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The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on Today at 02:18:37 AM »
Who is Maria Consiglio?

As of my last knowledge cutoff date in September 2021, I don't have any information about a notable figure named Maria Consiglio. It's possible that she may have gained prominence or become the subject of memes, quotes, and phrases after that date. It's also possible that Maria Consiglio is a fictional character or a persona created for internet memes and jokes.

If Maria Consiglio has become well-known after 2021, I recommend conducting a search on popular social media platforms, websites, or forums to see if there is more information available about her. Additionally, checking online sources and forums where these memes, quotes, and phrases are being shared might provide more context about who she is and why she has become a popular subject of discussion.

I believe she is someone who is very in touch with reality and has opened up my eyes on a few demons that were disguised as people who cared and I appreciate her tremendously because my whole life I thought it was me that was the deranged one when all along it was those demons messing with me.

I am in the same boat. I cannot find anything about her other than quotes/memes. She is very spot on, but I’d love to know more (is she an author, therapist, etc), her quotes always hit home.

Her quotes about narcissists are always spot-on. If she’s a therapist, or author, I’d be interested in knowing her professional (contact) information.
I haven’t found anything specific yet either.

I looked her up.

She's an amazing therapist specializing in relationships and personal growth. The quotes that she actually writes will have her name on them, or just have her logo. She's on Instagram. I found her there.

:tello: "I found her on YouTube".


The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on Today at 01:33:27 AM »
The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on June 15, 2024, 11:56:39 PM »
Narcs are the most pathetic creatures on Earth.

The main thing narcissists
dislike and fear about you

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on June 15, 2024, 01:28:33 PM »
MEME TEST: Combining Pieces
The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on June 15, 2024, 06:07:53 AM »
I think a person's life experiences are very different when the first bully they encounter is their parent.
3 Painful Things Every Narcissistic Abuse Survivor Says

1 hour ago
That was the hardest—I wasn’t “me” anymore.  Everything I said I’d Never do, I did.  I didn’t recognize myself and my family didn’t recognize me.  By the time of discard, I was just a shell of myself.  I’m so glad I was stronger than I thought and although broken and scarred, I built myself back up and can spot that crazy in a nanosecond now.  Never again.

1 hour ago
I grew up with a narcissistic sister so it wasn’t a surprise.  When I left home at 20 years old, I thought I had escaped.  No, My first boyfriend was a narcissist, my first husband was and my second husband is a narcissist.  At least now I know what kind of people they are.

0 seconds ago
I'm hangin' Tuff, standing my ground. I am crippled but I'm not broken. Vids like this keep me centered. I Blog my studies.
The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on June 15, 2024, 03:24:23 AM »
I love when a narcissist stops talking to me! I call that sweet peace!
The 3 Reasons Narcissists
Discard People

5 years ago
His discard of me was so very painful.  It happened when I trusted and loved him the most.  Now, after nearly 2 years since he discarded me (and learning about narcissism soon after the discard), I am so grateful that he made it an easy way out for me of that fake relationship.  I knew he didn’t love me.  My life is better without the drama and triangulation and his irrational jealousy of my child.  Good riddance!!!
The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on June 15, 2024, 03:13:35 AM »
It’s so insane how they expect the world from someone while giving less than nothing in return.
Do Narcissists Love Other People?

3 years ago (edited)
I knew who I was dealing with when my replacement dumped him and he posted “ today I lost the “thing” I love the most”. I had some closure that day. He also would say “I known you for so long, for you to leave me it hurts me”. Never did he say “I love you”. Horrible disorder they have. End of the relationship I didn’t even want revenge. I realized that he is his worse enemy. My revenge is that I’m capable of authentic feelings. He gets to live his life in fear of exposure.

3 years ago
“Narcissists love utility not identity “. If you have an identity you are more likely to feel instantly the dissonance in the narcissist and disengage;  thank you

3 years ago
Sometimes truth hurts, but that's better than living in an illusions. It will heal.

3 years ago
They are so self absorbed, they never get to a place where there is another person.
The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on June 15, 2024, 02:57:25 AM »
Being with these types of people is like building your house on top of quicksand.
That Was Then, This Is Now:
Instability In Narcissistic Relationships

3 years ago (edited)
One minute a narc can literally be thanking God for you, then the very next minute they can literally be sneering at you like you're the most disgusting person they've ever known--just because you disagreed with them about something minor! 
   It can shake you to the core and cause the hair to stand up on your arms.  It takes you aback because you will be wondering if you're dealing with the same person.  Then when you ask the narc what's going on, they just stare at you like they don't know what YOUR problem is!

3 years ago
A narcissist society is work harder not smarter.
They don't contribute to better a society because it thrives on chaos and confusion.

3 years ago
In 24 hours she went from "I want to make our relationship work" to "I don’t want a relationship with you" -phone hang up.
   You gotta block these crazies and save yourself! DO IT NOW!!!
The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on June 15, 2024, 01:31:32 AM »

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on June 15, 2024, 01:28:47 AM »
Miserable is an understatement.
Narcissists Are Chronically Miserable

2 years ago
I'm starting to believe that the older they get,  the more intolerable they get.  They just start snapping out of the blue for no reason...very scary.

2 years ago
It's why I can't HATE them. Just avoid them as much as possible.

1 year ago
Unless you are willing and able to join them in their misery, there’s really nothing you can do but throw up your hands and walk away.

1 year ago
The more you learn about them the less you hate them and more you just pity them.
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