The OzRT (Oz Round Table) grew out of a now defunct eBay forum, but it is much more than that. We're a community of friendship, help, support, shared laughter, fantastic range of topics, and a strong sense of trust and integrity.
Wheels, the rules are different for Chinese sellers, aren't they?
How do those scammers get away with selling on brand new IDs with a store and zero feedback?
No Smee, google does find eBay store names and user IDs.I just googled our user ID and the second result was our old website and the third result was our eBay store.And a google search of our "store name" resulted in second place.And our username and store name don't have any keywords associated with any particular product.
Yes of course, if the username or store name improves sales then that has to be the best choice.Is there any problem with you using a brand name in your store name? I have seen some eBay store names where they've obviously had to alter the brand names slightly.
Smee, a basic store costs $20 a month, $240 a year.