Oz Round Table

The Oz Round Table boards => The Round Table => Topic started by: Liisa-Sx on July 16, 2009, 02:36:26 PM

Title: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 16, 2009, 02:36:26 PM
I just recieved two slaps for mentioning the word "Amazon" on Ebay au boards in two seperate posts... they claimed I was posting links.. ridiculous, it was where i said Ebay is trying to follow an Amazon format I assume.... GRRR

For "Advertising merchandise, listings, services or commercial web sites, including
offers to trade, or charitable solicitations."

This is a copy of my post below-

Strip mall here we come, Amazon..er sorry Ebay we have
seen this coming, you are pushing out all the Mom and dad
sellers in favour of all those selling shiny new items
aka strip mall, more disruptive innovation.

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *CountessA* on July 16, 2009, 02:42:11 PM
It seems that reporters are still roaming the wild corridors of eBay's forums. But that is such a SILLY slap, Liisa. Have you tried appealing it, or have you given up with a feeling of overwhelming lassitude in the face of moderation based upon reported posts not actually being read?
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: **cupie** on July 16, 2009, 03:38:10 PM

Amazon, Amazon..Am, Am Amazon
Amazon, Amazon..Am, Am Amazon


Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: **cupie** on July 16, 2009, 04:06:50 PM
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 16, 2009, 04:12:20 PM
It seems that reporters are still roaming the wild corridors of eBay's forums. But that is such a SILLY slap, Liisa. Have you tried appealing it, or have you given up with a feeling of overwhelming lassitude in the face of moderation based upon reported posts not actually being read?

I'm not sure an appeal would make a difference, someone has been stalking me around the boards either way, I have also recieved some unpleasant IM's on ebay, those I did report.. not sure how they take offence at me saying Hi on Ebay au occasionaly.. go figure.

Also I am pretty sure that anyone posting the facts on the hot topics board gets it removed pretty quickly..

EBAY... we value your opinion only if we agree with it.... asshats, they are not even smart enough to realise we WANT ebay to prosper in turn making us all happy..again.. Asshats.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: **cupie** on July 16, 2009, 04:20:30 PM

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 16, 2009, 04:30:03 PM
can anyone confirm the legitimacy of this address for ebay?


Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *CountessA* on July 16, 2009, 04:32:13 PM
Liisa, I will check when I get home tonight. It does sound familiar... but I need to look at my emails before I can confirm it for certain.

(My head is pounding - perhaps I went back to work too soon...?)
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 16, 2009, 04:59:28 PM
Ok well whoever reported EVERY Post i have made on the Ebay forums is an anatomical conundrum, really they need to get a life, what a nasty twisted little nobody they are.

How Ebay can hand me a slap for saying HELLO to someone is beyond me.

I am now up to slap 7, good job you insufferable, twisted little fool.

A Saint you are NOT.

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *CountessA* on July 16, 2009, 05:07:11 PM
Ouch, Liisa... It's such nasty behaviour. Try not to let it upset you - and use this soothing lotion in the meantime.

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 16, 2009, 05:08:02 PM

Can someone provide me with a direct email link to an Ebay mod with half a brain and a decent reply capacity I can speak to directly and not go through the automated ebay reply email, thanks.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *CountessA* on July 16, 2009, 05:12:08 PM
shaneoz@ebay.com - if he's still around.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 16, 2009, 05:13:42 PM
Thankyou I will forward all information to Shane, not only that but I will be seeking police Assistance RE: stalking laws, this WILL stop, and I will not let it go.

They picked the wrong person this time, and if they feel that using a throwaway ID to maliciously report will make them immune they can guess again, they are STILL traceable no matter how smug they think they are.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *CountessA* on July 16, 2009, 05:24:20 PM
I'm with you all the way on this, Liisa. I do not like and will not support in any way the harassment or trolling of members. It's certainly despicable behaviour, attempting to hide behind anonymity and/or online names, and it may well be criminal behaviour. You have the right to post without fear on the eBay forums. Partly, it was my concern that this basic right was not being upheld to the fullest extent on the eBay AU forums that contributed to my reluctance to post there again.

Let me know if you need any assistance, Liisa. You may need some legal advice to make certain you're pursuing the correct action; we're not devoid of contacts.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: **cupie** on July 16, 2009, 05:27:56 PM
Well Lisa...sounds like someone has you in the sights of their narp gun....don't stop at Shane mate....go to one of the horses.....????


Now, when you argue this, also point out that the punitive (and largely erroneous) notifications you receive, threaten your consumer access with no appeals process or dispute resolution process in sight.......and yet....they're erroneous and therefore they represent 'malicious reporting'....aka harassment........Fair? well no, but this is what you can expect if a malicious troll....or several decide to make you their target.....don't worry..you're in good company.  Nasty aren't they?  Who's got the troll spray handy..???


Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 16, 2009, 05:38:38 PM
Thank you kindly for the responses, Daniel will indeed be hearing from me, as will my local media Outlet, they always like a spot of news and as Stalking is a hot topic I am sure they will be delighted to pick it up.

I will do just that Countessa, if you have some pointers on which direction to head I will be very grateful, this is just the sort of thing my researchers brain likes to sink it's teeth into.

To the troll -
I hope you have good legal advice :) and hiding behind the anominity of a fake ID will not stop you being traced.

The police Stalking and Fraud Squad have extreme methods of tracing such people, and I am not without some extensive resources don't let your smugness trip you up.  Nothing is ever so black and WHITE.

You are a blight to humanity.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: imperfect on July 16, 2009, 05:48:38 PM
Everybodies getting into the act!!

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 16, 2009, 05:58:21 PM
Oh I might add, that on the surface this might seem like an O.T.T knee jerk  :drama: but it's been going on for some time, and I feel it's for the good of ALL posters that I pursue this to avoid anyone else suffering at the hands of such people.

I do not normally react so strongly , I have big girl panties and a level head but enough is enough, too many have suffered under the finger of these sorts of people.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: **cupie** on July 16, 2009, 06:01:53 PM
There are so many of them Lisa.....how can you tell the Hatfields from the McCoys?  
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: RiffRaff on July 16, 2009, 06:16:20 PM
Liisa. It's worthwhile noting that at the moment, eBay staff will be watching the boards like hawks (putting out fires). You may not have a troll following you around, it may be eBay staff. Post within board policy, appeal if it's warranted and you won't get slapped. I'd hate to see you waste time and money because you were advised to pursue the matter.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 16, 2009, 06:29:06 PM
Hi Riffy,

I'm pretty sure its malicious..

one post I made said "omg where are my posts" it went poof.

On another thread a post I made merely saying "Hi guys *waves* similarly went poof,.

Another post politely asking that the person reporting my posts ceased doing so also went "poof".

Another for supposedly posting links and advertising when all I did was conversationally state the similarity in ebay and amazon RE: the new upcoming BIN formats... also Poof...and might I add many others posted more harshly using the same word "amazon" and they remained.

and other posts no worse, nothing abrasive, nothing argumentative, nothing that was a dispute with anyone else, no harsh words, nothing...

Oh and the latter posts on RT were vanishing within seconds of me posting them there at 4-5am US time so yes malicious reporting and an Automated  Mod team.

I also will not be wasting money pursuing it, I'll be taking one step at a time, baby steps, seeking resolution as I go, I don't think.. should it come to the ulimate conclusion that if I contacted police RE: stalking it would incur a fee unless it went to court.

