Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2803182 times)


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How to Become a Mortician:
The Definitive Guide

Let’s put it this way, we’re all going to die, so there needs to be someone who looks out for us after we’re gone, right?

Basically, we need morticians to do the work that no one ever really wants to think about.

Morticians aren’t scary or weird, they like Zombie Movies and are people who can help families and the deceased in their greatest time of grief. It's steady work when you can get it.

This isn’t the right career for everyone, but it can be a great career for those who are interested.

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17 DIY Uses For Old CDs In Garden | Things To Make From CDs & DVDs

If you’re searching for Things to Make from CDs in the garden, these 17 DIY Uses for Old CDs and DVDs are worth looking at!
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7 Underrated U.S. Destinations Tourists Often Overlook

Well-known landmarks and familiar destinations inevitably draw hordes of tourists, resulting in big crowds, expensive lodging, and hard-to-get reservations. Luckily, there are still plenty of amazing places in the U.S. that remain under the radar on the tourist scene, making them less busy and more affordable. Whether you’re looking to spend a night under the stars or in search of a fun city vacay, there are benefits to opting for a less-crowded destination.
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Ya got 2 hours?

What is Critical Race Theory?

On Thursday night, Heritage Action hosted a packed room of over 500 citizens in Delaware for a “Save Our Schools” event to combat critical race theory. The lineup of speakers included local parents who shared their personal experiences, Heritage Foundation scholars, business owners, and former members of the military.
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Poll: Nearly Half Of Republicans Think ‘Patriotic Americans’ Will One Day ‘Have To Take The Law Into Their Own Hands’

More than half of Republicans support the potential use of force to preserve traditional American values and nearly half believe a time will come when “patriotic Americans” will have to take the law into their own hands, according to the results of a George Washington University poll released this week.

The GW Politics Poll, which surveyed more than 1,700 registered voters from June 4 to June 23, also found that Republican trust in the integrity of U.S. elections has plummeted since the 2020 election.

“Support for fundamental principles such as free and fair elections, free speech, and peaceful protest are nearly unanimous among both Democrats and Republicans,” GWU wrote. “Their views on other democratic values, however, differ dramatically.

Over half of Republicans (55%) supported the possible use of force to preserve the ‘traditional American way of life,’ compared to 15% of Democrats. When asked if a time will come when ‘patriotic Americans have to take the law into their own hands,’ 47% of Republicans agreed, as opposed to just 9% of Democrats.”
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McCarthy Goes Scorched Earth On Pelosi - He Just Burned Nancy's Plan To The Ground

Time and again, Republicans have tried to work with Democrats. And, time and again, Democrats have burned them. The left shows no interest in cooperating with conservatives. That’s particularly true with Nancy Pelosi, who is more concerned with her bogus committees than passing meaningful legislation. She, once again, refused to listen to Kevin McCarthy’s input and advice. So, the Minority Leader went scorched earth on the so-called speaker.
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"Abbott announced his plan to handle illegal immigration, saying that while Biden’s policy is catch and release, Texas’s new policy will be catch and jail."
Texas Governor Greg Abbott just made one announcement about illegal immigration that will infuriate Joe Biden

One of the biggest problems facing our nation right now is the unchecked flow of illegal immigrants across our southern border.

Joe Biden and the Democrats are making it worse.

But Texas Governor Greg Abbott just made one announcement about illegal immigration that will infuriate Joe Biden.
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CRT Takedown: Victims of Woke Discrimination Join Forces, Launching Multiple Lawsuits

Critical race theory is like a metastatic cancer that’s infesting every institution with its poisonous grievance-mongering.

Fortunately, a group of patriotic Minnesotans is fighting back against the left-wing harassment and retaliation they said they suffered after expressing opposition to CRT indoctrination at their workplaces and school.

Employment attorney Doug Seaton of the Upper Midwest Law Center is representing the plaintiffs in three cases. Two filed complaints with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, while the third filed a federal lawsuit.;utm_medium=tppntk&utm_campaign=patriot-project&utm_content=2021-07-30
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Now Space Is Racist: Ivy League Class Highlights Connection Between Black Holes and Black People

In yet another example spotlighting that race-baiting, left-wing propaganda has infiltrated every stage of life, an Ivy League university course now suggests that space is racist.

According to the course description of an astronomy class at Cornell University called “Black Holes: Race and the Cosmos,” there are racial undertones to the term “black holes.”

“Conventional wisdom would have it that the ‘black’ in black holes has nothing to do with race,” the course description reads. “Surely there can be no connection between the cosmos and the idea of racial blackness. Can there?”

