Author Topic: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....  (Read 42593 times)


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Yet another attempt for Big Brother to intrude into our privacy!

Govt Wants ISPs To Record Browsing History

square peg

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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2010, 09:36:03 PM »
I read about this the other day. I haven't read into it a lot just yet, but my first reaction was if you are operating within the law, what does it matter? They can already track us by a number of means, and I daresay that they already do track our computer activity to a degree - now they are just trying to legitimize it.

would it be possible for them to monitor the activity of every single isp address? something like 6 million were created last year alone. Perhaps they will have filters in place that only tracks certain movements such as those involved in terrorism or peadophilia?

On the whole, I try to act in a reasnoably lawful way, so can't see them getting too much from tracking me that they don't already know. Can't see why the average citizen with nothing to hide would really have anything to worry about.

What are they gonna bust me for? spending my whole day on chat boards instead of studying? Meh - husband already does that!
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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2010, 09:50:30 PM »
I think it highly likely the Government referred to in this article wont be the government for much long


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #3 on: June 13, 2010, 10:05:01 PM »
Well, it's sort of akin to leaving your front door open at home - and allowing (no choice) anyone to enter and do as they like. I have a problem with that.

Perhaps the best example..... being all law abiding citizens.... would it be unreasonable for ALL of us to supply a DNA sample to the authorities? We're lawful... so, nothing to worry about....and wouldn't a national database make crime solving so much easier? Or - could the sample be used for less than lawful means? ie: we found you're DNA at a robbery site..... where were you on..... Actually - with that sort of evidence - why would lawyers be necessary? If the government legislated this requirement - I would have a problem with that too. But - I do believe it will come, as did the Australia Card through alternate means.

Any ISP can monitor the traffic of its users. This forum would have the same abilities for users here.

Reasonably lawful doesn't cut it - if someone for whatever reason is working on digging up dirt on another individual.

What are they gonna bust me for? - Well, how about your political interests / beliefs / involvements..... or the other people who you interact with online who are perhaps less lawful.... Would you have been happy to have Ivan Milat on your facebook friends list prior to his history being known? Possibly - you were associated with the person? [hypothetical of course!] ) How about your personal correspondences to others - or the external monitoring by a stranger of your kids? And - how about the stifling by a third party of your freedom to read - or share an opinion?

I see a few problems with this.

And BNWT - I seriously DO hope you are right! I will certainly be doing my bit!

square peg

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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #4 on: June 13, 2010, 10:23:30 PM »
But see trainman, I can't see how we can stop it. Once they get the idea into their heads, they'll push it around until we have been desensitized to the idea and then slip it in.

What do you believe is their specific motive for doing this? More control? of what? They have already made sure that I am perfectly trackable by giving me a birth number, a medicare number, a tax number a marriage number  - kind of like that pact little kids make - cradle to grave - if they suspected me of anything, they can already track me.

Ok, in the interest of a discussion, lets look at the positives of this kind of thing.

lets start with drugs. Lets say there was a filter that alerted them to anything to do with drugs. Without even touching on the people who do this for a living, lets think about kids. If my son wrote something about drugs on his facebook page, or googled how to make them - they might be able to intervene before he gets addicted. Moving up the scales, wouldn't it be a whole lot harder for the drug dealers/makers to organize their businesses? This has to be a good thing.

Is there also a possibility that the ability to electronically monitor will require less man hours - thus reducing costs and freeing them up for something like education or health?

I can see a lot of benefits -
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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #5 on: June 13, 2010, 10:31:07 PM »

Just another push to make us a clone of china.....


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2010, 10:39:12 PM »
we are a clone of China already .... and tomorrow is a Pubric Horiday !!!!!


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2010, 10:40:26 PM »

square peg

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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2010, 10:41:24 PM »
I do agree yibs - but this is how they operate. Their responsibility is to reproduce an amenable workforce. With globalization, this has exploded beyond the realms of their capabilities. Back in the days before the industrial revolution, they could control us easily by controlling what we knew and what we had access to. With the expansion of market capitalization and the explosion of urbanization, they lost some of the control in reproducing the workforce.

however, with globalization, it has become impossible to reproduce a workforce for Australia because the combination of the cyber highways and the amount of knowledge that we have access to makes it possible for Australians to work overseas without leaving their homes.

For Australia to support itself, the govt needs to make sure that all of our intellectual resourses are not exported.
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square peg

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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2010, 10:42:36 PM »
we are a clone of China already .... and tomorrow is a Pubric Horiday !!!!!

