Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2826398 times)


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DeSantis Signs ‘Anti-Riot’ Bill That Enhances Penalties For Crimes Committed During A Riot

On Monday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed an “anti-riot bill” after it passed the state Senate last week, legislation that enhances penalties for crimes committed during a riot.

The bill, according to WFLA, includes several measures introduced by DeSantis last summer as race protests and violent attacks on federal and police buildings made headlines.

The Florida bill features many changes to the state’s criminal and administrative law.

Making it difficult for cities and counties to reduce funding for the police.

Allows governments to be sued if they fail to stop a riot.

Grants civil legal immunity to people who drive through protesters blocking a road.

Creates a new “aggravated riot” second-degree felony charge for crimes stemming from riots of over 25 people.

Doesn’t allow rioters to bail out of prison prior to their first court case.
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Newt Gingrich Rips Maxine Waters For ‘Openly Encouraging Violence’ In Minnesota

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich went on Fox News on Monday morning to blast Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) for recently calling for protesters to “get more confrontational” as the trial of Derek Chauvin for the death of George Floyd continues.

Gingrich pointed out that Waters is “openly encouraging violence” as he also called for a “nationwide movement” to put a stop to looting and violence in the streets under the guise of protesting.
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‘Last Man Standing’ Star Tim Allen Condemns ‘Willful Process’ Working To Divide The American People
Defies Hollywood norms to call out the "willful process to divide us" that's happening in our culture.

Published on Apr 19, 2021 at 4:38 PM
by James Conrad

These days, Hollywood is dominated by liberals who have no problem with the government controlling as many aspects of our lives as possible. “Last Man Standing” star Tim Allen, however, has never been afraid to defy the Hollywood norm by speaking his own mind.

Allen did just that over the weekend by calling attention to one cultural trend in America with a powerful tweet that many of his fellow Hollywood stars will not like.
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April 19, 2021

Copy these "Insurgent" tactics to survive
During Operation Snipe, personnel from the British 45th Commando Group cleared a remote area of the Afghan mountains.

Over 1,000 British personnel were part of the operation.

Their goal was to search, clear and, destroy Taliban hideouts in the mountains.

During the operation, they discovered a massive cave network and a huge arms cache.

The caves were about 100 to 150 feet deep and were 6 to 9 feet high. They had been created years prior by Taliban fighters.

The entrances were sealed shut with metal doors and guarded by local warlords.

Inside the caves was about 20 truckloads of weapons and munitions including 30,000 to 40,000 rockets, mortars, and projectiles.

Most of the weapons and ammo were Chinese or Russian-made.

According to British soldiers, "There were enough munitions here to keep a small army going for several months.”

In a blast seen for miles, the British forces set off demolition charges to destroy the caves.

They used about 200 pounds of explosives, along with anti-tank mines.

A British engineer said it was the biggest controlled explosion by British sappers since World War 2.

The ordnance inside the caves continued to explode for hours after it started.

"There's no way they'll be able to go in there and use those caves now," said British Sgt. Iain Murison.

If it had not been for these soldiers, who knows how much death and destruction could have been carried out.

But there's a lesson to be gleaned here...

Some of the tactics used by the enemy insurgents could prove useful in a survival situation (used for good and not evil).

Supply caches:

Humans cannot survive more than three or four days without water.

And you cannot fight off enemies without food and ammunition.

U.S. forces regularly discovered strategically located insurgent caches.

The insurgents were very good at never putting all their eggs in one basket.

And when you are devising your bug-out plan make sure you consider these factors.

If you are planning on bugging out to a remote cabin make sure that you have supply stops along the way.

For instance, if your bug out location is 4 hours away, you need to have enough gas to get there. Or store gas in places along the way.

Forts will fall:

In an emergency or survival situation, most folks plan to stay home and protect their family.

But you should always have a plan if you must abandon your home.

Insurgents know that their forts or caves won't stop modern militaries for too long.

So, they plan how and when to move away quickly from their locations.

And the reality is, you should plan for any defensive location to fall.

This is why it is so critical to have a bug-out plan in place.

Make sure that you have an evacuation plan of how to get out of your town or city.

You want to be able to move fast and light.

Be prepared to take your bug-out bag and a few other pieces of gear.