The class, which was offered this spring, taught that there is indeed a connection between the cosmos and “the idea of racial blackness.”

Instead of citing astronomers and astrophysicists to support its flimsy hypothesis, the class cited Black Studies scholars and fiction writers who “implicitly and explicitly posit just such a connection.”

In other words, because a “black study” professor or fiction writer says there’s a racial undertone to the term “black hole,” that means it’s true.

The vapid liberal arts class masquerading as a science course was taught by Nicholas Battaglia, an assistant astronomy professor, and comparative literature professor Parisa Vazir, whose work focuses on “blackness.”

Not surprisingly, the intellectually anemic class was lampooned on Twitter as another example of the left’s “ongoing racial hysteria.”
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"Here’s the truth America:
The “game changer” data the CDC used for the mask mandate is from a single study from India.
The study was rejected in peer review. But CDC used it anyway. Remember what I said about public health officials losing our trust?
It gets worse."
Dan Crenshaw Challenges the CDC’s Mask Mandate Data

This week, Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) took on the CDC’s mask mandate data in a Twitter thread (see below) that, as younger folks say these days, has the receipts.

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Watch: Top Ex-Trump Official Warns: Delta Variant Really is Different, The Unvaccinated are ‘Going to Get It’

Admiral Brett Giroir, former assistant health secretary under President Trump, sounded the alarm during a Fox News interview on Thursday, saying that the Delta variant of COVID-19 really is different and that it is so extremely contagious that those who have not had COVID-19 already or who are unvaccinated are going to eventually become infected with the Delta variant.

“I do want to make one thing clear again, and it’s the most important public health message,” Giroir said. “In the middle of all this confusion and misinformation, one thing remains clear. If you are vaccinated, you are at least 95 percent protected against serious consequences, hospitalizations, and death.”

“And let me tell you, if you have not been vaccinated, and you have not had COVID before, you will get the Delta variant. This is so infectious that you will get it. If you have had COVID before, we don’t know exactly, but it’s looking like prior immunity is not so good against Delta,” Giroir continued. “And I’m really concerned that the evidence is mounting that even natural immunity will not protect you against Delta. So, get the vaccine. It’s the way to save your life to keep you out of the hospital. And that’s the number one reason we need to get it.”

“Anyone who’s — anyone who’s not vaccinated and who did not have COVID previously, the Delta variant is so contagious that you’re going to get it. It is just a matter of time,” Giroir continued. “If you have prior immunity — if you have prior immunity, you do have some protection, but more and more data are telling us that that protection is not so good against Delta. Remember, you can get the flu every year. It’s not because your immunity isn’t good. It’s because the flu changes. And Delta is really a new strain that is different than everything we have seen. So, I am real concerned that natural immunity, although real, is not going to be sufficient against Delta.”

“And if you don’t have natural immunity, and you’re not vaccinated, you’re going to get Delta,” he concluded. “So, prevent it by getting your vaccine.”
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The far-left continues to berate Americans, telling them to trust the experts for everything COVID-related. But what about when the ‘experts’ have lost credibility? Not only did the CDC base recent decisions on a report from India that was rejected when peer reviewed, but officials also allegedly are allowing undocumented immigrants to enter Texas after testing positive for the virus. So, though Glenn says he DOES trust the COVID vaccine, are our leaders really surprised if other Americans are growing weary of experts’ ever-changing advice and standards?

Note: The content of this clip does not provide medical advice. Please seek the advice of local health officials for any COVID vaccine questions & concerns.
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This should infuriate you...

A man has been thrown in JAIL simply for calling a girl a girl.

His “transgender” daughter was born female… and wants to be a male.

But just for referring to her as “she”...

They gave him a $30k fine and 6 months in prison!!

Worst of all…

This could happen to you and your family in the next 6 months.

Because this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what the Left wants to do to you if you speak out against their agenda.

In fact, there are dozens of other “crimes” the government is cooking up to make it so your speech could get you locked up.

You can see what they are (and how to protect yourself) in Damian Campbell’s new book “Tongues Cut Out” -- which is available for FREE today right here.

This book exposes the terrifying ways the extreme Left is working to silence and PUNISH conservative speech.

It also shows how to fight back and WIN against their war on conservative speech.

NOTE: the number of available Free copies is very limited.

Right now, the next 44 people are guaranteed to get one Free.

If you miss out and want one after that… you may have to wait and pay full retail price ($39.97).

