Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2808437 times)


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Trouble on fb:

Ron Tello Culley
Just now  ·
The minimum wage post went poof.
Who did that?

Ron Tello Culley
Little Brother Zuckerberg?

And *snipe* 179
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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I read (present tense) about this stuff.

Censorship is now High Fashion.

That was a groovy thread I posted about Biden gonna
boost minimum wage to $15 USD.

And a very civilized chat ensued, and every voice was
in unison.
There was NO bickering, trolling or snipes.

It was beautiful.

I posted the OP and stepped away.


And in a moment it was gone.

I suspect Thot Police sabbotage....
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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That smell you are feeling is
The New World Odor.
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I know too much.

I do too little.

The Damage is done.

Glad to help.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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This is serious REAL TIME shite, folks of the peanut gallery, and elsewhere...

Biden went off on a rant about "Unity"
and the same day our
fb chat group thread went
I was the OP.

)"Original Poster", idiot!(

They all went to bed, I'm still on duty.

'21 is an ODD and EVIL number.

Mark my turds.

Deep doo doo rising!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Ron Tello Culley
Little Brother Zuckerberg?

Troy K. Mchenry
That’s Fuckerberg

Ron Tello Culley
Same Page Bro!

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Oh, man...

I fell and tripped into page one.

It's ok, I can clean this up....

No, I can't.
I refuse to pay photobucket a King's Ransom
to remove the watermarks.

felafelin'' PIRATES!!!
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And in other courses
human events:

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Are they American courses aka usacourses or international courses aka intercourses ?


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I'm passing on that one.
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Personal business.

I like to share.

And brag.
And teach Homesteading skills.


Lit Firewood
Typically replies within a few hours
Shopping & Retail
12/18/20, 3:50 PM

You sent December 18, 2020
Hi, Ron here. I recently noticed a pile of wood chips in your yard . I want it. Let's deal? thx 547 xxxx

Lit Firewood sent December 18, 2020
Hi Ron, the pile out front of our office to the left, in front of the abandoned building is free kindling. 😊 You are more than welcome to come grab whatever you would like.

You sent December 18, 2020
Big pleasure working with you! See you soon, when I hire a truck. Cheers!

Lit Firewood sent December 18, 2020
Awesome! I'm so glad you could use it. Just to let you know there is dirt in the pile as well. I can't help that when cleaning up my yard. Sorry.

You sent December 18, 2020
I aint afraid of dirt. 🙂

Lit Firewood sent December 18, 2020
Lol! Good 😊

You sent December 18, 2020
Merry Chipsmas!

You sent December 18, 2020
Check out my Wall. I made a Firewood Funny on it, Timing means a lot!

Lit Firewood sent December 18, 2020

You sent December 18, 2020
Have a good time on my dime!
12/19/20, 9:56 PM

You sent December 19, 2020
Hi. As usual, I have the most difficult moments trying to find and hire a truck. You have anybody to do this job? Info pls!😏

Lit Firewood sent December 19, 2020
I unfortunately don't know of anyone. And we're typically so busy. Do you live up here?

You sent December 19, 2020

Lit Firewood sent December 19, 2020
Umm.... maybe I can ask around. Ask on Big Bear Stuff for Sale too? Someone might be able to help.

You sent December 19, 2020
Yes, I ask around. Not always a go. So I asked you too. This can't be that hard. Oh yes it can. Keep me posted as I will you!

Lit Firewood sent December 19, 2020
You got it. Have a great night.

You sent December 19, 2020
I'm there. u too!

Sat 12:33 PM
You sent January 16 at 12:33 PM
Hello again. Impossible to hire a local truck to fetch your wood chips. How much you charge me for your people to deliver a load, enough to fill 2 55 gallon steel drums? Im in Sugarloaf. thx!

Lit Firewood sent January 16 at 12:37 PM
Let me talk to my husband when he gets in the office and we'll let you know.

You sent January 16 at 12:38 PM
Excellent, thank you!

Sat 4:18 PM
You sent January 16 at 4:18 PM
Hello. Where are we at? Info pls thx!

Lit Firewood sent January 16 at 4:25 PM
He's not here yet. Sorry.

