Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2802047 times)


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Big Tech just took another unthinkable step toward censorship

Privacy and free speech are under serious assault.
The establishment is cracking down on dissent in a creepy way.
And Big Tech just took another unthinkable step toward censorship.

Big Tech sites will now be colluding with one another to ban “extremists” from their platforms.

This is the latest escalation in the establishment’s attack on liberty.

Tech platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Google, et al will share a database to crack down on domestic terrorism.

Reuters reports:
“Until now, the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism’s (GIFCT) database has focused on videos and images from terrorist groups on a United Nations list and so has largely consisted of content from Islamist extremist organizations such as Islamic State, al Qaeda and the Taliban.

Over the next few months, the group will add attacker manifestos – often shared by sympathizers after white supremacist violence – and other publications and links flagged by U.N. initiative Tech Against Terrorism. It will use lists from intelligence-sharing group Five Eyes, adding URLs and PDFs from more groups, including the Proud Boys, the Three Percenters and neo-Nazis.”

The War on Terror has effectively been turned inward on American citizens as a justification for fascist censorship.

The fact that the Proud Boys are being lumped in with neo-Nazis shows how biased and dangerous this entire project will be.

The Proud Boys are essentially a multiracial frat group started by comedic political pundit Gavin McInnes.

That they’ve been turned into a far-right paramilitary group by the corporate-controlled press shows the concept creep at play – targeting neo-Nazis gradually creeps out to include Proud Boys, and eventually even mainline conservatives.

For example, conservative activist Laura Loomer (a pro-Israel Jewish woman, i.e. not a neo-Nazi) has effectively been banned from everything, including Uber, AirBnB, and conventional banks for the crime of being a gadfly for the Left.

The one group that was conspicuously missing from the list was Antifa.

The radical far-left terrorist group has been responsible for countless beatings, destruction of public and private property, and several murders.

In Portland, a man who described himself as “100% Antifa” executed a Trump supporter in cold blood on the street, then was granted an interview with Vice News.

He was eventually shot and killed by U.S. Marshals attempting to arrest him.

There was a separate Antifa terrorist who attacked an ICE facility in Tacoma, Washington.

He left behind a manifesto, but somehow that didn’t make the list outlined by Reuters.

All the while, Democrats and their media comrades acted as if Antifa didn’t exist.

Biden called them an “idea” and Congressman Jerry Nadler called them a “myth.”

January 6 was the pretext for a massive increase in surveillance.

Stay tuned to Unmuzzled News for any updates to this ongoing story.
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Also notice that for vaccine to win will take two moves, but COVID could win in one move … and there is still the possibility of a tie.

The potent new Delta Variant has created a tragedy in Red States where it combined with anti-vaxxers, COVID deniers, conspiracy theorists and nutty Republicans who see vaccine defiance as patriotism.
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Susan Sarandon Seen Protesting Outside AOC’s Office: ‘We’re Losing Hope Here That You Represent Us’

Actress Susan Sarandon, a supporter of socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), was seen protesting outside the office of far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) this week expressing her disappointment in the lawmaker.

“I’m here to say to the squad, and especially AOC, who, you know did make a lot of promises, that we still have faith in you and we would like to see if you have a better plan than we’ve been able to see, please share it,” Sarandon said. “If there’s a pathway you’ve got that we’re not aware of, please share it. Because we’re losing hope here that you represent us.”

She added, “It’s so difficult for people that are independent to get elected in the first place — and then to see the very people that sponsored the bill not stand up for it, is very disheartening.”

Organizers of the protest stated online:

To Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the Squad, Pramila Jayapal, House progressives, Bernie Sanders, and every member of Congress. Far too many who ran on Medicare for All are not FIGHTING for it as if our lives depend on it. That’s why we’re holding a rally and action for Medicare for all at AOC’s office in the Bronx this Monday.
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Stop Proposed New Vacation Rental Ordinance for Big Bear Lake

Big Bear Vacation Rental Owners started this petition to Big Bear Lake City Council
Let’s work together to find a solution that benefits everyone!!

Big Bear Lake has recently proposed a new short-term vacation rental ordinance that fundamentally changes how owners are permitted to manage their short-term rental properties. The proposed ordinance would effectively create a management monopoly dominated by large management companies rather than management by individual homeowners or small, local companies. This forced restructuring will necessarily increase costs, which will have downstream effects including dramatically increased rental rates throughout Big Bear Lake which will ultimately impact the ability of families to afford a vacation in our community. As the primary industry for Big Bear Lake diminishes, so will other industries- food & beverage, services, retail and others. The domino effect from this will no doubt be widespread, impacting not only those in Big Bear Lake, but surrounding communities as well.
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CNN Anchor: ‘Credibility Question’ Swirls Around CDC’s Ever-Evolving Mask Policy

The very liberal CNN network has been all in with Team Biden on COVID-19 from the beginning.

