Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2818245 times)


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Hey, listen kids...don't let Esoterics set you back.

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What do you call a person who is employed to smoke marijuana, vaccinate ducks and wear a tracksuit?

A wacky tobacky quacky vaccy tracky dack lackey
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Biden Surgeon General Calls On Big Tech To Impose ‘Consequences’ For Violating ‘Platform Policies,’ ‘Proactively’ Provide Info From ‘Credible Sources’ To Fight ‘Health Misinformation’

In a new report titled, “Confronting Health Misinformation,” President Biden’s U.S. Surgeon General has recommended that Big Tech companies — such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube — impose consequences for accounts that violate the private companies’ own policies.

In a section titled “What Technology Platforms Can Do,” Surgeon General Vivek Murthy outlined a list of suggested “product design and policy changes” technology platforms should focus upon to “slow the spread of misinformation.” According to the office of the surgeon general, health misinformation can be defined as “information that is false, inaccurate, or misleading according to the best available evidence.”
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10 Things That Are Worse Than The Civil War According To Joe Biden

The American Civil War was pretty bad, but there are a lot of things that have happened since then. Some of them are even worse than the Civil War. Just ask Joe Biden. Over his short presidency, he has already compared all ten of these things to the Civil War:

1. Republicans asking people to show ID at the polls - Literally just as bad as Gettysburg.

2. The Jan. 6 attack on the capitol, where millions died - Literally just as bad as Antietam.

3. His favorite ice cream shop being out of chocolate chocolate chip - Biden freaked out over this one, calling it "the worst attack on democracy since Lincoln was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald."

4. Matlock getting canceled - Hoo boy, was he furious about this.

5. That one time a reporter asked him an actual question - The one time this happened in all of human history, he said it was "just like that Gettysburg thing."

6. "You know, the thing!" - We aren't sure what he was talking about here, but it was definitely worse than the Civil War.

7. Taco Bell discontinuing the Caramel Apple Empanada - OK, he's got a point here.

8. Catholic priests denying him Communion for not believing Catholic things - A true outrage and definitely worse than the ACW.

9. When the world was destroyed in World War 3 back in February 2020 - You probably don't even remember this war between us and Iran. Because you're dead.

10. The New York Post reporting on his son's laptop - Pickett's Charge has nothing on this national tragedy.

Is Joe right about these? What things have happened in your life that are worse than the Civil War? Let us know in the comments!
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Gen. Mark Milley Compared Trump Supporters To Nazis: ‘These Are The Same People
We Fought In World War II’

General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, compared supporters of former President Donald Trump to Nazis, according to a new book.

Milley, who has been widely criticized for being “woke,” claimed that Trump was preaching “the gospel of the Führer” when he contested the results of the 2020 election and claimed that Trump had led the U.S. to the brink of its own “Reichstag moment,” a reference to an incident in 1933 that Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler used to consolidate political power in Germany.

New York Magazine reported:

… the general’s worries grew rapidly as the president plunged the nation into chaos following Election Day. Seven days later, Milley got a call from “an old friend” with an explicit warning that Trump and his allies were trying to “overturn the government.” Milley was confident that any attempts by Trump to hold on to power would be thwarted, because the military wouldn’t go along. “They may try, but they’re not going to felafeling succeed,” he told aides. “You can’t do this without the military. You can’t do this without the CIA and the FBI. We’re the guys with guns.”

The book says that Milley responded to the January 6 riot by saying, “These guys are Nazis, they’re boogaloo boys, they’re Proud Boys. These are the same people we fought in World War II.”
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Popular New Ejection Porch Automatically Launches Vaccine Evangelists Into The Stratosphere

U.S.—An American manufacturer has been overwhelmed with preorders for its brand new "ejection porch," which is specially designed to detect when Biden's vaccine evangelists are at your door so it can launch them into the stratosphere.

"Excuse me, sir, do you have a few minutes to talk about our lord and savior Dr. Fau-- AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" said one door-to-door vaccine auditor after the advanced technology in the porch detected his whiny and annoying government vaccine-evangelist voice and launched him into the sky, above the clouds, and out of sight.

