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The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on November 18, 2024, 01:58:48 AM »
Signs in Childhood That Reveal You Were Chosen From the Start!
Gangstalking is Real, Should be Studied (Conference Keynote Speech)
The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on November 16, 2024, 04:09:03 PM »
Do narcissists play fair?

Narcissists want to win at all costs, so don't expect them to play fair. Narcissists make rules, break rules, change rules, and change goalposts according to their needs and requirements. The main goal of narcissists is to prove themselves right; it doesn't matter how they hurt or destroy you because for them, winning matters the most.

When narcissists are losing or you are having the upper hand in the situation, they will start blaming, gaslighting, deceiving, crying, and fooling. Narcissists will even bring your past mistakes into the situation to defend themselves.

Narcissists will create fake stories, lie, cheat, manipulate, and deceive to put you down to prove their point. Narcissists can act in a passive, aggressive way to punish you. Narcissists will give you silent treatment to punish you for a long time.

The main agenda of a narcissist is to break you down until you don't accept the defeat. Narcissists don't have logic or understanding; they completely operate on ego. For narcissists, winning and reputation are more important than any relationships.

As far as they are concerned, they play fair.

Narcissists are unable to process the fact that other people have needs, opinions, desires, ambitions, that are different to and independent of their own.

Because narcissists are so lacking in compassionate empathy and the ability to recognize that others matter and have their own needs, narcissists feels they are being fair to the only one that should be treated fairly — themselves.

They are the center of the universe, and expect people to come into their gravitational pull, their orbit. They have this deep embedded feeling that people were born to serve them. And be served, they must.

Anything less than full submission, is falling short of their god-deserved right.

Their concept of fair denies the fact that they always get the lion's share. If you get an unaffordable gift, they have a motive. I made the living. His money was made for his own hobbies or pleasures. When he finally got a 6 figure job, he starting beating me up.

He was upset to share HIS money. I wasn’t good enough anymore. Had several groomed replacements as he always did. After 44 years we divorced, he remarried and my daughter died. I fell into darkness and was homeless 3 or so times.

Every single person in my family had been groomed over years to believe horrible things about me. I knew they treated me differently but didn’t know why. The truth is that nobody gets away with the malevolent things they have done in this world. There is a long line of those people in my case. The one thing they all share is the belief that money makes everything perfectly acceptable.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on November 15, 2024, 10:04:17 PM »
Why Narcissists Always Face Consequences and Lose Everything for Hurting You!
The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on November 15, 2024, 10:00:53 PM »
The Narcissist Is Demon Possessed & Why I Know This
The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on November 15, 2024, 02:00:17 PM »
The Real Reason Narcissists Hate You But Won't Ever Let You Go!
The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on November 15, 2024, 09:04:16 AM »

18 hours ago
We are merely "useful idiots" to the narcissists. Good riddance to the 3 I have sent to Block Island over the years. Like you say Andrew, they overplay their hand.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on November 15, 2024, 06:10:08 AM »
How does a narcissist tend to react to being exposed?

A Narcissist will get angry most times if their supply becomes acquainted with their true agenda. When called out, they react in anger, forcing the blame onto you and deflecting their actions onto you as their justification. My Narc was famous for saying “I wouldn't have done that, if you had…..” It was always someone else's fault as to why he couldn't do or not do whatever was in question.

They'll never admit fault, EVER. I had proof mine was cheating, as in I got ahold of his phone and saw texts. Even armed with that in his face, he made up another lie as to why it happened that way. Yes, it was the most annoying sh!t to ever spew from someone else's mouth. The fact that he thought it was easier to lie than to just admit that he did that- made me feel like I was losing my mind.

Once you know what they're really doing, they start seeking their much needed ego boost or supply somewhere else. Mine just cheated relentlessly but we still lived together. And that was a nightmare. I didn't exist to him anymore. I wasn't worth it. It makes you take a good look at the person you are - and it will make you question it, too.

Physical abuse. Yes, I think if provoked and if anger exceeds a norm for a Narc, then it is possible. It happened one time with mine. It was such a bad event that a week later I went to the police to get a restraining order and the bruises on my arm and neck looked like it had happened the day before.

Because they don't care about you at all - no empathy, sympathy - and if it is shown, it's all for show - physical abuse is probably a good possibility.

There are many options that the narcissist may choose, once they have been exposed.

They may run and hide, never to be seen again, hiding their head in the sand until it has all blown over. Most are cowards who cannot stand the confrontation, unless they are surrounded by their flying monkeys.

They will sometimes retaliate with harsh words, spewing verbal abuse upon you in the hope that they will push you back into your shell - confused, dejected, isolated and stripped of any confidence. They have controlled you once, they will try to do it again.

Deny and continue to lie. This is one of the best reactions, as by now you will have seen through all their garbage. You will look at them amazed by the rubbish still spilling out of them. While narcissists are manipulative, cunning, sly and sneaky, they are also for the most part, pretty dumb, and you will realise that nothing they say ever adds up. The stories they tell are absolutely ludicrous, now you have taken off your rose-coloured glasses.

They may become violent, even if they have never been before. They feel cornered and trapped by the truth.

They may accelerate the smearing and quickly, to prove to everyone that you are a lunatic.

If they are confronted with someone who knows the whole truth, they may stand there silently - like a statue, staring blankly as if you had just told them the world was ending. There is no discussion, no conversation, no apology or no disagreement - nothing.

They may use anything in their arsenal of knowledge of you, to impact you in some way - loss of job, children, career, friendships, family… anything they can do to make you pay for knowing the truth about them.

Know that a narcissist (especially a covert), will never accept responsibility or take accountability for what they have done.

They will never apologise for the pain they have put you through (at least not sincerely).

They will always try to blame you for their indiscretions.

They will always portray themselves as the victim.

They will deny, even when you are showing them documented proof of their indiscretions.

They will never allow you to look like the better person in this situation.

They will never try to right their wrongs, and if they say they will it will always be just lip-service.

They will never have a conscience.

They will never feel remorse over their wrongs or the way they have affected you.

The only good to come out of exposing them, is knowing that they will then avoid you like the plague! No contact has ever been so easy! It is also such a nice feeling knowing that they know that you know!

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