In the next 12 years, the biggest language in China will be English
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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #10 on: June 13, 2010, 10:49:01 PM »

You mean Engrish ?...LOL


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #11 on: June 13, 2010, 10:53:07 PM »

But see trainman, I can't see how we can stop it. Once they get the idea into their heads, they'll push it around until we have been desensitized to the idea and then slip it in.

Vigilance is an important thing! Complacency allows these things to become realities. At the moment - people across the country and the world can share information - the Global Warming debate for example. If the outrage couldn't have been communicated - we'd be signed up to that now.

What do you believe is their specific motive for doing this? More control? of what? They have already made sure that I am perfectly trackable by giving me a birth number, a medicare number, a tax number a marriage number  - kind of like that pact little kids make - cradle to grave - if they suspected me of anything, they can already track me.

Yes - we are all trackable. The new push IMO is to limit what people can share with each other...... further control in other words. And what Yibs says

Ok, in the interest of a discussion, lets look at the positives of this kind of thing.
lets start with drugs. Lets say there was a filter that alerted them to anything to do with drugs. Without even touching on the people who do this for a living, lets think about kids. If my son wrote something about drugs on his facebook page, or googled how to make them - they might be able to intervene before he gets addicted. Moving up the scales, wouldn't it be a whole lot harder for the drug dealers/makers to organize their businesses? This has to be a good thing.

Drugs.... OK. My kids know they have an open door to speak at any time regarding any matter - with either their mum - or me. We encourage these discussions in the privacy of our own home. WE also provide the monitoring function as parents. For mine, strangers have no place in this unless invited. The alternative to this situation is that kids don't talk about these things. Then they are in trouble. How about if the person who discovered your son writing these things on facebook decided that you were an unfit parent and chose to remove him from your care?

Drug dealers don't need internet access. They have pre-paid mobile phones which do the job so much better.

Is there also a possibility that the ability to electronically monitor will require less man hours - thus reducing costs and freeing them up for something like education or health?

I can see a lot of benefits -


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2010, 10:57:16 PM »

Hi Loco !... I see Google pulled out of china for this very reason... forced censorship....


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #13 on: June 13, 2010, 10:57:30 PM »
Is there also a possibility that the ability to electronically monitor will require less man hours - thus reducing costs and freeing them up for something like education or health?

I can see a lot of benefits -

Please disregard the above bit from last post! It was off-page at posting! ;D


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #14 on: June 13, 2010, 10:57:49 PM »
I am greatly concerned of the prospect for abuse of this information - but the fact remains that there is nothing stopping ISPs from capturing this information RIGHT NOW.

The amount of information flying around is truly astounding. An email passing from one side of the world to another can easily pass through a dozen servers or more - try running a TRACERT on a domain name and see for yourself.  Each of these routing points has the potential to capture information. The only reason why they won't is because the volume is so incredible.

I would expect the one thing that has not been clearly defined is the ACCESS that is to be granted to this information.  ISPs currently keep some information that is only accessible for internal control or by court order - because it is privileged.  I would hope this principle would be maintained.

As for the argument of necessity, I am finding it difficult to dismiss this easily.  The fact of the matter is that the technology has enabled advanced levels of communication in ALL forms of dealing - whether email, eCommerce and banking or crime, terrorism and defamation.  The fact that there IS a trail that can be followed, provided the details are captured, enables a far more precise and effective effort in tracking down not only the major parties involved, but also associated parties and interconnections.  With data already stored on computer, searches, reports and a variety of other techniques can be just fired up against a wealth of possibilities. Every piece of straw in the haystack will be numbered and finding the needles will be relatively easy when you can instruct the computer to check each piece one-by-one and sit back with a coffee, while you wait for the answer.

There is also the matter of speed - for a number of reasons. First is the fact that, sometimes, major 'events' can be organised and executed in a very short timeframe, due to the speed and efficiency in coordinating an effort, utilizing this technology, so an appropriately efficient means of interception is necessary. Another is the simple time cost of investigators - payroll budgets are but one of several very real constraints.

Where I have a concern is the accessibility to this information held by ISPs.

Anything recorded on the OZRT for example is protected under privacy legislation and Admin could get into serious trouble for any failure to comply - but what we are facing with this 'data capture' is that it will be protected by who...?  The 'Trust us' government?

Now that troubles me.


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2010, 10:59:39 PM »
How are you Yibs..... Looking well again!


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2010, 11:00:46 PM »

Yep good Loco.... you been well ?....