I know it might seem a little overzealous, but if I am to be curtailed for no reason, I would like to at least attempt to seek some form of justice and the person responsible held accountable in some fashion.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: RiffRaff on July 16, 2009, 06:38:47 PM
No worries Liisa. It would pay to have a look at the policy though. You can be slapped for referring to removed posts. Saying 'Hi' can be deemed 'off topic' and of course using the word Amazon is against policy (regardless of an active link or not). Good luck with it if your appeals are unsuccessful.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: ernest_price on July 16, 2009, 06:40:27 PM
Just remember that posting about a post that's been removed is a cause for pinkbotification and removal of the new post. Quite a few have been caught with that one.

EDIT: SNIPED by Riff :)
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 16, 2009, 07:00:59 PM
Well I have taped up my mouth and Eyes and broken all my fingers so that I comply with Ebay's Forum policies, even though they are extremely inconsistant as others can post violating far more of Ebay's forum rules in the same threads, above and below mine.

I will concede that if I scrutinize my posts to the N'th degree, I have a violation in there somewhere, no matter how unintentional or slight, I will avoid saying the words Amazon again, does that mean I cannot post any other site name or brand name etc conversationally, like those mentioned in the hundreds by other posters every day in every thread. (by the way this paragraph is just a little footstamp at Ebay not the posters here lol)

Riff, I understand what your saying I truly do and yes it's a different perspective, but as you said it COULD be an ebay moderator following me across the boards looking for some reason, even the tiniest infraction to slap me..(gut tells me unlikely) but why and what could have drawn me to their attention to want to do so when so many others are going hell for leather and being as nasty as possible and getting away with it.

So many questions so few answers lol

again thanks for the input guys as always valued, appreciated and definately taken on board.

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: **cupie** on July 16, 2009, 07:15:51 PM
Id like to see that advice posted on the reunion thread......lmao...

Lisa if you must post over there, you need to remember........

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 16, 2009, 07:24:12 PM
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: some_other_bozo on July 16, 2009, 08:45:01 PM

I finally got a slap

I feel like Im one of the in crowd....and all i had to do was to agree with someone that selling on another site might be a better option.

Looks like the pinks were ready for a backlash this time

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 16, 2009, 08:45:55 PM
Tello your eyes make my posts hurt  :roflmao:

Poor Bozo, perhaps we could start an I have been slapped itty bitty botty comittee lol
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *Ubbie Max* on July 16, 2009, 08:49:30 PM
Good onya bozo, welcome to the "slap club".
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: some_other_bozo on July 16, 2009, 08:59:26 PM
Thanks ubbrd

*high fives all round*

think i'll shoot for ebali next....never been there

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *CountessA* on July 16, 2009, 09:00:55 PM
I am sure I've seen a "Pink Slap Club" badge somewhere...
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: some_other_bozo on July 16, 2009, 09:01:26 PM
Prepare the BOZOs for battle  :warrior:
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 17, 2009, 02:37:33 AM
I am sure I've seen a "Pink Slap Club" badge somewhere...





Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 17, 2009, 05:06:08 AM
Thankyou Tello, I shall wear it with pride.

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 17, 2009, 05:42:04 AM
Careful. It's stolen merchandise.
I swiped it off the Soapbox.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: daffy on July 17, 2009, 10:37:41 AM
I think Riff gave you the best advice. He is a voice of reason.

Ebay is not the only forum that moderates, at least with ebays forums the moderators have no personal agendas to incite unjust moderation, they are just following guidelines. Wait until you visit a site where freedom of speech is promoted (as long as it suits their agendas), that is a real eye opener!
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: **cupie** on July 17, 2009, 10:45:37 AM
Thanks ubbrd

*high fives all round*

think i'll shoot for ebali next....never been there


Hi bozo.....here's a preview .........to get you in the mood...

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *Ubbie Max* on July 17, 2009, 12:24:58 PM
Hey Bozo, I think I better issue you a Barret 50 cal, it sorts out malicious reporters & illiterate Pinks.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *FluffyDuckee* on July 17, 2009, 01:31:14 PM
Here Lisa & Bozo,

This may help your botties...  apply unsparingly....  (I am also led to believe it tastes nice)

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 18, 2009, 04:30:13 PM
Well I placed my appeals and they were rejected with the following incorrect excuse:

I have reviewed the recent warnings that were issued to you and can confirm that they were issued correctly and will remain in place.
I understand that you were upset with having your posts removed but unfortunately you made two mistakes.  Firstly, you reposted the following post that had been removed which is a no-no

That statement is a blatant lie as I did not repost anything period.

Then you continued to comment on another poster reporting your posts and in doing so you were in violation of our policy relating to hostile comments/interpersonal disputes;

OK so that one does breach policy but and a huge BUT.. my words were -
To the person stalking me and maliciously seeking to report my posts I suggest you stop or it will be reported to Ebay.

It seems that I cannot even make a comment to stop an illegal activity.

ON other slaps it was stated -

You were posting Links and or advertising other sites.....

Another outright Lie

As I posted ambiguously stating that the new Ebay Disruptions due in September were Ebay heading down an Amazon-esq path for trading.

There were also no less than 20 other posters saying the same thing and far far worse.

Other posts I received that were general conversation with NO personal disputes and or links, advertising or other breaches were also removed, I received NO response to the appeal on those, I also contacted Shane directly and he omitted to comment on the others, I have since emailed him again in reply and NO response and I will not hold my breath waiting for one.

They cannot make the rules up as they go along and they cannot allow people to stalk others and punish the victims.

I had 8 slaps...8, and only 2 were commented on and no reply is forthcoming for any of the other 6 appeals.

Oddly though despite all the slaps I do not appear to be forum banned as yet...I did a test post then self reported it to see if I was banned or not, having said that I am not currently prepared to post in case my "Hi guys" gets a slap again.

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *FluffyDuckee* on July 18, 2009, 04:34:19 PM
Lisa I am utterly appalled and disgusted at this.

I wish I could say that this is an unusual occurance, but we all know it isn't.  

Words fail me.  (doesn't happen too often he he)

I feel sick.   :sick:

Ebay what are you going to do about this appalling treatment of your genuine members?
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: **cupie** on July 18, 2009, 04:36:18 PM
As I said.......


Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *CountessA* on July 18, 2009, 04:39:10 PM
Liisa, since Shane's last day has come, I doubt he's given your email the attention it deserves. I'm truly sorry to hear about this. You do deserve better.

Whoever's been reporting you probably has personal problems and is a deeply unhappy individual. That's no comfort to you... but you're among friends here, Liisa.  :console:

May the person who's been indulging in this unfair reporting spree find him/herself surrounded by rough pineapples. :roughend:
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 18, 2009, 04:44:30 PM
May the person who's been indulging in this unfair reporting spree find him/herself surrounded by rough pineapples.

Keelhaul the bugguh!


Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 18, 2009, 05:01:38 PM
Thank you, everyone.

All of you here and on the Ebay RT thread have been incredibly supportive and it is indeed very humbling to have so many supportive friends.

Sadly Countessa, you are correct regarding my email appeal to Shane.

Changes to the way appeals are handled
18/07/2009 06:55

Hi All,

As today is my last day with eBay, I will no longer be handling appeals for warnings and sanctions. There will be an email address established shortly where appeals can be directed. Once it is active, someone will post the information to the boards.



The eBay team

I guess I am going to have to cop this on the chin as there is currently NO way to appeal to ebay, and given that "there will be an email address established shortly" means there will be NO i repeat NO way of talking to a real person for appeals in the future.

