces. Those hurdles are in addition to the inflationary effects and the incentives forgiving student loan debt would give colleges to bump up tuition costs even higher.

The largest problem Biden faces is the lack of executive power under the Constitution to unilaterally order debt relief without some expressed delegation of the authority to do so from Congress. There is no such authority that Congress has passed on to the president.

Most proponents of a presidential order to forgive student debt look to the Higher Education Act of 1965. That law created a loan program involving the federal government and private lenders. The lenders agreed to provide student loans at lower rates in exchange for a federal guarantee of the loans.

The federal government does not directly own the loans outside of some specific default conditions. It is generally impossible under contract law to forgive a claim for a contract one does not own.

In 1992, Congress granted some repayment grace periods for persons experiencing “financial hardship.” In 2003, Congress acted again to grant deferments and in some cases cancellation to students affected by 9/11, either by joining the military service or being directly harmed by a national emergency.

Even when the government made the loan program a system of direct government loans rather than guarantees in 2010, the executive branch was not granted the power to “bail out” borrowers.

Courts interpret statutes by giving priority to specific provisions over general statements. When Congress makes the effort to lay out specific instructions on when the executive branch can defer or forgive loans, the power granted is limited to the specifics and is not a general grant of power to act in ways not set out in the statutory language.

In 2010, the Congressional Budget Office reported to Congress that the revised student loan system would provide additional revenue to the federal government of $68 billion over 10 years. That projection alone smashes the idea that Biden somehow has the authority to obligate taxpayers to a $2 trillion bailout for borrowers including doctors, lawyers, and PhDs.

The question that also becomes a serious problem has to do with what happens to the student loan system after there is a widespread forgiveness of existing debt. The true problem facing the education system is that the existing loan program creates perverse incentives.

Colleges are encouraged to jack tuition up as high as possible, knowing that taxpayers will be paying the bill. Students are incentivized to enter programs that are not likely to result in graduation or career success, knowing that there will not be a bill for the poor decision later.

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Trump Reacts to Biden’s
MAGA Criticism, Says Movement
Is ‘Saving America’

May 5, 2022

President Joe Biden Wednesday said the “MAGA crowd” is “the most extreme political organization that’s existed in recent American history.”

The former president countered that MAGA is saving America and called President Biden “divisive,” according to a Fox News report.

“MAGA is saving America,” Trump told the network. “Our country is going to hell. MAGA is saving America.”

Trump opined the U.S. is no longer respected by the rest of the world. “Inflation, incompetent withdrawals from Afghanistan, leaving hostages horribly wounded, soldiers, $85 billion of military equipment,” Trump continued, “MAGA is saving America.”

“Ukraine should have never happened,” Trump said, explaining Russia would have never attacked Ukraine if he were president. He repeated his claim that, “MAGA is saving America.”

The Biden remarks that prompted the Trump rebuttal were issued in the wake of a leaked copy of a U.S. Supreme Court decision in an abortion case. The draft opinion authored by Justice Samuel Alito may not prevail, but if it does, national access to abortion-on-demand will end.

Biden’s frustration with state legislatures having the ability to criminalize abortion in their states likely prompted the presidential outburst. He began by saying “it’s about a lot more than abortion” before segueing into his pejorative remarks about Trump followers.

Trump later said to Fox News that Biden is “being very divisive.”

“Of course he is,” Trump reportedly said. “That’s all they know – misinformation. That is all they are good at.” The report notes Trump pointed to the “Russian collusion” investigation that lately seems to be bearing fruit with increasing action from special prosecutor John Durham. Durham indicted Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman for lying to the FBI when he said he was not working on behalf of a client when he peddled an alleged Trump-Russia connection. Jury selection for Sussman’s trial is scheduled to begin May 16.

Trump called Biden smears “misinformation” just like the claims of collusion between his 2016 campaign and Russia.

“That’s what they’re good at, and it's bad.” he concluded.
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Quote of the day

"Mr. Unity seems to forget that it's his party that's full of extremists."

— Judge Jeanine Pirro

And then there's...
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"... employees say they’re "sick of hearing about 'free speech.'"
Leftist Twitter workers losing it over 'a**hole' Elon Musk buying company, alleged internal messages show: 'We’re all going through the five stages of grief'
April 29, 2022 

Some Twitter employees are angry and indignant over Elon Musk's headline-grabbing purchase of the controversial social media platform, conservative journalist Andy Ngo wrote in a piece for the New York Post.

Ngo said those sentiments showed up in leaked internal messages from the Slack communication app, the Post reported. Ngo added in his own Twitter post that employees' "biggest fear is [former President] Donald Trump being unbanned" and that many of them "express strong hatred toward" Musk and "say they’re sick of hearing about 'free speech.'"

What allegedly was posted?
“Physically cringy watching Elon talk about free speech,” a site reliability engineer wrote, the paper said.

The Post said a senior staff software engineer — who called Musk an “a**hole" and attempted to console his colleagues — wrote, “We’re all going through the five stages of grief in cycles and everyone’s nerves are frazzled. We’re all spinning our wheels, and coming up with worst case scenarios (Trump returns! No more moderation!). The fact is that [Musk] has not talked about what he’s planning on doing in any detail outside of broad sweeping statements that could be easily seen as hyperbolic showboating."

A senior staff video engineer indicated his departure was imminent, the paper reported: “Not the place to say it perhaps, but I will not work for this company after the takeover.”

Ngo added that after a time of venting over Musk's Twitter purchase, some employees warned that their Slack messages could be searched — and with that, they moved their chats to personal devices using the encrypted app Signal.

The Post added that even before Musk's $44 billion offer was accepted Monday, Twitter employees had been fuming about their soon-to-be new boss and his pro-free-speech views.

A reliability engineering manager said Musk’s love of free expression for all "is cover for ‘I want to not be held accountable for saying or amplifying harmful things,'" the paper reported.

Another engineer wrote that “self-reported censorship is sometimes just horrible people f***ing around and then find[ing] out," the Post reported, adding that a senior content strategist replied, “And it doesn’t happen often enough.”

Ngo added that the aforementioned content strategist worked as a left-wing political operative during his non-Twitter hours and led many conversations heavily critical of Musk.

“Sometimes I think it can’t be as bad as I’m imagining it’ll be," she wrote in response to a Musk tweet last week. "Then I see something like this, and I’m all ‘nope it’ll be even worse.'"
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:tello: "I googled 'what's wrong with free speech?'.
Here are some selected search results.

You read them
and have a report on my desk first thing Monday morning in July.

I just don't get it. Americans, en masse acting as Communists.
This shite has gone wrong fo' sho'. I don't see and know everything.
These b@zt@rdz are slick and norti. Bullies, actually.

Shame and Danger!

Be somebody's Hero TODAY!!!"

And the list goes on..... Pick and choose the most interesting ones to you first.

Remember, after your submitted reports, there will be a POP QUIZ at the End of The World.

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The underlying unspoken beauty of the OZRT is.....

... I can say:

felafel shite TITS anatomical conundrum depraved gourmand AND salt of the earth

and not get booted off the site,
sent to The Sin Bin
or go to my room
without porridge.

Aussies and Yanks are Allies in the War Of Lies.
We bloody 'ell showed Hitler who's Boss!

Oh, now a spot of Mods then and again are no fuss.
Respect for the Greater Good is in fine order.

Ask smee!

:smee!: It's jollygood M8! Now smash the LeftieDemLibTards and be done with it...                               :duckling:
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Woe! I have been so bizzy researching materials,
I dint see the Lurkers creep up in here.


(I still think you are bots. Real Humans would at least
send me hate mail to verify my fears
and disgust of the species,
or DONATE to my Fund Drive...)


That Number again is
Call direct or collect!

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Linda Musselman

?????????? 🆘 🆘 🆘 ??????????
Owner is going to DUMP the female in the mountains and have the male Euthanized! We are desperately looking for a rescue/home for these two bonded pigs. Male/female both spayed/neutered! The male Presley is 9 yrs old & Bella is about 4yrs old. Presley walks funny due to a bad hip and Bella protects him. She doesn’t like to be pet but is sweet, just doesn’t like to be approached. Presley loves  people especially kids. Please help us help them! We have 1 week to get them safe! Located in Lake Arrowhead, Ca

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Jr Morales
Wish I already had my land i would take them in. 😥😢😯

Kristina Hundorf
Hope all goes well!

