Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2787630 times)


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I post more than you!

I don't do Math anymore.
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I'm not doing chores anymore.

Look out!

Renegade Handyman on the loose!!!

The next hammer down may be on your wood.

And in the end, it may NOT buff out...
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I post more than you!

I don't do Math anymore.

Math or Meth??


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All the above, but you can't proove it!
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Flocking sock!....
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There's more here than meets the blind eye.....
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Jesse Jackson Nabbed By Police – Civil Rights Leader Arrested On Capitol Hill,
And Cops Quickly Arrest 200 More

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Americans can't agree on many things these days.

But it appears that people of all stripes are in love with at least one thing: hot sauce.

Over the last 10 years, hot sauce sales have been blowing up.

Whether it's Tabasco, Frank's, Sriracha, Cholula… doesn't matter. They're all growing, and fast.

Tabasco has been around for more than 150 years and hasn't seen growth like this in a long time. They put out a super-hot sauce called "Scorpion" and it created a waiting list almost overnight.

Old Bay did the same last year and they sold through their inventory in just a few hours!

Young bucks like to prove their mettle by taking the heat index of food up to "scorching," but it's natural for older people to gravitate to hot foods too.

After all, your taste buds lose a little of their luster, and you need something to spice things up.

And get this: all this hot sauce is actually good for you.

Imagine that. Something popular that's not going to kill you!

Hot peppers are loaded with antioxidants that can even slow cancer growth. They have phytonutrients that protect against macular degeneration and cataracts.

And while it seems counterintuitive, the capsaicin in hot sauces actually lower blood pressure. It relaxes blood vessels, so blood flows more freely.

And, if you deal with seasonal allergies or you're stuck with a cold, a dash of something spicy can open up your sinuses and get you breathing again.

Hot sauce can even tame arthritis pain.

I guess if your mouth is hurting, you forget about your hands!

If you're dealing with pain, eating something hot can actually ease arthritis pain and other aches. The brain senses the hot sauce and releases endorphins, which reduce inflammation all over the body.

No wonder people like it hot.

Just be careful. I can remember one time I had some of the guys over for the game and I broke out this sauce I got as a gift.

Something called "Dave's Insanity Sauce." Now, I put just a dash into a huge pot of gumbo and it gave it a mighty kick. But one of my friends decided to turn it up a notch.

He threw a bunch more of this devil's fire right in his own bowl, and the next thing you know he was hiccupping, crying, and generally looking like someone shot his dog.

And I can't even imagine what it was like when it came out the other end. Do you have a favorite hot sauce? Let me know so I can try it!

God Bless,

Jeff Reagan
Editor, Patriot Health Alliance
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For what it's worth:

My Rig has been delivered safely to the House of Tello.

It cost a lot, but it's worth it.

Next move: sit, wait, drink, save money
and U Haul my blues away.
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Biden Unwelcome! 9/11 Families Say No To President At 20th Anniversary Memorial

Approximately 2,000 people directly affected by the 9/11 terrorist attacks are calling on President Joe Biden to avoid participating in 20th-anniversary memorial events unless he declassifies the documents they believe will pinpoint the attacks to Saudi Arabia.

In a statement obtained by NBC News, the group of first responders, relatives of victims, and survivors say that they can’t, “in good faith, and with veneration to those lost, sick, and injured, welcome the president to our hallowed grounds until he fulfills his commitment.”

The statement adds that ever since the end of the 9/11 Commission back in 2004, a lot of evidence has been discovered that would implicate government officials of Saudi Arabia in backing the terrorist attacks. It also says that, through several administrations, the Justice Department and FBI both have sought to keep this a secret. They have also stopped the American people from finding out the truth about the attacks.

No surprises there.
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Every American needs to see this!
Democrats Prepare To Tell The Big Lie

In January of this year, the Democratic party took control of the United States Senate, giving them the Washington trifecta – control of the House, the Senate, and the White House. Barely six months later, Democrats are preparing for what is likely to be a devastating mid-terms for them.