Spider holes:

You may recall that Saddam Hussein was captured when he was found hiding in a spider hole.

Spider holes are can be used to hide or surprise attack approaching enemies.

As we have seen with caves and spider holes, insurgents dig into the earth with nothing more than a pickaxe.

While you hopefully never need to live in a hole, these types of tactics can help defend your home.

If you live on a large piece of property, or even bug out to a remote location, a spider hole can be a worthwhile tactical addition.

During a survival situation, you can rotate taking turns from the spider hole.

This way you can alert your family to approaching threats in extreme survival situations.

Plus, spider holes are a great way to hide or your supplies. Don’t forget to mark the location of the hole so you know exactly how to find it.

There is nothing to like about the insurgents in Afghanistan. They are ruthless and evil enemies.

Yet, the same tactics that caused headaches for the best militaries in the world can help beef up your survival plans.
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Illegal Alien Arrests Have Dropped Drastically During Border Crisis Under Biden

Reports have revealed that under the Biden administration, the number of illegal alien arrests has significantly decreased.

According to a Breitbart report, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement carried out 75% less “priority” arrests. Additionally, arrests deemed “non-priority” under the current administration has gone down by more than 80% compared to the same time period in 2020.

More specifically, the “non-priority” arrests of illegal aliens that ICE has done, have gone down from 17,810 in 2020 to just 3,306 in the current year.
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Expanding SCOTUS will shrink freedom

Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel <>
Ron Culley

Mon, Apr 19 at 2:52 PM

Ten times since November, the U.S. Supreme Court has sided with churches against unconstitutional COVID restrictions. This, in part, is why Joe Biden wants to increase the number of seats on the court and then fill them with judges who will destroy the Constitution, along with our freedom.

If Biden succeeds, we will lose the Supreme Court for the rest of our lives. A supermajority Biden court will turn America into an oligarchy—government by the few. Read why this is such a serious threat to freedom. — Mat


Joe Biden and his band of socialist sympathizers aren't happy with the way the Supreme Court has handled our church freedom cases.

Ten times since November, the Supreme Court has found in favor of religious freedom, with most of the decisions being 5-4, except for one 6-3 ruling in our California case of Harvest Rock Church and Harvest International Ministry.

But if Biden gets his way, each of those church freedom cases, as well as a host of other decisions, will be overturned. A Biden supermajority court will be the deadliest judicial disaster in history. For instance, we will never overturn the abortion decisions.

Liberty Counsel played a key role in these church freedom wins. We defended the first pastor in the world to be arrested for opening his church at the beginning of COVID restrictions in March 2020. This case freed Florida churches.

We continued with state and federal lawsuits in multiple states, freeing the churches and places of worship in FL, CA, CO, IL and KY. Our legal work continues, in multiple states, and our Maine case defending Calvary Chapel of Bangor is now at the Supreme Court.

In our California case alone, the Supreme Court issued multiple rulings, citing our Harvest Rock Church case in its most recent order freeing home worship and Bible studies, which was illegal until 10 days ago.

But Biden isn't happy with the Supreme Court's recent rulings. Instead of obeying the Constitution and allowing the judiciary to function as an independent third branch of government, Joe Biden is trying to create his own court—a supermajority of lawless judges.

President Franklin Roosevelt tried this tactic in 1937. The court kept striking down his "progressive" Big Government policies. Knowing he could not get his agenda past the court, FDR threatened to add additional seats. Called "court packing," the newly created seats would be filled with likeminded expansionists who would rubber-stamp his unconstitutional agenda.

FDR failed to implement his plan. But with Democrats in charge of the House and Senate right now, Joe Biden wants to accomplish what FDR only attempted.

If we allow Biden to stack the Supreme Court, we might as well burn the Constitution because not one shred of freedom will remain.

If Biden's cabinet picks are any indication, the new SCOTUS seats would be filled with extreme leftist law professors and judicial activists.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki, as well as Paige Herwig (Biden's point person for judicial nominations), came to the White House from the uber-progressive "Demand Justice" organization.
And it would appear Psaki and Herwig have had a lot of influence on Biden, as the top initiatives on the Demand Justice website just happen to be in the new court-packing bill proposed by House Democrats.