Roxanne Dean Runsick
Can Lisa Hames or Merri Luce help? 🥺

Grayson Lopez
If I had a larger pen for the piggies I would help. I have no room at Sonshine farms

Renee Delgado
How large are they? Do you know approximately how much they weigh?

Linda Musselman
Renee Delgado my guess is the size of a medium dog but more stout and solid. They weigh more than what they look like. I haven’t seen them but my guess would be between 125-150lbs?

Bea Gunther
wish they could live at gunthers' place in crest line....pigs are reputed to be so intelligent.....ty for all you do....

Scott M Adrian

Scott M Adrian

Ron Tello Culley

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I can look after them for a weeeeeeeeeek


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Shipping will be brutal, but...go ahead...
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Owner is going to DUMP the female in the mountains and have the male Euthanized!

Dianne Bartee Quaranta
Why would the owner have them all this time and have them spayed and neutered and now wants to kill and dump them? Doesn’t make sense

Am I the only Member of Logic here who can see that
this is an Animal Abuse and Cruelty Violation?

Nevermind a pig rescue....go for a Pig Dumping Flocker, according to the Law, whatever that is. If at all, anymore.

Just sayin'.....
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It's going to be another exciting day here at the Tello Studios.

Home chores and such.

I'm not dismissing my duties here; just setting them aside.

You want news, go make some of your own.

Can't be too difficult.

Give it a try.


Special spelling correction by Admin as requested
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We'll get back to shuffling boxes
right after this:

What did Amber Heard put
in her nose 'right in front of
God and jury'?

'Yo sis. What you doin?'
May 06, 2022  

During the epic daytime drama known as Johnny Depp’s defamation lawsuit against his former wife Amber Heard, the "Aquaman" actress took the stand for the second day to make a series of disturbing allegations against her ex-husband.

Heard broke down in tears as she described the details of Depp's alleged drug and alcohol-fueled abuse, which is why it wasn't weird at all when the actress lifted a tissue to her nose — and then did something that looked a lot like a scene from "Pulp Fiction."

A video of Heard's definitely-not-suspicious behavior has been making the rounds on social media, garnishing over 5 million views in just a matter of hours. BlazeTV host Chad Prather shared the viral video on Friday with the caption "Yo sis. What you doin?"

For reasons we can't explain, some people on Twitter seemed to think Heard's actions had something to do with Coke, you know, the bubbly beverage. Though why she would put that in her nose is beyond us.
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Shocking DHS "Ministry of Truth"
May 6, 2022

At the top of the shocking news these past several days is the announcement that Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) created a “Disinformation Governance Board” reminiscent of Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth” in the book 1984. DHS Secretary Mayorkas said this board will target “disinformation and misinformation,” with a focus on elections (just in time for the midterms, of course), COVID and much more. And this is coming from the Biden administration that wants you to believe “men” can bear children.

Of all people, Mayorkas installed Nina Jankowicz as the new “Speech Czar.” It’s obvious Biden is targeting viewpoints with which he disagrees. I’ll share more about her later.

Liberty Counsel will vigorously fight this communist-style censorship board. In addition to legal challenges, there are two pending bills in Congress that will stop Biden. If passed, these bills will defund this DHS Disinformation Board.


Demand Congress put a stop to Biden’s silencing of free speech by the “Disinformation Governance Board.”

Earlier this year I reported that the Biden administration spent over 1 billion dollars to pay “news” media outlets to promote only positive information about the COVID shots and censor contrary or dissenting views.

Whistleblower journalists recently revealed that even “conservative” news outlets, like Newsmax and Fox News, were paid by the Biden administration to promote this one-sided propaganda. The administration also paid millions to produce commercials complete with media stars carrying Biden’s fake news, pro-jab propaganda campaign.

News outlets censored the stark truths about the COVID shots, hiding even personal stories of injury. “Fact checkers” were paid to mark social media posts unfavorable to the Biden administration’s shot mandates as “false information,” despite scientific articles and studies proving the shots are indeed harmful, ineffective and often deadly.

The Tello Files has published many of those articles.

Now Biden is taking his propaganda campaign to new extremes. Even Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) calls this Disinformation Governance Board the equivalent of the Orwellian “Ministry of Truth.” And, she says, this likely comes directly from Barack Obama, who recently said more should be done to censor social media.

Nina Jankowicz has been named as the new head of the DHS Disinformation Governance Board. Prior to being appointed as Biden’s Truth Tzar, Jankowitz was perhaps best known for her vicious attacks and outrageous claims on Twitter.

She said, “Most of the disinformation that we've seen … is coming from the right.”

Jankowicz parrots some of the biggest government cover-ups, saying the Hunter Biden laptop scandal is just a “Russian influence op” and that it should be dismissed as a "Trump campaign product." She also promoted the false Steele dossier.

Jankowicz said that "gender abuse and misinformation” threatens national security. In other words, if you don’t agree with the absurd notion that men can bear children, then you are a threat to national security.

The Biden administration announced its plans for the “Disinformation Governance Board” just days after two major moves to protect free speech from social media censors.

On April 14, Elon Musk announced he was buying Twitter, indicating he will rid the company of anti-free-speech censorship.

Then Donald Trump’s social media app moved into larger release, allowing hundreds of thousands to join the new “Truth Social” platform.

Disinformation czar Jankowitz responded to these two new free speech platforms by expressing concern that free speech on social media would be “bad for marginalized communities.”

“I confess I at first thought this announcement was satire,' wrote Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR). “Surely no American Administration would ever use the power of Government to sit in judgment on the First Amendment speech of its own citizens. Sadly, I was mistaken.”

Indeed! In testimony before Congress in 2018, Jankowicz said social media giants should reprogram people’s behavior at the demands of government!

She stated: “Social media companies have nearly ubiquitous access to Americans’ lives. They should embrace their role as educators and focus on practices that encourage behavior change.” That is, to make them behave the way Jankowicz wants them to act.

Joe Biden fears the truth, and he especially fears the upcoming midterm elections. Predictions are not looking good for his agenda. This Disinformation Board will target you to censor information so you only say or read what Biden’s crowd deems acceptable. This is DANGEROUS to free speech.

WE CANNOT ALLOW BIDEN TO SILENCE FREE SPEECH! Please join me now in sending an urgent fax to members of Congress. We must demand this “Disinformation Governance Board” be defunded and dissolved!

Meanwhile, Liberty Counsel continues to defend the right to life, family values and religious freedom in courtrooms across the country and before the U.S. Supreme Court, where we just achieved a rare 9-0 win on our Christian flag case. And our work defending the military against Biden’s unlawful shot orders also continues.
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:tello: " I don't know where that bit about men having babies came from,
but I'll tell ya this:

I have a tuff time on the Loo.
Popping-out babies is the last thing on my bodily agenda."
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White House Refuses To Condemn Left-Wing Activists Posting Supreme Court Justice’s Addresses
This is just inviting VIOLENCE!
MAY 6, 2022

At first, outgoing White House press secretary Jen Psaki seemed to realize she was entering a political minefield. Almost immediately after Thursday’s press briefing began, she was asked about President Biden’s thoughts on angry protests planned at Supreme Court justices’ homes and churches over the anticipated ruling overturning federal law legalizing abortion.

A reporter wanted to know Biden’s views on law enforcement authorities making plans to respond to violent protests in the wake of the leaked draft opinion rolling back two landmark decisions that guarantee the right to abortion nationwide.

The veteran White House communications adviser, who just hours earlier announced that Karine Jean-Pierre would replace her in a matter of days, provided an important lesson to her predecessor. She made sure the press corps knew that Biden understands and shares the anger that abortion advocates are feeling this week.

“For all those women, men, others who feel outraged, who feel scared, who feel concerned, he hears them, he shares that concern and that horror of what he saw in that draft opinion,” she said.

Only after establishing that Biden feels their pain did Psaki call for the protests to remain peaceful. “We should not be resorting to violence in any way, shape or form,” she said.