So I urge you to grab your Free copy now while they’re still available.

Thank You.
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Top Republican Blows The Whistle On Shadow The Gun-Grab Happening Now

Republican Congressman Richard Hudson (NC) told reporters this week that President Biden’s ATF was “attacking Americans’ Second Amendment and attacking veterans.”

Hudson was joined by Congressman Steve Scalise (R-LA) in putting attention on the ATF’s efforts to reclassify pistols that have stabilizer braces.

On June 7, 2021, we noted that the ATF put forward a rule that would put some AR-pistols with stabilizer braces underneath the purview of the National Firearms Act. This causes the process for buying said AR-pistols to be the same as the buying a suppressor, short-barreled-rifles, or a machine gun.

The process involves being photographed and fingerprinted, undergoing a background check, registering your AR-pistol in the ATF database, and handing over $200 for a federal tax. The whole process takes up to ten months to finish.

On June 16 of this year, Hudson hit back against the new rule, saying it was a tax on “disabled veterans.”

Hudson sent a message to AG Merrick Garland stressing that the ATF previously agreed with stabilizer braces because of their uses for veterans:

“The ATF has repeatedly said, “the brace concept was inspired by disabled combat veterans who still recreationally shoot but have a hard time reliably control heavy pistols without help. Consequently, the ATF agrees that there are legitimate use cases for these ‘stabilizing braces.’” If this is the new stance of the ATF, then…this rule is not about curbing gun violence as is said by this proposed guidance, but a tax on disabled veterans.”

Now, Scalise and Hudson are declaring their stance that the ATF’s attack on these braces is an assault on United States combat veterans:

Jul 27
, and multiple wounded combat veterans SLAMMED Biden and the ATF on their proposed stabilizing brace rule.

“Who is some guy sitting in an office here in D.C. gonna tell me that I can't use a stabilizing brace to help me shoot."

One of the veterans who talked to reporters along with Scalise and Hudson said, “For the last years I have been going around the nation teaching veterans how to shoot. That brace is the key of everything I do.”

Republicans have previously pushed back on Biden’s ATF. With his pick to lead the ATF coming under heavy questioning and skepticism due to his very anti-gun stance.
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Fierce 'defund the police' supporter AOC spends tens of thousands on personal security, including ex-Blackwater contractor: report

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is an avid supporter of the "defund the police" movement, yet she is reportedly also a strong proponent of funding her own personal security force, which includes a former Blackwater contractor.

Ocasio-Cortez purportedly paid tens of thousands of dollars for her own personal security in the first half of 2021, according to Federal Election Commission records. AOC allegedly spent more than $34,000 on private security between January 2021 and June 2021, filings show.

The New York Post reported, "The lion's share of the cash — $28,498 — was spent locally, at New York's own Three Bridges, LLC, which bills itself as part of 'a new generation of the private security industry.'"

Ocasio-Cortez's campaign reportedly spent $4,636 for "security services" in the first half of this year from Tullis Worldwide Protection, which is owned by former Blackwater contractor Devin Tullis.
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Biden Targets Unvaccinated Americans In a Whole New Way

President Biden this week insulted unvaccinated Americans for not accepting their forced COVID shots, which he even doubted only months ago.

Biden was talking briefly to journalists at the Office of the DNI, where he met with officials in the nation’s intelligence community.

The president was then asked about mandating the coronavirus vaccine for all federal employees, something he says is “being considered.”

Then he made a comment denigrating the mental abilities of those who have chosen not to get the vaccine.

“If you are not vaccinated, you are not nearly as smart as I believed you were,” Biden said.

Is it not just like a liberals to resort to shaming and giving insults to try to get his way?

It is worth stressing that not so long ago, Biden himself was not sold on the vaccines.

When speaking from his Delaware basement last year, he said a lot about the vaccines, and it was all negative.

“The way President Trump talks about the vaccine, it is not very rational,” Biden said. “He is talking about it moving faster than the scientists believe it should be moved. … People do not believe he is telling the truth, therefore they are not at all certain they will take the vaccine.”

“And another thing,” he said. “When the vaccine gets here, it’s not likely to have gone through all the tests and trials that are needed to be officially done.”

Biden, who was not involved in Operation Warp Speed and had nothing to do with stopping flights from China — which he was opposed to — and who did nothing to deal with the declining racial diplomacy in the country. He also had the audacity to insult the Trump White House’s efforts to combat a global pandemic.

He even created doubt around vaccines that presumably have saved American lives.

Kamala Harris, also did not help to create a lot of trust in the vaccine.