I do however have some other interesting avenues being pursued.. I'll keep you posted on developments.

I am baffled as to why I was given 8 slaps and not Forum banned though...

Fluffy, I agree it IS sickening.

I am post 80/80 In Shane's farewell thread (yes I dared lol) lets see how long it lasts.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *FluffyDuckee* on July 18, 2009, 05:14:23 PM

 :sorry: :tissue: :comfort: :console:  :chocbox: :love: :kisshug: :rose: :-* :-*
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 18, 2009, 05:20:42 PM
Thankyou Fluffy, You are adoreable as always and brought a huge smile to my face!


Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 18, 2009, 05:24:38 PM
-- On Thu, 1/15/09, eBay Moderation Team <ModerationTeam@ebay.com> wrote:

    From: eBay Moderation Team <ModerationTeam@ebay.com>
    Subject: US Discussion Board Policy - NOTICE PROCEDURAL WARNING - BOARD SANCTION - 898sarahg
    To: "898sarahg"
    Date: Thursday, January 15, 2009, 4:23 AM

    Hello 898sarahg,

It was a notification that I had all privileges for posting in eBay Discussion Boards, Chat Boards
and the Answer Center revoked. It was for an indefinite period of time. Reason they say is
it was because of violation of this policy:

    Including profanity, vulgarity, hate speech, disruptive, or hostile comments,
    interpersonal disputes, or threats of violence in a post.

And Blah blah-blaaaahh.........

- On Wed, 4/15/09, Ron Tello wrote (and I'm allowed to quote this one, because I wrote it):

    From: Ron Tello
    Subject: Re: US Discussion Board Policy - NOTICE PROCEDURAL WARNING - BOARD SANCTION - 898sarahg
    To: "eBay Moderation Team" <ModerationTeam@ebay.com>
    Date: Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 3:21 PM

    90 days in the hole. January 15 to April 15.
    Is that enuff time for me to continue to know that I did NO WRONG when this sanction was imposed?

    eBay would do well to scrutinize the evil button pushers, rather than to beat-up popular, well-loved posters such as myself.

    The canned response list as to why I was booted does NOT apply to my actions. Investigate?
    I have the original posts on file & easy to share.

    I can prove my case, but I won't hold out for the hope of anyone really wanting to care about it.

    I invite you to checkout my FeedBack.
    See how much money eBay got from me in the past 4 years.

    Sanctions are for criminals.
    You have done me wrong.

    Can I post to the eBay Forums now, please?

    Thank you.

They ain't talkin' to me anymore.

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: **cupie** on July 18, 2009, 05:30:16 PM
I guess I am going to have to cop this on the chin as there is currently NO way to appeal to ebay, and given that "there will be an email address established shortly" means there will be NO i repeat NO way of talking to a real person for appeals in the future.


And so why not email DF???......You are a consumer of the ebay product, and you have a right to appeal these consumer unfriendly and undeserved sanctions....why does everyone just give up and cop it these days?  

No offense Liisa...but if you don't make a noise, nobody hears you scream.....(Squeaky wheel and all that) Get mad, get writing....unless you forgot....last year sometime Shane confirmed that slaps are cumulative.....which means that they are adding up against your consumer access to an upcoming NARP and then NARU?  

WTF ???.

Who treats consumers like this?  It's more like Gitmo E-Commerce.

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *CountessA* on July 18, 2009, 05:32:59 PM
I have a feeling Liisa's going to pursue other avenues. I will be cheering her on!

I think most of us are with her all the way on this. To be unfairly sanctioned like this, with reasons given that are supported by the evidence, is not right.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 18, 2009, 05:36:49 PM
Cupie you misunderstand and I guess I wasn't clear....I have a habit of being ambiguous lol
I meant re: Ebay and terms of resolution, I am persuing other avenues :)

I said in a post further back -
"I do however have some other interesting avenues being pursued.. I'll keep you posted on developments."

I do not accept Ebay's idea of a resolution, I will be seeking my own resolution from other avenues.

I have however emailed DF, he's not replying lol
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *CountessA* on July 18, 2009, 05:40:53 PM
Good, Liisa!  :knight:
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *FluffyDuckee* on July 18, 2009, 05:42:11 PM
Tello your treatment by Ebay is appalling too.  One wonders whatever is going on in that company to perpetuate this kind of treatment of paying customers.

 :-* :-* :kisshug: :quack: :bgirlpanties: :drummer: :tissue: :roo: :vent: :ambulance: :comfort: :console: :chocbox: :hoola: :chocdip:
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 18, 2009, 05:48:31 PM
Blimey! That is a full bucket of Love, Fluff!

I need it.
I got it.

But not on ebay........
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: **cupie** on July 18, 2009, 05:49:18 PM
No misunderstanding Liisa, and no need to explain...just having a good old fashioned  

I just didn't want you to give up mate......it makes me so angry to see consumers, people, anyone treated like this...i.e. without recourse....we're not cattle to be herded, we're consumers/people and we can, and do vote with our feet and fight with the pen (or keyboard as the case may be)  Doesn't sound quite so poetic though.

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: **cupie** on July 18, 2009, 06:04:35 PM
I have however emailed DF, he's not replying lol

He might choose to take his time but be persistent......it shows record of you having gone to great lengths to access dispute resolution......or anything vaguely resembling same......and their subsequent ignorance of your reasonable requests.  It's all evidence that you attempted to deal directly with them first before lodging a formal complaint. (having exhausted all other available avenues)

Give him till mid next week and follow up....in your next email tell him you'll be following up again a week later, whilst lodging an FT Complaint....NSW is not as good as Vic. when it comes to consumer protection, but...(and I'll have to check to see if it's been implemented yet)......last August it was decided at a National conference that Unfair Consumer Contract laws were being implemented Nation wide.  Victoria already has this legislation in place...NSW never has.......but they are supposed to have implemented legislation similar to the Victorian version... So I'd start with that legislation...and argue the sanctions as part of an Unfair Consumer Agreement/contract...JMO....for what it's worth.

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 18, 2009, 06:56:10 PM
Tello your treatment by Ebay is appalling too.  One wonders whatever is going on in that company to perpetuate this kind of treatment of paying customers.

 :-* :-* :kisshug: :quack: :bgirlpanties: :drummer: :tissue: :roo: :vent: :ambulance: :comfort: :console: :chocbox: :hoola: :chocdip:

This needs to be revisited:

http://www.ozroundtable.com/index.php?topic=67.20 (http://www.ozroundtable.com/index.php?topic=67.20)
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 18, 2009, 07:19:31 PM
Good Point Tello and I would like to quote a quotation that Didi posted there.

""There comes a point where complexity becomes fraud""

As many stated, we pay Ebay to list on their site, however they move closer by stealth to telling us what we can say, how we can say it, what we can sell and how we can sell it and to whom.

Disturbing that they are moving so very far away from what made Ebay the megalith it had become. they seem content to be a small fish in the online mall stakes rather than retain that unique and workable formula that made Ebay prosperous. whilst permitting it's users to make a decent living and or Pocket money.

Unique and individual items are the mainstay of Ebay to this day.. they are trying to prevent the "fleamarket" boot sale" garage sale aspects, this will ultimately be Ebay's downfall.

The fact that they are willing to lose more and more customers on a daily basis for a plethora of inane reasons defies all financial logic.