But the questions kept on coming. After Biden earlier in the week called Trump supporters the “most extreme political organization that’s existed” in recent U.S. history, Fox News’ Peter Doocy wanted to know what the president thought of one liberal activist group releasing a map of the homes of Supreme Court justices for a “walk-by Wednesday” demonstration.

Are those progressive activists “extreme?” Doocy asked.

“Peaceful protest? No. Peaceful protests are not extreme,” Psaki said flatly.

“I think the president’s view is there’s a lot of passion, a lot of fear, a lot of sadness from many, many people across the country about what they saw in that document,” she said.

What does Biden think of vandalism already occurring against one Catholic church in Colorado? Boulder’s Sacred Heart of Mary church had “my body, my choice” scrawled across its front doors in spray paint earlier this week. “We don’t condone vandalism,” she replied blandly without aggressively denouncing it.

After nearly a year and a half of Biden and Democrats blaming Donald Trump and many of his Republican supporters for inciting a violent riot at the U.S. Capitol, the lukewarm response was too much for many conservatives.

“President Biden knows this is dangerous, and he ought to have the guts to say it,” Sen. Ben Sasse, a Nebraska Republican, said in a statement. Psaki minimizing the doxxing of Supreme Court justices as “a lot of passion” “doesn’t cut it,” he continued.

“This isn’t how adults act,” he said. “This isn’t how American self-government works.”

Sasse, a member of the Judiciary Committee, further blamed Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer for standing on the Supreme Court steps during an abortion rights rally in 2020 and calling out Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh for their arguments in a major abortion case.

“I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the prices,” Schumer said in early March 2020. “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.

The conservative blowback against Schumer was fierce and furious. The National Review labeled Schumer a “thug.” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell issued a same-day statement slamming Schumer’s remarks as “astonishing, reckless and completely irresponsible.”

Sasse also put at least some of the blame doxxing of high court justices squarely at Schumer’s feet. “Don’t pretend this is an isolated incident,” he said. “Two years ago, Chuck Schumer stood on the Supreme Court steps and spat threats at Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh. For months progressive partisans have worked to de-legitimize the court, and now activists are doxxing justices’ homes.”

CatholicVote, a conservative advocacy group independent of the Catholic Church, issued a statement calling on Biden and other elected Catholic leaders to publicly condemn the shadowy left-wing group calling on protesters to target Catholic churches, disrupt mass on Mother’s Day, and demonstrate outside the homes of Supreme Court justices.

Denouncing the planned protests, as “vile intimidation tactics” that threaten the safety of priests, parishioners and justices, the group said Biden frequently alludes to his Catholic faith when it is “convenient.”

“President Biden must immediately and forcibly condemn these domestic terrorist threats. Anti-Catholic zealots are plotting to intimidate and harass Catholics across the country, along with justices and their families,” Catholic Vote president Brian Burch said. “This country was built on freedom of speech and freedom of religion. The President of the United States must stand up for both.”

Others on the right immediately began scrutinizing those behind the doxxing and questioning their connections to other liberal groups and their funding. Ruth Sent Us, the activist group urging people to protest the high court’s anticipated decision, is named for the late liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Conservatives scorned the name, pointing out that Ginsburg placed a premium on civility and respect.

Liberal dark-money group Demand Justice, the left’s most active judicial group, has spent the last few years pushing for court-packing, ending the filibuster, and aggressively urging Justice Stephen Breyer to retire so that Biden could appoint the first black woman to the Supreme Court. The group has strong Biden ties. Psaki previously worked there, along with Paige Herwig, who led the White House search process for a nominee to succeed Breyer.

Carrie Severino, a former clerk for Thomas and president of the conservative Judicial Network, pointed out on Twitter that Ruth Sent Us is offering stipends on its website, funded by an unknown source, for those assisting with “peaceful protests.” The Judicial Network and the Federalist Society, which had close ties to the Trump administration, are frequent targets of liberal critics for their own dark-money anonymous funding.

“Who exactly is paying for these stipends?” Severino asked, noting that the Ruth Sent Us website links to several different left-wing organizations, including Strike for Choice, which notes ties to Black Lives Matter, Code Pink, Women’s March SF, Kavanaugh Off Our Court, and Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights.

Severino noted in the same Twitter thread that during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, a representative from the liberal activist group Center for Democracy Action “confirmed that her group had coordinated a plan to disrupt the hearings that included offering lodging to traveling protesters and ‘jail and bail support’ if necessary.” The CDA reportedly worked with other advocacy groups, including the Women’s March, Ultraviolet, and NARAL, to urge supporters to protest the Judiciary Committee proceedings. Capitol Police arrested 70 people for outbursts and disruptions during just one day of the Kavanaugh hearings.

“The parallels between this planned protest and the disgusting antics we saw from left-wing dark-money groups during the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings are striking,” Severino tweeted.

The Capital Research Center, a conservative organization that tracks money in politics, said Ruth Sent Us popped up so quickly “like so many leftist ‘dark-money’ groups do” that it’s just beginning to research their funding. (CRC helped expose Arabella Advisors, a liberal-dark money network of groups that spent more than $1 billion electing Biden and other Democratic causes in recent years.)

“Their announced tactics of protesting at churches, and possibly even attempting to intimidate the Justices themselves at their private residences, is reminiscent of tactics employed in the recent past by better-known leftist ‘dark-money’ groups that organized protests during Justice Bret Kavanaugh’s confirmation and led calls to pack the Supreme Court,” Kristen Eastlick, CRC’s senior vice president, told RealClearPolitics. “We don’t know if these efforts are linked, but we’d not be surprised to discover some affiliation – even if it’s only ideological – between them.”

Other conservative judicial activists are pointing to a federal law barring “pickets or parades” near a courthouse or a judge’s home with the “intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror witness or court officer….”

When Doocy pressed Psaki on whether Biden cares whether protesters are planning to gather outside justices’ private residences, she tried to sidestep the question. “I don’t have an official U.S. government position on where people protest,” she said.

“Really?” Mike Davis, a former Gorsuch law clerk and the chief counsel for nominations on the Senate Judiciary Committee, tweeted. “How about Title 19, Section 1507 of the United States Code?”

Meanwhile, Congress is stepping in to provide greater protections for high court justices. Sens. John Cornyn, a Texas Republican, and Chris Coons, a Delaware Democrat close to Biden, have introduced the “Supreme Court Policy Parity Act” to provide greater law enforcement protections to the justices and their families. The bill would extend security protection to justices’ families, give greater arrest authority to the police assigned to the high court and make obstructing or impeding those police a crime.

Cornyn, during a Judiciary Committee meeting Thursday, called the leak of the Supreme Court draft opinion “an attack against the independence” of the U.S. court system, the U.S. government’s “crown jewel.”

“That’s the reason why we go through this laborious process of advice and consent for federal judges – to protect that independence,” he said. “And it’s not just an attack against the independence of the judiciary, this risks violence against members of the Supreme Court and their families.”

“We can’t stoop to the level of the mob – we have to stand up for what we believe to be right,” he concluded.
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Elon Musk’s Mom Maye Hammers New York Times Over ‘White Privilege’ Hit Piece Against Her Son
Don't mess with Maye Musk's son!
MAY 6, 2022

Elon Musk’s mother, Maye Musk, blasted the New York Times over a recent hit piece suggesting the soon-to-be Twitter CEO experienced “white privilege” growing up in apartheid-era South Africa as a child.

“Elon Musk grew up in elite white communities in South Africa, detached from apartheid’s atrocities and surrounded by anti-Black propaganda,” the Times tweeted.

The New York Times article begins by claiming Musk’s acquisition of Twitter has led to “many people” – meaning, the media – digging into his past. Because Musk wasn’t a newsmaker prior to purchasing the social media platform?

They immediately note that Musk doesn’t talk much about his upbringing and “How growing up as a white person under the racist apartheid system in South Africa may have shaped him.”

“Interviews with relatives and former classmates reveal an upbringing in elite, segregated white communities that were littered with anti-Black government propaganda, and detached from the atrocities that white political leaders inflicted on the Black majority,” they claim.

Maye Musk Hammers New York Times Over Elon Hit Piece

Maye Musk condemned the New York Times article, noting that apartheid was a system of institutionalized racial segregation that was enforced by the South African government.

She says that resistance often-times was met with police brutality.