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2010, 11:03:12 PM »
Herro Roco how are you


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2010, 11:05:38 PM »
The 'Trust us' government?

And therein lies the problem! Good post Brums!

I'm good Yibs. Mainly afternoon shifts of late. Devastating to the social life.... or would be if I had one. At least there are good people here to speak with. Makes the night worthwhile. Lat time I saw you, you were suffering with a bad dose of the flu. Had a couple of Rums for ya. Hope that helped.

AHHHHHH I see my flen Smee!


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2010, 11:08:59 PM »

I Had a shocking flu Loco, knocked me around for a week at home, I'm OK now sort of... still got a cough... Ubb's must be away fishing, haven't see him for days... Hope he sends me a trout when he gets back...


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #20 on: June 13, 2010, 11:12:01 PM »
I read somewhere here that Ubbs was going away fishing and coming home Monday night. I hope he took an ice saw with him.


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #21 on: June 13, 2010, 11:13:07 PM »
I read somewhere here that Ubbs was going away fishing and coming home Monday night. I hope he took an ice saw with him.

Nah he'd just blow a hole in the ice with his gun.. LOLOL


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #22 on: June 13, 2010, 11:14:27 PM »


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #23 on: June 13, 2010, 11:17:31 PM »
The problem with being pro-active, which is what I am seeing is in some people's thinking, is that are you really being pro-active or just paranoid.

I'm a curious bugga. I like to understand how things work. The internet has made that so much more satisfying - but how do you judge my motives?

If I look up how it was possible to maufacture an nuclear device at home - am I doing it
 - because I want to build one?
 - because I want to idolise the risks my terrorist hero took in his attempt to blow up something?
 - because I wanted to understand the alternative solutions to the OH&S issues?
 - because I was curious how it could be done?
 - because I was looking for a new security device for the nuclear family and clicked on the suggestion eBay's 'Best Match' gave me .... ?

How would you be if your genius family member had an idea for a cancer cure, a room temperature superconductor or a hyper-drive for space travel and started burrowing through all manner of material ... and in troop the 'Thought Police'?  You can kiss goodbye to creative thinking, innovation, discovery and invention.

The variations on the misuse of such information are enormous beyond comprehension.

.... and what is worse is the prospect of the Minister Conroy's of the world seeking justification.  Is that not the ultimate concern ..... when a politician says 'Trust me' ?


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #24 on: June 13, 2010, 11:34:57 PM »
Brum6y, I agree with your post. Pro-active / paranoid..... both possibly intertwined to a point, but how about we also add realist to that thought?

I remember reading about an Internet monitoring software out of the US. From memory, the Echelon system. This software was trained to pick up keywords, such as bomb... plutonium and the such - then capture these things for more detailed analysis. Now that was years ago. Goodness knows what may exist now.

One of my biggest enjoyments with the net is, as you describe, to search for answers to different things. I've researched such things as drug manufacture in the past - particularly when that dreaded 'Ice' chemical hit our shores. Someone interpreting my google searches - without knowing anything about me would probably have a panic attack at times...... but the net is the biggest interactive encyclopaedia going.

The variations on the misuse of such information are enormous beyond comprehension.

And that can happen so easily to any of us. Not paranoia - but a reality.


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #25 on: June 13, 2010, 11:36:30 PM »

Smee! That's a chilly looking icehole you have there!  ;D


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #26 on: June 13, 2010, 11:38:28 PM »
Smee! That's a chilly looking icehole you have there

are we still speaking with Chinese accent here ?


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #27 on: June 13, 2010, 11:41:17 PM »
Loco, you just triggered a thought....

What if you were suspicious of an illegal drug manufacturing setup - and went to research exactly what was necessary to set up a backyard lab..?

By finding out how certain things were done, you could be on the lookout for those signs - or things that could substitute - and get some good intelligence that you could pass over to the police, which they could easily verify and effectively act on.

Just a thought - but it would be unfortunate to have them crashing down your door when you were trying to make their job easier and your neighbourhood safer...


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #28 on: June 13, 2010, 11:42:26 PM »
Smee, you just triggered a shaking of the head...


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #29 on: June 13, 2010, 11:43:30 PM »
are we still speaking with Chinese accent here ?

 :lmao: NO! that one is strictly ingrish!  ;D


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #30 on: June 13, 2010, 11:45:43 PM »
... ok ... with a wry smile.


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #31 on: June 13, 2010, 11:53:19 PM »
Just a thought - but it would be unfortunate to have them crashing down your door when you were trying to make their job easier and your neighbourhood safer...