Don’t believe me? Well ask Democrats themselves.

This week, Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-NY), the head of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, sounded the alarm bells in a closed door meeting of House Democrats.

According to Politico:

During a closed-door lunch last week with some of his most vulnerable incumbents, House Democrats’ campaign chief delivered a blunt warning: If the midterms were held now, they would lose the majority.

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney (D-N.Y.) followed that bleak forecast, which was confirmed by multiple people familiar with the conversation, with new polling that showed Democrats falling behind Republicans by a half-dozen points on a generic ballot in battleground districts.
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Report: NYT Told Reporters Not To Probe COVID Origins,
Perhaps To Protect Its Chinese Business Ties

According to a new Spectator report, as the mysterious novel coronavirus wreaked havoc throughout the globe last year, killing millions of people, the New York Times was busy blocking efforts to uncover the pathogen’s origins, possibly to safeguard its commercial connections (Business Ties) with China. Subsequently, during the early phases of the epidemic, The Times allegedly urged reporters not to delve into the pathogen’s origins, characterizing that virus escaped from a Chinese laboratory as hazardous, conspiratorial, and even racist.

Meanwhile, as the article was claimed to have quashed the inquiries, speculation grew that the mysterious coronavirus had escaped from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a laboratory approved to investigate hazardous pathogens in the area around the outbreak of CoronaVirus. In addition, numerous conservative and alternative media outlets, including The Blaze, have asserted that the concept of laboratory leaks has continued to grow.

On the other side, left-wing media organizations echoed assertions from the Chinese government and the World Health Organization that the virus was natural. No consideration of possible alternatives was permitted. However, sources claimed that the editors’ primary objective was not domestic politics in an election year, despite the Times’ hostility towards former President Trump.
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Must Watch: Soviet Immigrant, Registered Dem Issues Stark Warning About CRT

Truth has no political party, and the further the left goes, the broader the opposition grows. It’s like a line graph where the middle gets closer and closer to the left, leaving political allies behind to become political opposition. Tulsi Gabbard has found herself in this position, and so have many others.

Critical race theory is no exception. While it has been portrayed as a political matter in the media, teaching children should never be political. According to critical race theory, white people blame all racially motivated laws and policies that oppress people of color.

If only there were such laws, but there aren’t. Instead, they bundle legislation together. Policies and societal segregation combine to create a new re-written history lesson plan that, if allowed to continue, will revolutionize the way history books are written.

The only reason slavery ended was because white Americans stood up against it. The only reason black Americans can vote is that white Americans stood up for them. The only reason women can vote is because of men. In all these instances, people came together to bring change to the way of American life in a good way.

White Americans didn’t free the slaves because they wanted to hold them down for centuries to come as a lesser race. They did it because slavery was wrong and needed to stop. Government institutions didn’t make it much better, there was a hefty fee to free a slave, and many white plantation owners had more compassion than you might believe. The southern culture knew that black Americans were cast out of society from education, employment, and everyday activities. Many gave them a better life on the plantation than they otherwise would have gotten.
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Gigantic Teachers' Union Sues Mom for Asking What the Local Public School Is Teaching Her Daughter

There was a time when parental involvement in our kids’ education was seen as a good thing that all parents should do. We were invited to meet our kids’ teachers and even participated in class once or twice a week. This was all part of making sure our kids obtained the education our tax dollars paid for.

The COVID pandemic and the moral panic following George Floyd’s death destroyed all of that. Unionized teachers advocated for closing schools and keeping them closed and started sneaking in critical race theory teachings at every level during online classes. When parents noticed and asked, they tended to get a run-around or worse. In Loudon County, Virginia, public school administrators and teachers formed a cabal to hunt down and smear parents who questioned them.

Rhode Island mom Nicole Solas wanted to know what her daughter was being taught in kindergarten. So she asked the school for copies of the curriculum. She is entitled to that, as a parent and as a taxpayer. Public school curricula are public documents.