Mrs. Musk openly wondered what the New York Times would have liked a child growing up within such a system to do to fight back against the government.

She cleverly spoke in a language they understand, comparing it to their favorite villain of the day: Russia.

“In South Africa, if you publicly opposed apartheid, you went to jail. In Russia, if you publicly oppose the war, you go to jail,” Mama Musk replied. “[New York Times], are you going to blame children for decisions made by governments?”

Of course not, they would only do this to people who support free speech. Whether they are African-American, as Musk is, or not.

The New York Times Embarrassment
The New York Times headline and tweet aren’t even vaguely attempting to be subtle. They are casting Elon Musk as a racist who might help spread pro-white, pro-neo Nazi propaganda on Twitter.

Their own reporting, however, betrays them. Buried well into the article is the following story:

Mr. Musk became friends with a cousin of Mr. Netshituka’s, Asher Mashudu, according to Mr. Mashudu’s brother, Nyadzani Ranwashe. One time at lunch, a white student used an anti-Black slur, and Mr. Musk chided the student, but then got bullied for doing so, Mr. Ranwashe said.

Mr. Mashudu was killed in a car accident in 1987, and Mr. Ranwashe said he remembered Mr. Musk being one of only a handful of white people who attended the funeral in the family’s rural village.

“It was unheard of during that time,” he said.

That doesn’t sound like the actions of a racist by any stretch.

The entire premise of the tweet – That being surrounded by anti-black propaganda might lead to Musk spreading similar efforts on Twitter – is deeply flawed. It fails to explore the possibility that Musk may hold such disdain for propaganda and censorship because of his upbringing.

And the Times must know that their original piece was flawed in other respects as well. As Tom Gara, former editor at Buzzfeed News points out, the newspaper of record quietly changed parts of its story.

In one section discussing Elon Musk’s classmates at two different high schools, they add the sentence: “But Black schoolmates recall that he spent time with Black friends.”

The original column does not have this line anywhere in it.

There were other changes made as well.

The New York Times article contains no editor’s note regarding the changes in the column, nor does it point out that they clearly found a correction of sorts was necessary.

Journalist Jesse Singal points out to Times Bureau Chief and co-author of the piece, John Eligon, that this isn’t how reputable newspapers go about correcting misinformation.

Maye Musk’s takedown of the New York Times isn’t the first time in recent history that a Musk has blasted mainstream media for dreadful reporting.

Earlier this week, Elon himself hammered MSNBC and host Mehdi Hasan for suggesting he would hand Twitter over to “pro-neo Nazi” Republicans.

Musk fired back sarcastically calling Hasan and the network “lovely people” who engaged in numerous media coverups that benefitted Democrats and the Hollywood elite.

“Same (organization) that covered up Hunter Biden laptop story, had Harvey Weinstein story early [and] killed it [and] built Matt Lauer his rape office,” tweeted Musk.

Reports this week indicate Musk will serve as Twitter CEO for a few months after his deal to acquire the social media platform is finalized, likely in the coming months.
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Elon Musk Demands Investigation Into The Shadowy Forces Behind Censorship
May 5, 2022

Elon Musk requested an investigation into far-left organizations that have allegedly urged advertisers on Twitter to withdraw their advertising from the platform if Musk softens the platform’s content moderation rules.

“Some of the nation’s biggest companies, including  Kraft (KHC), -Cola (CCEP), and Disney (DIS), are being urged to boycott Twitter if its soon-to-be owner, billionaire Elon Musk, reverses content moderation restrictions that limit election misinformation and hate speech,” according to CNN. “More than two dozen civil society organizations sent a letter to marketers this week ahead of the 2022 NewFronts digital advertising conference, urging them to obtain commitments from Twitter to keep its most essential rules, including hateful conduct and civic integrity, and threaten to defund the site if it does not comply.”

The letter was signed by groups like Media Matters for America, Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, GLAAD, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and the Women’s March.

The letter said in part:

Your brand is at risk of being associated with a platform that promotes health misinformation, hate, extremism, and conspiracy theorists as top advertisers on Twitter. Under Musk’s leadership, Twitter is becoming a cesspool of falsehoods, with your company linked to it polluting our information ecosystem when trust in institutions and news media is already at an all-time low. “If you’re a company and you want to advertise on Twitter, you have the choice of funding Musk’s vanity project or holding him to account. We urge you to demand Musk keep these fundamental standards of public trust and safety, and if they are not met, stop advertising on Twitter.”

“Who finances these groups that want to govern your access to information? Let’s look into it…” Musk added. “Sunlight is the greatest disinfectant.”

The letter follows after Twitter’s board of directors gave its approval to a $44 billion buyout by Tesla CEO Elon Musk last week, valuing the deal at $54.20 per share.

“Attacks are coming at us fast and furious, largely from the left flank, which is not surprising. I should clarify, however, that the right would be dissatisfied as well. ” Last week on Twitter, Musk stated: “My objective is to maximize the area under the curve of global human happiness, which represents approximately 80% of people.”

“To merit public trust, Twitter must be politically neutral, which effectively implies pitting the far right and far left against each other equally,” Musk wrote in a separate tweet.
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Report: Pro-Abortion Groups Looking To Target Churches On Mother’s Day With Protests
This is really evil.
MAY 6, 2022

Multiple pro-abortion groups have announced planned protests targeting Catholic churches on Mother’s Day. The move comes in response to news of a draft opinion indicating the landmark Roe v. Wade decision may be overturned by the Supreme Court.

Fox News reports that a pair of abortion rights organizations – Ruth Sent Us and Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights – have revealed their respective calls to action.

Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights has an announcement posted on their website called “Actions Outside of Churches” in cities that will host “protests outside of prominent churches.”

These protests will consist of varying actions including dress-up time as Handmaid’s Tale characters, passing out fliers to churchgoers, or even conducting the ever-popular die-in – especially ironic when you’re protesting something that results in dead babies.

Ruth Sent Us, meanwhile, posted a social media call for protests against “extremist Catholics” on the Supreme Court on Mother’s Day.

Their tweet includes video of a group of people in their Handmaid cosplay outfits inside a church chanting about “abortion on demand and without apology.”

The above video from Ruth Sent Us is encouraging a far more aggressive approach to protesting, actually showing pro-abortion advocates interrupting church services and risking an escalatory response from people trying to enjoy a quiet Mother’s Day service.

Their behavior indicates they do not care about how these actions affect other people, however.

“Whether you’re a ‘Catholic for Choice,’ ex-Catholic, of other or no faith, recognize that six extremist Catholics set out to overturn Roe,” they write.

“Stand at or in a local Catholic Church Sun May 8.”

Targeting Mother’s Day, irony aside, is yet another example that these people only support some women. Targeting churches? Well, you know who else targets churches?

Church Vandalized in Colorado
The Ruth Sent Us organization may sound familiar to readers of The Political Insider. We reported on the group earlier this week allegedly publishing the home addresses of six conservative Supreme Court Justices and calling for protests at those locations.

They later claimed the pinned addresses weren’t exact locations of their homes.

The White House refused to condemn the harassment.

When Fox News reporter Peter Doocy pressed White House press secretary Jen Psaki on whether President Biden cares that protesters are planning to gather outside the homes of Supreme Court justices, she dodged.

“I don’t have an official U.S. government position on where people protest,” she replied.

“Do you think the progressive activists that are now planning protests outside some of the justices’ houses are extreme?” Doocy pressed.

“Peaceful protest?” Psaki replied.  “No. Peaceful protest is not extreme.”

She went on to suggest that the protests aren’t the point – the anger is.

“The reason people are protesting is because women across the country are worried about their fundamental rights that have been law for 50 years,” she said defending these groups.

“Their rights to make choices about their own bodies and their own healthcare are at risk,” she added. “That’s why people are protesting. They’re unhappy. They’re scared.”

And in her view, that justifies targeted harassment at people’s private family homes.

Psaki was also asked about a church in Boulder, Colorado that fell victim to vandalism from pro-abortion extremists who reportedly spraypainted “my body, my choice” across the church doors.

The vandals reportedly smashed windows and defaced sculptures in what the church says amounts to thousands of dollars in damages.

Psaki initially denied hearing about the reports regarding the vandalized church.