You sent January 16 at 4:27 PM
Please stay with me on this. I really need the chips for my new Rocket Stove. 909 547 xxxx Thank You!
Sat 5:58 PM

Lit Firewood sent January 16 at 5:58 PM
I'm going to give you our office number. Give my husband a call, his name is Abe. 909-547-6988

You sent January 16 at 6:04 PM
When? Now, 2moro?

Lit Firewood sent January 16 at 6:05 PM
Now. He's there.

You sent January 16 at 6:05 PM
Mon 12:01 PM

Lit Firewood sent January 18 at 12:01 PM
Hi!! We are working on the yard and have our truck of kindling. (It does have small pieces too and dirt). But if you would like it we can bring it up to you.
12:03 PM

You sent Today at 12:03 PM
Hello again. That was good action here with your men. I treated them right, and I got perfect product. No dirt, all dry! I told them to see me again. Now I have 3 barrels to fill up. That's 6 of your cans. Willing to pay $20 per drum delivery fee., assuming the product is free. Deal?

Lit Firewood sent Today at 12:11 PM
I'm glad everything went well and that you're happy! Let me double check with my husband and I'll let you know soon 🙂

You sent Today at 12:12 PM
yer so kind! Yes keep me in the loop, thx!

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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12/21/20, 8:31 PM
You sent December 21, 2020
Brian, pop me another 55 after Christmas. Can do? Get me something cheaper if ya got it, thx!

Collectable sent December 21, 2020
For sure I'll message you when I get one

You sent December 21, 2020
ok! thxx

Wed 9:18 PM
You sent Yesterday at 9:18 PM
Hey guy, anything new for me?

Collectable sent Yesterday at 9:59 PM
Let me ask my brother tomorrow.  He might have gotten some. Ill let you know tomorrow

You sent Yesterday at 10:00 PM
very good. call me THX!

Collectable sent Today at 10:13 AM
How many do you want?

You sent Today at 10:53 AM
1. Bad condition, rust, dings. Just need sturdy bottom and the lid fits well.. Say $30 worth of steel? Negotiate!

Collectable sent Today at 11:02 AM
Not worth the drive for 30 bucks. Sorry man

You sent Today at 11:03 AM
negotiate!. I'm not done, what ya need?

Collectable sent Today at 11:04 AM
I could do 2 for 100 with free delivery like last time or 80 if you pick up

You sent Today at 11:04 AM
ok you got a deal
2 for 100

Collectable sent Today at 11:06 AM
Alright.  Because I have to go to my brother's in San Bernardino to get them then all the way to big bear to deliver so has to be worth the effort and gas. Thanks

You sent Today at 11:06 AM
so we're good? are the cans in good shape as the last ones?

Collectable sent Today at 11:07 AM
Same like last ones yeah.

You sent Today at 11:07 AM
nice. when can I expect you here? no hurry...

Collectable sent Today at 11:08 AM
I have to deliver before the snow so either today or tomorrow early.  Let me get ahold of him and I'll get back to you

You sent Today at 11:08 AM
perfect, thx!!

Collectable sent Today at 12:58 PM
So the ones he's got don't have removable either you or I can dremmel them if you need the top open. I can give you a discount since these aren't as nice with the lids but not too much. Is that ok?

Collectable sent Today at 12:58 PM
Like how about $80? If you take the tops off?

You sent Today at 12:59 PM
Me and my Sawzall, no problem. Lets do it!

Collectable sent Today at 12:59 PM
Alright 👍

You sent Today at 12:59 PM

Collectable sent Today at 1:01 PM
Im going to pick them up now. So later tonight?

Collectable sent Today at 1:01 PM
I forgot your number so give it to me again and I can call you

You sent Today at 1:01 PM
perfect. u got my phone #, call ahead before you arrive.
909547xxxx thx!

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Ron Tello Culley
15h  ·
The minimum wage post went poof.
Who did that?

Ron Tello Culley
Little Brother Zuckerberg?

Troy K. Mchenry
That’s Fuckerberg

Ron Tello Culley
Same Page Bro!

