Author Topic: Seriously - Ideas on how ebay could win back it's buyers and sellers  (Read 31992 times)


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Perhaps ebay could better employ its resources ?

For example, it could scrap ebay-board moderation.

It's been my observation that kids will settle their differences if left to do so.

As parents of squabbling kids, what did you do (or .. what did your parents do) when things got hectic in the
sandpit ?   I'm guessing a large percentage of you would answer that you closed the door and kept out of it,
unless things began to get physically dangerous.

Things can't get physically dangerous on the ebay boards.  The worst that can happen is someone would
resign from the forum, or throw an online tantrum, or one gang of kids would toss insults with another gang
until one or both ran out of puff.

Why not get rid of the Report function, for a start ?  That will eliminate a lot of the retaliatory reporting.

Why not make people sink or swim, based on their own posts ?

Why have moderators ?  It's so archaic.

People love a good scrap.  They enjoy being involved, or they enjoy it as a spectacle.

Surely ebay's got more pressing problems to contend with than online squabbles ?

Why doesn't ebay realise that ?

How absurd that ebay would ban a good seller, based on some tell-tale in a forum which, according to
ebay, attracts only 3% of the ebay community anyway.

And is ebay so insecure that it's afraid of criticism and immediately moves to suppress it ?  That's not a good sign in a business/corporation. 

Wise corporate heads would welcome and pay attention to criticism.  It's a free resource.

Anyway, that's my little contribution -- open the ebay boards and let them run themselves.  Put the money spent on moderators to better, more urgent use.