Instead of accommodating her, the school fought her. That naturally raised her suspicions, so she asked for more and more, about 200 public information requests, and got more and more of a runaround from the school. The school even tried to stick her with a bill for $74,000 as a way of making her go away.

Now the all-powerful National Education Association-Rhode Island has sued Solas. She was served with the lawsuit this week. The NEA is the largest teachers’ union in the United States, and it backs using public schools to teach critical race theory. It proudly states that its president, Becky Pringle, is a “fierce social justice warrior and defender of educator rights.” NEA’s bio of Pringle doesn’t mention parents at all.
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Fauci: US Faces More COVID Variants if Community Spread Isn't Controlled

Dr. Anthony Fauci, in a televised interview, warned that the U.S. will see additional COVID-19 variants capable of evading protection from the vaccines if the nation does not gain control over community spread of the delta variant.

Fauci, the chief medical adviser to the White House, made his remarks to "Good Morning America" host George Stephanopoulos on Thursday.

"That will happen, George, if we don't get good control over the community spread which is the reason why I and my colleagues keep saying and over again, it is very important to get as many people vaccinated as we possibly can," Fauci said.

"People who say, 'I don't want to get vaccinated because it's me and I'll worry about me, I'm not having any impact on anybody else,' that's just not the case.

"And when you give it ample opportunity to mutate, you may sooner or later get another variant, and it is possible that that variant might be in some respects worse than the already very difficult variant we're dealing with now, which is a major reason why you want to completely suppress the circulation of the virus in the community."

On Wednesday, Fauci told McClatchy that the delta variant may double to 200,000 cases a day in the U.S. in the coming weeks.

"What we’re seeing, because of this increase in transmissibility, and because we have about 93 million people in this country who are eligible to get vaccinated who don’t get vaccinated that you have a significant pool of vulnerable people," Fauci said.

The chief White House medical adviser stressed that "just a couple of months ago, we were having about 10,000 cases a day [and now] I think you’re likely going to wind up somewhere between 100,000 and 200,000 cases."

Fauci said he is concerned that the virus is being given "ample" opportunity to morph even further into a deadlier strain that could diminish the effectiveness of vaccines.

"If we don’t crush the outbreak to the point of getting the overwhelming proportion of the population vaccinated, then what will happen is the virus will continue to smolder through the fall into the winter, giving it ample chance to get a variant," he said.

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"Bowser now joins Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, and Andrew Cuomo among the many authoritarian Democrat politicians who got caught violating their own rules"

A photo of this top Democrat just surfaced exposing a humiliating truth about the authoritarian left

Democrat officials just implemented another round of authoritarian mask mandates in several cities and states across the country.

There’s even rumors that Joe Biden is preparing another nationwide lockdown.

Despite the fact that more residents were murdered in Washington, D.C. during the month of July than died from the coronavirus, Mayor Muriel Bowser just imposed another mask mandate for the District.

But less than 24 hours from implementing the new mask mandate, a photograph surfaced of Muriel Bowser breaking her own rule by not wearing a mask indoors at a wedding reception she officiated.

When called out on her hypocrisy, Bowser’s office falsely claimed the Mayor only took her mask off when outdoors and thus did not violate her order.

“On Saturday, July 31st, Mayor Bowser officiated an outdoor, rooftop wedding ceremony, followed by an indoor dinner,” the Mayor’s office told the Daily Caller. “The Mayor wore a mask indoors in compliance with the mandate, and the organizers and venue staff worked to create a safe environment for the staff and guests. The Friday, July 30th evening event called into question by conservative media was outdoors, on a rooftop.”
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"The time for waiting is over," Gov. Ralph Northam (D-VA) declared. He will now force all state employees to take the COVID injection or be subject to repeated COVID tests. He also made masks mandatory for all state employees regardless of injection status.

Billionaire Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Apple founder Steve Jobs and owner of The Atlantic magazine, said that the "unvaccinated" should be placed on a "no-fly list." This Biden mega donor who owns two jets wants to ban Americans from flying if they have not been injected with the experimental shots!