My case is but a mere drop in the bucket, but even the smallest drops can make large ripples, enough drops and you have a Tsunami.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: daffy on July 18, 2009, 07:43:42 PM
definition of a consumer: An individual who buys products or services for personal use and not for manufacture or resale

Lisa`s feedback shows that she has not participated in any transactions ( ie neither sold nor bought) from eBay since December 2008. 7 months ago.

Exactly; how are ebay affecting her rights as a consumer ?, she said herself that she has not been sanctioned.

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Roo on July 18, 2009, 07:55:49 PM
Give it a rest Daffy... :rolleyes:

How do you know that Liisa doesn't have other accounts that she trades with now?

And as we all know....if one account is sanctioned...they ALL are!

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 18, 2009, 08:00:24 PM
I have a selling ID, Daffy, this is affecting me, and has the potential to affect my Sales and purchases.

Might I add Stalking IS a crime, and stalking is what is occurring, regarding the malicious reporting of my posts, this affects not only me but every individual that sells on Ebay either directly or indirectly.

The fact remains we have according to Ebay no real right of reply, and as Shane stated in his farewell thread, until the new Address is posted Members of Ebay do not have a direct method of Appeal, nor does it seem likely there will be one in the near future.

The fact that my feedback shows I have not participated on that ID in any transactions recently is Moot.

I HAVE been sanctioned, the accumulative effect of these slaps can and would eventually lead to the termination of my Ebay account, thus no longer permitting me to buy or sell on ebay due to malicious reporting of my harmless posts.

The Ebay automated moderation system does not look at the content of posts reported it merely removes and auto sanctions (slaps). I replied to each and every "slaP" and got no response at all, nothing.

I then had to Email Shane directly, it is clear from his reply to me he also did not read it properly but gave a canned reply, likely due to his imminent departure.

I have copies of the content of my posts and one of which was "Hi Guys" the sanction reason given to my two word "Hi Guys" was ( Interpersonal dispute and or harrassment), I'm not seeing any harrassment or dispute in "Hi Guys", do you?

I appreciate your input Daffy, and I hope this answers your question satisfactorily.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: **cupie** on July 18, 2009, 08:02:21 PM
I thought the days of dragging out feedback ratings and tit for tat were over....oh well...some things don't change.  What Liisa does or doesn't do, or whether she's chosen to engage in Ebay's one way street idea of E-Commerce, in the last whatever months is completely irrespective.  She's a member, therefore, she's an ACCOUNT HOLDER.  

When she sells, she pays ebay to lease a listing space, and as such, she is a consumer of their service......Even as a small business trader.... by all rights she should have some say in the way her products are marketed, paid for, and ultimately the ease of which customers will view and buy her product.  But she doesn't.

When she's a buyer...she's a consumer.....even if no money changes hands...but I bet you didn't know that eh?  I can give you a link to a rather illuminating case against Ebay, wherein they were defined as a 'Service Provider' under the Consumer protection legislation in that state.   It further highlights that no money has to change hands for this relationship to exist...the account holder is a consumer.  JMO. ;D

And.......what Roo said....ditto.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: RiffRaff on July 18, 2009, 08:29:02 PM
As many stated, we pay Ebay to list on their site, however they move closer by stealth to telling us what we can say, how we can say it, what we can sell and how we can sell it and to whom.

Liisa, I understand why you feel you have to go down this path and wish you luck with it. The above statement though, indicates that you feel eBay is more than just an advertising website which eBay members use to ply their wares.

I don't understand why anybody would think that a company that makes money through the selling of advertising space and provides a number of free forums for it's members to use, would not have a say in what is said, how it is said, what you sell and to whom you can sell it. It's a business Liisa, nothing more, nothing less. It is not an evil entity who, will stop at nothing to 'get' you.

Some of the reactions to your case aired here are extreme over-reactions. You have suffered nothing as yet other than some slaps (some justified and some not). It's the 'these are my rights....give them to me' mentality that gets in the way of common sense sometimes. Particularly when it's not the advice givers account in jeopardy.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: daffy on July 18, 2009, 08:36:02 PM

I agree, being slapped for saying "Hi Guys" is malicious but does not prove that you are being stalked. As Riff has suggested before, be aware of what you post on what boards, keep to the topic at hand. It is possible that more than one person reported you, a coincidence, really, it can happen.

And to those who suggested I give it a rest, really, as Lisa has posted this on a public board, I am equally entitled to my own opinion, freedom of speech et al.

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: daffy on July 18, 2009, 08:37:37 PM
As many stated, we pay Ebay to list on their site, however they move closer by stealth to telling us what we can say, how we can say it, what we can sell and how we can sell it and to whom.

Liisa, I understand why you feel you have to go down this path and wish you luck with it. The above statement though, indicates that you feel eBay is more than just an advertising website which eBay members use to ply their wares.

I don't understand why anybody would think that a company that makes money through the selling of advertising space and provides a number of free forums for it's members to use, would not have a say in what is said, how it is said, what you sell and to whom you can sell it. It's a business Liisa, nothing more, nothing less. It is not an evil entity who, will stop at nothing to 'get' you.

Some of the reactions to your case aired here are extreme over-reactions. You have suffered nothing as yet other than some slaps (some justified and some not). It's the 'these are my rights....give them to me' mentality that gets in the way of common sense sometimes. Particularly when it's not the advice givers account in jeopardy.

Once again, the voice of reason, well said Riff
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: **cupie** on July 18, 2009, 08:47:36 PM
Once again, the voice of reason

Deja Vu Anyone?  Spooky right?  Yes Really !!

And with that said, let's throw out the TPA, All consumer protection legislation in every State,.....and hey why not also dispose of that pesky little stalking law in the Crimes Act from State to state while we're at it eh?.....

Declare a free for all, and let all dominant monopolies take consumers and small business people to the cleaners, while placing them at risk from stalkers and fraud?? and even better, excuse Ebay of all accountability by law...now we're talking........yippee...I can hear em cheering in the boardroom already...

BOHICA   :yess:

(Bend Over, Here It Comes Again !!)

Who's got your back?.....lmao


Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: RiffRaff on July 18, 2009, 08:58:05 PM
Thanks Daffy. My only reason for participating in this thread is out of concern for Liisa. It is after all just an opinion which Liisa can do as she chooses with.

Edited - profanity or abuse removed by moderator
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *CountessA* on July 18, 2009, 09:04:11 PM
Liisa, whatever you choose to do, you have people supporting you. *hug*
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Roo on July 18, 2009, 09:39:38 PM
And to those who suggested I give it a rest, really, as Lisa has posted this on a public board, I am equally entitled to my own opinion, freedom of speech et al.

Nothing wrong with your opinion or freedom of speech or the price of apples today.

But at least make sure that when you do give your opinion....you aren't just assuming that you are right.

You know what they say about someone that Assumes..... ;)
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: daffy on July 18, 2009, 09:47:47 PM
And to those who suggested I give it a rest, really, as Lisa has posted this on a public board, I am equally entitled to my own opinion, freedom of speech et al.

Nothing wrong with your opinion or freedom of speech or the price of apples today.

But at least make sure that when you do give your opinion....you aren't just assuming that you are right.

You know what they say about someone that Assumes..... ;)

I am just going with the flow, so many other assumptions were already posted *wink*

Interesting that you would target me, no really, interesting.

What you said was sensible and she would be wise to consider your advice, as you said it is her account, not those who are pushing her in the wrong direction.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: RiffRaff on July 18, 2009, 09:48:13 PM
Why would anyone give an opinion if they didn't think they were right Roo?
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: **cupie** on July 18, 2009, 09:51:15 PM
OK Liisa   This is the NSW Crimes Act being examined in a Discussion paper, re: 'stalking', and 'harassment causing distress or detriment'.  