For anyone who can't afford an advanced and costly porch upgrade, the company is selling handy signs to hang on your porch to tell them to get lost.
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Biden Warns Cubans Not To Come Here For Freedom As He Is Getting Rid Of That

WASHINGTON, D.C.—President Joe Biden has taken a tough stance against Cuban refugees. While Biden usually welcomes anyone — especially illegal immigrants — to America, the Cubans are different, because when they come here they might commit malicious acts, such as voting Republican. Thus Biden is trying to dissuade Cubans from coming here by telling them that if they’re fleeing to America to seek freedom, America is actually getting rid of that.

“I’m sorry, but we’re junking that right-wing, QAnon liberty malarkey,” Biden said in a statement aimed at Cuba. “If you want that, look elsewhere. We found that freedom got in the way of responding to COVID — which we’re pretty certain is never, ever going away — and all of our economic plans, so it’s on its way out, Jack.”

Biden also pointed out that it is dumb to flee the Marxism in Cuba because we're trying to get more Marxism here. “All the young people on my staff, they can’t get enough of the Marxism,” Biden said. “So if you don’t like that, it’s just a terrible idea to come over here. Maybe instead try... I dunno... is Guam a country?”

Biden did extend an invite to any refugees, though, who are fleeing their countries because they don’t provide enough education about Critical Race Theory.
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Oops…There’s a Slight Problem with the Johnson & Johnson One-Shot Vaccine…It’s Called Paralysis

Not all COVID-19 vaccines are created equally. When the mad dash to get vaccines running through bloodstreams began, pharmaceutical giants were mixing a dash of this with a pinch of that in hopes of winning the coveted blue ribbon. Johnson & Johnson was the first to offer a convenient one-shot and done vaccine, but the only return they’re seeing from their rush to hop on the money train is in the form of serious consequences.

Johnson & Johnson’s hit it and quit it one-time inoculation bolted out of the starting gate with a warm reception from swarms of folks who didn’t want to deal with the two-shot process. But just like shopping at a 7-11, convenience comes with a price.

On July 12, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced they’ll be sticking a warning label on Johnson & Johnson’s product. So far, 100 cases of a rare neurological disease known as Guillain-Barre syndrome have been linked to their vaccine.

“The FDA is announcing revisions to the vaccine recipient and vaccination provider fact sheets for the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) COVID-19 Vaccine to include information pertaining to an observed increased risk of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS) following vaccination,” said a spokesperson for the agency.

The FDA still believes the benefits far outweigh the risks, but from their perspective, this is an easy thing to profess. Even with the risks thus far considered minimal, would you take the chance on beating the odds with your 14-year-old child? It’s a rhetorical question.
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Biden Says Domestic Terrorism Is A Top Threat, Nominates Domestic Terrorist To Run Federal Agency

From early on, the Biden administration has urged the need to combat “domestic terrorism” and touted a high standard of “ethics.” Joe Biden shot gaping holes in the sincerity and credibility of both goals when he nominated an ethically compromised eco-terrorist, Tracy Stone-Manning, to lead the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), which controls nearly 250 million acres of resource-rich federal lands.

The confirmation process has brought to light Stone-Manning’s domestic terrorist past. Some argue it makes her unfit to command the approximately 12 percent of the American landmass BLM controls, access to which is key to countless Western jobs and the region’s economic and cultural vitality.

A History of Domestic Terrorist Exploits

During her years as a graduate student at the University of Montana, Stone-Manning was involved with the eco-terrorist group “Earth First!,” which in 2002 was labeled a “radical group” by the FBI. The group gave rise to the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), an organization the FBI described as a “serious terrorist threat” in the early 2000s.

Earth First! has extensive connections to ecological terrorist movements across the globe. It recently endorsed an attack on logging equipment in Chile, labeling the destruction of “no less than 26 machines” as a “beautiful coordinated attack,” according to the Earth First! Journal. The group also expressed unqualified support for terrorists — dismissed by some in the media as “vandals” — who recently set fire to part of a Tesla factory in Germany.