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio wants to ban the "unvaccinated" from restaurants, and CNN's Don Lemon wants to ban them from work and even grocery stores.

This insanity is spreading. Hourly we are flooded with desperate cries for help. We are working with each person to get exemptions. We need your help so we can help others.


Yesterday, Yelp added a category for businesses to show if they mandate masks or COVID shots for customers or require them for staff. Yelp also announced it will remove negative reviews of these companies that require masks or shots.

As pleas for help pour in, so do the sad reports, like this one:

I have always been pro-vaccination. I am 55 years old and me, my wife and my kids have all been vaccinated. I had the Pfizer vaccine thinking it was safe; however, I had a major stroke a month after the vaccine due to a blood clot that my doctor said was caused by the vaccine! Now I require help 24/7 from my family despite being a strong independent man prior to the vaccine.

This registered nurse is one of many heroes—until now ...

Yesterday afternoon I was given notice via email by CEO that the hospital is mandating COVID vaccines and I have until September 21st to receive the first one or I will be fired. I have worked as an RN on a COVID floor for the past year, without a vaccine or contracting COVID. I want to find out [what] my legal rights are. (emphasis added)

We are feverously working to help these people. We have been very successful in getting exemptions. We are working long hours under stressful conditions to help these frightened people. Help us help people through our Challenge Grant that will DOUBLE the impact of your gift.

Give to LCA today to help stop this injustice.

What breaks my heart is the thousands of lives that have ended after this jab. Their voice is permanently lost. One of these victims is the father of this heartbroken son whom we identify as J.S. His father died in Missouri after a COVID shot:

My father got the vaccine Feb. 6, 2021. Within two days, he was in the hospital and placed on dialysis. His second shot was given a month later. After that, his heart went into AFib and was shocked. Just three days after the second vaccine, doctors told him three of his heart valves were shut down and the fourth was not working very well.

He was released from the hospital the next day because there was nothing it could do for him. Two days later, he got up at 7:00 a.m. and fell over dead a few minutes later. All because of what was supposed to save him from Covid.

This father's life ended. His voice was silenced by this injection. While we cannot turn back the clock, there are millions of Americans who want the freedom to make this choice on their own. We are working on legal and policy efforts that will protect the rights of millions of Americans.

We are feverishly working to respond to as many requests as possible. While it is too late to save the life of this father, millions of Americans still do not want this injection. Your donation today can be a truly lifesaving difference for those who are reaching out to us.

Help us help these precious people.

NO ONE SHOULD BE FORCED. What we are witnessing is cruel and unlawful.

This dear person is being forced against his will to get the shots despite his religious objection. "I will be fully vested for retirement in less than 3 months from now, so potentially losing a job at this juncture would be discouraging," he said.

We will not rest until we help this man and scores of others who are reaching out for a lifeline.

Please stand with us as we stand in the gap for these people.

There is another way you can help. We have been successful in getting states to pass laws or issue executive orders banning vaccine passports. New Hampshire just became the latest state to join the ranks.

Send faxes to state and federal lawmakers. Say NO TO MANDATORY COVID SHOTS AND VACCINE PASSPORTS!

Also, help spread the word about Walk Out Wednesday, August 11—noon your time zone. We must stand together for freedom.

This is a critical moment in America. Our freedom is threatened, and we must fight to keep it.


Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
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Geez, there's some weird shite on TV.

And it's not me.
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And yes, if Elko is snooping around here,
they will know that I am returning to Montello
to escape the tyranny of Bad Bear..
...and get revenge in town.

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DISCLAIMER: Not everything is true.
Look around.


I'm right!
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Where is smee?
(Please adjust your settings to "Nowhere Mode".)

:tello: " If ONLY you Lurkers can see what goes on in The Dark Side of the OZRT...

.....I guarantee yood Hurl.

This is a Ghost Town being held together by
gossip, bubble gum and tenacity.

Ghosts are funny that way... "
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