Bear in mind this paper is 2002....Laws have no doubt evolved and grown since then but the definitions don't change... it's a good baseline to build your research on.  I'll find you some updated info on any amendments to this part of the Crimes Act....and in particular cyberstalking when I have time tomorrow...in the meantime, this is a good overview...you just have to apply it to the net..

The definitions are particularly interesting and informative.


Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Roo on July 18, 2009, 09:55:04 PM
Why would anyone give an opinion if they didn't think they were right Roo?

Maybe they just like to hear the sound of their own voice? :blah:
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Poddy on July 18, 2009, 09:57:19 PM

As we both know, there are a group of people with no other agenda than to give erroneous opinions in the hopes that they cause disruption.
If that is the case, I would find it very disheartening to see that type of creep infiltrating this otherwise peaceful forum.

I live in hopes that any who would be lthose creeps will eventually spit the dummy and go of their own volition.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 18, 2009, 09:57:43 PM
Why would anyone give an opinion if they didn't think they were right Roo?

They might be Trolls.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Roo on July 18, 2009, 10:02:41 PM
Yeah....and what Tello said ^^^^^ :roflmao:

There are also those that I call mud slingers.....throw enough of it...and some is sure to stick... ;)
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: RiffRaff on July 18, 2009, 10:05:30 PM
So anyone that offers a differing opinion to that of the admin team here is a creep or a troll who just likes the sound of their own voice?

Brilliant !!!

I'll be sure to spread the word.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: ernest_price on July 18, 2009, 10:06:32 PM
Margo - please just come clean. It's getting embarassing.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: **cupie** on July 18, 2009, 10:07:54 PM
 :rofl:....Hi ernie
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Poddy on July 18, 2009, 10:09:04 PM

Now why would you want to do that?

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *CountessA* on July 18, 2009, 10:11:04 PM
The hope of causing disruption is certainly one of the defining elements of a troll.

The content of a troll posting generally falls into one of several categories. It may consist of an apparently foolish contradiction of common knowledge, a deliberately offensive insult to the readers of a newsgroup or mailing list, or a broad request for trivial follow-up postings. The result of such postings is frequently a flood of angry responses. In some cases, the follow-up messages posted in response to a troll can constitute a large fraction of the contents of a newsgroup or mailing list for as long as several weeks. These messages are transmitted around the world to thousands of computers, wasting network resources and costing money for people who pay to download email or receive Usenet news. Troll threads also frustrate people who are trying to carry on substantive discussions.

People post such messages to get attention, to disrupt discussion, and to make trouble. The best response to a troll is no response. If you post a follow-up message, you are contributing to the resulting clamor and most likely delighting the troller. Before posting a response, consider the following questions:

    * Have responses already been posted by others?

    * Will my post add any information that others are not likely to be aware of already?

    * Is the issue resolvable, or will discussion turn into name-calling?

    * Should I send private email instead of posting publicly?

    * Will I later regret the contents of what I am posting?

Please deal with trolls constructively, and do not participate in trolling. You will help make mailing lists and online forums much more enjoyable venues for discussion.

This is the definition as per Indiana University's Knowledge Base (http://kb.iu.edu/data/afhc.html).
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Roo on July 18, 2009, 10:11:40 PM
So anyone that offers a differing opinion to that of the admin team here is a creep or a troll who just likes the sound of their own voice?

Brilliant !!!

I'll be sure to spread the word.

Noooo...a differing opinion is always welcome.

It's opinions that are made up bits of rubbish that aren't wanted or needed.

There is a difference.... ;)
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: RiffRaff on July 18, 2009, 10:14:50 PM
You do realise Roo that occasionally, not everything your friends say is going to be correct just because they are your friends.

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 18, 2009, 10:15:26 PM
It's opinions that are made up bits of rubbish that aren't wanted or needed.

So's ebay policies.....
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Poddy on July 18, 2009, 10:15:28 PM
You are quite right Roo.

It is FALSE opions that are painted as truth that are the obnoxious tools of the trolls
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *CountessA* on July 18, 2009, 10:18:57 PM
Liisa has at least the tools now by which she can make an informed decision about her options. I firmly believe in being aware of the possibilities. Making a decision in ignorance of what avenues are available might well be detrimental to one's best interests.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: RiffRaff on July 18, 2009, 10:20:30 PM
Poddy, that is laughable.

I'd suggest you go back and read liisa's comments to me early in this thread. There is no arguement between us. It's Liisa's thread and I gave her my opinion.

So why the attack???
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Roo on July 18, 2009, 10:20:43 PM
You do realise Roo that occasionally, not everything your friends say is going to be correct just because they are your friends.

Well....that is a very astute and deep thought there Riff! :o

Lucky I pick my friends wisely..lol
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Roo on July 18, 2009, 10:22:47 PM
Poddy, that is laughable.

I'd suggest you go back and read liisa's comments to me early in this thread. There is no arguement between us. It's Liisa's thread and I gave her my opinion.

So why the attack???

Lighten up Riff!

He wasn't talking about you...lol ;)
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: RiffRaff on July 18, 2009, 10:25:39 PM
Three separate comments on that post Roo ;) Not all directed at Poddy.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Poddy on July 18, 2009, 10:26:39 PM

Maybe Riff is thinking of the old saying..........you know the one........."If the shoe fits........"

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Roo on July 18, 2009, 10:29:00 PM
Sorry Riff....but I read your post 3 times...just to be sure.

It still looks like you were accusing Poddy of attacking YOU!

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Poddy on July 18, 2009, 10:29:45 PM
Oh and perhaps Riff like the ambiguity od statements, SOME people use that tactic to sidestep any detrimental comments back.

They can then say "thats not what I meant"
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 18, 2009, 10:31:41 PM
Let's get something straight here....

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: RiffRaff on July 18, 2009, 10:33:20 PM
Take your pick Poddy. I write what I mean.

Roo, the attacks appear to be coming from a number of your friends.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *CountessA* on July 18, 2009, 10:34:15 PM
Poor Liisa will be wondering where this thread's next off-road expedition will take us!

Please help to keep it on track.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Roo on July 18, 2009, 10:37:56 PM
Take your pick Poddy. I write what I mean.

Roo, the attacks appear to be coming from a number of your friends.

What attacks????

Examples please....
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 18, 2009, 10:38:21 PM
Please help to keep it on track.

You bet!

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *CountessA* on July 18, 2009, 10:40:10 PM
Thanks, Tello. It may be smashed, but it's ON TRACK!

Just to reiterate - I am asking everyone who posts on this thread to keep in mind the topic, and try to stay true to the topic.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Poddy on July 18, 2009, 10:41:12 PM
OH! Dear !

Do I detect a touch of paranoia from certain quaters??

Now to be back on track, I have first hand knowledge of unfair sanctions on eBay.

Once you are targted by a particular group you better head for cover, and it has NOTHING to do with board policy
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 18, 2009, 10:43:36 PM
tessa is serious!

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Roo on July 18, 2009, 10:43:36 PM
You're a party pooper Countess! :neener:

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *CountessA* on July 18, 2009, 10:44:05 PM
Liisa's recent experiences seem to coincide with the return of another poster. That isn't definitive proof that that poster is the reporter, of course... It's suggestive but not conclusive.