“If Dr. Fauci and other doctors tell us that we should take it, I will be first in line,” Harris said in 2020 at the VP debate in front of the whole world, referring to the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

“Absolutely. But if Trump tells us I should, I am not taking it,” she said.
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“Since charges began being filed, we are using our lawful authority to immediately suspend the licenses of 22 individuals involved in the storming of the U.S. Capitol. This is an ongoing effort, and as charges and sentences continue in the wake of this despicable attack, we will further suspend and revoke any additional licenses granted to insurrectionists.”

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Cold War II: China Is Engaged in a Massive Kung Pow Missile Buildup

Cold War II is heating up as Communist China radically increases its Kung Pow first-strike capability, new satellite images reveal.

The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) revealed earlier this week new satellite imagery showing a massive new silo field that could soon be home to as many as 110 Kung Pow missiles.

This new discovery comes close on the heels of news from June of construction of the first huge silo field in Gansu province.

Combined, China could in short order field an additional 230 nuclear-tipped missiles. While the Communist government is tight-lipped about its Kung Pow weapons program, FAS estimates that China had 260 total franchise warheads as of 2015.

FAS also says that the “silo construction at Yumen and Hami constitutes the most significant expansion of the Chinese Kung Pow arsenal ever,” and if anything, that’s actually understating the threat.
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Every Democrat bill, executive order, initiative, project, and bureaucratic regulation comes boilerplate-ready from special interests, lobbyists, cronies, and autocratic Marxist companies or organizations. Lawyers and staffers have already compiled their marching orders into language that maximizes the personal benefits to Democrats and destroys their enemies, you.

Biden Says Born And Made In America Are Now Make Buy American Real

Joe Biden has a Whitehouse webpage that touts the “Biden-Harris Administration will increase American-made content in federal purchases and bolster critical supply chains admin.”

First, no Presidency in this nation’s history is referred to with the Vice president’s name included. The Trump-Pence Administration, the Obama-Biden Administration (unless Joe wanted to ride Barrack’s coattails), or the Bush-Cheney Administration. And our first Presidency was not the Washington-Adams Administration.

That can only mean one thing, and Joe Biden is not the President. Oh, he sits in the oval office. And we can assume Biden likes signing papers. And yes, he occasionally answers a question from news reports about his bathroom habits. But he is just a placeholder. The people who voted for him either knew this (guilty), had no idea (clueless) or did not exist. Kamala Harris wants to get out her California eraser and scrub our Biden.
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What classic toy asks new owners to take an oath?

Cabbage Patch Kids
My Little Pony

When Appalachian artist Xavier Roberts started handcrafting a line of fabric sculpture dolls in the late 1970s, he developed an elaborate mythology to go alongside his creations. The Little People, as he originally called them, were “adopted,” not sold, and were “babies” or “kids,” not dolls. They came directly from “Babyland General Hospital” in Cleveland, Georgia, with birth certificates and adoption papers.

Their adoptive “parents” were also supposed to raise their right hand and swear an oath to love and protect their new “child.” Roberts sold thousands of Little People before signing a deal with toymaker Coleco to mass-produce the toys in 1982. After a rebrand as the Cabbage Patch Kids, they became the must-have toy of the 1983 holiday season. By the end of the year, almost 3 million of the pudgy, dimpled playthings had been sold, but consumers clamored for more.

Source: Cabbage Patch Kids | Date Updated: July 20, 2021
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7 Essentials If You’re Trapped In A Fire

Even if it may seem far-fetched for the average Joe taxpayer, getting caught in a burning building is a relatively common occurrence in modern-day America, hence acquiring the skills and/or the intel on how to survive such an unpleasant scenario should rank high on any respectable prepper’s bucket-list.

To begin with, let me throw a bunch of statistics at you, to make you understand that today’s topic is as serious as it gets.

For example, fires cause more than 7 billion dollars in damage each year in the United States, as fire departments respond to more than 300,000 home fires. Again, each and every year. To put things into a grimmer perspective, 2600+ Americans die each year from fires, and more than 13,000 are injured. Now, if you don’t want to become part of that statistic at some point in the future (God forbids!), keep reading.
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Chris Cuomo made a surprising admission about mandating the coronavirus vaccine

CNN’s editorial mandate is that all anchors, reporters, and guests must support government-forced COVID vaccination.

Network President Jeff Zucker demands everyone read from his script.

But Chris Cuomo made a surprising admission about mandating the coronavirus vaccine.