And that's exactly where misinterpretation could get one into serious strife..... for all the wrong reasons.

A friend who works at Coles told me a story about a shoplifter. This character (who they haven't been able to pinch) only stole one thing.... Ibuprofen tablets. Boxes and boxes of the stuff.  It used to be Pseudoephedrine (Speed manufacture) and in more recent times, Codeine. (hence the new laws in May on this substance) I searched long and hard in an attempt to discover whether this new chemical could be substituted in some manner in the manufacture of a drug. That included emails to medical authorities and practitioners..... and many others who I thought may have been able to help. Couldn't find an illicit use for it. But - anyone monitoring the questions that I was asking could have immediately interpreted me as being of interest in the matter.


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #32 on: June 13, 2010, 11:56:57 PM »
Surveillance state near, warns Australian Pirate Party


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #33 on: June 14, 2010, 12:00:16 AM »
Plan to keep search history angers internet freedom fighters

If you know the details of someone's online reading and viewing habits you can learn a great deal about them; their politics, their interests, their sexual inclinations, even the state of their marriage.

"It would be like the Government listening in on everybody's telephone conversations or opening everybody's mail. It's contrary to the kind of society we enjoy in Australia, where we enjoy freedom as citizens, unless we run into trouble with the law," he said.

"This puts everybody into the guilty until proven innocent basket."

square peg

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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #34 on: June 14, 2010, 12:13:07 AM »
I think ubbs said he was going away for some archery

trainman, do you really think they would take my kids off me because I was deemed an unfit mother because they were enquiring about things? surely they would accept that kids are curious? we have an open door policy in our house too, but I doubt that any of mine would ask me how to make drugs - I think they know that this would be one of those no go areas.

However, i do understand where you are coming from, i just wish that this was happening in a week when I had more braincells spare to really get my teeth into the discussion. For now I have a few exams this week - so unfortunately its only superficial input from me
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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #35 on: June 14, 2010, 12:19:20 AM »
It's a possible scenario. I know that you are a WONDERFUL mum..... but would a stranger have the same knowledge of you?

I think they know that this would be one of those no go areas.

Kids are curious.... even when they are in their 50's! Most of the chemicals manufactured in drug labs are built around potentially explosive ingredients. They are dangerous to make - and can be deadly to use. Simple explanation that generally satisfies kid's questions.

square peg

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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #36 on: June 14, 2010, 12:29:24 AM »
Maybe now is not a good time to tell you that one of my kids is right into chemistry - has his own set up in the garage........

However, all of his requirements are purchased through school - so he has to justify to them what he wants and why (because my knowledge stops at the text book basics). They authorize his order before sending me the account for approval.

anyway, best I get back to the hermeneutics of my sociology text and try and disect this epistemologically mixed up world....

(Hey did that sound impressive?)
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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #37 on: June 14, 2010, 12:44:13 AM »
Peg - The real concern is not for issues that are black and white, it is for the grey areas.

In particular, at what shade of grey things change from benevolent to malevolent. Wherever you draw that line, there are two insurmountable problems:

The first is that you will NEVER get universal agreement on where that line should be drawn.

The second is that there is every justifiable concern that the line will be moved - and moved towards the 'white' end of the scale.

As an extremely simple example, in NSW there is a road rule about traversing roundabouts, which states that you indicate you are leaving a roundabout by using your left blinker - because it is, technically, a left turn out of the roundabout.

Some roundabouts are 50 metres across and can have vegetation in the middle, obscuring full vision. Requiring people to indicate when they are exiting such a large roundabout is quite reasonable... it is almost identical to making a left turn into a side street - and you would get a large proportion of drivers who would concede that point.

Then you have roundabouts that have a small concrete mound in the middle of what otherwise could be a straghtforward cross-intersection. A lot of drivers would argue that using a blinker to indicate exiting such roundabouts as stupid - and I will accept that such an opinion is not without merit.

But - if we were to differentiate between big and small roundabouts for using or not using a blinker to exit, where do you draw the line? What happens if someone assesses the size of a roundabout as small, but it was classified as big? There are many issues on not only making a call, but on the assessment and interpretation.

In this case, the road rules stipulate one action for all situations, but if a second one was to be introduced, the above issues become real.

The same logic applies to private information. As it stands now, there are clear guidlines that apply - but if there is any opening up of access, then there will be a war of words, assessments and interpretations.