If it's someone else, it does seem odd. Who would target Liisa? She is a valued, loved, highly respected person, always helpful and always a delight.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: **cupie** on July 18, 2009, 10:45:18 PM
Who indeed...sometimes it's the one you least expect.....
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *CountessA* on July 18, 2009, 10:45:29 PM
Sorry, Roo - I know, I know, "party pooper" says it all...

Has anyone else received a spate of sanctions such as Liisa described?
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 18, 2009, 10:48:18 PM
Who indeed...sometimes it's the one you least expect.....

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Poddy on July 18, 2009, 10:52:37 PM
Contessa, from past experience, It is not just one individual poster that does the majoriety of reporting but a cartel.

They pick a victim and then go all out to destroy them, most of the reported posts are not in violation of policy.

The sheer volume of reporters and reported posts is enough to get the person sanctioned.

Appeals do no good in those cases because no one wants to read through the vast number of reports and reported posts, It is easier to just use a canned response saying 'Sanction upheld" end of story
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Roo on July 18, 2009, 10:54:54 PM
Sorry, Roo - I know, I know, "party pooper" says it all...

Has anyone else received a spate of sanctions such as Liisa described?

Yep... :green:

Did you know that the word 'Termite' is a norty word according to Ebay?

A single post...with just one word...lol

The last one I got the other week was a really nice reply to a poster that posted a pic  and alluded that it was some of the posters on the forum.

I just said something like...'That's a really lovely pic of You, Shuggy and Babs'..... :evil:
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Roo on July 18, 2009, 11:01:00 PM
Ok...I'm off the puter for a bit...Lil Roo wants some time on it before bed and I need to get the washing machine fired up.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 18, 2009, 11:02:28 PM
I was dinged for this:


Seriously.....no humor over there!

Give 'em enuff rope.......

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: **cupie** on July 18, 2009, 11:11:03 PM
Seriously.....no humor over there!

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *r3830* on July 18, 2009, 11:14:15 PM
Have you seen how folks are being treated on OZRT???

OMG, you should see it, it's terrible!!!!!!

Compliments of the EB RT thread!! Relates quite well - don't you think? (22:14)
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: RiffRaff on July 18, 2009, 11:20:51 PM
I think it was Roo who mentioned earlier 'mud sticks'.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Poddy on July 18, 2009, 11:39:04 PM
Isn't it unfortunate that there are those that just love to sling the 'mud of false assertion' indiscriminately in the hopes that some may stick.

Those simple fools lack the intelligence to realize that they are confirming that they are indeed fools.

The same can be said of untruthful and malicious reporters, unfortunately eBay do not really care if a report is malicious, untruthful or in violation of any policy.

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *Yibida* on July 19, 2009, 01:04:24 AM

I don't believe how many times this show is played out.....flick the channel Tello....

(http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv277/area_51_bucket/36282-Clipart-Illustration-Of-A-Whi.jpg)        (http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv277/area_51_bucket/ani_itchy.gif)
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *smee* on July 19, 2009, 01:12:07 AM
Yibster .... Where have you been hiding tonight?
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 19, 2009, 01:22:52 AM
Sorry this is a scroller -

I value everyone's opinions, and all the different viewpoints, I admire and have a great deal of respect for all of you, I want that to be known up front and with great clarity.

We do not have to agree with each other, that's the beauty of being an individual, from many perspectives come great things, so please I ask all of you, lets stand together as a band of individuals, not just here, but wherever we interact with others... respecting the colourful and diverse perspectives of all posters, love or loathe it is a valid view point from where someone sits, and yes... sometimes it's hard to accept the criticism of replies formed with honest intentions and not become too passionate.

So please lets not be cross with each other, this would upset me far more than some unhappy person justifying their existance by targeting me for reasons known only to themselves.

The less obvious point I have failed to add clearly, which in turn may clarify my "stalking" statement, the issue is that I have been sent messages Via Ebay messaging by several (I assume) throw away ID's in conjunction with the sudden reporting of my posts following shortly after.

Why? I have no earthly idea, absolutely none.

A few posters here and on Ebay Knew this additional information some did not, the reporting of my posts kicked off with me stating that the person stalking me should cease, this seemed to have inflamed the issue with a staccato of rapid post reporting in reply to my plea.

I really must try not to be so ambiguous, a flaw of mine unfortunately, I will try to be more concise.

I have had no argument nor harsh words of any kind with anyone, no war of words, no nit picking, no sniping or jibe, no purchase gone wrong, it simply is not my style not now nor will it be ever.

In fact usually I post very little, just a snippet here and there really, sometimes I do not post for long periods of time.

Why this individual or individuals suddenly took it upon themselves to send me nasty mail I do not know, this is NOT just about the slaps, were it that alone, no big, I would appeal and move on, being ever mindful not to Breach Ebay Forum Policy with extreme care, and in fact were it the slaps alone, you probably would not have even heard about this matter other than a quiet.. "grumble" and a silent appeal process.

It is however quite alarming though that this person or persons have the capability to affect my buying and purchasing should they succeed to the point where my account is banned completely.

We cannot forget a great many of the RT (and of course others) have had a plethora of slaps for very vague and harmless reasons as well, Poor Lionrose springs to mind and her husband.

Moderation is necessary but not when ill policed and automated.

This is about being targeted for no good reason, on the Forums (and yes I concede I breached policy inadvertently on two posts) I will not be appealing those two posts, and targeted via messaging, but that leaves 6 unwarranted slaps remaining.

The messaging aspect was reported, I got an automated response, that had NO bearing on the subject I reported and a customer service survey in my email, none of which changed a thing, thus I am persuing another avenue to have this behaviour halted, I am careful to note all information and to make informed and intelligent decisions based on fact and appropriate courses of action while remaining level headed and rational and not expecting the earth to move for me just because I was wronged, I do expect to be treated as a loyal customer with some rights.

Riff once again you are absolutely right, Ebay is a business, they can do whatever they like, sometimes it just seems that the decisions are counterproductive for all concerned and the care they extend to their customers seems to dwindle, we cannot help but be passionate about things sometimes, which can cloud our vision of the cold harsh light of reality in the business world.

So there you have it, in the scheme of life, the big picture, this is but a tiny thing and I most certainly could walk away without further issue and likely not give it another thought, I could simply delete those messages as they arrive in my Ebay inbox, and cease posting until they have forgotten me and are off seeking another person to target.

But ... would I be remiss in having this person/s held somehow accountable for their actions, or at least try?

Should I look apon their next victim and think ..well... at least it's not me...

I can cope, it does not frighten or intimidate me.. I have coped all my life with far far worse than this little hiccough on lifes highway....

but can the next target ?.....
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *Yibida* on July 19, 2009, 01:58:50 AM
Liisa...I wish you all the success in the world with your endeavors to halt this happening to others.... I know personally of another husband and wife member who has been targeted for no reason other than posting, this member emailed me and pleaded to help them understand why they were singled out, I only knew the id from reading their posts, and they never ever said a bad word about anyone, there email was heart felt, their eBay business suffered as a consequence in false bids with no payment, charge backs and other disruptive actions, I gave all the assistance I could, but in the end all they could do was stop posting and lay low under the radar till another target was acquired, I now have new friends and keep in contact with them as they are really nice people, I sincerely hope you achieve the result you want, but deep down I feel we are helpless when this happens......may you succeed.         
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *FluffyDuckee* on July 19, 2009, 02:03:10 AM

Very eloquent and heart felt words.  Thank you.  It is obvious you have a well balanced objective mind and have approached this whole issue from that point of view from the beginning and also to stop others from suffering this injustice. 