Gregory Eddinger

David Reese
Page mods delete political posts. If the comments get too political it will also get deleted. It's in the rules. There are other mountain pages for political posts.

Ron Tello Culley
It was a friendly conversation, all were in agreement, no bickering. WTF?

Joan Miles
Ron Tello Culley I didn’t see your original post but I can tell that I’m personally getting weary of all the censorship going on...

Ron Tello Culley
My post was a c n p of an online news item about Biden raising min. wage to $15. It didn't merit a POOF!

Don Clement
' “What can you do, thought Winston, against the lunatic who is more intelligent than yourself; who gives your arguments a fair hearing and simply persists in his lunacy?”'

Ron Tello Culley
Fax Now: Stop Government-Protected Censorship! - Liberty Counsel Action
Fax Now: Stop Government-Protected Censorship! - Liberty Counsel Action

Ron Tello Culley
How to Stay Alive During Martial Law | Survivopedia
How to Stay Alive During Martial Law | Survivopedia

I hadda c n p this before it went POOF!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Ron Tello Culley >Dee Levey
Just now  ·
The fb message system has failed to work for me. Some new roll out app for instagram. I am completely shut out of all prior messages even yours. Please investigate thx!

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Should PTSD counseling cost veterans their gun rights?

National Foundation for Gun Rights

*All individuals mentioned are real persons, with real legal battles, but their names have been altered or omitted to protect their identity.

Dear Ron,

Should our brave service members and first responders lose their gun rights for receiving PTSD therapy?

If you’re like me, your answer is an emphatic “NO!”

Freedom comes at a high cost, and for many veterans, that cost is learning to live every day with some horrendous experiences.

Learning to deal with that kind of trauma isn’t pretty, but it doesn’t make you dangerous.

Studies show that even the most serious mental illnesses (such as bipolar disease or schizophrenia) are typically non-violent -- with only 7 percent of patients committing acts of violence.1

The risk is even less than that for non-serious mental illnesses.

Unless, of course, you’re a leftist, gun-grabbing police chief in Massachusetts -- who is fighting a COURT ORDER to restore my friend Charlie’s gun rights.

But let me back up.

Charlie* is a retired Marine who sacrificially gave 22 years of his life in service to the United States of America.

Following a motorcycle accident a few years ago, Charlie had to have major surgery that resulted in a severe infection after he was discharged from the hospital.

Disoriented and “out of it” due to the infection, Charlie unconsciously grabbed his rifle and walked down the street to his brother’s house, where the cops were called.

The police found him sitting quietly on the couch, and quickly identified the infection and that he needed to go back to the hospital. Charlie cooperated fully and at no point was he in any way threatening or violent.

Charlie went back in, doctors treated him, and he made a full recovery.

End of story, right?


In Massachusetts, the police can take away your guns and your license to carry if they think you’re “unsuitable.”

And that’s what they did to a law-abiding 22-year veteran of the United States Marine Corps.

I want the National Foundation for Gun Rights to help Charlie out.

Will you chip in TODAY with a tax-deductible contribution of $250, $100, $50, or even $25 to the National Foundation for Gun Rights’ Gun Owners’ Defense Fund?

Even after Charlie received medical treatment and was back to normal, this aggressive anti-gun police chief refused to restore his gun rights.

And they’re saying that because he’s seeing a counselor.

But Charlie’s personal therapist says he’s no danger to anyone and isn’t mentally disordered.

But that doesn’t seem to matter to this chief of police -- who is currently fighting a COURT ORDER to return Charlie’s license to carry. Ron, when I heard what was happening to Charlie, I knew I had to help.

But I can’t do it alone.

Charlie’s not the only veteran whose gun rights are targeted by an ungrateful, ravenous, anti-gun lobby.

Will you chip in TODAY with a tax-deductible contribution of $250, $100, $50, or even $25 to the National Foundation for Gun Rights’ Gun Owners’ Defense Fund?

We’re also looking at another veteran’s case whose gun rights were arbitrarily STRIPPED by the Department of Veteran’s Affairs because they decided he was “unfit.”

No day in court.

No chance to defend himself.

A government bureaucrat EVISCERATING someone’s constitutional right to keep and bear arms because they can.