Closer to home, ELF was responsible for the 1998 arson attacks on ski buildings and equipment in Vail, Colorado. In May 2001, ELF firebombed the office of Toby Bradshaw, a biologist at the University of Washington, to protest his work genetically modifying trees.
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To Avoid 1st Amendment Concerns, Biden Administration Announces They Will Let Facebook Run The Gulags

WASHINGTON, D.C.—After critics raised concerns regarding the constitutionality of the Biden administration's planned gulags for anti-vaxxers and insurrectionists, White House spokesperson Jen Psaki announced they will now avoid any legal pitfalls by having Facebook run the camps instead.

"We are proud to announce that our gulags will be run by the beloved mega corporation Facebook!" said Psaki to reporters. "There are many problematic people in this country who desperately need re-education, and we can think of no one better to run the camps than the most powerful social media platform in history! Yay!"

Unfortunately, none of the reporters were still paying attention at that point, since they were happily munching on chocolate chip cookies.

Legal experts say that since Facebook is a private corporation, it can do whatever it wants, even if that means forcibly detaining American citizens in labor camps until they die of abuse and malnutrition.
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Dems Want to Spy on Us for Vaccine Misinformation Via Text

The Democrats continue to step on our privacy. They want to make demands that are outrageous. With each and every demand that they make, they’re beginning to sound more like Communist China.

Now, the ultra-liberals are worried that there may be vaccine misinformation being spread by text. After all, why else would Americans not be lining up to get vaccinated against COVID? It couldn’t possibly be because the vaccine is still not FDA approved or because there’s significant mistrust of the federal government.

Misinformation is something we all have to deal with. By doing our own research and by using validated sources, we can find out whether something is true or not.
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Biden: Facebook Is ‘Killing People’ With COVID Misinformation

Breaking Now: Just moments ago (see video below), as he left the White House to board Marine One, President Joe Biden said that social media platforms like Facebook are “killing people” by publishing misinformation about COVID-19.

When asked by a reporter (see video below), “COVID misinformation, what’s your message to platforms like Facebook?” Biden replied, “They’re killing people. I mean, it really, look, the only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated. And, they’re killing people.”
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10 Tips for Preserving Your Mental Health in Isolation

Humans are a social species, and spending long periods in isolation can have detrimental physical and mental health effects. Events like the 2020 pandemic caught the world off-guard and left many people struggling to figure out how to cope with being alone.

In a survival situation, especially if you’re not sheltering with friends or family members, preserving your mental health can pose a massive challenge.

So, what can you do to preserve your mental health if you’re going to spend extended periods alone?

The Effects of Isolation on Mental Health
The internet may have made it easier to connect with people from all around the globe, but it feels like we’re more alone than ever when it comes to in-person connection. When it comes down to it, humans aren’t meant to be by themselves for long periods.

:tello: " I don't listen to this. I've been isolated, Hermitized for over 7 years
and I prefer it. I'm in good health, except for my disabilities."
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White House denies 'spying' on social media, says users sharing  misinformation should be banned from all platforms

White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Friday denied that the federal government is "spying" on certain individuals' social media accounts to look for "misinformation" about COVID-19, but also said that a person who is banned from one platform for sharing misinformation should be banned from all of them.

During Friday's press conference, Psaki said false claims that COVID-19 vaccines may contribute to infertility is an example of the kind of misinformation the government is looking to censor. Then, she listed several steps the Biden administration believes social media must take to limit the spread of misinformation.

Among these steps, Psaki said social media companies should create "robust enforcement strategies that bridge properties."

"You shouldn't be banned from one platform and not others for providing misinformation," she said.
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What do you call a person who is employed to smoke marijuana, vaccinate ducks and wear a tracksuit?

A wacky tobacky quacky vaccy tracky dack lackey

That is tacky .......And you need a smacky


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Both of yez is high on Cracky.
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Are you trying to take the macky?
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How Human Are Humans? New Study Suggests About 7 Percent

Have you ever looked at an ad for a DNA test and wondered: What were my ancestors like? Who were these people that gave me their genetic code? Perhaps you pictured a group of shepherds, diligently tending their flock. Perhaps you imagined merchants selling spices from elaborate jars, or hunters tracking down a towering elk.