Not only does Biden want to STACK the court with new appointments, but he also wants to DESTROY the existing court by forcing sitting justices off the bench.

Justice Clarence Thomas has long been an outspoken defender of religious liberty, life and the Constitution. Thomas is Biden's No. 1 target.

As the longest-serving Supreme Court Justice, Christian and constitutional originalist, Clarence Thomas would be the first justice to be forced into retirement under Biden's "term limit" plan.

Biden can't get the unconstitutional rulings he wants, so he wants to control the court. Last week, Biden appointed 36 radicals to a commission to study packing the court. Days later, House Democrats introduced legislation that would skip Biden's commission and simply ram four more justices onto the court. Although Speaker Pelosi said she will not bring up Nadler's bill NOW, she also said she is not opposed to court packing.

If the Democrat plan succeeds, the Supreme Court will be stacked with nine lawless socialists to a minority of constitutionalists ... and our Constitution will be destroyed—for the rest of our lives.

All our gains will be lost. The First and Second Amendments will be shredded. Abortion, restricted religious freedom, curtailed speech, regulated assembly, LGBTQ norms, socialism, government control and more will reign. Those churches we have fought so hard to free will once again be imprisoned.

We MUST STOP this outrageous scheme of court packing. Republicans and key Democrats must hear from you. Tell them to LEAVE THE SUPREME COURT ALONE!!

Please support our work defending freedom from all unconstitutional assaults. We continue to defend a number of pastors and churches against the illegal and unconstitutional shutdown orders of godless governors and power-mad bureaucrats. And we continue with all our other legal work defending religious freedom, life and family.

Our Challenge Grant will DOUBLE THE IMPACT of every donation made today. Please, make your best possible gift. Simply select here or the button below.

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
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This is the shite that makes me HOT!

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I like mine better.

I'm an Organic Drummer.
My first kit I built outta dirt.
It was "Entry Level" in the Rock and Roll Sandbox.

This kit, "Thee BIGGGEST Drumset in Nevada" was organic too.
NO electronics, except for the CD Player/PA System

and Light Show.

Metals and Woods was my gear,
and Nature sprinkled the Love of Dust upon my Realm.

And, organic means no perfect straight lines in Nature,
and it abhors a vacuum.

My Kit had neither.
Gothic Classic Gear.

Remember, my life is measured by my achievements,
not my Talent.
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Josh Webster
But the amount of dust on her makes me really uncomfortable!! Lol

David Olivares
Amateurs... I played a jazz gig last week with a bigger kit than that... ?

Ron Tello Culley
Are your Roadies the same guys who built the Pyramids?

David Olivares
Ron Tello Culley Touche'! 😝

Simon Mahoney
I had an athsma attack and threw my back out looking at the pictures!

Ron Tello Culley
One of my Fans had commented: "Tello has his Chiro on speed dial".

Ron Tello Culley
Hey yeah you guys! $80K later it's ok to LAFF!!

Jake French
photos taken on a nokia

Ron Tello Culley
fortunate to get any media at all.
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Here's a problem I'm sure everyone has experienced at some point in their confusing, bemusing lives.

Harbor Freight offering Membership Discounts today.

I been shopping in the past 6 months.

I have everything I want and need and I still have no place to put them.

Problem or Challenge?

Suicide is not an option.
Yard Sale is.
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Until the Gov. drops a motor vehicle in my front yard,
I won't be needing any automotive products.

But thx for asking.

(Does that vehicle have a service warranty and wheels?)
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I'm more Sci-Fi than YOU!
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I'm not in trouble.

You are.

And yer taking me down with you.

I don't like it.
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Marjorie Taylor Green To Introduce Bill To Expel Maxine Waters From Congress Over ‘Dangerous Rhetoric’

Calls are mounting to impeach or remove far-left Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters from office following comments in which she allegedly encouraged protesters to “get more confrontational” and “stay in the street” if the jury fails to render a guilty verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial.

Chauvin, a former Minneapolis police officer, is on trial on murder charges in the death of George Floyd last year. Video of Chauvin’s actions during Floyd’s arrest has led to protests and unrest all over the country.

Waters (D-CA) traveled to Minnesota to encourage protesters, and called on activists to remain in the streets and let people know “we mean business” if the verdict does not go the way she feels it should.