Like Charlie, this guy is a veteran and served for years in law enforcement.

No one’s ever claimed he’s unsafe to have guns (including mental health professionals who have examined him) -- except for the bureaucrats at the VA.

There are hundreds of thousands of veterans in that same situation -- men and women who sacrificed so much to defend the Second Amendment freedoms you and I enjoy, but who came home to have paper-pushers or anti-gun police chiefs strip their own rights away on flimsy pretexts of “safety.”

Well, Ron, not on my watch.

Will you stand with veterans TODAY by making a tax-deductible contribution of $250,$100, $50, or even $25 to defend gun rights?

Fighting these injustices can get expensive in a hurry.

Sometimes, it’s just a matter of an administrative process with the right lawyer to restore a veteran’s rights.

But sometimes, it’s a matter of outlasting them in the courts.

And we may end up having to sue the VA to get them to stop taking away our veterans’ constitutional rights.

We’re looking at all options -- and we need to be ready.

This is why I started the National Foundation for Gun Rights -- to defend gun owners and the Second Amendment in the courts.

And this is why I hope you will contribute your most generous tax-deductible contribution to the Gun Owners’ Defense Fund to help fight back.

Under the Biden/Harris administration, the attacks on gun rights are only going to increase -- not just on veterans, but on gun owners everywhere.

It may be you next time.

It may be me next time.

It may be a crazy mob bent on violence, or it may be a “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation order from a crooked district attorney and a police officer at your door to take away your guns.

We know the Biden/Harris team has been readying a torrent of anti-gun Executive Orders to issue as soon as they’re in the White House.

What signal does this send to the gun-grabbing district attorneys, police chiefs, and bureaucrats all over the country?

It’s OPEN SEASON on gun owners.

If they get their way, what’s left of our Second Amendment will be unrecognizable.

We can’t let that happen -- not to our veterans, not to us, and not to our grandchildren.

Will you join us in defending the Second Amendment by making your most generous TAX-DEDUCTIBLE contribution of $250, $100, $50, or even $25 to NFGR’s Gun Owners’ Defense Fund?

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Director
National Foundation for Gun Rights

P.S. My friend Charlie -- a retired Marine with 22 years of service -- is in court fighting to get his gun rights back, but they’re saying that because he’s seeing a counselor, he’s unsuitable!

Charlie’s not the only veteran whose gun rights are targeted by an ungrateful, rapacious, anti-gun lobby. And I want to help them all.

Will you chip in TODAY with a tax-deductible contribution of $250, $100, $50, or even $25 to the National Foundation for Gun Rights’ Gun Owners’ Defense Fund?

:tello: "I click the donate link, and this is where I got":

403 Forbidden

I been getting that a lot with email links.
I suspect sabbotage!

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Ron Tello Culley >Delivery Dudes
2m  ·
the fb message system has totally choked = I cannot access it at all.
100 mid.
Call. Honk. Fall from the sky.
I can wait, and
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Report: Trust in Media Just Hit An All-Time Low
JANUARY 21, 2021 AT 2:58PM

shite, told ya so, since.... oh, say 1963? The Year of The Magic Bullet and The Grassy Knoll Hot Dog Vendor Story.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Ron Tello Culley >Dee Levey
1h  ·
The fb message system has failed to work for me. Some new roll out app for instagram. I am completely shut out of all prior messages even yours. Please investigate thx!

Ron Tello Culley
Click message button, gets me here:

I need prior messages to conduct business.
This is not cool. It is a form of censorship, eh?
Or it's another new deal to confuse and depress the user.

Dee Levey
Ron Tello Culley so click it and add messenger

Ron Tello Culley
too ez, right? Is it a dare or the best thing to do? pls advise.

Dee Levey
Ron Tello Culley I like messenger it allows me to talk to friends easily, especially in areas where cell phone service sucks

Ron Tello Culley
ok it worked nevermind thx!

Ron Tello Culley
my problem is..I order too much from Tyler. 😆

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Ive come up with a new invention ....

Bulletproof socks ....

Do you know anyone that can use a pair ?