“What would you say to those vandals going after — targeting Catholic churches, especially when it involves Roe?” a reporter asked anyway.

“We don’t condone vandalism,” Psaki replied, devoid of any true conviction. “We condone peaceful protest.”

President Biden earlier this week was trying to ratchet up the rhetoric on the subject of abortion by claiming MAGA (Make America Great Again) Republicans are “the most extreme political organization in American history.”

Republicans, you see, are the real extremists in Biden’s view. Not people targeting the homes and families of Supreme Court Justices. Not those conducting pro-abortion protests and targeting churches. Republicans.

And certainly not a President who claims to be a devout Catholic but can’t get his spokesperson to state definitely whether or not he supports abortion up until birth.

“Does the President support abortion up until the moment of birth?” Doocy asked.

“I would refer you to his own comments about abortion and a woman’s right to choose and make decisions about her body with her doctor, which is what any of those women would do,” Psaki replied.

This, despite recently stating that the life inside a womb is indeed a “child.”

“In the wake of the shameless leak of a draft opinion of the Supreme Court, pro-abortion groups are now threatening to disrupt Catholic churches and to protest outside the homes of Supreme Court justices this Sunday,” a statement from Brian Burch, president of the Catholic advocacy organization Catholic Vote reads.

“President Biden must immediately and forcibly condemn these domestic terrorist threats.”

Biden will almost assuredly be celebrating – not condemning – these pro-abortion church protests come this Mother’s Day.

Another DING in his Mid-Term foray.

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Lara Logan Drops A Bombshell On Who Is Aiding The Invasion At America’s Southern Border
"laminated copies of books that have been printed... how to guide to cross every country in the world to get to the United States."
MAY 6, 2022

While there might not be a shortage of dilemmas facing the Biden administration at this very moment, for Lara Logan, her main focus has been one of the first problems to face President Joe Biden – the Southern border. From the moment Biden took office and signed a slew of executive orders, the border has been bombarded with hordes of illegal immigrants.

Not only has the border patrol called for action to be taken given the severity of the situation, but according to Logan, there has been a record number of suicides among agents. That’s not all as overdoses have surged, and again, Logan blames the border and the Biden administration.

Speaking on The War Room with Steve Bannon, as can be seen in the video below, Logan stated, “Well, I’ve never experienced the sort of intentional and wanted destruction of a nation. You know, I mean, all the places that I have been, sure there’s been combat, which is uncontrollable in many respects, and very dangerous, but what we’re seeing at the Southern border is like nothing that any of us have ever witnessed or experienced in our lifetime.”

Giving a reason behind her statement, Logan added, “Because here you have literally an administration in place that doesn’t believe in sovereignty. I mean, that’s just the reality of it. They’ve made that very clear from the beginning. So who are the bad guys, well Border Patrol are the bad guys, ICE and immigration enforcement, law enforcement, these are all the bad guys. Who are the good guys – the cartels, the most violent and powerful criminal organizations on Earth.”

Logan, as mentioned above, also harped on the drugs being smuggled over the border. The reality is that there are more American kids dying from overdose deaths than ever in the history of this country. And those drugs are coming across the Southern border in historic numbers. You have more agents committing suicide in border patrol today than you have ever had in the history of the United States.

In another video, She discussed the Biden administration more, suggesting, “They don’t believe in sovereignty. They believe in open borders, and they are governing this country, according to a globalist ideology, which has been codified at the United Nations back in 2018. It is the United Nations. It’s basically their convention on migration where they recognize migration as a human right. And that’s why you hear this administration use the language that is used in the Convention on migration at the UN. They talk about, they talk about regular and irregular waves of ordinary migration. Safe, orderly migration.”

It should be noted that the agenda presented by Logan didn’t start with the Biden administration as she also blamed former President Barack Obama as well.
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Musk Expects to Take Twitter Public Again in the Future

Reporting from the Wall Street Journal this week indicates that Elon Musk has told potential investors in his acquisition of Twitter that he expects to take the company public again in a few years after taking it private, upon closing his purchase.

The billionaire founder and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX has told high-leverage investors he is recruiting that he wants to discuss the prospects of a new Initial Public Offering of Twitter stock within three years of taking over the social media giant.

Musk’s offer to purchase the company is currently valued at around $44 billion. That figure is based on his offer to the Twitter board to purchase 100% of the company’s stock at $54.20 per share. That offer was accepted and amounts to a premium of about 18% over the market price of the stock when he made the proposal.

Musk is currently contemplating financing through Morgan Stanley, although he will retain total control of the company. The agreement is expected to clear regulatory and legal requirements and close by November.

Musk is reportedly looking for other investors to come on board so that he can secure additional financing to reduce the amount of personal cash he will be required to pay to close the transaction. The purchase agreement gives Musk the right to bring other investors on board to assist with his financing of the purchase price.

The promise of a proposed new public offering of the company’s stock should prove lucrative to investors interested in obtaining a profitable return.

Musk is also reportedly discussing a Twitter investment with private equity firm Apollo Global Management.

Musk is currently reported to be the world’s richest man in total net worth. He originally planned to obtain $21 billion in cash by pledging some of his stock equity in Tesla, which makes up the largest part of this net worth. Over the last week, he has sold around $8.5 billion worth of his stock in Tesla for cash, leading to a drop in the market price of the stock.

Tesla’s stock has lost around 27% of its value since the beginning of the year. Twitter’s stock is up around 18% over the same period.
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Biden’s Latest Gaffe Makes the Case For His Removal

Any individual who is serving as president of the United States needs to be of sound mind and able to make good judgment calls. These are base requirements, yet ones that the current president is unable to meet.

Time and time again, Joe Biden shows just how deeply he suffers from confusion and poor judgment calls. His frequent blunders and mistakes in the foreign policy arena, alone, are critical examples.

At this time in America, having a president who barely knows where he is half of the time is very dangerous. Unfortunately, Biden appears to be losing his touch more and more, thus posing a risk to the national security of the United States.

Now, as reported by Red State, the latest gaffe from the sitting president actually makes a fair case for him being removed from office.

A Word Salad About Delaware

On Monday, Biden spoke at the White House for the President Rank Awards. Yet, as is par for the course for this president, it wasn’t long before he slipped up, even with access to an easily readable teleprompter.

At one point, the current president began speaking about a staffer with the University of Delaware; although, this is when he clearly became confused.

First, Biden claimed the state of Delaware hasn’t had many senators. He was presumably speaking in a historic context; although, even under this umbrella, his claim was false. Every state in America has two senators.

It gets worse. The president later described Delaware as a “small state” that has never had one senator. Of course, this is patently untrue. Ironically, Biden himself was a senator from Delaware before becoming vice president.

If Biden can’t even remember that Delaware has two senators, what else can’t he remember? Since the inception of Delaware, the state has always had senators.

The 25th Amendment

For months, there have been conversations brewing about the merit of using the 25th Amendment to remove Biden from office.

His latest word salad about Delaware gives credence to the argument that invoking this amendment is appropriate.

Americans routinely get a firsthand look at all of the mistakes and gaffes Biden makes. This naturally makes Americans wonder what other problems the president has when the cameras aren’t turned on.

If the president continues down the road he’s bringing Americans down, he’s going to inflict a fair amount of damage that this country may or may not be able to come back from. The 25th Amendment could be a way out, but it would make Vice President Kamala Harris our new president.

:drama:     :panic:
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Biden Approval Sinks in Deep Blue State

It is understood that all polling should be taken with a grain of salt. Which grain of salt you take also depends on your political affiliation. But a friendly media is even reporting some troubling poll numbers for President Biden.

Biden won the state with 65.9% of the vote in 2020. That is a swing of 20% in just over a year in office. There are a lot of Democrats in that number to be sure. The party elites have to be panicking at this point.

As Biden’s numbers continue to fall, the calls for his resignation or removal under the 25th Amendment will continue to get louder. On the national level, only 42% of Americans approve of President Biden’s performance. It is easy to see why these numbers are where they are at.

Inflation is at an all-time high and continues to get worse. Instead of trying to take measures to bring prices down, the administration is intent on injecting more cash into the system. Biden is about to send Ukraine $33 billion in new aid while floating the idea to cancel student debt. Both of these moves will only increase inflationary pressures.