“We’ve got to stay on the street and we’ve got to get more active, we’ve got to get more confrontational,” she said, according to video from the scene by a group called Unicorn Riot. “We’ve got to make sure that they know that we mean business.”

“We’re looking for a guilty verdict. We’re looking for a guilty verdict,” she continued.

“If nothing does not happen, then we know that we’ve got to not only stay in the street, but we’ve got to fight for justice, but I am very hopeful and I hope that we’re going to get a verdict that will say guilty, guilty, guilty,” Waters said. “And if we don’t, we cannot go away.”
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:tello: " Now.....I don't know about you (but you fk*g know I wanna be introduced, ya LURKERS!) but.....
I personally have an active curiosity about domestic current events.

In the 60's and 70's, the Radical Loudmouths were in Collage and in The Streets.

Now they are in Goverment,

Who knew?

I'm seeing weird shite here.

The Gov wants to suppress violence.
The Gov is ADVOCATING violence.

I can only have a nightmare about what the Editors, Staff and Management at MAD MAGAZINE
are scrambling about to deal with this!!!!

Life, under the wheels of Biz as usual, is intentionally made difficult.

How can you explain Trailer Park Trash or Homelessness?

Don't start.


word. "

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OK, let's shift Perspective to a new line of site.

We pay taxes to be safe.

Looks like our taxes are WORKING AGAINST US.

Clever. Hitler thot of it first.

Or was it Caesar?

I get 'em mixed up.....
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Why does my urine smell like sulfur?

Tello, on some occasions, people may notice that their urine smells like sulfur or rotten eggs. This can sometimes occur as a result of eating specific foods, pussy or taking certain medications, in which case the smell should be temporary. At other times, an underlying condition may be causing the sulfuric smell in the urine.

Have you ever heard about Spontaneous Combustion? It's a Hot Trend!

In any case, you might wanna scrub-off that dipstick as a precautionary measure.

There are many different causes of foul-smelling urine, and most are no cause for concern. Because we said so.

Getting rid of the sulfur smell in the urine involves treating the underlying cause, and there are times when a visit to the doctor may be necessary. In this article, we examine 11 possible causes of urine smelling like sulfur and explain how to treat each of them.

Food is one of the factors most likely to change the smell of urine. Eating specific foods, including the following, can cause a sulfuric smell in the urine:

goddamm asparagus!
country girls

:tello: " FVCK! I thot is was the Plonck! "

I'm marketing this as the "Appropriate Stink Bomb for The Holidays".
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Justin Knott

Honestly imo this whole obsession with mammoth drum sets I will never understand, you could play a 12 hour set and still would not have a reason to touch half of those drums. The cover photo on this site is a big kit but it’s pristine and looks like something with functionality, it looks professional, the skeletons and stuff is a gimmick that doesn’t relate to prolly half the people here. Sure m, I’m impressed with the effort of setting it all up, but that’s not a drum set, it’s more like a convoluted Frankenstein monster of drum parts, something you’d put in a museum but has no real purpose.. the cover is something a respectable musician would actually use. Just my thoughts, no offense, guess I’m just old fashioned 🤷???

Ron Tello Culley
You got the Museum part right! I liked to look at it more than play it.

Ron Tello Culley
It's called a HEAP for good, obvious reasons.
Show us what you can do with a Million Dollars.
I have submitted my entry. It was fun and games. Enjoy life, will ya?

Justin Knott
Ron Tello Culley for a million dollars I’d buy a few really nice practical drum kits and finance studio time and tours for a few years. I’d say that’s more fun than making an art project

Ron Tello Culley
Yeah but, I'm Ron Tello. The difference is obvious.

Besides, this Kit was 15 years ago. What is today?

Ron Tello Culley
Let me know when YOU GET A MILLION DOLLARS and I'll sell ya my surplus gear! lol

Justin Knott
Ron Tello Culley I wasn’t knocking the sight of it, it’s obviously a tremendous accomplishment just getting that together.. I just can’t even fathom taking all that effort and time to build something that I don’t really get to play with it and enjoy the fruit of the labor.. if Im gonna customize and build something so special that took days/weeks/months of my life away, I damn sure wanna be able to utilize it.. it would be like collecting old classic cars all your life and keeping them in good condition and keeping them in mint condition just to have a crash derbie at when your done lol

Ron Tello Culley
I hear ya man. I'm not a serious player anymore, but I have archives of Greatness when it occurred.