Ps ...they are so good , Oscar Pistofforius has ordered 2 doz pairs


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Thursday, January 21, 2021
When Joe Biden told the world on Inauguration Day that he’d fight just as hard for those who voted for him as those who did not, it raised a few eyebrows.

When he strode into his old White House haunts and immediately signed 17 executive orders undoing key Donald Trump policies and ticking through Democratic Party goals on the environment, immigration, the census and more, a few heads started spinning.

How exactly is this unity thing going to work? How will Biden apply it to world affairs? Today’s Daily Dose explores how the 46th president will govern.

                                                         Nick Fouriezos and Isabelle Lee,

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Ive come up with a new invention ....
Bulletproof socks ....
Do you know anyone that can use a pair ?
Ps ...they are so good , Oscar Pistofforius has ordered 2 doz pairs

Are we doing that again?

NO, we are not.

You fly solo.

Or maybe.....NOT AT ALL.

smee fiddles while America burns.

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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I hate everybody

So how are you doing?

It's ok.
Sherry approves of this message.
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Sherry deserves the nobel piss prize


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Shut up, fool.
I'm sure I don't want her having those ideas.

Get yer own cheap date.

and pay yer rent!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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say...did you see those videos from 2012?

It could explain some things here, like
what do you know and how do you know it?

Prolly a Hoax.

Everything is.....
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And then, soon maybe
smee will come along
and say the things
that smee says.

I can wait--can you?

Do I wash a sock puppet in warm wash and a cold rinse, and drip dry?

:pegs:     :smee!:                         :marvinmartian:  "something about following orders..."
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 :sick:   :lepink:
   :smee!: &   :tello:
Auntb aka Sherry says
take that .
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:tello: :smee!: " We got Served ".
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"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Mike Amos
Awesome! ??😬

Oscar Nunez
Yeah we’re screwed lol

Ron Tello Culley
As if ya can "run for the hills".

Billie Radford
Is this for Big Bear?

Makayla Escarcega
Billie Radford it shows lake arrowhead 🙂

Cathy Brown Garcia
😳 wow.
It’s both good and bad
But mostly screwed

Joann Wilkins
The week after means TRAFFIC FOR DAYS....The kind of traffic that has me suggesting you leave your guns at home unless you want to meet Bubba

Tammy Misenheimer
No thanks.

Raymond Guerrero

Ron Tello Culley
Seems legit.

Cynthia Weis

Brian Waite
12" on Wednesday which is the only big snow day that i can see.

Monique Cavin

Gibby Rodriquez
We need this desperately.

Cathy Goings

Tom Pruett
Vacation looks like it’s starting Friday night and lasting a week

Silky Walker
Lol...let the good times roll......right?

Yvette Castro
We need snow! We always prepare to bunker down when we see weather like that.

David Starinieri
I love the snow. Just not the brain dead visitors that come with it!

Cindy Van Dusen
Yes bring it ??????

Joyce Patrick

Aimee Lair
I agree, No thank you!

Abel Garcia
Lol welcome to the mountains this is normal weather here.

Cindy Altheide
Yes, yes, YES!

Athena Hedges
I agree no thank you for the traffic flow it brings and the commuting factor. Otherwise all good

Terry Munson
Let the flatlander madness begin

Kimberly Fraser Smith

Bill Straeck
I hope this isn't Crestline

Robin Smith
I hope it’s not Lake Arrowhead

Laura Leslie Settani
I hope it's not Running Springs

Tammy Pasquarella
Is that right? Uh oh

Erica Joseph Hart
Im not ready😫😫😫

Ursula Peine
You can have mine. 😂😂😂

Robin Oliver Busby

Stevens S. Allan

Buddy’s BBQ

Desiree Chiachi
Buddy’s BBQ Are you joking?? 😂

Buddy’s BBQ
Desiree Chiachi I don’t joke when it comes to snow lol

Joyce Bert Banner
Never going to happen.

Stevens S. Allan
U need 2 have fath

Joyce Bert Banner
If it does happen you should have been prepared by now.