Biden is also set to cancel Title 42, a Trump-era requirement that migrants remain in Mexico due to the Covid pandemic. This will undoubtedly accelerate the crisis at the border, another area where the president is polling at historic lows.

Given all these factors, it would not be unreasonable to expect President Biden’s polling numbers to continue to fall. November is not looking good for the Democrats.

:lol: :lmao: :pmsl: :rofl: :roflmao:
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Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is Putting Her Radicalism on Full Display

Of all the lawmakers in the U.S. Congress, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) is one of the most radical of all.

The congresswoman is on record calling for police to be defunded and for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to be dismantled. Ocasio-Cortez believes in universal basic income and supported the takedown of the filibuster, since the latter no longer benefits her party’s senators.

Whenever Ocasio-Cortez is called out for her horrible takes and atrocious policies, she claims the person is either racist or trying to date her.

Now, the congresswoman has sunk to a new low in attacking a moderate within her own party, per Red State.

The Progressive vs. Moderate Debate Within the Democrat Party

Collectively, the Democrat Party is an extremist organization in the United States today. However, there are still certain moderate Democrats in office, namely Sen. Joe Manchin (WV) and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ).

As one of the most radical leftists in Congress, Ocasio-Cortez despises both Manchin and Sinema. She’s bashed both moderate Democrats in the past; however, within the last several days, the congresswoman has unleashed new attacks on Sinema.

It is Ocasio-Cortez’s view that Sinema needs to be primaried in 2024, due to her support for the Senate filibuster. In fact, last year, when Democrats tried to take down the filibuster, Sinema and Manchin voted with GOP senators, thus keeping the measure intact.

Ocasio-Cortez claims that repealing the filibuster would let Democrats codify Roe v. Wade, in addition to passing many other segments of the radical left’s agenda. She views Sinema as an obstructionist for not blindly voting across party lines.

Meanwhile, the Arizona Democrat is on record noting her support for the filibuster and the role it plays in Congress. Like Manchin, Sinema maintains that she won’t be supporting the removal of this measure.

Working Against Her Own Interests

Ocasio-Cortez clearly wants the Democrat Party to be the dominant party in America. Yet, by ostracizing the moderate Democrats in the coalition, the congresswoman is narrowing her own party’s ranks.

Manchin is being courted by Republicans to join the GOP, for instance. There’s a real possibility that Sinema could follow suit or even leave the Democrats to become an Independent.

Progressives like Ocasio-Cortez believe that going as far left as possible for the sake of “bold change” will help Democrats. All it does is ensure that their support gradually dwindles over time.

Progressives have been warned about this by Democratic strategists; yet, they still insist that radicalism is the best way forward.
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Steven Michael King shared a post.
Pro Tip!.... Mountains get get cold quickly most times of the year! Keep extra clothing  just in case so your ready for anything.....

Ron Tello Culley
Damn, and I thot this was a Painter Joke.

Ron Tello Culley
Propane heat is my choice of warmies.
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Robert Quinn  ·

Is there any interest in a kissing booth at Jamboree Days?

Niki Matthews
Is Annie asking?

Steve Ferrera
You mean like a Covid Super Spreader Booth?

Kim Weathers
Steve Ferrera I was thinking the same thing

Sarah Garvin
Omg lol

Julie Jujiebajujie
Steve Ferrera covid would be the least of your worries on this one.

Julie Jujiebajujie
Steve Ferrera 🤣🤣🤣 you thought about it for a minute didn't you?

Crissy Bear
Ooo it would be fun to have a photo area to get pictures with your partner though! I’d do that 🙂

Stephen Nicolaus
With Smokey the Bear?

Joann Wilkins
Lisa Stockle-King you beat me to it

Steve Garey

Christine Bartley Williams
Puppy kisses???

DougShani Hubbard
You're kidding, right?

Heather Brown
Disregarding the obvious reason for NO, are kissing booths still a thing? Seems yucky. Now if you make it a puppy kissing booth I'll hand over my whole paycheck!!!!

Yvette Marshall Page
Heather Brown , right ?!! 🤣

Carolyn King
Heather Brown was just going to say if it is doggie kisses

Christina Leah
I say pie eating or dunk tank

Julie Jujiebajujie
A Puppy and Kitty cuddling Booth would be good.

Brian Allison
My wife would like to reserve a cabana if they are available still

Liam Bare
America is such a fascinating place when we can go from COVID to kissing booth in less than a year 😂

Robert Clayton
Liam Bare and back to COVID after the kissing booth 🤪

Danny Romero
Stay home if you’re afraid of Covid

Gibby Rodriquez
Danny Romero Graduated high school he knows more than doctors. felafeling moron

Eric Glaser
Danny Romero my aunt and over 1,000,000 others would have but she and they all died from Covid. 🤡

Danny Romero
Eric Glaser And I’m sorry for your loss 75% of all deaths had four other core more biddies. You can look it up on the Cdcr website. People need to take care of your Health

Anthony Daigneault
This is gold lmao.

Ginny Jorgenson
Good lord no.

Rick Duke
Protesters Set Up ‘COVID Kissing Booths’ in the Face of Government Warnings

Robert Quinn
Seems like there is a lot of interest! To be clear I will be manning the booth. I’m think $5 for a standard kiss and $10 for a deluxe?

Jaclyn Steele
Robert Quinn Add tongue to super deluxe and charge $45

Jennifer Price Keith
Robert Quinn what's the difference between the $5 and $10 kiss? Lol

Robert Quinn
Jennifer Price Keith the $10 is better

Jennifer Price Keith
I'm going for the $45 version. Lol

Toni Barden
Robert Quinn your so funny 🤣

Tyson Diaz
negative ghost rider! But a judge Judy with all the town drama might work…

Crickett Dyke
I’d rather be kissed by a dog than a human with Covid still around!😆

David Starinieri
Kinda depends. How cute will she be?

Emmalee Vega
Is this population control?

Andy Elder
What about that 6 ft rule haha

Bill Scarbrough
You should be okay as long as it is done during a protest. No covid can survive during a protest.

Delores Tobin
No way! You'd create another Covid wave.

Ty Taylor
I just threw up in my mouth
GIF may contain gagging, gag, Gag Reflex, reflex, Dumb And Dumber, Jim Carrey, Carrey, Jim, dumb, dumber, gross, disgusted and reaction

Ron Tello Culley
One time at "Topanga Days", I was The Hug Machine.
It was a HUGe success!
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1526000 Views :banana:
                             :smee!:  Good to see that the Bloke has math skills...
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PARENT'S AGONY ‘Negligent’ doctor suspended as baby is born with no face after he failed to spot missing nose, eyes and part of skull

A DOCTOR in Portugal has been suspended after a boy was born without his eyes, nose, or part of his skull.

The parents of baby Rodrigo hadn't known about their son's severe abnormalities until after his birth because their obstetrician failed to spot them on ultrasound scans.
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What Is a Meme?

A meme is a virally transmitted image embellished with text, usually sharing pointed commentary on cultural symbols, social ideas, or current events. A meme is typically a photo or video, although sometimes it can be a block of text. When a meme resonates with many people, it's spread via social platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, texting, and more. The more a meme is spread, the greater the cultural influence it has.

Here's a deeper look into what exactly a meme is, the different types of memes, and some meme examples.
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Police Seize Voting Machine During Investigation Into 2020 Election Breaches
May 6, 2022
Michigan State Police seized a voting machine tabulator April 29 and plan to expand its investigation into breaches of voting machine data related to the 2020 presidential election.

The agency opened an investigation into voting machine breaches in February after learning that an unnamed third party was granted access to the vote tabulator components and underlying technology in one Michigan county, according to CNN. Michigan State Police Lt. Derrick Carroll told the outlet that his department is expanding the investigation into more counties after they were notified of additional breaches.

Carroll reportedly told the outlet that the breaches did not affect the results of the 2020 election as they allegedly occurred after the election was over.

Stories related to voting machines and instances of voting machine irregularities have occurred across the country following the 2020 presidential election, CNN continued. In Maricopa County, Arizona, all voting machines used in 2020 were replaced due to concerns over security and integrity. Democratic election attorney Marc Elias argued in 2021 that faulty voting machines could have misread thousands of votes in a House election in upstate New York.