But one nightly anchor had some serious questions on Tuesday after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reversed its stance and urged all people to once again wear masks, even those who have been vaccinated against the virus.

“I understand what you’re saying, but I also take a step back here and I say OK, first they said — and science and information can change, right? But we all remember at the very beginning here, mask up even if you’re vaccinated because you could spread it. And then, yay, guess what, you can’t spread it. And now, oh my gosh, now you can maybe spread it. And they’re making the change to the masking guidance based on unpublished data,” Burnett said.
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GOP Governors Reject Biden Admin’s New Mask Guidance, Blast Additional Mandates

Republican governors are slamming updated guidance from the Biden administration instructing vaccinated people to mask indoors and pushing universal masking in K-12 schools.

A group of GOP governors announced that their states would not be following the CDC’s guidance, which “revised” some of the CDC’s previous recommendations. The CDC changed its guidance because of the spread of COVID-19’s Delta variant.

“We believe the vast majority of transmission is occurring in unvaccinated people and through unvaccinated people, but unlike the Alpha variant that we had back in May — where we didn’t believe that if you were vaccinated you could transmit further – this is different now, with the Delta variant, and we’re seeing now that it’s actually possible if you are a rare breakthrough infection that you can transmit further, which is the reason for the change,” said CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky.

Governors argued that the availability and widespread use of vaccines has negated any need for additional mask requirements.
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Kayleigh McEnany Sends a Message to the Unvaxxed Contradicting The Left’s Narrative

The Political Insider reports, Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany urged Fox News viewers to get the COVID-19 vaccine, saying that she trusts the vaccine development process. She also said that she feels that the vaccine is effective when it comes to preventing and transmitting coronavirus.

See the report here:
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As of today, I have initiated Launch Sequence Protocol.

I cleaned out my shed, made ready to move out of here,
and all the contents were imported into The Garage Lounge and Warehouse.

For my next act: The Other Shed, where the tools live.
They too will endure a moving sensation.

That is all....I want to say.
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I was trimming my beard.
The scissors broke.
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Why does personal care have to be personal?

Can't we have Group Showers again?

Or how about 2-seated Out Houses?

And what about.....oh, nevermind.

:smee!:  I'll floss your fangs if you floss me bum.
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Dr. Fauci Gets In Heated Debate With Previous Versions Of Himself
Is it still necessary to wear a mask? Dr. Anthony Fauci weighs in. And a different Dr. Anthony Fauci disagrees with him. And another Dr. Anthony Fauci believes something else. Which is correct?! We may never know.
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“In life our first job is this, to divide and distinguish things into two categories: externals I cannot control, but the choices I make with regard to them I do control. Where will I find good and bad? In me, in my choices.” - Epictetus
Tip: You have a choice: You can focus on outcomes, events, people, circumstances and other things that are not up to you; OR you can shift your attention to things that you CAN control, like your emotions, judgements, creativity, attitude, perspective, desires, decisions, actions, choices and determination. Focusing on the latter -- what is in our power -- magnifies and enhances our power AND increases our chances for success.

Impact: Live in the present. As Ryan Holiday says, “Focus on the moment, not the monsters that may or may not be up ahead.” Of course, it’s not as simple as saying, “I’ll live in the present.” You must work on it. Catch your mind when it wanders. Discard distractions. Leave things well enough alone. Read The Tello Files.
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Meanwhile, in Australia....
Total Medical Tyranny: Military Rolls Into Major City to Enforce CVD Lockdowns

In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been using COVID-19 as an excuse to garner more government power for well over a year. Sadly, the practice of weaponizing the virus for political gain is not exclusive to America.

According to Reuters, Australia’s largest city is set to employ restrictions even more draconian than any seen in the United States since the pandemic began.

On Thursday, Sydney experienced 239 new COVID-19 cases, which was the most in a single day throughout the pandemic. As a result, the government immediately jumped on the opportunity to grab more power.

Starting Friday, high-transmission areas in Sydney will require masks outdoors for all residents, and they will be forced to stay within three miles of their homes.

Congress Launches New Policy For Cars Used Less Than 49 Miles/Day
Government leaders went with the tried and true method of fear-mongering in order to justify this overreaching decision.

“We can only assume that things are likely to get worse before they get better given the quantity of people infectious in the community,” said Gladys Berejiklian, the premier of New South Wales state.

Reuters admitted there was “little sign” of restrictions curbing spikes in infections, yet Australian officials somehow think even stricter rules will magically fix the problem. And that’s not all.