Melinda Madrid Beverly
Joyce Bert Banner im not

Pamela Sanchez

Bridger Philip
So many snow haters for folks who live in the only place in southern california that gets snow... 😂

Stephanie Armbruster
I can't wait!! Ummm, until I have to shovel the berms the snow plow leaves behind! Praying for the common sense of out-of-towners , grateful for the money they will hopefully invest in our local economy, and wish everyone safety and joy!!!

Stevens S. Allan
There gunna be snow make sure 2 get gas

Brian Baum
They just said Saturday, Monday, and Wednesday. Which is it?

Suzanne Eads
Brian Baum right ! What report is accurate?

Brian Baum
Suzanne Eads 🤷 I’m going to plan on this 7 day BS

Claudia Marek

Jaime Christiansen

Ron Tello Culley
Own it, Sweeties!
Or move to the Beach.

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Bridgette Janes is looking for recommendations.
12h  ·
ISO Distance learning tutor/teacher for 1st & 2nd grader. Looking for someone available 3 days per week for a few hours that can come to our home and make sure all of their work gets done & turned in. Must have experience with children and references that will be checked. I will be home but working and looking after our newborn. Please message for more info!

Dwight Jason Bain
For a moment I thought your name was Bridget Jones just like the movie

Lili Jordan Lili
Following.  I need one too.

Ron Tello Culley
I forgot what an adjective is... and what's going on with Fractions these days?

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Terry Baraglia
Yea bring it on ..retired in RS....

Lisha DeRycke Hallek
Terry Baraglia wish I was. Need to try to get into work Monday and Tues before we get buried

Terry Baraglia
Lisha DeRycke Hallek. Good luck when I worked I would stay business love it.....

Pamela Sanchez
I’m ready 👍

Gary Patrick Trotta
National weather says about 6 inches on Monday and again on Wednesday and Thursday. Better check your sources.

Stevens S. Allan
What do u no any way Gary

Drew Spitulski
Gary, YES...Crestline folks are freaking out about a supposed 14 inches on wednesday. Damn newbs

Jack Thompson
3ft? Is that the 1st storm or 3rd?

Erica Griffith
Jack Thompson - in total.

Jack Thompson
Hmm tiny storm

John Loftus
Beware the flatlanders...

Ron Tello Culley
They can't get far after they ditch their cars off a cliff.

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Thought: “People will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did
but people will never forget
how you made them feel.” - Maya Angelou

:tello: " Dontcha hate it when people are smarter than me?

I ain't cut out for that Phluff Philosophy jive.

I dint get to be #1 in a Field of One by catering to wimps!
Did I?

This IS the year 12 of the manifestation of
 The Tello Files.
I couldda done it without you and now I am,
not my fault, THX! "

Is this the part where I feel awkward and fake a spazz attack?
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This is where smee says "I'd like to spazz a fake attack"

and we're supposed to believe
it has a neo-vague relevance
to the
predominant content.

You ever launder a Sock Puppet in hair gel?

Don't get me started, lol.

OK ok, it was a mix up in product labeling. Happy now?
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I remember back in the Montello days
when Men drove horses
picked up the Bar Tabs.

And then there was what I was accused of doing.

Evidence. Ya got to have EVIDENCE
if ya wanna make a case.

I am SOOOOoooo "AT LARGE".

It means nothing if they don't sniper my funky skull.

I should not flatter myself--I'm not that interesting.

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1075067 Views I can use!
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How come I don't see any devastating news from Oz on this Channel?

A: Everyone saw the Weather Channel show that depicted the TOTAL DESTRUCTION
of OZ and everybody in it, except smee.

It's all about "Appearances"
and you look like shite!
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ATTN Admin:
I have Rights.
I just can't remember what they are.

I continue to abuse
all things Sacred and Holy
within the expanded narrow parameters of this site.

Thank you for your unnerstanning.
And NOT ratting me out to the Authorities,
whoever they are....

I have the Right to remain Loud.
Yeah, that's my Original Work Product!

Time is closing in.

Boom, Baby!
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Yes Boomer


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Hi smee and all of our 3 friends!

Today is a very exciting time for me and the
Trailer Park Behind The Gate on The Mountain.