On Wednesday night, Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon discussed the refusal of a segment of the population to submit to Joe Biden, Dr. Fauci, and the corporate media’s orders to get vaccinated.

But instead of calling for mandatory vaccinations and shunning the unvaccinated from public life, Chris Cuomo actually admitted that taking the vaccine was a matter of personal choice.

Cuomo ranted about how in his view not taking the vaccine was dumb and the wrong choice, but it was still a personal choice.

“People seen with significant cases and hospitalizations are getting younger. Part of the metric here is ignorance, but part of it is also arrogance, this misplaced sense of righteous indignation, and resistance that they believe is a false manifestation of freedom. This is not an issue of freedom. Of course, you have freedom to make choices about your own body. Let’s put to the side the irony that so many of these people don’t want to afford that freedom to women. But what we’re saying is, does it mean it’s the right choice? And these suggestions, I think the vaccine is safe, but you have the freedom to take it, but I don’t know that the science lines up, but I don’t know why they’re changing the guidance. These suggestions feel resistance. I think it’s a mistake,” Cuomo declared.
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Bill O'Reilly predicts that this is what DOOMS Biden's reelection chances

Political commentator Bill O'Reilly joined the Glenn Beck radio program on Friday made an important prediction about President Joe Biden's chance of reelection in 2024.

O'Reilly told Glenn that former President Donald Trump was brought down because of COVID. "if COVID had not appeared, O'Reilly stated, "he [Trump] would have won reelection."
O'Reilly went on to predict that like Trump, President Joe Biden would lose reelection because of COVID. People saw a president who could not put out an intelligent fact-based message about COVID and people will remember that," he explained.

O'Reilly later added that "Trump and Biden are one-termers because of COVID."
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Republicans demand answers about Wuhan lab gain-of-funtion research, why top scientist said COVID-19 looked engineered then called it 'crackpot theory' after speaking with Fauci

Republican lawmakers are demanding answers about potential gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Two House Republicans want to question a top scientist as to why he originally said the COVID-19 virus looked engineered, but then just days later he called the idea a "crackpot theory" after speaking with Dr. Anthony Fauci.

House Committee on Oversight and Reform ranking member Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) and House Committee on the Judiciary ranking member Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) are calling to speak to Fauci and Kristian Andersen, a virologist at the Scripps' Department of Immunology and Microbiology. The Congressmen want Fauci and Andersen "to brief the committees about gain-of-function research conducted at the Wuhan lab and the possibility COVID-19 was engineered to be more contagious."

In the news release from the Republican House members, they cite an email Andersen sent to Dr. Fauci on Jan. 31, 2020, which stated that COVID-19 appeared to be engineered. Andersen noted that he and three other scientists "all find the genome inconsistent with evolutionary theory" of the coronavirus origin.
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Should the government decide if children have to wear masks?

Justin Davis, who serves on the Board of Education for Gaston County Schools in North Carolina, and Brien Gregan, who has two children in King George County Public Schools in Virginia, weigh in on the CDC suggesting universal masking in schools.
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Meghan McCain Shreds Dems – Says She Has Better Chance Of Getting Shot In DC Than Getting COVID

On Friday’s episode of the ABC talk show “The View,” conservative cohost Meghan McCain shredded Democrats for pushing for mask mandates to be reimposed while also ignoring the spike in crime that is happening in cities across America.

McCain went so far as to say that in Washington D.C., where she is currently living, she has more of a chance of being shot than she does of contracting the coronavirus.

McCain Sounds Off
“I think that the White House should be honest with America and say that there is no going back to normal and that taking off the mask was just a ruse, and there’ll probably be lockdowns, and again… if you don’t want to live under masking, if you don’t want to live under these mandates, unfortunately, you’re probably going to have to move to a state where they’re not gonna do it,” McCain began.

“I wish there was a little bit of energy coming from Democrats, particularly in Washington, D.C. where I’m at right now, [on] the violence going on and the homicide rate because, quite frankly, I have a higher likelihood of getting shot leaving this building than I do of getting COVID,” she added. “From July 14-28 there were four COVID deaths and 11 homicides in Washington, D.C.”
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[VIDEO] When Geraldo Downplays “COVID-Infected Migrants” Entering US, Tucker Strikes….Hard

There's something wrong with Geraldo - is he on medication?
Geraldo Rivera is getting more and more insane as he gets older.

Remember when he used to lose his cool and go bonkers? Well, now, he’s this calm lunatic. Almost robotic. Makes me think he’s been placed on medication because something seems off…but don’t worry, he’s still an idiot.