If all of the potential concerns could be identified and categorically addressed to the satisfaction of the voting public, then there might be some comfort - but the simple fact is, that such assurances are impossible. The determinations of this scenario and that situation will follow a path through the courts and develop over time in the same manner as legal precedents. There is just no possible way to write the bible on this and have it set in concrete.

.... and even if you did, somebody would want to Conroy change it.


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #38 on: June 14, 2010, 12:50:16 AM »
Chemistry is a classic area.

Chemicals are used every day in many ways - you just can't make the world 'safe' from chemical assault.

What you can do is educate people as to the signs to look for in making a fertiliser bomb, so they can alert the authorities of suspicious purchases ... but then you are also telling those who didn't know such a thing was possible.

(Sometimes I cringe at the reports the media publish in the name of 'news' - I'm sure there are people who have been given ideas that they just would not have come up with on their own.)


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #39 on: June 14, 2010, 12:58:08 AM »
yeah a bit like on the sports news , if they want to show the score but the game is going to be replayed later they say look away now if you dont want to know the score .......

When showing news stories on illegal activities , they should say anyone who might consider indulging in illegal activities in the future look away now !!

problem solvered !!


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #40 on: June 14, 2010, 01:04:47 AM »
Smee .. always the thinker.

But I don't know if that one should get you committed or commended....


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #41 on: June 14, 2010, 01:08:48 AM »
ok ... let me know later

square peg

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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #42 on: June 16, 2010, 10:32:24 AM »
I was just thinking, is there a chance that this proposed ISP tracking is for taxation purposes? There are a lot of people selling things via the internet, perhaps many whose profits may not be being declared. Is this a prelude to attatching an ABN number so that there is greater accountability to sources of revenue?
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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #43 on: June 16, 2010, 06:07:20 PM »
I sincerely doubt it, Peg.

They would need to monitor content to work out whether you were buying or selling or just browsing on eBay, for example - and that is just not on.

There are other ways of monitoring that sort of thing with existing facilities, but even those are not always cost-effective.

Remember that while the ATO is responsible for protecting government revenue through all forms of relevant taxation, they must still operate on a commercial basis.  It is pointless to spend $10,000 chasing a $1,000 debt - unless you can recover multiple amounts or you wish to set an example.  They operate on 'the best bang for your buck' basis and that will include electronic monitoring where the data is self-evident - such as interest earned on bank accounts.

Monitoring internet traffic in an attempt to glean anything like that is just too huge an ask.



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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #44 on: June 17, 2010, 05:26:11 PM »
Web snooping policy shrouded in secrecy

The federal government is hiding controversial plans to force ISPs to store internet activity of all Australian internet users - regardless of whether they have been suspected of wrongdoing - for law-enforcement agencies to access.

Political opponents and other critics of the scheme have described the draft policy as "alarming" and accused the government of going "on a fishing expedition for as much data on the public as they can get". One ISP executive has described the plan as "a nanny state gone totally insane"


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #45 on: June 17, 2010, 08:28:25 PM »

Get a load of this.....

[attachment deleted by admin]


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #47 on: June 18, 2010, 04:24:35 PM »
Thankyou for posting that article BNWT.

Shelved until after the election.... undoubtedly beside the ETS legislation. BUT.... NEITHER of these things are going away!
Isn't damage control a wonderful thing to watch.


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #48 on: June 18, 2010, 05:15:04 PM »
Obama internet 'kill switch' proposed

One of Australia's top communications experts, University of Sydney associate professor Bjorn Landfeldt, railed against the idea, saying shutting down the internet would "inflict an enormous damage on the entire world".

He said it would be like giving a single country "the right to poison the atmosphere, or poison the ocean".


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Re: Internet Censorship - Another Threat To Our Freedoms Looms....
« Reply #49 on: June 19, 2010, 01:09:09 AM »
Obama internet 'kill switch' proposed

One of Australia's top communications experts, University of Sydney associate professor Bjorn Landfeldt, railed against the idea, saying shutting down the internet would "inflict an enormous damage on the entire world".

He said it would be like giving a single country "the right to poison the atmosphere, or poison the ocean".

I must say how very disapointed I am in Obama.  He seems more interested in organisating compensation over the oil spill rather than fixing the problem.  This is just rediculous - its been almost 2 months now - I dont know the answer but I also dont have the smartest people in the world phoning/emailing me with their solutions.

I am very disappointed that he did not close Guantanamo within the year that he promised.

But now this takes the cake - I think the power has gone to his head. What happened to freedom of speech in the USA.

This sounds more like something China would do