I don't think like the rest of us you have any wish to knock Ebay at all and your posts certainly don't convey this.  We would all like Ebay to be a place where we can trade and post and feel safe.  And my personal opinion is that if Ebay opens up a public forum for all members then each and everyone of those members are entitled to feel safe and you are not exception. 

I know Ebay as a business is entitled to do what they want, however they have provided these forums but as far as I can see are not managing the issues created by this and because of this injustices have arisen and other issues that are against the Australia law such as cyber stalking and intimidation.   

1.  At a minimum, Ebay need to have an adequate appeals process or shut the public forums down. 

2.  I don't know how the law stands when it comes to harassing emails as I am not a legal person, but at a minimum, I believe that the person/s who sent those emails are personally answerable under the law and there has been cases where people who have done this have been bought to justice, so not only is there a law against this, there is also precedence, upon which the application of the law relies.

And to top it all off, why should an innocent and well meaning person such as Lisa be targeted.  This goes against the law of natural justice and is something that the law also takes into consideration.

Lisa, I am right behind you and thank you for being courageous enough to see this through.

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: jonnjenn on July 19, 2009, 10:43:24 AM
Interesting thread ?(haven't been here for a while)

I received 2 slaps for saying liisa was being targetted by the gang of 7 and their hangers on.
Previously davefishing and ozgirl had messaged me  presumably in the hope of eliciting overreactions from me.
Based on my experience in April masked zeller seems to have  a "special"immunity .

Time to go a weeding (garden beds!) while  the sun shines.
Regards John.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: **cupie** on July 19, 2009, 11:40:55 AM
Riff once again you are absolutely right, Ebay is a business, they can do whatever they like, sometimes it just seems that the decisions are counterproductive for all concerned and the care they extend to their customers seems to dwindle, we cannot help but be passionate about things sometimes, which can cloud our vision of the cold harsh light of reality in the business world.

No Lisa, can't agree...once again, Riff is not absolutely right....and ebay extend absolutely no 'care' to their customers on any level from what I've seen.

Does anyone imagine that Ebay was entitled to do whatever they liked when they attempted to breach the TPA with their notified conduct?

Does anyone imagine that it's OK, for any corporate entity to sit by and watch as consumers are defrauded by unverified sellers? or stalked by similarly unverified members?  

Anyone ever heard the term 'Duty of Care'?  OK, let's bring it to reality...let's just say, you went to Paddy's market and every time you went there you were mugged......do you think that the Market Authority would have no accountability in mitigating this criminal activity in their marketplace?  

And if the same 'venue' stood by and did nothing while shoppers were being stalked around their marketplace by individuals hurling abuse and inciting others to join into their gutless gang bashing......does anyone imagine that the Market Authority would be devoid of any responsibility for failing in their duty of care to provide a safe marketplace?  

The fact that these things happen on a cyber marketplace quite regularly, makes no difference.  Stalking is a crime.......Cyber Stalking is a descriptive term for the way that stalking is carried out, it's not a legal term as such....but it's still stalking.  Just like assault is still assault, whether physical or mental, specific or implied.  Just because it's on the net makes no difference.   See recent Victorian case.

And as for the next victim?  bit late for that mate.....this conduct has been going on for years...and ebay is well aware of it.......and it's not just the ones you suspect....The Trolls come in both colours and they don't care who they target.

Tell you what Liisa...I'm currently researching legal remedies and evidence requirements of stalking under NSW laws and Federal laws etc (I'm sure I don't need to elucidate on the what and whom do I?).......I'll forward you links to all of the current data for what it's worth...
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: lady rose on July 19, 2009, 01:24:40 PM
I feel for you liisa, I have been through this many times, think I have been banned at least 5 times once for life LOL.
Shane is useless and in the end would not answer my emails, I once like you said hello and shane would not lift my ban.
I guess I am just not of ebays inner circle LOL
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *Yibida* on July 19, 2009, 02:46:05 PM
I feel for you liisa, I have been through this many times, think I have been banned at least 5 times once for life LOL.
Shane is useless and in the end would not answer my emails, I once like you said hello and shane would not lift my ban.
I guess I am just not of ebays inner circle LOL

Hi Lion, (((R)))... I've been following your progress over the last few weeks and see you are recovering well, slow but recovering and that's the main thing, remember..... if you feel uncomfortable on the Ebay forums you are always welcomed here with open arms, I find it help's to be absent from there from time to time to gather your thoughts, it's good to alternate between the two sites, you can discuss things here they restrict you with over there, and in my opinion we have the most experienced ebayer's around for accurate information if you have ebay related questions, Ebay word bot's can't get you here, this is the most tolerant site I frequent and you will never get slapped... unless you virtually kill someone!...a virtual murder?...hmmm?..LOL... I just wish all the mis-information would stop about this site... I personally feel very safe here as I can say what I think and not worry about retribution from the obsessed troll's or word bot's....God's speed with the recovery....kind regards .....The Yibster...
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *Yibida* on July 19, 2009, 08:43:37 PM

(http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv277/area_51_bucket/36282-Clipart-Illustration-Of-A-Whi.jpg)      so....how long before we get back on the main road again....               (http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv277/area_51_bucket/thread_direction.gif)

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Poddy on July 19, 2009, 08:52:22 PM

Yes we should get back on topic, there was another thread that was more appropriate to where is going but one of the paticipants likes to get as much public exposure as he can.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *CountessA* on July 20, 2009, 12:36:36 AM
The topic is slaps without recourse.

Please do not disrespect Liisa's thread by hijacking.  :hijack: Remember that Ubbrd has been longing to add to his keelhauling record...  :keelhaul:
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 20, 2009, 12:41:41 AM
This thread was locked.
What-change of heart?

Never seen that board action before....
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *r3830* on July 20, 2009, 12:42:54 AM
Liisa -

We do not have to agree with each other, that's the beauty of being an individual, from many perspectives come great things, so please I ask all of you, lets stand together as a band of individuals, not just here, but wherever we interact with others... respecting the colourful and diverse perspectives of all posters, love or loathe it is a valid view point from where someone sits, and yes... sometimes it's hard to accept the criticism of replies formed with honest intentions and not become too passionate.

So please lets not be cross with each other, this would upset me far more than some unhappy person justifying their existance by targeting me for reasons known only to themselves.

Loved your post! Beautifully put - and thankyou for sharing it!
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *r3830* on July 20, 2009, 12:43:49 AM
Tello..... are you new to this place??? Mystical things do happen!  ;D
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 20, 2009, 12:45:06 AM
I suppose yer right!
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *Brum6y* on July 20, 2009, 01:04:44 AM
Tello's been around here for a few weeks ... and he has presented us with a style of his own....

Never pedestrian, always enthusiastic and sometimes inscrutable... except when it comes to drums!
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Poddy on July 20, 2009, 01:06:59 AM
Brumby you forgot to add

'Sometimes out of his cotton pickin' gourd'

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 20, 2009, 01:10:30 AM
Yeah, yeah.....

How can I make a buck on my newfound fame?

Also, just so you know: NOT ALL Americans should be held to my standards.
I can't handle the competition..... ;D
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Poddy on July 20, 2009, 01:13:42 AM
We hold you way above any mere American, that way you can do your daily evacuations over the average mundane uninteresting American :)
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *CountessA* on July 20, 2009, 01:14:37 AM
Liisa, can I echo what Brumby said? You expressed yourself with honesty and eloquence.