“With even tighter restrictions set to begin on Friday, New South Wales Police said it had asked for 300 military personnel to help enforce lockdown orders,” Reuters reported.

“The personnel will deploy on Friday, Defence Minister Peter Dutton said, and will begin assisting police with ensuring compliance with restrictions next week.”

Not only will Sydney force incredibly restrictive rules not backed by science on their residents; they will also use military personnel to enforce them. That is nothing short of tyranny.

Even finance experts seem to have somehow been brainwashed into believing these restrictions are a good idea. Federal Treasurer Josh Frydenberg admitted the lockdown would ravage the economy, but he still tried to defend its necessity.

“With respect to the December quarter, that does depend to a large extent how successful New South Wales, our largest state economy, is in getting on top of this virus,” Frydenberg said.

In other words, he wants to convince Australians that these lockdowns will ultimately save the economy by preventing further surges of the virus in the future.

The problem is that no one seems to know when these restrictions will end. Reuters reported only 13 people had died from the virus in Sydney during this latest outbreak, and yet federal officials are moving to keep citizens in line via military force.

If 13 deaths are enough to justify full-fledged tyranny, why should anyone believe the government will ever relinquish its newfound power?

The same questions lingers in the United States, where CDC officials recently twisted their rhetoric in an attempt to regain the power they just recently gave up.

Just a couple of months ago, the CDC recommended masks were no longer necessary for vaccinated individuals. This week, the agency reversed course and said Americans in many areas need to wear masks regardless of vaccine status.

While mask mandates are not the same as full lockdowns, the same sentiment applies. Once a government gains power, it is not likely to relinquish it.
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The Babylon Bee Presents: A Back-To-School Shopping List For Your Conservative Child

It's almost that time of year again! Public schools will be starting in a few weeks! Time to send your conservative little tikes into a hostile den of godless commies. How will they survive? Make sure they're ready with this conservative shopping list!

-Fireproof American flag to carry around: Public school teachers are always on the lookout for American flags to burn. Be prepared!

-Commie repellent spray: Pretty much just bear spray, but it also works on commies.

-Extra bacon to help them counteract that dumb healthy school lunch program: Arm your child with real AMERICAN food! Come and take it, Obama!

-Kids size 'I Identify As Vaccinated' t-shirt: Teachers must respect your child, no matter how he identifies.

-CRT canceling headphones: Any time your kid's teacher starts to teach her racist Marxist garbage, he can pop in those headphones and listen to Ben Shapiro!

-Brass knuckles: For the commies.

-Crayons with all the primary colors removed so he doesn't accidentally draw an LGBTQ+ rainbow flag: Stick to grey, black, brown, and salmon, just to be safe.

-Scissors to cut the masks off his peers and set them free: Just remind him not to run with them and we're sure it will be totally fine.

-Wire and spy camera so you can secretly record the teacher teaching CRT: Then you can send the recording to Christopher Rufo. Busted!

-Fake Das Kapital book covers to disguise his Bible and Tuttle Twins books: Then put them in a fireproof backpack so the teachers can't burn them.

-A watch that only displays the national debt: Your child must always be reminded of the impending doom wrought by runaway government spending.

-Glasses that make him colorblind: That way he won't see race.

-Extra boxes of tissues to help his classmates wipe their liberal tears: A great way for him to make some friends.

-A school voucher to let him go to a non-commie private school: If you manage to snag one of these, you won't really need the rest of this stuff. Except for the commie spray. That's always good to have on hand.
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Man Disguises Self As Illegal Immigrant So Democrats Won't Care That He's Unvaccinated

SAN DIEGO, CA—According to sources, Democrats in Washington really want people to get vaccinated. When it comes to undocumented immigrants, however, Democrats don't really seem to care as much. This led local man Damien Cooper to pose as an illegal immigrant so politicians won't bother him about getting vaccinated all the time.
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DeSantis Says No To COVID Lockdowns: We Should Not Be Forced To Live In A ‘Faucian Dystopia’

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis rejected the idea of imposing more COVID lockdowns and slammed the notion of living in a “Faucian Dystopia.”

DeSantis’ strong stance came during a speech to the American Legislative Exchange Council’s annual meeting in Utah on Wednesday.

“I think it’s very important that we say unequivocally no to lockdowns, no to school closures, no to restrictions, and no to mandates,” the Republican insisted.

The rejection of lockdowns and mandates comes as the CDC has updated their mask guidance to include fully vaccinated Americans and the White House is pushing mandates.
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Who watches the watchmen? Fauci's 'noble lie,' exposed

In our moment of greatest need, Science protected ... itself

The philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer once wrote that truth goes through three stages:
First, it is ridiculed; second, it is violently opposed; and third, it is accepted as being self-evident.