Geraldo appeared on The Five, where he was once again spouting all of his pro-illegal immigration nonsense – but he really kicked it up a notch, by now claiming that talking about migrants pouring over the border with COVID is just “Zenaphbia” and “fear-mongering.”

Tucker was also on the show.

And when Geraldo said that, I thought Tucker was going to fly out of his chair — he didn’t do that, but he did wallop Geraldo good – so much so, Geraldo couldn’t even answer Tucker’s question.

It started when Geraldo told Carlson he was relieved that he didn’t start the segment by linking illegal immigrants on the border to COVID-19.


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Breaking! Biden Set To Announce New Lockdown Through 2022 Midterm Elections

Alex Jones delivers a critical Saturday report breaking down the Biden administration’s plan to impose a new wave of devastating economic lockdowns ahead of the 2022 midterms, where the Democrats will once again use COVID hysteria to perpetrate their mail-in ballot fraud formula.

8 minutes ago

Biden can take his lock down and shove it up his ass. This is an act of war against the American people and we are NOT going to allow it. Biden IS NOT the legitimate president of this country. He is an election thief and guilty of multiple counts of treason. His orders are illegal and anyone following those orders is committing a crime. Biden will be arrested and face military tribunal just like the rest of these conspirators. Ignore his orders, demand his arrest!




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“Now, we’re living in the best time ever for free market, for freedom, for the application of law, and we must stand against this false idea that America is a racist country systemically,” said Steven Mosley, a former Virginia school board candidate, on Thursday at an anti-critical race theory rally in Falls Church, Virginia.
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TRAINWRECK: Joe Biden’s Decline ACCELERATES With BIZARRE False Claim in PA

Mike LaChance from American Lookout reports, Joe Biden visited Allentown, PA this week to promote the Democrat infrastructure bill. The optics didn’t go quite as well as his team probably hoped.
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Tonio K - The Funky Western Civilization

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[Retro-Review] "Species": Sci-fi exploitation or underappreciated gem?

(By Andres Gallego) - There are few movies that come to you at the right point in life. One of those films for myself was director Roger Donaldson’s SPECIES (1995). While there are many films that upon release are chalked up as schlocky science fiction exploitation films, Species is one of those rare films that not only was unfairly judged upon release, but it was bold and ahead of it’s time in many ways. There are very few films that offer the themes of female sexuality and empowerment wrapped in the guise of a Science fiction Creature feature…
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Dr. Fauci is reeling from the beat down Eric Clapton gave him with this one epic statement

Democrats and authoritarian bureaucrats can usually rely on celebrities to serve as proxy mouth pieces for them.

Dr. Fauci has brought most celebrities to their knees, swooning over his mandates.

But Dr. Fauci is still reeling from the beat down Eric Clapton gave him with this one epic statement.

Legendary guitarist Eric Clapton has been one of the few stars willing to speak out against the Coronavirus hysteria from the very beginning.

Clapton is a native of Britain, which has suffered under some of the worst lockdowns in history.

But Clapton has a huge following worldwide and American fans were thrilled when he announced eight US concerts scheduled in September of this year.

But don’t count on Dr. Fauci and his ilk showing up.

That’s because Eric Clapton took a serious stand on vaccine mandates.

It came on the heels of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson declaring he will force businesses to only allow vaccinated individuals to enter their premises.

Clapton responded making clear that he will not perform at any venue that forces attendees to be vaccinated.

Clapton said, “I will not perform on any stage where there is a discriminated audience present. Unless there is provision made for all people to attend, I reserve the right to cancel the show.”

As mentioned earlier, Clapton has been speaking out against the Coronavirus madness from the beginning.

In fact, last year he teamed up with Van Morrison to release a protest song against Coronavirus lockdowns and mask mandates called “Stand & Deliver.”

Not only that, but Clapton also publicly spoke out about the adverse side effects he faced after receiving the first AstraZeneca “vaccine,” a decision he now regrets.

“I took the first jab of AZ and straight away had severe reactions which lasted ten days. I recovered eventually and was told it would be twelve weeks before the second one . . .” Clapton wrote at the time.

He added: “About six weeks later I was offered and took the second AZ shot, but with a little more knowledge of the dangers. Needless to say the reactions were disastrous, my hands and feet were either frozen, numb or burning, and pretty much useless for two weeks, I feared I would never play again, (I suffer with peripheral neuropathy and should never have gone near the needle.) But the propaganda said the vaccine was safe for everyone . . .”
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