The OzRT (Oz Round Table) grew out of a now defunct eBay forum, but it is much more than that. We're a community of friendship, help, support, shared laughter, fantastic range of topics, and a strong sense of trust and integrity.
I carry a firearm in "plain view" in the Saloon...and the skeezy part-time help has got to give me grief over it..??? (Typical noise from a loser...)I don't think so........Bottom line is: the cops don't do ANYTHING HERE TO ENFORCE LAW.....They are totally corrupt!!!!!!!! And Lame!I am the FIRST LINE OF DEFENSE......hands down!No one is qualified to deny me my duty as a Citizen and Property Owner!I own 3% of this town. (Whoopdie-flocking-doo!)I got a "Duty". I deliver. I pack Plain View. In Nevada.How do you rate me now?