Guess what's next for us?


Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? — Who watches the watchers?

Six months ago, I began my first article on scientific censorship during COVID-19 by introducing Dr. Anthony Fauci as a surprise character who had emerged unexpectedly while I dug through what were then 83,000 FOIA emails, published by US Right-to-Know over the course of the last year: see files related to Ralph Baric, Linda Saif, Rita Colwell, Colorado State/Rocky Mountain National Laboratory and the NCBI; other FOIA releases from Judicial Watch, BuzzFeed, and the Washington Post include NIH funding of the WIV and Dr. Fauci's emails.

I've been trying for quite some time to get people to understand the full scope of the Dr. Fauci "situation," but it's clear that segments of our national leadership are preventing an honest and open inquiry into his actions because they fear the backlash or collateral damage that will result from the tarnishing of their sacred cow. It's time Americans were told the truth: that the grant money sent to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) is merely a footnote in this narrative.

After all, Dr. Fauci controls nearly $4 billion of annual grant funding for the NIAID, the institute within the NIH he has directed since 1984. Over 37 years, more than 50,000 research projects have been supported with more than $50 billion (conservatively) of taxpayer funds that have been doled out to them.
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The media’s narrative about vaccines is falling apart before their eyes

The establishment is pushing hard for everyone to get vaccinated.

People are resistant, and the Left is selling a particular story to the country.

But the media’s narrative about vaccines is falling apart before their eyes.

The establishment seemingly wants every single American vaccinated even though many medical professionals believe that’s wrong-headed policy.

Dr. Martin Kulldorff, an epidemiologist and one of the three creators of the Great Barrington Declaration, said that pandemics end once herd immunity is reached through a combination of infection and vaccination.

The phrase “herd immunity” was essentially outlawed in the press for months.

Kulldorff also said that it doesn’t make sense for people who’ve already had COVID to get the vaccine.

But the narrative from the press and the public health officials is for everyone to get vaccinated.

The corporate-controlled press has blamed vaccine hesitancy on those evil right-wingers at Fox News, but that claim isn’t holding up to scrutiny.

As it turns out, roughly 30% of healthcare workers are unvaccinated.

These are people on the front lines who have chosen not to get the vaccine for one reason or another, such as they’ve already had COVID or they’re young and healthy.
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Surprise! US Farmland is Being Sold to China

For a country that acknowledges how bad China is and how we are not allies with them, we are constantly doing deals with them. Now, we’ve learned that U.S. farmland is being sold to China.

Why in the world would we sell our farmland to Communist China? And, exactly how much land are we talking about?
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Pelosi Orders The Arrest Of Non-Compliant Republicans

Throughout the “back the blue” time of the Trump White House, one thing was very clear that largely stopped it — police follow orders.

This includes orders that are very absurd and break the basic freedoms of people. Yes, police generally do great work and are respected for it, but if you are thinking they will stand up to their bosses to protect your rights, they will almost always disappoint you.

Another example of that has come from inside the Capitol is that Nancy Pelosi has ordered the Police to arrest lawmakers and visitors who are not wearing a mask.

If the Capitol Police weren’t such a completely politicized group, they would scoff at the notion of using police personnel to arrest people for not using masks, especially when this edict comes from a very political source.

There is no science supporting the idea of more mask-mandates anywhere. That is especially true about the Capitol Building, where almost every individual in attendance is vaccinated and supposedly has long-term protection from the effects of coronavirus.

Pelosi ordered this mask-mandate back into place for one special reason — to troll Republicans. No data exists to really support mask mandates, much less inside the Capitol.

Even still, that does not excuse the Capitol Police from accepting this and allowing themselves to be turned into political pawns. But of course, they are the good guys, we have been assured of this.
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Breaking: Walmart Mandating Masks

The largest retailer in the United States is reinstituting mask mandates.


“Walmart, the nation’s largest retailer and private employer, is reversing its mask policy and will require all its workers including vaccinated ones in areas with high infection rates to wear masks,” according to the Associated Press. [emphasis added]

“The Bentonville, Arkansas-based company says it is also encouraging customers to wear masks in those stores in areas with high infection rates and will be adding back signs at the entrances, according to a memo supplied by Walmart that was sent to its employees on Friday. It will also bring back so-called health ambassadors who will be positioned at the entrances and hand out masks… [emphasis added]

“The moves come three days after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention changed course on some masking guidelines, recommending that even vaccinated people return to wearing masks indoors in parts of the U.S. where the delta variant of the coronavirus is fueling infection surges.”
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