This is an excerpt from The Daily Caller.
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Just another human being
Feb 24


1. Never shake a man’s hand sitting down.

2. Don’t enter a pool by the stairs.

3. The man at the BBQ Grill is the closest thing to a king.

4. In a negotiation, never make the first offer.

5. Request the late check-out.

6. When entrusted with a secret, keep it.

7. Hold your heroes to a higher standard.

8. Return a borrowed car with a full tank of gas.

9. Play with passion or don’t play at all…

10. When shaking hands, grip firmly and look them in the eye.

11. Don’t let a wishbone grow where a backbone should be.

12. If you need music on the beach, you’re missing the point.

13. Carry two handkerchiefs. The one in your back pocket is for you. The one in your breast pocket is for her.

14. You marry the girl, you marry her family.

15. Be like a duck. Remain calm on the surface and paddle like crazy underneath.

16. Experience the serenity of traveling alone.

17. Never be afraid to ask out the best looking girl in the room.

18. Never turn down a breath mint.

19. A sport coat is worth 1000 words.

20. Try writing your own eulogy. Never stop revising.

21. Thank a veteran. Then make it up to him.

22. Eat lunch with the new kid.

23. After writing an angry email, read it carefully. Then delete it.

24. Ask your mom to play. She won’t let you win.

25. Manners maketh the man.

26. Give credit. Take the blame.

27. Stand up to Bullies. Protect those bullied.

28. Write down your dreams.

29. Take time to snuggle your pets, they love you so much and are always happy to see you.

30. Be confident and humble at the same time.

31. If ever in doubt, remember whose son you are and REFUSE to just be ordinary!

32. In all things lead by example not explanation.
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I get more hits when I don't post. Pretty stupid, eh?
All of this is, but at least we're having stupid fun together!

   :badfinger:     :grouphug:      :troll2:
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From notifications

Summer Johnson Duvall  ·
In regards to all the people wanting to move here from Los Angeles and Orange county as well as many other heavily populated areas across the country, as well as those wanting to visit...

Before you come to our mountains to visit or live you must be aware of what is happening here. There's a housing shortage, rent has tripled, and folks are vacationing here in record numbers...

So if you plan on moving here, or just plan on vacationing on our mountain, forest and lakes this summer, I think you should know that wolf spiders, fire ants and bedbugs have infested hotels and air bnbs across the area due to dryer than usual weather. The woods will eat you alive with ticks and chiggers.
Our lakes are full of gators, fresh water sharks, and creepy old guys wearing speedos.
Heart rock and Deep creek are full of drunks peeing themselves while the banjo players lay waiting in the bushes.
Mountain lions have eaten many domesticated animals and possibly some small children.
The local bear and coyote population are all 'in heat' and think your wife/girlfriend is hot.
Snakes... don’t even get me started on the water headed copper moccasins here, and the Diamond Back Rattler Cobras.
The poison ivy has overtaken all other vegetation.

We have had bear sightings at every park and town they are after your picnic baskets….and some cougars have been spotted in motel rooms and bars.
Watch out for the jackalopes, they have been extremely aggressive this season.
We have the Skunk Ape invading our parks and it’s their mating season. Porcupines are "stabbing" small children should they dare to utilize the local playground equipment.
Skunks have made their way over and multiplied at unprecedented rates and wander the local campgrounds in packs looking for beer.

Murder hornets!?! We’ve got great black clouds of murder hornets, and swarms of giant crickets and even some Mutant grasshoppers.
Scorpions have been congregating in massive quantities under rocks, logs, wooden steps, automobiles, and tarantulas are now stealing peoples food and biting like crazy.
I’m pretty sure all private tiger owners (we had a jump in them after Tiger King) have released their cats into the streets of our towns and forests.

Head lice now fly and we have vampire bats.
Oh, and no one is vaccinated.
I hear New Mexico and Colorado are nice.

Lilly Victoria Madden
I haven't seen ticks in California .. or on the mountain , I moved to the country and we have ticks !!!!! In the Midwest !

David Lawson
Lilly Victoria Madden we have ticks. Don't hike at Willow Creek or East side of Silverwood

Deana Braaten
Yeah, hi, dog groomer here and I can vouch I have pulled many a tick off the dogs on the mountain.

Lilly Victoria Madden
My dogs never had ticks or fleas , but I never took them hiking ..... But now where I live if I don't give them a pill they get soooo many ticks and fleas it's so gross 😂

Vincent Plant
Lilly Victoria Madden we have ticks EVERYEHERE i have to pick yhem off the dog anytime we hike near deep creek

Natalie Province
Lilly Victoria Madden I know someone who contracted lime disease up here from a tick…

Darian Rundall
Lilly Victoria Madden we have loads of ticks in CA. Often where you find deer you'll find ticks, and there are plenty of deer in Beverly Hills! People aren't as observant in the city.

Lilly Victoria Madden
I personally never had ticks on me or my pets in ca , I don't go hiking though

Lilly Victoria Madden
We get loads of ticks in mo far more than CA.thatsball I'm saying

Lilly Victoria Madden
We lived in a wooded area in the country and we have way more . My dogs had zero fleas and zero ticks in the mountains , I did not take them on hikes though

Alexandra Keener
I can vouch for the creepy old dudes in speedo's. Those are encounters I'll never be able to forget. 😬

Regina Alba Faulkner
Alexandra Keener I’m so sorry, I’ll try to keep my husband in doors more this summer. 😂

Deana Braaten
Oh and don’t forget the serial killer.

Natalie Province
Deana Braaten yes you are; just in the foothills of Waterman Canyon, or off the side of HWY 18 in a garbage can, or in a random creek bed from here to Big Bear

Corki Clark
And it just gets worse!

Tawney Hall
Seriously amazing!
Vincent Plant check this out

Vincent Plant
This .. is the most magnificant and informative post i have ever read
great job keeping the visitors well informed on our inhabitable living conditions!

Summer Johnson Duvall
Vincent Plant lol. I saw a similar one and rewrote this for the mountain. So its only semi original 🤣

Nowak Esmeralda
Heck. Just share the cost of home owners insurance, water rates.

Mark Lüntzel
The raccoons are very friendly however. Very.

Andreas Quinones
Oh, and the children will be mean to you too!

Kelly Hanna
Don’t forget Meth heads on every corner, to check Megan’s Law, catalytic converter theft, missing persons in the Forrest, a section of the 18 is closed, most businesses are short staffed due to no affordable long term rentals, you will be kept awake because you are staying right next door to VBRO, you can’t access Lake Arrowhead & the Lollypop park has been torn down in the Village, the high price of gas, if buying a home here good luck getting homeowners insurance without California Fair Plan, Verizon is the best cell reception, Spectrum is the only Wi-Fi/ internet that is semi reliable, yes, you have to pay Burtec monthly Even if your only here part time, pine needles must be cleared every year & no charcoal bbq on a wood deck. Other than that, I wish you good tidings

Natalie Hessen Love
Not nice.

Danny Romero
Natalie Hessen Love It’s the Internet get a sense of humor. Karen

Kelly Hanna
Natalie Hessen Love information seldom is

Reed Farrell
Natalie Hessen Love all true shut up

Jewely Sandollar
Natalie Hessen Love won’t deter anyone...once you get there and smell the smells, feel the breeze, eat at the villager, your hooked.

Kelly Hanna
Susie Newman-Harrison oh I forgot about the rattlesnake emergence

Susie Newman-Harrison
Kelly Hanna I see about 2-3 each summer

Richard A. Miller
That's a gopher snake. They're good for keeping rodents down in number.

Susie Newman-Harrison
Richard A. Miller we let him cross the street

Gren Robinson
Hooray! Love it…..skunks and beer….bad combination!

Paolo Mannoni
Oh, then maybe you should move to Colorado or New Mexico to be safe

Theresa Collins
You are so cleaver! I love all the “ facts “ here .. well said post 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

Jewely Sandollar
Theresa Collins yeah right....once you get there you see it’s Paradise...not fooling me.