Currently we are in Hour 1 of a 5 day


Need I say more about combating Cabin Fever?
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" God is gonna
this one out. "
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The part in the Life of this Winter Season where I don't freak
about snow plows going bad.

This is where I get to


Manual labor.
Part-time gig.

Survive or go crawl inside Mommie's grave.

Choose wisely; I do!
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Dee Levey
Numbers to call for vacation rental complaints...
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Peggy McCune
Hahaha Ya think the printed numbers are large enough? lol Hope folks can see them! 😛

Ron Tello Culley
Look who is Chief Administrator: Sgt. Stadanko!
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Breanna Belken asked a question .
Is anyone available to come help install z cables on a car? Please respond asap.

Breanna Belken
Stevens S. Allan the only man I would trust for the job.

Dorothe Snow
Where are you located?

Breanna Belken
Dorothe Snow Crestline off lake Gregory drive

Connie Burch
Breanna Belken oh that’s to far for me to drive right this minute. I’m sorry

Michael Ray-Anthony
I got a buddy who can who lives up there.... Pm me your info.....he doesn't have fb

Michael Vincent Schultz
Where and how soon do you need it?

Ron Tello Culley
Have you heard? Covid Chains are where it's at!

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Mark Alexander is looking for recommendations.
Does anyone in here know of someone that repairs clothing??? .. My son got a beautiful new winter jacket for Christmas & my roommate's doggie bit a little hole in the jacket arm. I hate to throw it out after only one use. I can travel to Crestline/Arrowhead/ Running Springs, e.t.c. Thanks in Advance!! 🙂

Teri Jane
Lynn from The Stitch Shop is in Lake Arrowhead

Scott Sellers
Lynn! Across From The Hospital. 😁

Renee Alina Barela
I have a sewing machine plus it sounds like a simple sew by hand.

Jay De
You can just sew it by hand it’s easy .

Megan Foley Marra
There’s a new place up by mountains community Hospital that I hear is pretty good

Mark Alexander
Thank you guys so much!! 🙂

Julie Vasquez
Leahcar Foster she’s awesome!

Ron Tello Culley
I have serious concerns about the doggie.

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Ron Tello Culley
Have you heard? Covid Chains are where it's at!

Tom Pruett
If you can’t put your own chains on , then you shouldn’t be driving !

Les B. Golden
Tom Pruett so in other words if people can't work on their own house they shouldn't own one that's just the same thing as you're saying you're an idiot

Ron Tello Culley
Hey yeah! Why dint I think of that? THX!

Alexander Mercadefe
What’s with these damn 70 year old mountain hippies commenting on anything

Ron Tello Culley
Hey FELAFEL U I'm 63. Try not to discriminate by the numbers
but by the merits. Did I say that right?

Alexander Mercadefe
Ron Tello Culley  :lol:

Devina Vincent
I can come teach you, I just need to put my groceries away. It is pretty easy once you see it done.

Breanna Belken
Devina Vincent that sounds good thank you I learn by seeing 😓

Alexander Mercadefe
I’m honestly surprised these hippies know how to use Facebook on there smart burner phones

Ron Tello Culley
Goddammit can't we just give Tom his own Talk Show?

Breanna Belken
Ron Tello Culley Tom also thought there was a fictional Chinese restaurant in top town so I wonder if he’s okay....

Ron Tello Culley
In a small town in Nevada, where I was, folks had a community service called "Welfare Check". Not about money; it was going to ppls homes to see if they were still alive.
We pulled several bodies out of the ruins of their lives.

Drew Spitulski
Ron we are talking about crestline though.🤔🤔🤔

Ron Tello Culley
Yes I know. I see the expansive view of who ppl are and what they do. And here and now....what do ya do? I watch that stuff. Keep up the Good Work, People!

Ron Tello Culley
And in the end, particularly today.....SNOW WHAT???
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Nowz a prime opportunity
for smee to present his
unkept self
to say something about something
and it's up to us

 I can wait.

I don't have a Job; I have my KICKS!
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Rusty Russell
Yesterday at 4:02 PM  ·
Garbage compactor

Ron Tello Culley
I dunno, this looks like a potential crime scene.
One family member gets out of line...
and IN they go!

I watch TV just like you!

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"