Did you picture a Neanderthal? Maybe you should have.
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Signs & Symptoms Of Dehydration

Dehydration occurs when the body does not receive enough water. The body is practically sixty percent water. Individuals require water for digestion, breathing, and basically every single function of the body. Individuals could lose water rapidly via sweating excessively on a humid day or through a lot of exercises. The body could lose water via excessive urination as well.

People can become dehydrated if they have diarrhea, are vomiting, or have a fever. Dehydration could be severe; luckily, there are several ways to determine if someone is dehydrated. They may display symptoms even with minimal water loss. Dehydration by as little as one or two percent could lead to signs and symptoms.
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Housekeeping Habits That Will Make Your Life Easier

Some people simply enjoy the process of house cleaning, while some people dread it more than anything and keep procrastinating. Either way, it doesn’t change the fact that house cleaning is inevitable, no matter what. This is why we are here at your rescue with some of the best house cleaning tips that will save time and make your life easier than ever. Let’s get started!

First And Foremost, Why Is House Cleaning So Important?

You may think that the microscopic dust particles on your carpet won’t cause much harm, but they practically destroy the air you breathe and can cause illnesses, infections, and whatnot. You may also think that having dirty dishes piling in the sink won’t cause much trouble. But it can attract lots of insects which can spread bacteria all over the place.
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What great entertainers ended their careers broke, besides Lou Costello from Abbott and Costello?

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Facebook On Biden’s Vaccine Claims: They’re ‘Looking For Scapegoats For Missing Their Vaccine Goals’

Facebook responded to claims made by President Joe Biden and his administration this week that the social media platform was not doing enough to combat vaccine misinformation, saying that the administration was looking for “scapegoats” to blame after the administration failed to reach its vaccine goals.

When asked about his thoughts about misinformation on Facebook, Biden told a reporter, “They’re killing people.”

“The only pandemic we have is among the unvaccinated, and they’re killing people,” Biden added.

“We will not be distracted by accusations which aren’t supported by the facts,” Facebook said in response.
“The fact is that more than 2 billion people have viewed authoritative information about COVID-19 and vaccines on Facebook, which is more than any other place on the internet. More than 3.3 million Americans have also used our vaccine finder tool to find out where and how to get a vaccine. The facts show that Facebook is helping save lives. Period.”

A short time later, a Facebook official told NBC News: “In private exchanges the Surgeon General has praised our work, including our efforts to inform people about COVID-19. They knew what they were doing. The White House is looking for scapegoats for missing their vaccine goals.”
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Mark Levin Exposes the Democrats’ Voter Smoke Screen

Democrats love to toss around big ideas that sound noble. But if you try to pin them down on the specifics of their ideas, they lay down a smokescreen to hide their true intentions. The latest example is bill H.R.1 – the “For The People” Act. Watch as Mark delves into the bill’s details, secret truths are revealed: it is the most brazen political power grab in American history. And the end goal? To set up a voting system where the Democrats can never lose. WATCH more Mark Levin:
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WATCH: Psaki Gets Grilled Over The Biden Admin Pushing Tech Companies To Censor Misinformation

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was grilled during Friday’s press briefing over her admission that the Biden administration is pushing social media companies to censor what they deem is “misinformation.”

Psaki downplayed the notion that people care more about the government spying on them than they care about people dying from COVID-19.

“The big concern though, I think for a lot of people on Facebook, is that now this is big brother watching you,” a reporter said to Psaki.

“They’re more concerned about that than people dying across the country because of a pandemic where misinformation is traveling on social media platforms?” Psaki responded. “That feels unlikely to me, if you have the data to back that up. I’m happy to discuss it.”

“And about things that are on Facebook, I looked this morning, there are videos of Dr. Fauci from 2020 before anybody had a vaccine, and he’s out there saying there’s no reason to be walking around with a mask,” the reporter responded. “So, is the administration going to contact Facebook and ask them to take that down?”
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Surgeon General Urges Tech Giants To Censor CVD Dissidents

The Biden administration is pressuring tech giants to punish any COVID-19 dissidents guilty of spreading what they label as “misinformation” with excess censorship and surveillance.

In a new report titled “Confronting Health Misinformation,” U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy urges big tech giants to crack down on what he labels “misinformation ‘super-spreaders’” operating on their respective sites.