Justin Knott
Ron Tello Culley you posted this as a “response” to the groups cover photo saying “you like yours better” I was just saying that for a group dedicated to drummer mastering their craft, the cover photo kit blows yours away..

Ron Tello Culley
Fine, whatever, I'm ok with it.

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He says it's not a Drum Set.

What was I thinking?
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Ron Tello Culley
Hit something, yer a Drummer. Build something, yer a Builder. It's all relevant, for no apparent reason. See how that works?
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Justin Knott
Ron Tello Culley and I respect that man, I’m not trashing your achievement, but I was just explaining why I felt it was tacky to compare the authenticity and purity of the cover photos graceful representation of what drumming is about to an unusable structure of components lol again no offense man you have your opinion and I have mine

Ron Tello Culley
Is it not relevant? It's drums in all of it's convolutions.
Are we not Men?

Tucker Snubbull Chompsky
More than a bit of a narcissist eh? Have you actually drummed on anything worth a damn with all this dusty gear or are you just a hoarder?

Justin Knott
Ron Tello Culley ive never heard of you lol

Ron Tello Culley
That's ok. Google me.

Ron Tello Culley
Tucker Snubbull Chompsky Yeah, I been around the block. I own the SE corner of it.

Justin Knott
Ron Tello Culley yea drums that are squeezed together for the purpose of decor, it’s an architectural achievement, not a drumming or musical one, which is what the cover photo so eloquently and accurately represents.

Justin Knott
There’s a reason no guitar player ever spent months building a guitar with 36 necks and rockets shooting out of it lol

Ron Tello Culley
Ok, structure before function, that's right. You are looking at a memory, not a current event.

Justin Knott

Ron Tello Culley it’s a group dedicated to the craft drumming, not decorative structures.. and again, just pointing out that you said you liked yours better, and my only intent was to say that I respectively disagree

Ron Tello Culley
That's fine. I'm a Ghost. See ya!

Justin Knott
Ron Tello Culley yea you said it was like 15 years ago right? Which is actually cool because for all that hardware that’s a bit ahead of it’s time, and amazing for sure, It’s just miscommunication my dude, my only quarrel was with they phrase “I like mine better” and comparing the two like on a competitive level.. maybe I misinterpreted your intent? If so I apologize.. but if not, I was just refuting why it’s “not better” for the cover photo of a drumming group/community.
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Ron Tello Culley
That's fine. I'm a Ghost. See ya!

I gotta stop posting where I don't belong.

Ron Tello Culley
Kill this thread!
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So, it's like, playing drums is more important than having drums.

I get it now.

I'm staying out of it.
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No disciplinary infractions. I'm cool....
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These ppl don't believe me.


I can't keep up with them, either.....

Kinda like working the OZRT!

Except smee is NOT a Drummer.  Too bad good thing.
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Bank of America EDD Debit Card <>

Mon, Apr 19 at 10:04 PM

Account ???? 3223
Funds have been added to your account.
Funding Amount:
Funding Method:

:tello:  " My shout! "
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Now can I PLEASE secure my previous order of
Aboriginal Teen Age Leg Jerky?
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Now's a good opportunity for Tessa to sell me her RedHead wig.

I'd buy it if I could resell it on eBay for a 300% markup!
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Hell, I can buy a gun if I knew how to shoot it!   :sam2gun:  :foot:
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I'm gonna invest in Fire Suppression.

The next forest fire is MINE!
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That's a lot of Hose.
Where's the water?
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smee is a Hoser.

Any help there?
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Burn, Baby, burn.

Have a Coke.

We can't help you at this time.

Maybe you shoulda not lived in the woods.

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You know, I'm in sooooo much trouble,
those azzhules won't tell me about it.
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In my house there is a 2 Bag Rule.

Grocery bag In.

Trash bag Out.

Too simple, eh? Try it sometime.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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I couldda commited the murder myself, but I sub-contracted the job.

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Bodies unknown. I can't figure out where I am. Pretty cool, huh?
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"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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It don't mean shite if it's not monetized,
you B@sturds!!!!!

I blame Tessa.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"