It will be interesting to see what avenues of appeal may open now.

 :please: :please: :please: :please: :please:
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 20, 2009, 01:16:05 AM
you can do your daily evacuations

What's that mean? It sounds nasty.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *Yibida* on July 20, 2009, 01:26:40 AM
you can do your daily evacuations

What's that mean? It sounds nasty.

Means your cool Tello, you got a style all your own, people come from all over the world just to read your thread here...pity you can't make a buck outta it... maybe you can put links to your own site and then sell advertising on it?.....I'll be your manager...Trust me...hehehehe...would I lie to ya?..
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Poddy on July 20, 2009, 01:27:23 AM
Ummm Tello,

The put it very bluntly..............that way you can do your daily defecation and empty your bladder  

Without being too crude hahahahahahha
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 20, 2009, 01:32:58 AM
people (i.e. LURKERS?) come from all over the world just to read your thread here..
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 20, 2009, 01:35:09 AM
Trust me...hehehehe...would I lie to ya?..

I'd have to see your straight face, first.......
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *Yibida* on July 20, 2009, 01:36:37 AM
Trust me...hehehehe...would I lie to ya?..

I'd have to see your straight face, first.......

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Poddy on July 20, 2009, 01:37:03 AM
Anyway no more hijacking Grrrrrr
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 20, 2009, 01:41:05 AM
Yeah, Yib! This means you. Take yer Freak Show over to my house.....I need the big numbers on the view counter!
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *CountessA* on July 20, 2009, 02:05:33 AM
Thread hijackers - hands up. You will be frisked by a large and very butch guy in a pink ballerina outfit.

Back to Liisa's thread...

Has anything been posted yet on the eBay forums about how to appeal unfair slaps?
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 20, 2009, 02:17:00 AM
You will be frisked by a large and very butch guy in a pink ballerina outfit.

That's creative. Bring it on!

Has anything been posted yet on the eBay forums about how to appeal unfair slaps?

That's the stuff "Poofed Posts" are made of........
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *CountessA* on July 20, 2009, 02:24:05 AM
Shane was someone who at the very least did look at the tsunami of appeals that washed up on his shores. His email box was - I know - stuffed to overflowing. He has probably long since become fed up with the work involved... I would suggest he did not always make the right decision, being human, overworked, working for eBay and having to therefore work within its corporate guidelines. But he very often DID overturn slaps that deserved to be overturned.

I don't think he addressed Liisa's issues fairly, based on what Liisa's mentioned. I don't think he's had the time or leisure to address those issues, given the fact that he's now no longer employed by eBay as a moderator for the AU forums.

But what happens now? It's all up in the air, from what I gather. I hope that this doesn't result in a spate of nasty reporting while there's no way to have the malicious-reports-resulted-in-automatic-slaps overturned.

Liisa, if you're able to mention any sort of response you receive from Mr Feiler, that would be heartening.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on July 20, 2009, 02:31:40 AM
Has anyone suggested maybe ya'll should just bail from the ebay boards & get the hell out of eDodge???

Ah! Simplicity in all of its complexies!!!!!

Just sayin'.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: daffy on July 20, 2009, 09:52:51 AM
Has anyone suggested maybe ya'll should just bail from the ebay boards & get the hell out of eDodge???

Ah! Simplicity in all of its complexies!!!!!

Just sayin'.

LOL, too much common sense!

Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 20, 2009, 01:14:08 PM
Just another example.

Looks like someone else has had a similar situation to mine occur recently too

http://forums.ebay.com.au/topic/Community-Spirit/Thank-You/500112813 (http://forums.ebay.com.au/topic/Community-Spirit/Thank-You/500112813)

They replied in a similar fashion to mine but no slap or post removal as I received,(in the above link) as I previously mentioned the moderating is not consistant, I do hope however for this persons sake they can dodge the mods and malicious reporters.

I had again replied to slaps I received to appeal the decision and still no reply from the Mods or DF.

Currently 2 Emails to DF
12 Emails to mods (replies to individual slaps)
No reply to any of the above.

Complaints to Ebay regarding unwanted abuse messages (report this message) Got a canned response and a lot of email spam advertising Ebay and another customer service survey. (never received Ebay spam before).

One Email to Shane (now gone) he replied with an ill thought canned response, with inaccurate details.

As I understand it there is no real right of reply to mod decisions via Ebay currently, they are working on changes to the reply and appeal system..when they know what it might be they will let us know via an announcement (phone call to ebay).

I will keep you posted on any progress.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *Yibida* on July 21, 2009, 04:59:23 PM
Hi everyone,

Please note that the new email address for any moderation appeals is aumoderation@ebay.com.

Appeals sent to any other email address will not be actioned.

I'm now locking this thread so this post can be easily found.

The eBay team
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *r3830* on July 21, 2009, 05:06:10 PM
YIB! What's the go? Have you changed your name to Michelle??!!?
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 21, 2009, 05:43:43 PM
Hi everyone,

Please note that the new email address for any moderation appeals is aumoderation@ebay.com.

Appeals sent to any other email address will not be actioned.

I'm now locking this thread so this post can be easily found.

The eBay team

I feel uneasy that its a random email address and there appears to no longer be one particular person you can approach to discuss appeals with, I emailed that address and got nothing, no real response, and I'm pretty sure one will not be forthcoming, more automation and cut and paste, go ebay.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Poddy on July 21, 2009, 06:06:05 PM

Un fortunately i have been there and it was a hard slog to get re-instated, I was made NARU for a few slaps, umm quite a few but yet like yours, the most stupid one was that there was HMTL code in the post, there was a smiley :(

Oh well.

Good luck with your battle, just keep at them :)
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *Yibida* on July 21, 2009, 06:13:20 PM
YIB! What's the go? Have you changed your name to Michelle??!!?

I wear a skirt don't I...?
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: Liisa-Sx on July 21, 2009, 07:03:49 PM
Oh another thing I have noticed since appealing to Ebay, I have never..ever EVER had spam to the email address connected with Ebay, (same email addy for over a decade) since lodging appeals, in fact on the same day the first appeal was lodged, spam began appearing in my inbox... I know for a fact Ebay share our details with other companies and sell our information..(they state they do openly) I am so peeved.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *FluffyDuckee* on May 23, 2010, 11:11:45 PM
Nothing has changed... *sigh*
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *wheels* on May 23, 2010, 11:29:00 PM
What's happened little duck. Have you been naughty?
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *FluffyDuckee* on May 23, 2010, 11:32:16 PM

Not I Wheelie.  Just tripped over this thread and it is quite old.  It seems nothing has changed.  I keep hearing about unjust slaps lately.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *wheels* on May 23, 2010, 11:35:16 PM
I just had a quick look at the eBay Buying and Selling boards. Seems nothing ever really changes. Same questions, same problems, same vents. Except of course when eBay introduces some changes then there's a few new questions, problems and rants!  :shakehead:

I haven't had a slap for over a year. But then, I don't venture over there much these days.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *FluffyDuckee* on May 23, 2010, 11:39:44 PM
The last slap I had was on the Ebay Uk thread for mentioning this site. 

I'm just glad to have this site, where we can speak our minds and have a bit of fun without fear of the slap.
Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: tellomon on May 23, 2010, 11:45:30 PM


Title: Re: Another day Another slap...
Post by: *FluffyDuckee* on May 23, 2010, 11:55:47 PM