“Limiting the spread of health misinformation is a moral and civic imperative that will require a whole-of-society effort,” Murthy wrote in the introduction of the report.

Murthy urged platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and other corrupt social media companies to enact sweeping censorship “consequences” on “repeat offenders” who violate quickly concocted and ever-shifting content policies. He also suggested an algorithm “redesign” meant to “avoid amplifying misinformation, build in ‘frictions’ — such as suggestions and warnings — to reduce the sharing of misinformation, and make it easier for users to report misinformation.”
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Los Angeles Sheriff Won’t Enforce Mask Order

Breaking: This week, Los Angeles reimposed a mandatory COVID mask order. But, in a new development, the Los Angeles County Sheriff has just announced that he will not have his deputies enforce the order for both scientific and budgetary reasons.

The Sheriff issued the following statement:

Forcing the vaccinated and those who already contracted COVID-19 to wear masks indoors is not backed by science and contradicts the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines.  The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (DPH) has authority to enforce the order, but the underfunded/defunded Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department will not expend our limited resources and instead ask for voluntary compliance.  We encourage the DPH to work collaboratively with the Board of Supervisors and law enforcement to establish mandates that are both achievable and supported by science. –Sheriff Alex Villanueva
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Rural Americans Burn Kamala Harris At The Stake For Witchcraft After She Shows Them A Photocopier

PODUNK, KS—Vice President Kamala Harris caused quite a stir while trying to help rural Americans vote. She traveled to some of the most backwater areas of America — thousands of miles from civilization — and brought a photocopier to show them how to copy an ID card. The rural Americans had never seen such a device, though, and soon became angry at it.

“It’s stealing our documents’ souls!” exclaimed one simple rural American upon seeing his ID copied. He then pointed an accusing finger at Harris. “She must be a witch!”

“I am not a witch,” Harris stated, though her statement was undercut by the way she kept cackling like one.

The angry rural folk then tied Harris to a stake to burn her as a witch.

“It was not my idea to impose advanced city technology on your simple rural brains!” Harris pleaded with them. “That is the fault of the Republicans! I wanted to spare you from this!”

The rural people ignored her and began lighting kindling around her feet.

“Science forgive them!” Harris called out. “They know not what they do! For they are too rural and simple! Their brains are filled with nothing but knowledge about corn!”

After letting it go on for a few minutes, the Secret Service finally decided they should probably do something, so they put out the fire, untied Harris, and took her away on Broom One.
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Why You Should Move Your Money by September 22, 2021
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7 Signs Your Kid Might Be Learning CRT At School
July 12th, 2021 -

We all know that CRT is simply the honest teaching of American history. It's also a niche legal theory that is only taught in college. It's also an arbitrary label that racists use to slander everything they don't like. It's also the only way to make sure your elementary school kids don't grow up thinking slavery is good. Wow! Are you confused? You probably are. Whiteness has that effect on people. We're here to help.

So how can you know your kids are being taught CRT in school? Here are the 7 signs:

1) They call your boss to tell how racist you are: If your kid tries to get you canceled because you perpetuate systems of oppressive whiteness by treating all races equally--which is totally racist-- they might be learning CRT.

2) They segregate all their stuffed animals by fur color: Kids who have been taught CRT know the value of creating segregated, decolonized spaces for their stuffies of color to play without white harassment.

3) They come home with purple hair and a 'Kill All Men' tattoo: This look is the standard issue for kids who believe all the tenets of CRT.

4) They try to get out of math homework by telling you math is racist: Well, it is. So why are you making them do it, you racist boomer?

5) They refuse to eat on Taco Tuesday due to cultural appropriation: Literally every white ally of social justice knows that enjoying any aspect of another culture that doesn't belong to your own is racist. Segregate those cultures, Mom and Dad!

6) They ask all their minority classmates to bully them: Are they white? Then they deserve it!

7) They explain over dinner how Marxist ideology is a potent and effective tool for infiltrating all aspects of modern civilization-- including culture, religion, economy, and government-- in order to dismantle the established order and topple the bourgeois: Wow! so true!

If your kid exhibits any of these signs, they're on their way! Give them a salute, Comrade!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"