Angelina LuvsMtns
Thank you for the good laugh! Genuinely appreciate how you mention many truths while peppering in a whole lot of ridiculousness 😂

Summer Johnson Duvall
Angelina LuvsMtns 😉

Danyl Wakefield
This is some funny stuff

Kore Pineda
Thanks for making me laugh so hard. 🤣🤣🤣

Bill Barella
I peed myself at the Bar Cougars….wonder which bar I can find them 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Sheila Kruger Yanez
You almost got me at bed bugs 🤢

Ty Taylor
My wife and I laughed so hard!!!! Thank you for this "pure comedy gold!"

Janice Whittaker
Nice try fella!

Terrence Nathan Tinucci
Deep creek is a shite hole stay away from there

Deana Braaten
Between the biting red mites and the hepatitis in the water, no thanks!

Susan Campbell
...and the piranha -- they've been extremely aggressive of late.

Sergio O. Imperiale
Yeah... What she said... Coyote 🐺 out my back door... Danger ... Best to stay put.. at least til after next election cycle... You're welcome 🙂

Avigayil Clarkson
Love the writeup... there is a lot of truth in it so those thinking about moving here should think twice and consider moving elsewhere... 😉

Laurie Todd
This is all true! I saw it on the internet so it must be, right?!?!?!?

Susan Fahrmeier
Laughed so hard I almost peed my pants

Jewely Sandollar
It’s ALWAYS been a draw from Oc and la. even the 70’s I couldn’t ski on the lake really between Mem and lab’s just so close to the city. Big bear there was never a place to rent. We tried to re locate there in the 90’ s. There were three places available. All the rest second homes and weekend rentals. The we came up to was awesome....15 minute drive to the ocean....been here 25...but we had our family cabin in LAKE a. So it was all good. Not an STR. Just our second family home Is Jensins still a crowd on sat mornings? And fridays too. .

Susan Nicola
I Love your humor ! We have been here 37 years and wow it has changed . Thanks for the laughs .

Sarah Nessl
😂 😂 when did you move up here because everyone had to at some point. The sense of entitlement of those who have lived here for more than 5 minutes is embarrassing.

Nataliya Isom
Sarah Nessl this 👌

Brad Clarke
I agree 100% w/ Sarah.Entitlement.I rent, so owner can boot me any time.But no problem- I'm moving back down the hill now.u can " have it" It's all yours( tongue in cheek)

Tami Pounds
Brad Clarke ya another one bites the dust..take a few more with you.

Brad Clarke
Tami Pounds nope

Cassie Doria

Jim Bowen
“Our mountains” LOL. GEEZ the mentality of some people.

Cynde Forniss
You forgot about the drug problem up there. Running ramped

Cal McEachern
...and the moose. Don't forget about the moose. What a pain in the butt they are.

Tige Licato
Just brilliant!

Sarah Seiler
This is great! Lol

Eric Ravenna
You win the internet today hahaha well played

Ron Henderson
And Sasquatch visited me last night

Dave Bergerson
A lot of the stuff you mentioned is true.Spiders.The rattlesnakes are everywhere and lice is prevalent.Drunk people at Heart Rock ,leaving trash everywhere.Yes ,bears are getting their fill before winter.Mountain lions come into town.One was spotted in the Arrowhead Credit Union parking lot ,watching a patron at the ATM .All true.I like how you embellished a bit but,you weren’t too far off.

Summer Johnson Duvall
Dave Bergerson That fine line that makes people wonder 🤔😉

Sharon Edelson-Eubanks
LMAOROTFPIMP…Pic-a-nic basket!
Yogi Bear #1 Movie CLIP - Pic-a-nic Basket (2010) HD

Steve Ferrera
I thought the Rim Cannibals did a fine job deterring flatlanders. Jack Winter Bring back Rim Cannibals!

Dawnn J Morales Marshburn
So funny!

Kerri Misenheimer
Lol now I want to move dth.

David Groch-Tochman
Remember us weekend home owners fund your community and so does the vacation folks 😀

Dianne Layman
David Groch-Tochman Not really

David Groch-Tochman
Dianne Layman my property taxes pay into your schools an community

Tarin Martinez
Dianne Layman true but we still be underfunded

Terrence Nathan Tinucci
David Groch-Tochman I’d rather be broke and alone

David Groch-Tochman
Terrence Nathan Tinucci and I keep up my property using local labor

Laura Medina
Terrence Nathan Tinucci right . I was thinking the same thing

Dianne Layman
Did you mention the fire zone? Home insurance is also tripled! You can only get California fair plan! Additionally, our roads are on the down slide and tree trucks for Edison are on every road including the detours! If there was a fire we would not be able to evacuate in time because of all the monster tree trucks, cal trans, and vacationers!

Marla Brockett
That's AWESOME 😂😆😂😆 Thanks for that Lol

Ron Tello Culley
Killer bug scares are always a great propaganda tool to keep you cool at home. Great move (especially cuz it's true!)

Ron Tello Culley
Edited, but immortalized; BLOG WORTHY!

Ron Tello Culley
Meanwhile, on the Mountain......

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Clayne Holmgren is with Ron Tello Culley.
Back again

Ron Tello Culley
Sweet! My House is holding its Purple Paint.
I'm still in Big Bear, Ca.
PM me for the location and vizzit me here.
There's a Saloon nearby!
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I was there last weeks and racked some buds up on your account


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No. You are in OZ and can't read a Yankee road map to save your life.

You at my House will never happen without a Trail Guide.

And I'm all out of Trail Guides.

Enjoy the view.
Just stay out of the frame.
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No. You are in OZ and can't read a Yankee road map to save your life.

You at my House will never happen without a Trail Guide.

And I'm all out of Trail Guides.

Enjoy the view.
Just stay out of the frame.

There is such an animal called a GPS nowadays


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:tello:" Look, I'm old school/world and I am miffed about current events.

What's the problem being born with a dick or puss?

Where did this "TRANS" shite come from?

Too late to contemplate.
This shite is worse than Halloween Nightmares.
And Rob Zombie Films.

The Decline of American Civilization is well into effect.

Damage Control is no longer an option.

The best I can do now is embrace my Junk and guard it from the
Gender Police.

I like being a man. And my junk is nice, thankyouverymuch.
(Shut up smee!)

It's better than being a Moderator. Or a target of Biden ":

Biden Team Makes A Disgusting And Unforgivable Comment About Kids

According to Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, children should have the final word on whether or not they want a gender transition.

Senator Mike Braun of Indiana challenged Becerra on the Biden administration’s endorsement of “gender-affirming” treatment for gender-questioning minors, which includes puberty blockers, hormone therapy, and sex reassignment surgeries. In what situation would irreversible sex-change surgery be necessary on children, asked Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana?

“Those choices are made by that person in consultation with a doctor, caregivers, and other people. There would be no decision taken without having consulted correctly,” Becerra said.

The government shouldn’t be “pushing” that kids can get an irreversible sex-change operation, said Braun. He was referring to a recently published Department of Health and Human Services guideline, which encourages healthcare providers, parents, and other stakeholders to give “gender-affirming” treatment such as “not reversible” operations.

Pituitary hormones used to postpone puberty do not have FDA approval for gender transition purposes. Braun inquired of Becerra whether off-label prescriptions that have not been authorized by the FDA are dangerous for children. The FDA would “sound the alarm” if a certain medication or therapy was being misused, according to Becerra, and the agency is investigating puberty blockers.

Sen. Becerra said that the government should provide individuals with “life-affirming care,” alluding to the high suicide rate among transgender youth. Braun asked if the information advocating for sex transition changes should be removed from the website until further research is conducted; however, Sen. Becerra maintained that by publicizing sex changes for children, the department was assisting many Americans in improving their lives.

This goes to show that some Democrats are truly disgusting when it comes to how they interact with children. The idea that kids can decide their own gender is surely going to be used to push the idea that kids can decide other sexual things. Yup, you heard it here first. This will be used to push pedophilia onto Americans and the sad truth is, it just might work. Or, maybe it will cause an all out rebellion?

Ask Tello, and he will say: "Drop the SEX NUKES now and be done with this, already".
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Seriously, most of my publishing time,
I don't read it all.

I hope you do,
and I don't care if you don't.

I like the pictures, too.

Abortion alternative: just a random, selected pic:
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:tello: "Given the current world news climate:


Suck my umbilical cord."
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There is such an animal called a GPS nowadays

We already had this discussion and everybody loses.
Deal widdit!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"